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Task Order No. 14-05 Septage Receiving Site Feasibility Study Appendix A DRAFT APPENDIX A – BACKGROUND INFORMATION June 2015 I EN LN N X LEN MA R T E TL OU CLA UD EC DC IEL F LL MI T I CK OV XX UR CT PI KE Y WA LS FAL G NE SB T STO ER S HES LE E DR EL DR R K CI D N BI O PH -LIN NR CT RU EY LL VA N LVI -O BOB LL MI CO RO LE DA LL MI N RU ! (1 ER CA Sewer Pipes 1 Existing Colvin Run Site PS Wastewater Pump Stations ! ( " ) Data Source: Fairfax County GIS 0.1 0.2 Miles Septage Receiving Site Feasibility Study Petitioner Locations GP IKE DR 0.05 UR ILL 0 SB TH ¯ LEE US RP IEW TER C LO SCENIC V SF AR M WA Y OU TLE T DIFFICULT RUN Parcels Petitioner Households Map By: Hazen, Map Date: 06/04/2015 SEPTI C SYSTEMS BY PARCEL, 2014 BEACH A RO MILL D BEACH RO AD MIL L SE N RO AD EC A R ALGONKIAN E WALK RO AD D BEN BU RO AD ER RIV SPRIN PW G VAL E ROAD LE ES RG D ROA PI K E GEORG ETOWN ROAD PIKE D R AN RO AD E SV ILLE SPRINGVALE R WALKE WI HL E N K WAY PA R UE COLV R N LI G NT Y FA X HILL S R RO HILL EY K PI AD OL D E U BE LE WI LA NS H RO D E U E MA L C AD RO D AD R PA R K IDY R EE T LW OO D RO A D LA ST CE D AR MO ME I ST CU A RO EY D CO U A RO X D I DG BR L D OA CK R SH D E EV E AY HIG HW R IN G S RD OW RO AD E SL EP YH SP O L EE AD RO R D RO A HIGHWAY D RO A IN EA D R RA VE U R N ROAD OX RO AD SID EB IN M PT RO BU ON R KE E ROAD EDSALL R OA EA GU AD RO DWA Y CO NPIK RO D RO A CLIFTON DR IVE N RU BU LL E TUR ROAD RO AD DRIV R AD GU RO AD LE RV IL TE CE N RU N BU L L BRADDOCK BRADDO CK ZIO N RIVE IC K AD RO H E AD PO PES LE L CK BA POS T OF F IC AD ON D RO A RO T MP CO PE L NS WO RT H D RO A RO AD PAR KWAY E Y D NT LITT CHA CO U BR CK IA A RO R OA D O A DD IELD ROAD X FA LEE IR FA BRADDOCK NEW Y HWA HIG LN M WAK E F RO AD LI NC O ARR E JOHN DO CK TH PIKE MA P PL L BR AD U SO IA MB LU CO AD S HIR LEE E RO D LE Y L NDA GA TE T RO A PIK E GE A ANN S PO OFFIC E IA CO LUM B H UM ME STO NE RU N D YR AR IN STREET RG EM LTWAY CAPITAL BE MAIN SBU S KE D OR G R I V E MA SO E N D CAR LI N RO A D R OA LE DA LL WS NA N LO PICK E OX WEST LEE GA L AN TT R O AD RO AD D RO A D OL GLE N AY HW HIG PR O SP E R IT AYVE NU E TREE AR Y PO P L LLOW IR FA PI BULL RD CAR LIN E PK W G FE D R OLD P RO AD ICKETT E LE RO A T PA Y NR K PI STRIN KES LA HE IC DRK D RO A BOULEVARD ARLING TON RG AR K DR POPLAR N DALE ROAD ROAD TREE BLVD ON BU D AD TO N S WIL AN NA OA K LEE ES LE A RO RO HI G HW AY HIGHWAY N OW P FAI R VI E W IAL D AN T IE RO HIGHWAY LEE AD NE LA W ES TF BLAKE D RO A GR AH AM MIL L LA R D KE DR ES FO WA PL JE RM LE V AR D LD S BO U ON ME MO R A RO RO AD WEST STREET AD RO Y LE VA L AN T AS PL E ET AC KS Y AD LY K IN LE E- J NE RO L SU DD OC A CH KW AY E STR BR A W AL AD PA R RO VA L E NTY M IL AY W RK PA L A RI O S L NUT X FA OX RO AD ST WE IR FA FO A RO N D LW GALLO RO M OL HA YC L VA D NE WA Y OO WS M AP LE R O AD AV EN LE RO A AD LA ID Y AD RO RO A D HO US E STREET E RE EET RO BY S TR CENT REVIL RT LS FAL L VA IAL HI G H CO U AT LA WY ER S SULLY OL D RO A ROAD ME MO R R KI O RS RD D ON AR AG M AD M YE MI LL A RO AC KS RO Y IT E GR LL MI H U NTER X FO LE E- J D AD ST D E WE W LA RO A IV DR BY R OAD BRIDG E N CH AI GO SNELL X O ROAD T ES W RO AD ERS LAWY R KI IVE U SE ROA D RK E AD R TPA ES W HO D UR T DR IV AD CO N RO AD RO HU N OL D RO AD L EN A ATION TE R AP TR RD A RO AR RO N IN TE R RO AD VIL L E LL DO DO MIN IO ID G E D ILL E ON DIS MA IN BR RO A D SV LS W IN BO U ARD L EV CH AIN OLD G E RD BRID RG V A LL CHA BA L EY LE BU SUN R I SE ES LE I VE DR CAP ITA L RE S L PIKE RO AD T D OA TO N X GEO RG E TO W N Y S U N SE PA R R D LT WA IS E RO A KW AY MO ST NRO RE E ET RO A D L BE FA IR D RO A LE IL TR EV E CE N E RG IV DR SU N DR IV E STATION LE PAR KW AY IAL L LE Y VAL RO A M C R