
EMC RECOVERPOINT REPLICATION OF XTREMIO Understanding the essentials of RecoverPoint Snap-based

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EMC RECOVERPOINT REPLICATION OF XTREMIO Understanding the essentials of RecoverPoint Snap-based
White Paper
Understanding the essentials of RecoverPoint Snap-based
replication for XtremIO
This white paper explains RecoverPoint replication of XtremIO
arrays using Snap-Based replication technology. It discusses
Architecture, deployment, topologies and use cases of
RecoverPoint protection for XtremIO.
August 2015
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Part Number H14296
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 5
Audience ............................................................................................................................ 5
Document List of Changes .................................................................................................. 5
Terminology ............................................................................................................ 6
Snap-Based Replication .......................................................................................... 7
Snap-Based Replication Use Cases .................................................................................... 7
RecoverPoint Replication for XtremIO ....................................................................... 8
Snapshots in XtremIO ......................................................................................................... 8
Snapshots management in XtremIO ................................................................................... 9
RecoverPoint Snapshot Operations .................................................................................... 9
Replication Flow ............................................................................................................... 10
Image Access Flow ........................................................................................................... 13
Failover Flow .................................................................................................................... 14
Replication Modes............................................................................................................ 15
Replication States ............................................................................................................ 16
Configuring XtremIO Replication ............................................................................ 17
Zoning .............................................................................................................................. 17
RPA Initiator Registration in XtremIO ................................................................................. 18
RecoverPoint Cluster Installation ...................................................................................... 18
Registering the XMS in RecoverPoint ................................................................................ 18
Connectivity between RecoverPoint and XtremIO .............................................................. 19
Replication configuration ................................................................................................. 20
Default Replication Mode ................................................................................................. 20
Maximum number of snapshots ....................................................................................... 21
Required Protection Window ............................................................................................ 23
Snapshot Pruning ............................................................................................................. 23
Replication Topologies and Use Cases ................................................................... 25
Use Cases ........................................................................................................................ 27
Homogenous Replication ............................................................................................. 27
Use Cases of Homogenous Replication ......................................................................... 27
Heterogeneous Replication: non-XtremIO to XtremIO and vice versa ............................. 27
Use cases of Heterogeneous replication ....................................................................... 28
Appendix: Different Ways to Protect XtremIO with RecoverPoint .............................. 30
VPLEX Splitter ................................................................................................................... 30
RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines .................................................................................... 31
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 31
References ............................................................................................................ 31
Executive Summary
Data protection has become an integral and essential part of any successful business. The
need to provide a powerful, scalable and yet simple disaster and operational recovery solution
is at all-time high.
XtremIO is the highly-acclaimed all-flash array featuring scale-out architecture and ultra-high
performance. XtremIO enables high and consistent performance at all time, while being costeffective across the board due to its inherent data reduction technologies.
EMC RecoverPoint is a popular replication solution and has worldwide deployments with both
enterprise and commercial customers. It is a universal replication solution that supports all
EMC block storage natively, and over 50 storage families through VPLEX storage virtualization.
This document is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of RecoverPoint protection for XtremIO
arrays, and how this solution empowers and enables world-class RecoverPoint protection of
high performance environments XtremIO-based businesses.
This white paper is intended for EMC customers, partners, and employees who want to better
understand, evaluate, and choose their XtremIO replication solution using RecoverPoint.
Familiarity with RecoverPoint and XtremIO based-solutions is required.
Document List of Changes
August 2015
RPA - RecoverPoint Appliance is a hardware based appliance that runs the
RecoverPoint software.
RecoverPoint Cluster – A group of 2-8 RecoverPoint Appliances configured in a
RecoverPoint System - One or more connected RecoverPoint clusters.
Consistency Group - One or more volumes that require consistency across grouped in
a single group.
Splitter - A mechanism used to intercept writes so that they are sent to their normally
designated storage volumes and the RPA simultaneously.
Full Sweep - An efficient Initialization process, which is performed on all of the
volumes in a consistency group, when the RecoverPoint system cannot identify which
blocks are identical between the production and replica volumes, and must therefore
mark all blocks for all volumes in the consistency group, as dirty.
Short init - An initialization process that uses marking information to re-synchronize a
copy’s replica volumes with their production sources.
