
2014 Faculty Achievements and Activities Extension Awards and Honors

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2014 Faculty Achievements and Activities Extension Awards and Honors
Faculty Achievements and Activities
Awards and Honors
Banks, Jeffrey E
NACAA Communications Personal Column National Finalist (July 22, 2014)
NACAA Horticulture Presentation Certificate of Accomplishment (July 22, 2014)
UACAA Communication Fact Sheet Winner (June 19, 2014)
UACAA Communication Personal Column Winner (June 19, 2014)
Mt Nebo Future Farmers of America Chapter Distinguished Service Award (April 30, 2014)
National Agricultural Statistics Service of Appreciation Award (March 5, 2014)
Utah State University 35 Years of Service Award (March 5, 2014)
Utah State University Extension Certificate of 35 years (March 5, 2014)
Utah Fairs and Events Association Outstanding Service Award (January 25, 2014)
Banks, Sterling J
Distinguished Service Award for Utah/National Association Of Extension 4-H Agents (November 5, 2014)
Beddes, Taun D
2011 Communications Award
2011 Communications Award
Brower, Naomi A
Visionary Leadership Award (March 2014)
Christensen, Amanda H
Continued Excellence Award (October 30, 2014)
Continued Excellence Award (March 5, 2014)
Early Career Service Award (March 5, 2014)
Peer Recognition Award (March 5, 2014)
Cooper, Troy D
25 Years of Sevice Award (October 30, 2014)
25 Years of Sevice Award (October 5, 2014)
Cromwell, Shannon K
Innovative Program Individual Award, 2nd Place (March 2014)
Francis, David W
Achievement in Service Award
Search for Excellence in Teen Programming-Team Western Region Winner
Gale, Jody A
Certificate of Merit - Communications Award (June 22, 2014)
Sterling Scholar Judge – Agriculture (March 20, 2014)
25 Years of Service Recognition (March 5, 2014)
Certificate of Service - 25 Years (March 5, 2014)
Distinguished Service (March 5, 2014)
Haws, Susan D
Program Excellence through Research (September 17, 2014)
Innovative Program (Team) (March 6, 2014)
Program Excellence Through Research (March 6, 2014)
State Distinguished Service Team Award (March 5, 2014)
Heaton, Kevin M
National Finalist Communication Award -- Promotional Piece (July 2014)
Distinguished Service Award (July 24, 2014)
Henderson, Ann E
Best Supervisor (October 9, 2014)
Certificate of Service - 30 Years (March 6, 2014)
Hill, Paul A
Communications Award for Program Promotional Piece (Team) (October 2014)
Super Affiliate (August 2014)
Excellence in Agriculture (May 2014)
Hunter, Britney L
Communications Award (July 24, 2014)
Jimenez, LaCee N
Excellence for Food $ense Nutrition Education -Start Up Programming (October 10, 2014)
Jorgensen, Suzanne A
UEAFCS Mid Career Educator (March 6, 2014)
Mid-Career Service (March 5, 2014)
MacArthur, Stacey S
Achievement of Service National Award (2014)
Achievement of Service State Award (2014)
Memmott, Margie P
Certificate of Appreciation (June 13, 2014)
Outstanding Achievement Certificate (April 15, 2014)
Miner, F Dean
Continued Excellence Award (2014)
Distinguished Service Award (March 27, 2014)
Mueller, Mary L
Innovative Program Individual Award (March 6, 2014)
Nelson, Cindy
Peer Recognition Award (March 6, 2014)
Nelson, R M
Distinguished Service Award (October 30, 2014)
Olsen, Shawn H
Award of Appreciation (2014)
Patterson, Ronald K
Communication Award--Video Presentation (July 22, 2014)
Communication Award--Video Presentation (March 2014)
Peterson, Gaelynn
New Educator Award (March 6, 2014)
Peer Recognition Award (March 6, 2014)
Prevedel, Suzanne M
Certificate of Appreciation (October 9, 2014)
Proctor, Debra G
2000 Outstanding FACS Professional in Extension
2004 Living Well Award
2006 Innovative Team Award for Preserve the Harvest Fact Sheets
2014 Program Excellence Through Research Award (September 16, 2014)
2014 Distinguished Team Award (March 5, 2014)
Reid, Chad R
Communication Award - Program Promotional Piece (July 22, 2014)
Agriculture Awareness and Appreciation Award (July 21, 2014)
Riggs, Kathleen
Outstanding Extension Professional in FCS (November 7, 2014)
School Wellness Award- 2nd Place Western Region (September 17, 2014)
School Wellness Award (March 6, 2014)
Roueche, Joanne M
Marketing/Public Relations Team Award (March 2014)
Serfustini, Ellen J
Effects of Altitude on Temperature and Pressure in Electric Programmable Pressure Cookers (September
Mary W. Wells Memorial Diversity Award 1st place Western Region (team) (September 2014)
Diversity Award (team) (May 2014)
Sulser, Allan R
Wasatch High School Alumni Hall of Fame (September 2014)
Excellence in 4-H Programming (July 2014)
Innovativev Program (June 2014)
Program Excellence through Research (June 2014)
Wilde, Trenton W
Achievement Award (July 22, 2014)
Williams, Scott R
20 years of Service (March 2014)
Worwood, Dennis R
National Finalist, Communications (July 23, 2014)
Publications/Intellectual Contributions
Albertson, Marilyn K
Albertson, M. K. (2014). In Mike Whitesides (Ed.), Are You Prepared for Financial Emergencies (vol.
September 6 2014, pp. 5). Logan, Utah:. http://livewellutah.org
Albertson, M. K. (2014). In Matt Hargreaves (Ed.), Money Matters: Are You Prepared for Financial
Emergencies? (7th ed., vol. 60, pp. 10). Sandy, Utah: Utah Farm Bureau Federation.
Albertson, M. K. (2014). In Margie Memmott (Ed.), Do You Have a Home Inventory? (3rd Quarter 2014
ed., pp. 2). Nephi, Utah:.
Albertson, M. K. (2014). In Mike Whitesides (Ed.), Tips for Raising Money Savvy Kids (vol. July 23,
2014, pp. 5). Logan, Utah:. http://livewellutah.org/2014/07/23/money-savvy-kids/
Albertson, M. K. (2014). In Matt Hargreaves (Ed.), Money Matters: Is Your Family a Target for
Identity Theft (3rd ed., vol. 60, pp. 28). Sandy, Utah: Utah Farm Bureau Federation.
Bagley, Verl L
Bagley, V. L. (in press). Geographic Information Systems For Water Quality-Examples From The Little
Bear and Otter Creek, Utah. Proceedings of Watershed 96. Baltimore, MD.
Banks, Jeffrey E
Banks, J. E. (2014). News and Views From Your County Agent (pp. p. 130). National Association of
County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Noxious Weeds: A Growing Concern (pp. p. 163). National Association of County
Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Designing a PVC Drip Irrigation System (pp. p.17). Utah Association of County
Agricultural Agents Conference Proceedings.
Banks, J. E. (2014). News and Views From Your Agent (pp. p.18). Utah Association of County
Agricultural Agents Conference Proceedings.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Noxious Weeds: A Growing Concern (pp. p.5). Utah Association of County
Agricultural Agents Conference Proceedings.
Banks, J. E. (2014). News and Views From Your County Agent. The Times News.
Banks, J. E., Memmott, M. P. (2014). Juab County 4-H Newsletters. Juab County Extension.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Juab County Fair Steer Carcass Contest Results.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Juab County Fair Steer Carcass Contest Results - PowerPoint.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Noxious Weeds: A Growing Concern - PowerPoint.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Designing a PVC Drip Irrigation System - YouTube Video.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Designing a PVC Drip Irrigation System - PowerPoint.
Banks, J. E., Memmott, M. P. (2014). Juab County Extension Highlights.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Juab County Ag Informer. Juab County Extension.
Banks, J. E. (2014). Search for Excellence in Landscape Horticulture (4th ed., vol. LXXIII, pp. p. 13).
Maroa, IL: The County Agent: Publication of The National Association of County Agricultural
Banks, J. E. (2014). Juab County Fair Junior Livestock Committee Bylaws.
Banks, Sterling J
Banks, S. J. (2014). Summit County Junior Livestock Program Newsletter (4 issues) (vol. 1-4, pp. 1-4).
Coalville, Utah: Summit County 4-H.
Banks, S. J. (2014). In Summit County Extension (Ed.), How To Tell Sulfur Cinquefoil from the Native
Cinquefoils (1st ed., vol. 1, pp. 1-2). Coalville, Utah: Summit County Extension.
Banks, S. J. (2014). In Cheryl Ovard (Ed.), Summit County Weed Week Resolution (vol. 1). Coalville,
Utah: Summit County News.
Hunter, B., Banks, S. J. (2014). In USU Extension (Ed.), Recommended Vegetable Varieties for
Northern Utah (Horticulture/Vegetables/2014-00 ed., pp. 1-2). Logan, Utah: USU Extension
Service. extension.usu.edu
Banks, S. J., Haws, S. (2014). Summit County 4-H Newsletter (3 issues) (vol. 1-3, pp. 1-4). Coalville,
Utah: Summit County 4-H.
Banks, S. J. (2014). In Dennis Hinkamp (Ed.), How Can I Prevent Vole Damage? (March 19, 2014 ed.).
Logan, Utah: USU Extension Service.
Banks, S. J. (2014). In Sterling Banks (Ed.), Summit County 4-H and FFA Junior Market Livestock
Program 2014 Outline (1st ed., vol. 1, pp. 1-2). Coalville, Utah: Summit County 4-H.
Banks, S. J. (2014). Summit Ag. Notes (vol. 1, pp. 1-3). Coalville, Utah: Summit County Extension.
Barnhill, James V
Steinitz, T., Wagner, K. M., Drost, D. T., Alston, D. G., Hunter, B., Nischwitz, C., Ramirez, R., Allen,
N., Barnhill, J. V., Frame, D., Pace, M., Durward, C., Reeve, J., Jewkes, M., Heflebower, R. F.
(2014). A Guide to Common Organic Gardening Questions. USU Extension.
Alston, D. G., Murray, M., Barnhill, J. V. (2015). Walnut Husk Fly [Rhagoletis completa (Cresson)]
(vol. ENT-173-14, pp. 7 pp.). Logan, Utah: Utah State University Extension.
Barnhill, J. V. (2014). Green Manure Between Small Grains Plantings (pp. page 6). Price, Utah: Utah
Association of County Agriculture Agents Professional Improvement Conference.
Wagner, K. (2014). Backyard Beekeeping. A Guide to Common Organic Gardening Questions (pp.
173-177). Logan, Utah: Utah State University. [email protected]
Holmgren, L. N., Young, A., Israelsen, C. E., Barnhill, J. V. (2014). 2014 Costs and Returns for a 250
Cow Dairy Operation Northern Utah.
Nischwitz, C., Dihman, C., McCullough, M., Rhoads, B., Barnhill, J. V., Pace, M. New severe symptoms
caused by Watermelon mosaic virus on squash and pumpkin in Utah. Saint Paul, Minnesota: The
American Phytopathological Society.
Beddes, Taun D
Beddes, T., Drost, D. T., Alston, D. G., Nischwitz, C., Bunn, B. (2014). Sweet Corn Production. Utah
Vegetable Production and Pest Management Guide. Logan, UT: Utah State University.
Beddes, T., Kopp, K., Whitesides, R. E., Gunnell, J. (in press). Weed Control Options for Residential
Lawns in Utah.
Belliston, James T
Lyons, L., Belliston, J. T. 4-H County & State Online Fair Program.
Brower, Naomi
Brower, N., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Cake Decorating Clubs. Utah State University 4-H.
Proctor, D. G., Brower, N., Haws, S. Discovery 4-H Healthy Snacks.
Bunnell, Jolene B
Shepperd, E., Bunnell, J. B. Peviewong the past and looking to the future: 4-H Mentorig of Centeral
Caron, Michael S
Caron, M. S., Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J. (2014). Apple Pruning.
Goodspeed, J., Caron, M. S., Gunnell, J. (2014). Ornamental Grass Care.
Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., Caron, M. S. (2014). Peach Pruning.
Caron, M. S., Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J. (2014). Pruning Tools.
Davis, R., Caron, M. S. Shothole Borers.
Chapman, Carl K
Gale, J. A., Chapman, K., Daniels, S. (2014). In Beth Burritt (Ed.), Monroe Mountain Aspen
Collaborative Working Group. Logan, Utah: Utah Section - Society of Range Management.
Chapman, K. (2014). Utilizing Repurposed Materials to Construct Utility Buildings and Small Animal
Shelters (AG/FarmBuildings/2014-01pr ed.). Logan, Utah: USU Extension.
Gale, J. A., Chapman, K. Monroe Mountain Aspen Collaborative Working Group. Logan, Utah: Utah
State University Extension.
Gale, J. A., Chapman, K. Monroe Mountain Aspen Collaborative Working Group. Logan, Utah: Utah
State University Extension.
Christensen, Amanda H
Christensen, A., Roberts, A., MacArthur, S., Jewkes, M., Garcia, Z. (2015). Comprehensive mentoring
of extension professionals: Investing in the future of extension. Journal of National Extension
Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 9(2014).
Christensen, A. Farm Bureau News Articles.
Christensen, A. In Amanda Christensen (Ed.), Morgan County 4-H Blog.
Christensen, A. In Amanda Christensen (Ed.), Morgan County FCS Blog.
Christensen, A. Morgan County News Articles.
Christensen, A., Memmott, M. P., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H & Fidelity Investments Money
Mentors Clubs. Logan, UT: Utah 4-H: Discover 4-H Curriculum.
Christensen, A., Peterson, G., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Theatre Clubs.
Nummer, B. A., Hunsaker, T. C., Washburn, C., Christensen, A. (2014). A guide to food storage for
emergencies. Logan, UT: Utah State University Extension.
Martin, L., Christensen, A. Budgeting-Using the Envelope System to Stay on Track.
Cooper, Troy D
Cooper, T. D., Rothlisberger, D., ZoBell, D. (2014). Beef Cattle Nutrition, Minerals.
Cooper, T. D., Rothlisberger, D., Frame, D. (2014). Basic Selection, Nutrition and Care of Show Poultry.
USU Extension. extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/AG_Poultry_2014-01pr.pdf
Cromwell, Shannon K
Cromwell, S., Palmer, M. D. Five Essential Elements: A Model for Developing Effective Extension
Cromwell, S. 4-H Family Fun Nights: Connecting Families, Schools, and Communities.
Other Intellectual Contributions
Cromwell, S., Nelson, C. (in press). Food & Field Olympics: Activities for Young Children.
Cromwell, S. (in press). 4-H Family Fun Nights: Connecting Families, Schools, and Communities.
Cromwell, S. (in press). 4-H Family Fun Nights: Connecting Families, Schools, and Communities.
Elsner, James J
Mesner, N., Elsner, J. J. (2014). Improving Utah’s Water Quality. Little Bear River Watershed..
Francis, David W
Hill, P. A., Francis, D. W. (2014). Responding to the Needs of Geographically Dispersed Military
Youth. Journal of Extension. www.joe.org/joe/2014april/a4.php
Hill, P. A., Francis, D. W. (2015). 4-H and the Maker Movement. Journal of Extension. www.joe.org
Hill, P. A., Francis, D. W. (2015). Extension and the Maker Movement. Journal of Extension.
Porter, L., Francis, D. W., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Forces of Nature Clubs.
Porter, L., Francis, D. W., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Kitchen Science Clubs.
Porter, L., Francis, D. W., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Planet Energy Clubs.
Porter, L., Francis, D. W., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Spa & Relaxation Clubs.
Porter, L., Francis, D. W., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Spy & Crime Clubs.
Gale, Jody A
Gale, J. A., Chapman, K., Daniels, S. (2014). In Beth Burritt (Ed.), Monroe Mountain Aspen
Collaborative Working Group. Logan, Utah: Utah Section - Society of Range Management.
Gale, J. A. (2014). A Perspective on Economic Development from a Traditional Extension Agricultural
Educator R. Clearwater, Florida 33755: National Association of Community Development
Extension Professionals.
Patterson, R., Worwood, D. R., Gale, J. A. (2014). How to Kill Russian Olive Trees. Logan, Utah: Utah
State University Extension. www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN0HfFc2e-4
Gale, J. A., Chapman, K. Monroe Mountain Aspen Collaborative Working Group. Logan, Utah: Utah
State University Extension.
Gale, J. A., Chapman, K. Monroe Mountain Aspen Collaborative Working Group. Logan, Utah: Utah
State University Extension.
Garcia, Zurishaddai A
Christensen, A., Roberts, A., MacArthur, S., Jewkes, M., Garcia, Z. (2015). Comprehensive mentoring
of extension professionals: Investing in the future of extension. Journal of National Extension
Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 9(2014).
Youth Development.
Garcia, Z., Dew, J. P. Race and ethnic differences in parent time spent on children’s education. Journal
of Extension.
Garcia, Z. (2014). Volunteering - Spreading the Love. Logan, UT: Live Well Utah e-Newsletter.
Hill, P. A., Garcia, Z., Jimenez, L. N., MacArthur, S. Discover 4-H: Computer Science (Intermediate).
Logan, UT: Utah State University.
Hill, P. A., Jimenez, L. N., Garcia, Z., MacArthur, S. Discover 4-H: Computer Science (Junior). Logan,
UT: Utah State University.
Goodspeed, Jerry L
Caron, M. S., Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J. (2014). Apple Pruning.
Goodspeed, J., Caron, M. S., Gunnell, J. (2014). Ornamental Grass Care.
Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., Caron, M. S. (2014). Peach Pruning.
Caron, M. S., Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J. (2014). Pruning Tools.
Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J. L., Anderson, R. M. Ornamental Grasses in the Landscape - A Guide for the
Intermountain West.
Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J. L., Hunter, B. The Gardener's Almanac - Timely Tips for the Yard and
Gunnell, Jaydee
Caron, M. S., Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J. (2014). Apple Pruning.
Goodspeed, J., Caron, M. S., Gunnell, J. (2014). Ornamental Grass Care.
Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J., Caron, M. S. (2014). Peach Pruning.
Caron, M. S., Goodspeed, J., Gunnell, J. (2014). Pruning Tools.
Beddes, T., Kopp, K., Whitesides, R. E., Gunnell, J. (in press). Weed Control Options for Residential
Lawns in Utah.
Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J. L., Anderson, R. M. Ornamental Grasses in the Landscape - A Guide for the
Intermountain West.
Gunnell, J., Goodspeed, J. L., Hunter, B. The Gardener's Almanac - Timely Tips for the Yard and
Guy, Stanley M
Snyder, D. L., Guy, S. M. (2014). 2013 Utah State University Combined Research and Extension Report
of Accomplishments and Results.
Snyder, D. L., Guy, S. M. (2014). 2015 Utah State University Combined Research and Extension Plan of
Guy, S. M. (2014). Heads Up Updates and Issues (1st ed., vol. 9, pp. 1).
Guy, S. M. (2014). Layton City Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment Survey.
Hashimoto, Cathy A
Nelson, C., MacArthur, S., Hashimoto, C. (2014). Discover 4-H Fitness Clubs.
Haws, Susan D
Proctor, D. G., Haws, S. The 4-H Knitting Handbook.
Proctor, D. G., Haws, S., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Sewing Clubs.
Haws, S., Proctor, D. G., Memmott, M. P. Discover 4-H Crochet Curriculum. Logan, UT: Discover 4-H
Banks, S. J., Haws, S. (2014). Summit County 4-H Newsletter (3 issues) (vol. 1-3, pp. 1-4). Coalville,
Utah: Summit County 4-H.
Haws, S. (in press). Discovery 4-H sewing.
Proctor, D. G., Brower, N., Haws, S. Discovery 4-H Healthy Snacks.
Proctor, D., Haws, S., Bower, N., Christensen, D., Washburn, C. 4-H fun with foods ; Level 2 project
Haws, S., Proctor, D. Discovery 4-H Crocheting.
Heaton, Kevin M
Bingham, T. J., Waldron, B. L., Creech, J. E., Peel, M. D., Miller, R. L., Snyder, D. L., ZoBell, D., Eun,
J.-S., Jensen, K., Parkinson, S., Heaton, K. Tall fescue mixtures with birdsfoot trefoil or alfalfa
improve forage production, steer gains, and economic returns. Agronomy Journal.
Heflebower JR, Richard F
Steinitz, T., Wagner, K. M., Drost, D. T., Alston, D. G., Hunter, B., Nischwitz, C., Ramirez, R., Allen,
N., Barnhill, J. V., Frame, D., Pace, M., Durward, C., Reeve, J., Jewkes, M., Heflebower, R. F.
(2014). A Guide to Common Organic Gardening Questions. USU Extension.
Black, B. L., Lindstrom, T., Heflebower, R. F., Hunter, B., Olsen, S. H., Alston, D. G. (2015).
Adaptability of floricane-fruiting raspberry cultivars to a high-elevation arid climate. Journal of
Amercian Pomological Society, 69(2), 74-83.
Hunter, B., Heflebower, R. F., Olsen, S. H., Black, B. L., Alston, D. G., Lindstrom, T. (2015). A
comparison of 16 summer-bearing raspberry cultivars for northern Utah
(Horticulture/Fruit/2012-02PR ed., pp. 6 pp.). Logan, UT: Utah State University Extension.
Kratsch, H., Heflebower, R. F. (2014). Gardening Guide for High-Desert Urban Landscapes of Great
Basin Regions in Nevada and Utah.
Heflebower, R. F. (2014). Controlling Curly Top of Tomato. UT:.
Henderson, Ann E
Henderson, A. E. (2014). Keep Your Cool this Summer.
Higginbotham, Brian J
Higginbotham, B., Goodey, S. (in press). Relationship and Marriage Education for Stepfamilies.
Evidence Based Approaches to Relationship and Marriage Education. Routledge.
Refereed Journal Articles
Bradford, K. P., Stewart, J. W., Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L. M. (2015). The Perceived Relationship
Knowledge Scale: An Initial Validation. Family Relations, 64(2), 305-318.
Stewart, J. W., Bradford, K. P., Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L. M. (2014). Relationship Help-seeking
in a Community Sample: Testing Differences by Geography and Gender. Forum for Family &
Consumer Science Issues, 19(3). Online: http://www.ncsu.edu/ffci/publications/2014/v19‐ n3‐
Bradford, K. P., Higginbotham, B., Skogrand, L. M. (2014). Healthy relationship education: A case
study and outcome evaluation. Marriage and Family Review, 50(2), 93-106.
Bradford, K. P., Huffaker, S., Stewart, J. W., Skogrand, L. M., Higginbotham, B. (2014). Successes and
Challenges in a Statewide Relationship Education Initiative. Family & Consumer Sciences
Research Journal, 42(3), 252-266.
Skogrand, L. M., Mendez, E., Higginbotham, B. (2014). Latina women’s experiences in a Stepfamily
Education course. Family Journal, 22(1), 49-55.
