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Fairfax County, Virginia
July 28, 2015
Note: This draft agenda is produced two weeks prior to the Board Meeting and is subject to change. A final agenda is available for
review in the Office of the Clerk to the Board and at http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/government/board/meetings/
by the Friday prior to each Tuesday meeting.
Items Presented by the County Executive
Matters Presented by Board Members
Closed Session
3:00 p.m. SE 2015-SU-009 - LAIBA SHEIKH / LAIBA’S FAMILY DAY CARE, SE Appl. under
Sect(s). 6-105, 6-106, and 8-305 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a home child care facility.
Located at 5723 Triplett Dr., Centreville, 20120, on approx. 11,547 sq. ft. of land zoned PDH-12, WS.
Sully District. Tax Map 54-3 ((10)) 15.
3:00 p.m. SE 2015-SP-012 - MACY’S RETAIL HOLDINGS, INC., SE Appl. under Sect(s). 9-620 of
the Zoning Ordinance to permit a waiver of certain sign regulations. Located at 11700 Lee Jackson
Memorial Hwy., on approx. 14.19 ac. of land zoned C-7, HC. Springfield District. Tax Map 46-3 ((8))
3:00 p.m. RZ 2014-SP-015 - SUNRISE DEVELOPMENT, INC., RZ Appl. to rezone from R 1 to R-3
to permit a medical care facility with an overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.25. Located on the E.
side of Burke Lake Rd., S. of its intersection with Shiplett Blvd., on approx. 4.96 ac. of land. Comp.
Plan Rec: Residential 1-2 du/ac with an option for Residential 2-3 du/ac or for a medical care facility
subject to the conditions to retain and preserve the Silas Burke House. Springfield District. Tax Map
78-3 ((1)) 4. (Concurrent with SE 2014-SP-060).
3:00 p.m. SE 2014-SP-060 - SUNRISE DEVELOPMENT, INC., SE Appl. under Sect(s). 3 304 of
the Zoning Ordinance to permit a medical care facility. Located at 9617 Burke Lake Rd., Burke,
22015, on approx. 4.96 ac. of land proposed to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3. Springfield District. Tax
Map 78-3 ((1)) 4. (Concurrent with RZ 2014-SP-015).
TRAMONTANA, SE Appl. under Sect(s). 6-105, 6-106 and 8-305 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a
home child care facility. Located at 6614 Winstead Manor Ct., Lorton, 22079, on approx. 10,488 sq.
ft. of land zoned PDH-2. Mt. Vernon District. Tax Map 99-2 ((17)) 34.
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D/B/A DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER, SEA Appl. under Sect(s). 3-C04 of the Zoning Ordinance to
amend SE 91-S-031 previously approved for electric substation to permit a telecommunications
facility, change in land area, and associated modifications to site design and development conditions.
Located at 12895 Clifton Creek Dr., Clifton, 20124, on approx. 95.11 ac. of land zoned R-C and WS.
Springfield District. Tax Map 75-3 ((1)) 10.
Appl. under Sect(s). 6-105, 6-106 and 8-305 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a home child care
facility. Located at 1214 Rowland Dr., Herndon, 20170, on approx. 15,771 sq. ft. of land zoned PDH1. Dranesville District. Tax Map 11-1 ((10)) 101.
SE Appl. under Sect(s). 6-105, 6-106 and 8-305 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a home child care
facility. Located at 8045 Winding Way Ct., Springfield, 22153, on approx. 16,130 sq. ft. of land zoned
PDH-3. Mt. Vernon District. Tax Map 98-1 ((4)) 541.
3:30 p.m. PCA 94-L-004 - 4203 BUCKMAN, LLC, PCA Appl. to amend the proffers for RZ 94-L004 previously approved for residential development to permit modifications to proffers and site
design. Located in the N.E. quadrant of the intersection of Buckman Rd. and Main St., on approx.
20,000 sq. ft. of land zoned R-12, HC. Comp. Plan Rec: 2-3 du/ac. with an option for 8-12 du/ac.