Failover - Moving production to one of the copies
Image Access - Enabling access to a selected point-in-time at one of the copies
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) –RPO is the maximum amount of data that an
organization is willing to lose in case of a disaster. For example, an RPO of 30
seconds means that in case of a disaster, the data that can be lost should not be
more than the data generated in 30 seconds.
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) – RTO is the duration of time within which a business
process must be restored after a disaster. For example: An RTO of 1 hour means that
in case of a disaster, the data needs to be restored in 1 hour.
Asynchronous Replication – A replication mode that enables you to replicate data
over long distances while maintaining a dependent write consistent copy of data
between the local and remote sites at all times.
Synchronous Replication – A replication mode in which the host initiates a write to
the array at local site and the data must be successfully stored in both local and
remote sites before an acknowledgement is sent back to the host. There is always
only one outstanding IO per LUN in a synchronous replication.
Snap-Based Replication
Snap-based replication is a new asynchronous replication method leveraged in RecoverPoint
version 4.1.
Snap-based replication utilizes array-based snaps and transfer the difference between these to
the target as opposed to normal Asynchronous RecoverPoint replication where writes are
intercepted by the splitter before sent to the target.
Snap-based replication is available for VNX arrays when it is at the production copy and for
XtremIO when it is at the production and/or target copies.
In this paper we will elaborate on snap-based replication for XtremIO volumes. While there are
common concepts, the implementation of snap-based replication for VNX and for XtremIO are very
For more information on snap-based replication for VNX, please refer to the RecoverPoint 4.1
Administrator’s Guide as well as the RecoverPoint Deploying VNX and CLARiiON Arrays and Splitter
Technical Notes.
It is vital to mention some of the key differences between snap-based replication in XtremIO and
Async replication:
Write interception – With XtremIO at the production, there is no write splitter and no
extra installations are required on the array. This is opposed to Async replication of
Symmetrix VMAX, VNX, VPLEX which employs a write splitter integrated into the array
operating environment
Target side storage – When XtremIO is at the target, as we will discuss on this paper,
RecoverPoint is distributing to XtremIO snapshots. Moreover, the replica volume is a
reference to an array-based snap. In contrast to that, when non-XtremIO arrays are at
the target, RecoverPoint writes to journal volumes and the data is being distributed to
the replica volumes by the target RPAs.
Granularity of Points-in-time – Asynchronous replication without snap-based
replication means near-zero RPO with AnyPiT capability. In Snap-based replication for
XtremIO, the number of points-in-time is dictated by maximum XtremIO snapshots
RecoverPoint and in general can be created for a given volume(s). A minimum of 60
seconds RPO can be achieved in snap-based replication.
Snap-Based Replication Use Cases
Use Case 1: High performance environments – snap-based replication would be suitable for write
intensive host environments since RecoverPoint with snap-based replication replicates deltas
between array-based snapshots without intercepting the writes in real-time as they are sent to the
storage array.
Use Case 2: Limited WAN bandwidth – In cases where there is limited available bandwidth, snapbased replication in periodic mode can provide WAN savings because of write folding. Write
folding is an addition to other bandwidth reduction techniques RecoverPoint leverages which are
Deduplication and Compression. We will discuss the different snap-based replication modes later
on in this document
Use Case 3: Relaxed RPO – In situations where there are less-stringent RPO requirements, snapbased replication can be configured. Additionally, requirement for small number of Business
Continuity copies will be suitable for Periodic snap-based replication as the replication interval
can be configured to suite the low frequency of points-in-time.
RecoverPoint Replication for XtremIO
In this section we would discuss how XtremIO volumes are replicated by RecoverPoint. In order to
understand some of the replication flows RecoverPoint is employing when replicating from or to
XtremIO, it is imperative to understand fundamentals of snapshots in XtremIO.
Snapshots in XtremIO
Snapshots in XtremIO are regular volumes created as writeable snapshots.
Creating Snapshots in XtremIO does not affect system performance, and a Snapshot can be taken
either directly from a source volume or from other snapshots. XtremIO Snapshots are inherently
writeable, but can be created as read-only. RecoverPoint currently with release 4.1SP2, creates
and manages only writeable snapshots.
When a snap is created, the following steps occur:
1) Two empty containers are created in-memory
2) Snapshot SCSI personality is pointing to the new snapshot sub-node
3) The SCSI personality which the host is using, is linked to the second node in the internal
data tree
Figure 1: XtremIO snapshot creation diagram
Snapshots management in XtremIO
In order to understand how RecoverPoint leverages XtremIO’s snapshot technology, let’s discuss
two terms related to XtremIO’s snapshot management:
Consistency Group – CGs are used to create a consistent image of a set of Volumes.
