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Pacific Law
Pacific Law
S U M M E R / FA L L 2015
Generous supporters of Pacific
McGeorge, such as leading legislative
advocate Michael Belote, ’87, help to
ensure quality legal education for
generations to come
Multidisciplinary approaches to
educating lawyers of the future
Capital Center Lecture Series
addresses hot-button issues
Impressive victories for clinics
and mock trial teams
We need your support
for a variety of specific
funding needs on the Pacific
McGeorge campus, each of
which will help the law school
in its mission to provide a
high-quality legal education to
students. These current funding priorities embody the heart
and soul of Pacific McGeorge,
enhance its reputation, and
build for the future.
Making a significant gift or directing a current
gift toward one of the areas listed below will
help Pacific McGeorge remain a leader among
educational institutions locally, nationally and
internationally. Current priority funding needs are:
• Annual Fund/McGeorge Fund
Many important programs are unfunded or underfunded
annually and are able to continue only because of generous gifts
to the McGeorge Fund. Your annual gift to the McGeorge Fund, no
matter the size, can make a significant impact.
• Scholarships and Endowments
Establish your legacy as a leader in the Pacific McGeorge
community by supporting current scholarships or by endowing a
scholarship or program. Scholarships can be based on a current
gift or a planned gift in the future. Endowments begin at $50,000.
To sponsor a student for a full year through a scholarship requires
an endowment of approximately $850,000.
• Campus Naming Opportunities
Pacific McGeorge has several naming opportunities that provide
a special way for you to make your mark on campus or to make a
tribute or memorial gift in honor of someone special.
• Centers of Distinction
The Centers of Distinction at Pacific McGeorge need your support.
Each of our three centers—Advocacy, Global and Capital—has overall
campaign needs and requires your investment to grow and sustain
unique program offerings. Your gift will make a significant difference.
• Legal Clinics
Your investment in Pacific McGeorge’s Legal Clinics both enhances
student learning and helps local community members navigate
difficult legal challenges. These hands-on innovative programs
provide students with a learning environment that promotes
real-world education and instills the value of service.
Our Advancement team would be
pleased to work with you to direct your
gift to an area of your choosing
Contact the Office of Advancement at 916.739.7300, or email
[email protected].
[C ontents]
12 Transformational Giving
With its promise of matching funds, Robert and Jeannette
Powell’s record-breaking $125 million bequest is providing
game-changing support to Pacific McGeorge and inspiring
others to do the same.
2 From the Dean
3 Discovery
Add your memories to the law school’s Instagram:
4 News Briefs
What’s been happening on campus.
8 Areas of Excellence
Mock trial teams take home top honors, and Capital Center
Lecture Series takes on controversial issues.
10 Innovations
Pacific McGeorge is a leader in efforts to revamp
legal education and address the rapidly evolving role of
lawyers in society.
20 Community Partnerships
Clinics score victories in crucial cases ranging from grants
of asylum for Salvadoran refugees to reversals of Medicare
denials of care.
22 Alumni News
News and notes about your classmates and friends.
34 Honor Roll of Donors
Pacific McGeorge is deeply grateful to these individuals
and organizations for their generous support.
44 The Last Word
Leading trial attorneys Noël M. Ferris, ‘79, and R. Parker
White, ‘80, discuss how they are “hard-wired to try lawsuits.”
18 Faculty News
Faculty appointments, publications and presentations.
Powell Gift to the University has been truly transformational. The individuals and groups that have established
scholarships and programs with Powell Gift matching funds have made it possible for us to hire three new
professors, remake our curriculum, and thereby to enable
our students to become lawyers at the highest level of our
I have great confidence in the future of McGeorge. And,
lest we forget our professional mission, I want to close by
recognizing the greatest transformations that we foster
in our role as lawyers. We remake the lives of our clients
through our representation. And by fostering the rule of
law, we strive to ensure a just society. Our profession is certainly a noble one, but it is also very practical. Lawyers are
devoted to the transformation of their clients’ lives, which
in turn transforms them. This is beautifully described in
the story about one of our Immigration Clinic successes.
Thank you for your continued support to ensure that
Pacific McGeorge is an agent of transformation.
