
Curriculum Vita CYNTHIA I. GERSTL-PEPIN College of Education & Social Services

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Curriculum Vita CYNTHIA I. GERSTL-PEPIN College of Education & Social Services
Curriculum Vita
College of Education & Social Services
University of Vermont, 308 Waterman Building
Burlington, VT 05405
Ph.D. 1998
B.A. 1989
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Education,
Chapel Hill, NC, Educational Organizations and Policy Studies
Minor: Anthropology of Education
Research Specialization: Qualitative Methodology
Bates College, Lewiston, ME, Art History and Studio Art
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research, College of Education
& Social Services (CESS), University of Vermont (UVM)
Interim Dean, CESS, UVM
Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy and Educational Studies, Dept.
of Leadership & Developmental Sciences, CESS, UVM (full-time, tenured)
Program Coordinator, Ph.D. in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
Chairperson, Dept. of Education, CESS, UVM,
(33+ full-time faculty; 7 staff; Annual budget $3.3 million).
Fulbright Scholar, Beijing Normal University (北京师范大学, Beijing
Shifan Daxue), Faculty of Education, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Associate Professor, Educational Leadership & Educational Studies, Dept.
of Education, CESS, UVM (full-time, tenured)
Program Coordinator, Master’s Program in Educational Leadership, Dept.
of Education, CESS, UVM
Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership & Educational Studies, Dept.
of Education, CESS, UVM (full-time, tenure-track)
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Policy Studies, Georgia
State University, Atlanta, Georgia (full-time, tenure-track)
Consultant, A+ Schools Evaluation Project, Thomas S. Kenan Institute for
the Arts, Winston-Salem, NC
Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership & Foundations, Western
Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (full-time, tenure-track)
A+ Schools Program Evaluation Team, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Program Coordinator, Peer Tutoring Program, Duke University, Durham,
Staff, Center for Health Policy Research and Education, Duke University,
Durham, NC
Publicist, Huntington Theatre Company, Boston University, Boston, MA
Newspaper Stringer, Wakefield Daily Item, Wakefield, MA
Editorial Board, Springer Book Series, New Frontiers of Educational
Editorial Board Appointment, Journal of Educational Foundations
Guest Editor, Peabody Journal of Education
Editorial Board Appointment, Journal of At-Risk Issues
Special Issue Editor, Journal of Educational Foundations
Peer-Reviewed Books and Monographs
Marshall, C., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2nd edition, in preparation). Re-framing educational politics for
social justice.
Gerstl-Pepin, C., & Reyes, C. (Eds.). (2015). Reimagining the public intellectual in education:
Making scholarship matter. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
Li, Q. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (Eds.). (2014). Survival of the fittest: The shifting contours of higher
education in China and the United States. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH Press.
Gerstl-Pepin, C., & Aiken, J. (Eds.). (2012). Social justice leadership for a global world.
Leadership for Social Justice Book Series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Marshall, C., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2005). Re-framing educational politics for social justice.
Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Gerstl-Pepin, C.I. (2001). A history of the A+ Schools Program. Winston-Salem, NC: Thomas S.
Kenan Institute for the Arts.
Groves, P., Gerstl-Pepin, C.I., Patterson, J., Cozart, S.C., & McKinney, M. (2001). Educational
Resilience in the A+ Schools Program: Building capacity through networking and professional
development. Winston-Salem, NC: Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts.
Guest Edited Peer-Reviewed Journals
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., & Opfer, D. V. (Eds). (2007). Special Issue: The media, democracy, and the
politics of education, Peabody Journal of Education, 82(1).
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., Gunzenhauser, M. G., & Noblit, G. (Eds). (2002). Special Issue: The arts
and accountability: The shifting foundations of school reform, Educational Foundations, 16(2).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Haines, S. J., Tinkler, A., Clark-Keefe, K., Kotsiopoulos A., Gerstl-Pepin, C., & Shepherd, K.
(Under review the journal of Mindfulness, Summer 2016). “Let’s just stop and take a breath:”
Mindfulness practice in a high poverty elementary school.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2015). Popular media portrayals of inequity and school reform in The Wire and
Waiting for “Superman.” Peabody Journal of Education, 90(5), 691-710.
Tinkler, B., Tinkler, A., Gerstl-Pepin, C., Mugisha, V. (2014). The promise of a communitybased, participatory approach to service-learning in teacher education. Journal of Higher
Education Outreach and Engagement, 18(3), 1-24.
Aiken, J. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2014). Designing the Ed.D. and Ph.D. as a partnership for change.
Planning and Changing, 44(3/4), 162-180.
