▪ ▪▪ ■ •• Xeus Lunt' Retires Page One Yelene 43, Nthwher 18 Maids', Porters' Show A Success; Edmunds Shines Emmet row torn 1. A150, e. w W o. f Wawa a h Page One ARUMORE, PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1952 $3.00 PER YEAR Spook StressesEuropean Unity, Ford Orchestra Moderate Socialism, During Stay Singers Present SY PIEIL STANSBURY Spaak Visit rely Spook.— • • 1William E. Lunt to Retire; 'Mature Concert Has Taught Here 35 Years -for all of PUrope Even without . ".""v* 'W" England, he stressed. the Mt naIV JOSEPH DIBBLE tions now considering federadon BY PHIL BENJAMIN irrenee. Germany, Belgium. e and president of the Council of Lam Friday night in Roberta Jerome Kern's 'Roberta' Europe, completed Netherland. Luxembourg, and The /Merton Community yesterday his Hall. the glee Club of Hood ColShown Raga would make a seeable. Ands itself at the end of an era. twe-weeit visit to Haverford CALENDAR keevtly Inclustrialtred 'lemming lege, Frederica and Heerlen Alter nurty.eve years of devoted der the Philips Grant. BY JIM CRAWFORD teaching and the highest level of of 150 million souls—• WPM. College. together with the Haven Theta' AMMO. Wean*, April SI seholarshlp, W I Ilia m Envied Between the raindrop. of a den mend), ...Mein During hie stay here, Mr. futd-Bryn Mawr Orchestra. Mae Rena an of the Lunt, United Abotenteenior the Walter D. and Edith teeing State e eennee, end lire „en, Droner; Cone rainy BMC Junior Pen Week- Smiales range of activities is Haverford's event. annual At earthen thews during bit M. 1- Stull Prothesor of English end. Inverted men herd sane eluded a formal speech on Euromon Roan. 7:00, Spring Day Program will be on twoweek stay, Paul Henri Spaak son for Rawrford this year. The Seurday, Constitutional History. is leavow lines from some volen best peen federation Even ks Cone May lath. , Tln year, Thaw. May 6 clarifkod his own particular nand natured work for the evening ing al the age of evenly. known for -Papeete West" non on Thureday, April 17. at. aa in former years. theee will be was J. S. Radr's setting of the lectures, of soclalistn—he holds with A program of minis pure and "ell get her." The occasion: tendauce at various discus.n Replacement Annoweed We model clause, thee with scene., saW, the hind... feenliket for chorus. orchestra be annual Maids and Porten chase. dinners given by various pow hy Haverford etude. and afternoon athletic With this amouncernent names the trd aortal goal of • deem mew' and soloiels. Mow, Ina year featuring Jerome member. of the aludent body events. Parents, students end will W preened in Cone the naming of Dr. lones ranee atel of living tor the svondng and faculty. and Informal dee Kern's great Robert. The firm threefourths of tlw faculty will spend Ow day relax. non Robe. Hell, El. am. merat for the coming year. Refit closes. How this end is to be wok. with 'needed students Mg informally together. Sparkling Rona nald F. Armen of Reed CM was lane up of lap achieved. though. Me Spa. said nn Frisky a need*, Slay 9, 10 In the Coop. lege in Portland. Dragon ten be Speed.. And Clams The line were good, the ha. he considered • thorough)). ong hoe he the miairmc w cram The problem of European on. at Haven. for the academie II•verford•Bran Mawr not sparkled, and the cast en. The day'? activities will Mart matte matter. Hy was perhaiss the subject moat bled glee de' s. The outate-P year, 1957.1953, at a Visiting Pro. 'eyed each joke as much as the Drain Club. presentation Of Al 10 o'clock In Roberts Hall with Seagram Obleadons tenor ol History. He will not be re numbers in thiti group nee • consideration a audience. The thorough direct. dimmed with Mr. Seek here, the topic -Hew The Royal Family: Robert. For lnatance. he aseerted. he as that gentian has taken alma Dr. Lunt's long term neessor. ef M. G. Warren and Elite Idol sea etatennall believes In nationalization of an -Noontide Stamen ol the Alp." erford Looks Ahead" by nee. all of his time for the pet two pm. Radt, In his President's Report for Kemp paid dividend, the show by Enrico whicb nnie Bosal When. the , president here Archibald Macthtosh under Phthpe Grant and or three years. the fall of 1917, William Whose Sends, 11 May , Haverford advertised er,ine moved with • etmlidenee net to club the en. and Pnesident of the Student'. the only nee e Europe MINI Unite tribunal of goods directly, but each Comfort mote. 'Protegee Lunt ten. el their conductor. Wit Aesociation. David Pune. le tended in amateur prod. e wore,. eene Ina Spring 13.,,-for eompiete Rump., said Mr. Speak in hie the cementation fostered by these emir th edged a professorship at Con trona dues, enn nave e de.e.en, eeane stn Reese, by their delicate and There will be two temple leak. BM of arthities, see story, Collection speeeh, must either barriers has beer a petted of . nell university to accept • pos, It may have been only a ate ,mite ear ode don; and Seven Man damn At 10:32 in Roberts perish. The disunity of time taken limy the incentive of Mandan ter. Spask mated again ollmihne eoblmn e, Mb pas, tein at Havertore. and it is hoped ra. choruses from the Medea of Hall there wilt W a demonstre. bridence, but the show marled Europe was eereep„ luxury Europeans to • modern. their and again that he was e dial an Inspiring term of eery. at Haverhill College. Then there nationaltuanon for the sake of E.O.M.. by 'argil Thee.. don tutorial session put on by the that the Continent could afford production methods may awed him at Haverford vra. a reference to • glad who The moving performance of this staff of English 10.12 and later theory. fifty yews ago when Eurdpe It is highly unfortunate, Mr. der this generous foundation,. speak, German and Inemb. a at the height When questioned on the objets work by the head norm under in the union John P. Roche will of her power: now, Spuk pointed out, that bath To say merely that hie term of reel Bryn Man babe. however, divided natlona sov. Leber and Contently. govern. don or some Raglan that ale. the election of Earl Blend. In held • class &tension on -Meth wrote here at the College ham Spirted Out erignen make it simply imPoo teems of England have thus far pan federation could Only drag mane ways far emend the quat on of entwine World Creel.. hero inviting would be aa don' with students selected from 1,0:11 top M bottom, the earl tele for Eumpe to defend Itself refuted to enter any European prosperous Heigh. down to the ity of the stompoaltion. derstatement. Other songs by mimosa". of the Social Science 11.12 course. wee tilled with a spirit of road against the Soviet leviathan with. federation—and not only because level of Its Metively poor nage Jitter nation Reknowned Lonna Aid Exhibits every age made up the rest of Nn. Peso Edmunds Menton . on continuous American help. the perticipation of England One, mg. 4, en 2 Before corning hen. Dr. Lunt the program before the .termits An edditionsi mon for the would make the federation Lawrence Wylie will lerture at al was at her beet on "Hard to sion. but they are too numerous 10:30 In the Union on—Lite In • ante," but her actin nude a necessity of European federation Orange, With England out, the Will Study Comparative held professorships at DOwdolo College and Cornell University. to mention nee. Penh Village" followed at 11:10 thing ad of 'Something Had eccording to Pall Henri sow, French and some others are rade Literature At Harvard Al the end of the flea Worn War Hamm" Alma. Madero be that trade barriers betide e afraid that Bath's reloodflo. in D major by Edward Snyder on 'The Art Marton F. Pike. .52. has' been he served as chief of the Hansa Reading Poetry Aloud," In Germany is divided hate twelve sections, • big end very plc ant them kave nut and we rennin Germa ny would become the domiwhich he used to advantage lag to nat. Europeans a perfah nant power In the federation. six choruses and so sections Inc Roberts at 11:10 Gilbert White awarded one of seven language Dividon for the settlement M peace th Europe. Must these Witheut Wenn every gime.. Louise Jones, ly huge artificial loss In their smaller ern., It W. a fining win speak on -Conservation of fellowships given annually by the The Liberty ship 9. S. Mao Many a Haverford mune. of lam yea. Sartain general Ming standrirds. Mr. Speak maid that the regret. doer for en eeleyabte evening, Natural Reeources--A Traverse American C,nricil of Lemon So no and in the nat. has Wen CAMS Nubian of South Jersey? and he win be able ejection by the English does Blorpene, named atter HIMM ni-OnTy, nein. the Maly had a small part, but her dein it fold war Colleges armounced president Int from wed by the polish of Dr. Lunt's the Not only have trade toners reeke the problem of union much esterdaye" wee me of the both faultless and emus but elm followed at 11:50 by William E. ears ISM to 1917. keturea he recently welch were once called end high points of the show. hampered the production and air more nfiecult, but, ha emends because the ensemble gave • Cadbury who will lecture on week The fellowship roving Sent Macerated at Baltimore. eh study in "a study In perfection." And. the Tope In the way of nth. see ficent wrformance of it -Liberal Education roe Fresno. for one year of grads the order of the National Ship- magnificent famous litter session- will unMe Reddens." Balky (Stephanie) •nd magni with I.guage the The assistat whatever college the ping Administration, which Is redoubtedly go down in history as At 1E30 a buffet luncheoe will Gouge Bryan Mink', whew Winner chums. turning all but the validly ance of Wenn Townsend at the be served in Founders one of the most gruelling tests flail. Alter lines on musk and dresses were equipped 1.10•ny vessel. So a organ. gave an exceptionally ma- lunch from 1:00 to 2130 of one's ability to meter a air Comparative Literature there will ong the best In the show. huge mothball Wet in the James rare Interpretation, and the com- be exhibits and Open Houses In Pike, a mnIparative literature See, "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.' Is bined chortle+ matched the spirit River. Medieval Anthem refold.. 