Lee District. Tax Map 101-3 ((1)) 15B.
of the Zoning Ordinance to permit electronically-powered regional rail transit facilities. Located at
12530 Sunrise Valley Dr., Herndon, 20191, on approx. 22,550 sq. ft. of land zoned I-4. Hunter Mill
District. Tax Map 16-4 ((1)) 27 (pt.).
under Sect(s). 6-105, 6-106, and 8-305 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a home child care facility.
Located at 6076 Joust Ln., Alexandria, 22315, on approx. 1,950 sq. ft. of land zoned PDH-4 and NR.
Lee District. Tax Map 91-4 ((9)) (24) 40.
JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, PRC Appl. to approve the PRC plan associated with RZ
80-C-111 to permit modifications to an existing place of worship. Located on the S. side of Lake
Newport Rd. and E. side of Fairfax County Pkwy., on approx. 3.53 ac. of land zoned PRC. Comp.
Plan Rec: Residential Planned Community. Hunter Mill District. Tax Map 11-3 ((13)) 1.
4:00 p.m. Public hearing to consider proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan for Fairfax
County, VA, in accordance with the Code of Virginia, Title 15.2, Chapter 22. Plan Amendment 2015III-DS2 concerns an approx. 18.7 acre parcel located between EDS Drive and Wall Road, west of Air
and Space Museum Parkway, (Tax Map Parcel 24-4 ((1)) 6B4) in the Sully Supervisor District. The
subject area is currently planned for campus style office uses at an intensity of .50 to 1.0 FAR, with
an option for mixed use development up to .70 FAR south of EDS Drive. The amendment will
consider replacing approved office uses with up to 150 residential townhomes, and the inclusion of a
County senior center or other county facility, and a youth sports facility on the site.
Recommendations relating to the transportation network may also be modified. Copies of the staff
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report for the proposed amendment may be obtained from the Dept. of Planning & Zoning, 7th floor,
Herrity Bldg. 12055 Government Center Pkwy., Fairfax, Virginia, and can also be viewed on the Web
at http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpz/comprehensiveplan/planamendments.htm . Copies of the
Planning Commission (PC) recommendation may be obtained from the PC, 12000 Government
Center Pkwy., Suite 330, Fairfax, VA. Any questions may be directed to the Planning Div. at 703324-1380.
4:00 p.m. SE 2014-MV-073 - SUPERIOR CONCRETE MATERIALS, INC., SE Appl. under Sect(s).
5-604 and 9-607 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a concrete mixing and batching plant with storage
and accessory uses, and an increase in building height from 75.0 ft. up to a maximum of 85.0 ft.
Located at 8420 Terminal Rd., Lorton, 22079, on approx. 2.00 ac. of land zoned I-6. Mt. Vernon
District. Tax Map 99-3 ((1)) 16A.
4:00 p.m. RZ 2013-DR-017 - JLB DULLES TECH LLC, RZ Appl. to rezone from I-4 to PRM to
permit residential use with an overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.99, inclusive of any bonus
associated with the provision of ADU’s or WDU’s, and approval of the conceptual plan. Located on
the S. side of Dulles Technology Dr., approx. 450 ft. E. of its intersection with River Birch Rd., on
approx. 11.60 ac. of land. Comp. Plan Rec: Mixed Use. Dranesville District. Tax Map 16-3 ((1)) 4
M. (Concurrent with PCA 79-C-037-07, PCA 2002-HM-043, SEA 85-C-119, and SEA 2002-HM-04602).
4:00 p.m. PCA 79-C-037-07 - JLB DULLES TECH LLC, PCA Appl. to amend the proffers for RZ
79-C-037 previously approved for office to permit deletion of land area and associated modifications
to proffers and site design to permit residential use with an overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.99,
inclusive of any bonus associated with ADU’s or WDU’s. Located on the S. side of Dulles
Technology Dr., approx. 450 ft. E. of its intersection with River Birch Rd., on approx. 11.60 ac. of land
zoned I-4. Comp. Plan Rec: Mixed Used. Dranesville District. Tax Map 16-3 ((1)) 4 M. (Concurrent
with RZ 2013-DR-017, PCA 2002-HM-043, SEA 85-C-119, and SEA 2002-HM-046-02).