Bass, L., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2011). Declaring bankruptcy on educational inequity. Educational
Policy, 25(6), 908-934.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., & Liang, G. (2010). Media misrepresentations of a mascot controversy:
Contested constructions of race and gender. Journal of School Public Relations, 31(2), 251-269.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., & Aiken, J. (2009) Democratic educational leaders: Defining ethical
leadership in a standardized context. Journal of School Leadership, 19(4), 406-444.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., & Patrizio, K. (2009). Learning from Dumbledore’s Pensieve: Metaphor as an
aid in teaching reflexivity in qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 9(3), 299-308.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2007). Introduction on the special issue on the media, democracy, and the
politics of education, Peabody Journal of Education, 82(1), 1-9.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2006). The paradox of poverty narratives: Educators struggling with children
left behind. Educational Policy, 20(1), 143-162.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., Killeen, K.M., Hasazi, S.B. (2006). Utilizing an ‘ethic of care’ in leadership
preparation: Uncovering the complexity of colorblind social justice. Journal of Educational
Administration, 44(3), 250-263.
Gunzenhauser, M. G., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2006). Engaging graduate education: A pedagogy for
epistemological and theoretical diversity. Review of Higher Education, 29(3), 319-346.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., & Woodside-Jiron, H. (2005). Tensions between the ‘science’ of reading and a
‘love of learning’: One high poverty school’s struggle with NCLB. Equity and Excellence in
Education, 38(3), 232-241.
Gasman, M., Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., Anderson-Thompkins, S., Hathaway, K., & Rasheed, L. (2004).
Negotiating power, developing trust: Transgressing race and status in the academy. Teachers
College Record, 106(4), 689-715.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2003). Identity, difference and scholarly narrative: Redefining a poor, white
trash childhood. Educational Foundations, 17(3), 7-18.
Gunzenhauser, M. G., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2002). The shifting context of accountability in North
Carolina and the implications for arts-based reform. Educational Foundations, 16(2), 3-14.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2002). Media (mis)representations of education in the 2000 presidential
election. Educational Policy, 16 (1), 37-55.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., & Gunzenhauser, M. G. (2002). Collaborative team ethnography and the
paradoxes of interpretation. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 15(2),
Cozart, S. C., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2002). Supporting morale in low-performing schools. Journal
of Staff Development, 23(2), 29-31.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2002). Magnet schools: A retrospective case study of segregation. High School
Journal, 85(3), 48-53.
Pittman, R., McGinty, D., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (1999). Educational attainment, economic
progress, and the goals of education in rural communities. Journal of Research in Rural
Education, 15(1), 19-30.
Articles in Preparation
Gerstl-Pepin, C. & Reyes, C. Entering the political fray, The role of public education scholars in
media debates.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., & Bass, L. Exploring how researcher narratives and epistemologies shape
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. Media representations of PISA test score comparisons in the US.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. The Badass Teachers Association: Using social media to resist high stakes
Book Chapters
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., Gasman, M., & Leak, H. (under review). Exploring representations of
multicultural leadership in Spinning Into Butter and Higher Learning. In R. Laist & K. Kline,
(Eds.). Hollywood Goes to College. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press.
Pepin, C. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (under review). Challenges facing the United States educational
system. In G. Shive (Ed.). American identities. Beijing: University of Peking Press.
Aiken, J., Gerstl-Pepin, C.I., & Tarule, J. M. (2016). A leader embodied ethics, equitable policies,
and a community of care. In S. Gross & J. Shapiro, (Eds). Democratic ethical educational
leadership: Reclaiming school reform. (pp. 26-31). New York, NY: Routledge.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. & Reyes, C. (2015). A case for emphasizing the “public” in public intellectual.
In C. Gerstl-Pepin & C. Reyes, (Eds.). Reimagining the public intellectual in education: Making
scholarship matter. (pp. ix-xvi). New York, NY: Peter Lang Press.
Reyes, C. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2015). Reimagining the public intellectual in education: Making
scholarship matter. In C. Gerstl-Pepin & C. Reyes, (Eds.). Reimagining the public intellectual in
education: Making Scholarship Matter. (pp. 139-152). New York, NY: Peter Lang Press.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2014) The false promise of market-based conceptions of human capital:
Higher education as a public and private good. In. Q. Li. & C. Gerstl-Pepin, (Eds.). Survival of the
fittest: The shifting contours of higher education in China and the United States (pp. 175-187).
Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH Press.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., & Gasman, M. (2010). Developing narratives of trust: Mentoring graduate
students of color through collaborative research. In E. Samier & M. Schmidt (Eds.). Critical
perspectives on trust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership (pp. 108-121).
