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Inside This Issue
MARCH 2012
Mr. Brian K. Kasiborski
Ms. Cortney L. Kellogg
Ms. Jane C. Kenyon
Mr. Douglas E. Koenig
Ms. Tara A. Kramar
Ms. Margaret A. Kurzyniec
Mr. Julien M. Landry
Mr. Justinian C. Lane
Mr. Brian A. LaVictoire and
Mrs. Jennifer J. LaVictoire
Mr. Matthew M. Leffler
Mr. James M. Leiby and Mrs. Karen Leiby
Mrs. Elisa J. Lintemuth
Mr. Aaron T. Lloyd
Mr. Andrew T. Lloyd
Mr. Guillermo M. Magana
Mr. Anthony C. Mrzlack
Mr. Lucas J. Myers and
Mrs. Sarah Cochran
Mr. Jonathan E. Niesen and
Mrs. Lindsay M. Niesen
Ms. Kristen M. Polanski
Ms. Jenna M. Purdum
Ms. Michelle L. Quigley and
Mr. Nicolas Quigley
Mr. Christopher J. Ryan
Mr. Jeffrey A. Rector
Mr. SamuelDavid R. Reyes
Mr. Thomas J. Rheaume, Jr.
Ms. Jessica L. Sanderson
Mr. Christopher J. Schneider
Ms. Megan E. Smith
Mr. Rajinder S. Sohi
Mrs. Candace C. Solis
Ms. Sarah S. Stempky
Mr. Steven W. Tessman
Ms. Alessa J. Thomas
Mr. Wesley J. Todd
Mr. Jesse C. Viau
Ms. Lindsay M. Weber
Mr. Jason L. Weiner
Ms. Kathleen P. Wickett
Class of 2011
Mr. Jonathan A. Abent
Mr. Nicholas J. Assenmacher
Mr. Zachary E. Backlund
Ms. Elaine M. Barr
Mr. Stephen G. Bayer
Mr. Anthony G. Becknek
Mr. Steven J. Bell
Mr. Thomas J. Bellsky
Ms. Keli Bender
Mr. Philip J. Berens
Ms. Amy M. Bickett
Ms. Molly S. Blythe
Ms. Caitlin Borchard
Mrs. Clare M. Bradley
Mr. Justin M. Bratt
Ms. Jacquelyn B. Brousseau
Mr. William C. Camp
Mr. Joseph A. Campbell
Mr. Matthew R. Campbell and
Ms. Brittany A. Campbell
Mr. Shi Chen
Ms. Brigitte D. Chiroyan
Mr. Jesse J. Cond
Mrs. Samantha C. Cornell
Ms. Rachel Nichole-Filomena Costello
Ms. Anne E. Cubera
Mrs. Danielle A. Curtiss
Ms. Kira L. Damusis
Mr. Matthew Daniels
Mr. Michael Daum
Ms. Staci DeRagnaucourt
Ms. Cristy M. Devos
Ms. Andrea Domorsky
Ms. Angel C. Doston
Ms. Rachel K. Dowell
Mr. Patrick D. Duff
Mr. Andrew W. Dunlap
Mrs. Mary M. Dunlap and
Mr. Peter L. Dunlap
Mr. Octavio Duran
Ms. Allison L. Eicher
Mr. Michael R. Epstein
Mr. Jeremiah Fanslau
Ms. Jehan Y. Farrag
Ms. Erin Federau
Mr. Ryan M. Felber
Mr. Bobby A. Ficklin, Jr.
Ms. Mallory A. Field
Mr. Benjamin L. Fisher
Mr. Kevin P. Flaherty
Mr. Stefan Fletcher
Mr. Tyler D. Gaastra
Mr. Timothy R. Gatza
Ms. Kimberly E. Gehling
Mr. John Gehring
Ms. Chrysovalantou N. Giatis
Mr. Adam Gill
Ms. Meghan R. Glines
Ms. Stephanie M. Grace
Mr. Daniel J. Greenhalgh
Mr. Eric C. Griggs
Mr. Alex T. Grimes
Mr. Joshua S. Havens
Mr. Erik S. Helgesen
Ms. Rachel E. Hill
Mr. Christopher J. Hoffman
Mr. Daniel R. Hoovler
Mr. Christopher K. Iannuzzi
Mr. Scott A. Ibbotson
Mr. Todd Jennings
Mr. Christopher R. Johnson
Ms. Laura E. Johnson
Mrs. Elinor R. Jordan
Mr. Vincent A. Junglas
Mr. Jonathan E. Junia
Mr. Jonathan D. Kamien
Mr. Adam M. Kay
Mr. Ryan Q. Kelly
Ms. Yasmine Kirollos
Mr. Anthony M. Klemptner
Mr. Adam C. Kocaj
Mr. Max P. Kozinn
Hon. Amy Ronayne Krause
Ms. Jennifer L. LaMay
Mr. Dal Latsha
Mr. Jordan Lebowitz
Mr. Brett N. Lief broer
Ms. Sarah M. Lierman
Ms. Jennifer Long
Ms. Abbey A. Lopez
Mr. Matthew J. Loprest
Mr. Joseph A. Ludlow
Mr. Nicholas P. Madaj
Mr. Matthew Martin
Mr. Robert F. Marvin
Ms. Amanda J. Matchett
Mr. Luke D. Mayefske
Ms. Christina L. Mayfield
Mr. Michael T. McKay
Mrs. Maureen M. McKinney
Mr. Dustin A. McMahon
Mr. Brett T. Meyer
Mr. Patrick J. Meyn
Mr. Joshua E. Miller
Ms. Amanda E. Misch
Ms. Ashley M. Mompoint
Mr. Jason Murdey
Mr. William R. Murray
Ms. Kelechi N. Nnodim
Ms. Hailey M. Noonan
Mr. Scott M. Nowak
Mr. Michel Nungisa
Mr. David M. Nyberg
Mr. Aaron R. Ochse
Ms. Janelle L. Packer
Mr. Samir D. Patel
Ms. Alicia Parr
Mr. John Petkus
Mr. Bradley C. Pero
Mr. Ryan J. Peruski
Ms. Jeanette L. Pesamoska
Mr. Jonathon Polk
Mr. Paul Ricard
Mr. Zachary A. Risk
Ms. Jessica Robison
Ms. Elena Rozwadowski
Mr. Adam D. Rumschlag
Mr. Jared M. Runkel
Mrs. Abigail A. Rury
Mr. Adam I. Sabree
Mr. Jay A. Schafer
Ms. Clarisse L. Schroeder
Ms. Stella Shimamoto
Ms. Elizabeth Siegel
Mr. Michael A. Siracuse
Mr. Alexander W. A. Smarsch
Mr. Slade Sokol
Mr. Keith Sparks
Mr. Brian P. Spaulding
Ms. Brittany Struble
Mr. Ili Jinnah-Chavez Subhan
Ms. Kaya K. Sugiyama
Ms. Rachel L. Szela
Mr. Nicholas T. Timm
Mr. James D. Trail
Ms. Abigail L. Valovage
Ms. Alissa L. Vanderkooi
Mr. Gerald W. Vander Wal, III
Ms. Carrie M. Waggoner
Mr. Jason Wiemann
Ms. Jessica M. Wilde
Mr. Brandon E. Wood
Mr. Philip Yoo
Ms. Shara L. Youles
Mr. Stephen W. Zmyslowski
Ms. Jody L. Aaron
Mr. Lester M. Allen, Jr., and
Mrs. Dawn M. Allen
Ms. Theresa Allen
Mr. Jesse Alvarez
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Mrs. Amy L. Arnold-Garcia
Mrs. Linda Atkinson
Mr. Randy Avery and Mrs. Tonya Avery
Mr. Ronald M. Bahrie and
Mrs. Claudia J. Bahrie
Ms. Mary T. Bailey
Ms. Jasmine J. Baker
Mrs. Norma I. Baldwin
Prof. Daniel D. Barnhizer and
Mrs. Christa Barnhizer
Mr. Brian J. Battersby
Hon. James M. Batzer
Mr. Kenneth R. Bauman
Prof. Bruce W. Bean and Ms. Barbara Bean
Ms. Jacklyn A. Beard
Hon. Jane M. Beckering
Prof. Susan Bitensky and
Mr. Elliot L. Meyrowitz
Ms. Rhonda Bleisner and Mr. Tim Bleisner
Mr. William A. Boettcher and
Mrs. Julie A. Boettcher
Mr. Richard Borth
Trustee M. Scott Bowen
Assoc. Prof. Kristi L. Bowman
Mr. Travis F. Brown
Ms. Joyce E. Buckley
Dr. Heidi M. Bulich and
Mr. Michael R. Poterala
Hon. Monte J. Burmeister and
Mrs. Lisa M. Burmeister
Ms. Margaret D. Burns
Butler Family Fund
Capital Region Community Foundation
Mr. Justin F. Carter
Prof. Jennifer D. Carter-Johnson
Ms. Tina K. Casoli and Mr. Daniel Casoli
Mr. Michael A. Cole
Mr. Frederick J. Coleman
Ms. Maria Constant
Ms. Samantha L. Cook
Mr. Kevin Corrion
Mr. Thomas W. Cranmer
Mrs. Jeanice A. Dagher
Mr. Keith C. Damron
Assoc. Prof. Nicole S. Dandridge
Mr. Jacques Daoud
Mr. Michael R. Darum
Ms. Mary L. Deregnaucourt
The Dewitt C. Holbrook Memorial