RecoverPoint uses XtremIO’s consistency groups to create snapshots at both the production and
the target. RecoverPoint Consistency Groups is fully aligned with XtremIO’s Consistency Groups.
Snapshot Set – snapshots taken at the exact time on all volumes in a Consistency Group or in
other words, a snapshot on a consistency group.
RecoverPoint uses snap sets for various snap-specific operations such as: calculate diff between
snaps, promote snap, etc.
DIFF protocol - A vendor specific SCSI command which RecoverPoint uses to query XtremIO with in
order to obtain a bitmap of changes between two snapshot sets.
RecoverPoint uses the output of DIFF command to read the actual data and transfer it to the target
RecoverPoint Snapshot Operations
RecoverPoint is responsible for all aspects of snapshot management in XtremIO, the main
operations are as follows:
1) Snap creation
2) Snap deletion
3) Snap promotion – an operation in which the SCSI personality of the root volume is moved
to reference the snapshot being promoted.
Note that the XtremIO Administrator must not alter any snapshot created and managed by
Replication Flow
In snap-based replication for XtremIO, there are two cases where the replication flows are
substantially different from splitter-based/normal replication or other snap-based replication
XtremIO volumes are configured on the production copy (source)
a. RecoverPoint creates first snapshot from the root volume
b. RecoverPoint requests a DIFF between the first snapshot and the root volume.
Note that the DIFF of the first snapshot and the root volume will return all the written
data on the root volume
c. RecoverPoint performs initialization based on the DIFF result.
Note that this will trigger a full sweep. Full sweep means that the production and target
volumes are being read and only different blocks will be transferred across the wire.
This is an efficient replication method since it minimizes WAN consumption even it is a
replication which have configured for the first time. Full Sweep in XtremIO’s case is
based on a DIFF between the first snapshot and the root volume. The DIFF will return a
bitmap of only the written blocks.
d. RecoverPoint creates second snapshot and the SCSI personality of the snapshot is
moved to the new snapshot
e. RecoverPoint requests a Diff between the second snapshot and the first snapshot
f. RecoverPoint deletes first snapshot
g. RecoverPoint performs initialization based on the DIFF between the two snapshots
h. Steps d-g are being repeated continuously
Figure 2: Replication Flow – XtremIO at Production
XtremIO volumes are configured on the target copy
a. RecoverPoint creates snapshot from the root volume, also referred to as the working
b. RecoverPoint distributes to that working snap.
c. RecoverPoint creates another snap and the snapshot SCSI personality is moved to the
new snapshot
d. RecoverPoint promotes first snapshot. In this operation, the references to the root
volume is changed to point to the first snapshot. Furthermore, the SCSI personality is
moved as well. This promotion is done every 30 minutes.
Figure 3: Replication Flow – XtremIO at Target
Note that once RecoverPoint creates another snap, it will start distributing to it and a Pointin-time (PiT) in RecoverPoint will be created. That PiT will represent the first snapshot
created on the target XtremIO array for that target copy. Every PiT in RecoverPoint equals a
snapshot in XtremIO. This notion is quite different comparing to a PiT when there are no
XtremIO volumes at the target copy. That PiT will represent a data point on the target
journal whereas with XtremIO, it represents an array snap.
In normal replication, the replica volume will always contain the most recent and
consistent data which is the latest PiT in the target journal. With XtremIO at the target, the
replica volume contains the latest consistent PiT. Hence, with XtremIO at the target, the
replica volume has the same capacity requirements as the production volume but is merely
a reference to the latest consistent snapshot.
When replicating to XtremIO, the target journal volume is used for metadata as the data
itself is kept in form of XtremIO snapshots. Consequently, the journal size can be of
minimal capacity. With RecoverPoint 4.1, the minimum journal capacity is 10GB for normal
Consistency Groups and 40GB for Distributed Consistency Groups.
Another important matter to take into consideration when planning, implementing or
managing replication is that the replica volume is not denied access when XtremIO is at the
target. When there is a splitter on the target or in other words when non-XtremIO storage is
at the target copy, the splitter prevents access by failing all IOs while not in image access.