PCA Appl. to amend the proffers and conceptual plan for RZ 2002-HM-043 previously approved for a
stormwater management facility to permit site modifications and associated modifications to proffers
and site design for the construction of a public road. Located in the S.W. quadrant of the intersection
of Sunrise Valley Dr. and Centreville Rd., on approx. 10.87 ac. of land zoned PDC. Comp. Plan Rec:
Public Parks. Dranesville District. Tax Map 16-3 ((1)) 5 D. (Concurrent with RZ 2013-DR-017, PCA
79-C-037-07, SEA 85-C-119, and SEA 2002-HM-046-02).
AUTHORITY, SEA Appl. under Sect(s). 2-904 of the Zoning Ordinance to amend SE 2002-HM-046
previously approved for uses in a floodplain, to permit the deletion of land area and associated
modifications to site design and development conditions for the construction of a public road.
Located in the S.W. quadrant of the intersection of Sunrise Valley Dr. and Centreville Rd., approx.
450 ft. E. of its intersection with River Birch Rd., on approx. 8.10 ac. of land zoned PDC. Dranesville
District. Tax Map 16-3 ((1)) 5 D. (Concurrent with RZ 2013-DR-017, PCA 79-C-037-07, PCA 2002HM-043, and SEA 85-C-119).
SEA Appl. under Sect(s). 2-904 of the Zoning Ordinance to amend SE 85-C-119 previously approved
for a stormwater management facility in a floodplain, to permit uses in a floodplain and associated
modifications to site design and development conditions. Located on the S. side of Dulles
Technology Dr., approx. 450 ft. E. of its intersection with River Birch Rd., on approx. 14.38 ac. of land
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zoned I-4 and PDC. Dranesville District. Tax Map 16-3 ((1)) 4 M and 5 D. (Concurrent with RZ
2013-DR-017, PCA 79-C-037-07, PCA 2002-HM-043, and SEA 2002-HM-046-02.)
4:00 p.m. RZ 2014-PR-018 - THE EVERGREENE COMPANIES, LLC., RZ Appl. to rezone from R1 to R-4 to permit residential development with a total density of 2.33 du/ac. Located on the S. side
of Chain Bridge Rd., in the S.W. quadrant of its intersection with Sutton Rd., on approx. 1.28 ac. of
land. Comp. Plan Rec: 3-4 du/ac. Providence District. Tax Map 48 1 ((1)) 50.
4:30 p.m. PCA 85-P-037 - INTERNATIONAL PLACE AT TYSONS LLC, PCA Appl. to amend the
proffers for RZ 85-P-037 previously approved for vehicle sale, rental, and ancillary service
establishments to permit retail sales establishment and associated modifications to proffers and site
design with an overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.15. Located S. of Leesburg Pike, N. of Boone
Blvd., and W. of Gallows Rd., on approx. 5.40 ac. of land zoned C-8, SC and HC. Comp. Plan Rec:
Residential Mixed Use and Park/ Open Space. Providence District. Tax Maps 39-1 ((6)) 38 and 39-2
((2)) 39.
4:30 p.m. Public hearing to consider proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan for Fairfax
County, VA, in accordance with the Code of Virginia, Title 15.2, Chapter 22. Plan Amendment
#2015-III-UP1 concerns approx. 50.6 ac. generally located on the east side of Utterback Store Road
and north of Route 7 (Leesburg Pike), Tax Map No. 12-1 ((1)) 45A (1085 Utterback Store Rd.), and
Tax Map Nos. 12-1 ((1)) 45, 35 (1149 Utterback Store Rd.) in the Dranesville Supervisor District. The
area is planned for public facility and public park uses that do not permit public sewer service. The
Amendment will consider limited expansion of the Approved Sewer Service Area to permit sewer
service for Forestville Elementary School and Great Falls Nike Park. The proposed sewer line is
anticipated to traverse Tax Map No. 12-1 ((1)) 36 (11000 Leesburg Pike), cross under Route 7, and
terminate within the existing sewer service area south of Route 7. The 400’ rule would not apply to
this sewer service expansion. Copies of the staff report for this proposed amendment may be
obtained from the Dept. of Planning & Zoning, 7th floor, Herrity Bldg. 12055 Government Center
Pkwy., Fairfax, Virginia, and can also be viewed on the Web at
http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpz/comprehensiveplan/planamendments.htm. Copies of the Planning
Commission (PC) recommendation may be obtained from the PC, 12000 Government Center Pkwy.,
Suite 330, Fairfax, VA. Any questions may be directed to the Planning Div. at 703-324-1380.