Ms. Heather Dickow
Mrs. Pamela A. Dirkse and Mr. Dave Dirkse
Ms. Robin M. Doutre
Mr. Friedrich Dutka
Mr. Paul W. Edwards
Mrs. Teresa Eldred and Mr. Aaron Eldred
Mr. Homan Faghihi-Naraghi
Prof. David S. Favre and
Mrs. Martha E. Favre
Hon. James A. Fisher
Prof. Matthew Fletcher and
Asst. Prof. Wenona T. Singel
Ms. Kristen M. Flory and
Mr. William B. Flory
Ms. Janine K. Fogg
Ms. Richard D. Friedman
Mr. John A. Garcia and
Mrs. Amy Lura Arnold-Garcia
Mrs. Kimberly D. Gardner and
Mr. Robert Gardner
Mr. Richard Gartner and
Mrs. Janet L. Gartner
Mr. Peter Getti
Assoc. Dean Brian Gilmore and
Mrs. Elanna Haywood
Hal & Jean Glassen Memorial Foundation
Hon. Elizabeth L. Gleicher
Mr. Barry J. Goodman
Ms. Stephanie M. Grace
Mrs. Kathryn E. Grancy
Mrs. Melissa Gray
Assoc. Prof. Catherine M. Grosso and
Mr. Stephen P. Gasteyer
Mrs. Sarah E. Haigh
Mr. Maurice Haley and Mrs. Margaret Haley
Prof. Michele L. Halloran and
Mr. Robert W. Halloran
Dr. Thomas H. Hammond and
Dr. Christine M. Hammond
Ms. Hildur Hanna
Mrs. Juliana H. Hanna
Hon. Katherine L. Hansen
Ms. Deborah L. Hanson and
Mr. Mark A. Hanson
Mr. Ahmed M. Hassouna
Mr. Joseph E. Hathaway
Prof. Emeritus Nancy D. Heathcote and
Mr. William L. Heathcote
Mr. Philip D. Heavilin, II, and
Mrs. Nicole L. Heavilin
Mr. Brian P. Henry
Mr. James T. Heos and
Mrs. Cassandra K. Heos
Mr. Alexander C. Hill
Mrs. Kristen Boyd Hintz
Dean Joan W. Howarth and
Ms. Carmen Estrada
Mrs. Helen Hubbard
Mr. Wayne R. Hutchison and
Mrs. Jaimie J. Hutchison
Mrs. Cathy Huth
Mr. Marshall R. Isaacs
Jackson Lewis LLP
Ms. Danielle D. Jackson
Prof. Melanie B. Jacobs and
Mr. Shane A. Broyles
Mr. Sam R. Jadaoun and
Mrs. Juliana H. Hanna
Trustee Charles A. Janssen and
Mrs. Lea Anne L. Janssen
Ms. Kristina E. Janssens
Mr. Richard H. Johnson and
Mrs. Tracy Johnson
Ms. April L. Jones
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Jones
Prof. Brian C. Kalt and Ms. Sara K. Kalt
Kanji & Katzen PLLC
Mr. Ross Kaplan
Mr. Frank J. Kelley and Mrs. Nancy A. Kelley
Prof. Norbert L. Kerr
Mr. Thomas G. Kienbaum
Mr. Walter D. Kitchen
Ms. Patricia P. Klimek
Assoc. Prof. Renee N. Knake and
Dr. Jeffrey J. Knake
Ms. Dorothea J. Knight
Mr. Keith Kramer and Mrs. Pamela Kramer
Mr. Kurt E. Krause
Mrs. Julie Krueger and
Mr. Nicholas R. Krueger
Ms. Kelly A. Kussmaul
Mr. James C. LaMacchia, II
Assoc. Dean Richard C. Lameti and
Mrs. Marti Lameti
Mrs. Betty Jo Lange and Mr. Mark Lange
Mr. Daniel S. Larson
Assoc. Dean Michael A. Lawrence and
Assoc. Prof. Deanne A. Lawrence
Mr. Charles M. Lax
Trustee H. Douglas Laycock and
Ms. Teresa A. Sullivan
Ms. Lara A. Leaf
Ms. Cheri A. Lehto
Mr. Curtis E. Leszczynski
Mr. Steven C. Liedel
Ms. Jennifer M. Lipinski
Ms. Laura J. Lockwood
Mrs. Carole F. Lower
Ms. Sarah Luick
Mr. John A. Lyons
Mr. William P. Lyshak
Ms. Brooke C. Mackenzie
Ms. Donna MacMurray-Klein
Mr. Daniel P. Makarski
Ms. Erika N. Marzorati and
Mr. Timothy D. Marzorati
Mrs. Sheryl T. Matsudo and
Mr. Dean I. Matsudo
Mr. Jason Matthew
Mr. Tom A. McCaskill and
Mrs. Sue McCaskill
Mr. Charles McCloskey and
Mrs. Shannon McCloskey
Ms. Bridget McCormack
Prof. Robert A. McCormick and
Prof. Amy C. McCormick
Mr. LeLand H. McGonigal and
Ms. Priscilla McGonigal
Mr. Terrance A. McGivern and
Mrs. Heather D. McGivern
Hon. David W. McKeague and
Mrs. Nancy P. McKeague
Trustee Colleen M. McNamara
Ms. Jane M. Meland
Mr. John E. Melcher and
Ms. Cynthia J. Herfindahl
Prof. Nicholas Mercuro
Ms. Elizabeth Messing
Ms. Karen Michaels
Mr. Daniel J. Michalek
Mr. Neil A. Miller
Mrs. Stacey L. Miller
Mr. Donald A. Molde
Assoc. Prof. Noga Morag-Levine and
Mr. Jonathan Levine
Mr. Timothy B. Myers and Ms. Susan Myers
Mr. Scott J. Nagele and Mrs. LaRay C. Nagele
Nebraska Book Company Inc.
Trustee James M. Nicholson, Jr., and
Mrs. Mary B. Nicholson
Mr. Joseph Novack
Mr. James H. Novis and Mrs. Jane K. Novis
Assoc. Prof. Barbara M. O’Brien and
Dr. Richard E. Lucas
Ms. Ruthanne Okun
Ms. Amanda J. Olivier and
Dr. Nicholas B. Olivier
Olsman, Mueller, Wallace & MacKenzie
Assoc. Prof. Sean A. Pager
Because the Law College is a private, nonprofit institution and separate 501(c)3 from MSU, donations from
our alumni and friends help fund the Law College’s programs and operations. Please keep MSU Law in mind
when making your charitable gifts, and consider the Law College in your estate planning. To make a gift,
visit www.law.msu.edu/donate or contact Tina Kashat Casoli at [email protected] or 517-432-6840 to learn more.
MSU College of Law Office of Advancement
Law College Building, 648 N. Shaw Lane, Room 400, East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-432-6840 Fax: 517-432-6841 E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Lana Panagoulia
Mr. Richard A. Patton
Ms. Karen Peffers
Ms. Janis M. Peretore
Mr. Phil Perry
Ms. MaryAnn Pierce
Mr. John D. Pirich and
Mrs. Mary Beth Pirich
Mrs. Pamela L. Plourhar
Mr. Brett S. Polen
Trustee David L. Porteous and
Mrs. Joan L. Porteous
Mrs. Kathleen S. Prince
Ms. Goldie Pritchard
Ms. Leslie Proffitt
Prof. Frank S. Ravitch
Ms. Micheline A. Rawlins
Hon. Laura Redmond Mack
Prof. John W. Reifenberg, Jr., and
Mrs. Janet Ostendarp Reifenberg
Mr. Philip C. Repp and Mrs. Lora E. Repp
Mr. John A. Resotko and
Mrs. Christine M. Martin-Resotko
Mrs. Sally Rice and Mr. Harold W. Rice
Ms. Christene M. Richter
Mrs. Sara L. Ridner-Cohen
Mr. Dean Robb
Mr. Scott Roberts
Asst. Dean Charles Roboski
Mrs. Alma J. Rombouts
Trustee G. Scott Romney and
Ms. Sheri L. Romney
Ms. Andreina I. Rosa
Asst. Prof. Jennifer A. Rosa and
Mr. Daniel Rosa
Mrs. Elizabeth Ross and Mr. Sydney L. Ross
Mr. George T. Roumell, Jr., and
Ms. Affie Roumell
Prof. Keith A. Rowley and
Mrs. Katherine Rowley
Mr. Philip P. Ruggeri
Prof. Kevin W. Saunders and
Mary E. Scott, Ph.D.