With XtremIO, there is no splitter and consequently nothing to prevent the user from
accessing the replica or snaps while not in image access. It is highly recommended to
mount the data on the replica only when in image access and make sure to unmount
filesystems before disabling image access. Similarly, in failover, the former production is
not being blocked for IO operations. Therefore, it is vital to shut down production or
unmount all relevant filesystems before performing a failover.
As of RecoverPoint 4.1SP2 with XtremIO 4.0, the mitigation to these caveats is that the
snaps which RecoverPoint creates can only be managed by the rp_user user in XtremIO.
Therefore, XtremIO users such as admin will not be able to manage the snapsets, snaps
and XtremIO consistency Groups which RecoverPoint had created and constantly manages.
In fact, the volumes that RecoverPoint creates in XtremIO will show-up as internal volumes
in the XtremIO CLI and will not show-up at all in the XtremIO management application.
This will be the behavior for all XtremIO users which are not the user “tech” or the
“rp_user” user or any user which RecoverPoint uses to access the XMS with (see the
“Registering the XMS in RecoverPoint” section below).
Image Access Flow
Image access when XtremIO is at the target is substantially different from image access
flows when non-XtremIO arrays are at the target. There are three types of image access
when there are non-XtremIO volumes at the target. These are logged, virtual and direct
image access. The image access for XtremIO is different in a sense that it does not involve
data distribution as in logged image access, RecoverPoint does not reference IOs to a
journal as in virtual image access or does not pause replication and move to marking mode
as in direct image access. For more information the different image access types, refer to
the RecoverPoint 4.1 Administrator’s Guide.
Image access for XtremIO volumes is instantaneous since, as can be seen in the flow
below, it is merely changing references of the replica volume and does not cause any
replication impact.
1) The user selects a certain Point-in-time to access
2) Snap promotion - This means that a new volume is created to reference the selected
snap. A new snap is created from that selected snap in order to store the writes
during image access. new volume is created to reference the selected snap and the
SCSI personality is being moved to that new volume
3) Host may access the replica using the same SCSI personality
4) During any of these operations, replication flow at the target site continuous without
any disruption. That means that RecoverPoint continues to distribute to the working
snap and to create new snaps. Nonetheless, promotion of snaps does not occur
when an image is being accessed.
5) When the user selects to disable image access, RecoverPoint simply resumes the
snap promotion of latest snapshot.
Figure 4: Image Access Flow
Failover Flow
Failover in RecoverPoint is made out of three phases – Image access, shifting the target to be
production and finally replication to the former production copy. Specifically, the failover flow
consists of the following steps:
1) Image access takes place from the selected PiT, once the user selects to failover, the flow
2) RecoverPoint creates a snap off of the working snap
3) Calculate the DIFF between the latest snap and the snap selected for failover
4) Calculate the DIFF between the accessed snap including writes made to it and the snap
selected for failover
5) Merge these two DIFFs – this means that all the data which has been changed in both snaps
will be replicated to the other side
6) The target and production change roles, also refer as “set as production” since the target is
being configured as the new production and replication direction reverses.
7) Replicate data to the former production. Note that this optional, a failover can be performed
without replicating data to the former production as part of the flow, this can be done ondemand after failover occurred.
8) Cleanup redundant snaps – snaps and volumes which have been created after the selected
snap was created.
Note that Recover Production flow is very similar. The only difference is that the roles do not shift, only
the replication direction changes until the image is accessed on the production copy. Please refer to
RecoverPoint 4.1 Administrator’s Guide for more information.
When failing over to or from XtremIO copy, there are cases where replication mode will have to be
changed before reversing replication. The reason is that snap-based replication is not supported on
every array, so manual modification of the replication mode would need to be performed (Snap-based
replication to Async, Async to snap-based replication, etc.). As for RecoverPoint release 4.2.SP1, the
following table describes the expected behavior:
Table 1: Failover scenarios in XtremIO replication
Replication Modes
Snap-based replication can be configured on a per-link basis. Snap-based replication with
XtremIO features has two snap-based replication modes:
Continuous – In that mode replication starts as fast as possible after the previous snap diff had
finished replicating. Continuous offer the best RPO possible in snap-based replication since the
delay between the replication of the first DIFF and the second DIFF is minimal. RPO in continuous
should be planned for a minimum of 60 seconds. The effective RPO depends on various variables
such as amount of changes to be transferred, available WAN bandwidth, RPA utilization, target
side performance and more.