4:30 p.m. PCA 2008-LE-015-02 - SPRINGFIELD METRO CENTER II, LLC, PCA Appl. to amend
the proffers for RZ 2008-LE-015 previously approved for office uses to permit an office development
and associated modifications to proffers and site design with an overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of
1.47. Located on the W. side of Springfield Center Dr., S.W. of Springfield Metro Center, on approx.
24,394 sq. ft. of land zoned C-4. Comp. Plan Rec: Office. Lee District. Tax Map 90-4 ((1)) 11B pt.
(Concurrent with PCA 2011-LE-022 and PCA 1998-LE-064-03).
4:30 p.m. PCA 1998-LE-064-03 - SPRINGFIELD PARCEL C LLC, PCA Appl. to amend the
proffers for RZ 1998-LE-064 previously approved for mixed use development to permit an office
development and associated modifications to proffers and site design with an overall Floor Area Ratio
(FAR) of 1.47. Located at the terminus of Metropolitan Center Dr., S.W. of Springfield Metro Center,
on approx. 8.80 ac. of land zoned C-4. Comp. Plan Rec: Office. Lee District. Tax Map 90-2 ((1))
56C pt. (Concurrent with PCA 2011-LE-022 and PCA 2008-LE-015-02).
LLC, PCA Appl. to amend the proffers and conceptual plan for RZ 2011-LE-022 previously approved
for an office development to permit an office development and associated modifications to proffers
and site design with an overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.89. Located on the W. side of Springfield
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Center Dr., S.W. of Springfield Metro Center, on approx. 6.28 ac. of land zoned PDC. Comp. Plan
Rec: Office. Lee District. Tax Map 90-2 ((1)) 56C pt., 58D, and 90-4 ((1)) 11B pt. (Concurrent with
PCA 1998-LE-064-03, and PCA 2008-LE-015-02).
4:30 p.m. Public hearing to propose an ordinance for passage that would amend Chapter 30
(Minimum Private School and Child Care Facility Standards) of The Code of the County of Fairfax,
Virginia. The proposed amendments to Chapter 30, Article 1, include the following primary
substantive changes to the ordinance: The proposed amendment to Section 30-3-2 reduces the time
in which the background checks are renewed to every three years. Currently, this section requires a
search of the Central Criminal Records Search every five years for each applicant and adult resident
in the facility. The proposed amendments also delete obsolete language from Sections 30-3-4 and
4:30 p.m. Public hearing to consider proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan for Fairfax
County, VA, in accordance with the Code of Virginia, Title 15.2, Chapter 22. Plan Amendment PA
2013-I-B2, located in the Mason Supervisor District, concerns approximately 218 acres of land,
surrounding Arlington Boulevard (Route 50), and Leesburg Pike (Route 7). The area is generally
bounded by portions of Wilson Boulevard and the City of Falls Church to the north, and Arlington
County to the north/southeast. The area includes single family properties south of Route 50 and
multi-family properties south of Patrick Henry Drive between Route 50 and Leesburg Pike. On the
south/northwest, the boundary follows the non-residential uses that are along Leesburg Pike and are
adjacent to Juniper Lane, Castle Road, and Sleepy Hollow Road. The area is described as the
Seven Corners Community Business Center (CBC) in the Baileys Planning District of the Area I
Volume of the Comprehensive Plan. Plan text changes are proposed in the Seven Corners CBC
section as well as other sections of the Baileys Planning District and Jefferson Planning District. The
subject area is currently planned for retail, office, residential, mixed use, public facilities, institutional
and other uses at various intensities. The proposed Plan amendment recommends a mixed-use town
center anchored by two less intense mixed-use villages that are connected by a central spine road
that serves motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. Each mixed-use center would include a refined grid
of streets with enhanced streetscapes. The transportation system is recommended to be improved
with a redesign of the Seven Corners interchange into a four-legged intersection of Leesburg Pike,
Wilson Boulevard and Sleepy Hollow Road and with the construction of a new ring road around this
intersection. All roads are recommended to be complete streets that accommodate multiple modes of
transportation. Recommended open spaces include a large-scale civic plaza for community
