
Minutes Regular Meeting Board of Trustees Northwest Florida State College April 17, 2012

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Minutes Regular Meeting Board of Trustees Northwest Florida State College April 17, 2012
Regular Meeting Board of Trustees
Northwest Florida State College
April 17, 2012
Sandy Sims, Chair
Brian Pennington, Vice Chair
Paul Foster
Dale E. Rice, Jr.
Marijo Strauss
Hayward Dykes, Board Attorney
Ty J. Handy, President
Absent: Rachel Gillis
Esteena Wells
Wesley Wilkerson
Others present: James Penrod and Derek Gamble with AJAX; Jason Buckley, Banner; Mike Griffith, The
Bay Beacon; Gary Yancey, Vice President for Administrative Services; Sasha Jarre", Vice President,
Academic Affairs; Donna Utley, Associate Vice President for Business Services; Cliff Herron, District
Dean, The Mattie Kelly Arts Center; Greg E"er, Information Technology Director; Nancy Murphy,
Director, Human Resources; Ramsey Ross, Interim Athletic Director; Anthony Boyer, Principal, Collegiate
High School; Joyce Goldstein, Dean, Communications, Social Sciences and Academic Support; Chris
Bishop, Dean of Enrollment Services/Registrar; Brian Shonk, Dean, Career and Technology Education;
Melinda Bowers, Dean, Professional and Continuing Education; Anne Southard, Dean, General
Education and Research; Mike Van Dyke, Instructional Design and LTech Manager; Elizabeth Morgan,
Technology Specialist; Janice Henderson, Director, Learning Resource Center; Dedria Lunderman,
Coordinator of Purchasing; Woody Mann, Technology Support Specialist; Ed Livingston, Media Services
Manager; Aimee Watts, Student Activities Coordinator; Ashley Cuchens, SGA President; SGA President­
elect, Ryan Fisher and SGA Vice President elect, Ciarra Garza; and, Carolyne Laux, Executive Assistant to
the President.
Call to Order Sandy Sims
Approval of Agenda The Board of Trustees approved the Agenda, as presented (Motion: Strauss;
Second: Pennington. Vote for: Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice.
Absent: Gillis, Wells, and Wilkerson).
Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting were approved with an amendment
to add:
"The Board of Trustees approved the electronic attendance by means of
telephone for Brian Pennington who was out of town on a business trip
(Motion: Wilkerson; Second: Wells. Vote for: Wells, Wilkerson, Gillis, Foster,
and Sims. Absent: Rice and Strauss)."
The Minutes of the Emergency Board Meeting of March 19, 2012 were
approved by the Board, as presented (Motion to approve both sets of Minutes:
Foster; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice.
Absent: Gillis, Wells, and Wilkerson).
Old Business
New Business
The Board of Trustees approved the following items on the Consent Agenda:
(Motion: Foster; Second: Pennington. Vote for: Foster, Pennington, Sims,
Strauss, and Rice. Absent: Gillis, Wells, and Wilkerson).
Personnel Agenda
Continuing Education Fees
Tangible Personal Property Deletions for February & March, 2012
Equity Report
Retirement Resolutions: Cobbs, Rackley, and Street
Chg Order 3, SCC
The Board of Trustees approved Change Order #3, Student Services Building
(Building K Renovation), as presented (Motion: Pennington; Second: Rice. Vote
for: Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Absent: Gillis, Wells, and
Chg Order 4, SCC
The Board of Trustees approved Change Order #4, Student Services Building
(Building K Renovations), as presented (Motion: Rice; Second: Pennington. Vote
for: Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Absent: Gillis, Wells, and
Write-Off PECO
College Store
The Board of Trustees approved the write-off of the $364,519.68 account
receivable for the Destin Center project, as presented (Motion: Foster; Second:
Rice. Vote for: Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Absent: Gillis,
Wells, and Wilkerson).
The Board of Trustees approved the recommendation of Campus Bookstore
Operation Committee to negotiate with vendors to enter into a contract for the
Campus Bookstore Operations, in the order listed below: (Motion: Rice;
Second: Strauss. Vote for: Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Vote against:
Foster. Absent: Gillis, Wells, and Wilkerson).