Periodic – Periodic is similar to Continuous snap-based replication with the addition of a userconfigurable time interval between the transfers. That interval can range from 1 minute to 1 day.
The interval is counted from when the snap transfer began. If the interval had been reached while
there is active replication (replication state is “Replicating Snap”) then the next snap replication
will occur right after the current replication is done.
Snap-Based replication is a function of the array type used in production. These Snap-based
replication modes can be configured if XtremIO volumes are used in the production copy.
Figure 5: Snap-based Replication Modes
Replication States
Snap-based replication introduces a couple of new replication states. The first is “Snap Idle”
which represents a state where snap deltas are not being transferred. It can be during the Periodic
interval or briefly between snap DIFF transfers in Continuous Snap-based replication mode.
The second relevant state is “Replicating Snap”. This state represents active replication of snap
deltas and is followed by percentage to indicate the progress of the DIFF initialization.
Figure 6: Snap Idle State
Figure X: Snap idle status
Figure 7: Replicate Snap state
Configuring XtremIO Replication
RecoverPoint requires FC connectivity to the XtremIO array as well as IP connectivity. In this
section we are going to discuss the planning considerations as well as recommendation to the
actual replication configuration.
It is recommended to zone the RecoverPoint Appliances to all available storage controllers in an
even manner. This means that per fabric, all RPA FC ports should be zoned to all Storage controller
FC ports. RecoverPoint built-in Multipathing software will work with subset of paths, evenly across
all available storage controllers in a round-robin fashion.
For simplicity purposes, one zone per fabric containing all RPA ports and Storage controller ports
can be configured.
The following is an example of a suggested zoning scheme:
Table 2: Example of Recover and XtremIO Zoning Scheme
RPA Initiator Registration in XtremIO
RecoverPoint appliances should be registered as a standard host, it is recommended to register
the initiators as Linux OS initiators. Each port on the RPA should be registered separately in
XtremIO. Afterwards, all RPA ports of the same designated cluster should be grouped to a single
Initiator Group on XtremIO. If the RPA cluster is going to be deployed on XtremIO, then the
RecoverPoint Repository volume must be mapped to the RPA initiator group.
RecoverPoint Cluster Installation
The RecoverPoint cluster installation flow has not been changed for XtremIO replication, it is the
same RecoverPoint Installer flow which must be run via RecoverPoint’s Deployment Manager. For
more information, please refer to the RecoverPoint Installation and Deployment Guide.
Registering the XMS in RecoverPoint
For every RecoverPoint cluster in which XtremIO replication is required, either at the production,
the target or both, XtremIO’s management server (XMS) must be registered in order to enable
communication between RecoverPoint and XtremIO.
The registration can be done via Unisphere for RecoverPoint, CLI or RESTAPI.
In Unisphere for RecoverPoint, Navigate to RPA Clusters > Select Appropriate RP cluster > Storage ->
Figure 8: XMS Registration in Unisphere for RecoverPoint
Connectivity between RecoverPoint and XtremIO
After the XMS (XtremIO Management Server) has been registered in RecoverPoint, RecoverPoint
communicates over TCP port 443 (HTTPS) with the XMS and retrieves the XtremIO SYM IPs.
RecoverPoint then communicates with the SYM over TCP port 11111 (XML-RPC).
The communication with the XMS is used for sending snapshot management commands after
replication has been configured. These snapshot management commands are CG creation and
modification. The first is used when new CG or copy has been configured in RP and the second is
initiated when a current CG copy is being altered.
If there is a connectivity problem between RPAs and the XMS or if the XMS fails, replication will not
be disrupted, but new configuration cannot take place for current CGs and new volumes,
originating from the same XtremIO array, would not be protected.
The communication with the SYM over IP is used for ongoing snapshot management commands
such as snapshot creation, snapshot promotion, etc. This communication path is not leveraged
for configuration commands but only for ongoing snapshot related operations.
Moreover, RecoverPoint communicates over FC with XtremIO for DIFF related communication such
as the DIFF request and response as well as actual reads if XtremIO is at the production and writes
and reads when XtremIO is at the target.
