
Operation of RIGID 535 Threader – Plumbing Shop PHYSICAL PLANT

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Operation of RIGID 535 Threader – Plumbing Shop PHYSICAL PLANT
PHYSICAL PLANT – Plumbing Shop
Safe Job Procedure # 15.20
Operation of RIGID 535 Threader
This task must only be performed by trained personnel
Edited by:
Approved by:
Created by:
Date created / last revision date:
Melissa Dzwonek
M - Al Borsboom
W - Alistair Wilson
M - Al Borsboom
W - Alistair Wilson
C - July 28, 2015
R - revised date
Hazards Present:
Pinch points
Flying debris in eyes
Injury if operator loses grip on a tool
due to excess oil
Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) or Devices Required:
 CSA eye protection
 No loose or hanging clothing
 No gloves
Additional Training Requirements:
 Operator’s Manual
 Training session with RIGID rep
Safe Work Procedure:
Job Steps:
1. Inspect the machine before use. If the machine is inoperable for any reason, follow lockout
procedures. Do not operate if covers (safety guards) are not in place.
2. Ensure your work area is clean and tidy. Wipe any excess oil off the machine before starting work.
3. Don eye protection before starting work. Ensure that none of your clothing is loose or hanging as it
could get caught in the moving parts of the machine. Do not wear gloves while operating. Avoid
reaching across the machine.
4. Ensure that cutter, reamer, and die head are in the UP position.
5. Place pipe into machine opening and tighten chuck, always maintaining awareness of pinch points.
6. Cut pipe to desired length and remove excess pipe out of the way.
7. Ream pipe and replace reamer in holder, keeping hands away from moving parts at all times.
8. Lock threader in place and thread pipe. Threader pops off the pipe when complete.
9. When threading a long piece of pipe, support the pipe at the back of the machine, and ensure the pipe
is secure in the vise.
10. After vise has stopped clean oil off pipe.
11. Remove pipe from chuck.
Additional notes;
It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to ensure:
All employees know, understand and comply with the safe job procedure.
The safe work procedure is reviewed annually and amended, if required.
Any changes that have been made to the safe job procedure must be immediately
communicated to all employees. This includes a posted bulletin and verbal notification.
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