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2009). Mothering, cultural capital, and imparting power: Trapped in the
middle-class game of schooling. In J. V. Galen & V. Dempsey (Eds). Trajectories: The social and
educational mobility of education scholars from poor and working class backgrounds (pp. 137145). State University of New York Press.
Gerstl-Pepin. C. I. (2007). Challenge: Mandates and micropolitics. In G. Ivory & M. AckerHocevar (Eds.). Successful school board leadership: Lessons from superintendents (pp. 135-148).
Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2004). A case for postcritical ethnography as collective action. In G. Noblit
(Ed.) Postcritical ethnography: Reinscribing critique (pp. 385-396). Hampton Press.
Anderson-Thomkins, S., Gasman, M., Gerstl-Pepin, C., Hathaway, K., & Rasheed, L. (2004).
“Casualties of war”: African American graduate students in the predominantly White academy. In
D. Cleveland (Ed.). Broken silence: Conversations about race by African American faculty and
graduate students (pp. 228-240). Peter Lang Publishing.
Marshall, C., O’Barr, J., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (1997). Legitimacy maintenance: The politics
of women’s studies. In C. Marshall, (Ed.) Feminist critical policy analysis II: A perspective
from post-secondary schooling (pp. 74-95). Washington, D.C.: The Falmer Press.
Book Reviews
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (1999). [Review of Florence, N. (1998). bell hooks’ engaged pedagogy: A
transgressive education for critical consciousness.] Educational Studies, 30(2), 178-182.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (1999). [Review of Ellsworth, E. (1997). Teaching positions: Difference,
pedagogy, and the power of address.] International Journal of Qualitative Studies in
Education, 12(4), 443-445.
Encyclopedia Contribution
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2006). Subjectivism, In Theory. In Fenwick English (Ed.) Encyclopedia of
educational leadership and administration. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Evaluation and Professional Reports
Hasazi, S. B. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2004). The Century Program: An evaluation report conducted
for the Foundation for Excellent Schools. Cornwall, VT: Foundation for Excellent Schools.
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., Commentary Reviewer. (2002). Critical links: Learning in the arts and student
academic and social development, D. C.: Arts Education Partnership.
Davis, D. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2002). Mount Olive school audit, Atlanta, Georgia
Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2000). Science in the Studios Evaluation Report. Penland, North Carolina:
Penland School of Craft.
Co-PI (with Regina Toolin), Vermont State Gear-up School Improvement Alliance, CREST
Program, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation, $100,000 Awarded, September 1, 2015August 15, 2016.
PI, 2015, Startalk in Vermont: Building Teacher Capacity, Generating Student Interest, National
Security Agency, $112,500 Awarded, June 1, 2015-February 28, 2016.
Co-PI (with Regina Toolin), Vermont State Gear-up School Improvement Alliance, CREST
Program, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation, $100,000 Awarded, September 1, 2014August 31, 2015.
PI, Governor’s Institute on Asian Cultures, Freeman Foundation, Awarded $110,000, 2015-2016
Qualitative Research Consultant, 2013-2015: Roger Kessler, College of Medicine, PI: A Toolkit to
Implement Behavioral Health in Primary Care. National Institutes of Health, NIMH R-03 99157.
Co-PI, 2014: iTeach Computer Science Teacher Education Program at the University of
Vermont, National Science Foundation (PD 14-7513). $974,948 requested, Submitted
February 3rd, 2014. (Was not funded).
Co-PI, 2012 CS 10K: A Partnership for Innovation in Computer Science Education and
21st Century Learning in Vermont (PICSE-21), National Science Foundation. $974,948
requested, Submitted April 9th, 2012, Resubmitted March 13, 2013 (Was not funded).
Co-PI, 2010 Learn and Serve America Grant, Making a Difference through Service Learning in
Teacher Education, Individual Higher Education Institution Grant, Corporation for National and
Community Service. $249,000 Requested, Submitted March 9, 2010 (Funded August 2010).
Co-PI, 2009 Teacher Quality Partnership: The Vermont Educational Innovation Network, Teacher
Quality Partnership Grant Program (CFDA 84.405A), U.S. Department of Education, Office of
Innovation and Improvement. $5,606,749 Requested, Submitted July 23, 2009; Resubmitted
October 6, 2009 (Was not funded).
2003 Capacity Building and Enrichment Funds Grant, $13,190 for “No Child Left Behind and
Reading First: Connecting Federal Policymaking and Local Practice.”(w/Haley Woodside–Jiron)
2001-2002 Ford Foundation/Leadership for Social Justice Research Grant, $5,000 for
“Licensure and Social Justice in Georgia.”
2001 Georgia State University Research Initiation Grant, $1,680 for “Exploring Media
Representations of Education.”