The following table summarizes the communication channels as well as the impact of connectivity
Table 3: RecoverPoint and XtremIO communication channels
Replication configuration
The flow of Consistency Group creation is identical when protection XtremIO volumes. For more
information on how to create a Consistency Group in RecoverPoint, Please refer to the
RecoverPoint 4.1 Administrator’s Guide.
Default Replication Mode
If XtremIO is at the production copy then Snap-based replication will be automatically configured
for Periodic mode with 1 minute interval. This can be changed on a per link basis via editing of the
link policy during Consistency Group creation or after it has already been created.
Figure 9: SBR mode configuration on CG creation
Figure 10: Editing SBR mode on an existing CG by editing its Link Policy
Maximum number of snapshots
If XtremIO volumes are at the target copy then the user will be able to configure the maximum
snapshots RecoverPoint will use. As of RecoverPoint release 4.1SP2, RecoverPoint can consume
up to 500 snapshots per volume which is effectively up to 500 snapshots per CG since all snaps
are taken in parallel. Moreover, the max snapshots correlates to the maximum points-in-time a
certain target copy will have.
The higher that number of snapshots RecoverPoint can create, the number of user snaps which
can be created on the same volumes will be lower. For example, if the max number of snaps in
RecoverPoint is set to 64, then the maximum number of user snaps which can be taken from that
same volumes is 448. As of XtremIO 4.0, the maximum number of snaps per volume is 512. So, a
total of 512 snaps per volume minus the snaps that RP can create which is 64 in that case, will
equal in 448 which is the maximum number of user snapshots which can be taken from the same
volume set.
Note that if XtremIO as the production then this setting will be in effect only when the replication
direction is changes and that production copy is made a target copy.
In terms of snapshot consumption on the production XtremIO volumes, 2 snapshots per volume
are consumed by RecoverPoint for replication as the DIFF protocol calculates changed blocks
between two volumes. The first DIFF is taken with 1 snapshot as it is done from the root volume.
This parameter can be changed during CG creation or after the creation by navigating to the copy
and its Copy Policy.
Figure 11: Configuration of max snapshots in the group policy
Required Protection Window
When there are volumes from other storage arrays at the target side, such as: VPLEX, VNX or
Symmetrix, the Required Protection Window parameter simply alerts the user when the current
protection window goes under the value specified in the required protection window setting.
If there are XtremIO volumes at the target copy, the copy-policy based setting “Required Protection
Window” has another function which is to determine the time window in which PiTs/snapshots
will be kept. Any snapshot older than the value specified will be expired and deleted by
RecoverPoint. As of RecoverPoint version 4.1SP2, the default required protection window when
XtremIO is at the target is 30 days.
Figure 12: Required Protection Window setting under Copy policy
Snapshot Pruning
Replication to XtremIO is unique in a sense that among other aspects, it involves working with
array-based snapshots. Snapshots are a finite array resource and so are the number of Points-intime RecoverPoint can create on XtremIO based target copies. Therefore, RecoverPoint allows the
user to configure the maximum snapshots/PiTs per copy.
In order to prevent impacting the protection window or RPO because of the relatively low number
of PITs, there is a snapshot expiration mechanism in place to delete snapshots with a policybased logic. That objective of that logic is to maintain the required protection window with the
assumption that the most recent snaps should be kept in higher granularity for operational
recovery purposes.
For example, if there are requirements of 1 minute RPO and a protection window of 30 days then
without expiring snapshots in any period of time, theoretically the maximum protection window
would have been 500 (max number of snaps) x 60 seconds (Minimum RPO) which equals roughly
to 8:30 hours. This comes to emphasize the need for a snapshot expiration mechanism to
maximize the Protection window.
The policy in which that mechanism operates is static and defines the percentage of snaps to
keep in a specific period of time. The following table presents the snapshot pruning policy:
Table 4: Snapshot Pruning Policy in RecoverPoint 4.1.2
Also, as can be seen from the table, the maximum Protection window is 30 days, which is also the
default value of the required protection window parameter. This setting means that snapshots
older than the configured value will be deleted.
If the required protection window is configured to less than 30 days, the pruning policy will ignore
the irrelevant time window(s) from policy and align the percentage accordingly. For example, if the
required protection window will be configured as 2 days. Snaps older than 2 days will be expired
by the snapshot pruning mechanism. The remaining time windows will align to a sum of 100%,
this means that this will be the effective and approximate snapshot pruning policy:
Age of snapshots
Percentage of total
0–2 hours
2–24 hours
1–2 days
Table 5: Example of Pruning policy for 2 day Protection Window
Snapshot pruning mechanism deletes snapshots from the middle of the time window. Moreover,
user bookmarks take precedence over other points-in-time so if there is a bookmark in the middle
of a time window, there are cases where the closer system-generated PiT will be deleted instead of
the user bookmark.