11111 the tope and Pearl Haley of the vigorous choral sections. the following: Library. Treasure major) Havertora "by the grace ships such as the Stumpiest 'model winks l nominating con. BY JOHN KELLY Besides his traprelaJon upon are • well deservedencorefor Robert Reynorda sang the Room. Seminar Rooms. Straw- of the DPIII.S °Mee.' plans to I entIon. was the nomination of a which are being Wertheim, have bridge Observatory, Morris Into here at Haverford. he Ms the number. The Haverford chapter of the' presMential candidate. Heverford been AM, duckweed. examine spirited tenor aria "Deemnu en- firmary. Sake his graduate work under the Beth Shemesh made Museum. a definite imprint upon the That Rkk Moron Intercollegiate Conference on Go- supported dark.hone Atha Stew and tested for needed mule tente, de Bede." with perhaps Labontories and clan fellownra at the Graduate academie world. Thin is. In part, rooms In The rest of the ease despite vernment climaxed a *wee.. awn and despite a split Demo. and then palmed on the bottom mon feeling for the piece than all departments. Haverford School of Arts and Sciences at en in his election to the west smeller parts, kept things mos political year at the statewide attune, while Mary Slider. of with an andoorroeher, Aneroidwade ticket with powerful W. 0. Nein, Radio Station Harvard next year. He plans to decry of The American Medieval Ng. and the kiek elthrue the Hood group, was rather over. ICG mention held In Harr. Dougthe and and !Weever blare male fag meat. Student Art and Photographic mud, was equal to .ydeng burg but weekend. A along three continue his study of compare. Academy at their meeting Int After the drydo•king, Ow shadowed le the alto aria. works tUnlon t. to nominate hint on the yew. Previous to that time, Dr. Bryn Mawr turn put in Ms at anion the five bonded srtuden6 fourth allot by delft.' e Shernma received voyage re. "W.starieutes irripkwit bouis," by tin, literature there. Lunt Served as vioeprelden oe Athletics And Tea oat overuverked vein. from 48 Pennsylvania colleen, strong but overoonadent Eisen. Inn and the rest of her hull two accompanying flutes. played The fellowship 6 one or twenty the as from 1936 101479, At SAO the HaverfordSwerth. The aurae ids weD planned the Haverford delegation malted by Ann Knudsen and David was Hopainted in the gee and bower faction. WDlkm Kaye gave more track meet will be held on awarded ends year by the Arneri. and as clerk from 19* to 19411 an cintremely functional, Rob through ite Presidential randidate the ' notating speech for Gov- green color scheme of the Na. genauer. Although ehe sang the Walton Field. The Haverford.1-s- ran Council of Learned Societies. Working On Book a Mince and the Cafe Rune sun euecessfully rumored meet ernor Stevenson. tonal Shipping Athni.thatioR arta comprebenelvely, her voice Of there, only seven are to the Dr. Lunt has Salle hen the recipient baseball game will begin at were particular eye-catehees. The of It. recommendations for • pan The final step was stripping Is /Limply at' up to solo work. As loon as the Haverford dein the name time, as will the varsity field of language, the others be. of two honorary degree: an Mow as • whole showed the ty platform. the ship and preparing It fee The other arias for solo voices Ing In the social sciences. The LH.D. from Bowdoln College, flatten arrived ten. with Swart/none uarrtextra even: ter, of careful planning telti i.e., taking down the eg- were lung by group+ from the Sheen.' Nomboted Jame. Hudson and Mike Shot ging From 3,01/ until MOO in the fellowships maY applied for by where he did his underwrotete reatardol. and stowing It end the Ufa. appropriate sections of the chop The hedelght of the elision a began to music room a program of Medan students nominated by the col. work. and a Litt. D. which he re. organize the annexed boats In the .holds By Ws time, us. reeved two years ago from Prins compositions will be given. From lege they attend. Democratic forces- behind a sin. the shelve.. has undoubtedly Dr. William Reese Is to be corn. 431 di 6:90 ton University. He I. the author air canthdate. In a midnight eau. been leas wIth Mem the To Lanny Teach towed to the Janes River. mended for his work in bringing will be give at the of four books and some weeks rid Athal Stevenson was chosen homes of The felloWahips are aoarded to The dine required to deactivate nth the Revoked glee club and In various Metaled reviews. The by several schools as the Dino Professor and Mn,. Manuel Alen. aludenta who plan to go Into the a Liberty dee varies. but genen the orchestra of Werth. and matte cholhe. and Haverford took ▪ In the recent mass "moth. 131511 Mawr up to the very high do. Profeesor and Mrs. John A. leaching profession. Pike hopes an famous of thee worn la Laster, Professor and Mrs, Clan to become a professor of romper- his Madera M reigned. which Is the Initiative In organizing end ball" operation has avenged keel that last Salting more ern probably one of the most from Pickett and Professor and Wive literature, advertising his cempaIgn. bus being more about limo weeks. perform.. nernplifies. Mrs. Edward A. Snyder. Kayaked played host to • they that a politician man accept Haverford Unites Demo. realistic. he says he intends to plese tam of its kind. At present. Dr. Lunt Is prepan W ang of the International the conetmencee of the goal for knew a second lieutenant in the On the direr ballot Eisenhower Ing a work on the Financial Releudent Seminar. sponsored by which he 6 atrbeheryte. United States Arms. When asked Wiled 158 votes and Steseeson he American Friends Service why he said 'leered lieutenant... lation of the Papacy With Eng. Speak made the point Out this 71. James Hudson and Pretence unit. , last Saturday, the km not he replied that he l'undermands bed from 1327 to 1593. ml. wll one world; the Run. John P. Rene. faculty adviser, be the scrod al two volumes en lweegerixth of April. it pays wen.. system. with Its culture and ci- Sent Haverfordlans onto the floor i this subject, the first of which The purple of the seminar vilization, has definitely divided in rally and unite the Democrats. While at Havel-fore. Pike Mx we published in 193e Dr. Lune twofold, to make It pm spent four yews as a member of wilt °Winne to the world. and ia • threat to the By the thled ballot the Republlrend, hen at lie for foreign student: in the the Glee Club and two playing Merton western coma. of a united tan forces had • total of am her doctorate degree conferned enactor while he to finishing iladelphla ems to explore a5. at Black Mountain Col. the double ban In the orchestra. this work. BY BILL WILSON world. He Mao raised the gees votes and Mew.. 233. Neither and therm., the modern Ruslan poet Yesenin. lege In North Carolina, rat ad leternlional aortal • Mal LAM year he was ansistant sec don as to the advisability of side wee 'dote to the 296 votes S.M. From Feed 'I disagree with foreigners The research work for this was Institution perticulerly roblenw and to acquaint then contented retarydreasurer of Cap and Belle. nuking ...male cOnierettee• necessery to win. On the fourth While Dr. Lune, retement te who believe that Americans Can- done In Moscow. worn with Seminar tech. with furthering a gene of ere Thin year, he has been president Publk, became of the pleas's ballot College Itherecordla which not learn a great lost In the Ct Uwe, we Upon arriving In In United Minty. langUages; we all have gees to endsie them to panof the German Club. In this post are fortunate to have role. tending towards omens had abstained split tts vote bn the aptitude once we etch a his begirt:. said Sews In 1939. Miss An Genf els fa • summer seminar pm To Bryn Mate 1st 37 Lion. Pike helped to organise the tory teacher as Reginald Armen Elam. Ile feels that polidelan• men Eisenhower mid Stens sattopeken, but definite Fences went th teen at Reed Collett IA which will be held Ms Professor de Graaff assned le Humanities Forum, a group cone would lea leas hampered If they to lake his place hest year. Dr. de Create the Anna. Proles Portland. Oregon. for one year. the Dutch Divialon of the Office prising the German. F re ma h, were not responelble to „the Win ente estrangement at sor of Renee on joipt appoint From 194144 she served as in. Arragon is presently the Richard Das Ira deA. Reid was the orig. of War Information In New Spanish, and Philosophy Clubs. In • the Republican lineup and the rent with Bryn Man College. F, Scholz Profeesor of Hletery tor of the Idea of having Ms Press. York. where she eeryd as teen. ito enema to apply the methods The preen, world situation, se Misericorthe vote, Stevenson pollReed College on the Pacific Cont. Notes Infrerence. trnational tanner At Hann later and editor. For the next used In comparative literaltire to ending to Shank, hat grown out exactly the 246 votes needed Dr. Aragon In the author of a Prornaor de Gruff, who was b, and his plan met with MP two academie year. she taught [epics of Interest to Me En of the colonial pulley of ellen win. Wllllam Morrison an born In Holland and received her book In the Bernier* Series Welk reponse. Fitly stuFrench and Russian at Wells dub. Bob Wdson produced numerous nucatioa there, noted that ha European History olden The d. repreeenting nnrly oven eantery, Which we deamtheFIM es College in Aurora. New York. Stevenson Arms and thus 1.11.. the American edwareenel system capitalism Rulers Wad to capita Transition from the Ancient to amentes and half a dome She came to Bryn Mawr In 1947. the rights of sink sub- ad • Dowerale dereentratIon there are many mon available the Weaken World which came eolleges were present lor lastrecte Thee Courses as Vkleriom Stevenson backers courses thee In Europe: Howject. both white and black out In 1936. He received his Been meethes and distmelons. Dr. de Greet ns,er epee,. wham specialty ekes degree from Northwestern m to en.