MEMO TO N IL M G TON TO L MI L WASHI N G BROWNS ROAD S LL HI AND ACCESS SUNSET DULLES ROAD WA S H IN FO RG E GEO PIK E MILL PA RK WA Y TO WN N ND ON D IO TE R HU N HE R A RO IN M ON DO CO U COLVI N RUN S ITE ON O GE R ME D OL CA AD BA RON RO AD N RU E ST RO IN E EN U AV TO W LST E AV R ESTON K UE R PA AVE N PA R K WA Y E AD D A LL E DS RO AD KE LA HU L AY ELTW IN GT ON AV EN U A CAPIT B NT RO AD OR RO AD E G IN LL RO AY W BELLE VIEW VD BL NS TR T EE ST R LANE D BOULEV AR IAL IEL LOCKHE ED OR YF HA LA H EM AD AD RO OA D S RO AD RO TON KE LA CH E BL ST E R VD W D M MA N I C KER O ST A RO N YD E NG KI WAY CO N HILL H ARRISO KE OL D PAR K S NE T KE BE A S N HU AY AD M S KIN G AD RO EN E ILL BLVD WAS H I NGTO N PA W RK RO KE LA AD HW Y L FORT X O RO H HW Y FRAN CONI A- SPRINGFIELD D U BE R RO AD IL CO UN TY R BU CL IF K I NGS R OBE RT N S PK WY B LA RO AD FRANCO NIA IG E EE T H RG ST R D ON GE O FA X HM R IC DR FI E LD RING SP BLVD H FA IR NE KEE C O MM ER CE STR EET ND ROA D E SE RO O LD MI LL STREET AD RO D OR N PK W Y L TE VAN RE E AVE NU C L PE HA CE NT KE A S AMHERST R BU N C O NI G FRA D RA PH ROAD RO A RO CLI FTO N ON RS ROAD EL AP CH LE E OA D FAIRFAX PAR KWA Y CO UNTY SH S RO OX M HA R OA D AD D P TO L OD WO ER 'S ER RK PA ANE L D OL L HA RO LLIN G FO R D E YAT R WOLF RS ON E RO AD RUN DE HE N DE PA R K WAY LS S HO A AD HE N N LA OA RO AD D CO L L ING WO OD RO A D RO A D L O ME M LE Y SHI R AD RO NA CE LO RTON RO ROAD NOMAN COLE S ITE AD RI C H AD RO MO ND HIG HW AY FU RN AC E ST O N RO AD SEPTAGE RECEIVING STATIONS GU N ST O N RO AD SEPTIC SYSTEMS OCTOBER 2014 INTERSTATES; TOLL ROADS AC PO TOM BLVD VI EW PARKWAYS; MAJOR ARTERIALS COLLECTORS 0 1 2 4 6 8 Miles Source: Fairfax County GIS and Mapping, Wastewater Management and Fairfax County Health Department. HI MT GU N W E OA D R O ES HO OX FU R Legend ND RI A AD MO V ERNO N IA M EM O R L GH AY W AS H IN G T N O H R IC VERNON E VI EW DRIV K IC AD RO POH K RO HUN T R OA D O HW G HI GEO R G RO AD AY OLD RB RO W GH HIG HWAY STREET MO UNT VERN ON AD E LV P TO N HI VERN O N RO SI H AM AY FO RT RO AD AH R OO K MT BE U L RB K IC LV E KL SI C BA AL BA N TE LE RO GR AD AP H R R OA N M EMO RIAL PAR KW AY Task Order No. 14-05 Septage Receiving Site Feasibility Study Appendix B DRAFT APPENDIX B – HAULER SURVEY RESULTS June 2015 Septage Receiving Facility Survey Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services Wastewater Collection Division The Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services is currently working with the consulting firm of Hazen and Sawyer to conduct a study of the County’s septage receiving program. The purpose of this survey is to gather input on how potential changes to the program may affect your business. Please review and respond to the below questions and return the completed form to Ellen Hall at Hazen and Sawyer via mail, fax, or email by March 27, 2015. We will also be conducting follow-up telephone calls. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Your input will help us to design a program that best meets the needs of your business and all County residents. Reply to: Hazen and Sawyer c/o Ellen Hall 4035 Ridge Top Rd. Fairfax, VA 22030 p. 703-218-2034 f. 703-218-2040 [email protected] Direct general inquiries to: Jonathan Okafor or Tom Russell Wastewater Collection Division Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services 6000 Freds Oak Road Burke, VA 22015 p. 703-250-2700 [email protected] [email protected] 1. What type of waste do you haul? (Check all that apply) Domestic Septage Commerical Septage Grease Trap Waste Portable Toilet Waste Landfill Leachate Other: (Please specify) _________ 2. Which site(s) do you use now, and how many trucks do you use? Colvin Run No. Trucks ______________ Size