Vaterlaus, M., Skogrand, L. M., Bradford, K. P., Higginbotham, B. (in press). University-Community
Partnerships in Providing Relationship Education: A Longitudinal Qualitative Case Study. Journal
of Community Engagement and Scholarship.
Omer, L., Higginbotham, B. Pre-remarriage history and current (step)parenting difficulties.
Hill, Paul A
Hill, P. A., Read, N., MacArthur, S. (2014). Google Search Mastery Basics. Journal of Extension.
Hill, P. A., Francis, D. W. (2014). Responding to the Needs of Geographically Dispersed Military
Youth. Journal of Extension. www.joe.org/joe/2014april/a4.php
Hill, P. A., Francis, D. W. (2015). 4-H and the Maker Movement. Journal of Extension. www.joe.org
Hill, P. A., Francis, D. W. (2015). Extension and the Maker Movement. Journal of Extension.
Hill, P. A., MacArthur, S., Read, N., Nelson, C. (2014). Google Search Mastery Operators. Journal of
Extension. www.joe.org/joe/2014august/tt1.php
Hill, P. A. (2014). ‘Connecting’ with Your Clients [on Facebook]. Journal of Extension.
Hill, P. A., MacArthur, S., Read, N. (2014). Google Search Mastery Techniques. Journal of Extension.
Hill, P. A. (2014). How Fear of the Unknown Limits Our Ability to Recognize Blue Ocean Opportunity.
Chevy Chase, MD: National 4-H Council.
Hill, P. A., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Robotics Clubs.
Hill, P. A. (2014). The Key to Productive Meetings. Chevy Chase, MD: National 4-H Council.
Hill, P. A. (2014). Put Yourself in the Flow of Relevant Information with Google Alerts. Chevy Chase,
MD: National 4-H Council.
Hill, P. A. (2014). University Extension and the next generation: Innovate, or wait and react?. Ithaca,
New York: Cornell University.
Hill, P. A. (2014). You’ve Got Time for That. Chevy Chase, MD: National 4-H Council.
Hill, P. A. (2014). Innovation Starts with You. Chevy Chase, MD: National 4-H Council.
Hill, P. A., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Computer Science (Senior).
Holmgren, Lyle N
Holmgren, L. N., Cardon, G., Hill, C. (2014). Economic and Soil Quality Impacts from
Crop/Rangeland Residue Burning.
Holmgren, L. N., Cardon, G., Hill, C. (2014). Economic and Soil Quality Impacts from Crop/Rangeland
Burning.. extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/AG_Forages_2014-02pr.pdf
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M., Israelsen, C. E. (2014). 2014 Costs and Returns for Dryland Hard Red
Winter Wheat Northern Utah.
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M., Israelsen, C. E. (2014). 2014 Costs and Returns for Irrigated Roundup Ready
Alfalfa Northern Utah.
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M., Israelsen, C. E. (2014). 2014 Costs and Returns for Non-Irrigated Safflower
Northern Utah.
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M., Israelsen, C. E. (2014). 2014 Costs and Returns for Roundup Ready Silage
Corn Northern Utah.
Kuhns, M. R., James, W., Holmgren, L. N. (2014). USU Tree Browser App for iPhone.
Holmgren, L. N., Young, A., Israelsen, C. E., Barnhill, J. V. (2014). 2014 Costs and Returns for a 250
Cow Dairy Operation Northern Utah.
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M. (2014). Alfalfa enterprise budget for 2014.
Holmgren, L. N. (2014). Costs and Returns for a 200 Cow-Calf Ranching Operation, Box Elder County.
Holmgren, L. N. (2014). Dryland hard red winter wheat with chemical fallow enterprise budget for
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M. (2014). Dryland hard red winter wheat with conventional fallow enterprise
budget for 2014..
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M. (2014). Grain corn enterprise budget for 2014.
Holmgren, L. N. (2014). Grain corn enterprise budget for 2014.
Pace, M., Holmgren, L. N. (2014). Safflower enterprise budget for 2014.
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M. (2014). Silage corn enterprise budget for 2014..
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M. 2013 Costs and Returns for Non-Irrigated Hard Red Winter Wheat, Box
Elder County (AG/Agribusiness/2013-06pr ed.).
Pace, M., Holmgren, L. N. 2013 Costs and Returns for Non-Irrigated Safflower, Box Elder County
(AG/Agribusiness/2013-07pr ed.).
Holmgren, L. N., Pace, M. 2013 Costs and Returns for Roundup ReadyTM Silage Corn, Box Elder
County (AG/Agribusiness/2013-07pr ed.).
Holmgren, L. N. 2013 Costs and Returns for Soft White Wheat, Box Elder County (vol.
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Patterson, R. (2014). Reaching a Broader Audience with YouTube Videos (pp. 11). Utah Association of
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Patterson, R. (2014). High Tunnels for High Winds and Space Utility (pp. 9). Utah State University
Patterson, R. (2014). Planting Peas. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Extension.
Patterson, R. (2014). Pruning Raspberries. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Extension.
Patterson, R., Worwood, D. R., Gale, J. A. (2014). How to Kill Russian Olive Trees. Logan, Utah: Utah
State University Extension. www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN0HfFc2e-4
Peterson, Gaelynn
Christensen, A., Peterson, G., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Theatre Clubs.
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Peterson, G. MyPlate Mania.
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Serfustini, E., Jensen, C. E., Proctor, D. G. (in press). Assessing Food Insecurity and Extension's Role in
Education. Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
Proctor, D. G., Haws, S. The 4-H Knitting Handbook.
Proctor, D. G., Haws, S., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Sewing Clubs.
Allen, K., Proctor, D. G. (2014). Killer Kidney Beans?.
Haws, S., Proctor, D. G., Memmott, M. P. Discover 4-H Crochet Curriculum. Logan, UT: Discover 4-H
Proctor, D. G., Brower, N., Haws, S. Discovery 4-H Healthy Snacks.
Roberts, Adrie
Christensen, A., Roberts, A., MacArthur, S., Jewkes, M., Garcia, Z. (2015). Comprehensive mentoring
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Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 9(2014).
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Keyes, J. D., Rood, K., Rothlisberger, D. Identifying the Functional Bull: Bull Soundness and
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Cooper, T. D., Rothlisberger, D., ZoBell, D. (2014). Beef Cattle Nutrition, Minerals.
Cooper, T. D., Rothlisberger, D., Frame, D. (2014). Basic Selection, Nutrition and Care of Show Poultry.
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Roueche, Joanne M.
Roueche, J. M. 4-H Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
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Serfustini, E., Jensen, C. E., Proctor, D. G. (in press). Assessing Food Insecurity and Extension's Role in
Education. Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
Shepperd, Emily A
Shepperd, E., Bunnell, J. B. Peviewong the past and looking to the future: 4-H Mentorig of Centeral
Smith, Justen O
Kock, T., Hafer, J., Smith, J., Turnbull, J. (2014). Does Technology Transfer Work? Assessing the
Outcomes and Impact of the USAID-Inma Iraq Agribusiness Program. Journal of International
Agricultural and Extension Education., 21(2).
Smith, J. O., Kock, T. K. (2014). Measurable Changes in Pre-Post Test Scores for Iraqi 4-H
Volunteer Leader's Knowledge of Animal Science Production Principles. (2nd ed., vol. 20). Journal
of International Agricultural and Extension Education.
Sulser, Allan R.
Joiner, C., Sulser, A. R., Dallin, J., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Beef Clubs.
Joiner, C. B., Sulser, A. R., Dallin, J., McArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Club Beef.
Sulser, A. R., Dallin, J., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Goat Clubs.
Sulser, A. R., Dallin, J., MacArthur, S. (2014). Discover 4-H Swine Clubs.
Wagner, Katherine M
Wagner, K. M., Olsen, S. H., Drost, D. T., Alston, D. G., Murray, M., Hunter, B. (2014). A guide to
common organic gardening questions (pp. 307). Logan, Utah: USU Extension.
Steinitz, T., Wagner, K. M., Drost, D. T., Alston, D. G., Hunter, B., Nischwitz, C., Ramirez, R., Allen,
N., Barnhill, J. V., Frame, D., Pace, M., Durward, C., Reeve, J., Jewkes, M., Heflebower, R. F.
(2014). A Guide to Common Organic Gardening Questions. USU Extension.
Wagner, K. M., Olsen, S. H. (2014). A guide to common organic gardening questions: step-by-step
recommendations for organic vegetable and fruit gardening in northern Utah book.. Logan, Utah:
Proceedings of USU Extension annual conference.
Ward, R. A., Wagner, K. M., Shoaf, E. (2014). 2nd Annual Urban and Small Farms Conference
Proceedings. Logan, Utah:.
Olsen, S. H., Curtis, K., Wagner, K. M., Knudsen, T. (2014). Utah Urban Small-Scale Mixed Vegetable
Production Costs and Returns - 2 Acres, 2014 (Applied Economics/2014-02pr ed.). Logan UT:
USU Extension.
Curtis, K., Olsen, S. H., Knudsen, T., Wagner, K. M. (2014). Utah Urban Small-Scale Mixed Vegetable
Production Costs and Returns - 5 Acres, 2014 (Applied Economics/2014-01pr ed.). Logan UT:
USU Extension.
Wagner, K. M., Kuhns, M. R., Cardon, G. (in press). Gardening in clay soil (vol. 25, pp. 4 pp.). Utah
Forest Facts.
Wagner, K. M., Kuhns, M. R., Cardon, G. (in press). Gardening in sandy soil (vol. 25, pp. 4 pp.). Utah
Forest Facts.
Washburn, Carolyn
Washburn, C. (2014). Create Your Plate - Diabetes Cooking.
Nummer, B. A., Hunsaker, T. C., Washburn, C., Christensen, A. (2014). A guide to food storage for
emergencies. Logan, UT: Utah State University Extension.
Washburn, C. Marriage Survival.
White, Kenneth L
Fan, Z., Li, W., Lee, S., Meng, Q., Bunch, T., White, K., Kong, I.-K., Wang, Z. (2014). Efficient gene
targeting in golden Syrian hamsters by the CRISPR/Cas9 system. PLOS ONE.
Rutigliano, H., Wilhelm, A., Hall, J., Shi, B., Meng, Q., Stott, R., Bunch, T. D., White, K. L., Davies, C.,
Polejaeva, I. Immunology of the Maternal-Fetal Interface in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
Pregnancies. Reproduction, Fertility and Development.
Polejaeva, I., Ranjan, R., Wang, Z., Olsen, A. L., Davies, C., White, K. L. (2014). Transgenic goat
models to study cardiac fibrosis and atrial fibrillation. (vol. 23 (1), pp. 197-198). Transgenic
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Wilde, T. (2014). The effect of large fire on aspen recruitment. Journal of the National Association of
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Williams, Scott R
Porter, L., MacArthur, S., Williams, S. R. (2014). Discover 4-H Cloverbud Citizenship Clubs.
Porter, L., MacArthur, S., Williams, S. R. (2014). Discover 4-H Cloverbud FCS Clubs.
Worwood, Dennis R
Bagley, C. V., Stenquist, N. J., Worwood, D. R. Copper Deficiency in Utah, USU Extension Animal
Health Fact Sheet 11.
Patterson, R., Worwood, D. R., Gale, J. A. (2014). How to Kill Russian Olive Trees. Logan, Utah: Utah
State University Extension. www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN0HfFc2e-4
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
Albertson, Marilyn K
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), Albertson, Marilyn K (Co-Principal), "TANF: CHANGES/Financial
education," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $132,518.00. (November 1,
2014 - October 31, 2017).
Albertson, Marilyn K (Principal), Hashimoto, Cathy (Co-Principal), "TANF: Financial Responsibility Newcomers and Youth," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $315,290.00.
(November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Hamada, Susan (Co-Principal), Silverman, Pamela (Co-Principal), Albertson, Marilyn K (Principal),
Goldberg, Ellen (Supporting), Mileski, Kara (Supporting), Seborg, Liesl (Supporting), Xiao, Zemin
(Supporting), "Family Prosperity Initiative: Financial Literacy for New Immigrants and Refugees,"
Sponsored by American Library Association and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Private,
$99,000.00. (February 1, 2015 - January 31, 2017).
Hamada, Susan (Principal), Silverman, Pamela (Co-Principal), Albertson, Marilyn K (Supporting),
Goldberg, Ellen (Supporting), Mileski, Kara (Supporting), Seborg, Liesl (Supporting), Xiao, Zemin
(Supporting), "Family Prosperity Initiative: Financial Literacy for New Immigrants and Refugees,"
Sponsored by American Library Association and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Private,
$99,000.00. (February 2015 - January 2017).
Xioa, Zemin (Principal), Albertson, Marilyn K (Supporting), Goldberg, Ellen (Supporting), "Refugee
Home Based Child Care Microenterprise Development Project," Sponsored by United States
Department Health & Human Services Administration of Children & Families, Division of
Discretionary Grants, Federal, $185,000.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2016).
Archuleta, Martha (Principal), Gunnell, JayDee (Supporting), Albertson, Marilyn K (Supporting),
Parent, Vernon (Supporting), Bentley, Marion T (Supporting), Allen, Karin (Supporting),
"Employment Pathways for Salt Lake County Refugees through Stackable Credentials," Sponsored
by Utah Division of Workforce Services (DWS), State, $262,000.00. (July 2013 - June 2015).
Albertson, Marilyn K (Principal), "Your Money, Your Goals," Sponsored by Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau and Utah States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and
Agriculture, Federal. (October 2014 - May 2015).
Albertson, Marilyn K (Principal), "Homeownership and Consumer Education-Housing Authority of Salt
Lake County Self Sufficiency," Sponsored by Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake, Local,
$6,000.00. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Albertson, Marilyn K (Principal), "Homeownership and Consumer Education-Housing Authority of Salt
Lake County Self Sufficiency," Sponsored by Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake, Local,
$6,000.00. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Albertson, Marilyn K, "Undergraduate Internship," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah
State University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - September 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), Albertson, Marilyn K (Co-Principal), Hashimoto, Cathy (Co-Principal),
"Relationship Education Salt Lake County," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State
University, $4,800.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Albertson, Marilyn K, "Financial Management Curriculum Pilot Grant," Sponsored by Utah State
University Extension, Utah State University, $350.00. (September 2013 - June 2014).
Albertson, Marilyn K, "Undergraduate Internship," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah
State University, $5,000.00. (May 2013 - February 2014).
Anderson, Marie C
Durward, Carrie (Principal), Henderson, Ann E (Co-Principal), Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley
(Co-Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Co-Principal), Scott, Paula
(Co-Principal), Roueche, Joanne Marie (Co-Principal), Anderson, Marie (Co-Principal), "TANF:
Parenting Skills for Healthy Families," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State,
$306,342.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Banks, Jeffrey E
Banks, Jeffrey E (Supporting), "Juab County Invasive Species Management Control Project," Sponsored
by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, State, $62,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Supporting), "Juab County Weed Control Project," Sponsored by Utah Weed
Supervisors Association, State, $5,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Supporting), "Squarrose CWMA Invasive Species Management Control Project,"
Sponsored by Natural Resource Conservation Service, State, $18,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30,
Banks, Jeffrey E (Supporting), "Squarrose CWMA Invasive Species Management Control Project,"
Sponsored by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, State, $120,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June
30, 2015).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Supporting), "Squarrose CWMA Invasive Species Management Control Project,"
Sponsored by Utah Weed Supervisors Association, State, $2,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Principal), "Juab County Community Garden Program," Sponsored by Utah State
University Extension, State, $4,400.00. (July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Co-Principal), Memmott, Margie P (Co-Principal), "Juab County USU Intern,"
Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, State, $4,000.00. (May 12, 2014 - August 14, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Principal), "Juab County Community Garden Program," Sponsored by Utah State
University Extension, State, $9,500.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Supporting), "Juab County Invasive Species Management Control Project," Sponsored
by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, State, $48,522.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Co-Principal), Stanley Amy (Co-Principal), "Juab County Robotics Program,"
Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, State, $3,500.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Supporting), "Sanpitch CWMA Invasive Species Management Control Project,"
Sponsored by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, State, $80,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30,
Banks, Jeffrey E (Supporting), "Squarrose CWMA Invasive Species Management Control Project,"
Sponsored by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, State, $133,222.00. (July 1, 2013 - June
30, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J
Banks, Sterling J, "Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Predator Control Contract," Sponsored by
Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, State, $34,000.00. (October 1, 2014 - October 1, 2015).
Hunter, Britney (Co-Principal), Banks, Sterling J (Principal), "Utah Home Garden Variety Trials,"
Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State University, $4,341.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30,
Banks, Sterling J, "Utah Home Garden Variety Trials," Sponsored by USU Extension Service, Utah
State University, $4,341.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Banks, Sterling J, "Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Predator Control Contract," Sponsored by
Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, State, $36,000.00. (November 15, 2013 - July 1, 2014).
Barnhill, James V
Barnhill, James Vaughn (Principal), "Economic Analysis of Growing a Green Manure Crop Between
Wheat Plantings," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $2,208.00.
(June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting), Gale,
Jody A, Holmgren, Lyle N, Israelsen, Clark E., Kitchen, Boyd M., Olsen, Shawn H, Pace, Mike,
Reid, Chad R, "Nitrogen (N) fertilzer needs of first-year corn grown after alfalfa," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Ramirez, Ricardo (Principal), Israelsen, Clark E. (Supporting), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting),
Wilde, Trenton (Supporting), "Using mustard green manure to improve stem nematode and clover
root curculio management in alfalfa," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah State
University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Barnhill, James Vaughn (Principal), Nischwitz, Claudia (Supporting), (Supporting), Ramirez, Ricardo
(Supporting), "Alfalfa Stem Nematode Resistance as a Tool To Ameliorate Crop Losses,"
Sponsored by Integrated Pest Management/Western SARE, Utah State University, $1,540.00.
(February 2014 - December 2014).
Barnhill, James Vaughn (Principal), Nischwitz, Claudia (Supporting), Creech, J Earl (Supporting),
Ramirez, Ricardo (Supporting), "Alfalfa Stem Nematode Resistance as a Tool To Ameliorate Crop
Losses," Sponsored by USU Integrated Pest Management/Sustainable Agriculture Mini-Grant, Utah
State University, $1,802.00. (March 2013 - December 2014).
Barnhill, James Vaughn (Principal), "Birdsfoot Trefoil Fall Cutting Date Impact on Subsequent
Production," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $1,000.00. (May 15, 2013 - June
30, 2014).
Barnhill, James Vaughn (Principal), "Growing Green Manure Crops between Wheat Plantings,"
Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $1,500.00. (May 15, 2013 - June 2014).
Beddes, Taun D
Caron, Michael S, Beddes, Taun, "Seed Dontation - in Kind," Sponsored by Bellaview Nursery, Private,
$1,583.69. (August 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, "Donated land for various research projects," Sponsored
by Utah State University Extension, Other, $1,500.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, "In kind donation of equipment use," Sponsored by Utah
State University Extension, Other, $900.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, "Master Gardener Program cost recovery," Sponsored by Utah state
University Extension, Utah State University, $19,300.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Drost, Daniel T, "Pumpkin Variety/Cultivar Trialing," Sponsored by
Hollar/Lockhart Seeds, Private, $2,080.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, Drost, Daniel T, "Radish Variety/Cultivar Trialing,"
Sponsored by Mountain Valley seed, Park Seed, Harris Seed, Private, $580.00. (January 2014 December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Albrecht, Carol M, Miner, Dean, "USU Extension Jail Horticulture Training," Sponsored
by Utah State University Extension, Local, $900.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, "Student Intern," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $4,000.00.
(January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, "Cache County Community Garden," Sponsored by Fred Baker, $4,000.00. (March 1,
2009 - June 17, 2014).
Caron, Michael S (Principal), Beddes, Taun (Supporting), "Thanksgiving Point Dry Garden," Sponsored
by Thanksgiving Point, Federal, $147,433.00.
Brower, Naomi A
Brower, Naomi, "4-H Summer intern," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $4,000.00.
(May 2014 - September 2014).
Brower, Naomi, "Relationship Education in Weber County," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $7,000.00. (June 2013 - July 2014).
Teuscher, Alicia, Brower, Naomi, "Teens Reaching Youth Mentoring Program--Weber County,"
Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $148,358.00.
Brower, Naomi (Supporting), Schvandevelt, Paul (Principal), "Weber County Healthy Relationship
Activities," Sponsored by Utah Commission on Marriage, State. (July 2014).
Bunnell, Jolene B
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), "CYFAR - Utah State
University Sustainable Communities," Sponsored by USDA-NIFA, $673,750.00. (October 1, 2014
- September 30, 2019).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), "TANF - Teen Leadership & STEM Mentoring," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Servicies, $869,160.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Co-Principal), Aguilar, Sheryl (Principal), Tibbitts, Jessica (Co-Principal), "TANF Utah & Duchesne 4-H Mentoring," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Servicies, $869,160.00.
(November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Co-Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), Tibbitts, Jessica (Principal), "TANF Utah & Duchesne Healthy Family Relationships," Sponsored by Department of Workforce
Servicies, $255,240.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), Parent, Vernon
(Co-Principal), "STEMLink Afterschool," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Servicies,
$341,052.00. (August 1, 2014 - July 30, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Reimbursement Contract," Sponsored by Alpine School District,
Local, $300,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2016).
Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Reimbursement Contract," Sponsored by Nebo School District,
Local, $180,600.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2016).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Linlsey, Autumn, "4-H Afterschool for Oak Canyon and Spanish Fork," Sponsored
by Department of Workforce Servicies, State, $180,000.00.
Bunnell, Jolene B (Co-Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Principal), "Afterschool Reimbursement
- Prevention Services," Sponsored by Utah County Prevention Services, $28,650.00. (2014 - 2015).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Supporting), Parent, Vernon (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Supporting),
Dart, Craig (Supporting), "Extension Grant - Teen Leadership & Citizenship," $10,000.00. (2014 2015).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Shepperd, Emily, "4-H Mentoring of Central Utah," Sponsored by OJJDP,
$1,199,670.00. (October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2015).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), "4-H
Mentoring, YFP, OJJDP Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program Grant," Sponsored by
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Federal, $1,199,670.00. (October 1, 2012 September 30, 2015).
Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), "Orem City Community
Development Block Grant," Sponsored by Orem City, Local, $2,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30,
Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), "Provo City Community
Development Block Grant," Sponsored by Provo City Corporation, Local, $3,152.00. (July 1, 2014
- June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Aspen," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Canyon," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool East Meadows," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Geneva," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Greenwood," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Hillcrest," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Larsen," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Mt. Nebo Jr. High, Orem Jr. High,
American Fork," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $265,500.00. (July 1,
2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool of Utah County," Sponsored by
Utah County Division of Substance Abuse, Local, $17,000.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Orchard Hills," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Park," Sponsored by Department
of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Riverview," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Salem, Mapleton, Landmark,"
Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $265,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30,
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Suncrest," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Taylor," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-h Afterschool Timpanogos," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Westmore," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Westside," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $91,500.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).
Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), "4-H Afterschool Willowcreek, Pleasant
Grove Jr. High," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $177,000.00. (July 1,
2012 - June 30, 2015).
Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), "OJJDP
Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Project," Sponsored by Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, Federal, $99,452.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), "Utah County 4-H Intern," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension,
$4,000.00. (May 2014 - August 2014).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Co-Principal), Linlsey, Autumn (Co-Principal), "4-H Afterschool for Springville
Junior High School," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services - Office of Child Care, State,
$90,000.00. (July 1, 2011 - July 30, 2014).
Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool program of Utah County," Sponsored by Prevention Service - Utah
County, Local, $10,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Bunnell, Jolene B, "4-H Afterschool Reimbursement Contract," Sponsored by Prevention Service - Utah
County, Local, $27,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Shepperd, Emily, "4-H Mentoring at Timpanogos Elementary," Sponsored by
National 4-H Council, Private. (February 1, 2013 - January 31, 2014).
Caron, Michael S
Caron, Michael S, Beddes, Taun, "Seed Dontation - in Kind," Sponsored by Bellaview Nursery, Private,
$1,583.69. (August 2014 - December 2014).
Caron, Michael S, "Compost donation from Ecoscraps company," Sponsored by Ecoscraps, Utah State
University, $5,400.00. (June 2014 - December 2014).
Caron, Michael S, "Grape Trial at Thanksgiving Point - Internal," Sponsored by USU, Utah State
University, $9,997.56. (May 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, "Donated land for various research projects," Sponsored
by Utah State University Extension, Other, $1,500.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, "In kind donation of equipment use," Sponsored by Utah
State University Extension, Other, $900.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, "Master Gardener Program cost recovery," Sponsored by Utah state
University Extension, Utah State University, $19,300.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Drost, Daniel T, "Pumpkin Variety/Cultivar Trialing," Sponsored by
Hollar/Lockhart Seeds, Private, $2,080.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, Drost, Daniel T, "Radish Variety/Cultivar Trialing,"
Sponsored by Mountain Valley seed, Park Seed, Harris Seed, Private, $580.00. (January 2014 December 2014).
Caron, Michael S, "Student Internship Grant SUmmer 2014," Sponsored by USU, Utah State University,
$5,000.00. (May 2014 - October 2014).
Goodspeed, Jerry L. (Co-Principal), Gunnell, JayDee (Co-Principal), Caron, Michael (Co-Principal),
"USU Extension Technology Grant," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University,
$4,400.00. (May 2014 - October 2014).
Caron, Michael S, "Hidden Garden Tour Donations - Master Gardener," Sponsored by Various
Businesses in Utah County, Utah State University, $2,650.00. (April 2014 - July 2014).
Caron, Michael S, "Printed Marketing Material from McNeil Printing," Sponsored by McNeil Printing,
Private, $1,000.00. (April 2014 - July 2014).
Caron, Michael S, "Chipper-Shredder machine donation," Sponsored by Ecoscraps, Private, $5,000.00.
(April 2014).
Caron, Michael S (Principal), Beddes, Taun (Supporting), "Thanksgiving Point Dry Garden," Sponsored
by Thanksgiving Point, Federal, $147,433.00.
Chapman, C. Kim K
Chapman, Kim (Co-Principal), Smith, Justen (Co-Principal), "Cooperative Goat Production for East
African Refugees along the Wasatch Front," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University,
$10,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Burritt, Beth (Principal), Gale, Jody A (Co-Principal), Reid, Chad R (Co-Principal), Chapman, Kim
(Co-Principal), "Does Secondary Chemistry Influence Sheep Preferences for Aspen?," Sponsored
by Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2013 - June 30,
Christensen, Amanda H
Christensen, Amanda (Principal), "Morgan County 4-H Afterschool and Mentoring," Sponsored by Utah
Department of Workforce Services, Federal, $371,669.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Christensen, Amanda
(Supporting), Memmott, Margie P (Supporting), MacArthur, Stacey (Supporting), "Fidelity
Investments Money Mentors Program," Sponsored by Fidelity Investments, Private, $100,000.00.
(June 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Christensen, Amanda (Principal), "USU Technology Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah
State University, $2,815.00. (May 1, 2014 - May 1, 2015).
Christensen, Amanda (Principal), "USU Intern Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State
University, $4,000.00. (May 1, 2014 - September 1, 2014).
Christensen, Amanda (Co-Principal), "Fidelity Investments Money Mentors," Sponsored by Fidelity
Investments, Private, $100,000.00. (January 1, 2014 - Present).
Christensen, Darlene A
Christensen, Darlene (Co-Principal), "Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $10,000.00. (September 30, 2014 - October 1, 2015).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), Christensen, Darlene (Co-Principal),
"Military Extension Partnership," Sponsored by KS State University, Other, $28,500.00. (October
1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Christensen, Darlene (Principal), "Utah 4H State Office Grant," Sponsored by State 4H office, Utah
State University, $10,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - July 1, 2015).
Christensen, Darlene, "Healthy Living Tooele 4-H programming," Sponsored by Walmart Distribution,
$200.00. (October 2013 - 2014).
Christensen, Darlene, "Healthy Living Tooele 4-H programming," Sponsored by Walmart, $1,250.00.
(October 2012 - 2014).
Christensen, Darlene, "summer intern grant," Sponsored by utah state university extension, $4,000.00.
(May 2014 - August 2014).
Christensen, Darlene, "applied research 2013 grant - 4h youth programming," Sponsored by utah state
university extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Christensen, Darlene (Co-Principal), Greenhalgh, Linden (Supporting), "Food Stamp Nutrition
Education Program," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $10,000.00. (July 1,
2013 - June 30, 2014).
Cooper, Troy D
Cooper, Troy D (Supporting), Steffey, Tonia (Principal), "PAWS Water Education," Sponsored by
Central Utah Water Conservancy District, State, $10,000.00. (May 1, 2014 - April 30, 2015).
Cooper, Troy D (Supporting), Steffy, Tonia (Co-Principal), "PAWS Education," Sponsored by Newfield
Oil, Private, $12,000.00. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Cooper, Troy D (Supporting), Steffy, Tonia (Principal), "PAWS Conamore Fishing Day," Sponsored by
Local Business, Private, $1,000.00. (September 1, 2014 - September 30, 2014).
Prevedel, Suzanne (Co-Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Principal), Cooper, Troy D (Co-Principal), "FY
2014 Food $ense (SNAP-Ed)," Sponsored by USU Food Sense, Utah State University, $37,500.00.
(October 2013 - September 2014).
Cooper, Troy D (Supporting), Steffey, Tonia (Principal), "PAWS Water Education," Sponsored by
Central Utah Water Conservancy District, State, $10,000.00. (May 1, 2013 - April 30, 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon K
Cromwell, Shannon, "Sanpete County 4-H Afterschool Mentoring Program," State, $449,651.00.
(November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Palmer, Matthew D. (Co-Principal), Cromwell, Shannon (Principal), "Sanpete County 4-H Afterschool
Mentoring Program," Sponsored by State of Utah Department of Workforce Services, State,
$499,651.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Cromwell, Shannon, "Sanpete County Kid Pack Program," Sponsored by Select Health, Private,
$2,500.00. (June 2014 - June 2015).
Cromwell, Shannon, "USU 4-H Intern," $4,000.00. (May 2014 - December 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, "Sanpete County Community Garden/Farmer's Market Grant," Utah State
University, $5,000.00. (June 2014 - September 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, "Food Sense Nutrition Education Program," Utah State University, $33,195.00.
(October 2013 - September 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, "4-H Afterschool Educator Development Program," Utah State University,
$7,700.00. (June 2013 - May 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, "Relationship Education in Emerging Adulthood," Utah State University,
$2,300.00. (June 2013 - May 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, "USU 4-H Program Intern," Utah State University, $5,000.00. (June 2013 - May
Cromwell, Shannon (Principal), "New Agent Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University, College of
Agriculture, Utah State University, $3,000.00. (January 2013 - January 2014).
Dart, Craig C
Dart, Craig (Principal), Patterson, Ron (Supporting), "TANF Mentoring - Teen Council," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, Utah State University, $11,244.91. (November 1, 2014 October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Supporting), Parent, Vernon (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Supporting),
Dart, Craig (Supporting), "Extension Grant - Teen Leadership & Citizenship," $10,000.00. (2014 2015).
Francis, David W
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), ""Utah Operation Military Kids 2013,"
Sponsored by KS State University, Other, $47,750.00.
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), ""Utah Operation Military Kids 2013-14,"
Sponsored by United States Army, Federal, $95,500.00.
Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), "“Increasing Children and Youth Involvement in Specialty Crop
Awareness”,," $16,850.00.
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), "4-H Military Clubs 2013,"
Sponsored by KS State University, Other, $25,000.00.
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), "Utah Operation: Military Kids Grant
[Statewide]," Sponsored by United States Army, Utah State University, $47,750.00.
Williams, Scott R (Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Duffin, Joel (Supporting),
(Supporting), "Cache County 4-H - Cache Makers," Sponsored by Utah Department of Workforce
Services, State, $953,275.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), Christensen, Darlene (Co-Principal),
"Military Extension Partnership," Sponsored by KS State University, Other, $28,500.00. (October
1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Christensen, Amanda
(Supporting), Memmott, Margie P (Supporting), MacArthur, Stacey (Supporting), "Fidelity
Investments Money Mentors Program," Sponsored by Fidelity Investments, Private, $100,000.00.
(June 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Francis, Dave W (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), ""Utah Operation Military Kids 2014,"
Sponsored by United States Army, Federal, $47,750.00. (October 2014 - March 2015).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), Peterson, GaeLynn (Co-Principal), "Making
the Future Education Program [Statewide]," Sponsored by Cognizant, Utah State University,
$25,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Francis, Dave W (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), Peterson, GaeLynn (Co-Principal), "Making
the Future Education Program [Statewide]," Sponsored by Cognizant, Utah State University,
$25,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), "Air National Guard, Air Force Reserves Camp Grant," Sponsored by KS
State Univesity, Other. (April 2014 - October 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Parent, Vernon (Co-Principal), "Department of Defense Camp Grant,"
Sponsored by KS State University, Other. (March 2014 - October 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Kitchen, Boyd M. (Supporting), "Military Extension Partnership
Supplemental Grant," Other. (May 2014 - September 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Peterson, GaeLynn (Co-Principal), "Making the Future 4-H Program,"
Sponsored by Cognizant, Private. (June 15, 2013 - June 15, 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), "2011-2012 Operation Military Kids Grant," Sponsored by Kanas State
University, Other, $103,000.00.
MacArthur, Stacey (Principal), Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Other), Williams, Scott
R (Supporting), "CYFAR Sustainable community Projects," Sponsored by USDA/NIFA, Utah State
University, $80,000.00.
Francis, Dave W., "Getting Kids Outside to Combat Nature Defiency Syndrome," Sponsored by USU
Extension, Utah State University, $9,500.00.
Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Parent, Vernon (Co-Principal), "Operation Military Kids
Supplemental Camp Grant 2011," Sponsored by KS State University, Other.
Gale, Jody A
Gale, Jody A (Principal), "Upper Sevier River Watershed Noxious Weed Control," Sponsored by
USDA-USFS Fishlake National Forest Title II Secure Rural Schools, Federal, $200,000.00.
(January 1, 2011 - June 27, 2016).
Gale, Jody A, "Invasive Species Mitigation #3 Leafy Spurge," Sponsored by Utah Department of Ag.
and Food, State, $30,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Gale, Jody A, "UDAF SCUCWMA Invasive Species Mitigation ISM#3 EDRR," Sponsored by Utah
Department of Ag. and Food, State, $35,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting), Gale,
Jody A, Holmgren, Lyle N, Israelsen, Clark E., Kitchen, Boyd M., Olsen, Shawn H, Pace, Mike,
Reid, Chad R, "Nitrogen (N) fertilzer needs of first-year corn grown after alfalfa," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Gale, Jody A (Co-Principal), "Central Utah Short-line Railroad DEIS Continuance and Project
Development Funding," Sponsored by SCAOG Rail Road Technical Advisory Committee, State,
Gale, Jody A (Principal), "Salina Creek Russian Olive Control - SRS," Sponsored by USDA - USFS,
Federal, $25,000.00. (March 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Gale, Jody A, "UDAF SCUCWMA Invasive Species Mitigation ISM#2," Sponsored by South Central
Utah Cooperative Weed Management Area, State, $75,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Burritt, Beth (Principal), Gale, Jody A (Co-Principal), Reid, Chad R (Co-Principal), Chapman, Kim
(Co-Principal), "Does Secondary Chemistry Influence Sheep Preferences for Aspen?," Sponsored
by Utah State Univerity Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2013 - June 30,
Garcia, Zuri A
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), "4-H Military Clubs 2013,"
Sponsored by KS State University, Other, $25,000.00.
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), Christensen, Darlene (Co-Principal),
"Military Extension Partnership," Sponsored by KS State University, Other, $28,500.00. (October
1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Smith, Justen O (Co-Principal), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), "AmeriCorps Intern Grant,"
Sponsored by Federal AmeriCorps Program, Federal, $24,000.00. (August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015).
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Christensen, Amanda
(Supporting), Memmott, Margie P (Supporting), MacArthur, Stacey (Supporting), "Fidelity
Investments Money Mentors Program," Sponsored by Fidelity Investments, Private, $100,000.00.
(June 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Garcia, Zurishaddai, "Davis County 4-H Latino Outreach Program," Utah State University, $10,000.00.
(June 1, 2013 - May 31, 2014).
Goodspeed, Jerry L
Goodspeed, Jerry (Principal), "Ogden Water Wise Demonstration Garden," Sponsored by Ogden City,
Local, $70,000.00. (May 2013 - May 2015).
Anderson, David T, Goodspeed, Jerry, "Accessible Entrance at the Ogden Botanical Gardens/River
Parkway," Sponsored by Weber County Recreation, Arts, Museums, and Parks (RAMP, Local,
$19,000.00. (April 2014 - December 2014).
Rupp, Larry (Principal), Goodspeed, Jerry L. (Co-Principal), Gunnell, JayDee (Co-Principal), Anderson,
David (Co-Principal), "Development of a Public Garden Network in Utah," Sponsored by USU
Extension, Utah State University, $2,600.00. (May 2014 - December 2014).
Goodspeed, Jerry L. (Co-Principal), Gunnell, JayDee (Co-Principal), Caron, Michael (Co-Principal),
"USU Extension Technology Grant," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University,
$4,400.00. (May 2014 - October 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden K
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Co-Principal), "Invasive Species Mitigation -Square Rose
Knapweed," Sponsored by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, $112,000.00. (July 1, 2014 June 30, 2015).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Principal), "South Oquirrh," Sponsored by United States Forest
Service, $5,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry, "South Oquirrh," Sponsored by USDA-APHIS, $3,000.00. (July 1,
2014 - June 30, 2015).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Principal), "South Oquirrh," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Agriculture and Food, $19,700.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Principal), "Tooele Weed Board," $5,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June
30, 2015).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Principal), "Tooele Weed Board," $17,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June
30, 2015).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Monaco, Tom (Co-Principal), "Extension Grant," Sponsored by USU Extension,
$10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry R. (Principal), "Squarerose Knapweed," Sponsored by Utah
Department of Agriculture and Food, State, $182,000.00. (January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden (Co-Principal), Caldwell, Jerry R. (Co-Principal), "Weed Supervisor," Sponsored
by United States Forest Service, Federal, $4,000.00. (January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014).
Christensen, Darlene (Co-Principal), Greenhalgh, Linden (Supporting), "Food Stamp Nutrition
Education Program," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $10,000.00. (July 1,
2013 - June 30, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Co-Principal), "Invasive Species Mitigation - Tooele Weed
Board," Sponsored by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, $29,972.00. (July 1, 2013 - June
30, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, "Invasive Species Mitigation -Square Rose Knapweed," Sponsored by Utah
Department of Agriculture and Food, $132,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry, "Recreation," Sponsored by Tooele County, $10,000.00. (July 1,
2013 - June 30, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Principal), "South Oquirrh," Sponsored by United States Forest
Service, $4,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Principal), "South Oquirrh," Sponsored by USDA-APHIS,
$2,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry, "Tooele Weed Board," Sponsored by United States Forest Service,
$4,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry (Principal), "South Oquirrh," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Agriculture and Food, $8,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry, "Invasive Species Mitigation -South Oquirrh," Sponsored by
UDAF – GIP, State, $10,500.00. (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014).
Thacker, Eric (Co-Principal), Greenhalgh, Linden (Principal), Monaco, Thommas (Co-Principal),
"Grazing impacts on shrub-steppe treatments," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $1,000.00. (May 7, 2014 - Present).
Greenhalgh, Linden, "Goshute Tribal Lands," Sponsored by Western SARE, Federal, $2,550.00.
Greenhalgh, Linden, ZoBell, Dale, Eun, Jong-Su, Snyder, Donald L, Israelsen, Clark E., "Grass-Legume
Pastures," Sponsored by Western SARE, Federal, $209,907.00.
Greenhalgh, Linden, Beard, Richard, "Private Pesticide Applicators Workshop," Sponsored by Utah
Dept. of Ag and Food, State, $400.00.
Greenhalgh, Linden, "Weed Control," Sponsored by U.S. Forest Service and Utah Weed Supervisors
Association, Other, $1,800.00.
Greenhalgh, Linden, Caldwell, Jerry, "Weed Control," Sponsored by U.S. Forest Service and Utah Weed
Supervisors Association, Other, $1,833.00.
Gunnell, Jaydee
Archuleta, Martha (Principal), Gunnell, JayDee (Supporting), Albertson, Marilyn K (Supporting),
Parent, Vernon (Supporting), Bentley, Marion T (Supporting), Allen, Karin (Supporting),
"Employment Pathways for Salt Lake County Refugees through Stackable Credentials," Sponsored
by Utah Division of Workforce Services (DWS), State, $262,000.00. (July 2013 - June 2015).
Gunnell, JayDee (Principal), "Urban Extension Director - Salt Lake County," Sponsored by Salt Lake
County, Local, $150,000.00. (January 2015 - Present).
Rupp, Larry (Principal), Goodspeed, Jerry L. (Co-Principal), Gunnell, JayDee (Co-Principal), Anderson,
David (Co-Principal), "Development of a Public Garden Network in Utah," Sponsored by USU
Extension, Utah State University, $2,600.00. (May 2014 - December 2014).
Goodspeed, Jerry L. (Co-Principal), Gunnell, JayDee (Co-Principal), Caron, Michael (Co-Principal),
"USU Extension Technology Grant," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University,
$4,400.00. (May 2014 - October 2014).
Hashimoto, Cathy A
Albertson, Marilyn K (Principal), Hashimoto, Cathy (Co-Principal), "TANF: Financial Responsibility Newcomers and Youth," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $315,290.00.
(November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Hashimoto, Cathy (Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), "Aspire Kids, USU 4H Salt Lake County
Franklin Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $29,469.00.
(August 2012 - May 2015).
Hashimoto, Cathy (Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), "Aspire Kids, USU 4H Salt Lake County
Jackson Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $29,469.00. (August
2012 - May 2015).
Hashimoto, Cathy (Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), "Aspire Kids, USU 4H Salt Lake
County, Edison Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $29,469.00.
(August 2012 - May 2015).
Hashimoto, Cathy (Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), "Aspire Kids, USU 4H Salt Lake
County, Meadowlark Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State,
$29,469.00. (August 2012 - May 2015).
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), Albertson, Marilyn K (Co-Principal), Hashimoto, Cathy (Co-Principal),
"Relationship Education Salt Lake County," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State
University, $4,800.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Haws, Susan D
Haws, Susan, "No Jerks Relationships Education Grant (Jails)," State. (2014).
Haws, Susan, "Summer Intern Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University, $5,000.00. (May 2014 August 2014).
Heaton, Kevin M
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), Heaton, Kevin (Supporting), "Food Stamp Nutrition Education
Program - Garfield County 2015," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, Utah State
University, $6,514.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Heaton, Kevin, "Demonstrating biotechnology to ranchers in Southern Utah," Sponsored by USU, Utah
State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Heaton, Kevin, "Cash donations from cooperators and sponsors," $21,000.00. (January 1, 2014 December 31, 2014).
Heaton, Kevin (Co-Principal), Dodds, Wally (Co-Principal), Palmer, Tyce (Co-Principal), "Upper
Sevier Information and Education," Sponsored by Utah Department of Environmental Quality,
State, $1,700.00. (May 2014 - November 2014).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), Heaton, Kevin (Supporting), "Food Stamp Nutrition Education
Program - Garfield County '10-'11," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, Utah State
University, $1,761.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), Heaton, Kevin (Supporting), "Food Stamp Nutrition Education
Program - Garfield County '10-'11," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, Utah State
University, $6,514.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Palmer, Tyce, Gurr, Carl, Heaton, Kevin, Dodds, Wally, Englestead, Kay, "Kane and Garfield County
Cooperative Weed Management Projects," Sponsored by Utah Department of Agriculture, State,
$42,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Heaton, Kevin (Principal), Black, Brent L. (Supporting), Newhall, Robert (Co-Principal), "Evaluation of
alternative fruit crops in a high elevation, short growing season at the Panguitch Farm," Sponsored
by Utah Agriculture Experiment Station, Utah State University, $27,000.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30,
Henderson, Ann E
Durward, Carrie (Principal), Henderson, Ann E (Co-Principal), Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley
(Co-Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Co-Principal), Scott, Paula
(Co-Principal), Roueche, Joanne Marie (Co-Principal), Anderson, Marie (Co-Principal), "TANF:
Parenting Skills for Healthy Families," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State,
$306,342.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Henderson, Ann E, "Food $ense Nutrition Education," Sponsored by USDA, Federal, $64,349.00.
(October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Henderson, Ann E, "Food $ense Nutrition Education," Sponsored by USDA, Federal, $12,500.00.
(October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Higginbotham, Brian J
Higginbotham, Brian (Principal), "Online Divorce Orientation," Sponsored by Administration of the
Courts, State. (October 2014 - October 2020).
Higginbotham, Brian, "Stepfamily Education," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State,
$210,540.00. (November 2014 - October 2015).
Higginbotham, Brian (Principal), Skogrand, Linda M. (Co-Principal), Bradford, Kay P (Co-Principal),
"Smart Steps to Healthy Relationships in Utah (Year 4)," Sponsored by US Department of Health
and Human Services, Federal, $785,612.00. (September 30, 2014 - September 29, 2015).
Higginbotham, Brian (Co-Principal), Skogrand, Linda M. (Co-Principal), Bradford, Kay P
(Co-Principal), "Parenting and Relationship Education (Year 1)," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Workforce Services, State, $800,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Higginbotham, Brian (Principal), Skogrand, Linda M. (Co-Principal), Bradford, Kay P (Co-Principal),
"Smart Steps to Healthy Relationships in Utah (Year 3)," Sponsored by US Department of Health
and Human Services, Federal, $785,612.00. (September 30, 2013 - September 29, 2014).
