
January 2011 Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update

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January 2011 Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
January 2011
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
The LIA Committee approved portfolios in December submitted by:
Marsha Haugen
The deadline for portfolio submission for the March 11, 2011 meeting
is February 28, 2011.
Five New LIA Committee Members
There are five months
remaining this fiscal year. June
30, 2011 is the FY11
compliance deadline. Any LIAs
obtained starting July 1 cannot
be included in the FY11 status
UNLESS the AEFLA director has
an approved deadline extension
request. Please review the
email sent to AEFLA directors on
January 27 for more
Please join the LIA Committee and the AEFL office in welcoming five new members to the LIA
Committee. These members submitted an application, a resume and observed an LIA Committee
meeting before being offered a position on the committee.
Carolyn Carter, representing ABE/ASE instructors
Sherri Durman, representing ESL instructors
Callie James, representing ABE/ASE instructors
Karin McGuire, representing educational staff at the Department of Corrections
Julie Oliver, representing LIA course instructors
These committee members will begin their service at the February 11, 2011 meeting. The AEFL
office and the LIA Committee are thrilled to double the size of the LIA Committee and increase it to
its original number of members. These new members are very experienced adult education
professionals and are committed to representing the groups of adult educators they have agreed to
represent in their service on the committee.
We are still looking for a representative from the workforce field. If you know anyone in
your area who would be interested in serving on the LIA Committee, please share this information
with them about the committee, http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/LIACommittee.htm and have
them contact the LIA Specialist at CDE [email protected].
Again, congratulations to the five new members on the LIA Committee and thank you to the existing
members for all that you do to achieve the mission of the LIA Committee.
Adult Education and Family Literacy
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
The AEFL office and LIA Committee are looking for LIA portfolio evaluators – new and experienced –
and LIA portfolio applicants to help us pilot revisions to the Evaluation of Experience requirements
and process, including revised evaluation forms for EDU 131-135. Many of the revisions are in
response to requests from evaluators and applicants. The committee sought additional feedback
from the field at the October 21, 2010, Directors’ Training and afterwards through an online form.
This feedback has been incorporated into the revisions to Section 5: Evaluation of Experience in the
LIA Handbook.
Pilot Program Participants Needed
January 2011
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
If you are an LIA portfolio evaluator (a director, site coordinator and/or lead teacher with teacher
supervisory and/or mentorship responsibilities) or an LIA applicant and you are interested in
participating in this pilot, please send an email by February 28, 2011to [email protected] with
the subject: Evaluation of Experience Pilot. In the email, state whether you would like to participate
as an evaluator or an applicant. A webinar for the pilot participants will be scheduled in March to
review the revisions and answer any questions from participants. The pilot will be conducted from
April to June 2011. The new requirements and process will be implemented in early FY12.
Benefits of participating in the pilot:
• Advance notice and training on the revised Evaluation of Experience process and the
opportunity to prepare to work with staff who plan on submitting Evaluation of Experience
portfolios in FY12
• Flexibility from the committee when the new Evaluation of Experience forms are reviewed
• Much appreciation from the AEFL office for your willingness to participate in this important
pilot 
LIA Portfolio
Please share this information with all instructors in your program who have not obtained the LIA –
even if they plan on taking the four required courses through a community college or at
Colorado State University.
The webinar on the requirements and process of submitting an LIA portfolio will be held from 2:30 –
4:00 pm on Thursday, March 17 and repeated from 9:30 – 11:00 am on Friday, March 18. Go to
https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFRMRjBXcXYzamh6V0I2OWV1QkxuLXc6MQ to
register for a webinar. Participants will receive an email with instructions on joining the webinar and
the webinar agenda by Tuesday, March 15. The registration deadline is Monday, March 14.
Extension of LIA Portfolio Submission Deadline for FY11 LIA Compliance
As stated in an email that was sent to AEFLA directors on Thursday, January 27, the deadline for
portfolios to be received in the AEFL office so the program is eligible to request a written extension
of the June 30, 2011LIA compliance reporting deadline for FY11, has been extended from January
31, 2011 to February 28, 2011.
Why request an extension?
To protect the program’s compliance status from being negatively impacted due to delays in the
application being processed and approved by CDE Educator Licensing.
What does this mean?
Programs are eligible to request an extension of the June 30, 2011 compliance deadline for any
portfolios received by February 28, 2011 that are approved at the March 11, 2011 meeting.
The portfolio must be for the four required courses or it must be for the final course(s) the candidate
needs in order to complete the four required courses. If the candidate will not be completing all
courses before June 30, 2011, either through taking the courses or submitting them in a portfolio,
an extension will not be granted.
How does this benefit you?
Adult Education and Family Literacy
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
January 2011
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
AEFLA programs with approved extensions will be allowed to have these LIAs added to their status
after June 30 to assist them with meeting the FY11 LIA Compliance target. Any LIAs received after
June 30, 2011 will not be added to the AEFLA program’s FY11 status if the program was not
granted an extension.
How to request an extension?
Send an email to [email protected] between March 11 and March 31, 2011 with the subject:
FY11 LIA Compliance Extension Request. Any requests received after March 31, 2011 will not be
approved. The LIA candidate’s name(s) must be included in the email.