of Largest Truck (gallons) ______________ Noman Cole No. Trucks ______________ Size of Largest Truck (gallons) ______________ Septage Receiving Survey March 2015 1 3. In the future, do you expect your hauling activity in Fairfax County to increase, decrease, or remain the same? Significant increase Slight increase No change Decrease 4. How important is it to your business to have septage receiving in Fairfax County? Not important Somewhat important Very important 5. How important is it to your business to have septage receiving at or near the Colvin Run site? Not important Somewhat important Very important 6. How important is it to your business to have septage receiving at or near the Noman Cole site? Not important Somewhat important Very important 7. If no septage receiving were provided in Fairfax County, how much would this negatively impact your business? No impact Slight impact Some impact Significant impact 8. Where do you currently pick up the majority of your loads for disposal at Fairfax County facilities? Great Falls/Hunter Mill area Clifton area Gunston/Lorton area Loudoun County District of Columbia Other: (Please specify) ___________ 9. If no septage receiving were provided in Fairfax County, where would you discharge? Blue Plains (District of Columbia) Broad Run (Loudoun County) H.L. Mooney (Prince William County) UOSA (Centreville) Other: (Please specify) ___________ Unknown Septage Receiving Survey March 2015 2 10. If you currently use the Colvin Run site and it were to be permanently closed, how far would you be willing to travel to an alternate site? 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles 15 miles 20 miles or more 11. How would a fee per truckload comparable to fees charged by other jurisdictions affect your decision to discharge waste at Fairfax County sites? No impact Slight impact Some impact Significant impact 12. How much would a fee per truckload affect the costs to the homeowners and businesses that you work with? No impact Slight impact Some impact Significant impact 13. How familiar are you with Fairfax County regulations regarding procedures for septage disposal at Colvin Run and Noman Cole? (Chapter 67-1 of the Fairfax County Code) Not at all Somewhat Very 14. How much do reduced hours of operation at septage receiving facilities affect your decision for choosing which site to use? No impact Slight impact Some impact Significant impact 15. What time of day would you prefer to use a site? (Rank from 1 [most preferred] to 4 [least preferred]. Please provide only one ranking per period--do not repeat the same ranking for different periods). __ Morning __ Afternoon (6 AM – 12 PM) Septage Receiving Survey March 2015 (12 PM – 6 PM ) __ Evening (6 PM – 9 PM) __ Night (9 PM – 6 AM) 3 16. What characteristics/facilities make a site easy to use? (For example, easy access from a major road, washdown facilities, etc.) [Add your comments here.] 17. What characteristics/facilities make a site hard to use? (For example, having to turn the truck around, long wait times, etc.) [Add your comments here.] 18. Additional Comments / Concerns: [Add your comments here.] Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is valued and very much appreciated! Septage Receiving Survey March 2015 4 Hauler Survey Results Summary What type of waste do you haul? Waste Type 30% 21% 36% 11% 2% Domestic Septage Commercial Septage Grease Trap Waste Portable Toilet Waste Landfill Leachate Other In the future, do you expect your hauling activity in Fairfax County to increase, decrease, or remain the same? Projected Changes in Business 38% No Change 52% Slight Increase 10% Significant Increase How important is it to your business to have septage receiving at the Noman Cole site, the Colvin Run