Higginbotham, Brian (Co-Principal), Skogrand, Linda M. (Co-Principal), Bradford, Kay P
(Co-Principal), "Couple and Relationship Education (2013-2014)," Sponsored by Utah Department
of Workforce Services, State, $199,992.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Hill, Paul A
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), ""Utah Operation Military Kids 2013,"
Sponsored by KS State University, Other, $47,750.00.
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), ""Utah Operation Military Kids 2013-14,"
Sponsored by United States Army, Federal, $95,500.00.
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), "Utah Operation: Military Kids Grant
[Statewide]," Sponsored by United States Army, Utah State University, $47,750.00.
Brain, Roslynn (Principal), Curtis, Kynda (Co-Principal), Hill, Paul A (Supporting), Wagner, Katherine
M (Supporting), Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), "Utah farm-chef-fork: furthering farm to restaurant
communication," Sponsored by USDA Specialty Crops Program, Federal, $35,081.00. (October
2014 - October 2016).
Hill, Paul A, "eXtension Educational Technology Learning Network," Sponsored by The Ohio State
University, Utah State University, $121,000.00. (December 2014 - December 2015).
Frey, Nicki, Parent, Vernon, Hill, Paul A, "•Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Color Country Natural
Resource Camp," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $9,966.04. (July 1, 2014 June 30, 2015).
Francis, Dave W (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), ""Utah Operation Military Kids 2014,"
Sponsored by United States Army, Federal, $47,750.00. (October 2014 - March 2015).
Hill, Paul A (Principal), "Utah FIRST LEGO League Rookie Grant(s)," Sponsored by LEGO Care for
Education, Local, $3,000.00. (August 2014 - January 2015).
Hill, Paul A, "4-H STEM Education," Sponsored by Governor's Office of Economic Development,
Local, $2,000.00. (May 2014 - January 2015).
Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), "Operation: Military Kids Grant [Statewide]," Sponsored by United States
Army, Utah State University, $95,500.00.
Francis, Dave W (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), Peterson, GaeLynn (Co-Principal), "Making
the Future Education Program [Statewide]," Sponsored by Cognizant, Utah State University,
$25,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), Peterson, GaeLynn (Co-Principal), "Making
the Future Education Program [Statewide]," Sponsored by Cognizant, Utah State University,
$25,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Hill, Paul A (Principal), Ence, Tanner T (Co-Principal), "Elks National Foundation Cornerstone Grant,"
Sponsored by Elks National Foundation, Local, $500.00. (August 2013 - January 2014).
Hill, Paul A (Principal), "Utah FIRST LEGO League Rookie Grant(s)," Sponsored by LEGO Care for
Education, Local, $9,000.00. (August 2013 - January 2014).
Holmgren, Lyle N
Holmgren, Lyle N, Pace, Mike, "Utah Junior Turkey Show," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Agriculture and Food, State, $10,000.00. (July 2014 - June 2015).
Holmgren, Lyle N, "USU Calving Manager App for iOS and Android," Sponsored by USU Extension,
Utah State University, $5,000.00. (June 2015).
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting), Gale,
Jody A, Holmgren, Lyle N, Israelsen, Clark E., Kitchen, Boyd M., Olsen, Shawn H, Pace, Mike,
Reid, Chad R, "Nitrogen (N) fertilzer needs of first-year corn grown after alfalfa," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Hunsaker, Teresa C
Durward, Carrie (Principal), Henderson, Ann E (Co-Principal), Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley
(Co-Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Co-Principal), Scott, Paula
(Co-Principal), Roueche, Joanne Marie (Co-Principal), Anderson, Marie (Co-Principal), "TANF:
Parenting Skills for Healthy Families," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State,
$306,342.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Nummer, Brian A, "Food Preservation Equipment," Utah State University,
$10,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, LeBlanc, Heidi R., "Weber Moves," Utah State University, $10,000.00. (July
1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Hunter, Britney L
Hunter, Britney (Principal), Murray, Marion (Co-Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), McAvoy,
Darren (Co-Principal), Alston, Diane G (Co-Principal), Olsen, Shawn H (Co-Principal), "Biochar
Amendment to Enhance Tomato and Melon Productivity and Protect Against Phytophthora Root
Rot Disease," Sponsored by WSARE, Federal, $49,994.00. (March 2014 - March 2017).
Spears, Lori (Principal), Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), Hunter, Britney, Ramirez, Ricardo, Alston,
Diane G, "Overwintering and survival potential of spotted wing drosophila in northern Utah," Utah
State University, $9,988.00. (2014 - 2015).
Hunter, Britney (Principal), "High Tunnel Greenhouse at USU Botanical Center," Utah State University,
$10,000.00. (July 2014 - June 2015).
Hunter, Britney (Co-Principal), Banks, Sterling J (Principal), "Utah Home Garden Variety Trials,"
Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State University, $4,341.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30,
Palmer, Matthew D. (Co-Principal), Ward, Ruby Ann (Principal), Drost, Daniel T (Co-Principal), Black,
Brent L. (Co-Principal), Wagner, Katherine M (Co-Principal), Hunter, Britney (Co-Principal),
Patterson, Ron (Co-Principal), "Risk management education programs for small farms and other
specialty crop producers," Sponsored by U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency
Outreach Partnership Program, Federal, $99,828.00. (September 30, 2013 - September 29, 2014).
Hunter, Britney, "USU New Agent Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State University,
$2,600.00. (July 9, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E
Allen, Niel (Principal), Creech, J Earl (Co-Principal), Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), Pace, Mike
(Co-Principal), "Effects of Irrigation Management on Safflower Production and Alternaria Leaf
Spot," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $7,460.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 31,
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting), Gale,
Jody A, Holmgren, Lyle N, Israelsen, Clark E., Kitchen, Boyd M., Olsen, Shawn H, Pace, Mike,
Reid, Chad R, "Nitrogen (N) fertilzer needs of first-year corn grown after alfalfa," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Ramirez, Ricardo (Principal), Israelsen, Clark E. (Supporting), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting),
Wilde, Trenton (Supporting), "Using mustard green manure to improve stem nematode and clover
root curculio management in alfalfa," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah State
University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), "Russian Knapweed Control Project," Sponsored by Utah
Department Agriculture and Food, State, $5,000.00. (May 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), "College-Young Irrigation Project," Sponsored by Utah Department
Agriculture and Food, State, $5,000.00. (April 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), "Gualtier Pasture Project," Sponsored by Utah Division Wildlife
Resources, State, $5,000.00. (April 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), Pace, Mike (Co-Principal), Creech, J Earl (Co-Principal), "Oilseed
Crop Research Trials," Sponsored by Mountain States Oilseeds, Private, $750.00. (February 26,
2014 - December 31, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E., "Bear River Watershed Coordinator," Sponsored by Utah Division of Water Quality,
State, $52,000.00. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Principal), "Support for Cache County Extension," Sponsored by Cache County
Farm Bureau, Local, $1,000.00. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Principal), "Extension Intern Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension,
Utah State University, $3,000.00. (April 1, 2014 - September 30, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Principal), "Western Spring National Dairy Show," Sponsored by Class Sponsors,
Private, $33,460.00. (January 1, 2014 - June 30, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), "Northern Utah Water Conference," Sponsored by Northern Utah
Water Users, State, $8,500.00. (January 1, 2014 - June 1, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E., "Spring Dairy Show," Sponsored by Various Businesses, $1,050.00. (April 1, 2014 May 31, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Principal), "Dairy Heifer Contest," Sponsored by Justin Wade Gunnell Foundation,
Private, $500.00. (March 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014).
Allen, Niel (Principal), Creech, J Earl (Co-Principal), Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), Pace, Mike
(Co-Principal), "Effects of Irrigation Management on Safflower Production and Alternaria Leaf
Spot," Sponsored by USU Extension Grants Program 2013-2014, Utah State University, $7,200.00.
(May 1, 2013 - April 30, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Principal), "Cache Crops School," Sponsored by Intermountain Farmers
Association, Private, $2,828.00. (February 28, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), "Oilseed School," Sponsored by Dow Chemical, Private, $2,000.00.
(February 28, 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden, ZoBell, Dale, Eun, Jong-Su, Snyder, Donald L, Israelsen, Clark E., "Grass-Legume
Pastures," Sponsored by Western SARE, Federal, $209,907.00.
Jewkes, Melanie D
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), Albertson, Marilyn K (Co-Principal), "TANF: CHANGES/Financial
education," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $132,518.00. (November 1,
2014 - October 31, 2017).
Durward, Carrie (Principal), Henderson, Ann E (Co-Principal), Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley
(Co-Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Co-Principal), Scott, Paula
(Co-Principal), Roueche, Joanne Marie (Co-Principal), Anderson, Marie (Co-Principal), "TANF:
Parenting Skills for Healthy Families," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State,
$306,342.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Henley, Grace (Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Supporting), Jewkes, Melanie (Supporting), "Sunnyvale
Market: Increasing Food Access and Entrepreneurship for Socially Disadvantaged Community
Members and Producers," Sponsored by USDA (1) Community Food Projects (CFP), Funding
Opportunity # USDA-NIFA-CFP-004489, Other, $299,414.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30,
Jewkes, Melanie, "Food $ense Davis County," Utah State University, $36,675.00. (October 1, 2014 September 30, 2015).
Jewkes, Melanie, "Food $ense Salt Lake County," $184,982.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Jewkes, Melanie, "Food $ense Utah County," $78,266.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Hashimoto, Cathy (Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), "Aspire Kids, USU 4H Salt Lake County
Franklin Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $29,469.00.
(August 2012 - May 2015).
Hashimoto, Cathy (Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), "Aspire Kids, USU 4H Salt Lake County
Jackson Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $29,469.00. (August
2012 - May 2015).
Hashimoto, Cathy (Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), "Aspire Kids, USU 4H Salt Lake
County, Edison Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $29,469.00.
(August 2012 - May 2015).
Hashimoto, Cathy (Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), "Aspire Kids, USU 4H Salt Lake
County, Meadowlark Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State,
$29,469.00. (August 2012 - May 2015).
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), "Food $ense Farmer's Market 1," $5,799.00. (June 1, 2014 - October 1,
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), "Food $ense Farmer's Market 2," $5,799.00. (June 1, 2014 - October 1,
Jewkes, Melanie, "Davis County Food Sense FY14," $9,940.00. (May 1, 2014 - September 30, 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), "Utah County Food Sense FY14," $46,837.00. (May 1, 2014 - September
30, 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie, "F$NE Salt Lake County FY 2014," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension,
Utah State University, $125,172.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), "Family and Consumer Sciences Intern Grant," Sponsored by USU
Extension, Utah State University, $4,000.00. (May 1, 2014 - August 31, 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie (Principal), Albertson, Marilyn K (Co-Principal), Hashimoto, Cathy (Co-Principal),
"Relationship Education Salt Lake County," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State
University, $4,800.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Jimenez, LaCee N
Jimenez, LaCee N (Principal), "TANF Kane County 4-H Mentoring Project," Sponsored by Department
of Workforce Services, State, $129,665.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Jimenez, LaCee N (Principal), "TANF Kane County Relationship Project," Sponsored by Department of
Workforce Services, State, $105,969.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Jimenez, LaCee N (Principal), Reidhead, Angela R (Co-Principal), "Kane County 4-H Robotics,"
Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (July 2013 - June 2014).
Jimenez, LaCee N (Principal), "4-H Volunteer Development Grant," Sponsored by Utah State
University, Utah State University, $8,655.00. (May 2014).
Jimenez, LaCee N, "Kane County Food $ense," Utah State University, $15,115.82. (May 2014 Present).
Jimenez, LaCee N, "Finance Education," Utah State University, $400.00. (April 2013 - May 2014).
Johnson, Michael S
Johnson, Michael S., "2014 4-H Grant Program," Sponsored by Grand County Recreation Special
Service District, Local, $2,500.00. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), "Utah State University - Garfield County "4-H Mentoring
Program"," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, $109,713.00. (November 1, 2014 October 30, 2017).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), Heaton, Kevin (Supporting), "Food Stamp Nutrition Education
Program - Garfield County 2015," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, Utah State
University, $6,514.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), "4-H Student Internship," Sponsored by Utah State University,
$5,000.00. (January 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), MacArthur, Stacey, "Garfield County AfterSchool Programming,"
Sponsored by USU Extension, $8,428.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), Heaton, Kevin (Supporting), "Food Stamp Nutrition Education
Program - Garfield County '10-'11," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, Utah State
University, $1,761.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), Heaton, Kevin (Supporting), "Food Stamp Nutrition Education
Program - Garfield County '10-'11," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, Utah State
University, $6,514.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), "4-H Student Internship," Sponsored by Utah State University,
$5,000.00. (May 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A., "Financial Education Curriculum," $250.00. (November 1, 2013 - April 30,
Kitchen, Boyd M
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting), Gale,
Jody A, Holmgren, Lyle N, Israelsen, Clark E., Kitchen, Boyd M., Olsen, Shawn H, Pace, Mike,
Reid, Chad R, "Nitrogen (N) fertilzer needs of first-year corn grown after alfalfa," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Kitchen, Boyd M. (Supporting), "Military Extension Partnership
Supplemental Grant," Other. (May 2014 - September 2014).
Kitchen, Boyd M. (Principal), "Agricultural 4-H Internship," Sponsored by USU Extension, $4,000.00.
(May 2014 - August 2014).
Kitchen, Boyd M. (Principal), Frost, Traci (Supporting), "Support of 4-H Shooting Sports in Uintah
County," Sponsored by NRA Foundation, Private, $3,500.00.
MacArthur, Stacey S
MacArthur, Stacey (Principal), "Discover 4-H Pilot Project," Utah State University, $8,300.00.
MacArthur, Stacey (Principal), "Teens Take on Health," Sponsored by Molina Healthcare / National 4-H
Council, Private, $25,000.00.
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Christensen, Amanda
(Supporting), Memmott, Margie P (Supporting), MacArthur, Stacey (Supporting), "Fidelity
Investments Money Mentors Program," Sponsored by Fidelity Investments, Private, $100,000.00.
(June 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Jorgensen, SuzAnne A. (Principal), MacArthur, Stacey, "Garfield County AfterSchool Programming,"
Sponsored by USU Extension, $8,428.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
MacArthur, Stacey (Principal), Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Other), Williams, Scott
R (Supporting), "CYFAR Sustainable community Projects," Sponsored by USDA/NIFA, Utah State
University, $80,000.00.
Memmott, Margie P
Memmott, Margie P (Co-Principal), "Juab County: 4-H Teen Councils/Region Ambassadors Leadership
Grant," Sponsored by Utah Department of Workforce Services, State, $33,735.00. (2014 - 2017).
Memmott, Margie P (Co-Principal), "Juab County: Ace the ACT Boot Camp," Sponsored by Utah
Department of Workforce Services, State, $7,500.00. (2014 - 2017).
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "Juab County Food Sense Nutrition Education Program," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah DWS and USDA SNAP ED, Utah State University,
$43,628.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "Match Funds: Juab County Food Sense Nutrition Education Program,"
Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah DWS and USDA SNAP ED, Other,
$40,000.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Christensen, Amanda
(Supporting), Memmott, Margie P (Supporting), MacArthur, Stacey (Supporting), "Fidelity
Investments Money Mentors Program," Sponsored by Fidelity Investments, Private, $100,000.00.
(June 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "America Saves Week Grant," Sponsored by America Saves
Federation, Federal, $1,200.00. (December 2014 - March 2015).
Memmott, Margie P (Co-Principal), "Juab County EIKISI/CTC VITA Outreach Grant," Sponsored by
U.S. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Federal, $249.00. (January 1, 2014 - December 31,
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "Smart Steps to Healthy Relationships in Utah: Community Centered
Healthy Marriage and Relationships," Sponsored by US Federal Office of Family Assistance,
$500.00. (2013 - 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "Juab County Food Sense Nutrition Education Program," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah DWS and USDA SNAP ED, State, $43,000.00. (October 1,
2013 - September 30, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "Match Funds: Juab County Food Sense Nutrition Education Program,"
Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah DWS and USDA SNAP ED, Other,
$40,000.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Co-Principal), Memmott, Margie P (Co-Principal), "Juab County USU Intern,"
Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, State, $4,000.00. (May 12, 2014 - August 14, 2014).
Jensen, Judy (Principal), Memmott, Margie P (Co-Principal), "Juab County Sewing Life Skills Project,"
Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $9,000.00. (July 1, 2013 June 30, 2014).
Miner, Dean (Co-Principal), Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "PowerPay Mobile App," Utah State
University, $10,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "Change Makes $ense: Personal Financial Management Curriculum
Pilot Test Project," Sponsored by USU Extension, $400.00. (March 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "America Saves Week Grant," Sponsored by America Saves
Federation, Federal, $500.00. (February 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "Utah Saves/Juab Saves 2013 Kickoff, In-Kind Donations," Sponsored
by Juab County local businesses, banks and credit unions, Local, $807.00. (January 2014 - February
Mills, Rebecca M
Mills, Rebecca M (Principal), "USU Sevier County 4-H Mentoring/Community Club," Sponsored by
Utah Department of Workforce Services, State, $584,869.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 1,
Mills, Rebecca M (Principal), "Sevier County Food Sense Program," Sponsored by USU Extension
Food Sense/Dept. of Workforce Services, State, $20,566.77. (October 2014 - September 2015).
Mills, Rebecca M (Principal), "Extension Mini-Grant - Composter School," Sponsored by USU
Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 1, 2015).
Mills, Rebecca M (Principal), "Sevier County Food Sense Program," Sponsored by USU Extension
Food Sense/Dept. of Workforce Services, State, $26,868.00. (October 2013 - September 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M (Principal), "USU Intern Program," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - September 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M (Principal), "USU Intern Program," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $5,000.00. (May 2013 - June 2014).
Miner Jr., Dean
Miner, Dean, "Farm Field Day book," Utah State University, $3,900.00.
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, "Donated land for various research projects," Sponsored
by Utah State University Extension, Other, $1,500.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, "In kind donation of equipment use," Sponsored by Utah
State University Extension, Other, $900.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Caron, Michael S, Miner, Dean, Drost, Daniel T, "Radish Variety/Cultivar Trialing,"
Sponsored by Mountain Valley seed, Park Seed, Harris Seed, Private, $580.00. (January 2014 December 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Albrecht, Carol M, Miner, Dean, "USU Extension Jail Horticulture Training," Sponsored
by Utah State University Extension, Local, $900.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Miner, Dean (Co-Principal), Memmott, Margie P (Principal), "PowerPay Mobile App," Utah State
University, $10,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Mueller, Lou L
Mueller, Lou, "Food $ense," $8,643.95. (October 2014 - September 2015).
Mueller, Lou, "Community Wellness Coaching," Sponsored by Extension, Utah State University,
$9,751.68. (June 2014 - May 2015).
Prevedel, Suzanne (Principal), Durward, Carrie (Supporting), Peterson, GaeLynn (Supporting), Mueller,
Lou (Supporting), Nelson, Cindy (Supporting), Sara Simonsen (Supporting), Jamie Prevedel
(Supporting), "Community Wellness Coaching," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $9,950.00. (June 2014 - May 2015).
Mueller, Lou, "Food $ense," $4,205.80. (May 2014 - October 2014).
Mueller, Lou, "San Juan County Health Fair," Sponsored by San Juan County Office of Economic
Development, $5,000.00. (January 2014 - December 2014).
Mueller, Lou, "Internship Grant," $3,000.00. (June 2014 - September 2014).
Mueller, Lou (Principal), "Journaling for Health Pilot Study," Sponsored by Utah State University
Extension, Utah State University, $3,500.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Mulford, Jayne
Anderson, David T, Mulford, Jayne, "Wings & Water Environmental Education Program," Sponsored
by The Nature Conservancy of Utah, Other, $195,000.00. (April 2012 - January 2014).
Muntz, Helen E
Galliher, Renee Carol Vickerman (Principal), Williams, Scott R (Co-Principal), Muntz, Helen
(Co-Principal), Sapp, Jennifer (Co-Principal), Brain, Roslynn (Co-Principal), Roberts, Adrie
(Co-Principal), "Cache High Community Garden: Collaborative Community-Based Horticulture
and Sustainable Living Education," Sponsored by Extension, Utah State University, $9,775.20.
(April 2014 - June 2015).
Galliher, Renee Carol (Principal), Williams, Scott R. (Supporting), Muntz, Helen (Supporting), Brain,
Roslynn (Supporting), Roberts, Adrie (Supporting), "Cache High Community Garden:
Collaborative Community Based Horticulture and Sustainable Living Education," Sponsored by
USU Extension, Utah State University, $9,775.20. (July 1, 2014 - Present).
Muntz, Helen (Principal), "Cache Valley Community Gardens," Sponsored by Darden's Restaurant
Community Grants, Private, $1,000.00.
Nelson, Cindy
Nelson, Cindy, "Food $ense Nutrition Education Grant," Sponsored by USU Food and Nutrition
Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Utah State University, $37,193.42.
Prevedel, Suzanne (Principal), Durward, Carrie (Supporting), Peterson, GaeLynn (Supporting), Mueller,
Lou (Supporting), Nelson, Cindy (Supporting), Sara Simonsen (Supporting), Jamie Prevedel
(Supporting), "Community Wellness Coaching," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $9,950.00. (June 2014 - May 2015).
Nelson, Cindy, "Community Wellness Coaching," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University,
$9,369.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2015).
Nelson, Cindy, "USU Technology/Fitbits," Sponsored by USU Extension Technology Grant, Utah State
University, $2,225.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2015).
Nelson, Mark, Nelson, Cindy, "USU Intern Grant," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - August 2014).
Nelson, Cindy, "Healthy Habits, Beaver County Wellness, New Agent," Sponsored by Utah State
University Extension, Utah State University, $7,500.00. (July 2013 - June 2014).
Nelson, Cindy, "Finance Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah State University,
$400.00. (March 2013 - June 2014).
Nelson, Mark M.
Nelson, Mark, Frey, Nicki, "Comparison of Methods to Control Pocket Gophers in Alfalfa. Year 2,"
$5,143.00. (July 2014 - June 2015).
Nelson, Mark, "Weed Control Grant," Sponsored by Utah Department of Ag and Food, State, $4,400.00.
(July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Nelson, Mark, Newhall, Robert, "Circle 4 Vegetative Establishment Trial," Sponsored by Circle 4
Farms, Private, $1,010.00. (August 2014 - December 2014).
Nelson, Mark, "Beaver River Watershed Tour and Pesticide Training," Sponsored by Beaver and Twin
M Soil Conservation Districts, State, $687.00. (October 2014).
Nelson, Mark, Nelson, Cindy, "USU Intern Grant," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - August 2014).
Nelson, Mark, "Beaver Cooperative Weed Management Project," Sponsored by Utah Department of Ag
and Food, State, $8,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Nelson, Mark (Co-Principal), "Beaver County 4-H Robotics Program," Sponsored by USU Extension,
Utah State University, $6,725.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Nelson, Mark (Co-Principal), Frey, Nicki (Co-Principal), "Comparison of Methods to Control Pocket
Gophers in Alfalfa," Sponsored by Ut, Utah State University, $6,743.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30,
Nelson, Mark, "Beaver River Watershed Day," Sponsored by Beaver Soil Conservation District, State,
$488.00. (May 2014).