Barnes & Noble (B&N College)
Nebraska Book Company (Neebo)
Remain with in-house operations of NWFSC
Foundation Audit
The Board of Trustees voted to accept the 2010-11 Audited Financial
Statements, as presented and authorized copies to be sent to the Division of
Colleges and the Florida Auditor General's Office (Motion: Foster; Second:
Pennington. Vote for: Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Absent:
Gillis, Wells, and Wilkerson).
IRS 990
The Board of Trustees voted to accept the Foundation's IRS 990, as presented­
with one editorial correction (Motion: Foster; Second: Pennington. Vote for:
Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Absent: Gillis, Wells, and
DSO Certification
The Board of Trustees Certified that conditions for the operation of the NWFSC
Foundation, Inc., as the Direct Support Organization under FS 1004.70 have
been met and that the NWFSC Foundation is in compliance with the procedures
as herein described and IRS Form 990 (Motion: Foster; Second: Strauss. Vote
for: Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Absent: Gillis, Wells, and
The Board of Trustees approved the donor agreement establishing the Carrl
Riggs and Ingram Leadership Naming Endowment, as presented (Motion:
Foster; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Foster, Pennington, Sims, Strauss, and Rice.
Absent: Gillis, Wells, and Wilkerson).
College Audit
The Board of Trustees voted to accept the College's Financial Audit for 2010-11,
as presented (Motion: Foster; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Foster, Pennington,
Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Absent: Gillis, Wells, and Wilkerson).
Lorenz Resolution
The Board of Trustees approved Resolution No. FY 12-11 honoring the services
of Joseph Lorenz (Motion: Rice; Second: Foster. Vote for: Foster, Pennington,
Sims, Strauss, and Rice. Absent: Gillis, Wells, and Wilkerson).
Bright Futures Audit
The Board reviewed the summary of Bright Futures Scholarships awarded
through NWFSC.
President's Objectives The Board reviewed the "First Read" of the President's Objectives for 2012-13,
which will be brought back to the Board for approval in June, 2012.
Program Outcomes
The Board reviewed the 2010-11 Program Outcomes and the 2011-12 Outcomes
and Program Review.
SGA Report
Ashley Cuchens, SGA President, provided the following report:
SGA sponsored the HIV Testing buses on campus for two weeks
The Cumulus vs. the Cops raised $5,000 for st. Jude's
The SGA Annual meeting was held in St. Petersburg
SGA sponsored a Blood Drive last week
• Ashley introduced the new SGA President, Ryan Fisher and SGA Vice
President, Ciarra Garza.
• Ashley thanked the trustees for their support during his reign as SGA
Foundation Report
The Trustees reviewed the Foundation financials as presented.
Financial Report
The report was provided for the trustees review. Purchases Not Requiring Board Approval
The list of purchases not requiring board approval was reviewed by the trustees. Resource Activities
The Trustees review the list of resource development activities.
1. April 28, 2012, 7:30 p.m., Haydn Goes Hawaiian (NFSO), The Mattie Kelly Arts Center
2. May 5, 2012; 3:00/6:00 p.m., NWFSC COMMENCEMENT, The Arena
3. May 10, 2012, 7:30 p.m., Young Frankenstein, (Broadway Series, The Mattie Kelly Arts
4. May 15, 2012, TBA, Budget Workshop, Student Services Center, Room 302
5. May 15, 2012, 4:30 p.m./4:35 p.m., Governing Board for CHS/Board of Trustees
Meeting, Student Services Center, Room 302
Dr. Handy advised that the softball team will advance to state playoffs and the baseball team is almost
there. He also reminded the Board that Ramsey Ross has been named interim athletic director. Ms.
Sims complimented Ramsey on the outstanding retirement reception for Mickey Englett.
Ty J. Handy, President
Northwest Florida State College
and Corporate Secretary
Sandy Sims, Chair
Board of Trustees
Northwest Florida State College
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