gathering in the town center, a common green, pocket parks, additional recreational facilities and a
linear green space with a trail. Corresponding to the proposed villages and town center, the
recommended Comprehensive Plan for the Seven Corners CBC concentrates redevelopment in
areas described as Opportunity Areas that were determined to have the greatest redevelopment
potential. The proposed Plan uses a form-based approach to replace existing recommendations
expressed as Floor Area Ratio (FAR) to guide the intensity and form of redevelopment in Opportunity
Areas. Development in each of the three Opportunity Areas is recommended as follows: 1) Willston
Village up to 2,760,000 square feet of residential use, and 391,000 square feet of non-residential
uses; 2) Town Center up to 2,450,000 square feet of residential use, and 1,350,000 square feet of
non-residential uses; and, 3) Leesburg Pike Village up to 404,000 square feet of residential use, and
135,000 square feet of non-residential uses. The overall maximum number of square feet in the CBC
recommended in the Plan could be up to 3,584,000 square feet of existing and new non-residential
uses, and 6,723,000 square feet of existing and new residential uses. Recommendations on
maximum total development potential of the CBC, building height, uses and urban design guide buildout potential in an Opportunity Area. In addition, redevelopment is expected to be accompanied by
coordinated development and phasing plans; contributions to the transportation network, public parks
and public facilities; achievement of at least LEED certification, provision of affordable housing and
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demonstration of compatibility with adjacent lower density areas planned to remain. Potential
development in areas outside the Opportunity Areas is recommended to continue to be guided by
floor area ratio limits. Other revisions to areawide text are recommended as needed to be consistent
with new site specific guidance or to reflect editorial updates. Other changes to transportation
network and public facilities guidance may also be adopted. In addition, the description of the Baileys
Crossroads CBC Concept for Future Development is also recommended to be revised to reflect Plan
Amendments PA 2013-I-B2 and ST10-CW-3CP. Copies of the staff report for this proposed Plan
amendment may be obtained from the Dept. of Planning & Zoning, 7th floor, Herrity Bldg., 12055
Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax, VA, and can also be viewed on the Web at
http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpz/comprehensiveplan/planamendments.htm. Copies of the Planning
Commission (PC) recommendation may be obtained from the PC, 12000 Government Center Pkwy.,
Suite 330, Fairfax, VA. Any questions may be directed to the Planning Div. at 703-324-1380.
5:00 p.m. PCA 78-S-063-07 - WESTFIELDS VENTURE LP, PCA Appl. to amend the proffers for
RZ 78-S-063 previously approved for business/industrial park to delete 50.59 ac. to be included in
concurrent RZ 2014-SU-016. Located in the N.W. quadrant of the intersection of Westfields Blvd.
and Stonecroft Blvd., on approx. 50.59 ac. of land of land zoned I-3. Sully District. Tax Map 44-3
((1)) 15. (Concurrent with RZ 2014-SU-016).
5:00 p.m. RZ 2014-SU-016 - WESTFIELDS VENTURE LP, RZ Appl. to rezone from I 3, WS to
PRM, WS to permit mixed use development with an overall Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.50 including
bonus density for the provision of Affordable Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Workforce Dwelling Units
(WDUs), approval of the conceptual plan, and a waiver #1764-WPFM-001-1 to permit the location of
underground stormwater management facilities in a residential area. Located on the N.W. quadrant
of the intersection of Westfields Blvd. and Stonecroft Blvd., on approx. 50.59 ac. of land. Comp. Plan
Rec: Mixed Use. Sully District. Tax Map 44-3 ((1)) 15. Also, under the Board’s consideration will be
the applicant’s Water Quality Impact Assessment Request #6179-WQ-004-1 and a Resource
Protection Area Encroachment Exception Request #6179-WRPA-007-1 under Section 118-6-9
(Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance) of Chapter 118 of the Code of the County of Fairfax to
permit the encroachment within a Resource Protection Area (RPA) for the purpose of constructing
amenities. (Concurrent with PCA 78-S-063-07).