Nelson, Mark, "4-H Shooting Sports Grant," Sponsored by Circle 4 Farms, Private, $500.00. (February
Olsen, Shawn H
Olsen, Shawn H, "Support of ag tours for NACAA 2017 meeting," Sponsored by Davis Conservation
District, Local, $1,000.00. (2014 - 2017).
Hunter, Britney (Principal), Murray, Marion (Co-Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), McAvoy,
Darren (Co-Principal), Alston, Diane G (Co-Principal), Olsen, Shawn H (Co-Principal), "Biochar
Amendment to Enhance Tomato and Melon Productivity and Protect Against Phytophthora Root
Rot Disease," Sponsored by WSARE, Federal, $49,994.00. (March 2014 - March 2017).
Brain, Roslynn (Principal), Curtis, Kynda (Co-Principal), Hill, Paul A (Supporting), Wagner, Katherine
M (Supporting), Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), "Utah farm-chef-fork: furthering farm to restaurant
communication," Sponsored by USDA Specialty Crops Program, Federal, $35,081.00. (October
2014 - October 2016).
Curtis, Kynda, Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), "Expanding direct marketing opportunities in the
Intermountain West through farm shops," Sponsored by Western Center for Risk Management
Education, Federal, $32,000.00. (2014 - 2015).
Hall, Kelsey (Principal), Allen, Karin, Murray, Marion, Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), "Improving
access to information for small farmers in Utah," Utah State University, $9,974.00. (2014 - 2015).
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Olsen, Shawn H (Co-Principal), "Nitrogen fertilizer needs of first-year corn
grown after alfalfa," Utah State University, $10,000.00. (2014 - 2015).
Spears, Lori (Principal), Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), Hunter, Britney, Ramirez, Ricardo, Alston,
Diane G, "Overwintering and survival potential of spotted wing drosophila in northern Utah," Utah
State University, $9,988.00. (2014 - 2015).
Nischwitz, Claudia (Principal), Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), Pace, Mike (Supporting), "Survey of
stone fruit orchards in UT for brown rot," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University,
$9,728.00. (2014 - 2015).
Curtis, Kynda (Principal), Slocum, Susan (Supporting), Ward, Ruby Ann (Supporting), Olsen, Shawn H
(Supporting), "Expanding Direct Marketing Opportunities in the Intermountain West through Farm
Shops," Sponsored by WCRME, Federal, $32,000.00. (July 2014 - December 2015).
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting), Gale,
Jody A, Holmgren, Lyle N, Israelsen, Clark E., Kitchen, Boyd M., Olsen, Shawn H, Pace, Mike,
Reid, Chad R, "Nitrogen (N) fertilzer needs of first-year corn grown after alfalfa," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), "Baby animal days," Sponsored by Public, Other, $25,000.00. (2014).
Drost, Daniel T (Principal), Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), "Agriculture barbeque," Sponsored by Utah
Onion Association, Private, $535.00. (2014).
Olsen, Shawn H, "Onion production summer tour," Sponsored by Utah Onion Association, Private,
$241.00. (2014).
Olsen, Shawn H, Smith, Justen, "School ag field days, meals for presenters," Sponsored by Davis
Conservation District, Local, $668.00. (2014).
Olsen, Shawn H, "Water fair books and transportation," Sponsored by Davis stormwater coalition,
Local, $3,747.00. (2014).
Olsen, Shawn H, "Water fair meals," Sponsored by Davis Conservation District, State, $600.00. (2014).
Olsen, Shawn H, Wagner, Katherine M, Drost, Daniel T, "A guide to common organic gardening
questions," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $7,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M, Olsen, Shawn H, "A guide to common organic gardening questions," Sponsored
by WSARE, Federal, $3,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Brain, Roslynn, Curtis, Kynda, Hall, Kelsey, Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), Wagner, Katherine M
(Supporting), "Farm-Chef-Fork," Sponsored by Utah Dept. Ag and Food, State, $29,096.00. (2012 2014).
Olsen, Shawn H (Principal), "Outdoor kitchen," Sponsored by Davis County Government, Local,
$15,275.00. (2016).
Pace, Michael G
Nischwitz, Claudia (Principal), Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), Pace, Mike (Supporting), "Survey of
stone fruit orchards in UT for brown rot," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University,
$9,728.00. (2014 - 2015).
Holmgren, Lyle N, Pace, Mike, "Utah Junior Turkey Show," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Agriculture and Food, State, $10,000.00. (July 2014 - June 2015).
Allen, Niel (Principal), Creech, J Earl (Co-Principal), Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), Pace, Mike
(Co-Principal), "Effects of Irrigation Management on Safflower Production and Alternaria Leaf
Spot," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $7,460.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 31,
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting), Gale,
Jody A, Holmgren, Lyle N, Israelsen, Clark E., Kitchen, Boyd M., Olsen, Shawn H, Pace, Mike,
Reid, Chad R, "Nitrogen (N) fertilzer needs of first-year corn grown after alfalfa," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), Pace, Mike (Co-Principal), Creech, J Earl (Co-Principal), "Oilseed
Crop Research Trials," Sponsored by Mountain States Oilseeds, Private, $750.00. (February 26,
2014 - December 31, 2014).
Pace, Mike, "USU Undergraduate Summer Internship - Cache County Horticulture," Sponsored by USU
Extension, Utah State University, $5,000.00. (May 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Pace, Mike, "USU Undergraduate Summer Internship - Website Designer," Sponsored by USU
Extension, Utah State University, $5,000.00. (May 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Allen, Niel (Principal), Creech, J Earl (Co-Principal), Israelsen, Clark E. (Co-Principal), Pace, Mike
(Co-Principal), "Effects of Irrigation Management on Safflower Production and Alternaria Leaf
Spot," Sponsored by USU Extension Grants Program 2013-2014, Utah State University, $7,200.00.
(May 1, 2013 - April 30, 2014).
Palmer, Matthew D
Palmer, Matthew D. (Co-Principal), Cromwell, Shannon (Principal), "Sanpete County 4-H Afterschool
Mentoring Program," Sponsored by State of Utah Department of Workforce Services, State,
$499,651.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Palmer, Matthew D., "Irrigated Pasture Plot Development," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Palmer, Matthew D. (Co-Principal), Ward, Ruby Ann (Principal), Drost, Daniel T (Co-Principal), Black,
Brent L. (Co-Principal), Wagner, Katherine M (Co-Principal), Hunter, Britney (Co-Principal),
Patterson, Ron (Co-Principal), "Risk management education programs for small farms and other
specialty crop producers," Sponsored by U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency
Outreach Partnership Program, Federal, $99,828.00. (September 30, 2013 - September 29, 2014).
Palmer, Matthew D. (Principal), "Agriculture, range innovation and sustainability center development,"
Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (May 2013 June 29, 2014).
Parent, Vernon C
Parent, Vernon (Principal), "Salt Lake County 4-H STEM Program," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Work Force Services, State, $344,802.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), Parent, Vernon
(Co-Principal), "STEMLink Afterschool," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Servicies,
$341,052.00. (August 1, 2014 - July 30, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Supporting), Parent, Vernon (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Supporting),
Dart, Craig (Supporting), "Extension Grant - Teen Leadership & Citizenship," $10,000.00. (2014 2015).
Parent, Vernon (Principal), Adams, Jennifer (Co-Principal), "2015 Grant-4H STEM Robotic Grant,"
Sponsored by Governor’s office of Economic Development, State, $20,000.00. (November 1, 2014
- June 30, 2015).
Frey, Nicki, Parent, Vernon, Hill, Paul A, "•Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Color Country Natural
Resource Camp," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $9,966.04. (July 1, 2014 June 30, 2015).
Archuleta, Martha (Principal), Gunnell, JayDee (Supporting), Albertson, Marilyn K (Supporting),
Parent, Vernon (Supporting), Bentley, Marion T (Supporting), Allen, Karin (Supporting),
"Employment Pathways for Salt Lake County Refugees through Stackable Credentials," Sponsored
by Utah Division of Workforce Services (DWS), State, $262,000.00. (July 2013 - June 2015).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Parent, Vernon (Co-Principal), "Department of Defense Camp Grant,"
Sponsored by KS State University, Other. (March 2014 - October 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Parent, Vernon (Co-Principal), "Operation Military Kids
Supplemental Camp Grant 2011," Sponsored by KS State University, Other.
Patterson, Ron K
Dart, Craig (Principal), Patterson, Ron (Supporting), "TANF Mentoring - Teen Council," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, Utah State University, $11,244.91. (November 1, 2014 October 31, 2017).
Patterson, Ron (Principal), "USU Extension Technology Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University
Extension, Utah State University, $5,000.00. (April 2014 - 2015).
Palmer, Matthew D. (Co-Principal), Ward, Ruby Ann (Principal), Drost, Daniel T (Co-Principal), Black,
Brent L. (Co-Principal), Wagner, Katherine M (Co-Principal), Hunter, Britney (Co-Principal),
Patterson, Ron (Co-Principal), "Risk management education programs for small farms and other
specialty crop producers," Sponsored by U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency
Outreach Partnership Program, Federal, $99,828.00. (September 30, 2013 - September 29, 2014).
Patterson, Ron (Principal), "USU Extension Internship Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University
Extension, Utah State University, $4,000.00. (May 1, 2014 - August 31, 2014).
Patterson, Ron (Principal), "USU Extension Technology Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University
Extension, Utah State University, $1,000.00. (April 2014 - July 2014).
Peterson, Gaelynn
Peterson, GaeLynn (Principal), "Wayne School District Youth Mentoring Program," Sponsored by UT
Dept. of Workforce Services, $184,111.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Prevedel, Suzanne (Principal), Durward, Carrie (Supporting), Peterson, GaeLynn (Supporting), Mueller,
Lou (Supporting), Nelson, Cindy (Supporting), Sara Simonsen (Supporting), Jamie Prevedel
(Supporting), "Community Wellness Coaching," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $9,950.00. (June 2014 - May 2015).
Peterson, GaeLynn, "Community Wellness Coaching," Utah State University, $9,552.00. (June 2014 May 30, 2015).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), Peterson, GaeLynn (Co-Principal), "Making
the Future Education Program [Statewide]," Sponsored by Cognizant, Utah State University,
$25,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Francis, Dave W (Principal), Hill, Paul A (Co-Principal), Peterson, GaeLynn (Co-Principal), "Making
the Future Education Program [Statewide]," Sponsored by Cognizant, Utah State University,
$25,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Peterson, GaeLynn (Principal), "Utah Food Sense (SNAP-Ed) Grant," $20,933.41. (October 2013 September 2014).
Peterson, GaeLynn, "Summer Intern," Sponsored by USU Extension, $5,000.00. (May 2014 - August
Peterson, GaeLynn (Principal), "New Agent Grant," Sponsored by USU Extension, $10,000.00. (June
2013 - June 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Principal), Peterson, GaeLynn (Co-Principal), "Making the Future 4-H Program,"
Sponsored by Cognizant, Private. (June 15, 2013 - June 15, 2014).
Peterson, GaeLynn, "Leadermete Intern," Sponsored by USU Extension, $5,000.00. (June 2013 - May
Prevedel, Suzanne M
Prevedel, Suzanne (Principal), "Roosevelt Farmers Market EBT Program," Sponsored by Dinosaurland
RC & D, Other, $900.00. (July 2014 - December 2016).
Prevedel, Suzanne (Co-Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Principal), "FY 2015 Food $ense (SNAP-Ed),"
Sponsored by USU Food Sense, Utah State University, $12,907.00. (October 2014 - September
Prevedel, Suzanne (Principal), Durward, Carrie (Supporting), Peterson, GaeLynn (Supporting), Mueller,
Lou (Supporting), Nelson, Cindy (Supporting), Sara Simonsen (Supporting), Jamie Prevedel
(Supporting), "Community Wellness Coaching," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $9,950.00. (June 2014 - May 2015).
Prevedel, Suzanne (Co-Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Principal), Cooper, Troy D (Co-Principal), "FY
2014 Food $ense (SNAP-Ed)," Sponsored by USU Food Sense, Utah State University, $37,500.00.
(October 2013 - September 2014).
Law, David (Principal), Smith, Janet (Co-Principal), Middleton, Healtherly (Supporting), Prevedel,
Suzanne (Other), "Promoting Strong Marriages in the Uintah Basin & Training future Family Life
Educators," Sponsored by USU Extension, Local, $7,500.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Prevedel, Suzanne (Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Co-Principal), Christofferson, Debra (Co-Principal),
"Snap-Ed Physical Avtivity Pilot Extension Grant," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $9,950.00. (June 2013 - May 2014).
Proctor, Debbie G
MENTORING," Sponsored by Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), State,
$269,474.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Proctor, Debra G, "Wasatch County FSNE," Utah State University, $13,882.65. (October 2014 September 2015).
Sulser, Allan R, Proctor, Debra G, "Wasatch County Summer Intern," Sponsored by Wasatch County,
Local, $5,000.00. (May 2014 - October 2014).
Sulser, Allan R, Proctor, Debra G, "Wasatch County Summer Intern," Sponsored by USU, Utah State
University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - September 2014).
Proctor, Debra G, "Wasatch County FSNE," Utah State University, $13,882.65. (October 2013 September 2014).
Reid, Chad R
Reid, Chad R, "Cedar Mountain Project," Sponsored by Utah State Legislature, State, $148,600.00. (July
1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Reid, Chad R, "Water Wise Landscape/Horticulture Agent for Iron County," Sponsored by Central Iron
County Water Conservancy District, Local, $34,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Creech, J Earl (Principal), Cardon, Grant (Co-Principal), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting), Gale,
Jody A, Holmgren, Lyle N, Israelsen, Clark E., Kitchen, Boyd M., Olsen, Shawn H, Pace, Mike,
Reid, Chad R, "Nitrogen (N) fertilizer needs of first-year corn grown after alfalfa," Sponsored by
Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Reid, Chad R, "Evaluating Mat 28 Formulations to control Rubber Rabbitbrush," Sponsored by E.I.
Dupont De Nemours & Company, Private, $4,000.00. (November 8, 2013 - December 31, 2014).
Reid, Chad R, "Cedar Mountain Project," Sponsored by Utah State Legislature, State, $148,600.00. (July
1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Reid, Chad R, "Water Wise Landscape/Horticulture Agent for Iron County," Sponsored by Central Iron
County Water Conservancy District, Local, $34,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Burritt, Beth (Principal), Gale, Jody A (Co-Principal), Reid, Chad R (Co-Principal), Chapman, Kim
(Co-Principal), "Does Secondary Chemistry Influence Sheep Preferences for Aspen?," Sponsored
by Utah State University Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2013 - June 30,
Riggs, Kathleen
Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), "OJJDP Mentoring Enhancement Development Project," Sponsored by
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Federal, $96,790.00. (November 2014 October 2015).
Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), "Food Sense Nutrition Education- SNAP-Ed, Iron," Sponsored by Utah
State University- NDFS, Utah State University, $6,862.00. (October 2014 - September 2015).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), "4-H
Mentoring, YFP, OJJDP Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program Grant," Sponsored by
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Federal, $1,199,670.00. (October 1, 2012 September 30, 2015).
Riggs, Kathy, "Iron County School District," Sponsored by Iron County School District, Local,
$8,018.00. (August 2014 - July 2015).
Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), "TANF- Teen Council Leadership, Iron County," Sponsored by
Department of Workforce Services, State, $10,201.00. (August 2014 - July 2015).
Riggs, Kathy, "ASPIRE 2012- North Elementary," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services,
State, $30,946.00. (July 2014 - June 2015).
Riggs, Kathy, "Safe Passages 2012- Canyon View Middle," Sponsored by Department of Workforce
Services, State, $34,211.00. (July 2014 - June 2015).
Riggs, Kathy, "Safe Passages 2012- Cedar Middle," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services,
State, $34,211.00. (July 2014 - June 2015).
Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), "Youth and Families with Promise, National Mentoring Partnership,"
Sponsored by Office of Juvenile Justice/National 4-H Council, Federal, $41,000.00. (January 2014 February 2015).
Riggs, Kathy, "Food Sense Nutrition Education- Farmer's Market," Sponsored by Utah State University,
State, $5,800.00. (May 2014 - October 2014).
Riggs, Kathy (Principal), "Extension Internship- 4-H," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension,
Utah State University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - September 2014).
Riggs, Kathy, "Food Sense Nutrition Education Program," Sponsored by Utah State University, Federal,
$14,910.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), "OJJDP
Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Project," Sponsored by Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, Federal, $99,452.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Riggs, Kathy (Supporting), "Web design & Data entry internship," Sponsored by Utah State University
Extension, Utah State University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - August 2014).
Riggs, Kathy, "Iron County School District After-school funding," Sponsored by ICSD, Local,
$7,680.00. (August 1, 2013 - July 31, 2014).
Riggs, Kathy, "ASPIRE 2012 After-school- North Elementary," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Workforce Services, State, $30,946.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Riggs, Kathy, "Safe Passages 2012- Canyon View Middle School," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Workforce Services, State, $34,217.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Riggs, Kathy, "Safe Passages 2012- Cedar Middle School," Sponsored by Utah Department of
Workforce Services, State, $34,217.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Riggs, Kathy, "National Mentor Project- Youth and Families with Promise," Sponsored by National 4-H
Council, Federal, $41,000.00. (January 1, 2013 - January 31, 2014).
MacArthur, Stacey (Principal), Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Other), Williams, Scott
R (Supporting), "CYFAR Sustainable community Projects," Sponsored by USDA/NIFA, Utah State
University, $80,000.00.
Roberts, Adrie
Roberts, Adrie J. (Principal), "Smart Money Moves," Sponsored by Division of Workforce Services,
State, $221,881.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Galliher, Renee Carol Vickerman (Principal), Williams, Scott R (Co-Principal), Muntz, Helen
(Co-Principal), Sapp, Jennifer (Co-Principal), Brain, Roslynn (Co-Principal), Roberts, Adrie
(Co-Principal), "Cache High Community Garden: Collaborative Community-Based Horticulture
and Sustainable Living Education," Sponsored by Extension, Utah State University, $9,775.20.
(April 2014 - June 2015).
Roberts, Adrie (Principal), "Food $ense Programming in Cache County," Sponsored by USDA, Utah
State University, $85,628.79. (October 1, 2014 - Present).
Galliher, Renee Carol (Principal), Williams, Scott R. (Supporting), Muntz, Helen (Supporting), Brain,
Roslynn (Supporting), Roberts, Adrie (Supporting), "Cache High Community Garden:
Collaborative Community Based Horticulture and Sustainable Living Education," Sponsored by
USU Extension, Utah State University, $9,775.20. (July 1, 2014 - Present).
Rothlisberger, Darrell F
Rothlisberger, Darrell, Rood, Kerry, "Liver Biopsy Study in Rich County Cows," Sponsored by
Extension, Utah State University, $5,700.00.
Rothlisberger, Darrell, "YFP Mentoring Program," Sponsored by Workforce Services, Utah State
University, $16,008.00.
Thacker, Eric (Principal), Rothlisberger, Darrell (Co-Principal), Veblen, Kari E (Co-Principal),
"Assessment of Cattle Distribution in Rich County UT," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah
State University, $10,000.00. (June 2014 - May 2015).
Thacker, Eric (Principal), Veblen, Kari E (Co-Principal), Rothlisberger, Darrell (Co-Principal),
"Assessment of cattle distribution in Rich County," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State
University, $10,000.00. (April 2014 - May 2015).
Rothlisberger, Darrell, "2010 Tri State Range and Livestock Tour," Sponsored by USDA - Granzing
Improvement Program, State, $1,320.00.
Roueche, Joanne M
Roueche, Joanne Marie, "Summer Intern," Sponsored by Utah State University Administration, Utah
State University, $5,000.00.
Durward, Carrie (Principal), Henderson, Ann E (Co-Principal), Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley
(Co-Principal), Jewkes, Melanie (Co-Principal), LeBlanc, Heidi R. (Co-Principal), Scott, Paula
(Co-Principal), Roueche, Joanne Marie (Co-Principal), Anderson, Marie (Co-Principal), "TANF:
Parenting Skills for Healthy Families," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State,
$306,342.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Roueche, Joanne Marie, "Summer Intern 2014," Sponsored by USU Extension Administration, Utah
State University, $4,000.00. (May 19, 2014 - August 14, 2014).
Roueche, Joanne Marie, "Single Mother's Grant," Sponsored by USU, Utah State University, $4,500.00.
(July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Schaible, Candace J
Miller, Rhonda L. (Principal), Schaible, Candace (Co-Principal), "An Assessment of Fertilizer and
Biosolids Use in Iron County," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00.
(June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2015).
Serfustini, Ellen J
Serfustini, Ellen J. (Principal), "Food Sense Nutrition Education- SNAP-Ed," Sponsored by USDA,
Utah State University, $22,000.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Serfustini, Ellen (Supporting), "Couple and Relationship Education," Sponsored by Division of
Workforce Services, Utah State University, $800,000.00. (August 2014 - May 2015).
Serfustini, Ellen J., "Food Sense Nutrition Education/Carbon County," Sponsored by USDA, Utah State
University, $23,000.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Serfustini, Ellen J., "Family and Consumer Sciences Intern," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah
State University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - August 31, 2014).
Serfustini, Ellen J., "Financial Curriculum Piloting," Sponsored by Utah State University, Utah State
University, $326.00. (May 31, 2014).
Shepperd, Emily A
Shepperd, Emily (Principal), Tibbitts, Jessica (Co-Principal), "TANF - Utah & Duchesne 4-H
Mentoring," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Servicies, State, $869,160.00. (November 1,
2014 - October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Co-Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), Tibbitts, Jessica (Principal), "TANF Utah & Duchesne Healthy Family Relationships," Sponsored by Department of Workforce
Servicies, $255,240.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Shepperd, Emily, "4-H Mentoring of Central Utah," Sponsored by OJJDP,
$1,199,670.00. (October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2015).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), "4-H
Mentoring, YFP, OJJDP Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program Grant," Sponsored by
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Federal, $1,199,670.00. (October 1, 2012 September 30, 2015).
Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), "OJJDP
Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Project," Sponsored by Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, Federal, $99,452.00. (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Shepperd, Emily, "4-H Mentoring at Timpanogos Elementary," Sponsored by
National 4-H Council, Private. (February 1, 2013 - January 31, 2014).
Smith, Justen O
Smith, Justen O (Principal), "4-H Livestock Bowl Team Competition Support Grant," Sponsored by
Davis County Commissioner's Cup, Local, $2,000.00. (November 18, 2014 - November 18, 2015).
Smith, Justen O (Co-Principal), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Co-Principal), "AmeriCorps Intern Grant,"
Sponsored by Federal AmeriCorps Program, Federal, $24,000.00. (August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015).
Smith, Justen O (Principal), "4-H Afterschool Programs Grant (ASPIRE)," Sponsored by Utah
Department of Workforce Services, State, $124,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - July 30, 2015).