In fact, user bookmarks are deleted only when they reach 80% percent of the overall snapshot
count. Therefore, it is imperative to tightly monitor the amount of these as they can negatively
impact protection window since older PiTs will be deleted before deleting user bookmarks.
Replication Topologies and Use Cases
RecoverPoint replication of XtremIO volumes using snap-based replication fully supports
heterogeneous and homogenous replication, local and/or remote replication including the ability
to leverage RecoverPoint’s multisite capabilities.
Heterogeneous Replication means that it is possible to replicate from XtremIO to non-XtremIO and
vice versa.
Multisite replication enables RecoverPoint to support concurrent replication (FAN-OUT) and FAN-IN
in terms of system topology where it’s possible to have multiple RecoverPoint arrays in a single
RecoverPoint system.
Connectivity between these clusters can be over FC or IP. All clusters in a system can be connected
(MESH/Full topology) or only some clusters can be connected (STAR/Partial topology) which is
possible but reduces the flexibility of replication relationship.
RecoverPoint supports 5 copy CGs and 5 clusters in a system, As of RecoverPoint release 4.1SP2,
two remote copies are supported per CG when there is at least one copy with XtremIO volumes.
Furthermore, if in a RecoverPoint system, there is replication to/from XtremIO volumes then that
system will be supported with a maximum of 3 clusters.
Figure 13: Example of Possible CG Topologies
It is worthwhile mentioning that in RecoverPoint, every copy is independent, so every target copy
has its independent PiTs. In addition to that, this allows for a different storage or splitter per copy.
Moreover, RecoverPoint fully supports bi-directional replication as the production role is set on a
consistency group copy level.
Currently, VNX and Symmetrix volumes can co-exist on the same copy. XtremIO volumes cannot
co-exist with volumes which belong to other storage arrays, including a different XtremIO array.
This applies to co-existence per-copy, it is fully supported and possible to mix different arrays or
splitter types across copies. The following table summarizes the rules for co-existence of different
storage arrays or splitters in a single RecoverPoint system:
Table 6: Co-existence rules as of RecoverPoint 4.1SP2
Use Cases
Let us explore some of the possible replication topologies and the use cases they enable:
Homogenous Replication
Figure 14: Homogenous replication
In Homogenous replication, XtremIO is at the production and at the target production and
replica snap-based replication flows applies as XtremIO snaps will be leveraged on the
production and target arrays.
Use Cases of Homogenous Replication
Homogenous XtremIO replication enables Disaster Recover/ Business Continuity solution for
high-performing host environments residing on XtremIO volumes. As we have discussed
earlier in this document, RecoverPoint replication for XtremIO using snap-based replication
can deliver RPO as low as 60 seconds with multiple points-in-time for Operational Recovery
purposes as well.
Additionally, replication to XtremIO involves low-RTO since image access is instantaneous.
Another aspect which RecoverPoint and XtremIO integration provides is support for end-toend scale-out. If there is a need to add more capacity or to enable higher performance levels,
XtremIO X-Bricks and RecoverPoint appliances can be added non-disruptively.
Heterogeneous Replication: non-XtremIO to XtremIO and vice versa
Figure 15: Heterogeneous Replication
In Heterogeneous Replication, There are two distinct cases:
a. XtremIO to non-XtremIO
Snap-based replication is used at the production XtremIO array while at the target, a
splitter will be used on the supported arrays.
Moreover, changes will be kept in a Journal. In fact, since every copy is independent, the
replication behavior at the target does not change in respect to the replication mode
employed in the production.
Nevertheless, the effective RPO is determined by the replication mode at the production.
The only exception to that statement is when XtremIO is at the target.
b. Non-XtremIO to XtremIO
A splitter is being used at the production while XtremIO snapshots are used at the target.
