
COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT CROSSWALK Educational Specialist/Educational Leadership

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COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT CROSSWALK Educational Specialist/Educational Leadership
Educational Specialist/Educational Leadership
Aligned with ELCC 2011, and CAEP Standards
ELCC, CAEP Standards aligned
with TEAL Reports
TEAL: Goal 1:
Educational leaders
candidates will demonstrate
content knowledge
addressing the skills,
knowledge and dispositions
contained in the ELCC districtlevel standards.
Required Classes (Syllabi
Linked to Class Number)
EDAD 794
EDAD 795
Key Assessment(s) Aligned
with Student Learning
Outcomes (SLO)
Comprehensive Exam
Benchmarks Aligned to Key
Assessments and Student
Learning Outcomes (SLO)
100% of Ed.S. Educational
leadership candidates will
attain a score of pass on the
Educational Specialist
Comprehensive Exam.
ELCC Standards 1.1-7.3
CAEP: Standards 1.1-1.5, 2.1,
Program Adjustments/Improvements Based
on Benchmarks
TEAL Goal 2:
Educational Leadership
candidates will apply
knowledge of content to
analyze and evaluate the
policy and politics at work at
the district level.
ELCC Standards 1.1-7.3
CAEP: Standards 1.1-1.5, 2.1,
3.2,3.5,4.2,4.3, 5.2
TEAL Goal 3:
As educational leaders at the
highest administrative level,
candidates will be able to
apply content and
pedagogical knowledge to
teaching, learning, school and
community processes in PK-12
ELCC: Standards 1.1-7.3
CAEP: Standards 1.1-1.4, 2.3,
3.2, 3.5,3.6, 4.2,4.3, 5.2
EDAD 780
Longitudinal Observational
Project of Politics and
Policy at School Board
90% of Ed.S. Educational
Leadership candidates will
successfully analyze and
evaluate the policy and
politics that are part of the
process of the public forum
of school board meetings.
EDAD 760
Curriculum Analysis Project
100% of Ed.S. Educational
Leadership candidates will
successfully conduct an
audit of either their
district’s English Language
Arts or Mathematics
TEAL Goal 4:
Educational leaders must
demonstrate a wide variety of
professional knowledge, skills
and dispositions. Educational
leadership candidates will
practice the application of
knowledge, skills, and
dispositions through an
internship guided by a district
level mentor and a university
ELCC: Standards 1.1-7.3
CAEP: Standards 1.1-1.4, 2.12.3, 3.2, 3.5,3.6, 4.2,4.3, 5.2
EDAD 794
EDAD 795
Internship Evaluation
100% of Ed.S. Educational
leadership will score at an
overall level of proficient on
the evaluation of their
internship experience by
the district-level mentor.
TEAL Goal 5:
Educational leadership
candidates will demonstrate
their understanding of
professional leadership skills
that support PK-12 student
learning by articulating a
vision for the level of
organization they aspire to
EDAD 789
Ability to construct a vision
of the organization they
95% of Ed. S. Educational
leadership students will
successfully write a
comprehensive vision
statement for the
organization they lead.
EDAD 777
Ability to construct an
effective public relations
100% of Ed.S. Educational
leadership candidates will
construct a comprehensive
public relations campaign.
ELCC: Standards 3.1-3.3
CAEP: Standards 3.2,
TEAL Goal 6:
Educational leadership
candidates will demonstrate
professional leadership skills
in organizational
management and with
community relations.
ELCC: Standards 4.1-4.4
CAEP: Standards 1.1-1.4,
3.2,3.3, 3.5,3.6, 4.2,4.3,5.2
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