Francis J. Mootz III
Dean and Professor of Law
ransformation. It is a common word, but we tend to
forget what it really means. To transform something
is, literally, to change its form. In this issue of Pacific
Law we highlight transformation at Pacific McGeorge in a
variety of ways.
Most important to our mission, our students experience
a transformation as a result of the rigorous education that
we provide. Despite my many years of teaching, it never
ceases to surprise me how the students who began law
school hiding in the last row of my contracts class hoping
not to be called can stride so confidently across the stage at
commencement, transformed into professionals who will
represent their clients with skill and tenacity. This is why I
am a law professor. Education transforms.
We also celebrate the transformation of legal education in
response to the changing demands of practice. McGeorge
students will not just be “practice ready” when they graduate, they will be ready to participate in a changing practice.
Building off the core analytical skills that have been our
hallmark, we have transformed our curriculum to be deeply
practical, experiential and career-oriented. For example, in
our Legislative Clinic, students don’t just study law; they
put laws on the books.
We can transform our educational program, and thereby
transform our students, only with the ongoing support of
our alumni, faculty, staff and friends. In this regard, the
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
[Discover y]
About Pacific Law
Pacific Law magazine
is published by the
University of the Pacific,
McGeorge School of
Law Marketing and
3200 Fifth Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95817
McGeorge School of
Law is a member of the
Association of American
Law Schools (AALS) and
the Order of the Coif,
and is accredited by the
American Bar Association
and the Committee of Bar
Examiners, State Bar of
Stay connected by following @PacificMcGeorge on Instagram
and Twitter. Use #ExperienceMcGeorge as well as your own
hashtags to share with the community.
Bethany Daniels, Director
of Marketing
Editorial Committee
Francis J. Mootz III, Dean
Molly Stafford, Director,
Career Development
Sarra Ziari, Senior
Development Officer
Angelique Keys-Ellis,
Manager, Alumni and
Donor Relations
Stevey Clement, Joanna
Corman, Mike Curran,
Mary Econome,
Casandra Fernandez,
Nou Her, Stephen
Robitaille, Emma
Ed Asmus, Randall Gee,
Isabella Hannon, Luis
Mogollón, Steve Yeater
Publisher and Designer
Diablo Custom Publishing
© 2015 University of the Pacific,
McGeorge School of Law
From left: Megan Donaghey, Virginia Martucci, Anna Lucido,
Michael Mahan and Professor Jeff Proske.
acific McGeorge returned to the American
Bar Association (ABA) Negotiation
Competition, marking the first time the law
school has entered the annual competition since
2006. Pacific McGeorge was once a formidable
regional power, advancing to the nationals in
1999–2000 and 2000–2001, but in recent years
student interest in the event had fallen off.
Megan Donaghey, ’17, and Michael Mahan, ’15,
posted the fifth-highest score out of 24 teams
from California, Hawaii and Nevada that competed in the Region 9 tournament in November.
“The members of the Alternative Dispute
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Resolution (ADR) Club deserve credit for our
return to the ABA Negotiation Competition,”
Professor Jeff Proske, the team’s coach, says.
“Special thanks go to Professor Michael
Colatrella and Mathew John, president of the
student club, for their assistance in creating this
opportunity for our students to participate in this
important ADR competition.”
Proske and Colatrella credit Associate Dean
Dorothy Landsberg for finding the funds to back
the team. The faculty coaches are hopeful that
an even bigger group of students will try out for
the team in the fall.
[News Briefs]
Class of 2015 valedictorians Nick Kump (evening
program) and Jackie Loyd (day program).
The Outstanding Student Achievement Award went to
Ernesto Falcon (day program) and Sarah Schumacher
(evening program). Jackie Loyd (day) and Elizabeth
Ramos (evening) received the Outstanding Graduating
Senior Award. Vallerye Mosquera (day) and Nick
Kump (evening) received the Outstanding Scholastic
Achievement Award. Devina Douglas (day) and Tia
Kemokai (evening) were recognized with the ALI-ABA
Scholarship and Leadership Award. The Outstanding
Student Service Award went to Jackie Hang and
Chelsea Tibbs (day) and to Lexi Howard (evening).