Mr. Daniel D. Schatz
Ms. Anne M. Schoepfle
Mrs. Ann Marie Scholten and
Mr. Darrell G. Scholten
Mr. Lawrence P. Schweitzer
Mrs. Dawn Scifres
Mr. Brian Scott
Mr. Robert A. Sedler
Ms. Bridget A. Sheehan
Ms. Chen Chen Shih
Mr. Cleveland Simmons
Mr. George T. Sinas
Skadden Fellowship Foundation
Mr. Stanley H. Skalka
Dr. Katherine E. Sowle
Mrs. Robin H. Sowell
Asst. Dean Elliot A. Spoon and
Dr. Lynn Spoon
Prof. Cynthia L. Starnes
State Bar of Michigan
Ms. Rita C. Stevenson
Mr. Stephen K. Stolarick
Mr. Bradford Stone and Ms. Beverly I. Stone
Mrs. Karen Stone
Ms. Regina Storrs
Mrs. Laurie Stupak
Ms. Kristin L. Sutton
Assoc. Dean Charles J. Ten Brink
Prof. David B. Thronson and
Asst. Prof. Veronica T. Thronson
Ms. Ann Tomlanovich
Ms. Patricia M. Tomlinson and
Mr. Clarence H. Tomlinson
Asst. Prof. Mark A. Totten and
Mrs. Kristin Rinehart Totten
Mr. Gerald W. Trabbic and
Mrs. Penelope A. Trabbic
Mr. Danny Travino
Mr. James N. Tripp and Mrs. Lynn S. Tripp
Trott & Trott PC
Mr. Norman D. Tucker
Ms. Helen Tull
Mr. Michael P. Vecchioni
Mr. James S. Vicchairelli
Warner Law Firm
Ms. Jessica M. Warren
Mr. John L. Watson
Ms. Janet K. Welch
Mr. Andrew J. Welsch
Mr. Richard A. Welsh
Ms. Beth Wey and
Mr. Terry Wey
Mr. Rodger M. Will
Mr. David Williams, II, and
Mrs. Gail Williams
Mrs. Jo Rae Winter
Inside This Issue
Trustee Emeritus David Sparrow’s
Daughters Honor His Wishes.....2
Trustee Morris Gives Back.............2
Professor Storrs’ Lifelong Friend
Makes Gift in His Memory..........2
Professor Johnson Inspires
Students, Gives Back..................3
Edward Littlejohn Gift Creates
Charitable Gift Annuity..............3
Law Firm Challenge......................3
A Voice for Human Rights.............3
Circle of Friends...........................4
Greetings from Michigan
State University College
of Law! As we charge
through another exciting
year, I wanted to take an
opportunity to thank and
recognize those of you
who made a difference to
MSU Law during 2011.
With your help, we
continue to attract the
most talented students,
recruit expert faculty, and
offer a rigorous education
that prepares the next generation of attorneys to
achieve great things for their clients and communities.
Your support makes our accomplishments possible.
In just the past few months, we launched plans to
commemorate our rich Detroit College of Law history
with an impressive new building entryway; renamed
our Tax Law Clinic after its beloved founder, the
late Professor Alvin Storrs; and established the Lori
E. Talsky Center for Human Rights of Women and
Children. We added two new study abroad offerings—
the 21st Century Law Practice Summer Program
in London and the Intellectual Property Summer
Institute in Croatia—that together put MSU Law
at the forefront of cutting-edge developments in the
field of law. We applauded our students’ dedication,
academic achievements, and remarkable performances
at regional, national, and international advocacy
Every gift matters as we continue to create programs
that enhance the quality of our legal education, advance
the reputation of the Law College, and strengthen
important links among our alumni. The leaders within
our philanthropic community who are highlighted
in these pages inspire us all. Most importantly, they
remind us of the impact we can have when we look
beyond ourselves.
Your generous gifts of time are equally vital. Your
participation as event hosts, recruitment and career
panel members, competition judges, student mentors,
and employers is integral to our success and to that of
our students.
I am pleased to present the list of donors who made
a gift, pledge, or pledge payment in 2011, as well as
the stories of just a sampling of those who made a
difference during the year. Exciting times abound at
the Law College, and I am very proud to be your dean.
Thank you for your support.
Joan W. Howarth
Dean and Professor of Law
Preserving Our Legacy
When the Detroit College of Law (DCL) building on Elizabeth Street in downtown Detroit was razed to make
way for new development, generations of alumni understandably felt a profound sense of loss. Through extended
conversations with DCL alumni, a vision emerged that will provide a renewed sense of place for the thousands
who graduated during the Law College’s days in downtown Detroit.
The new DCL Commemorative Plaza will honor our rich heritage and reinforce the deep connection our DCL
graduates have with their alma mater. The DCL Plaza, designed to improve the aesthetics of the front of the Law
College, will feature a new canopy entrance, much-needed outdoor seating, and a cornerstone and granite seal
documenting the Law College’s founding as DCL in 1891.
“While our name and location have changed, our alma mater still exists,” said Clif Haley, chair of the MSU Law
Board of Trustees and member of the DCL Class of 1961. “Our history on Elizabeth Street and the thousands of
students who matriculated through Detroit College of Law make MSU College of Law what it is today. We are
proud to honor our great heritage by building the DCL Plaza.”
For more information, contact Tina Kashat Casoli, director of the MSU Law Office of Advancement, at
[email protected] or 517-432-6840.
Far left: New canopy entrance will add the
College of Law name to the building.
Near left: Granite seal embedded in the
center of the new entrance walkway.
Getting Involved & Giving Back
Before Trustee Emeritus David Sparrow passed away in January, he
shared his wishes to support the planned DCL Plaza through a $100,000
gift. His daughters are pleased to honor his wishes.
“David Sparrow was an exceptionally decent and gracious person,” said
Dean Howarth. “MSU College of Law was graced by his leadership, and
I was privileged to know him as a friend. His wish to support this effort
to honor the founding of our great Law College is much appreciated.”
A proud graduate of Detroit College of Law, Sparrow was an integral
member of the Board of Trustees since 1985. He served as treasurer from
1987 until mid-2011. He chaired the MSU College of Law Foundation and
served as its president until 2007. He also supported the Law College
as a past chair and member of the MSU College of Law Development
Trustee Sparrow, a Detroit native, received his Juris Doctor degree
from Detroit College of Law in 1951 and a Doctor of Laws degree from the
Law College in 1995. A prominent real estate and property development
attorney, he founded the firm of Rowin & Sparrow with the late Gerald
Rowin in 1952. The two practiced together until 2001.
Sparrow was the first member of the MSU Law community to pledge
financial support toward building the DCL Plaza. His generosity and dedication to the Law College will be
permanently commemorated on the plaza’s donor wall.
Professor Johnson Inspires
Students, Gives Back
Professor Emeritus
Clark Johnson, LL.D.
’02, has inspired
students for nearly 40
years of teaching at
the Law College. Also
an inspiration within
the philanthropic
community, Professor Johnson
recently pledged $100,000
in support of the DLC Plaza.
Professor Johnson, a beloved
professor to literally thousands
of graduates, makes it a point
to develop special connections
with his students, who he also
encourages to contact him for
support as they move on from
law school.
Trustee Morris
Gives Back
Trustee Michael Morris, ’81,
recently pledged $100,000
Professor Littlejohn conducting
class in the Assembly Room at
Detroit College of Law in 1970
(Courtesy of The Detroit News)
Edward Littlejohn Creates
Charitable Gift Annuity
Edward Littlejohn, ’70, pledged $250,000 to the Law College several years
ago in the form of a bequest. He recently paid some of his gift early by
creating a charitable gift annuity, which pays him a fixed, guaranteed
stream of income for the rest of his life. At his passing, the balance of
the gift will be directed to MSU College of Law.
In honor of his generosity, the conference room in the dean’s suite was
named the Edward Littlejohn Conference Room. The room features two
pieces of art and a sculpture that Littlejohn recently donated.
Charitable gift annuities qualify for a tax deduction in the year in which
the gift is established, and much of the annual income may be received
tax-free. For more information, contact Tina Kashat Casoli, director
of the MSU Law Office of Advancement, at [email protected] or
Scholarship. “Funding this
important scholarship will
help relieve some of the
financial burden that rising
tuition puts onto students,”
2012 Participating Firms
Morris said of his gift.
Sydney Ross, a lifelong friend,
colleague, and business partner
of the late Professor Alvin Storrs
(at right), recently made a $100,000
pledge to help rename the Law
College’s Tax Law Clinic and
create a scholarship in Storrs’
name. The gift memorializes
Ross’ friend while supporting
MSU Law students who share
Storrs’ passion for tax law.
Professor Storrs’
Lifelong Friend
Makes Gift in His
Edwin Jakeway, ’61, (on left) and Board Chair Clif Haley, ’61, served as hosts for last year’s “MSU Law:
Past, Present, and Future” class reunion, which took place at Comerica Park’s Tiger Club on November
18, 2011. This year’s celebration will be held on Friday, September 28, 2012, at the same location. The
event will honor all graduates, with special recognition for class years ending in 2 or 7. Members of
the MSU Law Classes of 2002 and 2007 also will be invited to a reunion event in East Lansing in
September. If you are interested in serving as a host for either event, contact April Jones, associate
director of development, at [email protected] or 517-432-6840.