„in paraded wound the ha. al the ever, she pointed out. there are "The Roots of World Pollee" • enen.,en. is contemporary Soviet literature. , IPennsylvania Capitol ch.ting. more specifically required Univerelly in 1913. and his Mae subthe we of the altday teacher a flat-year Russian tern degree In the following ye. Dame: one ,under the guidance ...ail the way with AdlerSete In American colleges; one which Paul Han course at Haverford. In which In of De Helland, at whin re. 1923, he wrote his doctor6 seldom he the Ann to broach lavented Bound Gerard Mango% an there are at present ten students. e mends ye Mernationalism thesis at Harvard University. The convendow also wrote • out in the field In which he Is mon H. Field HartlaRband At Born Mawr, mho gives a me W111 Teach Two Came. 7—Nev, Wend Symand the .1fication of Europe Poly platform, sad most Haven perticularly Interested at • en Reid wee the principal Midyear mu. m and .other In Next year, Dr. Amara will ad were discussed, all the other the supported mantes phony, Victor Her. were In- fain nine. Ru as la n Literature. of ,the let two year courses In European bert. Strauss. Miss de Grant observed int Seek opened the eeminat group under the entrain of Dr. corporated- The Menefee deleTwentieth Century. History. The freshmen Weew, Mangone, May 8—Wrathy which dthensed Raynor. colos there• Is quite enmity less gation In. was bound to nppqrt all • Many minute talk. at Protegee de Greaff considers which will be open to only • few tartan and ii. ramlentiona soprano. peptise to Inn different lam measures which lire club A/ he outlined In major the study of Read. Marature sophomores with the Deana pm. May B—All Reside Pre A stun.t syrapontim was whole lead approved during Its gutters it Amnion than la ke Mend. asg palsied a great awn In understanding Melon. wig he an the med., Dna Twhalkov. Idler look wrapped of menet. let venter when Gan Drape. Mime many Languages des eel for open-mindedeme the was of We la the Soviet d Weaken Europe, awe eke Ow students, veldt Gerald Freund of the twelve mender proton ate moken wine • sepal abed sky, Rinishydke kePretinalon In sayone nation. She Weaves that a Mo Rnalssance. The advent. ..we n moderator, This group die ed their recommendations. At the env. Mies de Graaff completed the d 1n dent need not neonsarlly have on the 'menet..., Mame of hmal May 10.-Jame M t on dosed teas of inteeldlonallsna eonveetion committee met all equivalent of A.B. and M.A. at more than two years. study of of Europe in the seventeenth ade •m` that too """... and nannderrs Me roles of ven day Friday and tenor. the University of Leyden in west. presented the Doan are seeking Nene the Russian language in order to eighteenth centuries will also lo For tickets sae Bill om Hewed- She took her Ph.D. read foe exempla pwiodical MerSIM OM Ms open te only a linden bomber of . Norte Barelay. heads, e Mon Paul mew Speak, onetime Mackey, Bailey, Jones Also premiered, Belgium. Senn, Generator the Urdted Nation Star In Annual Production; Talks, Sample (lasses, Exhibits, Athletics Planned for Spring Day ow Burton F. Pike Wins Fellowship S. S. Isaac Sharpless Liberty Ship, Retired a I. Harrisburg ICG Conference Chooses Haverford Group Nominee Stevenson College, Friends Service Committee Sponsor International Conference Prof. in Profile: DUTCH-BORN FRANCES DE GRAAFF SPECIALIST IN SOVIET LITERATURE TM deGrooff s la Philadelphia Orchestra 4 Free Concerts May held Reek* lb int, amp 4 set I thsY. pa84 ♦44,■ - ii. • Implea he MIL /** *4414 Ss. .. EDITORIAL FEATURES, COLUMNS Haverford News Page Two Hertel ord, Pa., Tuesday, April 29, 195! Editor Jame O. Crawford Philip IL Stantbury Monogr., Editor ........ Andrew/ L. Leirds, Slalom Moorgrr. D Frederick Math Senior Norm Editor Philip S. Benjamin; John H. Ethyl Mawr &heart William C. Wilson John C. Burton, Hero Gel Spero Editont Heine Kocio S. C. Harvey, III A-0mi Editor ........... William G. Eon /daniteal Illsoopr Norma. J. Barker Cirrolation Alvaro., te Gordon Werner lreirront Barium Masora3. Hitchcock, P. Herm., New drrociarrs ........ Rehearse, D. Kelsey, M. :Slava, T. Penick, P. Phelps, L. Prager, S. Sada, M. Sex. ton, G. Shedd, J. Someindike SOM. Am*. .... 15. Cone; D. DrmaY1 1. Heroin. R. Rivers K. Harail McDonald Banos rbroriatto R Hutton; T, P Pholopropkers A Goldeager Spwer Photograohrr Paul Henri Speak Paul tier. Speak deserves quite a rota of thanks for the attimulation-as well U the actual informed. on European hopes, fears and probleme-which be erasable ho impart to surprising Member of students. Three qualities it seams to us, emmbined to Make hie visit wok a *elec..: first of all, Mr. Speak has a perfectly vast fund of knowledge, experience. aad-to risk sounding wide-eyed-wisdom on I. phases of Europe'. pohticat *Mom* and social problem.. Illsoond, Mr. Speak combine with his vend knowledge aa informality hardly to be expected in one of the world's great statesmen, that has made him e.ily appreaehable by undergraduate.. Third, and perhaps mast Rowe..t for the benefit that 'Sedalia could receive by the preaenee of suck a man, Paul Speak has Annex during hie visit an almost inexhaustible willing... to answer students' questiona-not all of which, inevitably, are as intent:feat and pertinent as they might be. It is Imposeibie to evaluate, at H. paint, exactly heat ma k the aolloge wi l benefit, both in theiwidening of knowledge and in general quickening of intellectual atmosphere, from the presence on campus of the Philip. Grant visitors we have had no far-but than is no question that the benefit has heel, and will continue to • sonaiderable. There are just two suggestions that we believe amid be made with regard to future Philips' viators; first, experience has ahowe that it is much better, if at all passible, So have statesmen such as Speak and Malik on campus for two weeks instead of es.: and second, we hope that future visitors will have es much free, unscheduled time at their diepoehl for Worm.. tact witle.tudents as did Mr. Speak. All Around The Town... tutee yon look honest," said the bank teller. "But we se mit each checks when you one a Haverford matte. meat.", card for identification." .C.iouaer and curiouser,. thought Alice. "My Smitk seed waa good enough to let ale cosh cheeks oa trona, even. "Tan bat you don't go to Smith, now," aaid the bank tales who had by thin time tamed into the manager of the local eta. store. "Why don't you cash Haverford checks," asked Akre, .everybody trusts me?" 'Thate easy,. said the railroad ticket agent, for by this time the manager had vanished, 'ire lose to much money when they bounce.. "Do you think it might help," asked Alice, "if the college would take the job of billing studenta for bad Stroke" ight in ' All that was left of the ticket agent was a grigiriip toe middle of the ticket window. Harry And Free Press... Having been criticized an "the voice of the adminiatralion., "a stooge for the Students' Council", and "an alumni rontrolled publicity scheme", the NEWS now finds that it alao can be taken over by the United States Government if the President Were to deem it a menace to national security. Not that we expect each a turn of events in the next two weeks. As we remember it, Mr. Truman bate never gotten along very well with the preen And Nice-versa, Ft* It while, the President had 9 feeling of happy euper when the Chicago Tribune made its glaring, ele morning mistake in 1948. Then last year he"ata to get mottled about security leaks, and started th blame on the mess. His remarks at that time were never enough to excelse the face that various government departments bad conflicting ideas on what should be rerouted for publication, Now, having been baited by a peene antagonized 't.tbe steel mill seizure, the Chief Einautiro derided that the President was superior to the pre.. There seem to be two morale tht-eon be dawn from this interchange. Float, the Government, and particularly the Executive, h. become so strong that it could rob the people of dr hundsmental right. and freedoms. Second and more important, the officials of the government, by radarg ill.onsidered statements, can do a great deal of damage hy doing nothing more than state pent.. As for pre. !reedit* we Ma MUM On BM ONO 111 drab* thr, THE CROW'S NEST Having nothing better M do last Tuesday allesnoon. a few "gentlemen" and I took • stroll down la the Devoe Day Fair on Suburban Square. Ater wandering around buying roam. on a 19E1 tionveftlble and getting bee ithest X-ram we found ourselves watching a Punch and Judy thole in front of the Suburban. Theatre. Then we heard the announcement' of a fashion show Ins., There wee nothing. Ma to do as. the Theatre von air ...timed: we went In. Atter aittim there Mr a while we noeiced • typical Mein Line madras homy, fah andforty, waddle onto the Owe and hogln he Neat her tint wee mthelthing sad is honey • meradneed as seemate* he Perm. one a somewhat abbehrbted lane. "My but M I. eke to aes yo. as here tad., and it • certainly nice to be hare; it is lam m mot at a tite41Mber, Tim stage la so lovely with the Meting floral decorations that catch the eye so." She went 0e M babble about ewe ungainly piles of luggage ea the stage "abet it is MM. Mg weather, be we "werelit b ge artypithe unU after the Mow." Th. Sind elegem memory me 'Mew epos*. so en added both rermle rsed our ends prepared for the worm: it tame. The Beet • weld metals sissist a golf dub and we domed 01 "Magee. and HAM *Ma and I teem everyone Ma feel that they norm hen that dad*. nib sweater, The alma Ina • ".ben thrt outer: meth tee May Norte . quilted velvet has the thing mi. nor. Then came • creature with • Inman.. rack. "wearing he bow Mons of ermatto Mak and white" whatever the h- awe is. The only poesible bright epee d the show was a odmpl.• dap. A well built model with a bow and arrow same out re Me runway and beg* le eerie. As en were ea the point of ePPerrntly thought lairm of It and Mopped with only her Mart removed: halted umdoabtedly by hey puritan... Mete Line upbrIng. Mg, We again seeded beck se watch the sewed group which wes "meta. scone. , The only Ws( of Mama lo the first model were km "diver spa*led sun irmeme". roe next howeem wee deemed • :1Yerven him" whin lathed gross sod ....7.0`1.0.7 W melee the Wm too Amine little met dead from her bell-rd George. The mat an aid belcha farms, trailed am* the with "Maw NM, itheiee MVOS bedthe and a *Moo beg, nothe her darting blue Mead glosses Melt sem.. her Me erm, enema .6. ball lovely?" Pomona* we themght the looked rather funey. to real we my ell In *Melee M this prmi, aF though. add* month. No me eme was We knee that wet goal no. hold at en e•h Imam The next entry wee "meumber mon 'Pe be brut.