2001 Georgia State University Applied Research Center Grant, $3000 for “Evaluation of
Parental Selection of Early Childhood Education.”
1999-2000 Wingate Foundation, $3,000 for “Evaluation for the Penland School of Crafts Science
in the Studios Program.”
1998-1999 Western Carolina University New Faculty Research Initiative Grant, $500 for “The
Prospects of Sustainable Democratic Educational Reform: An Examination of the A+ Schools.”
American Promise Documentary Film Screening & Discussion (2014, March 20), Panelist,
Vermont Public Television, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
Vermont Edition with Jane Lindholm, Vermont Public Radio, Guest Commentator on Poverty and
the Wealth-Opportunity Gap (2013, August 19), Colchester, VT, USA
Negotiating Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning: Serving as a Cultural Diplomat in China,
Keynote Address (2012, April 12), 3rd Annual Fulbright Outreach Mentoring and Enrichment
Event, Marywood University, Scranton, PA, USA
Educational Inequity in the United States (2011, June 16), College of Continuing Education,
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, P. R. China
Challenges Confronting the United States Educational System (2011, June 15), College of
Language and Literature, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, P. R. China
Educational Inequity in the US Educational System (2011, May 26), Economics of Education
Program, College of Public Administration, Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China
Challenges Facing the US Education System (2011, April 24), International Office, Minzu
University, Beijing, P.R. China
The US Educational System: Challenges and Innovation (2011, April 23), Department of
Educational Administration, Foreign Affairs Office, Beijing Institution of Education, Beijing, P.R.
Dissertation Writing & Beyond: Moving from Research to Writing (2011, April 19), Faculty of
Education, Beijing Normal University, P.R. China – Queensland University of Technology,
Australia, Doctoral Workshop, BNU, Beijing, P.R. China
Conference Papers/Presentations (**=Peer Reviewed; *=Invited)
**Reyes, C. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (April, 2016). Entering the political fray: The role of public
education scholars in media debates. Presentation at the American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
*Gerstl-Pepin, C. (October, 2014). Colleges of education as value-added entities. Panel
presentation at the Annual Fall Meeting of the Council of Academic Deans from Research
Education Institutions (CADRE), Denver CO.
*Gerstl-Pepin, C. (October, 2014). Associate dean success stories and challenges. Panel
presentation at the Annual Fall Meeting of the Council of Academic Deans from Research
Education Institutions (CADRE), Denver CO.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (September, 2014). A case for leadership aimed at envisioning higher
education as both a public and private good. Paper presentation at the Consortium for the Study
of Leadership and Ethics in Education (CSLEE) 19th Annual Values and Leadership Conference,
Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (May 17, 2012). Teaching as soft-diplomany: Serving as a Fulbright scholar in
China. Presentation at the 7th Annual College of Education and Social Services Scholarship
Symposium, Burlington, VT.
**Tinkler, B., Tinkler, A. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2012, April). Using a participatory process to
develop a service-learning initiative. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research
Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
**Tinkler, B., Tinkler, A., Gerstl-Pepin, C., Mugisha, V. (2011, November 2-5,). Building a
foundation for infusing social justice service-learning in a teacher education program. Presentation
at the 21th Annual Conference for National Association for Multicultural Education, Chicago, IL.
*Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (March, 18-20, 2011). Teaching as diplomacy: Pedagogy as cross-cultural
communication. Invited presentation at the conference on U.S.-China Fulbright Program and
Cultural Communications, Changchun, P. R. China.
*Aiken, J. A. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (July, 2010). The next step in building a dynamic democratic
ethical community. A workshop presentation at Camp New DEEL, Essex, VT.
