
TEC Meeting May 6, 2013 1:00PM to 3:00PM Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union

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TEC Meeting May 6, 2013 1:00PM to 3:00PM Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union
TEC Meeting
May 6, 2013
1:00PM to 3:00PM
Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union
Welcome (A. Lachance).
DASA Update (M. Barduhn)
C-TEN Activities (M. Barduhn)
edTPA Issues and Updates (A. Lachance, C. Widdall, D. Farnsworth)
TECRC: Updates and Next Steps (S. Wilson)
TEC Bylaws Committee: Updates and Next Steps (J. Cottone)
Unit Wide Data Collection (A. Lachance, D. Farnsworth, C. Widdall)
Mid-Cycle SPA Reports (D. Farnsworth)
Announcements, etc.
Update on the New DASA
• 1) understanding the Dignity Act;
• 2) understanding how school climate and
culture impact student achievement & behavior;
• 3) understanding bullying, harassment &
discrimination (early earning signs, prevention
and intervention) and how to interact with
families of victims & aggressors;
• 4) understanding diversity & multicultural
environments and examining personal biases;
• 5) developing sensitivity to the experience of
specific student populations.
DASA Timeline
• Amendment of Part 52 and 80 of NYSED regs and
curriculum approval to occur at June Board of
Regents meeting.
• Implementation: 07/01/13
• May and August graduates should apply and pay
for certification by 07/01/13; they will need
DASA training when applying for additional
certificates after that date.
DASA Workshops
• 6 clock hours (3 of which must be face to face)
• Short-term: Summer workshops being planned
here at SUNY Cortland & BOCES maybe. No
approved commercial providers yet.
• Long-term: Develop 3 hour online
course/workshop and have 3 hour workshops
ongoing, like CARR and SAVE.
• Embedded within designated courses.
Update on C-TEN Initiative
• Four spring workshops completed with action
plans. EdTPA, Data-driven instruction, Clinically
rich experiences and Common Core
• $40,000 coming to each campus for professional
development of faculty by 9/1/14. Should
include community college partners.
• $250K competitive grant within Central New York
Region to establish Regional Centers of Pedagogy
targeting best practices.
Issues, Challenges, Roadblocks
• Approximately 26 student teachers from seven
programs (Childhood, Early Childhood, PE,
Adolescent English, Science, Math and Modern
Languages) participated in edTPA field test with 15
from Health doing an internal pilot.
• All submitted on time and with support.
• Discussion of “lessons learned” planned for
Monday, May 13, 4:30 – 6 pm in Jacobus.
• Ad Hoc edTPA Advisory Committee has been
meeting weekly to discuss issues related to
implementation of edTPA.
• Plan is to propose unit-wide policies for edTPA
implementation to TEC in the Fall.
Issues, Challenges, Roadblocks
Unit wide issues/decisions:
• Supervisor training:
• Adjunct supervisors will be paid a $250
stipend to get edTPA training this summer.
• Multiple sessions will be available
• While expectations of how much
supervisors will review edTPA may vary by
department, all supervisors need to have
familiarity with edTPA and Taskstream for
purposes of supporting student teachers
and host teachers through the process.
Issues, Challenges, Roadblocks
Unit wide issues/decisions:
• Technological Support:
• Short term: Technology training will be
provided to students and faculty on an as
needed basis.
• Ideal delivery method is in methods courses or
• Long term: Integration of technology
competencies in curriculum.
Issues, Challenges, Roadblocks
Unit wide issues/decisions:
• Retake Policy:
• How will students be supported to retake edTPA?
• Possible solution: edTPA Internship
• Student makes proposal to department with areas
needing to be addressed, proposed length of
time/credit hours, suggested host teachers.
• Department approves proposal; FESP makes
placement; student pays for credit hours.
• Issues to be determined: How many retakes
allowed? Stipends for host teachers/faculty
involved in retake?
• Other ideas?
