
Denton High School French MYP Language B Dear Parent/Guardian,

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Denton High School French MYP Language B Dear Parent/Guardian,
Denton High School French
MYP Language B
Dear Parent/Guardian,
My name is Wendy O’Hearn, and I’m very excited to be your student’s French teacher. I want to
encourage you to get in touch with me throughout the school year if you have any ideas or concerns.
Email: The easiest way to reach me is via email. My email address is [email protected].
Website: Access my website by visiting www.dentonisd.org/dentonhs , clicking on the
Faculty/Staff button, and going to the Staff Directory. Find my name under “O”. There you will
discover many resources that you and your student may find helpful, including:
Syllabi, Lesson plans for Absentees, French Class News, Links to Games and Study resources, etc.
Gradespeed: Also, please sign up for Gradespeed’s ParentConnection to gain access to your
student’s grades. Go to the “For Parents” tab on the DISD website . On the left, you will see
“Parent Connection.”
Internet Access: Some assignments and projects your student will do this year may require internet
access. If you and/or your student do not have internet access at home, the public library has
computer labs for use. There are 3 area branches and they all have extended hours. In addition, the
school library is open before and after school for student use, and there will be extended hours
during the week [time to be announced.]
French club: A great way to interact with other students who are interested in French-related
activities, the French club is sponsored by Madame Webb. Meetings and activities are held
throughout the year.
French National Honor Society: Open to 2nd year students who meet the criteria.
Again, I’m very much looking forward to the coming year and I know that you, your student, and I
will work together to make it a success. I look forward to meeting you sometime this year, whether
at Bronco Night - Monday, Sept. 12 6:00-8:00pm - or some other event.
Wendy O’Hearn
MYP Mission Statement
The MYP (Middle Years Program) covers the 9th and 10th Grade portion of the International
Baccalaureate. The IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help
to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this
end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop
challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs
encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who
understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
P.S. Please sign and return the syllabus receipt form at the end of this packet.
Madame O’Hearn, Rm. 146
[email protected]
(940) 369-2131
Conference periods: A2 & B2
Tutorials: Wed 8:15 – 8:45am,
Thurs 4:15 – 5:15pm,
or by appointment
Welcome to French class! Every student can be successful in my class by doing homework each night,
studying for tests and quizzes, and coming in for tutoring when needed. With consistent practice, you will
experience the rewarding feeling of being able to communicate in a different language!
Course Description: This is an introductory course for students with little to no experience with French. You
will develop basic communication skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Additionally, you
will study the culture of France and Francophone countries.
Materials: You will be expected to bring the following materials to class every day:
Textbook: Discovering French – Bleu (replacement cost - $56.31 )
Workbook: Discovering French - Bleu (replacement cost - $15)
Spiral notebook and/or loose leaf notebook paper
Blue or black pen and a #2 pencil
Package of 3 X 5 index cards (minimum of 100)
One Dry-erase marker
If you can, please bring a box
of Kleenex for the classroom!
Grading: Please check Gradespeed frequently!
60% Major grades such as essays, oral presentations, projects, and assessments of the four skills (writing,
speaking, listening and reading)
40% Daily grades such as homework assignments, daily quizzes, video and listening activities, and class
Rules / Class Procedures:
INTEGRITY POLICY will be followed.
Because learning a foreign language requires so much concentration and active participation throughout the
entire class period, classroom disruptions will not be tolerated. I have one simple rule in my class: You can do
whatever you want to in the classroom, as long as it does not bother anyone in the class, including the
teacher. We will have a discussion in class concerning this rule.
Class TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): Students will be expected to attain the novice level of
proficiency. At the end of the course you will be able to:
Understand short utterances when listening and respond orally with learned materials.
Produce learned words, phrases, and sentences when speaking and writing.
Detect main ideas in familiar material when listening and reading.
Make lists, copy accurately, and write from dictation.
Recognize the importance in communication to know about the culture.
Recognize the importance of acquiring accuracy of expression by knowing the components of language, including
I am looking forward to a wonderful year! Go Broncos!
Denton Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, handicap, race, color, and/or national origins in its educational
programs. Admission to career programs is based on age, grade, interest, aptitude, and ability. Lack of English Language skills will not be a barrier to
admissions and participation in any educational programs.
Syllabus Receipt for French
Student name: _______________________________ Block ____________
Please sign and return this sheet by Friday, August 26 (A-day) or Monday, August 29 (B-day)
verifying that you have read and understood the syllabus.
__________________________ __________
Parent signature
____________________________ __________
Student signature
Printed name
Printed name
I have read and understand the general guidelines for using the language lab (LANGUAGE LAB
POLICY on the back of this form).
Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________
Student: ___________________________________________
Parent contact information - Please circle your preferred method of communication.
Home number
Work number
Cell phone
Email address
**Remember to leave a local phone number for contact. Teachers do not have long distance access in the classroom.**
Student contact information
Email address
Does your student have internet access at home? __________________________________
Are there any issues that would affect your child’s progress in this class or other things you
think I should know? ________________________________________________________________
If you would like to schedule a conference with me, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please continue on the back of the page if you have other information you wish to share that you believe would benefit your child in
this class.
Agreement and permission form
Student name_____________________
Class period___________
All world language students and their parents must read and sign the back of this form in order for the
student to use the lab. If not signed, student will forfeit the grades earned in the lab, thereby, greatly
affecting the student’s grade.
The DHS language lab was recently replaced with a state of the art, digital computer lab, and we
expect to use it for many years to come. Therefore, it is necessary that the students and teachers do
everything possible to protect the equipment and furniture in the lab. In our previous labs, a number
of lab stations were rendered useless due to damage or vandalism. In order to protect and preserve
our new facility, the students are expected to abide by the following rules:
1. Students must sit in their assigned station only.
2. Students should report any damage or problems to their teacher immediately so that a
maintenance request can be made.
3. Students caught damaging or vandalizing any of the lab equipment or furniture will be held
responsible and their parents will be notified. (After each class, teachers will check each
station for damage or other problems.)
4. NO food, drinks, or gum in the lab.
5. Pens are not allowed at the lab stations. Only pencils will be used.
6. Book bags are to be placed at the lab door, on the bookshelves or kept in the teacher’s
classroom. No book bag may be taken to the lab station.
7. Students must not mark or write on any of the lab surfaces.
8. Students must store headphones on the shelf provided.
9. Students must leave the lab station clean and orderly: logged off, headphones put away,
chair pushed in, and desk top free of waste and eraser shreds.
10. Students must follow the Acceptable Use Policy for using a district computer. Any student
not following the AUP will receive the consequences following the district’s policy. The district’s
AUP can be found by going to the district’s main page and searching for Acceptable Use Policy.
Your student was supposed to have signed an agreement for the AUP during registration.
Please complete and sign the other side of this form! ----------------------------
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