Ackerman Ackerman & Dynkowski
Barris, Sott, Denn & Driker PLC
Berry Moorman
Blake, Kirchner, Symonds, Larson, Kennedy & Smith PC
Bliss McGlynn
Bodman PLC
Butzel Long
Center Management Services
Clark Hill PLC
Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy & Sadler PLC
Dickinson Wright
Foster Swift Collins & Smith PC
Fraser Trebilcock Davis & Dunlap PC
Harness, Dickey & Pierce PLC
Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti & Sherbrook
Langton Law
Maddin Hauser Wartell Roth & Heller PC
Michigan Auto Law
Miller Johnson
Miller Canfield
Plunkett Cooney
Rhoades McKee
Rutledge, Manion, Rabaut, Terry & Thomas PC
White, Schneider, Young & Chiodini PC
enter for H
Alumni “compete” for the highest participation
rate among firms in the Law Firm Challenge, which
now is in its third year at MSU College of Law. One
alumni, David Hart, ’91, (at left) has served as a team
captain for Maddin Hauser Wartell Roth & Heller
for two years in a row. Thanks, David!
Lori E.
Law Firm Challenge
to create the Morris Family
Trustee Emeritus David Sparrow’s Daughters
Honor His Wishes
en and
A Voice for Human Rights
MSU College of Law has established the Lori E. Talsky Center for Human
Rights of Women and Children and an endowed professorship in
international human rights law, thanks to the generosity of alumnus Lori
Talsky, ’96, and her husband, Alan Zekelman.
“The Center will serve as a leading voice for international human rights
and provide opportunities for MSU Law students to do this important
work around the globe,” Talsky said.
Susan H. Bitensky—who was one of Talsky’s professors at the Law College—
has been named the Alan S. Zekelman Professor of International Human
Rights Law and director of the Talsky Center. The gift honors Professor
Bitensky’s impact in the classroom and dedication to international human
rights law while supporting the couple’s goals of improving life outcomes
for women and children who suffer—or are at risk of suffering—human
rights violations.
Circle of Friends
Class of 1949
Mr. Kenneth F. Martin
Class of 1950
Mr. Michael Berry and Mrs. Cynthia A. Berry
Mr. Floyd J. Tucker and
Mrs. Geraldine M. Tucker
Class of 1951
Mr. Konrad D. Kohl
Mr. Robert V. Parenti and Ms. Laurie Parenti
Posthumous Trustee Emeritus
David J. Sparrow †
Class of 1952
Mr. James H. Coss and Mrs. Margaret J. Coss
Mr. John L. Cote
Mr. Harry G. Gregg
Mr. Bruce L. Monks
Class of 1953
Hon. Kurt G. Kersten and
Mrs. Lenore E. Kersten
Class of 1954
Mr. Mayer Morganroth and
Mrs. Sheila Morganroth
Trustee Emeritus John D. O’Hair and
Mrs. Barbara O’Hair
Mr. Salman T. Sesi and Mrs. Betty Sesi
Class of 1955
Mr. C. Dale Hubbard and
Mrs. Helen Hubbard
Class of 1956
Mr. Joseph W. Goodsir
Mr. John F. Sieberth
Class of 1957
Dr. B. J. Humphreys and
Mrs. Laura Humphreys
Hon. Richard D. Kuhn, Sr., and
Mrs. Sally S. Kuhn
Hon. Gene Schnelz and Mrs. Betty Schnelz
Mr. Stuart E. Small
Class of 1958
Mr. John A. Haines, Jr.
Mr. Ernst W. Kuck
Mr. William Lipton
Hon. Philip S. Tschirhart and
Mrs. Carol E. Tschirhart
Mr. John R. Whitehouse
Class of 1959
Ms. Irene M. Piccone
Class of 1960
Trustee Raymond R. Behan and
Mrs. Lorraine Behan
Mr. Karl R. Bennett, Jr.
Hon. Herman C. Campbell
Mr. David E. Caplan
Hon. Dominick R. Carnovale
Hon. George R. Corsiglia and
Mrs. Sandra Corsiglia
Mr. Richard B. Firestone
Hon. John M. Hammerly
Mr. Robert H. Harkness and
Mrs. Sandra G. Harkness
Mr. James P. Meloche
Mr. John P. O’Connell
Robert J. Traxler, J.D. and
Mrs. Jeannie Traxler
Hon. Thomas A. Van Tiem, Sr., and
Mrs. Helen Van Tiem
Class of 1961
Board Chair Clif Haley and
Mrs. Carolyn Haley
Mr. James C. Leszczynski and
Mrs. Rosemary M. Leszczynski
Hon. Joseph P. Swallow
Class of 1962
Mr. Peter J. Carras and
Mrs. Barbara D. Carras
Hon. Charles M. Forster and
Mrs. Dianna Forster
Mr. Ted M. Gans
Mr. Joseph A. Murphy, Jr., and
Ms. Joanne Becker Murphy
Class of 1963
Mr. Daniel M. Clark and
Mrs. Suzanne Clark
Hon. George A. Greig, Sr.
Trustee Emeritus Richard W. Heiss and
Mrs. Nancy J. Heiss
Mr. John P. Moran
Trustee Emeritus Richard F. Suhrheinrich
and Mrs. Beverly Suhrheinrich
Class of 1964
Mr. Charles R. Hrdlicka and
Mrs. Loretta C. Hrdlicka
Mr. John M. Jereck
Mr. Charles E. Lotzar, Jr.
Mr. Alan M. Raznick and
Mrs. Nancy Raznick
Mr. Gerald A. Waechter and
Mrs. M. J. Waechter
Mr. Russel C. Wells and
Reverend Shirley L. Wells
Class of 1965
Hon. William J. Caprathe and
Mrs. Linda A. Caprathe
Mr. Dennis J. Harper
Mr. Charles J. Hurbis
Mr. Melvyn D. Saperstein and
Mrs. Linda A Saperstein
Hon. Wilbur L. Schillinger
Mr. Arnold J. Shifman
Mr. Wilbert Simkovitz and
Mrs. Elsie Simkovitz
Mr. Lawrence J. Stockler and
Mrs. Inge L. Stockler
Class of 1966
Mr. Jefferson P. Arnold
Hon. Christopher C. Brown
Mr. Jack C. Hays
Mr. Stephen L. Kinsley
Mr. Donald A. Kuebler and
Mrs. Cheryl K. Kuebler
Mr. Frank R. Langton and
Mrs. Judith Langton
Mr. Gerald F. Lindeborg
Mr. William R. Listman and
Mrs. Arlene M. Listman
Mr. Thomas A. Pepe
Class of 1967
Mr. Dean R. Batchelor and
Mrs. Marilyn Batchelor
Mr. James W. Duff, Sr., and
Mrs. Caroline S. Duff
Mr. Paul J. Frederick and
Mrs. Patricia M. Frederick
Mr. Ronald A. Fruitman
Mr. Stephen B. Marquis
Mr. Edward G. Riccardi
Mr. Nestor W. Shust and Mrs. Nina Shust
Mr. David W. Sommerfeld and
Mrs. Anne T. Sommerfeld
Hon. Larry J. Stecco and
Mrs. Pamela A. Stecco
Mr. Robert J. Stephan and
Mrs. Mary A. Stephan
Class of 1968
Mr. Robert F. Auld and Mrs. Eileen T. Auld†
Mr. James N. Martin
Allan M. Charlton, J.D.
Mr. Evan C. Davis
Prof. Joseph W. Dellapenna
Mr. Lee Deschamps
Mr. Jerry M. Ellis and Mrs. Mary H. Ellis
Hon. Albert G. Landa
Mr. William J. MacQueen
Mr. Warner H. McLean and
Mrs. Rosalind McLean
Mr. Peter J. Mitoff
Class of 1969
Mr. Richard F. Darke and
Mrs. Lillian M. Darke
Mr. Dan A. Darnell and
Mrs. Beverly J. Darnell
Mr. Lawrence R. Donaldson and
Mrs. Ursula Donaldson
Hon. Lawrence L. Emmert and
Mrs. Marilyn M. Emmert
Mr. Nicholas S. Frontczak
Mr. Charles F. Glass
Mr. Paul J. Lay and Mrs. Carol L. Lay
Mr. Charles A. Le Fevre and
Mrs. Susan M. Le Fevre
Mr. Lance E. Mermell
Hon. Michael L. Pesce
Mr. James A. Rowe and Mrs. Jean A. Rowe
Mr. Robert I. Schellig, Jr.
Mr. Terry J. Smith and Mrs. Joan T. Smith
Mr. S. Gary Spicer
Mr. J. Dallas Winegarden, Jr., and
Mrs. Ronnee P. Winegarden
Class of 1970
Hon. Dennis W. Archer
Hon. Peter E. Bec and Mrs. Christine Bec
Mr. Clarence M. Bradfield an
Mrs. Linda Bradfield
Mr. Charles W. Centner and
Mrs. Evi Centner
Mr. Richard C. Eriksen and
Mrs. Sharon M. Eriksen
Prof. Robert M. Filiatrault and
Mrs. Mary Helen Christy Filiatrault
Mr. James R. Geroux and
Mrs. Patricia Geroux
Mr. Thomas Guastello and Ms. Susan Luch
Mr. Frederick H. Hoffecker and
Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffecker
Prof. Emeritus Edward J. Littlejohn
Hon. James B. Mackie and
Mrs. Ruth Mackie
Mr. Victor G. Marrocco and
Mrs. Frances Marrocco
Mr. Paul P. Murphy
Mr. Edward P. Murray and
Mrs. Debora M. Murray
Mr. Gerald P. Nehra and Mrs. Peggy Jensen
Hon. David M. Peterson and
Mrs. Phyllis Peterson
Mr. Carl J. Schoeninger and
Mrs. Mary Beth Schoeninger
Mr. Michael B. Serling and
Mrs. Elaine K. Serling
Hon. Glenn C. Valasco and
Mrs. Marilyn J. Valasco
Mr. Robert C. Ward, Jr., and
Mrs. Rebecca I. Ward
Class of 1971
Mr. James C. Cotant and
Mrs. Janice M. Cotant
Mr. David B. Grant and
Mrs. Marion S. Grant
Mr. D. Craig Henry and
Mrs. Judith M. Henry
Hon. Gerald D. Lostracco and
Mrs. Kristine M. Lostracco
Mr. Lynn L. Lower and Mrs. Carole F. Lower
Mr. Thomas F. Neuhard
Mr. Paul A. Saigh and Mrs. Isabel Saigh
Mr. William Thomas
Class of 1972
Hon. Marianne O. Battani
Mr. Stanley M. Bershad and
Ms. Barbara Bershad
Mr. Michael J. Black and
Mrs. Pamela A. Black
Mr. James L. Borin
Hon. James A. Callahan
Mrs. Carole L. Chiamp
David W. Christensen, J.D.