* frank, she loch* the • meember. She wend mrrying • "feed bag handbag, mew this Teel, It cm. so mice a in dirties/a to and anything I. It. but then It. m much fun to hunt, Isn't h girls!" A polite giggle mee from the *thence and • wee summed horse laugh More the tenet The newt model wen wearing a renter: solos mraehm. a woe "poodle. the *tee thing le the world mid aye SD 95 Now I osuit tag you where any of been amend.. are from, but eonfident•Uy, they are tom Puck ac Puck." Completely dared by this time we sat through a succession of aimed Mintr- melon shantung, "darling ninon", and a "gingham girt" before we finally got up enough Orman to s•gger tut .1, D. S. .1.....thiresdththesedWeeeMes. BOOK IN REVIEW They Mat To College, by Ernest Haveutharun oat Patricia halter West (Harcourt, Brace wed ComPme-$4.001. in the rearm a a surrey mein eared by Time Magas. lo find out something about the eollepe graduate- hls pond. rancid. occupation, mend eharm, and a number of othan things. he the large advertising blurb posted in the window of the teal bookary. They Wad Tb Cosede chime b .newer R number of question which might ha and frequently are asked contenting eolleges and mile, mutual., laving askle for the moment: -Heroines or Heat-dacha - was it worth going?" to which approximately half of the book le devoted, a might be well M look byte* et a few of Me ether question. Prim... or Paths* - when Mad W. end Johnny? By ad mean. send him to Prinemon. aye the book, if you wain him to be • real success. Statinhce prove that the mom money a Mum' has, the more money 14. grade *Mb The average Priirmton ran Mans Sided AM ...lei the average Mawr! oni TM, a trona Furthermore, Ivy Iseguare Make soon et given lob than representatives of other colleges. The book fires a parting shot at Havanna and other schools of w type-panties to mggerm students who do not want M work to had Mao. little mho.. Well college help ar leb.r ow menage? By and Own, states the book the miles. grad is more likely to get married that the non.greduate; he Is also more likely to stay married. Are our colleges tunfing at nortolturehmers? There is no evidence to indicate that they am the survey meals Been win my choke of college Whams are minket College le to the lenient of the Republican Party and to the detriment 07 the Democrats, my the perenes of NM Rolm going on to Intimate that perhaps the Demos had better emit advocating mon Federal aid M sclueellon. Front other section of the mrmy come Mare ling - and frequently alarming - watimiza Samples: B15 percent of the college graduates intervetwed agree that It Is not tree that eldidren of minority groups or other races should play . of this general sort apparently characterizes higher education in the "minds" of many Americans.. among themselves. 40 percent think that the way to heath* pence to for the IL S. and ite era It be stronger than all the other countries.52 percent think the best doyenne.. a one whin governs hest The mat of the book I taken up isY the opinions of college graduates about college. While the heat part paints a predy sad pleture of the sort, Sr rata b •••Nr. Jabal. aftmki • renew Padua. 00 page after page In express Mg their belief that eoLlege wen utterly toeless mare are those who with that they had midld more. and than who with they had studies Me; there are teachers who would rather he Maims adroadattaters. and Maime athaIrdarratore who would radar be ermineera Thom Met are Whaled seem to have extremely weak masons for feellnr as they do. Mt one Ivy-Covered Halls... ALUMNI NEWS Rev. Harris, '20 1951-52 ALUMNI FUND REPORT Gets New Parish, SINNSINLIND In Scranton, Pa. PIS CONTRIBUTIONS FOS A WM& Or • Al Or APRIL MI The Reverend Pierson P. Mae' ris. Tie, has received end agent* a unanimous tall front the Minh, Congregation. Char* see Screnten, pennaylm.a, to become Its mini., Isewbotau Marcia teL Mr. Marna who wee the *Mit. of the Saisslay tend grethdonal Church he fThalltem from lead to loge, Ikea wring th• Caste al Oonmegallamt CM11. Y Weseenen Slam, MAP MS, and as mama. Sawa Congregational Ono** Owed. NJ., 1904.1991 Me hem • me dent ol Mathew alone 114S. Warm* la the Baia. Damnmast at kipeala Coiled. Bast Ormege, and *idyl* the a Doe tor of Education depose at T. Ms College, Columbia roaversilit. UM. Mimi. With hie mark for that Mgt. tempt.* except for the mit log of Ms thmertatioe, wt. le "In Moot*" he haa bete mg. to reeume his einem calling, the pastoral ministry. The Trinity Cortgregstional Church la Scranton, Pa., present a rather ',Lingua situation and s eitallandlog oft portuntty. Those Cangregeticaaal Churches. located Meth • rathw of two blocks In the "Hyde Park" trandentlell pert of the city. united several yeah ago to form one churn with a membership of 1100 people. At *Went, they on one *Udine for worship and net liglotte eillthlion, the mond for social activities 'and the thirtl, remodeled for the purpose, for athletic activities. It la their plan, however. under the leadership of Mr, herrh, to build one new building ia the same general Ares terms of the other three and thus unify their program Although Mr. Harris begths hie ministry in Scranton with the Lenten mph.* the family will nod mom from Chatham until the latter part of June, after son Deniers graduatIon from Chatham High School. Mr. Harris, who a on. of the Univeratte phyla.. ac the School el Education, N.YU., a redgning her poetten then, as Of the tenni*. don of the Spring winatcr. Wilmington To Choose Officers . . . we hear, gram the enclosure. of soma institution. that we at Haverford would imitate to designate as college.. Yale men could sag about college was: "College • the last good Mance one has to MM. It becomes Increasingly dIfIleult while trying to raise a family and earn a living.. This would appear to be about the Ultimate hi sale statement., but only if one exclude* this ad'. about women's eollege. Mom ea nom... Maher w ho went le Elmira College in NOVI York, "Although N win fun for MN. M be 'men' In dramatic thmentatione. Ws a healthier situation when college girls have am opportunity b me regularly with young Mee' A Minnesota grad Mated bluntly that 'MM. newts was to hormonal," while a Michigan man. rushing to the defense of the big colleges with a backhanded CoMpllinent, derlarded that We mho. "MM. a broad arm section of Areerle• which I fond Stimulating". Ivy Leamm felt pretty are of their choice of college - 9B percent would erect, the nom one aloha Percentage for }revertant type schools - 70 percent. From aolleyn of every type and in every area eeeed the opj,boa d shom who Mel theY wen equipped for noth. useful whatsoever, and of those who feel equally dismayed at the fart that they art not the cultured beings they thought they would be after college. So. an &M, mem are cynical. few an mmpletely happy about their aU•e• The capon conclude - an they must from the llgures complied lai the curvy - that college grads for the moat pm are the bewildered sheep of Yale. beloved drinkine molt. The last iew path. mond a halfhearted note of hopeful. • "But Maybe It's Not The College's Teult" - but It is obvlom that they don't really mean It They Weet TO College • a dismal and Ire: mienlly frightening picture of the college graduate. The lad that the book most and With an spotter, for the country, system of h I g h•r education le proof enough of this ln addition to being am eyeopener of this earl, the book should heighten the appreetadon of anyone here who reads It for Haverford College. After all, ere ere , sot Sae Maas people P. S. The lieveNord Society of Wit Meat. met tor dinner on TM. day evening. April nth, irt the Hob Reataunnt in Wilmington. Delaware with Professor T. 0, Jon* and Alumni Secretary Bennett S. Cooper .e *era The dinner wee Preceded by a *Mel hour. Orme* Wooled Following dinner. there rem • brief Menem meeting at vouch the following officers were elected for the coming year; Prest dent, Witham V. Sipple, Jr., '32, 105 Chock Ave.. Milford, Delaware, V. President, William B. Lieldthm, Jr, '42, Herod. Powder Co.. Wilmington. Delaware and Secretary Treasurer, Thor Rhodin. Sr., '42 201 Warmed Rood, Wilmtngton 1, Ithoolln I. now with the De Pont Company. coming nom Chicago where he was for • number of mars at the Inithute for Study of Metals at the Univ./thy of Chicago. At the conclusion of the business meeting. Professor Jones spoke on research at Haverford today end Alumni Secretary Coo per brought the group up to den on the Haverford pleturt. FolowMgthetelketMnwuaquadon period. K. Foreman, '42 Heads For Home Kenneth J. Foreman, Jr., '42 her been doing mlesionary work in China for the Board of For elm Miseions of the Prethytartait Chunk Poe *note. year Row he ham been confined by the corm monist government in KIIIIEling China. Now en Way Wane Mr. Foreman received Ms permit to leave Kunming on March dth. He .owed b Chungking, March it, travelling by "chartered bus" From Chungking. he goes, to Hankow and then to Hong Kong and *crass the border Into Me 'territory, Mr. Foremen writes Mat elm helms that 'Henn.* is Omni* te teama beck by Way of England." She mpects n rneet hire In New York about the first of May. Their Manua will be 30th Memo, Armee, LouleMIIR motor • 10% OP TVS A LUMNI RAYS SONTRIIIIRMS • — ••• • PISA.= ILRLP TOM SIMS RIVINIIIMISNIPPRI B! ININDING X IOUS SONTRIBUTIONS PSOMPTLY 1611 Lanier so. Mimed as thim Tr akar Orr Sr swear Ira% rim irs•••) error* Irma at sr ea.