
L I F E T I M E ...

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Category: Documents





L I F E T I M E ...
The following lists recognize
individuals and organizations
that have made gifts, pledges,
and estate or planned gifts
to Pacific McGeorge in excess
of $20,000.
Dona K. Buckingham
Richard L. Stack
Francis B. Dillon
Hayne R. & Susan Moyer
James & Dorothy Adams
John Brownston
Raymond Burr
Thomas J. Feeney
Roberta C. & Carl Kierney
Betty Knudson
Enlow & Melena Ose
Gordon D. Schaber
Edward D. & Carol Spurgeon
Angelo K. Tsakopoulos
Rosalie S. Asher
Irving H. & Katharine O. Biele
Robert A. Buccola
Robert F. Butler
Sam Gordon
Janis Besler Heaphy
Kathleen C. Henderson
Pamela M. Henderson
Genshiro Kawamoto
Daniel D. Richard, Jr.
Robert N. & Doris Stark
Steve Weiss
Daniel E. Angius
Gilles S. Attia
Thomas R. & Susan Bales
Michael D. Belote
Benjamin D. Frantz
Sherrill Halbert
Timothy E. & Linda Naccarato
Kenneth E. & Linda Olson
Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker & Robert A. Parker
Claude D. & Lynn L. Rohwer
Anthony J. Scalora
Elvin F. & Pauline C. Sheehy
Scott S. Slater
Edward H. Telfeyan
Barbara Thomas
Mark K. White
Walter & Janet Alexander, Jr.
David Allen
Lexis M. Allen
Fred Anderson
Katharine O. Biele Howze
David & Carol Cairns
Leighton D. Armstrong
Glenn A. Fait
Noёl M. Ferris
Doris Gross
William Davis Harn & Joy F. Harn
Ben E. Johnson
Ken & Bonnie Jean Kwong
James R. Lewis
Thomas J. Long
John R. Masterman
Gregory D. Ogrod
Hardie G. Setzer
R. Parker White
John Q. Brown
Timothy F. Cahill & Laurel V. Bell-Cahill
Frank J. Christy, Jr.
Charles B. & Kathleen T. Coyne
Helen Harney Crittenden
Loren S. Dahl
Sharon G. Fait
Anna Rose Fischer
Morton L. & Marcie Friedman
Emil Gumpert
Michael A. Hackard
John W. Hawkins
Daniel L. Hitzke
Anthony M. Kennedy
David J. Kristjanson
Frank LaBella, Jr.
Brian K. & Dorothy S. Landsberg
David P. Mastagni
Eugene W. McGeorge
Marc D. & Mona Roberts
Annie M. Rogaski
Donald R. & Dorothy Steed
Edward J. Tiedemann
Charles W. Trainor
Sunny Von Bulow
Daniel E. Wilcoxen
Alba Witkin
Bernard E. Witkin
Thadd A. Blizzard
Edgar A. Boyles, Jr.
Gerald M. Caplan
Samuel Chicos
Louise L. Chiu
K. C. Fan
Richard A. Harris
Mark Hefner
Pauline Johnson
Warren A. Jones
R. Marilyn Lee & Harvey Schneider
James M. Mize
Perry & Sophia Potiris
Robert L. Roush
Elaine & Edward Samans
Tom Sinetos
Borden D. Webb
Philip H. Wile
Alfred E. Yudes, Jr.
Hugh & Hazel Darling Foundation
The Max C. Fleischmann Foundation
Arata Bros. Trust
The Fletcher Jones Foundation
E. L. Cord Foundation
The James Irvine Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William D. James Foundation
Sacramento Estate Planning Council
George H. Sandy Foundation
The Sierra Health Foundation
The Ahmanson Foundation
Albert & Elaine Borchard Foundation
Margaret Deterding Fund
Downey Brand Attorneys, LLP
Gannett Foundation
John A. McCarthy Foundation
Public Legal Service Society
Sacramento Bee
Sacramento Region Community Foundation
The Dana Foundation
Dreyer Babich Buccola & Wood, LLP
Red River Shipping Corporation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The Telfeyan Evangelical Fund, Inc.
E.L. Weigand Foundation
California NBR Settlement Fund
Carpenters Local Union 586
Hefner, Stark & Marois, LLP
Kaweah Lemon Company
Albert J. & Mae Lee Memorial Trust
American Association of Retired Persons
Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann & Girard
Medpac of the CA Association of Physician Groups
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP
Pfund Family Foundation
Sierra Oaks Mortgage
University of Phoenix Foundation
US Bank
Brian L. Hintz Memorial Golf Tournament
McDonough, Holland & Allen, PC
William C-B Foundation
Fly UP