Congratulations to the Class of 2015 award winners!
From left, front row:
Gideon Rosen, Princeton
University; Jill Anderson,
University of Connecticut;
Karen Petroski, Saint Louis
University; Benjamin Mark
Shaer, Carleton University.
Middle row: Larry Solum,
Georgetown University;
Dean Francis J. Mootz III;
Nicholas Allot, University of
Oslo; Larry Solan, Brooklyn
Law School. Back row:
Frank Ravitch, Michigan
State University; Professor
Brian Slocum. (Not pictured:
Kent Greenawalt, Columbia
Spring Symposium on Linguistics
Pacific McGeorge hosted a successful symposium on May 1, 2015, on
“Inference, intention, and ‘ordinary meaning’: What jurists can learn about legal
interpretation from linguistics and philosophy.” Many prominent scholars joined
Pacific McGeorge faculty to explore issues relating to legal interpretation.
Professor Larry Solum of Georgetown University School of Law posted about the
symposium on his influential Legal Theory blog, lsolum.typepad.com/legaltheory.
[News Briefs]
upreme Court Associate Justice
Anthony M. Kennedy taught for his
26th year at Pacific McGeorge’s annual
summer program in Salzburg, Austria,
which ran from July 5 through July 24,
2015. Justice Kennedy has taught in
the Salzburg program 25 of the past
26 years. He taught Constitutional Law
as a member of the Pacific McGeorge
faculty from 1965 until his 1988
appointment to the Supreme Court by
President Reagan.
Law Review Symposium Revisits Need for
Sentencing Reform
en years ago, Pacific McGeorge hosted a
symposium, co-organized by Associate Dean
Clark Kelso, on reforming California’s sentencing
policies that resulted in a report outlining a proposal
for reforming California’s sentencing scheme. Since
then, Kelso, in his role as the California Correctional
Health Care receiver for the state’s prison health care
system, has been at the center of the controversy over
sentencing reform.
A decade later, California is on the verge of addressing the unsustainable reliance on prison as its solution
to crime. To explore this timely issue, the McGeorge
Law Review held its annual symposium on “The Long
Overdue Reform of California’s Sentencing Practice
and Policy.” Co-sponsored by the Pacific McGeorge
Capital Center, the event featured a full day of discussion panels. A video of the symposium is on the Pacific
McGeorge YouTube channel.
Associate Dean
Clark Kelso at
the McGeorge
Law Review
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
[News Briefs]
Assistant Dean Tracy
Simmons Joins LSAC
Board of Trustees
Tracy Simmons, Assistant Dean of
Admissions, Diversity Initiatives and
Financial Aid, has been appointed to serve a
two-year term on the board of trustees of the
Law School Admissions Council (LSAC)
as an appointee at large, starting May 2015.
Simmons has also been named chair-elect
for the Association of American Law
Schools Section on PreLegal Education and
Admission to Law School.
Pacific McGeorge
Again Ranks High
U.S. News & World Report 2016 Best
Graduate Schools ranked Pacific McGeorge’s
Trial Advocacy program No. 10 in the nation.
The law school consistently ranks in the top
20 for International Law, and this year it
was ranked 20. The part-time J.D. program
was ranked No. 35, up from No. 38 last year.
Pacific McGeorge was also ranked 45 on a list
of the top 100 most diverse schools.
Pacific McGeorge
Recognized With
Diversity Award
Pacific McGeorge received the second place
2015 Diversity Matters Award from the Law
School Admissions Council, marking the
third year in a row that the law school was
recognized in the top three. The award is
given to law schools that have demonstrated
the highest level of outreach to racially and
ethnically diverse students.
acific McGeorge hosted its
sixth annual Immigration
Fair on Nov. 7, 2014. Alumni,
students, staff and faculty
provided free legal services to
140 fair attendees.
The focus was assisting
community members with
Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals (DACA) and naturalization applications.
Professor Blake Nordahl, the
supervising attorney in the
Pacific McGeorge Immigration
Law Clinic, organized the event,
which serves so many in the
“It is a pleasure and a lot of fun
to work with so many students,
alumni, staff and faculty with
such a strong commitment to
service learning,” says Nordahl.