Mr. Peter A. Cohl and Mrs. Diane R. Cohl
Mr. Geoffrey H. Davis
Mr. Herschel P. Fink and
Mrs. Adrienne Ruby-Fink
Ms. Diane M. Freilich
Mr. Joseph F. McCarthy and
Mrs. Janet A. McCarthy
Mr. James R. Nelson
Mr. Gregory Piche
Mr. Paul J. Schwab and Mrs. Marian Schwab
Mr. Phillip M. Stevens and
Mrs. Barbara J. Stevens
Mr. Bert Whitehead
Mr. Lawrence A. Wolfe
Mr. James B. Zellen
Class of 1973
Mr. Robert J. Atkinson and
Mrs. Susan Atkinson
Mr. Stephen R. Bernstein
Mr. Kenneth E. Burchfield
Mr. Mitchell S. Cohen and
Mrs. Sara L. Ridner-Cohen
Ms. Christine A. Derdarian
Mr. Ralph H. Dinse
Mr. William J. Ewald and
Mrs. Deanna M. Ewald
Mr. Stephen J. Hitchcock
Hon. Melvyn B. Kalt and Mrs. Paula Kalt
Mr. Albert B. Lassen
Mr. Raymond H. Mann
Hon. R. Darryl Mazur
Mr. Thomas L. Phillips and
Mrs. Martha R. Phillips
Mr. Rober E. Proctor and
Mrs. Merritta C. Hunt-Proctor
Mr. Thomas W. Schouten
Mr. G. R. Sims and Mrs. Ann Sims
Mr. Richard J. Siriani
Hon. Craig S. Strong
Mr. Gerald L. White and Mrs. Gail White
Mr. Frederick A. Zantello and
Mrs. Nancy L. Zantello
Class of 1974
Mr. Eric A. Andrzejak and
Ms. Nancy Andrzejak
Mr. Clarke F. Baldwin and
Mrs. Norma O. Baldwin
Mr. Thomas M. Brennan
Mr. Richard J. Drew †
Mr. Charles H. Earl, Jr., and
Mrs. Patricia J. Earl
Mr. Donald E. Engel
Mr. Stanley G. Feldman
Mr. George H. Flammer
Mr. Karl R. Lukens and Mrs. Linda Lukens
Mr. Robert Ianni and Mrs. Lynda J. Ianni
Mr. David F. Oeming, Jr.
Mr. Donald J. Pagenette and
Mrs. Karen Pagenette
Hon. Dennis N. Powers
Mr. Matthew C. Quinn
Mr. Carl Rashid, Jr., and
Mrs. Grace A. Rashid
Mr. Donald M. Rivard, Jr.
Prof. William E. Smith and
Dr. Donna A. Smith
Hon. Kenneth L. Teter, Jr., and
Mrs. Peggy J. Teter
Mr. Douglas M. West and Mrs. Irene West
Mr. Thomas J. Zebula and
Mrs. Patricia Zebula
Class of 1975
Mr. Gary L. Bethune
Mr. Joseph J. Buttigieg
Hon. J. W. Callahan
Ms. Constance E. Cumbey
Mr. William J. Donnelly, Jr.
Mr. Gregory L. Gilbert
Mr. Paul J. Greenwald and
Mrs. Betsy J. Greenwald
Mr. Guy R. Greve
Mr. Robert B. Guyot, III, and
Mrs. Kristin Guyot
Mrs. Nancy G. Harms and
Mr. Steven A. Harms
Mr. Michael J. Hodge and
Mrs. Nancy S. Hodge
Mr. Michael S. Hohauser and
Mrs. Susan M. Hohauser
Mr. Thomas L. Imbrunone
Mr. Brian C. Manoogian
Mr. Nicolas G. Nicoloff
Mr. Douglas J. Maskin and
Mrs. Marie Maskin
Hon. Mark S. Meadows and
Mrs. Pamela F. Meadows
Mr. Stanley V. Roose and
Mrs. Elaine M. Roose
Mr. Robert J. Sheiko and
Mrs. Cynthia M. Sheiko
Mr. Richard S. Victor
Mr. Ronald E. Wagner and
Mrs. Kathleen E. Mayor-Wagner
Mr. Peter J. Zirnhelt and Mrs. Diane
Class of 1976
Mr. Kim C. Anderson
Mr. Patrick D. Ball
Mrs. Ellen W. Botnick
Mr. Thomas J. Budzynski
Mr. Donald F. Carney, Jr., and
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Carney
Mr. Errol R. Dargin
Trustee Frederick D. Dilley and
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Dilley
Hon. Daniel M. Downey and
Mrs. Dawana Downey
Trustee Elaine Fieldman and Mr. Mark Sims
Ms. Hannah M. Fisher
Prof. Joseph L. Flack, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth M. Grifka and
Mrs. Ghislaine L. Grifka
Mr. David G. Koivuniemi
Ms. Ernestine R. McGlynn
Mr. William C. Shaefer
Mr. Michael J. Taylor
Hon. Karen A. Tighe
Mr. Richard N. Wiener and
Mrs. Rajkumari M. Wiener
Class of 1980
Class of 1977
Class of 1981
Mr. Lawrence J. Acker
Mr. Thomas R. Bowen and
Mrs. Kathleen A. Bowen
Hon. David L. Clabuesch and
Ms. Cynthia Kretschmer
Mr. Edward C. Dawda
Mr. Ronald A. Deneweth and
Mrs. Mary L. Deneweth
Mr. Richard S. Fine and
Ms. Linda S. Hurwitz
Mr. Kenneth G. Galica
Mr. James P. Hallan and
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hallan
Mr. Gregory M. Janks and Mrs. Susan Janks
Mr. Richard H. Kocienski
Mr. John R. Mann, III
Mr. Timothy M. McAree
Mr. Bryan Melvin, III
Mr. John L. Miles
Mr. John F. Mills and Mrs. Kathleen Mills
Mr. Dennis M. Mitzel
Mr. Patrick J. O’Brien and
Mrs. Amy L. O’Brien
Assoc. Dean Kathleen E. Payne and
Mr. Jeffrey B. Goldsmith
Ms. Debra N. Ribitwer
Mr. Ramon F. Rolf, Jr., and Mrs. Carolee Rolf
Mr. David B. Sachs
Mr. John J. Schrot, Jr.
Mr. Dennis B. Schultz
Mr. William L. Shaneyfelt and
Mrs. Linda Shaneyfelt
Mr. William S. Stern
Mr. Howard J. Victor and Mrs. Gail R. Victor
Mrs. Renate Wagner
Mr. Richard L. Wagner, Jr.
Chalmer W. West, Jr., J.D.
Hon. Trudy DunCombe Archer
Mr. D. Bruce Beaton
Mr. James C. Budny
Mr. Thomas A. Cattel and
Mrs. Janet M. Cattel
Mr. Jerome P. Ciaramitaro and
Mrs. Michelle M. Ciaramitaro
Mr. Kim D. Cooke
Mr. Michael J. Cunningham
Mr. Jerome A. Galante
Mr. Herbert J. Gilles
Mr. Norman C. Helfer and
Mrs. Sandra L. Helfer
Trustee Maurice G. Jenkins and
Mrs. Corlyss Connors-Jenkins
Mr. Thomas M. Keranen
Mrs. Carol J. Lyshak
Mr. David J. McCatty
Ms. Susan A. McCrandall
Ms. Janice M. Mills
Trustee Michael G. Morris and
Mrs. Linda C. Morris
Mr. John E. Nemazi
Mr. C. Robert Perry
Mrs. Katherine H. Shensky
Mr. David M. Thomas
Hon. Jon A. VanAllsburg and
Mrs. Susan D. VanAllsburg
Mr. James P. Vondale and
Mrs. Carol L. Vondale
Class of 1978
Mr. Walter L. Baumgardner, Jr.