*Aiken, J. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2010, October). Higher education and global networking: The
new DEEL. An innovative presentation at the 95th Annual Convention of the UCEA, New
Orleans, Louisiana.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. & Bass, L. (2010, January). Exploring how researcher epistemologies shape
educational research. Paper presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education,
Honolulu, HI
**Aiken, J. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2008, July). Learning from democratic, ethical and responsive
school leaders. Paper presentation at the National Council of Professors of Educational
Administration, San Diego, CA
** Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. & Bass, L. (2008, March). Exploring How Researcher Narratives Shape
Research. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
**Patrizio, K. & Gerstl-Pepin, C.I. (2008, March). Learning from Dumbledore’s lament: Paper
presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
*Gerstl-Pepin, C.I. (2007, April). Educational Leadership Development in the U.S. SinoAmerican Seminar on Educational Leadership, Qingdao, People’s Republic of China.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C.I. (2007, April). The Media, Democracy, and the Politics of Education, 2007
PEA Yearbook, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2006, April). Symposium: Power, Education, and the Politics of Social
Justice, 2006 PEA Yearbook, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2005, November). Panoptic Dislocations: Defining Social Justice as
Economic Development. Paper Presentation at the University Council of Educational
Administration, Nashville, TN
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2005, April). Analyzing Policy as Process: The Possibility of a Democratic
Imaginary. Paper session: Research Issues in Educational Policy. Paper presentation at the
American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2004, November). Media Representations of Native Americans in the
Public Sphere. Paper presentation at the American Educational Studies Association, Kansas
City, KS.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2004, November). Social Justice Books for Your Courses: An
Interactive Roundtable Discussion. Roundtable discussion at the University Council of
Educational Administration, Kansas City, KS
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2004, November). Workshop: Enhancing Social Justice and
Instructional Leadership Content in Educational Leadership Preparation through Web-Based
Modules, University Council of Educational Administration, Kansas City, KS
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. & Woodside-Jiron, H. (2004, April). Privileging the “Science” of
Reading over a “Love of Learning”: One School’s Struggle to Maintain Balance. Paper
Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
**Gunzenhauser, M. G. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2003, April). Teaching the Methods of Inquiry
in Post-paradigm Contexts. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, IL.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2003, April). Native American Mascots: Deconstructing Racist &
Sexist Policies. Paper discussion at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago,
**Flores, S. Y., Gerstl-Pepin, C. I., Gunzenhauser, M. G., Murillo, Jr., E. (2002, November).
Scaffolding, Translating, and Struggling: The Theoretical Foundations of Inquiry in PostParadigm Contexts. Symposium presentation at the American Educational Studies
Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
**Anderson-Thompkins, S., Gasman, M., Gerstl-Pepin, C., Hathaway, K., & Rasheed, L. (2002,
November). Supporting Graduate Students of Color: Tales from the Field. Symposium
presentation at American Educational Studies Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. I. (2002, November). The Paradox of Social Justice and Licensure in Georgia.
Paper presentation at the University Council of Educational Administration, Pittsburgh, PA.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2002, April). Media Representation of Education Issues and its Electoral
Impact. Symposium presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New
Orleans, Louisiana
**Gasman, M., Gerstl-Pepin, C., Hathaway, K. Rasheed, L., & Anderson-Thompkins, S.
(2002, April). Valuing Graduate Students of Color: Tales from the Field. Poster presented at
the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2002, February). The Panopticon of Accountability: Invisible Contexts.
Paper presented at the Southeast Philosophy of Education Society, Atlanta, Georgia
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2001, November). Leadership Preparation and Social Justice in Georgia.
Paper presented at the University Council of Educational Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2001, November). Politics of Education Association Yearbook: Panel
Presentation on Education and Elections. Panel presentation at the University Council of
Educational Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2001, April). Social Justice and Administrative Licensure in Georgia.
Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, Washington
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. & Cozart, S. (2001, April). A+ Professional Development Model:
Building the Capacity of Teachers, Staff, and Administrators to Improve Schools. Paper
presented at the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, Washington
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. & Gunzenhauser, M. G. (2001, January) Collaborative Ethnography:
Paradoxes of Power and Knowledge. Paper presented at the Fourteenth International
Qualitative Research in Education Conference, Athens, Georgia.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2000, November) Exploring the Possibilities of Activist Research as a
Form of Praxis. Paper presented at the American Educational Studies Association,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
**Herzog, M. J. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2000, April). Creating Change from Within: A High
School Tackles Project-Based Learning. Roundtable presented at the American Educational
Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2000, April). Surfacing Constructions of 'Squaw': Troubling the Media’s
Role in Defining Racist and Sexist Policy. Roundtable presented at the American Educational
Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
**Groves, P. & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (2000, April). Professional Development as a Critical
Component: The Paradox and Perils of Fostering Agency. Paper presented at the American
Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C., Herzog, M. J. R., Prendergast, A. M., & Preston, P. (2000, January).
Transforming Schools & Communities through Inside-Out Change. Panel presented at the
Thirteenth International Qualitative Research in Education Conference, Athens, Georgia.
*Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1999, November) Carter's Ethical Legacy and its Impact on Education &
Citizenship. Paper presented at Western Carolina University's Public Policy Institute and Western
Carolinian Conference on the "President Carter and the Public Interest: Is it Time to Renew
Citizenship, Democracy, and Responsibility in America?" Cullowhee, North Carolina
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. & Gunzenhauser, M. G. (1999, October). Collaborative Ethnography &
the Paradoxes of Interpretation. Paper presented at the American Educational Studies
Association, Detroit, Michigan.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1999, October). Improvising Change: The A+ Schools Program. Paper
presented at the American Educational Studies Association, Detroit, Michigan.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1999, April). Defining Education through the Arts: Creative School
Reform. Interactive multi-media presentation presented at the American Educational Research
Association, Montreal, Canada.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1998, October). Cultivating Leadership: Democratic/Feminist Pedagogy
as Process. Paper presented at the American Educational Studies Association, Philadelphia,
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. & Otto, S. (1998, October). Poetry as Theory: Ethnography in a Different
Voice. Paper presented at the American Educational Studies Association, Philadelphia,
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1998, April). Collaborative Research with Educational Reformers. Paper
presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California
**Becker, E., Cozart, S., Flores, S., Gerstl-Pepin, C., Gordon, J., Groves, P., Gunzenhauser,
M., McKinney, M., Patterson, J., Rayle, J. (1998, April). Performing Reform: Presenting the
Polyphony. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1997, October). Troubling Agency: Collective Power in School Reform.
Paper presented at the American Educational Studies Association, San Antonio, Texas.
**Smith, A., & Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1996, April). Lessons from Six Site Visits: Community
Medical Education. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, New
York City, New York.
**Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1995, October). Intersubjective Difference? Eyes on Ourselves: The
Social Construction of Difference in the Study of Gender, Race, and Class. Paper presented at
the American Educational Studies Association, Cleveland, Ohio.
*Gerstl-Pepin, C. (1995, May). An Ethic of Care in Oral History Research. Paper presented
at Natural Allies? Women’s Leadership and Grassroots Activism Conference on Oral History,
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
Chair. (2014, September). Paper session at the Consortium for the Study of Leadership and Ethics
in Education (CSLEE) 19th Annual Values and Leadership Conference, Huntsville, Ontario,
Chair. (2011, March). Paper Session: Cross-Cultural Communication. Conference on U.S.-China
Fulbright Program and Cultural Communications, Changchun, P. R. China.
Discussant. (2008, March). Paper Session: Issues of social justice in the qualitative research
context, American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.
Discussant. (2006, April). Paper Session: Witnessing and Documenting Vulnerable Lives: Ethical
and Representational Strategies for Social Justice, AERA, San Francisco, CA.
Chair. (2006, April). Paper Session: Desegregation Policies and Urban Education, AERA, San
Francisco, CA.
Chair. (2005, November). Paper Session: Social Justice and Principals, University Council of
Educational Administration (UCEA), Nashville, TN.
Chair. (2005, April). Paper Session: Counter-Hegemonic Qualitative Research and Praxis for
Social Justice, AERA, Montreal, Canada
Chair. (2004, November) Paper Session on Native American Studies, AERA, Kansas City,
Chair. (2004, April). Paper Session: Contrasting Methodological Approaches to Policy
Research, AERA, San Diego, CA.
Discussant. (2003, April). Paper Session: School Improvement and School Governance:
Takeovers, Reconstitution, and Charter Schools, AERA, Chicago, IL.
Discussion Leader. (2002, November). Paper Session: Leadership of Yesterday, Today, and
Tomorrow: Emerging Trends in the Field, UCEA, Pittsburgh, PA.
Discussion Leader. (2002, November). Symposium: Honoring Student Success for
Latinos/Latinas: Multiple Program Perspectives, UCEA, Pittsburgh, PA
Discussant. (2002, April). Paper Session: In Search of Quality Education: Challenges and
Possibilities in the Public and Private Realms, AERA, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Discussion Leader. (2001, November). Paper Session: Issues in the Study of the Superintendents
at the Margins. UCEA, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Chair. (2001, February). Southeast Philosophy of Education Society, Atlanta, Georgia.
Discussant. (2001). Symposium: Studies in Educational Diversity. Engaging Diversity: Education
in the 21st century, First Annual Dogwood Conference on Education, Emory University, Atlanta,
Respondent. (1998, October). The Shifting Context of School Reform: Three Conversations
about Language and Identity. Symposium presentation at the American Educational Studies
Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Pi Gamma Mu, International Honor Society in the Social Sciences Inductee
Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education Inductee
Society of Professors of Education, Honorable Mention Book Award for Reimaging the
Public Intellectual in Education: Making scholarship matter, 2016
Joseph Anthony Abruscato Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship, CESS, UVM,
Nominee, Graduate Student Senate Award for Excellence in Teaching, UVM, 2013.
Fulbright Scholar, US Department of State, Beijing Normal University, China, 2011
Research Fellow, National Institute for Leadership, Disability, and Students Placed At-Risk,
UNC School of Education Research Assistantship, UNC-CH, 1996-1998
AERA/UCEA 17th Annual Graduate Student Research Seminar in
Educational Administration, 1996
UNC Medical School Research Assistantship, Medical Education, UNC-CH, 1995-1996
UNC School of Education Scholarship, UNC-CH, 1994-1995
University Council of Educational Administrators Graduate Seminar, 1994
Charles A. Dana Foundation Research Apprenticeship Fellowship,
Bates College, 1988-89
John Downes (2016). Doctoral Dissertation: Teachers consulting with students in the middle
Scott Baker (2014). Doctoral Dissertation: Faculty perceptions as a foundation for evaluating the
use of student evaluations of teaching.