[Areas of E xcellence]
Far left: Ryan Roebuck,
Kathryne Baldwin, Anna
Padgett, Selena Farnesi
and James Bradford.
Left: Chelsea Tibbs,
Professor Adrienne
Brungess, Elizabeth
Kim, Janelle Covington,
Maricar Pascual and
Professor Ed Telfeyan.
Selena Farnesi, ’15, and James Bradford, ’15, made
the Elite Eight of the National Trial Competition
Championship. Alan Donato, ‘09, and Jeff Schaff, ‘09,
coached the team. Anna Padgett, Tia Kemokai and
Kathryne Baldwin were quarterfinal winners.
Farnesi was selected to represent McGeorge in
Baylor’s Top Gun National Trial Competition, with
Kathryne Baldwin as second-chair assistant.
Kitty Tetrault, Shoeb Mohammad, Ashley Pane
and Ryan Roebuck reached the regional finals of the
American Association for Justice Competition.
Lauryn Tully, Natasha Machado, Elizabeth Ramos and
Dayla Go made it to the round of 16 in the South Texas
Mock Trial Challenge.
Jackie Hang, Annette Rose and Suzan Karayel won the
NTC Region 12 competition, and Hang was named the
top advocate of the regional. Another McGeorge team,
Shay Billington, Andrew Naylor and Janelle Covington,
made it to the event’s regional quarterfinals.
Maricar Pascual was named the Best Oralist and
Caroline Soto received the Second Oralist award at the
national finals of the Thomas Tang National Moot Court
Competition. In the Appellate Lawyers Association
Invitational moot court competition, Robert Mayville,
Erin Brennan and Elizabeth Kim received the award for
second best brief.
Ryan Hawley-Jones and Matt Chen took home second
place in the best brief competition at the USD National
Criminal Procedure Tournament. Sean Baird, Craig
Harris and Amelia Hicks advanced to the quarterfinal
round in Pepperdine’s National Entertainment Law Moot
Court Competition.
Janelle Covington, Maricar Pascual and Chelsea Tibbs
took second place in the Roger J. Traynor California
Appellate Moot Court Competition. Covington and
Pascual were among the top 10 participants cited for
“Outstanding Individual Achievement in Oral Argument.”
The International Law of Property (Oxford 2014), the new book by Distinguished
Professor John Sprankling (left), inspired the 2015 Pacific McGeorge Global Symposium.
Videos of the symposium are available at YouTube.com/pacificmcgeorge.
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Global Symposium Examines Emerging International Law of Property
[Areas of E xcellence]
Capital Center Lecture Series Tackles
Hot-Button Issues
Dynamic speakers presented lectures on political reform, eyewitness misidentification
and end-of-life options
End-of-Life Options
The Capital Center Lecture Series
presented “End of Life Options Act–
SB-128” on April 20, 2015, moderated
by Melissa Brown, Director of the
Pacific McGeorge Legal Clinics.
Speakers explored the legal, medical,
cultural and moral concerns that will
arise as SB-128, a bill that would allow
those with a terminal illness to request
medication to end their own life,
makes its way through the legislative
Legislative and Public Policy Clinic
Supervising Attorney Rex Frazier, ’01, with
Clinic alumni Christopher Wu, ’14, Marisa
Shea, ’14, and Jacob Smith, ’14.
Political Reform
The Pacific McGeorge Capital Center
and the Fair Political Practices
Commission hosted “Political
Reform’s 40th Anniversary: A
Dynamic Look at the Past, Present
and Future” on Sept. 17, 2014. The
event featured a welcome by Jodi
Remke, ’91, chair of the Fair Political
Practices Commission, and a keynote
address delivered by Trevor Potter,
former chair of the Federal Elections
Commission and lawyer for the
Stephen Colbert “Super PAC.”
