
October 28, 2013 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union

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October 28, 2013 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union
October 28, 2013
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union
Unit Assessment of Initial Candidate Impact
on P-12 Student Learning
2. Unit Assessment of Advanced Candidate
Impact on P-12 Student Learning
3. Unit Assessment Upon Candidate Completion
of an Advanced Program
DASA Updates 1
 DASA workshop will be a graduation requirement for all initial
certification candidates graduating from May 2014 forward.
DASA workshop will be a prerequisite for all graduate programs
that require candidates to come in with an initial certificate
beginning spring 2014. Candidates who don't have this workshop
cannot be recommended for their second and/or professional
certification beginning in May 2014.
DASA Training completed by teachers in school districts
generally does not meet the DASA Requirement for teacher
Candidates graduating in December 2013 must apply for their
certification prior to December 31, 2013 to avoid the DASA
workshop requirement.
The DASA workshop requirement will be written in the catalog
and effective beginning with the Spring 2014 semester.
DASA Workshops-Fall 2013
 $50 fee
 $75 fee
 4 - 6 hour Face-To-Face Workshops
 4 – Hybrid Workshops on the
on the Dryden Campus
 11/2/13 10:00am to
 11/9/13 10:00am to
 11/16/13 10:00am to
 11/23/13 10:00am to
SUNY Cortland Campus
 11/02/13 9:00am to Noon
 11/12/13 6:00pm to 9:00pm
 11/21/13 6:00pm to 9:00pm
 12/04/13 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Registration for the hybrid workshop
requires that you complete 5 online
modules at least 3 days before taking
the 3 hour face to face workshop on
one of the dates above.
DASA Updates 2
 Judy Johns, Tracey Messenger and Mary Reagan
are currently planning SUNY Cortland’s syllabus
 Hybrid Model- 3 hours online completed prior
to 3 hours of face-to-face instruction and activity
 Submission to OTI/NYSED for approval
 Beginning in January, 2014 we will offer our own
workshops (instructors, costs and schedule of
workshops to be determined)
New SUNY Admission Requirements
for Teacher Education Programs
What we are being told:
 The 3.0 is a firm admissions requirement for all teacher
education programs. However, it is not a standard that needs
to be maintained throughout the program.
 More latitude for meeting this admissions standard with
freshmen than with transfers.
 Graduate programs will need to require applicants to take a
nationally-normed admissions test as a criteria for admissions
(along with a 3.0).
 Implementation details and discussions are still on-going.
Proposal to Retire TEC-CC
Proposal: Due to our campus’ growth in knowledge and
understanding of teacher education regulations and
guidelines, the members of the Teacher Education Council
believe that there is no longer a need for a separate level of
curricular review specifically related to teacher education
programs. Therefore, the TEC membership proposes
retiring the Teacher Education Council’s Curriculum
Committee (TEC-CC) from SUNY Cortland’s curricular
review process.
Proposed Process
1. Propose and discuss the proposal to retire the TEC-CC
from the SUNY Cortland Curriculum Review Process
at a meeting of the Teacher Education Council (TEC).
2. Revise the proposal per the TEC membership.
3. Conduct an electronic vote of TEC members to
endorse (or not) the proposal.
4. If the proposal is endorsed by the TEC membership,
forward proposal to the college’s Educational Policy
Committee for its review and action.
edTPA Updates 1
 Multiple campus trainings completed:
 Fall semester supervisor/faculty trainings
 Level 1 (Intro to edTPA) and Level 2 (Tech
Issues and edTPA) for students and faculty.
 Website: www.tinyurl.com/edtpsunycortland
 Upcoming:
 NYC Supervisor Training (Nov. 6)
 edTPA Lab Hours (see next slide)
 Spring semester supervisor/faculty trainings
Lab Hours for edTPA Technology Support
Where: CORN Room 1310 (MAC/PC Computer
Tuesday - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Wednesday - 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Thursday - 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Wednesday - 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Thursday - 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
edTPA Updates 2
Information from edTPAWorkshop:
 Cut scores will be announced sometime in November.
 If candidates do not pass, they can resubmit one task for $100 or resubmit
a brand new edTPA for $300
 Resubmissions must contain completely new work - including completely
new video, new commentary and new student work samples, etc.
 Each task is evaluated based on the rubrics for that task and nothing else.
Each task must stand on its own merit.
 No edTPA for: Speech Pathology, Ed Tech Specialist, or for candidates
entering the field through career and tech ed pathways
 If we encounter resistance from school districts in allowing our candidates
to complete the edTPA, NYSED will assist.
edTPA/NYSTCE Vouchers
 SUNY Cortland received 25 vouchers for edTPA and 50
vouchers for NYSTCE exams from NYSED.
Each voucher covers the cost of the one exam.
Vouchers are meant to support candidates who may struggle
to pay for NYSTCE exams due to a demonstrated financial
On November 1, we hope to make available an application
for candidates to apply for these vouchers.
Students must have FAFSA and be Pell eligible.
 How will we support Spring 2014
implementation of edTPA?
 How will we support candidates who
need to re-take one or more of the
tasks in edTPA?
edTPA Support Proposal
 edTPA Coordinator – Chris Widdall
 Oversees the coordination of all efforts supporting candidates’
successful completion of the edTPA.
 edTPA Advisors – One per school
 Works with program coordinators to support the school’s
candidates’ successful completion of the edTPA.
 Planned edTPA supports/interventions
 On-going workshops
 Open Lab Hours/Tech Support
 Re-take advisement seminars
 Gail Wood explained that negotiations are in progress for SUNY Cortland to
serve as a Pearson online testing center for NYSTCE Exams.
The center will be located in Memorial Library (teacher tech center)
Furniture and furnishings have been ordered to meet Pearson guidelines
Testing will be administered by someone in the library and proctors will
probably be hired
Center should be available in early February, 2014.
David Smukler invited interested faculty members to join an alternative scoring
consortium for the edTPA. Anyone interested should read the handout that was
distributed to members or speak with:
 Anne Burns-Thomas [email protected]
 David Smukler [email protected]
 Ji-Ryun Kim [email protected]
 Michelle Kelly [email protected]
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