site, and in Fairfax County in general? Importance of Having Septage Receiving in Fairfax County Noman Cole Colvin Run Fairfax County 39% 17% 29% 7% 7% 7% Not Important 32% 76% 86% Somewhat Important Very Important Where do you currently pick up the majority of your loads for disposal at Fairfax County facilities? Origin of Waste Discharged in Fairfax County 29% 21% 16% 12% 9% Great Falls/Hunter Mill Area Clifton Area Gunston/ Lorton Area Loudoun County District of Columbia Other Locations (In Fairfax) 14% If no septage receiving were provided in Fairfax County, where would you discharge? Alternative Discharge 11% Locations (If Fairfax Closed) Blue Plains 19% Broad Run 3% 31% H.L. Mooney 11% UOSA Other 25% Unknown If you currently use the Colvin Run site and it were to be permanently closed, how far would you be willing to travel to an alternate site? Distance Hauler Companies Would Travel to an Alternate Site 15% 2 Miles 31% 5 Miles 10 Miles 23% 15 miles 4% 27% 20 Miles or More How would reduced hours of operation or a fee per truckload comparable to fees charged by other jurisdictions affect your decision to discharge waste at Fairfax County sites? Impact of Potential Changes on Deciding to Use a Site Reduced Hours of Operation 10% Fee/Truckload 14% 28% 17% 48% 41% No Impact Slight Impact 41% Some Impact Significant Impact How much would a fee per truckload affect the costs to the homeowners and businesses that you work with? Fee/Truckload Impact on 10% Customer No Impact 7% 34% Slight Impact 48% Some Impact Significant Impact How familiar are you with Fairfax County regulations regarding procedures for septage disposal at Colvin Run and Noman Cole? (Chapter 67-1 of the Fairfax County Code) Level of Awareness of Fairfax County 7% Septage Regulations 24% Not at all 69% Somewhat Very What time of day would you prefer to use a site? (Rank from 1 [most preferred] to 4 [least preferred]. 70% 19% 43% 32% 4% 7% Priority 1 7% Priority 2 18% Preferred Hours of Operation (1 High, 4, Low) 20% 12% 24% Morning 44% 16% 12% Afternoon 24% 48% Evening Night Priority 3 Priority 4 Task Order No. 14-05 Septage Receiving Site Feasibility Study Appendix C DRAFT APPENDIX C – COMMUNITY OUTREACH MATERIALS June 2015 6/4/2015 Department of Public Works and Environmental Services Wastewater Collection Division Septage Receiving Program Informational Meeting December 15, 2014 Meeting Objectives • Provide a general understanding of what the septage receiving program is and why it is needed • Describe the study scope developed in response to the petition received • Obtain community input regarding the existing Colvin Run site 2 1 6/4/2015 Meeting Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Fairfax County’s Wastewater Collection System and Existing Septage Receiving Program 3. Scope of the Septage Receiving Study 4. Feedback on the existing Colvin Run Site 5. Next Steps 3 Wastewater Collection Sewered Area Sewered Area • Pipes collect wastewater from individual homes and businesses Unsewered Area • • • • No pipes connecting individual homes and businesses to the system Relies on septic tanks Waste that collects in septic tanks must be pumped out and hauled to a septage receiving station at least once every five years Other sources of septage include portable toilets and restaurant grease traps Septage Receiving Station To Treatment Facility Unsewered Area 4 2 6/4/2015 Existing Septage Receiving Program Why did Fairfax County establish a septage receiving program? • Need to serve all Fairfax County residents and businesses, including those in unsewered areas • About 21,000 customers in the County do not have access to public sewer and are served by individual household septic systems • Address concerns with uncontrolled/illegal