* at +ea ric,•%•m• lean * Ma. Warr is Or Parlor CMS. Wm,* T. "Mr had • Slatslog d water err s co &row IS Awl lea Silmssashswg Iry 1100 Ohm* Unmet it emermg amine prddir• methreaer est BagmermeilMI kin rmalthed h s bora r WM srarior ele Nem. agar susoillais area nem b geglend at. MOM Ife Ma' the Memnon MI* Amerma Armisedion Armetalleth 0. .741711- i• rid librarian fur Norsk Mr 1077U774 riches ender a torah ad W warm t Irene eta It tilsrunts. entreat wrong Me irmainees Mawr P. soar In wit a• ▪ rimmed. of dogma LL F. I. Cermet* Mr. srid Mrs. Mae. et Steam Conarmens Thad lag ad Moorestown. NJ. ham meet* Pub* Relation. In PUMA** M returned from a 1,500 Me He b preeently smarmed Mt eumenthile Mg to Ithorme. Du Ned Children Um*/ i A 9th the ,nun tile, Stay meet New redoing .three tads ant days at Meg]. Not Sprier Mr. and Mrs. Rohs. A Leh* where the Leaders Ametherma of ow New England Mutual Lile of hometown, Pe., mamma * Insure.. Co., 01 -which Mr. engagement of that 01101.17107 Stokes I. • We Member, was 21. Mmlueritt L LIM^ h Me. *rob A. lememee. as arming a eenternme. ihe Rev. arld Ma. Dried F. Lame Ithe Winthrop Urgent was awned a sons of M. John.. thmagellen Lutheran Chunk hogenthell. Pt manager of the Pearthylvania Mr, Lem:acre I. now *Mehra aim of the Sons of the Revolution at the Seth Manuel bleeding the Lutheran Theologleal tomb nary while servim ma student ae bold recently. Dailey D. Carroll Is now Dean rmeat at St John's IAIIM••• EroelitUS of the School of Bs* Chinn. Boyerhavre. Mr. and hint Zatreet Beimra nem Adminfltradon of the tint meshy of North Carolina, aft. are returning in July flaw Nor 31 years He Is continuing es way. when Bob has been soate log at the University of Ode. HI Profrmor of Ec000mIcs. T. Starrie Loam.% irmentlY hex accepted • position at seri. had an article on Thomas Ehte hae . la le Sono Caltforeta. where be wig be dorm mean* town ln the "Christian Science work in cosmography. Moth tor:. The marriage of Mies Mows Ulf Ann Peeked,. daughter * Mee Irmo Alma.* wag rm.* RobertPlimpton P obn., Jr cad elmted Ptheident of Phi ea. th ea Shrf Robert P.M... Kappa In Japan. Re has also been of Franco..., N.11.. IA., tJg.) appointed to • profemonlrm the Methadon. Chris., UM. Xmas Freeddhe Comm U.S.N.R ma of Mr, and Mn, Imams. mashy Mach la being *swarm Hendereon Can*. of Mama Ps in Teen. took place Marta 1 et the are Ilea of the bride's uncle and arm. Col. Henry I. bleep*, h oblef Me, eed Met Henry A.Theta of the em, mr. MI! aed qtr.! R Palisade Ave. The ride SerViee at Brooke AVIV H.OtpItel, Broom.. teethe, the See, ha Et. Sam Hondo, Tem.. • a • H, '44, of ha M. Pegg, rnemter of the American Marl Fast Harlem Prolathent Per* of Otolaryngology, and a Fella* New Took performed red the me. of the Amnion College of 11.1r- many. A family ha nom He le Profethor of Cdm love* laryngology in the Graduate Mat Deborah P.kett me ha School of Baylor Unlvetally. sietera only attendant. hin. gee 1151 Ion D. Patton* Jr., et Mee Mr, and Mrs May Mmerm Mawr, PIL,was be. ma and Mt are receiving tonmetulabon. on Meelne Weed ten. Jr.. SO. the the birth . Mine Craig & aod other. U. Can* har been went IM Karen E. Bureau of births Afro* Is Ina Metetbe Arum P. Leib mu promoted Department ...ante. but mummer from Instructor to Mr. and Mrs Bohan M. MA* Amistant Profs nor of Tingliah at Jr, so weaving eargratthail• the University of Hawaii, Ide and lin. MOM S. Web an the birth of aeon. SM.. In . Rid rear of or are receiving collar...the lab Moot at Columbia. on the birth of • an, Howard alga.., B. Mier non George Mem., on February "The Neutral Str mete r• 29, 1902. Mr. Madam. h chief of the Austrian CARE Mission Function of an Invert. Their anthem is Pale. Salm, Eye" et Mime Hoak. ea Mentergam 11, Vienne 7, Ante day. April 21st 1912. rasa Wilma anew ha. lad 1641 eobutoned a lieutenthe la Jobe L Mien was moldy Army Air Corp. promoted by the Bell Telephone Walter G. .171.MILUI b. I. Co.. of Pennsylvania to the poab ten a review to be published dm of penonnel supervisor, the Soci.y of Actuaria lett coven the book, The Farm Thaotione etilis dif.A '421 of Ufa. by Dr. Louis 1 Du wee irnathed • Dort. at MM. He arid Mre Bowman* have maybe degree by Hama. UM turned Mom m 33 day trip verity in March. Europe; Pan Americus earn wee an 1952 ,61mo car rented la Pe U. alt. and Mra Spencer IL Irma for a 21 day motor trip one neelving congratulations cm rode in France, Italy and the birth of their ...and 00, sedan& 759 kodachrome el Cooper Mahan Stuart, on March atteat to the harmed et Off Zird. On April tot. Stuart, who cation oversem. Mr, Bower.. hem teem Wes promotion it Mich ma • trip to Marko agar foe the MartleSenour Co, geared In Mom owl wepttad a catkin as ormultant December 1951. Jae Dona is MAW la with Boo...tilers and Handiton, ma...gement commas. In CM when he a world* hie World Council of Cher eh thin. Mopee from lidded mond Walter Henander, Jr, • now Armintent Reddens a Medicine at Iron Contain. He rem Columbia Medical Center In New until September and his IN Crmadle. X rue Blanes,. Ton Car. Trsroo dada 1211. Mr, and Mrs. Missrlas tk A letter Item Lange Jain dri one receiving con- Dodge Mee his add's. 4. 02 gratulations on the Meth of a • DIMIS ale F.P.O., daughter, Agee Hall. on hiern Yarn. N.Y. tin mends "cam. lath. Chuck woos that mother lotions to all -rod warmed/ and daughter are doing firMY aM the basketball aim) an to that he Is "recovering .lowly." tent showings • g el s Harm Mon was awarded • worthy rival... Doctor of Prmomphe Mir. by Witham le Hamm has Haman Uthvenity In March, awarded • Metropallten Come Armee E. Jones 11 with Unl. lay Research Fellowsirm tit venal Cyclope 51.1 CeMontim Unhand* of Mieldgme and le *lag st tEl Chas M. Arbor, kr 3016.190. Bridgeville, Pannameane. Made s. Misr. of 173 *limed one M W. and Met Bea S. Lem* coomiesion• b the NOM emehtng congrmulatione nq serves at Ma U.It Need the bink of a Mailder. Jame Newpon. Sire blur arm a Mr* INS, A. sus ♦ . Tthedat. Alta 59.1!51 HAVERFORD NEWS Nine Downs Alumni, Ursinus; Ford Golfers Win Bows To LaSalle, Delaware 10f 5 Matches, Down Owls 8.1 Page Three Fords 3rd In Two Mile Relay At Penn Down Bears In 80-46 Opening Meet Othromaing • lour run AM A thre....thth inating raleolith ally OF Unions, Our Han Just One M0111... ly coupled with nom road pure Ing by Frethman Monde Long. erford diamondown won their Or, Tuesday. April 05, Haver Worth, pulled the game out at BY KEARNEY CARPENTER *and victory over the visitor. ford sumesafully craned In golf the fine for the Mein Line elm Wm Collegeville In • rainy 7-5 mason one with a 7444% sic Haverford finished Oiled in the es they tale.. the Alumni P7. SPORTS CALENDAR month. Chula Wunder, who re'Lefty' Longstreth, who came la too, over Moravian. Captain Paul Penn Relay two-mile college re. Tuesday, April HP relief of 'tarter lark Morns with Steiner Ithdated Ns man hy-a 5 & third 16 anklet bade,* after • • • Golf vs. Sk Joseph's. Away lay Saturday. Shortly after four two down In the eeotnd. allowed I seen while ids tanner. Great meth halal Inane. received Mack ye. Lehigh. Horne, o'clock Saturday afternoon the no Na, two unearned nms,walk, gun sounded for the elan of the meat for ha Met victory of the 3:45 pm. ing but four and fanning thlrteen Mond., won Me matchnth a The Haverford meths learn law. we abeam. Marra. Mk Weeneeday, April 3e Iwo mile college relay championearapeign. 7 & 5 count and helped Peal Ms ha. May acid IMOM 41. H. of the old grade in hia sena launched Id 1952 season on . Sk Joseph's. ship of America. and sloshing Bluebell • Med &art Inning .tint Heathrow. -O•ITIMalMO the beet ta11 by 4 & 3. Bob Logan April 15, with • match with UnI. through the rain and mud, elbow/Horne. 3 p.m. we mynas. nswerent amt. Things looked bed at the start, ante led halm eonunued him untwist. record smelly of Penthylvann. The Mona, Tennis Ng va. tor position on the first to Drexel, Home, 3 H. 11-1: Mann, tianenre. ae the Beare eollemed four nine The nem. toning proved fatal by turning beck Moravian.. thldl Forth thffered • St setback at themes thereat elong with the lead on men from .t. cans. p.m. os floe singed through the InRandom. the One. hands cea of Penn al. Sat courtmen. but to starter HAM.. la the Alumni man by an a • 6 score Bob Feth. such schools as Columbia, NTU. Tharsday. May I field, and a double to center In this was not • league match sent eleven men to the pled., and :reg Ifrl,..ototo,;:: '• do .7gotg, Tennis ve Temple. Horne, 3 Cornell. Manned.. Penn. Yale. an ht winning his Individual the opening frame. Charlie lookcollected six runs on three hid and Michigan was Haverfordl Uranus Neaten Tema 7a. Intr.M. Nam. ed kaprawdee atter that boar..., Inducting Might's homer with match 3 & 9 gave hla thel is Golf vs. Lafayette. Away Andy Brio. The track was The neat day. Alnd 16 tld and didnt allow a Man to reach the sacks fun After that big ana best ball • 5 & 3 win. Flesh- league spawn gm underway with Dwain: Jam. and Wonno mawIC ltheenall vs. Drexel, ' emu... wet and slippery. but first until the find man up In the Haat, Hardd left the box. and man Jobs Alan started hie col. Haverford defeating Minna. PO tan. defeated Mentor •nd OmM111. Home. 5 p.m. despite thew handicaps plus the H. tht cater tho risme. near w owd beat out a alms. 1.1111 win replaced by LaMar., who tote VI{ owe. with a 7 A 5 on the Haverford comm. Friday, May 2 added one nItop.nig, eempeth era ono. sirs and clerk bounder to theordstalked the first better, and than April 19 saw • Fond tam Same am abeam p.a... a. Golf vs. Gettysburg, Home. 1 hon. the Fords managed to fin. victory. John Galena loth 3 • 2 The only other hit for the wa,,,,,, ot Marone>. to Pop up to Unth z ( it Gettysburg. PO. ish third among the top two mile 2 .M. on tales Petry the Mew ea Si while lam fourome'S bar iter.' after that came in the . step would have made Ude Icon. at wood. Heetheil-Havereard cre relay teams of the natIon. The Emkeeday, Bar ghth. what Clock got a home- a base hit, but the ball ratting In On the other had the Fonda ball dad, giving 54 poith to each emend league match of the 1952 , Moth. Not wan, ed. Beechen ea Delaware, rightful winner tow the LockInane, he, al: et oft JOhneon'll glove la deep Jack Ledebere ad, got then were unable to tog the Grad's chic Beath. Away heed. Alt Raw. paced by the as "throw, na.wiws, duet«. Yea sent.. With the thceptlon of the Bret in it the 10.1 another out starter. lint Auto, until Me see. Tennis ve. Stevens. Home. Olympic MO meter champion. Grayed* Val defeated at the Clam LT. i 441: nave Caen Doh. Taw& beton-IA end the double, only as the Fords bowed to Delaware. ond when straight einem be Mel Whnfield: but the Ale Force Haverford. April 23, Howd•th. throw, Iwo., Friday of the tame week We hand. two other balla were lilt to the Rich* and Chandler, end • long et at: Alan Man Ilente01. ae Track vin Albright and St. felled to qualify In the college 7.2. at Leath.. .therfo • goo., outfielders la the ale. Charlie eon account.' for the four tie fly by Kees sent a run wroth the Fords dthalvelY tur. oak *Arme Joseph's. Home. 2 p.m. category. and flron in theory one n wee defeated 6-2. 