Eyewitness Misidentification
Moderated by University of the
Pacific Professor Jacqueline Austin,
the Mike Belote Annual Endowed
Capital Center Lecture was held
Dec. 10, 2014, at the Sutter Club in
Sacramento. The event featured a
lecture and discussion with Jennifer
Thompson and Ronald Cotton,
authors of the New York Times bestselling book Picking Cotton. The book,
which explores how the criminal
justice system helped the witness “get
it wrong,” provides the riveting narrative of suspect misidentification that
resulted in Cotton spending 12 years
behind bars for a crime he did not
commit. In their deeply personal and
uplifting talk, Thompson and Cotton
discussed critical policy questions
relating to witness identification in
the criminal justice system.
Gov. Jerry Brown signed four of
the five bills drafted by students in the Pacific McGeorge
Legislative and Public Policy
Clinic. The bills, which include
a law prohibiting the distribution of “revenge porn,” were
officially passed into law in late
September 2014.
In only its first year, the clinic
has received recognition as one
of the top 15 most innovative
clinics in the entire nation in the
Winter 2015 issue of PreLaw
As today’s legal landscape continues to evolve at
breakneck speed, Pacific McGeorge is preparing its
students to recognize—and seize—the exciting
new opportunities that lie ahead
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Embracing Change
istory often provides comfort during challenging times by reminding us that we have overcome
daunting problems before. As legal education and legal practice face disruptive change, it is helpful
to look back to the first issue of the California Law Review, published in 1912. The issue opens with an
address delivered at the dedication of Boalt Hall by the dean and founder of the law school. “The Problem
of the Law School” has a particularly provocative opening:
The law schools of this country have never faced their problems. Like most institutions coming down from
generation to generation, they have been slow to inquire into the original justification of their plans and
programs, or to seek to learn whether what was once justified still retained its reason for being.
The dean championed the “scientific” case method of
instruction as the solution to the problems of legal education, but these words could be written today with equal
validity as we attempt to move beyond the model created
more than 100 years ago.
I am proud that Pacific McGeorge is a leader in recreating legal education to serve the needs of tomorrow’s
lawyers. Our graduates this year will likely be practicing
law in 2060. We are innovating in numerous ways to
provide them with the tools to be lifelong learners and
entrepreneurs who can navigate the rapidly evolving roles
of lawyers in society.
Every McGeorge student now takes a required course in
Statutes and Regulations, in recognition of the regulatory nature of most modern law, and a course in the Legal
Profession, in recognition of the need for students to be
prepared for contemporary practice. From this base, our
students will choose courses from an experientially rich
and modernized curriculum that positions them for success upon graduation.
Innovations in the law school curriculum tell only part
of the story, however. Contemporary practice is increasingly interdisciplinary, and lawyers increasingly are
employed in jobs that do not even require bar membership.
The University recognizes the need for more interdisciplinary elements, and so we have embarked on the
development of a Sacramento Graduate Campus that will
host degree programs in law, business and policy. Pacific
McGeorge students will be able to complement their
deep knowledge of legal doctrine with courses on public
policy analysis, entrepreneurship and financial accounting. Working on projects with their future colleagues and
clients will provide the broad, real-world experience that is
absent when law is taught in a silo.
The challenges we face today are very real, but so are the
opportunities. One of the most astute commentators on
legal practice and education, Richard Susskind, hits the
nail on the head:
The legal market is in an unprecedented state of flux.
Over the next two decades, the way in which lawyers work
will change radically. Entirely new ways of delivering legal
services will emerge, new providers will enter the market,
and the workings of our courts will be transformed. Unless
they adapt, many traditional legal businesses will fail. On
the other hand, a whole set of fresh opportunities will present
themselves to entrepreneurial and creative young lawyers.
Pacific McGeorge graduates will be positioned to take
advantage of these exciting new opportunities.
Donors are giving game-changing
support to Pacific McGeorge, inspiring
others to do the same
There are many ways to support learning at University
of the Pacific, and the long list of those who do includes
alumni, professors, staff and other members of the
University of the Pacific community. But the largest gift
comes from benefactors who didn’t work at or attend the
university; in fact, they didn’t even go to college.
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
“Our goal is for our students to be representative of the broader
community.” ( Cary Bricker ) professor, right, and professor jeff proske, left
“People invest a lot of time and money
in law school, and being there to
support them is important to me.”