When replicating to XtremIO from splitter-based volumes, the effective RPO will be 60
seconds. Furthermore, the RPAs at the production will send bulk of writes as received from
the splitter, normally with no regards to the replication behavior at the target, the RPAs at
the target will receive these writes and send them to the working snap in XtremIO. That
working snap will be statically promoted every 60 seconds, hence the RPO will be 1
Use cases of Heterogeneous replication
Migrations or Data Center Relocations
Heterogeneous replication can be suitable for cases where there is replication between the
production copy on non-XtremIO array like Symmetrix to another non-XtremIO array like VNX.
XtremIO is being added at the production site so RecoverPoint can be used to replicate data from
the production array concurrently to XtremIO and maintain the DR copy on the remote VNX. The
user can failover the production to the local copy residing on XtremIO and fail back if needed.
After the failover, replication to the remote site will endure a short init without impact to RPO.
Figure 16: Migrations Leveraged by Heterogeneous Replication
Technology Refresh
In case there is a need to perform Tech Refresh on the non-XtremIO production array, one can
make his production available on the target XtremIO by performing failover in RecoverPoint and
failback again when the former production array is operational again. This enables relatively short
production downtime because the production applications are being brought up at the target
XtremIO. In a scenario where such a Tech Refresh is needed because of power maintenance, OS
patches or unplanned need to shut down production host or array, one should shut down his
production applications and servers, create a bookmark for the relevant Consistency Groups, wait
until replication is done and finally failover to XtremIO while using the bookmark previously
created. Once the production environment is back up, resume the replication to the non-XtremIO
based copy. Wait until there are Points-in-time on the target, shut down production, create a
bookmark, wait until replication is done and finally failover to former production copy.
Figure 17: Tech Refresh failover example
Figure 18: Tech Refresh failback example
Heterogeneous replication capabilities can also be leveraged to form Development, Test, or other
post-processing copies on XtremIO. RecoverPoint can replicate from EMC and 3rd party arrays to
XtremIO so that XtremIO’s inherent snapshot and data reduction capabilities will apply.
Specifically, for such post-processing copies, XtremIO user snapshots can be taken off of
RecoverPoint replica.
Figure 19: Post-Processing with Heterogonous replication
Appendix: Different Ways to Protect XtremIO with RecoverPoint
This paper discussed how RecoverPoint can protect XtremIO block-based volumes using snapbased replication. It is worth mentioning other ways XtremIO can be protected using RecoverPoint:
VPLEX Splitter
XtremIO volumes can be encapsulated into VPLEX. As a result, VPLEX splitter can be used with
RecoverPoint to provide granular journal-based, Async or Sync replication. In addition to that,
VPLEX inherent continuous availability, storage virtualization and non-disruptive data migration
capabilities will transparently apply to hosts working with VPLEX and XtremIO back-end arrays.
Moreover, leveraging XtremIO replication with RecoverPoint and VPLEX splitter with VPLEX Metro
enables the MetroPoint topology which enables disaster recovery high availability.
Note that the journal volumes can be allocated from VPLEX or directly from XtremIO. Journal
volumes on VPLEX can be non-disruptively migrated to different volumes or arrays. On the other
hand, allocating journal volumes directly from XtremIO or any other back-end array has the
advantage of offloading load from VPLEX as well as reduce capacity license requirements. In terms
of RecoverPoint licensing, VPLEX requires RP/EX which supports allocation journals from
unlicensed arrays. If allocating journal volumes directly from XtremIO, make sure to use
RecoverPoint 4.1 SP2 P1 or later.
RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines
RecoverPoint for VMs, which is storage agnostic, can replicate VMware-based Virtual Machines
residing on XtremIO datastores and/or VMs which have RDMs from XtremIO. RecoverPoint for VMs
uses a journal to store writes history and the ESX splitter to intercept writes to protected virtual
disks. Also, RecoverPoint for VMs supports Async and Sync replication.
This paper provided information on RecoverPoint replication for XtremIO arrays leveraging snapbased replication technology. This paper thoroughly discussed the concepts of snap-based
replication, RecoverPoint and XtremIO integration design, deployment as well as the rich usecases and topologies this solution enables.
The following documents were used in writing this whitepaper. All documents are available at
EMC’s Support site https://support.emc.com.
RecoverPoint Installation and Deployment Guide
RecoverPoint XtremIO Technical Notes
RecoverPoint Deploying VNX and CLARiiON Arrays and Splitter Technical Notes
RecoverPoint 4.1 Administrator's Guide
RecoverPoint 4.1 Release notes
RecoverPoint and XtremIO Scale and Performance Guide
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