Ms. Nancy L. Davis
Ms. Christine M. Dowhan-Bailey
Mr. Eric G. Flinn
Mr. Larry A. Greer
Hon. Elizabeth A. Hacker
Mr. Michael H. James
Mr. Eugene K. Laporte and
Mrs. Laura Laporte
Mr. David F. Lau
Mr. Neil J. Lehto
Mrs. Diane M. Lepsig and
Mr. Robert S. Lepsig
Hon. Joseph Murphy
Mr. Jules B. Olsman and
Mrs. Barbara L. Grossman Olsman
Mr. Lee A. Pescia
Hon. Steven M. Pestka and
Mrs. Alicia M. Pestka
Mr. Charles J. Redinger
Mr. Charles F. Roberts, Jr.
Mr. Charles G. Scifres and
Mrs. Dawn Scifres
Mr. Robert J. Sharkey
Mr. John A. Valenti and
Mrs. Susan M. Valenti
Mr. Larry A. Ver Merris and
Mrs. Margaret D. Ver Merris
Mr. Mark W. Viel
Mr. David J. Winter and Mrs. Jo Rae Winter
Mr. Kenneth K. Wright
Class of 1979
Ms. Janet M. Allen
Mr. Darryl J. Chimko and
Ms. Diane M. Chimko
Mr. Jacob E. Colgrove
Ms. Cynthia N. Davis
Mrs. Alice I. Buckley
Joseph S. DeTrane, J.D. and
Mrs. Debra Y. DeTrane
Mr. James N. Erhart and
Mrs. Suzanne Erhart
Hon. William T. Ervin
Mr. Geoffrey N. Fieger and
Mrs. Keenie Fieger
Mr. John H. Finn and Mrs. Martha Finn
Mr. Randall J. Gillary and
Mrs. Susan Gillary
Mr. Charles P. Hoffman, Jr., and
Mrs. Marcia L. Reed
Mr. Richard F. McNally, Jr.
Ms. Sandra S. Mengel
Mr. Andrew J. Munro and
Mrs. Rebecca Munro
Mr. Dennis M. O’Bryan
Hon. Lynne A. Pierce and
Mr. Raymond J. Andary
Mr. Scott R. Reid
Hon. Jo Ann C. Stevenson
Ms. Patricia A. Streeter
Mr. Bryan A. Sunisloe and
Mrs. Patricia Sims Sunisloe
Mr. Robert C. Walter
Mr. Stephen L. Witenoff
Prof. Mary A. Bedikian and
Mr. Edward Bedikian
Ms. Carolyn M. Breen
Ms. Patricia A. Brennan
Mr. William M. Cassetta and
Mrs. Karen Cassetta
Mr. Gary H. Cunningham
Ms. Gena J. Gates
Mr. Michael D. Gibson
Mrs. Irene B. Hathaway and
Mr. Joseph E. Hathaway
Mr. Paul H. Huth
Mr. Gregory R. Lane
Ms. Kathleen M. Oemke and
Mr. Mark Oemke
Mr. William G. Pierson and
Mrs. Mary Pierson
Mr. Robert F. Samoray
Class of 1982
Mr. Russell G. Carniak
Hon. Joseph A. Costello, Jr., and
Mrs. Amy J. Costello
Mr. Thomas A. Cover and
Mrs. Julianne Cover
Ms. Francine L. Cullari
Mr. William R. Dow and
Mrs. Mariann McNally Dow
Mr. Kenneth R. Frazier
Mr. Charles P. Gilliam
Mrs. Marlene A. Juhasz and
Mr. Joseph R. Juhasz
Mrs. Florence J. Lytle
Mr. Steve Milgrom
Ms. Maria C. Miller
Mr. Reginald R. Modlin
Douglas C. Osborn, J.D.
Mr. R. O. Richards
Mr. Michael G. Stavale and
Mrs. Susan J. Stavale
Mr. Bruce H. Tobin and
Mrs. Kathleen A. Tobin
Mr. Anthony Urbani, II, and
Mrs. Marie R. Urbani
Mr. Stephen P. Vella and Mrs. Nancy J. Vella
Ms. Cyndy Zuzga
Class of 1983
Ms. Joan A. Bacon
Mr. Joseph A. Bonventre and
Mrs. Joyce A. Bonventre
Mr. W. Jerry Byrd and Mrs. Pamela J. Byrd
Ms. Judith K. Cunningham
Mr. Mark L. Dobias and
Mrs. Michelle Ribant
Mrs. Julie A. Galante
Ms. Janet Ann Hedin
Mr. Thomas H. Hill and Mrs. Sue Hill
Mr. Frank J. Krycia and Mrs. Diana Krycia
Mr. David R. Martin
Mr. Michael E. McInerney and
Mrs. Kimberly McInerney
Ms. Julie E. Monfils
Hon. Margaret M. Noe
Mr. Mark W. Peyser
Mrs. Susan J. Sills
Ms. Julie A. Smith
Mr. James L. Szafran
Mr. Gregory J. Townsend
Ms. Donna K. Welch
Class of 1984
Mr. James M. Buckley
Mr. T. Sean Butler
Mr. Angus M. Campbell and
Mrs. Karen N. Campbell
Mr. Henry N. Carnaby and
Mrs. Cathleen Carnaby
Mr. Martin I. Caruso and
Mrs. Genevieve Caruso
Mr. Raymond DeBates, Jr.
Mr. Mark B. Dickow
Mr. Joseph J. George
Mr. Daniel S. Gerow and
Mrs. Paula M. Gerow
Ms. Ramona A. Green
Mr. Michael P. Hammond
Ms. Margo M. Hannum
Mr. Michael P. McDonald and
Mrs. Tricia McDonald
Mr. Sam Morgan and Mrs. Hillary Morgan
Mr. William T. Nahikian
Ms. Gretchen L. Olsen
Mrs. Kathryn L. Ossian and
Mr. James E. Linn
Mr. William F. Rivard, Sr., and
Mrs. Deborah J. Rivard
Mr. John J. Ronayne, III, and
Mrs. Kandy C. Ronayne
Ms. Kathleen Sakal
Mr. Charles E. Stahl, III
Ms. Laurel Stuart-Fink
Mr. Tyler D. Tennent
Ms. Adrienne C. Watts
Mr. Charles A. Zajac
Class of 1985
Mr. Charles R. Ash, III
Mr. John M. Banas and Mrs. Carol S. Banas
Mrs. Patricia J. Battersby
Dr. Howard R. Belkin
Mr. Gilbert A. Borman
Ms. Janice L. Breckenridge and
Mr. David W. Simpson
Mr. Thomas P. Christensen
Mr. Terry L. Cramer
Ms. Linda M. Garbarino
Mr. Mark G. Fecher
Mr. Kim A. Gasior and Mrs. Diane K. Gasior
Ms. Susan M. Haracz
Mr. Frederick W. Hoffman, IV
Ms. Leslie H. Kamil
Ms. Phyllis N. Klinger
Ms. Zaira M. Maio
Ms. Regina L. Meo
Mr. Frank S. Messana
Mr. David A. Robinson
Mr. Alan D. Roman
Mr. David W. Shutte and
Mrs. Daina A. Shutte
Mr. Steven W. Wells and
Mrs. Lisa A. Stieler-Wells
Class of 1986
Mr. Robert P. Anderson
Ms. Deborah A. Bacal
Mrs. Christine M. Battle and
Mr. Timothy E. Battle
Mr. Gregory C. Bell
Mr. David J. Berkal and
Mrs. Kimberly L. Berkal
Mrs. Jennifer S. Buckley
Mr. Barton B. Burnett
Mr. Case De Groot, Jr., and
Mrs. Jan De Groot
Mr. Fred L. Gibson and
Mrs. Annemarie Gibson
Mr. Scott A. Goodwin
Mrs. LaNita R. Haith-Williams and
Mr. Herbert Williams
Mr. Brian P. Hutcheon
Mr. Joseph H. Luplow
Mr. Benny N. Napoleon
Mrs. Rosemary E. Pomeroy and
Mr. Mark C. Pomeroy
Ms. Maureen E. Thomas
Class of 1987
Ms. Christine Barnett
Mr. Daniel H. Bliss and
Mrs. Margaret L. Bliss
Ms. Terri L. Giampetroni
Ms. Julie Greer Garmel and
Mr. Jeffery S. Greer
Ms. Roberta M.Gubbins
Mrs. Judith E. Guertin and
Mr. Richard G. Guertin
Trustee Charles E. Langton
Mr. Howard N. Luckoff and
Mrs. Nancy A. Luckoff
Ms. Valerie L. MacFarlane
Mr. Robert A. MacKenzie
Trustee Linda M. Orlans
Mr. Alan J. Reiner
Mrs. Suzanne S. Reynolds and
Mr. Mark Reynolds
Ms. Kathleen L. Schmehl
Ms. Pamela M. Weddell and
Kenneth B. Weddell, D.D.S.
Mr. Edward D. Winstead
Class of 1988
Mr. Michael B. Barey
Mr. Thomas P. Branigan and
Ms. Carolyn M. O’Shea-Branigan
Mrs. Carolyn M. Claerhout and
Mr. Stephen R. Claerhout
Ms. Margaret A. Costello
Mr. Regan J. Duffy
Ms. Linda J. Evanswood
Mr. Richard R. Hewlett
Mrs. Lisa A. Langton
Mr. Peter J. Lucido and
Mrs. Ann Marie Lucido
Ms. Teresa M. McGuire
Ms. Helen P. Moore
Hon. Edward J. Nykiel
Ms. Rebecca G. Simkins
Mr. Marc H. Soble
Mr. James R. Stokes
Class of 1989
Mr. Robert P. Beaton
Hon. Karen Fort Hood
Mr. Robert S. Huth, Jr.