Issues, Challenges, Roadblocks
Unit wide issues/decisions:
• Video taping procedures/permissions
• How much videotaping should be happening in
schools prior to student teaching?
• Appropriate handling of videos of children and
confidential info.
• Implications for Field Placements:
Communication with the Field
Issues, Challenges, Roadblocks
Departmental Decisions:
• Role of Supervisor in administering edTPA
• Requirement of submission of edTPA to Pearson:
The Unit will not be requiring this.
• Curriculum/Catalog changes related to edTPA.
• Role of edTPA in SPA reports.
Committee Update & Next Steps
• Susan Wilson
TEC-RC Follow-up
• Put together a policies and procedures manual
that outlines the current practices of TEC-RC
• Adjust meeting schedule to reflect admissions
• Develop a training for Coordinators and set up
times for training (s)
• Develop brochure for students and marketing
• Fully develop new policy changes for TEC
members to vote on (June 1)
New Policy
• Require teacher candidates to disclose a
charge of Driving while intoxicated (DWI,
DWAI), a crime against a child or physical
assault within five business days to Associate
Dean (Change)
• Require student teachers to disclose any
charge of an alleged violation of the Code of
Student Conduct, Academic Integrity Policy,
and/or any arrest to their Associate Dean
within five (5) business days.
New Policy
• After application and acceptance to the
program, require disclosure within five (5)
business days of any violations of the Code of
Student Conduct, Academic Integrity Policy
and /or convictions of local, state or federal
• Failure to disclose within five business days
may result in removal from or delay of
fieldwork, removal from or delay of student
TEC BYLAWSUpdate from John
Cottone and members
of the committee and
Unit-Wide Assessments and
Reporting of Data
• Banner-based Rubrics:
• Summary data should be entered by mid-June for Spring
• TEC Chairs and Co-Chairs will review data over the
• First TEC meeting of AY 2013-2014 will be devoted to
discussion of data trends and changes we want to make
to the data collection rubrics/systems.
Current Unit Assessments
• Initial Level Dispositions: covers candidates in BS,
• Advanced Level Dispositions: Covers candidates in
MSEd and CAS programs
• Initial Candidate Impact on Student Learning:
covers candidates in BS, BA, BSED, MAT, MST
• Advanced Candidate Impact on Student Learning:
covers canidates in MSEd and CAS programs
• Unit Assessment Upon Completion of an Advanced
Program: data derived from completion of the
culminating activity or project in an MSEd Program.
Alternate Means of Entering
Dispositions Data
• For programs wanting to enter data on individual
students, Taskstream Rubrics are available.
• These will allow programs to enter data on candidates
and have Taskstream collate the data.
Initial programs
Advanced Programs:
• Must submit new, mid-cycle reports in
March 2014 (no matter what it says on
your National Recognition Final Reports).
Be sure that you prepare your reports
using the most recent standards as many
SPAs have published updated standards
• Start talking now in your
program/department meetings about how
you have used data from assessments to
improve your programs
• Review your final SPA reports from last cycle to
determine areas of strength and opportunities for
• Review and update your faculty roster: education
levels, experience, tenure status, scholarship, etc.
• Review your program standards and report
• Identify your primary report preparer
• Review your list of assessments to insure that
they will yield appropriate evidence to support
meeting the standards
• Consult with your SPA Reps if you have
Mid-Cycle SPA Reports
March 2014
• Data Needs Survey
• Attendance at SPA Sponsored Conferences
and other SPA-Related Events
• Changing Standards
• Identification of SPA Writers to Deans by
• Compensation
• Process
SPA Report Access
• Go to: http://www.ncate.org
• Click on AIMS Member Login
• Enter Username: 15663
• Enter Password: 5189hod
• Click on Program Review System (PRS)
• Find the drop down menu and click on S10 if you
were recognized on first review or access the
semester when you submitted your rejoinder
that led to recognition.
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