Smith, Justen O (Principal), "4-H Donated Meat Program Funding. by Davis County Government and
Commissioners.," Sponsored by Davis County Government, Local, $3,500.00. (January 1, 2014 December 31, 2014).
Olsen, Shawn H, Smith, Justen, "School ag field days, meals for presenters," Sponsored by Davis
Conservation District, Local, $668.00. (2014).
Smith, Justen O (Principal), "4-H Donated Meat Program Funding- Tesoro, Inc.," Sponsored by Tesoro,
Inc., Private, $2,000.00. (October 1, 2014).
Smith, Justen O (Co-Principal), Maxfield, Kelly B (Co-Principal), "Corporate funding awarded for the
4-H Donated Meat Program," Sponsored by Private corporations, Private, $150,000.00. (January 1,
2014 - September 30, 2014).
Smith, Justen O (Principal), "Summer intern grant," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension,
Utah State University, $4,000.00. (May 1, 2014 - August 30, 2014).
Smith, Justen (Co-Principal), "Extension Mini-Grant- Refugee Goat Program," Sponsored by Utah State
University, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Chapman, Kim (Co-Principal), Smith, Justen (Co-Principal), "Cooperative Goat Production for East
African Refugees along the Wasatch Front," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University,
$10,000.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Smith, Justen (Principal), "Extension Mini-Grant- Baby Animal Days," Sponsored by Utah State
University, Utah State University, $5,500.00. (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014).
Smith, Justen (Principal), "Cook 4-H Afterschool Program (ASPIRE)," Sponsored by Utah Department
of Workforce Services, State, $31,000.00. (September 1, 2013 - June 1, 2014).
Smith, Justen (Principal), "Francis Peak View 4-H Afterschool Program (ASPIRE)," Sponsored by Utah
Department of Workforce Services, State, $31,000.00. (September 1, 2013 - June 1, 2014).
Smith, Justen (Principal), "Jefferson Academy 4-H Afterschool Program (ASPIRE)," Sponsored by
Utah Department of Workforce Services, State, $31,000.00. (September 1, 2013 - June 1, 2014).
Smith, Justen (Principal), "Woods Cross 4-H Afterschool Program (ASPIRE)," Sponsored by Utah
Department of Workforce Services, State, $31,000.00. (September 1, 2013 - June 1, 2014).
Smith, Justen O (Principal), "Utah Botanical Center Baby Animal Days," Sponsored by Income
generated by admission fees from the public, Private, $10,000.00. (May 9, 2014 - May 10, 2014).
Spaeth, Cassandra S
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), "CYFAR - Utah State
University Sustainable Communities," Sponsored by USDA-NIFA, $673,750.00. (October 1, 2014
- September 30, 2019).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), Parent, Vernon
(Co-Principal), "STEMLink Afterschool," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services,
$341,052.00. (August 1, 2014 - July 30, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Co-Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Principal), "Afterschool Reimbursement
- Prevention Services," Sponsored by Utah County Prevention Services, $28,650.00. (2014 - 2015).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Supporting), Parent, Vernon (Principal), Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Supporting),
Dart, Craig (Supporting), "Extension Grant - Teen Leadership & Citizenship," $10,000.00. (2014 2015).
Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), "Orem City Community
Development Block Grant," Sponsored by Orem City, Local, $2,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30,
Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne (Co-Principal), Bunnell, Jolene B (Principal), "Provo City Community
Development Block Grant," Sponsored by Provo City Corporation, Local, $3,152.00. (July 1, 2014
- June 30, 2015).
Sulser, Allan R
MENTORING," Sponsored by Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), State,
$269,474.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Sulser, Allan R, Proctor, Debra G, "Wasatch County Summer Intern," Sponsored by Wasatch County,
Local, $5,000.00. (May 2014 - October 2014).
Sulser, Allan R, Proctor, Debra G, "Wasatch County Summer Intern," Sponsored by USU, Utah State
University, $4,000.00. (May 2014 - September 2014).
Sulser, Allan R, "Hydroponic Fodder, Sheep Growth Trial," Sponsored by USU Extension Grant, Utah
State University, $9,500.00. (June 15, 2013 - June 1, 2014).
Teuscher, Alicia A
Teuscher, Alicia, Brower, Naomi, "Teens Reaching Youth Mentoring Program--Weber County,"
Sponsored by Department of Workforce Services, State, $148,358.00.
Tibbitts, Jessica J
Shepperd, Emily (Principal), Tibbitts, Jessica (Co-Principal), "TANF - Utah & Duchesne 4-H
Mentoring," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Servicies, State, $869,160.00. (November 1,
2014 - October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Co-Principal), Aguilar, Sheryl (Principal), Tibbitts, Jessica (Co-Principal), "TANF Utah & Duchesne 4-H Mentoring," Sponsored by Department of Workforce Servicies, $869,160.00.
(November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Bunnell, Jolene B (Co-Principal), Shepperd, Emily (Co-Principal), Tibbitts, Jessica (Principal), "TANF Utah & Duchesne Healthy Family Relationships," Sponsored by Department of Workforce
Servicies, $255,240.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Wagner, Katie M
Wagner, Katherine M (Principal), "Food Farming Future - USU Extension," Sponsored by Department
of Workforce Services, Federal, $303,196.00. (October 2014 - September 2017).
Brain, Roslynn (Principal), Curtis, Kynda (Co-Principal), Hill, Paul A (Supporting), Wagner, Katherine
M (Supporting), Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), "Utah farm-chef-fork: furthering farm to restaurant
communication," Sponsored by USDA Specialty Crops Program, Federal, $35,081.00. (October
2014 - October 2016).
Wagner, Katherine M (Principal), "USU Extension Demonstration Teaching Garden," Sponsored by
USU Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (May 2014 - June 2015).
Wagner, Katherine M (Principal), "USU Extension Demonstration Botanical Garden Walk Planting,"
Sponsored by Forestry, Fire & State Lands, State, $8,000.00. (October 2014 - May 2015).
Wagner, Katherine M (Principal), "USU Extension Demonstration Teaching Garden," Sponsored by
Salt Lake County Government, Local, $2,500.00. (March 2014 - December 2014).
Olsen, Shawn H, Wagner, Katherine M, Drost, Daniel T, "A guide to common organic gardening
questions," Sponsored by USU Extension, Utah State University, $7,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M, Olsen, Shawn H, "A guide to common organic gardening questions," Sponsored
by WSARE, Federal, $3,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Brain, Roslynn, Curtis, Kynda, Hall, Kelsey, Olsen, Shawn H (Supporting), Wagner, Katherine M
(Supporting), "Farm-Chef-Fork," Sponsored by Utah Dept. Ag and Food, State, $29,096.00. (2012 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M (Supporting), "Fruit Fly Killing Stations," Sponsored by USDA Specialty Grant,
Federal, $10,024.00. (September 15, 2012 - September 30, 2014).
Palmer, Matthew D. (Co-Principal), Ward, Ruby Ann (Principal), Drost, Daniel T (Co-Principal), Black,
Brent L. (Co-Principal), Wagner, Katherine M (Co-Principal), Hunter, Britney (Co-Principal),
Patterson, Ron (Co-Principal), "Risk management education programs for small farms and other
specialty crop producers," Sponsored by U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency
Outreach Partnership Program, Federal, $99,828.00. (September 30, 2013 - September 29, 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M (Principal), "USU Extension PUPs Program," Sponsored by Zions Bank, Private,
$1,000.00. (June 3, 2014 - July 2014).
Wagner, Katie (Principal), "USU Extension Demo Garden Botanical Garden Walk," Sponsored by USU
Extension, Utah State University, $10,000.00. (May 2013 - June 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn V
Washburn, Carolyn, "Marriage Enrichment Education," Sponsored by State Marriage and Family
Coalition, State, $9,200.00. (September 2014 - June 2015).
White, Ken L
White, Kenneth L. (Principal), Gillies, Robert R. (Co-Principal), "Southwest Climate Hub Agreement Science-based Land Management & Conservation Practices for Ranches," Sponsored by U.S. Dept.
of Ag. - Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Federal, $20,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - September 24,
Isom, Clay (Principal), Benninghoff, Abby (Co-Principal), White, Kenneth L. (Supporting), Stevens,
John R. (Supporting), "Genome programming and embryo survivability in porcine somatic cell
nuclear transfer embryos," Sponsored by USDA, Federal, $499,290.00. (September 1, 2013 August 31, 2016).
Davies, Christopher (Principal), White, Kenneth L. (Supporting), Parasar, Parveen (Supporting), Shi, Bi
(Supporting), Wilhelm, Amanda (Supporting), "Trophoblast-Derived, Non-Classical MHC Class I
Proteins: Essential Factors for the Maintenance of Bovine Pregnancy," Sponsored by USDA, NIFA,
AFRI, Federal, $486,871.00. (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2015).
Shen, Tsung-Cheng (Principal), Cetiner, Bedri A. (Co-Principal), Britt, David W. (Co-Principal),
Gilbertson, Timothy A. (Co-Principal), White, Kenneth L. (Co-Principal), Davies, Christopher
(Supporting), Rood, Kerry (Supporting), "MRI: Acquisition of a Mask Aligner and a Pattern
Generation System for Nanoscale Science and Device Research," Sponsored by National Science
Foundation, Federal, $144,380.00. (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2014).
White, Kenneth L., "Veterinary Diagnostics and Infectious Disease (VDID)," Sponsored by Utah
Science Technology and Research Initiative (USTAR), $7,200,000.00. (July 1, 2009 - June 30,
Bunch, Thomas D. (Principal), Wang, Zhongde (Co-Principal), White, Kenneth L. (Co-Principal),
"Direct reprogramming of sheep fibroblasts into functional cardiomyocytes through
transdifferentiation," Sponsored by UAES, Utah State University, $17,000.00. (June 1, 2013 - May
31, 2014).
White, Kenneth L. (Principal), Benninghoff, Abby (Co-Principal), Polejaeva, Irina (Supporting),
"Epigenetic mechanism of genome reprogramming in early scNT embryo development
Epigenetic mechanism of genome reprogramming in early scNT embryo development," Sponsored
by NIH, Federal, $1,250,000.00. (July 2015 - June 2020).
Wilde, Trenton W
Ramirez, Ricardo (Principal), Israelsen, Clark E. (Supporting), Barnhill, James Vaughn (Supporting),
Wilde, Trenton (Supporting), "Using mustard green manure to improve stem nematode and clover
root curculio management in alfalfa," Sponsored by Utah State University Extension, Utah State
University, $10,000.00. (June 1, 2014 - May 30, 2015).
Wilde, Trenton (Principal), "Extension New Agent Grant," Sponsored by Utah State University
Extension, Utah State University, $3,000.00.
Williams, Scott R
Williams, Scott R (Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Co-Principal), Duffin, Joel (Supporting),
(Supporting), "Cache County 4-H - Cache Makers," Sponsored by Utah Department of Workforce
Services, State, $953,275.00. (November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017).
Williams, Scott R, "Cache County Extension 4-H After-school Program at Logan High School, Sky
View High School and Mountain Crestt High School," Sponsored by Workforce Services of Utah,
State, $35,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Galliher, Renee Carol Vickerman (Principal), Williams, Scott R (Co-Principal), Muntz, Helen
(Co-Principal), Sapp, Jennifer (Co-Principal), Brain, Roslynn (Co-Principal), Roberts, Adrie
(Co-Principal), "Cache High Community Garden: Collaborative Community-Based Horticulture
and Sustainable Living Education," Sponsored by Extension, Utah State University, $9,775.20.
(April 2014 - June 2015).
Galliher, Renee Carol (Principal), Williams, Scott R. (Supporting), Muntz, Helen (Supporting), Brain,
Roslynn (Supporting), Roberts, Adrie (Supporting), "Cache High Community Garden:
Collaborative Community Based Horticulture and Sustainable Living Education," Sponsored by
USU Extension, Utah State University, $9,775.20. (July 1, 2014 - Present).
MacArthur, Stacey (Principal), Riggs, Kathy (Co-Principal), Francis, Dave W. (Other), Williams, Scott
R (Supporting), "CYFAR Sustainable community Projects," Sponsored by USDA/NIFA, Utah State
University, $80,000.00.
Worwood, Dennis R
Worwood, Dennis Ray, "Russian Olive Eradication," Sponsored by Utah Department of Agriculture,
State, $100,000.00. (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015).
Presentations and Posters
Albertson, Marilyn K
Albertson, Marilyn K, Peterson, GaeLynn, National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference,
"Discover 4-H Clubs: The easy button of success for volunteer leaders," National Association of
Extension 4-H Agents. (2014).
Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter & Author), Albertson, Marilyn K (Presenter & Author), Utah State
University Extension Annual Conference, "Developing a Couples Education Class Series," USU
Extension, Logan, UT. (March 6, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E
Banks, Jeffrey E (Presenter & Author), Utah State University Extension South Region Staff Meeting,
"Juab County Community Garden," Utah State University Extension, Richfield, Utah. (October 14,
2014 - October 16, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Presenter & Author), National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual
Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference, "Noxious Weeds: A Growing Concern,"
National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Mobile, Alabama. (July 22, 2014).
Banks, Jeffrey E (Presenter & Author), UACCA Conference, "Noxious Weeds: A Growing Concern,"
Price, Utah. (June 19, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J
Banks, Sterling J, North Summit Elementary Pumpkin Day, "How Does Your Pumpkin Grow," North
Summit Elementary School, Coalville, Utah. (October 29, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, White Pine County Fair, "White Pine County Fair Market Livestock Judge," White
Pine County Fair Junior Livestock Committee, Ely, Nevada. (August 16, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, Franklin County Fair, "Franklin County Fair Market Livestock Judge," Franklin
County Fair Junior Livestock Committee, Preston, Idaho. (August 14, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, Uinta County Fair, "Livestock Showmanship Judge," Uinta County Fairboard,
Evanston, Wyoming. (August 2, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, Fountain Green Lamb Days, "Lamb Judge," Fountain Green Lamb Day Show
Committee, Fountain Green, Utah. (July 18, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, Kamas Valley Junior Livestock Show, "How to Get Your Show Hog Ready For the
Show," Kamas Valley Junior Livestock Show Committee, Oakley, Utah. (June 21, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, North Summit Farm Field Day, "North Summit Farm Field Day," USU Extension,
Coalville, Utah. (May 16, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, South Summit Middle School Ag. Careers Day, "What Does It Take To Become A
County Agent," South Summit FFA, Kamas, Utah. (May 15, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, South Summit Farm Field Day, "South Summit Farm Field Day," USU Extension,
Oakley, Utah. (May 14, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, Purina Livestock Nutrtion Workshop, "Summit County Junior Market Livestock
Program Outline," Kamas Valley Coop and Summit County 4-H, Kamas, Utah. (March 20, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, Summit and Wasatch Counties Master Gardener Course, "Grow Your Own
Transplants At Home," USU Extension, Park City, Utah. (March 20, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, Summit County Weed Board Meeting, "How to Tell Sulfur Cinquefoil from Native
Cinquefoils," Summit County Weed Board, Wanship, Utah. (March 18, 2014).
Hunter, Britney, Banks, Sterling J, USU Extension Annual Conference, "Providing Up-to-date
Vegetable Variety Recommendations," Utah State University, Logan, Utah. (March 5, 2014).
Banks, Sterling J, Summit County 4-H and FFA Livestock Nutrition Workshop, "2014 Summit County
Junior Market Livestock Program," USU Extension, Coalville. (February 10, 2014).
Barnhill, James V
Barnhill, James Vaughn, Pacific North West Forage Workers WREA1014, "Fall Management of
Birdsfoot Trefoil," Intensive Pasture Management for Sustainable Livestock Production, Logan,
Utah - USU. (October 28, 2014 - Present).
Barnhill, James Vaughn, Utah Association of County Agricultural Agents Summer Meetinag, "Green
Manure between Small Grains Planings," UACAA, Price, Utah. (June 19, 2014 - Present).
Beddes, Taun D
Beddes, Taun, Miner, Dean, Caron, Michael S, Drost, Daniel T, National Association of County
Agriculture Agents AM/PIC, "Performance of 17 pumpkin cultivars in the Mountain West,"
National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Mobile, AL. (July 23, 2014).
Brower, Naomi A
Brower, Naomi (Author Only), Washburn, Carolyn (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Darlene
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter Only), National Extension of Family and
Consumer Sciences, "Marriage Survival: It's a Jungle Out There," NEAFCS, Lexington, KY.
(September 16, 2014).
Brower, Naomi, Washburn, Carolyn, Christensen, Darlene, NEAFCS Annual Meeting, "Marriage
Survival, It’s a Jungle Out There," NEAFCS, Lexington, KY. (September 16, 2014).
Brower, Naomi, FACS Summer Conference, "How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk or Jerk-ette," Utah
Department of Education, Provo, UT. (June 2014).
Brower, Naomi, FCS Annual Inservice, "Fresh Date Night Ideas," UEAFCS, Salt Lake City, UT. (May
Brower, Naomi, Garcia, Zurishaddai, 4-H Leadermete, "101 Club Ideas," State 4-H Office, Torrey, UT.
(April 24, 2014 - April 25, 2014).
Brower, Naomi, Issues 2014 Community Conference, "How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk or Jerk-ette,"
Wasatch County Extension, Heber, UT. (February 2014).
Brown, Jennifer M
Francis, Dave W. (Presenter Only), Brown, Jennifer Major (Presenter & Author), Work Based Learning
Conference, "Career Exploration Experiences," Utah State Office of Education, West Jordan, UT.
(June 17, 2014).
Bunnell, Jolene B
Bunnell, Jolene B, Leadermete, "Building a Teen Leadership Program," Utah 4-H, Torrey, UT. (March
2014 - Present).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Leadermete, "Utah 4-H Portfolio - one club meeting at a time," Utah 4-H, Torrey, UT.
(March 2014 - Present).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Mentoring Training, "Ages & Stages of Youth Development," Utah County 4-H,
Aspen Grove, UT. (November 10, 2013 - Present).
Shepperd, Emily, Bunnell, Jolene B, National Mentoring Symposium 2013, "Reviewing the past and
looking to the future: 4-H Mentoring YFP of Central Utah," Alberta Mentoring Partnership, Banff,
Alberta, Canado. (November 7, 2013 - Present).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Jump Start Conference, "4-H Afterschool Grant Writing Strategies," Afterschool
Utah Association, Thanksgiving Point, UT. (October 24, 2013 - Present).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Leadermete, "Utah 4-H Portfolio - one club meeting at a time," Utah 4-H, Provo, UT.
(February 2013 - Present).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Western 4-H Institute, "Grant Writing," Western Region 4-H Program Leaders,
Albuguergue, New Mexico. (February 2013 - Present).
Bunnell, Jolene B, 4-H Agents Training, "4-H online - the new 4-H enrolment system," Utah 4-H, Lehi,
UT. (November 2012 - Present).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Western 4-H Institute, "4-H Recognition - Building a Strong 4-H Program," Western
Region 4-H Program Leaders, Albquerque, New Mexico. (February 2012 - Present).
Bunnell, Jolene B, Western 4-H Institute, "Citizenship - 4-H Mission Mandate Skill-A-Thon," Western
Region 4-H Program Leaders, Albquerque, New Mexico. (February 2012 - Present).
Caron, Michael S
Beddes, Taun, Miner, Dean, Caron, Michael S, Drost, Daniel T, National Association of County
Agriculture Agents AM/PIC, "Performance of 17 pumpkin cultivars in the Mountain West,"
National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Mobile, AL. (July 23, 2014).
Chapman, Carl K
Gale, Jody A, Chapman, Kim, Daniels, Steve, "Monroe Mountain Aspen Collaborative Working
Group." (November 6, 2014 - November 7, 2014).
Christensen, Amanda H
Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A, Utah 4-H Leadermete, "How 4-H Leaders Can
Use Social Media to Market Clubs & Recruit New Members," Utah 4-H, Loa, UT. (April 2014).
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter & Author), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter &
Author), Utah State University Extension Annual Conference, "Comprehensive Mentoring of
Extension Professionals: Investing in the Future of Extension," USU Extension, Logan, UT. (March
6, 2014).
Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie (Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie
(Author Only), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author),
Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Leadership Conference, "Mentoring: The
Leadership Key to Relevance in Extension," JCEP, Memphis, TN. (February 2014).
Christensen, Darlene A
Brower, Naomi (Author Only), Washburn, Carolyn (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Darlene
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter Only), National Extension of Family and
Consumer Sciences, "Marriage Survival: It's a Jungle Out There," NEAFCS, Lexington, KY.
(September 16, 2014).
Brower, Naomi, Washburn, Carolyn, Christensen, Darlene, NEAFCS Annual Meeting, "Marriage
Survival, It’s a Jungle Out There," NEAFCS, Lexington, KY. (September 16, 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Darlene (Presenter & Author), FACS Teacher
Summer Training, "Baking Quality Breads and Cakes." (June 18, 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Darlene (Presenter & Author), FACS Teacher
Summer Training, "What's new and fun in home food preservation." (June 18, 2014).
Christensen, Darlene, washburn, carolyn, FACS Summer Conference 2013, "Early Childhood Education
Activities," Utah State Office of Education, Provo, UT. (June 13, 2013 - May 2014).
Christensen, Darlene, 4H Leadermete, "Science Experiments you can Eat." (April 26, 2014).
Christensen, Darlene, Utah 4H Leadermete, "Your Color Personality." (April 26, 2014).
Cooper, Troy D
Cooper, Troy D, Poultry Showmanship workshop, "What is Expected of the Poultry Showmanship
Exhibitor," Davis County, Davis County. (July 21, 2014).
Cooper, Troy D, 4-H State Leader Mete, "How to Conduct a Poultry Showmanship Contest," Utah State
University, Loa, Utah. (April 25, 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon K
MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Cromwell, Shannon (Presenter & Author), Garcia,
Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Nelson, Cindy (Author Only),
National Association of Extension 4-H Professionals, "Discover 4-H Clubs: Baby Stepping into
New 4-H Projects," NAE4-HA, Minneapolis, MN. (October 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, Nelson, Cindy, Summer FACS Conference, "Food & Field Olympics: Activities
for Young Children," Provo, UT. (June 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, 4-H Leadermete, "4-H Family Fun Nights: Connecting Families, Schools, and
Communities," Wayne County, UT. (April 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, Utah State University Extension Conference, "4-H Family Fun Nights: Connecting
Families, Schools, and Communities," Logan, UT. (March 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, Sanpete County Commissioner's Meeting, "Sanpete county Extension 2013
Highlights," Manti, UT. (January 2014).
Dart, P C
Francis, Dave W. (Presenter & Author), Dart, Craig (Presenter & Author), Western Regional 4-H
Leaders’ Forum, "4-H and the Maker Movement," MT State University, Billings, UT. (March 28,
Francis, David W
Francis, Dave W., Afterschool Utah Jumpstart Conference, "Take Flight," Utah Afterschool
Association, Lehi, UT. (October 25, 2014).