use of manholes What is a septage receiving station? • A place for hauled sewage to be disposed of in a safe and controlled manner • Haulers must obtain a permit to use the site • Conduct monitoring Why must a septage receiving station be near me? • Want a site close to the area where the waste is generated • Shorter trips to the receiving station means less truck traffic on the roads and less cost 5 Existing Colvin Run Site • In operation since late 1970s • Adjacent to Difficult Run Pump Station and major sewers • Easy access from Route 7, access controlled • Receives 6,000 trucks per year or an average of 18 per day • Convenient location to serve unsewered portion of Great Falls DIFFICULT RUN PUMP STATION 6 3 6/4/2015 Existing Noman Cole Site • Located on treatment plant site • In operation since early 1980s • Easy access from Route 1, access controlled (gate guard) • Receives 4,000 trucks per year or an average of 14 per day • Convenient location to serve unsewered areas in Clifton and Lorton 7 Study Scope 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Collect data on existing program Meet with residents Survey haulers Survey neighboring municipalities regarding their programs Conduct geographic analysis and site visits to identify potential site alternatives 6. Perform site screening, including cost/benefit analysis of existing and potential alternative sites 7. Consider fee structure 8. Select most feasible option for implementation 8 4 6/4/2015 Community Input – Colvin Run Site Preliminary Site Screening Criteria • Input Received to-date • Screening Criteria • Potential Improvements Access to sewer with sufficient capacity and flow Ability to accommodate the largest truck used by current commercial haulers as well as a typical Class A RV Ability to provide security, tracking, and pH monitoring Cost (capital and operating) Electrical and utility accessibility Impacts on community (traffic, noise, appearance, etc.) Impacts on haulers Land use/zoning of adjacent area Land use/zoning of site Major road access Parkland/historic resource impacts Wetlands, Streams, and Floodplain impacts 9 Next Steps • Survey haulers • Study siting options • Evaluate options • Meet again in Spring 2015 to review evaluation with community • Pump station improvements also coming in 2015 For Further Input: please contact Padam Sethi by January 15 Email: [email protected] Phone: 703-250-2700 10 5 Task Order No. 14-05 Appendix D Septage Receiving Site Feasibility Study DRAFT APPENDIX D – COST ESTIMATES June 2015 HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists 4035 Ridge Top Rd, Suite 400 Fairfax, Virginia, 22030 Tel: (703) 218-2034 • Fax: (703) 218-2040 PROJECT: Fairfax County Septage Receiving Facility - Site 1, Existing Colvin Run Site PROJECT NO. 32267-008 DESCRIPTION: Draft Planning Cost Estimate PREPARED BY: JA Date: 6/3/2015 REVIEWED BY: EH Date: 6/4/2015 Description DIVISION 1 Start-up and Testing Quantity Units Equipment/materials (2015) 1 LS $5,243.27 1111 1 CY LS $314.60 $18,246.60 $315 $18,247 $18,247 1 200 LS SY $1,048.65 $6.95 $1,049 $7 $1,049 $1,391 1200 1 1 LF EA LS $4.64 $185.40 $524.33 $5 $185 $524 $5,562 $185 $524 311 311 CY CY $15.73 $10.49 $16 $10 $4,892 $3,261 14000 350 300 SF CY LF $3.15 $31.46 $78.65 $3 $31 $79 $44,044 $11,011 1200 1200 750 750 1 1 750 SY SY LF LF LS LS LF $15.45 $7.72 $52.43 $52.43 $524.33 $5,243.27 $48.98 $15 $8 $52 $52 $524 $5,243 $49 Division #2 Subtotal = $18,540 $9,268 $39,325 $39,325 $524 $5,243 $36,737 $239,127 DIVISION 3 Cast-in-place concrete Concrete Truck Pad Concrete Curb Concrete Slab on Grade Concrete Wet Wells 111 60 100 2 CY LF CY EA $524.33 $796 $573 $796 $2,028 Division #3 Subtotal = $88,356.00 $34,380.00 $79,600.00 $4,055.24 $206,391 DIVISION 4 