Mrs. Jennifer A. Isiogu and
Mr. Orjiakor N. Isiogu
Steven L. Kantor, J.D. and
Mrs. Kristie T. Kantor
Hon. Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., and
Mrs. Kristine A. Kuhn
Ms. Cary S. McGehee
Dr. Matthias I. Okoye
Ms. Vicki J. Patterson
Ms. Annette T. Raczkowski
Mrs. Tracey L. Robertson
Mr. Robert J. Rogers
Mr. Scott W. Rooney
Class of 1990
Assoc. Dean Connell Alsup
Ms. Bettie K. Ball
Mr. Joseph D. Buckman and
Mrs. Paula A. Buckman
Mr. Mark H. Fink
Ms. Karen R. Hagenlocker and
Mr. Henry Whiting, III
Mr. Kurt E. Hetke and
Mrs. Jamille Farraye-Hetke
Ms. Kim M. Hudson
Mr. Steven D. Jarvis
Mr. Allen J. Lippitt
Mr. Herbert E. Mann, Sr.
Mr. David J. March and Mrs. Susan T. March
Ms. Lauren J. McGill
Mr. Brian T. McGorisk
Mrs. Audrey R. Monaghan
Mr. Eric M. Nemeth
Douglas A. Parviainen, J.D. and
Mrs. Mary T. Parviainen
Mr. Glen H. Pickover
Mr. Robert M. Siminski
Mr. Chris W. Walker
Mr. Lee N. Willard
Class of 1991
Mr. Paul J. Carrier
Dr. David J. Couture
Mrs. Randi P. Glanz and Mr. Harry Glanz
Mr. Robert E. Harris, Jr.
Ms. Marsha A. Harrison
Mr. David E. Hart and Mrs. Jill Hart
Mrs. Denise M. Hart and Mr. Marc E. Hart
Mr. J. Michael Moore
Mr. Dennis J. Morse
Mr. Joseph A. Novak
Mr. Robert L. Stearns and
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Stearns
Ms. Kathleen E. Tocco
Mr. Matthew M. Walton
Class of 1992
Ms. Alexandra C. Alberstadt
Ms. Laura M. Bertus
Ms. Laura E. Bloom
Mr. John M. Cullen and
Mrs. Theresa M. Cullen
Mr. Eric S. Goldstein
Ms. Karyn D. Kirk-Boston
Mr. David J. Simonelli
Mr. Kenneth T. Watkins
Mr. Matthew B. Wigent and
Ms. Lisa H. Partington
Mr. Dean D. Meriwether
Mrs. Naomi Gaynor Neilsen and
Mr. John L. Neilsen
Mrs. Kimberly A. Owens Wise and
Mr. John E. Wise
Mr. Seth E. Rodack and
Mrs. Euhui C. Lee Rodack
Mr. Eric R. Sabree and
Mrs. Badriyyah Sabree
Ms. Lori E. Talsky and
Mr. Alan S. Zekelman
Mr. Timothy D. Tomlinson
Class of 1997
Mr. Brian M. Brown and Mrs. Amy Brown
Mr. Mark D. Dukes and
Ms. Carrie L. Skronek
Mr. David M. Gilmore
Ms. Kirsten E. Gramzow
Mrs. Pamela M. Lane and
Mr. Roderic M. Lane
Mr. Isaiah Lipsey
Mr. Brian T. Loughrin
Mr. Richard M. Lynch and
Mrs. Victoria M. Lynch
Mrs. Sally A. Noerr Rogers
Mrs. Stephanie A. Orrico
Mr. Brian S. Pickell
Mr. Kevin H. Seiferheld
Mr. Douglas C. Wozniak and
Mrs. Pamela A. Bond-Wozniak
Mr. Michael D. Zalobsky
Class of 1998
Johnathan S. Bruss, J.D.
Ms. Angela M. Boufford and
Mr. John C. Boufford
Mr. Daniel J. Cherrin and
Mrs. Marni Cherrin
Mr. Seth R. Doyle, III
Mr. Leonard J. Fedoruk
Mr. Karim H. Hanafy
Charles F. Kosal, J.D. and
Mrs. Jennifer Kosal
Ms. Margaret J. Krasnoff
Ms. Janie G. Livingston
Mr. Barton W. Morris, Jr.
Ms. Joan M. Altamore Myers
Mrs. Linda M. O’Connor
Mrs. Paula L. Schneider
Mr. Craig A Strobel
Class of 1999
Mr. Timothy A. Dinan and
Mrs. Julia B. Dinan
Mr. Brian J. Everest and Mrs. Maria Everest
Mr. Jeffrey S. Hall
Ms. Robin L. Herrman
Ms. Rona M. Lum
Ms. Carol A. Romej
Senator Tonya L. Schuitmaker and
Mr. Stephen S. Mucci
Mrs. Lori Ann Thornhill-Childress and
Mr. George Z. Childress
Mr. Ray M. Toma
Mrs. Jo Ann Cowens
Mr. Michael D. Homier
Mr. Larry R. Jensen Jr., and
Mrs. Mary Jensen
Mr. Andrew J. Kelly
Mr. Sean C. Maltbie and
Mrs. Michelle R. Maltbie
Ms. Donna M. Nakagiri
Ms. Erin E. O’Brien
Mr. Grant T. Pecor and
Ms. Branden M. Golden
Ms. Kacee M. Reid
Jared A. Roberts, J.D.
Ms. Amy C. Slameka
Ms. Julie A. Slane
Rodney Smith, J.D.
Mr. Eric R. Swanson
Mrs. Holly O. Swanson
Class of 1994
Class of 2000
Douglas C. Anton, Esq.
Mr. Peter L. Arvant and
Mrs. Cynthia K. Arvant
Mr. Asheet Bhan
Mr. William G. Boyer, Jr., and
Mrs. Jessica A. Boyer
Mr. Matthew A. Brauer
Mr. Richard T. Graham
Mr. Roy R. Jaghab
Mr. Erik M. Kafarski
Ms. Pamela L. Labadie
Ms. Michelle J. LeBeau
Mr. David G. Lutz
Mr. Michael E. Moore
Ms. Rubina S. Mustafa
Ms. Rene S. Roupinian
Ms. Rekha Sharma-Crawford
Ms. Christine H. Stephens and
Mr. Robert J. Files
Mrs. Jennifer G. Teper
Mr. Vincent T. Van Tiem
Mr. Brian S. Weinstock and
Mrs. Dawn Weinstock
Mr. Karl A. Barr
Mrs. Natalie W. Bernecker and
Mr. Scott D. Bernecker
Ms. Dawn M. Butorac
Mr. Timothy P. Cremen
Mr. Matthew S. Fedor
Mrs. Khristina J. Fielder and
Mr. Joseph F. Fielder
Mr. Scott S. Gilhool
Mr. Francis X. Hathaway and
Mrs. Eileen M. Hathaway
Mrs. Jennifer L. Hetzel and
Mr. Richard A. Hetzel
Mr. David J. Hoffa
Mrs. Starr M. Kincaid and
Mr. David C. Kincaid
Ms. Brenda L. Lawson
Mr. Donald D. Nystrom
Asst. Prof. Elan A. Stavros Nichols and
Dr. David P. Nichols
Mr. Michael E. Streets
Mr. Michael L. Taylor
Class of 1995
Mr. Ronald A. Berridge
Mr. Jeffrey H. Canja
Mr. John E. Clady, II, and Mrs. Joy P. Clady
Mr. Douglas W. Eyre
Mr. Justin D. Henry
Mr. Carter G. Hodgson
Mr. Jonathon D. Koenigsberg
Mr. Allen L. Lanstra, Jr.
Mrs. Emilie J. Lanstra
Ms. Adrienne D. Logeman-Cox
Trustee Stacy L. Erwin Oakes and
Mr. Michael Oakes
Ms. Kalyn D. Redlowsk
Mr. Neil R. Sherman
Mr. Caleb J. Shureb
Ms. Laura Silvestri Del Pup
Class of 1993
Mr. Scott P. Batey
Mr.Charles E. Berry, Jr.
Mr. Gerald P. Cavellier, Jr.
Mr. Scott B. Cherrin
Ms. Karen A. Chopra
Ms. Kristin L. Christ
Ms. Maureen L. Hudson Smith
Ms. Barbara J. Kennedy
Mrs. Jacalyn Newman Simon and
Mr. James L. Simon
Lynn H. Pilarski, J.D.
Mr. Mark K. Schwartz
Ms. Jody L. Sturtz Hall
Class of 1996
Mr. Shereef H. Akeel
Ms. Lorna T. Beard
Mr. Jeffrey D. Cohen and
Mrs. Juliana R. Cohen
Ms. Andrea L. Curcio
Mrs. Tonie M. Franzese-Damron
Mr. George M. Grzywacz
Mrs. Nancy Klukowski and
Mr. Steven Klukowski
Ms. Andrea L. Laramie
Hon. Cylenthia Latoye Miller
Mr. Aric K. Melder
Class of 2001
Class of 2002
Ms. Uchenna C. Ajaero
Mrs. Joanne M. Bridgford and
Mr. Dale Bridgford
Ms. Pamela L. Dausman
Ms. Mary A. Ferguson
Neal D. Fortin, J.D. and
Mrs. Katherine H. Fortin
Mr. Matthew W. Heron and
Mrs. Shannon L. Heron
Mr. Carter G. Hodgson and
Mrs. Peggy Hodgson
Mrs. Dawn C. Jack
Prof. Emeritus Clark C. Johnson, LL.D.