6,2 end new, lea 'rerfere w' ” . struck oth four. and Issued no earned runs In the seventh. the plate. Again in the fourth, Temple LI ea merlons Cricket vs. Villanova with the University of Penn State, Wel n double. competition V.urton tie ea s-th Das elme..itaer. welts. Rich. singled la left. and erouTwo More Beth Home Michigan a close second. mune. Sterner kept up Ms whe and Lama of Haverford lord to lan...rwed ll'usw • S. TM Maio Liners picked up ed the plate ahead of Lonretreth, TV' Tennis vs. Weettoem, Again Is the eighth, singles by Mato Rams Well gotooto go, goggr, nth. their rum with two in the tint who belted a-long ball to me w- net streak by bathng Tempos D.b.a..' end bildllino of Leity Away Toe , a 2 g g thorn,had o 1e ova. tn. 141ertLesteatee rateart BrIod no beautifully, menint Mae. and sixth, and donators In the Broadbelt awl (handlee premed for • borne run ed Plibberde double la center into the lest turn of his half mile second fourth,, and fifth inninge to help his muds.. Ker..,who The Rena Repithea Suter held to wore both men. ADM 24. In filth position out or a start.. Al Hume replaced Suter on the wen • k 3 with • In the bottom hell of the fin% 71. Wh.1. the Ford outmen mewed Mo. After the first G Salle batter geld of close to twenty. Bill it/elite singled with one out to mothd ist the filth and was the opponent.' heel hell • k 1 ravian College. 9.0 on the local recited first through an error. a Gage. sophomore star. held up nicked for • toga thearnth run Lapan 11.105 etart the Forth on their way. He ha statele ... courts. Playing fa light rein, scrikthut was followed by three his end of the bargain In mend mu followed by Hortublw. who In that frame The Alumna had thwith he • TI. Facer. the Norm Braman's team /talked Knight rinks to amount for doubled to left meter. 000,1., alth worth and unearned tally medalist for both teem with • three runs In the neat The we up [d fount anmNtim ulrMey on Longthetis la the fourth. however, was throw* out as he an end tiler of ond frame started with e walk the length he must have felt. The Fords then came up with nn. tried to maw in from flr. Ltde ponen3"' t Lo '"*" g -"n• ...°111 ,11'uotoo 1M•%gogo an error, a double, an Intentional The Varsity Cricket Never mthutee, before the four oak k The loyal Fortis in the stands the Ng any In the eighth_ John. won the beet ball 4 k 3. The boor followed with a long Wart 00 April H000rrogi travel' ee. Longed*. then mow in won its Mt match this MIMI% dna limn and. as a the custom. gethoed at Steil, drone. to eon end LInthialln bent thane ever the left Held fence lor hie With one out The victors lineup ed to Hudnall to defeat them. 5 second homer of the sloe singles over the Infield. Lath by • serenade K Seto defeat wan over the tea VMS served. Bob Chow ad ninth 1:17.,_ & 3 margin. Allen and g, ore goo,,, root*, i000 which was mostly lett Maiere fin. Fairmount bow walked, • • d Broadbent Eagieton defeated their met be roototot.o. make the wore 4-4 their feet a, attic C. E.. on Saturday Dick Gundry Opened under a hat :Ir.: again. tight, Wotan, then The tog.. gto,,e, teas M • k S. wed a ata re- constant nth and after the 5 Imre Tled Banged to right hand. swing. acrossto send one marker Aptif the nth With .• emsa an wt.. Arnie Poet Me and A. of he half mlle. Seely pule. up et walked be Idyl In the second, Me locale Maned era against southpaw Long.:nth. glee and ter doubles had been of four first learn member. Bob biltinolson leading the bowling none 0.010 into nom a man wroth and Ledeboer soar. poelltnn, en lay down a few bunts which Longstreth lasted till the sixth. On Hat Tuesday natationd played, the final rwo doubles Collin, Howard Taylor. Al Mae. for Fairmount. The opening PM. Captain Joe Stein took over re from third on a wild pItch by accounted for another run The when he was 'mired by a walk,Huth.. edro }inn,e om not n.n.nno. playing a three-way metch obit Mateh* were cancelled bemuse for rum In the (mirth taillkmt weSchmid. kensie the men held a steady and *core was tied In the fourth when two lit tl ex, and auccemive tho lesehe and Wtht Chester over the coon, tha.ont, too muddy foe o , near n th patch ceme home club took the Meld against about twenty minutes taking the, ittw Hibbard singled to left and LIntin tapes. Hitchcock ',placed him, to tit.. got moo, rgoogroth Lathhe by a clove 54 count continued play. 000r o,„111„,:oh:otredr.11. „, fi, f11 1 ago lean sent him to third with a and Batched the pine. and Wtht Chester by the score The attoot.gge, rono„,. Norman Darlaandhhchaths .... ... al shine off the ball. The best pan., ran into a Mt of bard kick In liner over awed. }fibbedword flat nership of the afternoon was go. the Htherford .a Lfayeltr rthrmount. the ninth. and was replaced by of 7-1. Loam Pleithe I. the cFord. ht vtoo tog goo, on • thatad tall by bythe catcher. spot, IOM N. mthehee to LaSalle thetaBarnick end Singh, who totalled mile Hitchcock. who Meek 0.1 the The Fortis went , thitt. trates.,: in the and West Chester by 5 k 4 and ner,seLt.r t mew 35 ttins In thing Lest tatter. fifth without a kit ll they took Amer Singh opened the bowl. Jim Barwick displayedminutes. Another leather in the cap of a 7 reel...nog. JoGiitiOil. a hard- coach Pop Haddleton: and be. The Delaware beanbag loam sno. ae on Cater. Boadvannge of a walk, • stolen we. Chester. Inc roma shot a .4 kg, on a dry veleket hitting straight Wt. and aecumw ono, no on. gorrortoott000 W.. and two Bear miscue. In journeyed to the Ford campus witch Harry Bair could not hold 74, Morrow wort his matches by dam. new.. ■Maale4 abbast. followed by Jim Berwick. slow Wad 43 rum the highest score on Wednesday, April 111, and L. the Seventh Bed reached gogtottog Logone Gage. sorb,. and 01.10 the field. Harnssa. Ilaamfora defeat- spin tn.., The bother. wen. , man At aid Mena •mmetard. Wynne' led off In the de. downed the home team by • first via an error. Lank hit a Wog Chester's nun g g e. ed Poem, at oo the lg.' Coach Phil Genet Haverford 211,, g, In good '" oro b' g b,egrot l,:hatog ro Horve Rgel oTl eo wIth,his second hit of the after. score of 67 Carlson, a towering lone sngla, end both r'onerit Morrow bed • 41:34--75 to take theta.. The at dIMIM. Singh Paaltleaand Malan 6 runs 70. war very placed with the Scholars per capita than any right bander. threw • elev. es. scored when the outfield relay low medal for Haverford. Logan noon, and armed on Hurtubdiga MOM, and In11114ams. Lalayand. per wicket. Barwick 7. end Chase Vanity eleven.. Per.thtenth o er th education. institution Be angle, which wee also Na eats sedum. of curve. mixed with was not of ad throvra past shied and Morrow dropped be. ball wawa sham nal Hem H. H. and a SO Dick Gummy is be ethe 1..1. forward in th.r.. the U.S. red Mt Hurtubthe kept running an occulonal fast ball. and held Into left Meld. Td Blue 4k Ito West Chester but bet- name the car.. Namara Gat Seturd.3,e Med LaMar sad Mena. HI mended for Ms excellent pater fth on 1th hit and scored on • double Haverford to Wee Ms Charlie rthleted their weans la the Wed laSellee Bret two mm by Hardens nth three. moth., ee name behind the wicket not game with General Electric C. C. s , • error by the oenterfielder. The Monter, who worked the feet eighth when Goldberg Angled ▪ & L Sterner, playing In the hetal DOW11, MA If Ff. giving Malty a .1111.0 bye to the was cancelled on amount of the urstnus eight haling. for Harmon. and Brodher Mineral ever the rani defense therkled ae they number three spot, won both hts nae000 w leWatime rain ad opt:ming team. 0111 Played In the. Continuing their long unbeetee held the Blue Hem to only four right, add bank wrtunined but one error. matches 3 * 1 Feeler wee shed. •174,. .- g000rtor.„ hits. but them. along with sir arm- Highlights of the Fairmount rvMna of the 10th and or streak In dual meet. Pop Handle Ford. Score ed 1 pp by LaSalle,fourth 111.10 1.1.11■. 0.0100.0, P.n.s al. were a steady wick. R.Y. The tern heme game ta en ton's Fond lettermen opened the , sap te. nit Ford misplays, were enough to lire Fords ported over a mark. but beet WW1 Cheat., man by alma Byway H H. Golan roorotoined by the gpenlN May 3M MM.. Penn Stet. C. C 1952 dark season In fine fashion the Delaware their absentee, at ern the aloft when Dan Brosd• a similar wore. Sterner and Ramat sereatte.„,m=. won. 4-o ..; ti;e gnoo On May 10 there will be a by drubbing Houma, 81746. Reliever Jahn Hitcheock looked belt walked, went to .. on tun The Pearl. and Black baseball anat, fanning two In the ninth error, and stored on lea Lede Few" '1." Well Chedee.• '.11•1 :4lavortard earthed by Arnie Post, who wee caught match with Harvard University. Welton Field on Friday April It ball 3 & 3 and LaSalle by 3 & rge;th nine loco Pete fifth game of the toning., e; sew, Raw... Se by longon Stan Fenster, off a The match will be held at Cambores long fly to center. Running On Toth Allen decisively defeated west mt.Mover seaman again. L. Salle, 134 on nue tow from Captain Robert bridge, Maw Future matches, tkonieth At Ma Most of the Ford's impressive DwaneThe W.e we with weld, Chaco'. men & 5 but eel' Include ones with Prinmton and the victor. field 23th' and The genre was scot-slew until matched. except in the fielding' ogoggo g g g LLlle. gnor Mean wed roar. thwarts, 4.Uranus. There will be no match margin was built in the running Olney. Starter Charlie Wurster the afth Inning. In the top half department. than the wore would I too goo the, the tag worth with nesume the Rathihd event, particularly Halt the Menthe Fee Tea with Johns Hopkins University wee relieved after 1 1/3 Innings of thls frame. lien shortstop Jim Inchon. Carlson asa ean nenefere, was tn trouble 1 5 g g oto, winds. Stein, Seeley. Gage end aroma oar tatth ewe au onus tht. no The whole WY was out • few this yew. ▪ 111.thee PIM', he wee followed lank walked with one away end enteral nines but tarry double Wed Chester new and LaSalle emcee the other distance men picked up on the mound by southpaw Long- scored when Carlson singled. by 26 out of a possible 21 points In nu who was pounded out of They added another In the soul ideth started allLeith pulled trey, The Let beet the two. four and eight lap race. Item out 'wk., t,o tom sided weal atestere beet ben 6 • a We boa it the dada and Hitch. when center Odder Goldberg htt by ethane) other brilliant data* it, bet a mow 1 up match to In addition . these routs, the emit debated olut the game. o theme... drive to left center elm they, home toms took fiesta In We LaSalle. La Salle.frashmen Lode had of the other running events and the local. under Ns power Loose la four out of six field event,. BATTING AVERAGES throughout the contest, as he alThia past week In intramural seventh Inning. But the Junior. I win Lut Wednesday the Fords three starts edging the Meth Lap.Sklea lowed ohsa hin mead one man. 0.