( Mike Belote, ’87 ) legislative advocate
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Mike Belote, ’87, president of the prominent Sacramento
lobbying firm California Advocates and longtime Pacific
McGeorge supporter, made the first gift to be matched by
the Powell funds. In 2013, Belote established the Capital
Center Lecture Series, which is held under the auspices of
the Pacific McGeorge Capital Center for Public Law and
Policy. The program invites top thinkers and policymakers to come to the state capital to address timely local and
national policy issues.
Robert Powell was a prominent Sacramento real estate
developer whose many projects included the Gold River,
Campus Commons and Selby Ranch communities and
Pavilions shopping center. He and his wife, Jeannette, an
interior designer, had a profound respect for the value of
education, making important contributions to University
of the Pacific and dedicating both resources and time to
ensure the university’s continuing success. They didn’t
have children of their own, but they helped put several
teens through college, including a niece and the son of one
of their tenants. In their estate, Robert, who passed away
in 2007, and Jeannette, who died in 2012, left a record
$125 million to University of the Pacific.
“Bob Powell understood that few people can thrive in
today’s world, as he and Jeannette did, without a college
education,” says Hayne Moyer, ’75, who was the Powells’
lawyer. Moyer is a member of the Powell Advisors, a group
the university consults with about the distribution of the
Powell funds.
The Powell funds are the largest gift University of the
Pacific has ever received, and they immediately doubled the
school’s endowment. In addition to supporting the Powell
Scholars, the gift creates matching funds to inspire others
to support academic programs and scholarships. “With the
Powell Fund Match, whatever you give will be doubled,
and the contribution will be in your name,” Moyer says. “It
is a great way to make the most of your gift and to help the
school and the students.”
Today, Pacific McGeorge encourages its supporters not
only to increase the impact of the Powell gift but to contribute to the law school in any way they can—and alumni,
faculty and friends have responded with an outpouring of
“With the Powell Fund Match, whatever you give will be doubled, and
the contribution will be in your name. It is a great way to help the school
and the students.” ( Hayne Moyer, ’75 ) attorney
Belote, who funded the lecture series through the sale of
an Aston Martin he had kept in storage, says he has always
been motivated to give back to his alma mater, and the
Powell gift has given him extra incentive. “People invest a
lot of time and money in law school,” he says, “and being
there to support them is important to me.”
Belote finalized an unprecedented second Powell Match
gift in April 2015. This gift will support an endowment for
public service, which will help fund the Pacific McGeorge
Public Legal Services Society Summer Stipend Program.
Powell funds will also double the donations raised for a new
Faculty Diversity Scholarship at McGeorge. The scholarship was established by faculty members who want to help
create a more diverse student body—and increase diversity
in the legal profession as a whole.
“Our goal is for our students to be representative of the
broader community,” says Professor Cary Bricker, who
teaches trial advocacy and heads the school’s Diversity
Affairs Committee. Professors Larry Levine, John
Sprankling, Omar Dajani and Jeff Proske also worked
with Bricker to launch the new scholarship and organize
faculty participants.
Before coming to Pacific McGeorge, Bricker had worked
as a staff attorney with the New York Legal Aid Society.
Most of her clients were minorities, she says, while most of
the lawyers representing them were white. “The attorneys
were all very committed, but it didn’t make sense that there
weren’t more African-American and Latino lawyers,” says
Bricker. “With this new scholarship, we want to encourage more diversity among the lawyers of tomorrow, to give
everyone in the community a voice.”
The new scholarship will support diversity of race, gender,
sexual orientation, culture and religion. Faculty, staff and
students have also contributed generously, and Bricker is
professor ( John Sprankling )
professor ( Larry Levine )
professor ( Omar Dajani )
thrilled by the response thus far to the scholarship campaign. “Our long-term goal is to make this a permanent,
ongoing scholarship,” she says.
In connection with the faculty’s fundraising efforts
for diversity scholarship funds, Professor Charles Kelso
established the Jane Kelso Diversity Endowed Scholarship
through a $50,000 Powell-matched gift, in memory of his
wife who was a beloved dean of students at the law school.
