
March 2012 Colorado Adult Educator Certificate Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update

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March 2012 Colorado Adult Educator Certificate Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
March 2012
Colorado Adult Educator Certificate
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
The LIA Committee approved portfolios in February submitted by:
Lezlee Cox, Montrose School District RE-1J
Jessica Harcey, The Learning Source
Suzannah Harris, St. Vrain Valley Adult Education
Douglas Vizzini, SD11 Adult and Family Education
Christine Walker, Education Life and Training Center
The LIA courses do not need to
be complete in any particular
order. Additionally, it is not
necessary for LIA candidates to
complete any courses they plan
on taking before submitting an
LIA portfolio. There are three
remaining deadlines for
portfolios to be received in FY12
– March 23, April 20 and May
For portfolios to be considered in April they must be received in the CDE Office of Adult Education
and Family Literacy by March 23, 2012. NOTE: Applicants who submit portfolios after March
23, 2012 may not receive their LIA before the June 30, 2012 LIA compliance deadline due
to the time required for the Certificate of Equivalency to be issued and for an application
to be approved by Educator Licensing.
The Educator Licensing E-License System
Two webinars will be offered in March – one on Thursday, March 22 from 2:30-4:00 pm and one
on Friday, March 23 from 9:30-11:00 am – for adult educators who will be applying to Educator
Licensing for their LIA or renewing their LIA.
Please register by March 20 for the webinar at
VEdldXc6MQ#gid=0. Participants will receive an email with instructions for joining the webinar and
the Power Point handout by March 21. It is important that a current email be provided when the
registration form is completed. If you register and do not receive an email by 5 p.m. on March 21,
please call 303.866.6884 or email [email protected].
Effective July 1, 2012
To obtain the LIA, adult educators must demonstrate proficiency in the LIA course competencies in
the four required courses. These competencies and courses encompass the basic knowledge and
Office of Adult Education and Family Literacy, Adult Educator Certificate Program
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
Teacher quality and effectiveness is a federal and state priority. To provide adult learners in
Colorado with effective adult educators, the CDE Office of Adult Education and Family Literacy
provides high quality professional development opportunities, teacher resources and a teacher
training program and credential, the Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA).
March 2012
Colorado Adult Educator Certificate
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
skills needed by adult educators to provide instruction in English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult
Basic Education (ABE), Adult Secondary Education (ASE)/GED and family literacy programs.
A group of stakeholders, including staff members at AEFLA-funded programs, agreed that in order
for Colorado to have a field of adult educators with a consistent foundation of skills and knowledge
there must be a state policy that requires adult educators in AEFLA-funded programs to have the
LIA. In the eight years since the LIA was first implemented, the number of instructors at AEFLAfunded programs required to have the LIA has increased. Currently 50 percent of paid teaching staff
who work 15 hours or more per week with AEFLA reported learners and 25 percent of paid teaching
staff who work fewer than 15 hours per week must have the LIA. In addition, all instructors who
work 15 hours or more per week who were hired after July 1, 2007 must obtain the LIA within three
Effective July 1, 2012, all paid teaching staff members working with AEFLA-reported learners must
obtain the LIA within three years. This change works to accomplish the goal of providing all adult
learners with instructors who have a consistent foundation of skills and knowledge. This means that
regardless of the number of hours worked per week and when they were hired, instructors must be
working towards the LIA and obtain it within three years. The requirement that a minimum
percentage of instructors working more than 15 hours per week and fewer than 15 hours per week
will remain in the policy. The revised policy is attached to the email in which this LIA Update was
sent. It will be posted on the LIA website in June 2012.
Undergraduate Courses
To register or for more information, visit the websites provided below. Please check the LIA course
website for a listing of the courses offered throughout the state.
REMEMBER: If you can put together a cohort of 10 or more learners at your program or in
your local area, the CDE Office of AEFL will find a home college and an instructor for the
course. Send an email to [email protected] expressing your interest in this option.
Professional development (PD) support is available for LIA courses. Paid teaching staff that work
with AEFLA reported learners and meet the other eligibility requirements must submit applications to
the AEFL Unit at least 15 days prior to the start of the course. Go to
http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/liascholarships.htm for more information. Applicants must
wait until they receive notification of the approval of the support to register for LIA
EDU 131 Introduction to Adult
EDU 132 Planning,
Organizing and Delivering
Adult Education Instruction
Online course. Start date June 4.
Contact Donna Welschmeyer at
[email protected].
Front Range Community College
Hybrid Course. Start date May 29.
Contact Margie Wagner at
[email protected].
Red Rocks Community College
Arvada Campus
Hybrid course. Start date TBD.
Contact Sharon Lantz at
[email protected].
Office of Adult Education and Family Literacy, Adult Educator Certificate Program
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
Summer 2012
March 2012
Colorado Adult Educator Certificate
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
EDU 133 Adult Basic
Education (ABE)/ Adult
Secondary Education (ASE)
Online course. Start date June 4.
Contact Donna Welschmeyer at
[email protected].
Morgan Community College
Hybrid course. Start date TBD.
Contact Ruth Tryon at
[email protected].
EDU 134 Teaching English as
a Second Language to Adult
No classes scheduled
EDU 135 Family Literacy in
Adult Education
No classes scheduled
Graduate Courses – Summer 2012
Earn graduate credit while completing three of the four required LIA courses offered by the School of
Education Adult Education and Training Specialization at CSU. Courses are offered online and on
campus. Transcripts for these courses are submitted to CDE Educator Licensing with the LIA
Adult Learning
Addresses Introduction to Adult Education
competencies (EDU 131)
Teaching ESL to Adults
Addresses Teaching ESL to Adult Learners
competencies (EDU 134)
EDAE 520
EDAE 590
EDAE 620
No classes scheduled at this time.
Processes and Methods
Addresses Planning, Organizing and Delivering Adult
Education Instruction
competencies (EDU 132)
For information about the courses and the course schedule, contact Karen Kaminski at 970-4913713 or [email protected].
LIA Portfolio Submissions
Portfolios must be received by the CDE/AEFL Unit at 201 E. Colfax Ave., Room 300, Denver, CO
80203 by 5 p.m. 15 business days before the monthly LIA Committee meetings to be eligible for
consideration. The schedule is available at
Portfolios received after the deadline will be considered the following month.
LIA website - http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/LIAIndex.htm
LIA course information - http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/LIACourseOfferings.htm
Office of Adult Education and Family Literacy, Adult Educator Certificate Program
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
March 2012
Colorado Adult Educator Certificate
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
LIA training information - http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/LIATraining.htm
Jessie Hawthorn, Chair, CDE Office of Adult Education and Family Literacy
Vera Atilano, Director, Intergenerational Learning Center, Adams 14 School District
Mary Kay Cook, Retired human services expert
Carolyn Carter, ABE/ASE-GED Instructor
Sherri Durman, ESL Instructor at McLain Community High School
Callie James, ABE/ASE-GED Instructor & Director at Lake County Schools Adult Education Program
Karin McGuire-Hill, Director of Special Education at the CO Dept. of Corrections – Division of Education
Gwen Welch, Director, Links to Literacy
For assistance, contact the Adult Educator Certificate Program support staff members, Jean McDonald at
303.866.6884 or Neila Achter, at 303.866.6865 or via email at [email protected].
Office of Adult Education and Family Literacy, Adult Educator Certificate Program
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
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