Important Note:
Applicants must submit the LIA application and other required documents to Educator Licensing
immediately upon receiving the Certificate of Equivalency for courses approved in the LIA portfolio.
The AEFL office has a record of when the certificates are mailed to candidates. If the applicant does
not submit the required information to Educator Licensing immediately upon receiving the certificate,
the approved extension will be null and void.
Fingerprinting with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) should not wait until the portfolio is
approved. If the applicant has not already completed this screening, it can be done immediately so
the record is with CDE when the LIA application is received.
Effective 1/25/2010 the process for submission of a set of fingerprints requires that the applicant:
• Use a fingerprint card provided by a local Law Enforcement Agency (CDE no longer provides cards)
• Complete the fingerprint card with the assistance of a qualified Law Enforcement Agency
• Submit the completed fingerprint card, with processing fee, to the Colorado Bureau of
Specific instructions on filling out the fingerprint card may be found at:
Undergraduate Courses
To register or for more information, visit the websites provided below.
Spring 2011
EDU 133
Adult Basic Education (ABE)/
Adult Secondary Education
Morgan Community College
Hybrid course. On campus
meetings Saturday 2/5/11,
3/5/11 and 4/2/11
9 am – 4 pm
No classes scheduled at this time for Spring 2011.
An equivalent graduate class (EDAE 620) is listed below.
Morgan Community College
Red Rocks Community College
Arvada Campus
Adult Education and Family Literacy
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
Hybrid course. On campus
meetings Saturday 2/19/11,
3/19/11 and 4/16/11
9 am – 4 pm
Canceled due to low enrollment.
Approved scholarships can be
transferred to EDU 133 at MCC.
EDU 132
Planning, Organizing and
Delivering Adult Education
In progress
EDU 131
Introduction to Adult
Community College of Aurora
January 2011
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
EDU 134
Teaching English as a Second
Language to Adult Learners
EDU 135
Family Literacy in Adult
Colorado Mountain College,
Edwards Campus
Red Rocks Community College,
6500 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder
Online course.
2/28/11 – 5/8/11
In progress
No classes scheduled at this time for Spring 2011
Graduate Courses
Earn graduate credit while completing three of the four required LIA courses offered by the School of
Education Adult Education and Training Specialization at CSU. Courses are offered online and on
campus. Transcripts for these courses are submitted to CDE Educator Licensing with the LIA
Adult Learning
EDAE 520
EDAE 590
EDAE 620
addresses Introduction to Adult
Education competencies (EDU
Teaching English as a Second
Language to Adults
Not scheduled for Spring 2011
addresses Teaching ESL to
Adult Learners competencies
(EDU 134)
Processes and Methods
addresses Planning, Organizing
and Delivering Adult Education
Instruction competencies (EDU
In progress
In progress
Scholarships for a portion of the tuition are available to paid teaching staff that work in AEFLAfunded programs and meet the LIA Course Scholarship Program requirements. Scholarship
applications must be submitted to the AEFL Unit at least 15 days prior to the start of the course. Go
to http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/LIAScholarships.htm for more information. Applicants
should wait until they receive notification of the approval of the scholarship application to
register for LIA courses.
For information about the courses and the course schedule, contact Karen Kaminski at 970-4913713 or [email protected].
Adult Education and Family Literacy
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
January 2011
Literacy Instruction Authorization (LIA) Update
Teach an LIA Course
Experienced adult basic education professionals who are interested in learning more about
opportunities to teach undergraduate or graduate LIA courses should send an email to
[email protected] or call 303-866-6942 for more information. Individuals must meet the college
or university’s education and experience qualifications and complete the institution’s hiring process.
LIA Portfolio Submissions
Portfolios must be submitted to the CDE/AEFL Unit at 201 E. Colfax Ave., Room 300, Denver, CO
80203 at least 10 business days prior to the LIA Committee meeting held on the second Friday of
each month in order to be considered at that month’s meeting. The deadline for a portfolio to be
received to be eligible for consideration at the March 11 meeting is Monday, February 28,
2011. Portfolios received after the deadline will be considered at the April meeting.
LIA website - http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/LIAIndex.htm
LIA Forms - http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/LIAPortfolioForms.htm
EDU Course information - http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/LIACourseOfferings.htm
Jessie Hawthorn
[email protected]
Ph (303) 866-6942 or Fax (303) 866-6599
Kathleen Holmes
[email protected]
Ph (719) 351-9683
Vera Atilano, Director, Intergenerational Learning Center, Adams 14 School District
Mary Kay Cook, Retired human services expert
Carolyn Carter, ABE/ASE-GED Instructor
Sherri Durman, ESL Instructor at McLain Community High School
Callie James, ABE/ASE-GED Instructor & Director at Lake County Schools Adult Education Program
Karin McGuire, Director of Special Education at the CO Dept. of Corrections – Division of Education
Julie Oliver, EDU Instructor at Morgan Community College & Director at the MCC Adult Education Program
Gwen Welch, Director, Links to Literacy
Adult Education and Family Literacy
201 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Ph 303-866-6884 Fax 303-866-6599
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