• • • nal •• • • • were handed their initial loth of activity brought about • nom-I He protested the game on the Freshmen 18 to 17. The Fresh. 1 MO In spite of the lap-shlenese and famed 13. The Fords wor. Ainrlent 0%-2be by a 'trona Lehigh warn. her of softball germs and the grounds Oat the Seniors used men led 15 to 11 going Into the g. giot.ocoo tied him • little in both the Oltate• Imes ad m Morrow by virtue of • 74 over week baton lest saw the open- i an Illegal player with the result! Wt of the sixth but the Sophs seventh and eighth inning, due. ot,L=i1 were not outstanding. although came Lehlidi• root man 1 P. rig of the tennis thason. On that the Seniors forfeited the mune up with • big seven run Ina which they collected their Leis ear ch Sterner dropped a polth by loo Monday April 21, the Diner B e ame.s The heSophomores dropped inning. The Freshmen fought otoro ottgootoo. Ms runs on six hits. Singles by Er...* round Lag 3 & 2. The best ball had the trailing thirteen to eleven going their game of the week. lack with two in the top of the wog0000000 io goo or tit,. Chandler, Richt, and Hurtublu. Tar.7 Name fate of 3 & t GUM Pay- Into the M. of the thmentn, aeon tide Wee to the Junior by a Seventh but templed with two G Salle thin fell one short'event. cost Unions any chance eau Ina fine golf won I up while ed three rum to edth the Sol... wore of 17 to le The Small. had Tennle Star. of coming close to the Ford... The FftefOf VIM Is with a 6 A 5 mores 14 to L3 and the Seniors N seven run second inning but It The tennis season got under men from Collegeville had no din match. Logan by sink.. • ten with Au...Small pitching game was not though a. the Juniors way on April 14 with the Sec thore r.n.ers. and also rolled foot ARDMORE putt from on the behind last hole to defeat helped the Freshsmith In every t•sIer frame. onnntan lore defeating the Junior. 3 to o rather dismally in the pole mull to hall all the tort ball and thth MK, who had Monk, on the The Junior B notehed their ' In the stogies isogon whipped ilaverford s winning margin was hall • foto, nun . to 5. third Acton of the week on the Brobyn in straight sets. 6.0. Sto., POW op In thew ....Even though Allen and Eagleton Realms WM Lad Ise 24th by routing the Junior A's. and Gultrnacher throe Wed suns from beROW EWING 1131:110•31S were plariolt well they won ue MARRS fth Tuesday. April 22, the Sen. 34 to 11. A nine run drat, at hind to defeat [oder. N. 6.2, 6-1. steam the dimanee men. Hay. able to overcome their Lehigh op lora to MIA LINK Or WIDWICIII* all Intents and purposes, eight run fifth and a thirteen In the doubles Don and Dien ponente. Both lost erfora 3 & WillrterS 2. while wen. Brind In the SWA8TIES131010111 u MOM. won th6r wand game of the run .loth provided most of the Kirk won from Leger and Cor 4 dropping the best ball by • 4 & 3 week ,40 II 52.5 Tabbutt In the low del ring the Junior She 11 scoring. On the thaw day the son. 64. 61. LANCASTER AEC BRYN MAWR hgnllra in 26o, as usual In le 10 with • five run Wt of the Sophomores obtained their fleet On the 18th the Sophomores the javelin, Hillicn ditto th the ii=p see* Lo=er edged h F h . 2 1 by MIN Jump. lone • n the bread FOR COLLIERS ONLY lhe the Me tam Ws JOHN THONCELLETI N.MOANING Henkela & McCoy *inning both singles matehm, lump and Bern in the pole ARENA'S SERVICE -411. nada -76a °la th er came from Mhind to de: mint. STORE =OR scan STATION a* Nemo Y etemlieth feat Ross 1.6, 61, 61 and lie: The closest taceth the dab ass NW..• as.- elle Ir Contractors I 013WVSOLLTS teak= Raab Ardmore MN worth edged Rosenherger PO. 24. in the Ian ye. an when Bart IR We LANCASTER teltVIOX For YOUR Conradaer boar=r1 Ana. 62. The Freshmen get their i Numm lost by a 'notion of th WI Lenore. Ath. Althamarc=rmait Philadelphia M W. lama* Am. Bryn tesna ohs point In the doubles when I into le Loomis one of the Bears' Ranter and Kepner, after mart. two double winners. Big Bob ins poorly, rime back to win a I Swett was the other 10 point man low match from theta and I for the salters, winning the 11101 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO RELATIVES AND WORDS REPAIRS 10/11. 06 83. 64 put and the discus. FRIENDS OF STUDENTS OF PHONOGRAPHS RAVERFORD COLLEGE GOOD FOOD AT R be temeathr the. ..the. IMB 11:83solvARLa PRICES In low Ai* IOMII MOM MIXT TO STAN £ comes A. VASSALLO Was ay 00.■ ealt to mower* Beverfthe goort Math TRY OUR YMCA liabbmi INANNON obs M33.1/0 ttOOLL.101 SPSCIAL" Montgomery Ave. at Grays Lane Barber Slurp LONPoor x1451.00 AT ROB MMHG RAVI:1MM Leading Slam Haver( ord, Pe. PARIS 5.8-112.00 OPEN ALL MORT at 1132021: lbw Everywhere 1111•102.011/f era. 36 LAO RCM aura HA W. Lao* Ath ellta 1.1.1t et fro.. Knott Hotel" Year Smolt and Date Deserve The Rent RAD RADM.PHOrtoOdunge In Our Lovely Main Dining Room Lunthethe heal ELM Boned from Nose le B P.C. Here'. the Born 31awr story that lake. the honors! A delight. Deily ta I P.M. Masers from Itthe portraying toil tribute by Emily Ithnbroueh ICI.. of Ramat,ma Health. t . M. som Mater'n colorful buten, Ile proud (undo.. and ina uniting .cry of the transition which brought shout the Ng. Bewnle sari Nance In mamas Itle-thrta noel. the endued se Smokiest Reenenet Faellities For Mthreenderel Peonephonea memo* Be waste tivideet SIM /4.4Inga, PvNM, Dane., or Supper Dam. I Prescription. I en nth theesathe ewe eh. g Traenient abed Permanent Accommodations Total want to read Nth thrilling ea.. to Bryn Hater OaIII (Mint Lis CO. H. ROYER Drags ood Ihradoko ks Mth Holiday mthathe. Now on sale at nem-stands. -Yu wmie. Lend thee Ardmore, Ps I maw A Gortis publication. MR • With. Ns. SY. Moro Ardime• OUR Tel. ',dove. 0114/ Mho. AMMO= Mg Fords Take Ursinus, Five Others In Tennis , g g ei r, coot Cricketers Take First MatchWill Play Penn State May 3 toe, th Delaware be La Salle So phomores Bow Tenni s0 pens To Juniors; Seniors To Frosh With en Si orS Wi , op h more ns g to„ ARMY NAVY IIWTH & Wilswertk, Inc. ADAMS , IIJE 1101IET NKR • YOU 1st toes gasi fYs 4),MENTWOM - P 1 PMr467 MI TO Merl HOTEL HAVERFORD „Itrudwod **war May HOLIDAY Magazine salutes ""reas` TELEVISION HAVERFORD PHARMACY me or. mare no , I a • z.p. =v..4% BRYN MAWR COLLEGE liA YhiEll'QRA .14SWI PAM PiUr, April 29,1952 Drama Club To Present MINUTES Comedy On Theatre Life OF THE STUDENTS' COUNCIL WY PHIL STANSBURY gddlneee dl a stage tribe not The Royal Fatale, a satirical unlike the Barry..., incl.. aosnedy on the off-stage Ille of Ing cariciduite of John and the Perrymore (amity, written Ethel and their well known Drew by George S. Kaufman and Edna tier... bas been Infected into Ferber, has been Nolen as this The Royal Family — including year's hat Joint erode..a of the fearing, halnpulling. and drama. Raver/ ord and Bryn Mawr tie entrances and exits. Drama Club. The play. et be Other Sea of Authors given in Roberts Hall on the eveIn addition to having collaboo nings of May 9 and 10. is being sled with Kaufman on such other directed by Tom Wood and Mass smash hits ea Dinner at Eight met Glenn. and Stage Door. MI. Ferber Ls Ealtrondway Ilk - well-kernwn for her best-selling The Roy. basally has, we are novels. which include Meow So. told. become one of the comedy Sarno.. Trunk, and Cimarron. Masks of the American theatre; Haulm:is it the co-author also It was described by Alexander Woolicon. during its suewssful of such rollicking corned.. as Broadway run. as "one of the The Man Who earns To Dinner happiest evenings I ever spent end bon Can't Take It With You the theatre." wF The comedy tees the alternate ly tender and ellarlenl story of the Cavendishes. the Rest fondly of the Arnertean theatre—a fain. lly which lives and breathes in the grand tradition of the stage. from the aging character Mims to her areal:grandson. Aubrey. Aubrey. at the age of eve months. Is already being discuss ed for the tole of Hamlet by hia temperamental relatives. Satirises Berryman, Two of the stage's most not. contributors. George Redman and Edna Ferber have wet.] in The Royal Family a sharp and biting play about people whose offstage histrionice Ere remedy rival their onstage per romance. Alt the glitter es well as the L C. G. ... reports to the plenary )11.501011 on Saturday. Ames Huesab was chairman at the Important Foreign Affairs CeMerdItee and presented the comment. report an the door of plenary melon. Steve Sachs and John Kelly .1 Haver/one, 'ell eights recommendation. accepted by the Civil Rights Cone min.. They !Imaged to defend the am of loyalty oat. but • hill from the Judiciary Commit. tee the opposed to any wt.. Health hour.. Dropped Howard Kalodner and Stanley ...teeter represented Haverfonf on 'he Business and Magary Corn. utittee. Bob Wilson worked with tee Government Ormilration e'otenikttee. Lute Prager ant Cowin Reno got a suggestion for empulsery health insurance through the committee. but lost It In the plenary session. WtNem Morrison and William Kaye were on the Judiciary Committee. Carl Kum. worked with the Labor Committee. When this ....Mt.'s report was Molted In the floor. Steve Sadie and iota Praeger added eat amend. meat for compulsory arbitration • lark Sexton and Hugh Gallagher test their U.M.T. suggestion in econmittee, Mike Sher was on the 'lateral Resources Committee. -rod Raul Craig waked on the preamble to the whole platform. Tamil°. Falls Haver/ones