5:00 p.m. Public hearing, pursuant to Virginia Code Ann. §15.2-2204, for vacating and abandoning
a part of the plat of Jasper Lane, recorded in Deed Book 12964, at Page 694 on which is shown
Jasper Lane, a total of 17,259 square feet and a distance of 298.29 feet. The road is located on Tax
Map 91-1 and is described and shown on the metes and bounds schedule dated December 12, 2012,
and plat dated August 9, 2012, and revised through April 20, 2015, prepared by VIKA, Inc., both of
which are on file in the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, 4050 Legato Road, Suite 400,
Fairfax, Virginia 22033, Telephone Number 703 877-5600. (Lee District).
5:00 p.m. Public hearing pursuant to Virginia Code Ann. § 15.2-2204 on the proposed
abandonment of a portion of the public road known as Willard Road (Route 607), from the cul-de-sac
immediately north of Route 50 north to Stonecroft Boulevard, a distance of approximately 626 feet,
pursuant to Virginia Code § 33.2-909. The road is located on Tax Map 33-2, and is described and
shown on the metes and bounds schedule and plat prepared by Rinker Design Associates, P.C.,
dated February 26, 2009, and last revised May 4, 2015, both of which are on file with the Fairfax
County Department of Transportation, 4050 Legato Road, Suite 400, Fairfax, Virginia 22033,
Telephone Number 703-877-5600. (Sully District).
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5:00 p.m. Public hearing on the matter of amendments to the Public Facilities Manual (PFM), as
follows: The proposed amendment revises the PFM’s sidewalk waiver provisions to: 1) revise PFM
Section 8-0101.5 to codify instances when the developer will be relieved of the requirement to
construct a sidewalk and to provide an escrow; 2) revise PFM Section 8-0101.6 to replace the
reference to “undue hardship” with a list of criteria that may be considered by the Director of the
Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, in consult with the Board of Supervisors’
member for the relevant magisterial district, when evaluating a modification or waiver request; and 3)
add PFM Section 8-0101.6A and B related to conditions to any modification or waiver.
5:30 p.m. Public hearing on proposed revisions to Chapter 3, Articles 2, 3, and 7, of The Code of
the County of Fairfax, to modify the methodology for determining the annual employer contribution
rates for the Employees’, Police Officers’, and Uniformed Retirement Systems.
6:00 p.m. Citizens and Businesses of Fairfax County are encouraged to present their views on
issues of concern. The Board will hear public comment on any issue except: issues under litigation,
issues which have been scheduled for public hearing before the Board (this date and future dates),
personnel matters and/or comments regarding individuals. Each speaker may have up to three
minutes and a maximum of 10 speakers will be heard. Speakers may address the Board only once
during a six-month period.
All persons wishing to present their views on these subjects may call the Office of the Clerk to the
Board at 703-324-3151 to be placed on the Speakers List, or may appear and be heard. As required
by law, copies of the full text of proposed ordinances, plans and amendments, as applicable, as well
as other documents relating to the aforementioned subjects, are on file and may be examined at the
Office of the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, Suite 533 of the Fairfax County Government Center,
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia. For the convenience of the public, copies may
also be distributed to the County's Regional and Community Public Libraries.
Fairfax County is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in all county
programs, services and activities and supports the Americans with Disabilities Act by making
reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Open captioning will be provided in
the Board Auditorium. For sign language interpreters or other accommodations, please call the
Clerk's Office, 03-324-3151, TTY: 703-324-3903, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours
before the public hearing. Assistive listening devices are available at the meeting.
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