Hayne R. Moyer graduated from McGeorge School of Law
in 1975 and has been a supporter ever since. He and his
wife, Susan, annually give to the Hayne and Susan Moyer
Scholarship, in honor of former Pacific McGeorge professor
and Moyer mentor Clarence S. Brown. They recently added
a planned gift to the scholarship’s endowment, which will
be matched by the Powell funds. The scholarship awards
$5,000 to one student each year.
Moyer, who retired in 2011 after a successful 31-year law
career that focused on business litigation, also contributed $25,000 toward the endowment of the Gordon D.
Schaber Chair in Health Law and Policy and has served as a
University of the Pacific regent. “I am grateful to McGeorge
for giving me the opportunity to develop a successful law
practice and am happy I can give back,” he says.
“Scholarships are critical because the cost of education
today is ludicrous,” Moyer adds. “I paid about $1,600 a
year when I went to college. Now it costs $50,000 a year.
I meet kids with college debts of $150,000. That kind of
debt doesn’t give them a lot of options about the kind of
law they are going to practice—or a lot of options, period.
Scholarships help to create a citizen who can benefit society.”
Tania Dominguez, the first recipient of the Moyer scholarship, is entering her second year at Pacific McGeorge. “Law
school is a lot of work,” says Dominguez, whose interests
include criminal and immigration law, “but I love it.”
Dominguez is thankful for the scholarship; along with
other financial aid she’s received, it significantly reduced
the loans she had to take out for her first year of law school.
“The Moyer Scholarship was a deciding factor for me when
I was choosing between law schools,” says Dominguez, who
graduated from UC Davis, and was the first in her family
( Tania Dominguez )
center, with hayne and
susan moyer
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
“The Moyer
was a deciding
factor for me
when I was
between law
“I have a particular interest in encouraging women to pursue trial
advocacy. I think it’s a calling.”
( NoËl Ferris, ’79 ) above right, and r. parker white, ’80, left
to attend college. “It felt like a vote of confidence and the
push I needed to decide. That—and the awesome faculty at
Noël Ferris, ’79, and her husband, R. Parker White, ’80,
met at Pacific McGeorge, where both participated in the
trial advocacy program. Today, they have successful practices in Sacramento—both specialize in personal injury and
medical malpractice cases—and have been widely honored
by the local, national and international legal community.
(See Page 44 to learn more about Ferris and White.)
Their experience at Pacific McGeorge inspired them to
create a new scholarship focused on trial advocacy. The
Noël Ferris and R. Parker White Scholarship, while not
part of the Powell Fund Match, will provide $10,000 for a
student who demonstrates outstanding trial advocacy skills.
Ferris and White want to support McGeorge’s trial
advocacy program because they say it gave them the
real-world skills they needed to thrive in the combative
atmosphere of the courtroom. “We learned how to take
evidence, how to pick a jury, how to make a case in front of a
judge and how to think on our feet,” says Ferris. “We learned
to get over the jitters of being in a strange courtroom. It was
a huge experience for both of us. When we graduated law
school, we were ready to walk into a courtroom.”
According to Ferris, many law schools don’t give students
practical courtroom experience. “I have a particular interest
in encouraging women to pursue trial advocacy,” she says.
“I think it’s a calling; you either have it or you don’t. But
the training is also so important. Today, cases are more and
more complex, so building those courtroom skills in law
school is all the more important.”
To learn more about supporting Pacific McGeorge,
contact Senior Development Officer Sarra Ziari at
Emily Whelan Parento
mily Whelan Parento will join the faculty as an associ-
ate professor of law and the Gordon D. Schaber Health
Law Scholar. Parento will be teaching health law courses
and administrative law. She previously served as the chief
health policy adviser to Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear.
Parento holds a Juris Doctor and Master of Laws in global
health law from Georgetown University Law Center.
Jennifer Harder will join the faculty as an assistant professor of lawyering skills. Harder was a partner at Downey
Brand, working in the water group for nine years, and she
has recently served as adjunct professor at UC Davis and
McGeorge. She is regularly sought out to present on water
topics and helped found the California Water Law Journal
as a joint project of practicing lawyers and students from
both Davis and McGeorge. Harder is a graduate of UC
Davis School of Law.