Taxation and Ti' name report was submitted by Cordon Werner but was delta. ed by a reactionary committee. Caber. Barnhart was on the Agriculture Committee and Lloyd Leonid supported Hudson on Famine Affairs. Nick Norton worked with the conference Rules Committee. The ICG Is lenvereerres Test active political orgatdmion. and this year has met regularly regularly to dismiss platform and has engaged in work In the Phil. adelphia elections. WMS Fund jets $100 From Prom The teal weds of the Vier Memorial Scholarship Fund were lamased by a donation of op. Proximetele 5100 representing the net prole from the Senior Prom. which 122 couples attended in the Dining Hall, dancing to the mole of Lee Se... Norris Hansen/ seventeen-piece orchestra. Th. donation. which fall. more than 150 abort of that of Iwt year. dance, ralses the total balaece in the Fund to a little less than $800. The 199546 Student Council originated the scholarship, to be awarded by the Student nosed.. non to one of Its members, end a special Conned committee has awarded the Una sernwter Mob arships in eight undergradmes since then on the basis of their need. Last yeates Student Cognell decided It was Incapable el Sward. leg the scholarship. as early and accurately as the vice-preeldenes offer would be able to do with Its ready weea to stallstica. De, tenant. also to give Incoming freeinnen a chance morn. this M. the Council Sea asked Mr. bradawls to award the Molar. ships. The scholarship funds are also neeed by meow of the Clam Night shows. which this year MM.. the Fund by 1559.40. Spat& Visit... APRIL LS, Lae Educed. Canuattem. Richard Horne Chairman of the Education Cornmit.FM 1951. 52, spoke to the Council about the history and work of the Cam ranee. The Committee has been In operation for three years and has been a self Pereetuating body for the most part. Norte suggested to the Canna that there he • doter. Comm.. - Committee rela• tionsbee in the future. At present the Committee is to the process at writing a lengthy report on may facets of education al Haverford It has death with the subjects of /hedb eel elective& meior roacernetthee. and Is at present lahlalNee ...nal on the work and ammo Ilahments of each field of study. The Committee should complete Ste work In February, 1955. Two problems Mich the Council decided as ....pone until that tiny are: 11 the cost of printing the Committees report and 21 the queation of the continuatl. of the Committee's work. The Council reappointed the following Committee members: Robert Curran, WIstar Condon. Montgomery Forth, Dick Guth dry. Peter Hankarrier, Walter Kidney. Ione Hedy. Peter Schmitz. William Watson, and Philip Vance. Mee Council ate pointed PIMP V... M.D.+. Appointment.: C.torosCommittee —71Y Council appointed the following men so the C.torna Committee: Robert CrIslow, Ken stiller, Mark Llsafelt, line Raker. Don Kern, and Grant Morrow. The Council treneinted Earl Harrison, elected to the Committee by the Class of 1954. as eltalrum at the Com. ranee. The full Customs Committee for 1952 3s 00 follows: Maas o/ I953—Robert Crichlow, Joe Helots Dick linemen, Robert Malteacte: Class of 1954— Earl Harrison, chairmen, Bob Feeser. mark 1Jszfelt. Ken 1411. ler, Ronnie Reno: Class of 1955— They Horton, Ain Maker, Don Kern. they Manchester, arsIst Morrow. Ted Penick. Curriculum Committee — The Council appointed the eallewing men to the Curriculum Commit, Me. 195253: Jame Crawford, Leh. Franke, Richard Guidry: Montgomery Furth, Robert Nev. ltt. Lutz Prager, Darrah Dick Taylor. Phil Stansbury, Jackson Pietro, Rod Rabertnel and Gordon Shedd. The Council appointed Montgomery Furth as tole Mr. Speak sad the Bet. giunis present prosperity is in chairman. Collection Speakers Committee —The Council appointed the fob temporary post-war and cannot long last In a poverty lowing men to the Colleen. stricken disunited Europe. Also. Speakers Committee. Dick 'Fele he Mild that the United States la Bourne. Jahn Hutson. exceltent example of the fact liner, Willlam Kaye, John Kelly, at ponBeal unity done not mean Chen. tiobhaon Peter Schmitz, George Segal, Peter Rosenberger, the leveling of regional differ. Amer Singh. John Tramper, and error in prosperity. Jerry VAR Sickle. The Council Freneh Ineteethry appointed Peter Sennete ea theirWhen asked about the political rwrt Instability of Frillice, Mr. Speak Donn improvement Cotentin. acknowledged that this instabilitY —Conrad Henwege, chairman, extsa, end is indeed regrettable. Larry Finkel...I, Toot Rent. but can definitely be overempha. sized. Since the Second World War he noted, there have been • great many premiere In France, but only two tornga ministers. an opposed to four American Sec, laws national groups, and the most effective methed of solving retaries of Stale. Mr. Speak mentioned a number International problems. Ira Reid of times that he was highly In. med. the symposium. ,her terested In methods and general which an extensive diseusalon atmosphere between American and question and answer pericd and European higher education— took place. Final activity of the Seminar but he declined to comment on thla subject until he has returned was th *viewing of a film Edu. to Belgium and had time to con- Mon for Peme, which dnualle aid-re—the NEWS is promised, at ed graphically the p.m.. and that time, a letter of some length methods tel the seminar which on his internale. of Reverford. is to be held this nearer. large part the result of special, ch This book is a guide to your future twitaatentamentunuater nobler, and Hu Sangre, The Conunittee will meet with Superintendent of Buildings 'and Groynes Seam Schrader lo dig case improvements in the demi- letlet Heeeleord foliage HandboOk, 1e5253.—The Council reappo.t. Gordon Werner. Editor of the Handbook. Fatuity Women's Liaison — Al Stern. eede Student Aram CoordloatorJack Harr. Freshman Introduction Com:innate—The Coencil -decided to post notess on the - 'bulletin boards requestbm men interested In serving an the Freshman In. troductica Committee to sign dale names to the notice. The Council will meet again on Sunday, AP. 29, at 7:00 PM In the Students. Council mom. Freshman introduction Commie The Ceelleh ...Mt. the Mt lowing men to the Freshman In. broduction Comeattee: Clan of 2953—Harry Bair, Ted Curran. Lee Porker, Dish Guidry. Conrad fiellwege. Bruce Hohmann. Are LAMA Labron Shorn.. John Somerndliph Joe Stele, Fled Tebbe% Lew Thomu, Pete Wood. CM. et 1954—Charles Ann. Meng, Dare Beatt, Phil BenRuntn, Bill Hibbing, John Burton, Bob Feeler, Jim Fastener, Orrin Prink, Monty Furth, Ned Hoe llagaworth, Mortis Johnson . Norm Matthews, Dave Perry, Ronnie Reno. Sad Rothman., Bob Seeley, AI Stern, Darrah Thomas. Bill Watson Jones Wren. Clete of WA—Jackson Allen, Harris Arnold. Erie Blanchard, Ted Hied see, Tony Horton. Char,. Brainard, an Straker. Dem EdnejI, Lehn • Franke. Lee Hamilton. Norman Hill. Dave Hogenauer, Ira Kanter. Bob Lewis, John Mackenzie, Mll Man lend. 'red Penick. Paulding Melees, Robert Read, Bruce Reeves, Peter Rosenberger, Al Sects Mike Shoe Bob Wileon, BM Wood. The Council will appoint the Committee chairman at Ate saki meeting. Appointees.. The Council appointed Arnar Singh and Bill Binh as the Hay. erford representatives to the International Ho.e in Philadelphhe Finest The Co.cil levied lines and collected 'toms totalling $16 for the 'ening off of firecracker. and Ms extinguishers on Awn 14. Its subject: How have college graduates made out? Bow deb book ameabout They Went to College n based on a eon.), manor. by T1116, what in. taek i0 this group =cm natura, from the WI Of. men n170.4 ram ere ccelege-thead. rNOS is minas for you and people . like you. people like the thous.. of pad.. of the moretionathowa. Arathcan colleges who answer. TINCR9 gentian.. and revealed many facets oftheirlives—thentheconme One beek, to their relizio. beliefs. This mournain of data was tabulated and analyzed by Path.. -Salter Wert at the Colombia elnivenae, Jammu of APpled Serial Research, then turned over no Ernest Hareem.. a former editor of TOM end • swat... malebtl into-wing marline out of smestioal nweriaL The molt it. e book of major imeonsoe to everyone. womeeenaowounien thatrap S it out carps we tonainit on abaft and radicals? How do gradwteastack vp sesame the made men who bottled their way without the here of four yea, in college—bed get • . tam-your head start in thetas...aid? Are they bean husimdi.. Mee? ha sheepskin redly worth se the effort? chietirm der they Itsa, who yet finessed, who got the host joke, what do Pim rhiak ce courses they took/ There are neet • fee of the beer eh* eremacomecturcend folletreelhe.aleder Iha enprecedented snuff. Youll Sod manes tow,. future in the meentothosequerbone question that we adored in 17103, Went M Conefe, T048'3 new book about one cdArnericas mot iretuential groups of prople, tIteU.S, college madmen Went to College la omitted meting foe ennyeetiywhaemrlM milk...dew te Weer lemming. T Publish. be liwinort. Boo. Now an de et pow loc. Wok twee. Initsparm.youllpierintothe post-grad.. .nomen or those-Greasy Growl, the esBMOC. the erAlearound Sedan and the One Wbe Not Sat There Heir may of them owned. how many Lew-Dawn as Higbee Leeds. rt., If you, aa walerped... soul ime much about your prob.. haunt. If you're • college grad.. SO. bed eat how yea track. again. Me pew. If ye... • leather. y.11 distorre wk.1 bee herons of you manna Anil. montane, what yew inter..., yon end fad for plenty of debate is this book. Berm. its andimer merman we of the lamest mace.. bons of college peewa e. reeling aer owl.- nuaIn ee ae the said today, TIME, The Weekly Neemagarine, undertook 011; comprcheoeve study which ia thn bra of this random book. T IME -10 get it Shaight AT YOUR BOOKSELLERS CHESTERFIELD-LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES At A. F. S. C. . prolanigetA lifer and causedi health" . coma fade awasdandecl tee. joins the gathiedig Mee' May hotti. of Co. acw served- CHESTERFIELDS 1101tlit also Imon•ne",•4".1._ OP PO 410Y-0.1 IN' Philadelphia Coca Cola Bottling Ca. q r..n w easeecot soarer are much MILDER and give you the ADDED PROTECT/ON of NO UNPLEASANTAFTER-TASTE" * MOM DM IMPORT Of A WM-KNOWN RESEARCH ORGANIZATION