Masonry- Exterior Walls (Brick and Block) 2200 SF $41.95 $42 Division #4 Subtotal = $92,282 $92,282 DIVISION 2 Demolition -Building Demolition Equipment Demolition -Site work Clear and Grub (moderate) Remove Pavement (up to 4") Erosion and Sedimentation Control Silt Fence Inlet Protection E&S Maintenance Earthwork Excavation Backfill Aggregates Subgrade Preparation Stone Subbase Steel H Piles Pavement Bituminous Top Course (2") Top Course (over 2") (Add 1") Curb and Gutter Trench Drain Final Grading Landscaping Fencing w/ Two Gates DIVISION 5 Labor Total Unit Cost $5,243 Division #1 Subtotal = Total Cost $5,243 $5,243 References/Comments HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists 4035 Ridge Top Rd, Suite 400 Fairfax, Virginia, 22030 Tel: (703) 218-2034 • Fax: (703) 218-2040 PROJECT: Fairfax County Septage Receiving Facility - Site 1, Existing Colvin Run Site PROJECT NO. 32267-008 DESCRIPTION: Draft Planning Cost Estimate PREPARED BY: JA Date: 6/3/2015 REVIEWED BY: EH Date: 6/4/2015 Description Grating Aluminum Hatch Miscellaneous Metals Quantity 25 25 1 Units SF SF LS Equipment/materials (2015) $41.95 $52.43 $2,097.31 Total Unit Cost $42 $1,152 $2,097 Division #5 Subtotal = Total Cost $1,049 $28,811 $2,097 $31,957 3000 10 1 SF LF LS $26.22 $10.49 $6,291.93 $26 $10 $6,292 Division #7 Subtotal = $78,649 $105 $6,292 $85,046 DIVISION 8 Single Door and Frames 1 EA $6,291.93 $6,292 Division #8 Subtotal = $6,292 $6,292 DIVISION 9 Painting 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 Division #9 Subtotal = $10,000 $10,000 DIVISION 10 Signage Fire Extinguisher 1 1 LS LS $262.16 $209.73 $75 $60 $337 $270 Division #10 Subtotal = $337 $270 $607 DIVISION 11 Muffin Monster - Sewage Grinder (JWCE Model 30005-008) Lakeside Raptor Unit 1 1 EA EA $38,800.23 $390,600 $5,550 $58,590 $44,350 $449,190 Division #11 Subtotal = $44,350 $449,190 $493,540 DIVISION 13 Deep Bed Carbon System 1 EA $95,951.92 $16,500 $112,452 Division #13 Subtotal = DIVISION 15 24" Pipe Connection HVAC 75 1 LF LS $100,000.00 DIVISION 16 Electrical 1 LS DIVISION 17 Instrumentation 1 LS DIVISION 7 Roofing Downspouts Joint Fillers, Sealants, Caulking Labor $1,100 $455 $100,000 Division #15 Subtotal = $34,125 $100,000 $134,125 $95,321.50 $95,321 Division #16 Subtotal = $95,321 $95,321 $63,547.66 $63,548 Division #17 Subtotal = $63,548 $63,548 Subtotal = Contingency $112,452 $112,452 30% Subtotal = $1,580,000 $474,000 $2,050,000 References/Comments HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists 4035 Ridge Top Rd, Suite 400 Fairfax, Virginia, 22030 Tel: (703) 218-2034 • Fax: (703) 218-2040 PROJECT: Fairfax County Septage Receiving Facility - Site 1, Existing Colvin Run Site PROJECT NO. 32267-008 DESCRIPTION: Draft Planning Cost Estimate PREPARED BY: JA Date: 6/3/2015 REVIEWED BY: EH Date: 6/4/2015 Description Contractor Overhead & Profit General Requirements Mobilization/Demobilization Insurance/Bonds Quantity 15% 5% 5% 3% Units Equipment/materials (2015) Labor Total Unit Cost TOTAL = Total Cost $307,500 $102,500 $102,500 $61,500 $2,620,000 References/Comments PROJECT: Fairfax County Septage Receiving Facility - Site 6, Lake Fairfax Maintenance Facility PROJECT NO. 32267-008 DESCRIPTION: Draft Planning Cost Estimate PREPARED BY: JA Date: 6/3/2015 REVIEWED BY: EH Date: 6/4/2015 Description DIVISION 1 Start-up and Testing DIVISION 2 Demolition -Building Demolition -Site work Clear and Grub (moderate) Erosion and Sedimentation Control Silt Fence Inlet Protection E&S Maintenance Earthwork Excavation Backfill Aggregates Subgrade Preparation Stone Subbase Pavement Bituminous Top Course (2") Top Course (over 2") (Add 1") Curb and Gutter Trench Drain Final Grading Landscaping Fencing w/ Two Gates DIVISION 3 Cast-in-place concrete Concrete