Michael Cronigue (2009). Doctoral Dissertation: Revitalizing the society of Saint Edmund:
The journey of a religious leader.
Seth Marineau (2008). Doctoral Dissertation: Substance and development of the aspirations
of rural high school students.
Linda Hunter (2008). Doctoral Dissertation: Exploring the benefits of storytelling in nursing
Harriet Williams (2007). Doctoral Dissertation: Capturing the experiences of millennial firstgeneration college students.
Wendy Hovey (2006). Doctoral Dissertation: Exploring community engagement in school
district consolidation: A case study of one supervisory union in Vermont.
Holly Wilkinson-Ray (2004). Masters Thesis: The labyrinth of belonging.
Evaluator, The Century Schools Project, Foundations for Excellent Schools, 2003-2004
Institutional Partner, Early Childhood Program Study, Applied Research Center, Georgia
State University, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001
Assessment Team Member, Mount Olive School Audit, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001.
Consultant, A+ Evaluation Team, 1998-2000
Evaluator, A+ Schools Evaluation Project, UNC-CH, 1995-1998
Project Director, Evaluation of Science in the Studios Program, Penland School of Crafts,
Penland, NC, 1999-2000.
Co-Director, Senior Project Evaluation, Smoky Mountain High School,
Sylva, NC, 1999-2000.
National Service
Peer Reviewer, Educational Foundations, 2005-Present
Peer Reviewer, AESA Annual Conference, Values and Leadership Strand, Summer 2016
Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Spring 2016
Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Fall 2014
Peer Reviewer, Urban Review, Fall 2014
Peer Reviewer, Race, Ethnicity, & Education, 2011
Peer Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education, 2009-2011
Peer Reviewer, Educational Policy, Spring 2007, 2008, 2009
Peer Reviewer, Division G: Social Contexts of Education, AERA, 2000-2010 Annual
Peer Reviewer, Division A: Administration, Organization & Leadership, AERA, 2001-2010
Annual Conferences
Peer Reviewer, Division L: Educational Policy and Politics, AERA, 2000-2010 Annual
Freeman Butts Lecture Committee, American Educational Studies Association, 2009
Peer Reviewer, Qualitative Research, 2009, 2012
Peer Reviewer, Educational Researcher, 2008, 2009
American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Critics’ Book Selection Panel, 2007
Governmental Relations Standing Committee Member, American Educational Research
Association (AERA), 2003-2006.
Peer Reviewer, Division D: Measurement and Research Methodology, AERA, 2002-2006
Annual Conferences
Peer Reviewer, AERA Qualitative Research Special Interest Group, 2005-2006 Annual
Peer Reviewer, AERA Politics of Education Special Interest Group, 2006 Annual Conference
Editorial Board Member, Journal of At-Risk Issues, 2002-2005
Book Reviewer, State University of New York Press, 2005.
Chair, Affirmative Action Committee, AERA, 2002-2003.
Ad Hoc Governance Committee Member, Division A, AERA, 2002-2003.
