
  French 2 / MYP Language B Conference Periods: Instructor:

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  French 2 / MYP Language B Conference Periods: Instructor:
 French 2 / MYP Language B
Conference Periods:​
A3 & B4 Instructor:​
Shelli Webb
940­369­2172 E­Mail:​
[email protected]
MT 8:00­8:30, WR 4:15­4:45 Course Description: This course is open to students who have successfully completed their first year of French. You will continue to develop the four communication skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. You will also concentrate on more advanced grammar concepts, verb tenses, and vocabulary. Additionally, you will study the culture of France and Francophone countries. Materials: ★ Textbook: Discovering French Blanc ★ Spiral for bell work (you’ll leave it in the classroom every day) ★ Spiral and/or Binder with loose leaf notebook paper for notes/vocab lists ★ Binder and/or folder for photocopied materials & returned work ★ Pencil or pen (may be any color other than red, but must be easily visible to your teacher’s old eyeballs—pastels are probably out, as are glittery silvers) ★ Notecards for flashcards ★ Box of Kleenex ★ Package of Expo markers ★ Bottle of hand sanitizer (if you are a big user of this) Rules/Class Procedures: I do not give points to raise a grade, nor do I give extra credit. Students’ grades are based solely on mastery of the French objective (reading, writing, listening & speaking). Students make retake major assessments for full credit if they 1) return an Application to Re­Take within 48 hours of receiving the grade, 2) schedule a tutorial date during which they must complete all missing assignments, and 3) schedule a timely date to re­take the assessment. Daily assignments & homework not turned in by the due date may be completed ​
in a tutorial​
. During the last week of each quarter, there will be a due date for all outstanding work, which you must complete if you want credit for doing the work. If you were absent, then I follow the district policy of allowing you as many days as you were absent plus one to complete the work. All exams will be kept in my room in a filing cabinet. Parents are entitled to have access to all written records of the district concerning their child, including test scores (Tex. Educ. Code, section 26.004). Furthermore, the school district is required to make tests readily available for review by parents; however, the school district may specify reasonable hours for such review (​
Tex. Educ. Code, section 26.006)​
. Providing a parent access to and review of the teaching materials and administered tests fulfills the requirements of the Texas Education Code’s mandate that parents are partners with the school district in the education of children. Because learning a foreign language requires so much concentration and active participation throughout the entire class period, classroom disruptions will not be tolerated. We will have a discussion at the beginning of the year concerning classroom expectations. Grading: 40% Minor summative 60% Major summative Each of your grades for the three six­week grading periods will be averaged to determine your semester grade. Please note that the semester exam will be worth 20% of your semester grade. TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): Students will be expected to attain the novice level of proficiency. At the end of the course you will be able to: ★ Understand short utterances when listening and respond orally with learned materials. ★ Produce learned words, phrases, and sentences when speaking and writing. ★ Detect main ideas in familiar material when listening and reading. ★ Make lists, copy accurately, and write from dictation. ★ Recognize the importance in communication to know about the culture. ★ Recognize the importance of acquiring accuracy of expression by knowing the components of language, including grammar. Gradebook: Parents may acquire student information and grades through Home Access Center. If you have not used HAC, you will need an active email account to register (we recommend you use the same email account you used to register your child through infosnap). Please use this link for more information.​
http://www.dentonisd.org/Page/43685 MYP Mission Statement:​
The MYP (Middle Years Program) covers the 9th and 10th Grade portion of the International Baccalaureate. The IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. 
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