
March 24, 2014 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union

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March 24, 2014 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union
TEC Agenda and Notes
March 24, 2014
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union
SUNY CORTLAND successfully
submitted 24 Program Reports to
the Specialized Professional
Associations for National
Recognition Review.
Congratulations & thanks to all the
folks who contributed to
completing this important work.
CAEP Standards Overview
The new Standards are framed to highlight
new expectations in terms of teachers and
do not include explicit references to
education leaders or other school
New focus and emphasis is on
performance and outcomes rather than on
resources or capacity factors.
Primary Focus
 In developing the new CAEP Standards the motives that
have guided the Commission in their work have been “to
foster innovation and rigor, to draw from research, and
to create a performance-based, evidence-informed
accreditation system.”
 Priority will be on measures of impact on student
learning and development and candidate readiness to
teach effectively at the completion of preparation.
By the numbers
CAEP Standards
 Standard 1-Content and
Pedagogical Knowledge
 Standard 2-Clinical
Partnerships and Practices
 Standard 3 - Candidate
Quality, Recruitment,
and Selectivity
 Standard 4 - Program Impact
 Standard 5 - Provider Quality
Assurance and
Continuous Improvement
NCATE Standards
 Standard 1- Candidate’s
Knowledge, Skills and
Professional Dispositions
Standard 2 – Assessment
System and Unit Evaluation
Standard 3- Field
Experiences and Clinical
Standard 4- Diversity
Standard 5- Faculty
Qualifications, performance
and development
Standard 6- Unit governance
and resources
CAEP Standard 1:
Content and Pedagogical Knowledge
 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the 10 InTASC
standards at the appropriate progression level(s) in the
following categories: the learner and learning; content;
instructional practice; and professional responsibility.
 Providers must:
 Ensure completers use research-based practices in instruction
and assessment of P-12 learners.
 Align completer outcomes with SPA standards
 Ensure completers can support P-12 students to meet national
standards (CCLS, NGSS, etc.)
 Ensure completers can use technology appropriately
CAEP Standard 2:
Clinical Partnerships and Practice
 The provider ensures that effective partnerships and high-quality
clinical practice are central to preparation so that candidates
develop the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions
necessary to demonstrate positive impact on all P-12 students’
learning and development.
 Partnerships for Clinical Preparation: Teacher Prep and Field
Partners co-construct curriculum.
 Clinical Educators: Teacher Prep and Field Partners co-select and
evaluate clinical educators
 Clinical Experiences: Teacher Prep and Field Partners coconstruct field experiences and assessment of candidate
CAEP Standards 3
Candidate Quality, Recruitment, and Selectivity
 The provider demonstrates that the quality of candidates is a
continuing and purposeful part of its responsibility from
recruitment, at admission, through the progression of courses and
clinical experiences, and to decisions that completers are prepared
to teach effectively and are recommended for certification.
 Provider responsibilities include:
 Recruitment of diverse candidates who meet employment needs
 Establishment of standards that indicate candidates have high
academic achievement and ability
 Establishment of additional selectivity factors (dispositions) and
means of maintaining selectivity during the program and at
CAEP Standard 4:
Program Impact
 The provider demonstrates the impact of its completers on
P-12 student learning and development, classroom
instruction, and schools, and the satisfaction of its completers
with the relevance and effectiveness of their preparation.
 Provider is expected to:
 Document that program completers contribute to an expected
level of student-learning growth (via state data).
 Demonstrates completers effectively apply the professional
knowledge, skills, and dispositions (via observations and student
 Demonstrate satisfaction of completers and employers.
CAEP Standard 5: Provider Quality Assurance
and Continuous Improvement
 The provider maintains a quality assurance system using valid data
from multiple measures, including evidence of candidates’ and
completers’ positive impact on P-12 student learning. The
provider uses the results of inquiry and data collection to establish
priorities, enhance program elements, and continually improve.
 Providers are expected to:
 Employ multiple measures and methods to insure all CAEP standards
are met.
 Ensure reliability and validity of measures used.
 Demonstrate continuous improvement.
 Ensure multiple stakeholders are aware of results and contribute to
The Big Question????
What data do we have (or would we
need) to meet these standards?
Divide into 5 small groups.
Each group will discuss one
standard and discuss what data we
have and/or we would need to meet
that standard.
Unit Wide Data Collection
 We need to continue work on collecting
unit-wide data.
 https://webapp.cortland.edu/Rubrics/In
 A tutorial will be developed in the next
month to help folks enter data with a help
session offered if needed.
 Ideally, data will be entered by June 1.
TEC Bylaws Revisions
 Preamble
 Role and Function
 TEC Chair and Function of
the Chair and Unit Head for
 Registration of Membership
 Voting Membership
 Meeting and Agenda
 Committees
 Ratification
 No Revision
 Revision
 No Revision
 No Revision
 Pending Revision
 Revision
 Revision
 No Revision
Registration Process for Fall 2014
 Students should sign up for workshops via the course
registration process this spring – just as they would a course.
Workshops CRN’s and dates/times will be posted on the Field
Experiences and School Partnerships Website.
A flyer with this information will also be sent out to campus
this week.
On-line registration for workshops will be available through
May 30th and then again during drop/add.
Paper registration for workshops will be allowed at the
registrar’s office through the second quarter of each semester.
Encourage students to register early – workshops close out.
 Implementation of new NYS Teacher
Certification Exams.
edTPA Updates
Other NYSTCE Updates
Two presentations tomorrow (Tuesday, 3/25) as part of our Inclusion 2.0
Conference. Both are free and open to the campus:
"What is Universal Design For Learning?"
8:30 – 9:30 AM Corey Union Exhibition Lounge
Jennifer Gondek, Inclusive Education Instructional Specialist at TST
BOCES will present an overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
and the use of technology to support multiple modes of engagement,
expression, and representation for all students.
"Believing in 'All Students Will Learn” Keynote Address by 2014
New York State Teacher of the Year, Ashli Skura Dreher.
2:00 – 2:45 PM Corey Union Exhibition Lounge
Fly UP