Peer Reviewer, University Council of Educational Administration, 2002, 2005 Annual
1999 Critics Choice Committee, American Educational Studies Association, 1999 Annual
AESA Conference, Detroit, Michigan
Program Committee Member, 1999 Annual AESA Conference, Detroit, Michigan
Peer Reviewer, Educational Administration Quarterly, Fall 2002; 2003
Peer Reviewer, Journal of School Leadership, Spring 2003
Peer Reviewer, Review of Educational Research, December 2001
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Research in Rural Education, 2000
Peer Reviewer, Educational Studies, 2000
Peer Reviewer, The Urban Review, 1995; 2000
Peer Reviewer, The High School Journal, 1999
Peer Reviewer, Qualitative Inquiry, 1998
Departmental/College/University Service
University of Vermont
Edwin W. Lawrence Endowed Professorship Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 2016present
Associate Deans Group, 2011-2015; 2016-present
University Committee on Teacher Education, 2007-present
Provost’s Academic Leadership Council, 2015-2016
Council of Deans, 2015-2016
Community-University Partnerships and Service-Learning Advisory Committee, 2011-2015
UA Full-Time Bargaining Team, Spring 2014-Fall 2014
Incentive-Based Budgeting Subcommittee on Non-Degree and Online Tuition Revenue and Aid,
Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Chair, Transdisciplinary Working Group on Policy Studies, 2009-2010
Committee on Human Research in the Behavioral Sciences Committee, Research Protections
Office, 2006-2007; 2009
Provost Search Committee, UVM, 2005-2006
Honor’s College Summer Faculty Seminar, Ethics in Private, Public and Professional Life, 2004
Honors College Guest Lecturer, Ethics of Democracy, Spring 2005
College of Education and Social Services
Doctoral Advisory Committee, 2002-present
Chair, Research Council, 2012-2015; 2016-present
CESS Senior Leadership, 2007-2015
CESS Associate/Assistant Deans, 2011-2015
CESS Workshop on RPT/Publishing, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012
Green and Gold Endowed Professorship Selection Committee, Spring 2014
MOU Committee, 2009-2012
NCATE-ROPA Leadership Team, 2008-2010
Ph.D. Subcommittee, 2009-2010
Unit Assessment Committee, College of Education and Social Services, 2003, 2007-2010
CESS Ph.D. Committee, 2008-2009
CESS Educational Studies Committee, 2007-2009
CESS Faculty Evaluation Committee, College of Education & Social Services, 2006-2007
CESS Task Force on Diversity Initiatives, College of Education and Social Services, 2004-2006
Faculty Affairs Committee, College of Education and Social Services, 2002-2005
American Educational Research Association Proposal Writing Workshop, CESS, 200
Department of Education
Program Coordinators’ Council, Department of Education, CESS, 2003-2010
Teacher Education Collaborative, CESS, 2008-2010
Budget Taskforce, 2008-2009
Georgia State University
Ph.D. Program Review Committee, 2002
Educational Leadership Search Committee, 2001-2002
College of Education Student Activity Fee Committee, 2001-2002
Faculty Affairs Committee, 2000-2002
Western Carolina University
NCATE Self-Study Committee on Diversity, 1999-2000
Chair, Working Group on Grant Funding Minority Recruitment Committee,1999-2000
Chair, Ainsley Lecture Committee, Department of Educational Leadership and
Foundations, 1999-2000
Conference Planning Committee, Public Policy Institute, 1999-2000
Colloquium Committee, College of Education and Allied Professions, 1998-2000
Educational Leadership Program Review Committee, 1998-2000
Departmental Budget Committee, 1998-2000
Selection Committee, Taft Botner Excellence in Teaching Award, College of
Education and Allied Health Professions, 1998-2000
State/Community Service
Vermont Council on Teacher Education, 2008-2012
Panel Representing Higher Education on the Transformation of the Educational System in
Vermont, State Board of Education meeting, Montpelier, Vermont, March 2008
Community Partner Advisory Group, Making a Difference through Service Learning, 20092010
Vermont Leadership Collaborative Committee, Vermont State DOE, 2005-2006
Volunteer, Edmunds Elementary, Burlington, VT, 2002-2010
Class Agent, Development Office, Bates College, 1992-2002
Classroom Assistant, Medlock Elementary School, Decatur, GA, 2001-2002
Co-Chair Solicitations Auction Committee, Phoenix School, Decatur, GA, 2000-2001
Central Elementary School, A+ Advisory Board, Waynesville, NC, 1998-2000
A+ Schools Assessment Steering Committee, 1997-2000
Executive Secretary, Phi Delta Kappa, 1998-1999
Foundations/Research Focus:
Historical, Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (Undergraduates)
Race and Culture (Undergraduates)
Methods of Research (Masters)
Principles and Application of Educational Research (Masters)
Doctoral Seminar, Issues of Race, Class, & Gender in Education
Doctoral Seminar, Field Techniques of Qualitative Methodology
Doctoral Seminar, Ethnographic Approaches to Educational Research I
Qualitative Research Methods (Doctoral/Master’s)
Qualitative Research Methods II (Doctoral/Master’s)
Doctoral Applied Research Methods Course
Leadership Focus:
Leadership Practicum (Master’s)
Issues in Governance (Master’s)
Politics of Educational Decision Making (Master’s)
Policy Development and Analysis (Master’s)
Masters/Doctoral Seminar in Organizational Theory
Doctoral Seminar in Educational Leadership
New Deans Workshop, Council of Academic Deans from Research Education Institutions
(CADREI), 2015
American Council on Education, National Women’s Leadership Forum, Washington, DC, 2015
Chairing the Academic Department, American Council on Education, Washington, D.C., 2008
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
American Council on Education (ACE)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
American Education Studies Association (AESA)
Council of Academic Deans from Research Education Institutions (CADREI)
New DEEL, Democratic, Ethical, Educational Leadership
Politics of Education Association (PEA)
LANGUAGES: Proficient in German
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