
Document 2027167

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Document 2027167
CMOS GRADUATE NSERC SUPPLEMENTS The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) is a non-­‐
profit organiza;on that has over 850 members and subscribers, many of which are faculty, staff or students at academic ins;tu;ons across Canada. Our members have backgrounds in meteorology, oceanography, limnology, hydrology and climatology. CMOS awards Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) scholarship supplements to graduate students studying in these fields. CMOS NSERC Scholarship Supplement ($5,000) Deadline: April 30, 2013 Value: $5,000/year (for up to two years) DescripGon: Two supplements are awarded – the CMOS Weather Research House NSERC Scholarship Supplement for Atmospheric or Ocean Sciences and the Canadian Na;onal CommiUee for the Scien;fic CommiUee on Oceanic Research NSERC Scholarship Supplement for Ocean Sciences. Criteria: The recipient must currently hold an NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) or Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) and be enrolled in recognized postgraduate (master’s or doctoral) program in atmospheric or oceanic sciences. The supplement is renewable for a second year if the recipient con;nues to hold the NSERC PGS or CGS. ApplicaGon: Visit www.cmos.ca/scholarshipse.html or your departmental office for more informa;on. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
CMOS-SCMO, P.O. Box 3211, Stn. D, Ottawa ON, K1P 6H7
Tel: (613) 990-0300; Fax: (613) 990-1617
CMOS PRIZES AND AWARDS The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) is a non-­‐
profit organiza;on that has over 850 members and subscribers, many of which are faculty, staff or students at academic ins;tu;ons across Canada. Our members have backgrounds in meteorology, oceanography, limnology, hydrology and climatology. CMOS solicits nomina;ons for several prizes and awards, including the following: TerGa M.C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize ($500) Deadline: February 15, 2013 Criteria: Awarded to a graduate student who has made contribu;ons of special merit to the field of atmospheric or oceanic sciences. Must be currently registered in a graduate program at a Canadian university or be a Canadian ci;zen currently registered in a graduate program at a foreign university. NominaGon ApplicaGon: Visit www.cmos.ca/prizese.html or your departmental office for more informa;on. Roger Daley Postdoctoral PublicaGon Award ($2,000) Deadline: February 15, 2013 Criteria: Awarded to a postdoctoral fellow or research associate for excellence of a publica;on in the field of meteorology or oceanography (must be published or in print at the ;me of nomina;on). Must be currently working in Canada in a non-­‐permanent posi;on and have completed a doctoral degree within the last 5 years. NominaGon ApplicaGon: Visit www.cmos.ca/prizese.html or your departmental office for more informa;on. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
CMOS-SCMO, P.O. Box 3211, Stn. D, Ottawa ON, K1P 6H7
Tel: (613) 990-0300; Fax: (613) 990-1617
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