Truck Pad Concrete Curb Concrete Slab on Grade Concrete Wet Wells DIVISION 4 Masonry- Exterior Walls (Brick and Block) Masonry- Exterior Walls (Wood) DIVISION 5 Grating Aluminum Hatch Miscellaneous Metals DIVISION 7 Roofing Downspouts Joint Fillers, Sealants, Caulking HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists 4035 Ridge Top Rd, Suite 400 Fairfax, Virginia, 22030 Tel: (703) 218-2034 • Fax: (703) 218-2040 Quantity Units Equipment/materials (2015) 1 LS 1 Total Unit Cost Total Cost $5,243.27 $5,243 Division #1 Subtotal = $5,243 $5,243 LS $30,000.00 $30,000 $30,000 1 LS $1,048.65 $1,049 $1,049 1200 1 1 LF EA LS $4.64 $185.40 $524.33 $5 $185 $524 $5,562 $185 $524 2900 2900 CY CY $15.73 $10.49 $16 $10 $45,616 $30,411 32800 815 SF CY $3.15 $31.46 $3 $31 $103,188 $25,640 2700 2700 1200 1200 1 1 600 SY SY LF LF LS LS LF $15.45 $7.72 $52.43 $52.43 $524.33 $5,243.27 $48.98 $15 $8 $52 $52 $524 $5,243 $49 Division #2 Subtotal = $41,715 $20,853 $62,919 $62,919 $524 $5,243 $29,390 $465,739 111 60 200 2 CY LF CY EA $524.33 $796 $573 $796 $2,028 Division #3 Subtotal = $88,356 $34,380 $159,200 $4,055.24 $285,991 2200 SF $41.95 $42 Division #4 Subtotal = $92,282 $40,000 $132,282 $42 $1,152 $2,097 Division #5 Subtotal = $1,049 $28,811 $2,097 $31,957 $26 $10 $6,292 $78,649 $273 $6,292 25 25 1 SF SF LS $41.95 $52.43 $2,097.31 3000 26 1 SF LF LS $26.22 $10.49 $6,291.93 Labor $1,100 References/Comments PROJECT: Fairfax County Septage Receiving Facility - Site 6, Lake Fairfax Maintenance Facility PROJECT NO. 32267-008 DESCRIPTION: Draft Planning Cost Estimate PREPARED BY: JA Date: 6/3/2015 REVIEWED BY: EH Date: 6/4/2015 Description HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists 4035 Ridge Top Rd, Suite 400 Fairfax, Virginia, 22030 Tel: (703) 218-2034 • Fax: (703) 218-2040 Quantity Units Equipment/materials (2015) DIVISION 8 Single Door and Frames 1 EA DIVISION 9 Painting 1 DIVISION 10 Signage Fire Extinguisher Total Unit Cost Division #7 Subtotal = Total Cost $85,214 $6,291.93 $6,292 Division #8 Subtotal = $6,292 $6,292 LS $10,000 $10,000 Division #9 Subtotal = $10,000 $10,000 1 1 LS LS $262.16 $209.73 $75 $60 $337 $270 Division #10 Subtotal = $337 $270 $607 DIVISION 11 Muffin Monster - Sewage Grinder (JWCE Model 30005-008) Lakeside Raptor Unit 1 1 EA EA $38,800.23 $390,600 $5,820 $58,590 $44,620 $449,190 Division #11 Subtotal = $44,620 $449,190 $493,810 DIVISION 13 Deep Bed Carbon System 1 EA $95,951.92 $16,500 $112,452 Division #13 Subtotal = 350 1 LF LS $100,000.00 DIVISION 16 Electrical 1 LS DIVISION 17 Instrumentation 1 LS DIVISION 15 24" Pipe Connection HVAC Labor $455 $100,000 Division #15 Subtotal = $159,250 $100,000 $259,250 $95,363.97 $95,364 Division #16 Subtotal = $95,364 $95,364 $63,575.98 $63,576 Division #17 Subtotal = $63,576 $63,576 Subtotal = Contingency 30% Contractor Overhead & Profit General Requirements Mobilization/Demobilization Insurance/Bonds 15% 5% 5% 3% $112,452 $112,452 Subtotal = TOTAL = $2,050,000 $615,000 $2,670,000 $400,500 $133,500 $133,500 $80,100 $3,420,000 References/Comments HAZEN AND SAWYER Environmental Engineers & Scientists 4035 Ridge Top Rd, Suite 400 Fairfax, Virginia, 22030 Tel: (703) 218-2034 • Fax: (703) 218-2040 PROJECT: Fairfax County Septage Receiving Facility Improvements - Noman Cole Site PROJECT NO. 32267-008 DESCRIPTION: Draft Planning Cost Estimate PREPARED BY: JA Date: 6/3/2015 REVIEWED BY: EH Date: 6/4/2015 Description DIVISION 1 Start-up and Testing Quantity Units Equipment/materials (2015)Labor Total Unit Cost Total Cost 1 LS $5,243.27 $5,000 Division #1 Subtotal = $5,000 $5,000 1 LS $18,246.60 $17,400 $17,400 1 LS $1,048.65 $1,000 $1,000 1200 1 1 LF EA LS $4.64 $185.40 $524.33 $4 $177 $500 $5,304 $177 $500 20000 370 SF CY $3.15 $31.46 $3 $30 $60,000 $11,100 2222 2222 750 750 1 1 600 SY SY LF LF LS LS LF $15.45 $7.72 $52.43 $52.43 $524.33 $5,243.27 $5,243.27 $48.98 $15 $7 $50 $50 $500 $5,000 $5,000 $47 Division #2 Subtotal = $32,737 $16,365 $37,500 $37,500 $500 $5,000 $5,000 $28,026 $253,109 DIVISION 13 Deep Bed Carbon System 1 EA $95,951.92 $17,300 $113,252 Division #14 Subtotal = DIVISION 16 Lighting Miscellaneous Elec 1 1 EA EA $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,500 $3,750 $7,500 $11,250 Division #16 Subtotal = $7,500 $11,250 $18,750 DIVISION 17 Instrumentation 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000 Division #17 Subtotal = $50,000 $50,000 DIVISION 2 Demolition Equipment Demolition -Site work Clear and Grub (moderate) Erosion and Sedimentation Control Silt Fence Inlet Protection E&S Maintenance Aggregates Subgrade Preparation Stone Subbase Pavement Bituminous Top Course (2") Top Course (over 2") (Add 1") Curb and Gutter Trench Drain Final Grading Landscaping Landscaping Fencing w/ Two Gates Subtotal = Contingency 30% Contractor Overhead & Profit General Requirements Mobilization/Demobilization Insurance/Bonds 15% 5% 5% 3% Subtotal = TOTAL = $113,252 $113,252 $440,000 $132,000 $570,000 $85,500 $28,500 $28,500 $17,100 $730,000 References/Comments Task Order No. 14-05 Appendix E Septage Receiving Site Feasibility Study DRAFT APPENDIX E – RATE DEVELOPMENT June 2015 Fairfax County Wastewater Management Proposed Septage Receiving Rates, FY17-FY21 Annual real discount rate 3% Base Year-FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Revenues Sales of Service 258,839.60 262,847.17 267,841.76 272,052.89 280,214.48 288,620.91 258,839.60 262,847.17 267,841.76 272,052.89 280,214.48 288,620.91 41,685.90 27,350.00 42,936.48 28,170.50 44,224.57 29,015.62 45,551.31 29,886.08 46,917.85 30,782.67 48,325.38 31,706.15 2,000.00 2,272.40 5,000.00 1,000.00 400.00 608.51 100.00 30,000.00 1,000.00 2,060.00 2,340.57 5,150.00 1,030.00 412.00 626.77 103.00 30,900.00 1,030.00 2,121.80 2,410.79 5,304.50 1,060.90 424.36 645.57 106.09 31,827.00 1,060.90 2,185.45 2,483.11 5,463.64 1,092.73 437.09 664.94 109.27 32,781.81 1,092.73 2,251.02 2,557.61 5,627.54 1,125.51 450.20 684.88 112.55 33,765.26 1,125.51 2,318.55 2,634.33 5,796.37 1,159.27 463.71 705.43 115.93 34,778.22 1,159.27 28.20 7,824.39 63,441.00 76,129.20 28.32 7,859.69 63,727.20 76,472.64 28.62 7,942.05 64,395.00 77,274.00 28.75 7,977.35 64,681.20 77,617.44 29.61 8,216.67 66,621.64 79,945.96 30.50 8,463.17 68,620.29 82,344.34 Total Fixed Expenses 111,416.81 114,759.31 118,202.09 121,748.16 125,400.60 129,162.62 Total Fixed and Variable Expenses 258,839.60 262,847.17 267,841.76 272,052.89 280,214.48 288,620.91 Total Revenues Expenses Fixed Expenses Labor Elec, Mech, Instrum, Bld & Grounds Administrative Materials, Equipment, and Other Electricity Mileage Minor Capital Minor Equipment Minor Contractual Misc. Materials Postal Services Solids Removal and Disposal Testing & Lab Variable Expenses Sewer Use Charge Truck Size 1 to 49 gal 50 to 899 900 to 2999 3000 or more Number of Trucks in Bin 8 37 90 54 Total No. Active Trucks Median Size for Bin (gallons) 10 600 2000 4000 189 Net of Revenues and Expenses - - - - - - 593 801 1,294 1,999 611 820 1,315 2,023 629 840 1,341 2,056 648 860 1,363 2,082 667 886 1,404 2,144 687 912 1,446 2,208 - - - - - Annual Fee per Truck Truck Size 1 to 49 gal 50 to 899 900 to 2999 3000 or more Example Annual Bill Truck Size 1 to 49 gal 50 to 899 900 to 2999 3000 or more No. Trucks 0 1 1 1 4,094.69 4,158.24 - Comparison with Other Local Utilities Cost for one 2,000 gallon truck making 53 trips per year Fairfax County 2,004.41 DC Water Loudoun Water PWCSA UOSA WSSC 14,640.00 4,602.00 2,245.00 2,120.00 8,735.00 4,237.37 - 4,304.15 - 4,433.28 - 4,566.28 -