Francis, Dave W., Utah Afterschool Jumpstart Conference, "Maker Movement," Utah Afterschool
Association, Lehi, UT. (October 25, 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Presenter & Author), National Children and Youth Garden Symposium, "Grow and
Learn Across the State," American Horticulture Society, Columbus, Ohio. (July 18, 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Presenter Only), Brown, Jennifer Major (Presenter & Author), Work Based Learning
Conference, "Career Exploration Experiences," Utah State Office of Education, West Jordan, UT.
(June 17, 2014).
Francis, Dave W. (Presenter & Author), Dart, Craig (Presenter & Author), Western Regional 4-H
Leaders’ Forum, "4-H and the Maker Movement," MT State University, Billings, UT. (March 28,
Gale, Jody A
Gale, Jody A, Chapman, Kim, Daniels, Steve, "Monroe Mountain Aspen Collaborative Working
Group." (November 6, 2014 - November 7, 2014).
Gale, Jody A, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals Annual
Conference, "A Perspective on Economic Development from a Traditional Extension Ag.
Educator," NACDEP, Grand Rapids, Michigan. (June 22, 2014 - June 25, 2014).
Garcia, Zurishaddai A
MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Cromwell, Shannon (Presenter & Author), Garcia,
Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Nelson, Cindy (Author Only),
National Association of Extension 4-H Professionals, "Discover 4-H Clubs: Baby Stepping into
New 4-H Projects," NAE4-HA, Minneapolis, MN. (October 2014).
Garcia, Zurishaddai, MacArthur, Stacey, National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual
Conference, "4-H Latino Outreach: Three phases for success," National Association of Extension
4-H Agents, Minneapolis, MN. (October 28, 2014).
Garcia, Zurishaddai, 4-H Leadermete, "Sharing 4-H with Latino Families," Utah 4-H, Torrey, UT. (April
26, 2014).
Brower, Naomi, Garcia, Zurishaddai, 4-H Leadermete, "101 Club Ideas," State 4-H Office, Torrey, UT.
(April 24, 2014 - April 25, 2014).
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter & Author), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter &
Author), Utah State University Extension Annual Conference, "Comprehensive Mentoring of
Extension Professionals: Investing in the Future of Extension," USU Extension, Logan, UT. (March
6, 2014).
Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie (Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie
(Author Only), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author),
Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Leadership Conference, "Mentoring: The
Leadership Key to Relevance in Extension," JCEP, Memphis, TN. (February 2014).
Goodspeed, Jerry L
Goodspeed, Jerry, KSL Studio 5, "Summer Plant Problems," KSL Studio 5, Salt Lake. (July 2012 Present).
Goodspeed, Jerry, Public Radio NPR, "Fruit Problems," Public Radio NPR. (July 2012 - Present).
Goodspeed, Jerry, KSL Studio 5, "New Perennial Varieties," KSL Studio 5, Salt Lake. (May 2012 Present).
Goodspeed, Jerry, KSL Studio 5, "Early Vegetables," KSL Studio 5, Salt Lake. (March 2012 - Present).
Goodspeed, Jerry, Public Radio NPR, "Gardening Catalogues," Public Radio NPR. (January 2012 Present).
Rupp, Larry A, Johnson, Paul G., Kjelgren, Roger K., Kopp, Kelly, Black, Brent L., Goodspeed, Jerry,
Gunnell, JayDee, Drost, Daniel T, Meeting with the UDAF Commissioner, "Horticultural Water
Conservation Research, Extension, and Teaching." (2014 - June 30, 2014).
Rupp, Larry A, Goodspeed, Jerry, Anderson, Richard, Gunnell, JayDee, Salt Lake County Watershed
Symposium, "Going Native in the Landscape," Salt Lake County. (November 20, 2014).
Goodspeed, Jerry L. (Presenter & Author), Gunnell, JayDee (Presenter & Author), NACAA National
Conference - Mobile, Alabama, "A Re-vegetation and Education Project for Emigration Canyon,
Salt Lake County Utah," NACAA, Mobile, Alabama. (July 2014).
Greenhalgh, Linden K
Greenhalgh, Linden, UACAA Summer Conference, "Tooele County Livestock Education Days," Utah
Association of County Agriculture Agents, Price, Utah. (June 19, 2014 - June 20, 2014).
Gunnell, Jaydee
Rupp, Larry A, Johnson, Paul G., Kjelgren, Roger K., Kopp, Kelly, Black, Brent L., Goodspeed, Jerry,
Gunnell, JayDee, Drost, Daniel T, Meeting with the UDAF Commissioner, "Horticultural Water
Conservation Research, Extension, and Teaching." (2014 - June 30, 2014).
Rupp, Larry A, Goodspeed, Jerry, Anderson, Richard, Gunnell, JayDee, Salt Lake County Watershed
Symposium, "Going Native in the Landscape," Salt Lake County. (November 20, 2014).
Goodspeed, Jerry L. (Presenter & Author), Gunnell, JayDee (Presenter & Author), NACAA National
Conference - Mobile, Alabama, "A Re-vegetation and Education Project for Emigration Canyon,
Salt Lake County Utah," NACAA, Mobile, Alabama. (July 2014).
Hashimoto, Cathy A
Scott, Paula, Hashimoto, Cathy, 4-H LEADERMETE, "HOOP IT UP," UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY,
WAYNE COUNTY. (April 26, 2014).
Haws, Susan D
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Science Adult Programming, "Marriage and Family
Relationshipsk/No Jerks," Summit County, Summit County. (September 2014 - December 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Science Adult Programming, "Basic Foods Cooking Classes,"
Summit County, Summit County. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Science Adult Programming, "Canning Classes," Summit County,
summit County. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Science Adult Programming, "Marriage and Family Relationships,"
Summit County, Summit County. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Adult Volunteer Training Program, "Adult Advisory
Counsel training," Summit County, Summit County. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Adult Volunteer Training Program, "County Leaders
Training," Summit County, Summit County. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programs, "4-H After school activities,"
Summit County, Summit County. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programs, "4-H Youth Finance Classes,"
Summit County, Summit County. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programs, "Ambassador Activities," Summit
County 4-H, Summit County. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Leadermete, "Discovery 4-H Sewing," 4-H, Loa. (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programs, "County Portfolio Program,"
Summit County, Summit County. (October 2014).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Haws, Susan, Food Sense and Nutrition Conference, "Cost of Convenience,"
USU Food Sense, Salt Lake City. (October 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programming, "Style Dress Review," Summit
County, Summit County. (August 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programs, "County Contest," Summit County,
Summit County. (August 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programs, "State Contest," State 4-H Office,
Logan. (July 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programs, "Youth Sewing Camps," Summit
County, Coalville, Kamas, Park City. (June 2014).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Haws, Susan, State FACS Conference, "The Cost of Conviences," State
Office of Education, Provo. (June 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Programs, "Agricultural Field Day," Summit
County, Summit County. (May 2014).
Haws, Susan, Family and Consumer Sciences Adult Programming, "Childcare Training," Summit
County, Summit County. (May 2014).
Haws, Susan, Leadermete, "Cooking up Science," State 4-H Office, Loa Wayne County. (April 25,
Haws, Susan, Leadermete, "Popcorn "The American Treat"," State 4-H Office, Loa Wayne County.
(April 25, 2014).
Proctor, Debra G (Presenter & Author), Haws, Susan (Presenter & Author), Utah State 4-H Leadermete,
"Discover 4-H Food Science," Utah State 4-H, Provo, Utah. (April 24, 2014).
Proctor, Debra G (Presenter & Author), Haws, Susan (Presenter & Author), Utah State 4-H Leadermete,
"Discover 4-H Sewing," Utah State 4-H, Provo, Utah. (April 24, 2014).
Haws, Susan, 4-H State Sewing Training, "Repurposed/Recycled stuffed animals," Utah State
University, Thanksgiving Point. (March 21, 2014).
Heaton, Kevin M
Heaton, Kevin, Utah section of the Society for Range Management, "Economic analysis of grazing on
the GSENM," Society for Range Management, Logan, UT. (November 6, 2014).
Heaton, Kevin, Beef Production Class, "Pasture management and health/disease management,"
Southern Utah University, Cedar City, UT. (October 30, 2014).
Heaton, Kevin, Region Staff Meeting, "Lightening Presentation -- Economic Analysis of Grazing on the
GSENM," USU Extension, Richfield. (October 14, 2014).
Heaton, Kevin, 4-H Leadermete, "Sausage Making," Utah State University, Wayne County, UT. (April
25, 2014).
Christenson, Katelyn P (Presenter & Author), Heaton, Kevin (Author Only), Annual Professional
Improvement Conference, "Introducing biotechnology to southern Utah ranchers," Utah State
University, Logan, UT. (March 4, 2014).
Heaton, Kevin, Barnyard, "Introducing biotechnology to southern Utah ranchers," Utah State
University, Logan, UT. (March 4, 2014).
Heaton, Kevin, Beef Production Class, "Pasture management for beef production and health
management," USU, Logan, UT. (March 4, 2014).
Heflebower JR, Richard F
Black, Brent L. (Presenter & Author), Heflebower, Rick F. (Author Only), Hunter, Britney (Author
Only), Olsen, Shawn H (Author Only), Lindstrom, Thor (Author Only), ASHS Annual Conference,
"A comparison of blackberry cultivars for a high-elevation arid climate," American Society for
Horticulture Science, Orlando, FL. (July 31, 2014).
Higginbotham, Brian J
Spuhler, Bryan (Presenter & Author), Skogrand, Linda M. (Author Only), Bradford, Kay P (Presenter &
Author), Higginbotham, Brian (Author Only), National Council on Family Relations Annual
Conference, "Relationship education for low-income job seekers.," NCFR, Baltimore, MD.
(November 21, 2014).
Jackson, Mark (Presenter & Author), Bradford, Kay P (Presenter & Author), Higginbotham, Brian
(Author Only), Skogrand, Linda M. (Author Only), National Council on Family Relations Annual
Conference, "The impact of Smart Steps on couple dynamics and parent–child interactions.,"
NCFR, Baltimore, MD. (November 21, 2014).
Stewart, Wade (Presenter & Author), Bradford, Kay P (Author Only), Higginbotham, Brian (Author
Only), Skogrand, Linda M. (Author Only), National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting,
"Evaluation of the PICK Program in a Community Sample," National Council on Family Relations,
Baltimore, MD. (November 20, 2014).
Spuhler, Bryan (Presenter & Author), Skogrand, Linda M. (Author Only), Bradford, Kay P (Author
Only), Higginbotham, Brian (Author Only), UT Council on Family Relations Annual Conference,
"Relationship education for low-income job seekers," UT Council on Family Relations, Provo, UT.
(April 2014).
Bradford, Kay P, Stewart, J. Wade (Author Only), Mock, Jim (Author Only), Higginbotham, Brian
(Author Only), Skogrand, Linda M. (Author Only), American Association of Behavioral and Social
Sciences 17th Annual Conference, "Patterns of help-seeking behaviors in couples and findings from
a brief couples’ intervention," American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas,
NV. (February 11, 2014).
Hill, Paul A
MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Cromwell, Shannon (Presenter & Author), Garcia,
Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Nelson, Cindy (Author Only),
National Association of Extension 4-H Professionals, "Discover 4-H Clubs: Baby Stepping into
New 4-H Projects," NAE4-HA, Minneapolis, MN. (October 2014).
Hill, Paul A (Author Only), National Association of Extension 4-H Professionals, "Engaging Youth in
Mobile Livestock Record Keeping," NAE4-HA, Minneapolis, MN. (October 2014).
Hill, Paul A (Author Only), Read, Nicholas (Presenter & Author), Western Region Leaders Forum,
"How 4-H Leaders Can Use Social Media to Market Clubs & Recruit New Members," NAE4-HA,
Billings, MT. (May 2014).
MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A, Read, Nicholas, Utah 4-H Leadermete, "Google
Search Mastery," Utah 4-H, Loa, UT. (April 2014).
Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A, Utah 4-H Leadermete, "How 4-H Leaders Can
Use Social Media to Market Clubs & Recruit New Members," Utah 4-H, Loa, UT. (April 2014).
Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Kopp, Kelly (Presenter & Author), Extension Annual Conference,
"21st Century Extension Work and eXtension," Utah State University, Logan, UT. (March 2014).
Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Memmott, Margie P (Presenter & Author), Mills, Rebecca M
(Presenter & Author), Extension Annual Conference, "Fixing Extension by Utilizing Innovative
Technology," Utah State University, Logan, UT. (March 2014).
Hill, Paul A, National eXtension Conference, "Expanding Extension’s Reach and Impact with Citizen
Science: A Dialogue Session to Brainstorm Citizen Science Ideas," eXtension, Sacramento, CA.
(March 2014).
Hill, Paul A, National eXtension Conference, "Expanding Extension’s Reach and Impact with Citizen
Science: Current Examples of Citizen Science In and Out of Extension," eXtension, Sacramento,
CA. (March 2014).
Hill, Paul A, National eXtension Conference, "Expanding Extension’s Reach and Impact with Citizen
Science: The Public Value of Citizen Science," eXtension, Sacramento, CA. (March 2014).
Hill, Paul A, National eXtension Conference, "Open Extension Work and Social Media Utilization in the
21st Century," eXtension, Sacramento, CA. (March 2014).
Read, Nicholas (Presenter & Author), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A (Presenter
& Author), USU Extension Annual Conference, "Google Search Basics," USU Extension, Logan,
UT. (March 5, 2014).
Hill, Paul A, National Youth Summit on Robotics, "LEGO Mindstorms NXT/WeDo/EV3 Robotics
Platforms," National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, MD. (February 2014).
Holmgren, Lyle N
Holmgren, Lyle N, Crop Insurance and Risk Management Workshop, "Basis and Futures, Why are They
Important to Me?," Extension, Provo, UT. (December 18, 2014 - Present).
Holmgren, Lyle N, Crop Insurance and Risk Management Workshop, "Basis and Futures, Why are They
Important to Me?," Extension, Brigham City, UT. (December 16, 2014 - Present).
Holmgren, Lyle N, "Gardening in Tremonton." (May 2014 - Present).
Holmgren, Lyle N, Soil Conservation District, "Repeat Photography in Box Elder County." (May 2014 Present).
Holmgren, Lyle N, Master Cattleman Intermountain Workshop, "Basic Cowboy Budgeting,"
Tremonton, UT. (January 2014 - Present).
Holmgren, Lyle N, Master Cattleman Intermountain Workshop, "Basic Cowboy Futures and Options,"
Tremonton, UT. (January 2014 - Present).
Hunsaker, Teresa C
Washburn, Carolyn, Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Extension Disaster Education Network, "Emergency
Food Storage," Madison Wisconsin. (October 2013 - Present).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Utah State 4-H Leadermete, "Yes You Can," Extension, Provo. (March 2010 Present).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Utah State 4-H Leadermete, "Youth Entrepreneurship," Extension, Provo.
(March 2010 - Present).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley (Presenter Only), Northern Utah Marriage Conference, "Couples and Money,"
Marriage Coalition, Weber State University. (February 12, 2010 - Present).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, "Teens and Money Management." (February 8, 2010 - Present).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley (Guest Speaker), "Family Finance." (January 31, 2010 - Present).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Haws, Susan, Food Sense and Nutrition Conference, "Cost of Convience,"
USU Food Sense, Salt Lake City. (October 2014).
Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Haws, Susan, State FACS Conference, "The Cost of Conviences," State
Office of Education, Provo. (June 2014).
Hunter, Britney L
Black, Brent L. (Presenter & Author), Heflebower, Rick F. (Author Only), Hunter, Britney (Author
Only), Olsen, Shawn H (Author Only), Lindstrom, Thor (Author Only), ASHS Annual Conference,
"A comparison of blackberry cultivars for a high-elevation arid climate," American Society for
Horticulture Science, Orlando, FL. (July 31, 2014).
Hunter, Britney, Banks, Sterling J, USU Extension Annual Conference, "Providing Up-to-date
Vegetable Variety Recommendations," Utah State University, Logan, Utah. (March 5, 2014).
Black, Brent L., Hunter, Britney, Utah Berry Growers Association Meeting, "Low-cost low-energy
tunnel automation strategies," USU Extension, Thanksgiving Point, UT. (February 20, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E
Israelsen, Clark E. (Presenter & Author), Cross Talk, "Assessment of the Year for Agriculture," KVNU
Radio, Logan, Utah. (December 9, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Presenter & Author), Access Utah, "Negotiating the Right to Farm," Utah Public
Radio, Logan, Utah. (November 24, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Presenter & Author), COAAS Annual Awards and Honors Banquet, "Alumni Hall of
Honor Award," USU College of Agriculture and Applied Science, Logan, Utah. (September 18,
Israelsen, Clark E. (Presenter & Author), Cache County Council, "Century Farms in Cache County,"
Cache County Corporation, Logan, Utah. (July 22, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Presenter & Author), UACAA Summer Professional Improvement Conference,
"Reclaiming Neglected Pastures in Cache County," UACAA, Price, Utah. (June 20, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Presenter & Author), Northern Utah Water Conference, "Water Outlook for
Northern Utah," KUTV Television, Salt Lake City, Utah. (May 27, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Presenter & Author), Cross Talk, "Agricultural Outlook for Cache Farmers," KVNU
Radio, Logan, Utah. (May 23, 2014).
Israelsen, Clark E. (Presenter & Author), Northern Utah Water Conference, "Snowpack and water levels
in Northern Utah," KSL Television, Salt Lake City, Utah. (April 1, 2014).
Allen, Niel (Presenter & Author), Creech, J Earl, Israelsen, Clark E., Pace, Mike, Utah State University
Annual Extension Conference, "2013 Safflower Irrigation Research Results," Utah State
University, Logan, Utah. (March 4, 2014).
Allen, Niel (Presenter & Author), Creech, J Earl, Israelsen, Clark E., Pace, Mike, Oilseed Seminar,
"2013 Safflower Irrigation Research Results," Mountain States Oilseeds, Logan, Utah. (February
21, 2014).
Pace, Mike (Presenter & Author), Israelsen, Clark E., Allen, Niel, Creech, J Earl, Oilseed Seminar,
"Dryland Safflower Variety Trial at Blue Creek," Mountain States Oilseeds, Logan, Utah. (February
21, 2014).
Jensen, Christine E
Serfustini, Elllen (Presenter & Author), Jensen, Christine E. (Presenter & Author), National Extension
Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, "Lifeskills: Livin' and Leavin',"
National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Lexington, KY. (September 16,
Jewkes, Melanie D
Jewkes, Melanie, Utah Farm Bureau Convention, "Quick, Tasty, Inexpensive Meals--Impossible?,"
Utah Farm Bureau, Davis Conference Center, Layton, Utah. (November 21, 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie, Utah Association for Family and Consumer Sciences Fall Conference, "Building
Healthy Relationships," UAFCS, BYU-Salt Lake Center. (November 8, 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter & Author), Streeter, Laura (Presenter Only), Morales, Jessica (Presenter
Only), Jump Start Afterschool Utah Association Conference, "Cooking with 4-H Food, Fun, and
Fitness," Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, Utah. (October 25, 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie, Utah Prepare Conference, "Basics of home canning and food preservation," South
Towne Expo Center, Sandy, Utah. (September 27, 2014).
Brower, Naomi (Author Only), Washburn, Carolyn (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Darlene
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter Only), National Extension of Family and
Consumer Sciences, "Marriage Survival: It's a Jungle Out There," NEAFCS, Lexington, KY.
(September 16, 2014).
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter & Author), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter &
Author), Utah State University Extension Annual Conference, "Comprehensive Mentoring of
Extension Professionals: Investing in the Future of Extension," USU Extension, Logan, UT. (March
6, 2014).
Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter & Author), Albertson, Marilyn K (Presenter & Author), Utah State
University Extension Annual Conference, "Developing a Couples Education Class Series," USU
Extension, Logan, UT. (March 6, 2014).
Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie (Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie
(Author Only), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author),
Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Leadership Conference, "Mentoring: The
Leadership Key to Relevance in Extension," JCEP, Memphis, TN. (February 2014).
Jimenez, LaCee N
Jimenez, LaCee N (Presenter & Author), Monthly USU FCS Professional Development Training,
"Technology Tools for Extension," UEAFCS. (November 18, 2014).
Jimenez, LaCee N (Presenter & Author), 4-H Inservice, "The Hour of Code," Utah State 4-H Office,
Moab, Utah. (November 6, 2014).
Jimenez, LaCee N (Presenter & Author), FCS In-Service, "Technology Tips," UEAFCS. (May 14,
Kitchen, Boyd M
Kitchen, Boyd M. (Presenter & Author), Creech, J Earl, Cardon, Grant, Southern Regional Staff
Meeting, "Corn following Alfalfa - Nitrogen Fertilizer Experiment," USU Extension, Richfield,
Utah. (October 14, 2014).
Kitchen, Boyd M., Extension Annual Conference, "4-H Expansion and Review in Uintah County," Utah
State University, Logan, Utah. (March 6, 2014).
MacArthur, Stacey S
MacArthur, Stacey, Peterson, GaeLynn, Epsilon Sigma Phi National Conference, "Discover 4-H Clubs:
Enabling volunteers for the future," Epsilon Sigma Phi, Indianapolis, IN. (2014).
Memmott, Margie P, Miner, Dean, MacArthur, Stacey, AFCPE National Symposium & Training,
"PowerPay Debt Elimination Tool Goes Mobile," AFCPE, Bellevue, WA. (November 20, 2014).
MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Cromwell, Shannon (Presenter & Author), Garcia,
Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Nelson, Cindy (Author Only),
National Association of Extension 4-H Professionals, "Discover 4-H Clubs: Baby Stepping into
New 4-H Projects," NAE4-HA, Minneapolis, MN. (October 2014).
Garcia, Zurishaddai, MacArthur, Stacey, National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual
Conference, "4-H Latino Outreach: Three phases for success," National Association of Extension
4-H Agents, Minneapolis, MN. (October 28, 2014).
MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A, Read, Nicholas, Utah 4-H Leadermete, "Google
Search Mastery," Utah 4-H, Loa, UT. (April 2014).
MacArthur, Stacey, Peterson, GaeLynn, Western Region Leader's Forum, "Discover 4-H Clubs:
recruiting new 4-h volunteers." (March 2014).
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter & Author), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter &
Author), Utah State University Extension Annual Conference, "Comprehensive Mentoring of
Extension Professionals: Investing in the Future of Extension," USU Extension, Logan, UT. (March
6, 2014).
Read, Nicholas (Presenter & Author), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A (Presenter
& Author), USU Extension Annual Conference, "Google Search Basics," USU Extension, Logan,
UT. (March 5, 2014).
Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie (Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie
(Author Only), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author),
Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Leadership Conference, "Mentoring: The
Leadership Key to Relevance in Extension," JCEP, Memphis, TN. (February 2014).
