
Minutes Northwest Florida State College Board of Trustees

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Minutes Northwest Florida State College Board of Trustees
Northwest Florida State College Board of Trustees
July 16, 2013, 4:40 p.m.
Brian S. Pennington, Chairman
Rachel R. Gillis, Vice Chairman
C. Wayne Ansley
D. Bradley Drake
Michael M. Flynt, Sr.
Paul A Foster
Marijo Strauss
Hayward Dykes, Board Attorney
Ty J. Handy, President
Others present: Katie Tammen, NWF Daily News; Mike Griffith, The Bay Beacon; Lee Lewis,
AVCON; Gary Yancey, Vice President for Administrative Services; Sasha Jarrell, Vice President
for Academic Affairs; Cristie Kedroski, Vice President for College Advancement; Pam Kaby,
Controller; Anthony Boyer, Principal, Collegiate High School; Sherry Aaker, Dean of Students;
Julie Terrell, Director, Chautauqua Center/CBA; Julie Cotton, Interim Director, Professional and
Continuing Education; Beth Norton, Director, BS in Nursing; Sylvia Bryan, Director, Marketing
and Public Relations; Sam Jones, Facilities Director; Anne Southard, Dean, General Education
and Grants; Ramsey Ross, Athletic Director; John Humphrey, Technology Support Services
Manager; and, Carolyne Laux, Executive Assistant to the President.
Call to Order
Brian S. Pennington
Approval of Agenda
The Board of Trustees approved the Agenda with the addition Action
Item #1, Recommendation from the Facilities Committee (Motion:
Foster; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Strauss, Foster, Drake, Ansley,
Pennington, Gillis, and Flynt.)
Approval of Minutes The Board of Trustees approved the Regular Board Minutes of June 18,
2013, as presented (Motion: Foster; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Strauss,
Foster, Drake, Ansley, Pennington, Gillis, and Flynt.)
Old Business
Dr. Handy announced that the college’s new Bachelor Degree in
Manager and Supervision Degree has been approved. Within the
degree is the component in supervision which is the $10,000 degree in
response to the Governor’s request.
New Business
The Board of Trustees approved the following items under the Consent
Personnel Agenda
Continuing Education Fees
Property Inventory for 2012-13
Third Party Sponsors
Write-off of Bad Debts
Retirement Resolutions:
o Gail Baker
o Cliff Herron
o Dixie Irwin
o Tony Pannelli
o Sarah Paulk
o Becky Tislow
Facilities Committee
The Board Committee on Facilities and Programs recommends the
following firms for Architectural and Engineering Services college-wide:
Bay Design Associates Architects, Inc.
Clemons, Rutherford & Associates, Inc.
Humber-Garick Consulting Engineers
Humber-Garick Consulting Engineers
Gustin, Cothern & Tucker, Inc.
The Board of Trustee approved the recommendation of the Board
Facilities Committee, as presented (Motion: Foster; Second: Strauss.
Vote for: Strauss, Foster, Drake, Ansley, Pennington, Gillis, and Flynt.)
Foundation Year
Student Affairs
The Board of Trustees approved the Foundation Board’s resolution to
change its fiscal year to July 1 – June 30, beginning on July 1, 2014
(Motion: Foster; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Strauss, Foster, Drake,
Ansley, Pennington, Gillis, and Flynt.)
The college policies relating to Student Affairs were presented for
review and discussion. The policies will be brought back to the Board in
August requesting permission to advertise.
Foundation Report
The Foundation Financial Report was reviewed by the Trustees.
College Financials
The College Financial Report was reviewed by the Trustees.
Resource Development
The Resource Development Activities were reviewed by the Trustees.
Mr. Pennington reported that Mr. Byrne had resigned from the Board of Trustees.
He advised the Board that he had discussed, with Dr. Handy, the clarifications requested from
the Board in Dr. Handy’s Statement of Concern presented at the June Board meeting
Dr. Handy addressed the request brought to the June Board meeting that a policy be
developed by the college regarding post-retirement volunteerism and employment. Mr.
Dykes checked with the Okaloosa County School System and found that no policy is in place at
this time. Mr. Dykes and Dr. Handy recommend that the college follow the FRS Guidelines
rather than developing a local policy. He encourages retirees who have a desire to return to
be sure to work with FRS.
The college has a new Men’s Head Basketball Coach, Steven DeMeo.
The Kids On Campus program has brought a total of 350 children to our campus this summer.
1. Appointment of Board Committees for 2013-14
Board Committee on Personnel, Finance, and Audit
Rachel Gillis, Chair
Brad Drake
Mike Flynt
Brian Pennington, ex-officio
Board Committee on Facilities and Programs
Paul Foster, Chairman
Wayne Ansley
Marijo Strauss
Brian Pennington, ex-officio
Foundation Liaison:
Mike Flynt
2. August 14, 2013, 8:30 a.m., All Employee Welcome Back Breakfast, Student Services
Center Dining Area.
3. August 20, 2013, 4:30 p.m., Governing Board for the Collegiate High School/Board of
Trustees Meeting, Room 302, Student Services Center.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. (Motion: Ansley; Second: Flynt. Vote for: Strauss, Foster,
Drake, Ansley, Pennington, Gillis, and Flynt.)
________________________________________ ____________________________________
Ty J. Handy, President
Brian S. Pennington, Chairman
Northwest Florida State College
Board of Trustees
and Corporate Secretary
Northwest Florida State College
Fly UP