Ms. Jami N. Jones and Mr. Bob Jones
Ms. Kristine N. Kelly and Dr. John W. Kelly
Mr. Steven J. Laurent
Mr. Jeffrey S. Lower
Mr. Dennis W. Mack
Ms. Lesley E. McIntyre McKenney
Mr. Stephen T. McKenney
Mr. Michael S. Melfi
Mr. Daniel R. Olson
Ms. Christy M. Pudyk
Ms. Margaret L. Rost
Ms. Sydney P. Waldorf
Mr. Curtis C. Warner
Class of 2003
Mr. Christian R. Biasell and
Mrs. Lavinia S. Biasell
Mr. Paul J. Dwaihy
Ms. Tamika A. Hale
Mrs. Barbra E. Homier
Mr. Andrew A. Iacobelli
Mrs. Kelly M. Martorano and
Mr. Michael A. Martorano
Mr. Robert L. Marvin
Mr. Sean P. McNally
Ms. Lynn A. Osborne
Mrs. Jennifer L. Smith and
Mr. Todd C. Smith
Mr. Andrew N. Weber
Mr. Patrick E. Winters and
Mrs. Beth Winters
Class of 2004
Dr. Fernando Alberdi and
Dr. Katherine K. Alberdi
Sarah L. Babcock, D.V.M.
Maj. Anne F. Barker and Mr. Kurt Barker
Mrs. Manda M. Breuker
Mr. Jeremy R. Brooks
Mrs. Talia G. Capelj
Mr. Brian J. Catanese
Mrs. Katherine R. Catanese
Mr. Sean F. Darke
Mr. Bradley N. Deacon
Mrs. Rebecca J. Dukes and
Mr. Joshua Dukes
Mr. Devon R. Glass
Mr. Marie A. Gordon
Mr. Jordan M. Harris
Ms. Lara L. Kapalla and Mr. Jeremy Kapalla
Mrs. Saraphoena B. Koffron and
Mr. Mike Koffron
Mr. Kenneth P. Lane
Mrs. Veronica V. McNally
Jonathan P. O’Brien, Ph.D., and
Ms. Amelia V. Katanski
Mr. Karl T. Ondersma and
Mrs. Deborah Ondersma
Ms. Jennifer R. Poteat
Mr. Matthew C. Rettig
Ms. Ann M. Sherman
Mr. Jonathan D. Strong
Class of 2005
Mr. Patrick R. Anderson
Ms. Sonya G. Bellafant
Ms. Lori A. Blankenship
Mr. Matthew A. Brooks
Mr. Cory J. Burke and
Ms. Shannon R. Burke
Mr. Ronald L. Estes
Ms. Mahbuba Fidda
Ms. Kelly M. Fletcher
Ms. Kathryn E. Fort
Mr. Joseph J. Gavin
Mr. Thomas W. James and
Mrs. Angela M. James
Mr. James M. Johnson
Mr. Mckane H. Johnson
Mr. Alexander C. Kanous
Ms. Caroline J. Kingston
Mr. Jeffrey S. Kramer
Mr. Eric N. Laurenzo
Mr. Jason P. Mahar
Ms. Robyn J. Mallon
Mr. Jason A. McDaniel
Ms. Kate M. McNeill
Mr. Adam T. Schnatz
Mr. Aaron L. Vorce
Mr. Michael J. Wilson
Class of 2006
Mrs. Maricela Amezola
Eric C. Bartley, Esq. and
Jamie M. Bartley, D.O.
Mrs. Kristin B. Bellar and
Mr. James B. Bellar
Mr. Michael S. Burink
Ms. Alexa K. Chappell
Mr. Jeremy D. Crowley
Mr. Jeffrey T. Gedeon
Mr. Jordan C. Grossman
Mrs. Barbarose Guastello
Mr. Timothy C. Gutwald
Mr. Jeffrey D. Holst
Mrs. Kenda L. Huff
Mr. Aaron M. Kelly
Mr. Gregory R. Kish
Mr. Robert C. Knauf
Mr. John M. Knowles
Mr. Troy D. Langer
Thomas S. Marks, M.D. and
Mrs. Kathryn Marks
Mr. Christopher R. Martella
Ms. Kristen E. Matha
Ms. Melissa K. McConaghay
Mr. Joshua D. Nucian
Mr. Michael R. Nye
Mr. Andrew T. Prins
Mr. Stephen B. Simek
Ms. Nina G. Thekdi
Mr. Timothy W. Whelan
Mr. Peter M. Whitehead and
Mrs. Sarah M. Whitehead
Class of 2007
Mrs. Danielle R. Allison-Yokom and
Mr. Scott M. Yokom
Ms. Kimberly M. Babcock
Mr. Christopher J. Bezak
Mr. Ryan D. Byers
Ms. Nicole K. Carson
Mr. Kevin E. Clinesmith
Ms. Kristiana M. Coutu
Mr. Thomas M. Deasy, Jr., and
Mrs. Dana M. Goldberg
Mr. Reid M. Demanche
Mrs. Carrie R. Feeheley
Mr. Brian A. Hall and Mrs. Katie Hall
Ms. Heidi M. Hendrick
Mrs. Mary C. Hobson and
Mr. Philip D. Hobson
Ms. Laquetta D. Jones
Mr. Devin M. Karas
Mr. William C. Lentine and
Mrs. Kimberly A. Lentine
Mr. Scott M. Lis
Ms. Kristen T. Maurer
Ms. Lauren B. McMillen
Mr. Ian A. Mitchell
Mr. Timothy J. Peterkoski
Mr. Scot A. Reynolds
Ms. Kathrin E. Richards
Ms. Merica J. Stoffan
Mrs. Kristen L. Stone and
Mr. Zachary J. Stone
Mrs. Sarah M. Szirtes
Ms. Maria O. Thompson
Ms. Kirsten L. Thomson
Mr. Donovan J. Visser
Mr. Robert T. Worthington
Class of 2008
Mr. John R. Amann
Ms. Linsey A. Aten
Ms. Emilija Avsharian
Mr. Ryan C. Band
Mr. Jason M. Benedict
Mr. James F. Berkemeier
Mr. Wayne R. Beyea and
Mrs. Claudia M. Beyea
Ms. Mary A. Bowen
Mr. David T. Christensen
Mr. Vito A. Ciaravino
Mr. Clayton W. Cook-Mowery
Ms. Sarah A. Daya
Mr. Clarence R. Dobronski, III
Mr. Brent L. Domann
Mr. Brian T. Gallagher
Mr. Andrew B. Hebl
Ms. Jenny L. Humphreys
Mr. Gerald J. Ladwig
Ms. Michelle I. Lange
Mr. Alexander G. Leveque
Ms. Katie Lynwood
Mr. Kevin L. Morrow
Ms. Jessica S. Naples
Ms. Jennifer M. Paine
Mr. Stephen R. Pierotti
Mr. Nizam-U-Din S. Qureshi and
Mrs. Jennifer J. Qureshi
Mr. Matthew T. Rugg
Ms. Teresa M. Svec
Ms. M.M. Walker
Mr. Kent D. Young
Class of 2009
Mr. Roberto D. Aburto
Mr. Michael M. Ashkanani
Mr. Linus R. Banghart-Linn
Mr. Samuel M. Barth
Ms. Karolyn A. Bignotti
Mr. Corwin D. Eversley
Mr. Reid S. Felsing
Ms. Lauren S. Foley
Mr. Zachary D. Hansmann and
Ms. Leigh A. Hansmann
Ms. Ellen E. Hoeppner
Mr. Fedor Kozlov
Mrs. Christina K. McDonald and
Mr. Casey A. McDonald
Mr. Abimbola A. Obisesan
Mr. Che B. Peterson
Mr. Robert J. Rosin
Mr. Anthony J. Scaffidi
Mr. David A. Schwartz
Ms. Cherise J. Teasley
Mr. Eric S. Vanderveen
Mr. Kevin A. Wolff
Class of 2010
Mr. Jeffrey E. Ammons
Mr. Jason D. Augsburger
Ms. Bridgette M. Austin
Ms. Katherine G. Barkin
Mr. Aaron A. Bartell
Mr. Aleksandrs K. Bomis
Mr. Andrew M. Bossory
Mr. Patrick K. Burns
Mr. Ryan T. Carlson
Ms. Megan K. Cashen
Ms. Jennifer L. Charest
Ms. Aliyya A. Clement
Ms. Sarah E. Cochran
Mr. Adam J. Curry
Mr. Erinn M. Cypher
Mr. Brian G. Davis and
April A. Davis, D.O.
Mr. John R. Gehring
Mr. Charles M. Hamlyn
Ms. Megan M. Hard
Mr. Robbie R. Harmer
Ms. Victoria J. Hyde
Ms. Jean M. Ingersoll and
Mr. Paul J. Coonrod
Mr. John A. Janiszewski
Fly UP