Module 8 Rolling with Resistance Stages of Change Overview and Counseling Strategies
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Module 8 Rolling with Resistance Stages of Change Overview and Counseling Strategies
Module 8 Rolling with Resistance Observation Activity: Rolling with Resistance Stages of Change Overview and Counseling Strategies InstrucƟons: Observe a cerƟficaƟon and any resistance behaviors. Verbal behaviors Arguing InterrupƟng NegaƟng Sighing Ignoring Leaving Others? Non-verbal behaviors Avoiding eye contact Body posture Others? What do you think was behind the resistance? Circle as appropriate. The cerƟfier uses a judgmental or confrontaƟonal approach Misinterpreted the parƟcipant’s readiness to change The cerƟfier doesn’t pay aƩenƟon to the parƟcipant’s feelings and thoughts Telling a parƟcipant they need to change Telling a parƟcipant what to do AcƟng like ‘the expert’ Appearing cold or distant – lacking empathy How did the cerƟfier roll with resistance? How would you have rolled with the resistance? Module 8 Observation Activity: Rolling with Resistance December 2009 Page 1 of 1