Memmott, Margie P
Memmott, Margie P, NEAFCS Affiliate Presidents Training, "NEAFCS Affiliate Presidents Webinar:
VP for Member Resources Presentation," National Extension Association of Family & Consumer
Sciences, Webinar. (December 16, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P, Miner, Dean, MacArthur, Stacey, AFCPE National Symposium & Training,
"PowerPay Debt Elimination Tool Goes Mobile," AFCPE, Bellevue, WA. (November 20, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P, UAFCS Fall Conference, "Financial Management Strategies Using Utah Saves,
Spin 'n Win, and PowerPay," Utah Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Salt Lake City,
UT. (November 8, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Presenter & Author), Jensen, Judy (Presenter & Author), 4-H Annual In-Service,
"Life Skills Sewing Lab: They're Not Just Sewing Aprons," Utah State University Extension 4-H,
Moab, Utah. (November 5, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P, South Region Staff Meeting, "WELD VII Project & PowerPay Mobile App
Lightening Presentation," Utah State University Extension, Richfield, UT. (October 14, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P, NEAFCS 2014 Annual Session & Exhibits, "PowerPay Mobile App Exhibit,"
NEAFCS, Lexington, KY. (September 16, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Presenter & Author), WELD VII (Western Extension Leadership Development),
"Reach and Engage-Innovative Technology for Extension Program Promotion and Delivery," US
Western Region Land Grant Extension Universities, Maui, HI. (June 6, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Presenter & Author), WELD VII (Western Extension Leadership Development),
"Linch Pin Leadership Book Review Presentation & Poster Session," US Western Region Land
Grant Extension Universities, Maui, HI. (June 5, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P, South Region Staff Meeting, "Financial Literacy with PowerPay Mobile App and
Juab Saves iMovie," Utah State University Extension, Castle Valley Ranch, UT. (May 19, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P, FCS In-Service Training, "PowerPay and PowerPay Mobile App," Utah State
University Extension, Sandy, UT. (May 14, 2014).
Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Memmott, Margie P (Presenter & Author), Mills, Rebecca M
(Presenter & Author), Extension Annual Conference, "Fixing Extension by Utilizing Innovative
Technology," Utah State University, Logan, UT. (March 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Presenter & Author), Miner, Dean (Presenter & Author), Extension Annual
Conference, "Unveiling the PowerPay Mobile App," Utah State University Extension, Logan, UT.
(March 4, 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M
Mills, Rebecca M (Presenter Only), Utah 4-H Inservice, "4-H Afterschool Programs," Utah State
University, Moab, UT. (November 5, 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M (Presenter Only), Utah 4-H Inservice, "4-H Professional Development," Utah State
University, Moab, UT. (November 5, 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M (Presenter Only), Utah 4-H Inservice, "4-H Teen Councils," Utah State University,
Moab, UT. (November 5, 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M (Presenter & Author), National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual Session,
"How do I find volunteers?," National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Minneapolis, MN.
(October 27, 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M (Presenter & Author), Utah Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers Summer
Conference, "What type are you? Using Energy Profiling in the classroom," Utah Department of
Education, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. (June 19, 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M (Presenter & Author), Utah 4-H Leadermete, "Volunteer Risk Management
Discussion," Utah 4-H, Loa, UT. (April 25, 2014).
Mills, Rebecca M (Presenter & Author), Utah 4-H Leadermete, "What makes Utah 4-H unique, special,
and different?," Utah 4-H, Loa, UT. (April 25, 2014).
Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Memmott, Margie P (Presenter & Author), Mills, Rebecca M
(Presenter & Author), Extension Annual Conference, "Fixing Extension by Utilizing Innovative
Technology," Utah State University, Logan, UT. (March 2014).
Miner Jr., F Dean
Memmott, Margie P, Miner, Dean, MacArthur, Stacey, AFCPE National Symposium & Training,
"PowerPay Debt Elimination Tool Goes Mobile," AFCPE, Bellevue, WA. (November 20, 2014).
Miner, Dean, Internal Revenue In-Service, "Virtual VITA," Internal Revenue Service, Webinar.
(September 10, 2014).
Beddes, Taun, Miner, Dean, Caron, Michael S, Drost, Daniel T, National Association of County
Agriculture Agents AM/PIC, "Performance of 17 pumpkin cultivars in the Mountain West,"
National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Mobile, AL. (July 23, 2014).
Miner, Dean, Extension FCS Annual In-service, "PowerPay Debt Elimination," Utah State University,
Salt Lake City. (May 13, 2014).
Memmott, Margie P (Presenter & Author), Miner, Dean (Presenter & Author), Extension Annual
Conference, "Unveiling the PowerPay Mobile App," Utah State University Extension, Logan, UT.
(March 4, 2014).
Mueller, Mary L
Mueller, Lou, Extension Annual Conference, "Journaling for Health Pilot Study Results," Utah State
University, Logan. (March 5, 2014).
Nelson, Cindy
Nelson, Cindy, Tandition and Transformation, NAE4-HA 2014, "The Leadership Puzzle, "Putting the
Pieces Together"," National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
(October 27, 2014 - Present).
Nelson, Cindy, Southern Region Agent Staff Meeting, "S.M.A.R.T. Objectives," USU
Extension/Southern Region, Emery County, Utah. (May 2014 - Present).
Nelson, Cindy, Utah 4-H Leadermete, "The Leadership Puzzle, "Putting the Pieces Together"," USU
4-H/Extension, Wayne County Utah. (April 2014 - Present).
Nelson, Cindy, Utah State University Extension Annual Conference, "Healthy Habits, A Way of Life,"
USU Extension, Logan, Utah. (March 2014 - Present).
MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Cromwell, Shannon (Presenter & Author), Garcia,
Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Hill, Paul A (Presenter & Author), Nelson, Cindy (Author Only),
National Association of Extension 4-H Professionals, "Discover 4-H Clubs: Baby Stepping into
New 4-H Projects," NAE4-HA, Minneapolis, MN. (October 2014).
Cromwell, Shannon, Nelson, Cindy, Summer FACS Conference, "Food & Field Olympics: Activities
for Young Children," Provo, UT. (June 2014).
Nelson, R M
Nelson, Mark, Inaugural Lecture Series, "Mark Nelson, Inaugural Lecture," USU Extension, Beaver.
(November 20, 2014).
Nelson, Mark, Panguitch Pesticide Applicator Workshop, "Gopher Control," USU Extension,
Panguitch. (November 19, 2014).
Nelson, Mark, 2014 Utah Pesticide Safety Education Program, "Pocket Gopher Control," Utah
Department of Ag and Food, Richfield, UT. (November 13, 2014).
Nelson, Mark, 2014 Utah Pesticide Safety Education Program, "Pocket Gopher Control," Utah
Department of Ag and Food, Delta, UT. (November 12, 2014).
Nelson, Mark, NACAA Am/Pic, "Conducted Western Region NACAA Meeting," NACAA, Mobil,
Alabama. (July 19, 2014 - July 24, 2014).
Nelson, Mark, USU Extension Annual Conference, "Practical Reproduction Strategies for Utah
Ranches," USU Extension, Logan, UT. (March 4, 2014).
Olsen, Shawn H
Black, Brent L. (Presenter & Author), Heflebower, Rick F. (Author Only), Hunter, Britney (Author
Only), Olsen, Shawn H (Author Only), Lindstrom, Thor (Author Only), ASHS Annual Conference,
"A comparison of blackberry cultivars for a high-elevation arid climate," American Society for
Horticulture Science, Orlando, FL. (July 31, 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M, Olsen, Shawn H, USU Extension Annual Conference, "A guide to common
organic gardening questions.," USU Extension, Logan. (March 6, 2014).
Pace, Michael G
Allen, Niel (Presenter & Author), Creech, J Earl, Israelsen, Clark E., Pace, Mike, Utah State University
Annual Extension Conference, "2013 Safflower Irrigation Research Results," Utah State
University, Logan, Utah. (March 4, 2014).
Allen, Niel (Presenter & Author), Creech, J Earl, Israelsen, Clark E., Pace, Mike, Oilseed Seminar,
"2013 Safflower Irrigation Research Results," Mountain States Oilseeds, Logan, Utah. (February
21, 2014).
Pace, Mike (Presenter & Author), Israelsen, Clark E., Allen, Niel, Creech, J Earl, Oilseed Seminar,
"Dryland Safflower Variety Trial at Blue Creek," Mountain States Oilseeds, Logan, Utah. (February
21, 2014).
Parent, Vernon C
Parent, Vernon (Presenter & Author), Western Region Science Engineering and Technology
Conference, "Partnerships in Natural Resource Career and Recreation Education Camp," 4-H
National Council, Sacramento, CA. (March 27, 2012 - Present).
Patterson, Ronald K
Patterson, Ron, Utah 4-H In-service, "Grab Your Camera and Love Life," Utah 4-H, Moab, UT.
(November 5, 2014).
Patterson, Ron, Staff Meeting, "Water Audit Spreadsheet," USU Extension, Richfield. (October 14,
Patterson, Ron, NACAA Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference, "A Do-It-Yourself
High Tunnel for High Winds and Space Utility," National Association of Coutny Agricultural
Agents, Mobile, AL. (July 22, 2014).
Patterson, Ron, NACAA Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference, "Reaching a Broader
Audience with YouTube Videos," National Association of Coutny Agricultural Agents, Mobile,
AL. (July 22, 2014).
Patterson, Ron, Utah 4-H Leadermete, "Feeding Your livestock Project," Utah 4-H, Loa, Utah. (April 25,
Peterson, Gaelynn
MacArthur, Stacey, Peterson, GaeLynn, Epsilon Sigma Phi National Conference, "Discover 4-H Clubs:
Enabling volunteers for the future," Epsilon Sigma Phi, Indianapolis, IN. (2014).
Albertson, Marilyn K, Peterson, GaeLynn, National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference,
"Discover 4-H Clubs: The easy button of success for volunteer leaders," National Association of
Extension 4-H Agents. (2014).
Peterson, GaeLynn, Utah Association of of Extension 4-H Workers Inservice, "Youth Teaching Youth
Financial Management," Utah Association of of Extension 4-H Workers. (November 2014).
Peterson, GaeLynn, Prevedel, Suzanne, Food $ense Annual Conference, "New youth curriculum
overview," Utah State University Food $ense. (October 2014).
MacArthur, Stacey, Peterson, GaeLynn, Western Region Leader's Forum, "Discover 4-H Clubs:
recruiting new 4-h volunteers." (March 2014).
Prevedel, Suzanne M
Peterson, GaeLynn, Prevedel, Suzanne, Food $ense Annual Conference, "New youth curriculum
overview," Utah State University Food $ense. (October 2014).
Proctor, Debra G
Proctor, Debra G (Presenter & Author), Haws, Susan (Presenter & Author), Utah State 4-H Leadermete,
"Discover 4-H Food Science," Utah State 4-H, Provo, Utah. (April 24, 2014).
Proctor, Debra G (Presenter & Author), Haws, Susan (Presenter & Author), Utah State 4-H Leadermete,
"Discover 4-H Sewing," Utah State 4-H, Provo, Utah. (April 24, 2014).
Reed, Stephen S
Reed, Stephen (Guest Speaker), TMAC Seminar, "How to Measure Performance Impacts," TMAC
(Texas MEP), Austin TX. (August 9, 2014 - August 11, 2014).
Reid, Chad R
Reid, Chad R, Utah Association of County Agriculture Agents Summer Meeting, "Alfalfa Weevil
Research," USU Extension, Price, Utah. (June 19, 2014).
Riggs, Kathleen
Riggs, Kathy, Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) 2006 Annual
Conference & Exhibits, "Involvement of the Latino population in youth development and
community programs.," National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Denver,
Riggs, Kathy, Food Sense Nutrition Education Program State Training, "The juggling show: Finding
time for work, family and self.," Food Sense Nutrition State Office, Salt Lake City, UT.
Riggs, Kathy, University Extension Annual Planning and Professional Development Conference, Best
Practices, "Involvement of the Latino population in youth development and community programs.,"
Utah State University Extension, Logan, UT.
Riggs, Kathy, Utah Campus Compact, Engaged Scholars Retreat, "Successful Advisory Councils- The
member’s perspective.," Utah Campus Compact Organization, St. George, UT.
Riggs, Kathy, Utah Extension Family and Consumer Sciences In-Service, "Family preparedness,"
Riggs, Kathy, Utah State 4-H In-Service, "4-H mentoring-YFP 101," Utah State 4-H Office,
Thanksgiving Point, UT.
Riggs, Kathy, Utah State University Extension Annual Planning and Professional Development
Conference, "21st Century grandparenting- Best Practices," Utah State University Extension,
Logan, UT.
Riggs, Kathy, YFP State Training, "Youth and Families with Promise: Mentor connections- Ideas that
work.," Utah State 4-H Office, Provo, UT.
Riggs, Kathy (Presenter & Author), Utah Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Fall
Conference, "Celebrating 100 years of Extension with food dehydration basics," Utah Association
of Family and Consumer Sciences, Salt Lake City, UT. (November 7, 2014 - Present).
Riggs, Kathy (Presenter Only), Southern Region Staff Meeting, "Top 10 internal control basics for every
employee. Strong ethical values are key," Utah State University Extension, Richfield, UT. (May 20,
2014 - Present).
Riggs, Kathy (Panelist), National Mentoring Summit, "OJJDP's Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration
Program: Mentors as advocates and teachers," National Mentoring Partnership, Arlington, VA.
(January 2014 - Present).
Riggs, Kathy, Epsilon Sigma Phi Annual Conference, "Strategies for grant-funded project
sustainability," Epsilon Sigma Phi, Mobile, AL. (October 9, 2012 - Present).
Riggs, Kathy, USU Extension Annual Conference, "Strategies for grant-funded project sustainability,"
USU Extension, Logan, UT. (March 8, 2012 - Present).
Riggs, Kathy (Presenter Only), National 4-H Mentoring Training, "Sustainability for Grant Funded
Programs," National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, MD. (December 15, 2011 - Present).
Riggs, Kathy (Coordinator/Organizer), 4-H Mentoring Conference, "4-H Mentoring Conference," Utah
State University Extension, Springdale, UT. (November 14, 2014 - November 15, 2014).
Roberts, Adrie
Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter & Author), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter &
Author), Utah State University Extension Annual Conference, "Comprehensive Mentoring of
Extension Professionals: Investing in the Future of Extension," USU Extension, Logan, UT. (March
6, 2014).
Christensen, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Roberts, Adrie (Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie
(Author Only), MacArthur, Stacey (Presenter & Author), Garcia, Zurishaddai (Presenter & Author),
Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Leadership Conference, "Mentoring: The
Leadership Key to Relevance in Extension," JCEP, Memphis, TN. (February 2014).
Roueche, Joanne M
Roueche, Joanne Marie, UAFCS Annual Conference, "Building Strong Children," Utah Association of
Family & Consumer Sciences, Salt Lake City (BYU Salt Lake Center). (November 7, 2014 Present).
Roueche, Joanne Marie, Utah CTE Mid-Winter Conference, "Creating a Fun & Exciting
Entrepreneurship Program with Recyclables," Utah State Office of Education, Jordan, UT.
(February 4, 2012 - Present).
Roueche, Joanne Marie (Presenter & Author), 2011 AFCPE Annual Conference, "Establishing strong
community partnerships contribute to successful military saves program," Association for Financial
Counseling, planning, education, Jacksonville, FL. (November 18, 2011 - Present).
Roueche, Joanne Marie (Presenter & Author), 2011 AFCPE Annual Conference, "Fun financial
education through military youth saves," Association for Financial Counseling, planning, education,
Jacksonville, FL. (November 17, 2011 - Present).
Serfustini, Ellen J
Serfustini, Elllen (Presenter & Author), Jensen, Christine E. (Presenter & Author), National Extension
Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, "Lifeskills: Livin' and Leavin',"
National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Lexington, KY. (September 16,
Shepperd, Emily A
Shepperd, Emily, Bunnell, Jolene B, National Mentoring Symposium 2013, "Reviewing the past and
looking to the future: 4-H Mentoring YFP of Central Utah," Alberta Mentoring Partnership, Banff,
Alberta, Canado. (November 7, 2013 - Present).
Smith, Justen O
Kock, Tim K (Presenter & Author), Smith, Justen O (Presenter & Author), Association of International
Agricultural and Extension Education, "Does technology transfer work? Assessing the outcomes
and impact of the USAID Inma Agribusiness Program," Association of International Agricultural
and Extension Education, Miami, Florida. (May 15, 2014).
Spaeth, Cassandra S
Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne, 4-H 101, "4-H 101," Utah County 4-H, Provo, UT. (March 10, 2014 October 28, 2014).
Spaeth, Cassandra Suzanne, Leadermete 2014, "Discovering Citizenship Washington Focus," Wayne
County 4-H, Wayne County. (April 24, 2014).
Sulser, Allan R
Sulser, Allan R, Utah 4-H In-service, "Junior Livestock More than Just a Show," Utah 4-H, Moab, Utah.
(November 2014).
Sulser, Allan R, UACCA Summer Meeting, "Barley Fodder Feeding Trials," UACCA, Price, Ut. (June
Sulser, Allan R, Utah Weed Supervisors Annual Meeting, "Effective Measuring of Test Plots for Weed
Control," Utah Weed Supervisors, Heber City, Utah. (June 2014).
Sulser, Allan R, Extension Annual Conference, "Junior Livestock More than Just a Show," USU
Extension, Logan, Utah. (March 4, 2014 - March 6, 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M
Wagner, Katherine M, Food Distribution Research Society Annual Conference, "Meals Plus Program,"
FDRS, Salt Lake City, Utah. (November 3, 2014 - November 5, 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M, NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference, "A guide
to common organic gardening questions.," NACAA, Mobile, AL. (July 20, 2014 - July 24, 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M, UACAA Annual Conference, "A needs assessment of Salt Lake County," Utah
Association of County Agriculture Agents, Price, Utah. (June 19, 2014 - June 20, 2014).
Wagner, Katherine M, Olsen, Shawn H, USU Extension Annual Conference, "A guide to common
organic gardening questions.," USU Extension, Logan. (March 6, 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn V
Washburn, Carolyn, Hunsaker, Teresa Cooley, Extension Disaster Education Network, "Emergency
Food Storage," Madison Wisconsin. (October 2013 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, Family Consumer Sciences Summer Conference, "Increasing fiber in our daily diet:
An apple a day for pie making.," Utah State Office of Education, Provo, Utah. (June 2013 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, Family and Consumer Sciences Summer Conference, "Money Smart teens.," Utah
State Office of Education, Provo, Utah. (May 2013 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, State Nutrition Conference, "Diabetes Education and Cooking," USU Extension,
BYU Provo. (June 2012 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, Lady's First Conference, "Healthy Families for Single Mother's," Governor and
First Lady Herbert, Salt Lake city. (March 2012 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, Afterschool 4H, "Love And Logic," USU Extension, St. George, UTah. (January
2012 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, School Nutrition Association, "Home Canning Updates," State Dept of Education,
Layton, UT. (June 18, 2010 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, FACS, "Aprons Aren't Just for Grandma Anymore," Utah State Dept of Education,
Provo. (June 17, 2010 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, FACS, "Cleaning Green," State Dept of Education, PRovo. (June 17, 2010 Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, Early Childhood Conference, "Healthy Food and Nutrition for Pre Schoolers," State
Day Care Licensing, St. George. (May 27, 2010 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, USU Annual Conference, "Marriage Garden in Spanish," USU, Logan. (March 3,
2010 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, State After School Conference, "Love and Logic With Kids," 4H and State Office
of Education, St. George. (February 27, 2010 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, Spring FACS Conference, "Making Utah Rock Solid," State of Utah Dept of
Education, St. George. (February 20, 2010 - Present).
Washburn, Carolyn, Southern AARP Conference, "Healthy Eating for Seniors," AARP, ST. George,
UT. (October 2014 - November 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn, Extension Disaster Education Network, "Family Preparedness During the
Disaster," EDEN (same), Mussle Shoals Alabama. (October 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn, National Extension and Family Consumer Sciences, "Extension Disaster Education
NEtwork," NEAFCS (same), Kentucky. (September 2014).
Christensen, Darlene (Presenter & Author), National Extension Association Family Consumer Sciences,
"Marriage Survival," NEAFCS (same), Kentucky. (September 2014).
Brower, Naomi (Author Only), Washburn, Carolyn (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Darlene
(Presenter & Author), Jewkes, Melanie (Presenter Only), National Extension of Family and
Consumer Sciences, "Marriage Survival: It's a Jungle Out There," NEAFCS, Lexington, KY.
(September 16, 2014).
Brower, Naomi, Washburn, Carolyn, Christensen, Darlene, NEAFCS Annual Meeting, "Marriage
Survival, It’s a Jungle Out There," NEAFCS, Lexington, KY. (September 16, 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn, State FACS Conference, "Food Preservation, Filling Buckets, Breads, Pies and
Desserts," State OFfice of Education, BYU, PRovo Utah. (June 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Darlene (Presenter & Author), FACS Teacher
Summer Training, "Baking Quality Breads and Cakes." (June 18, 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn (Presenter & Author), Christensen, Darlene (Presenter & Author), FACS Teacher
Summer Training, "What's new and fun in home food preservation." (June 18, 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn, Wayne County Leadermete, "Filling Up Buckets, Creative Cooking With Donuts,"
Utah 4H, Wayne County, UT. (April 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn, State Sewing Workshop, "Project Bag," Utah State University Extension,
Thanksgiving Point. (March 2014).
Washburn, Carolyn, Utah State Extension Annual Conference, "Extension Disaster Education
Network," USU Extension, Logan, UT. (March 2014).
White, Kenneth L
Morrill, Benson H. (Presenter & Author), Sessions, Benjamin R., White, Kenneth L., Isom, Clay,
International Embryo Transfer Society - Annual Meeting, "Use of nanofluidic RT-qPCR to study
variation in gene expression between single bovine oocyte and blastocyst samples," Phoenix, AZ.
(January 9, 2012 - Present).
Wilde, Trenton W
Wilde, Trenton, NACAA Western Region County Agent Meeting, "The use of natural selection to
combat alfalfa stem nematode in Millard County, UT," National Association of County Agricultural
Agents, Twinn Falls, ID. (October 2012 - Present).
Wilde, Trenton, NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference, "The use of
natural selection to combat alfalfa stem nematode in Millard County, UT," National Association of
County Agricultural Agents, Charleston, S.C. (July 2012 - Present).
Wilde, Trenton, NACAA Western Region Extension Professional Improvement Conference, "Strategies
to Increase Attendance of Agricultural Producers at Extension Events," National Association of
County Agricultural Agents, Kennewick, WA. (October 2011 - Present).
Wilde, Trenton, 2011 NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference, "Strategies
for new agricultural agents to increase attendance of agricultural producers at Extension events,"
National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Overland Park, KS. (August 2011 - Present).
Wilde, Trenton, 2010 NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference, "Integrating
soil moisture monitoring in the arid regions of southern Utah with the local county Extension
website," National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Tulsa, OK. (August 2010 - Present).
Williams, Scott R
Williams, Scott R, 4-H Agent Inservice, "Cache Makers 4-H Club and Maker Movement," Utah 4-H
Utah Association of Extension 4-H Workers, Moab, UT. (November 5, 2014 - Present).
Fly UP