Karrigan Bork will hold a joint appointment, serving as
visiting assistant professor in the Department of Earth &
Environmental Sciences in the College of the Pacific, and
visiting assistant professor of law at the McGeorge School
of Law. Bork will teach Environmental Law at McGeorge
in the fall semester. Bork is a graduate of Stanford Law
School, and he was awarded his Ph.D. at UC Davis in
ecology (conservation biology).
Publication Highlights
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
•Leslie Gielow Jacobs –
Compelled Commercial
Speech as Compelled
Consent Speech, 29 J.L. &
Pol. 517 (2014).
•Brian Landsberg – Public
Accommodations and the
Civil Rights Act of 1964: A
Surprising Success?, 36
Hamline J. Pub. L. & Pol’y 1.
•Michael Malloy –
Economic Sanctions
Anthology (2 vols., Edward
Elgar Publishing, Ltd.,
•Michael Malloy – There
are no Bitcoins, Only
Bit Payers: Law, Policy
and Socio-Economics
of Virtual Currencies, in
Selected Issues in Public
Private Law 13 (David A.
Frenkel, ed., Athens Inst.
for Educ. and Res. 2015).
•Stephen McCaffrey –
“The 1997 UN Convention:
Compatibility and
Complementarity,” in
The UNECE Convention
on the Protection and
Use of Transboundary
Watercourses and
International Lakes at
49 (Attila Tanzi, Owen
McIntyre, Alexandros
Kolliopoulos, Alistair RieuClarke, Rémy Kinna, eds.,
Brill 2015).
•Francis J. Mootz III –
Book review of Lillian
L. Beeson, Persuasion:
Theory and Applications 11
Legal Communication and
Rhetoric, JALWD 181 (Fall
•John E.B. Myers –
California and Federal
Evidence (Esquire Books,
California’s Eavesdropping
Law Endangers Victims
of Domestic Violence, 31
J. Marshall J. Info. Tech. &
Privacy L. 57 (2014).
•Brian Slocum – Ordinary
Meaning (University of
Chicago 2015).
•Joseph Taylor – State
v. Casey (NITA, 2nd ed.
•Michael Vitiello – Criminal
Law Simulations (Bridge
to Practice Series, West
2014) (with Emily Hughes).
•Michael Vitiello – The
Expanding Use of Genetic
and Psychological
Evidence: Finding
Coherence in the Criminal
Law? 14 Nev. L.J. 897
•Jarrod Wong – The
Subversion of State-toState Investment Treaty
Arbitration, 53 Colum. J.
Transnat’l L. 6 (2014).
•Cary Bricker – Teaching
the Power of Empathy
in Domestic and
Transnational Experiential
Public Defender Courses,
32 Buff. Pub. Int. L.J. 1
•Omar Dajani – Omar
Dajani and Hiba Husseini,
Norwegian Peacebuilding
Resource Centre, Past
the Point of No Return? A
Rights-Based Framework
for International
Engagement in Israel/
Palestine (2014).
•Franklin Gevurtz –
Extraterritoriality, 56 Will.
& Mary L. Rev. 341 (2014).
The Protection of
Minority Investors and
Compensation of Their
Losses, 62 (Supp.)
Am. J. Comp. L. 303
[Facult y News]
rofessor Raquel Aldana co-organized the
2015 AALS Annual Meeting Academic
Symposium, “Congressional Dysfunction
and Executive Lawmaking during the
Obama Administration,” held Jan. 5, 2015, in
Washington, D.C. C-SPAN live-streamed the
Aldana collaborated with Alina Das, assistant professor of clinical law at NYU School of
Law, and Jennifer Chacón, from UC Irvine School of Law, on the
symposium proposal and organization.
groundbreaking multilateral treaty
on international water cooperation,
the culmination of a decade’s work by
Professor Stephen McCaffrey, took effect
on Aug. 17, 2014.
The United Nations Convention on the Law
of the Non-Navigational Uses of International
Watercourses obliges each nation to
consider the impact of its actions on others
with a shared interest in a water resource such as a river, lake or
groundwater. The convention was adopted in 1997 and, following
a lengthy ratification process, began thereafter. The treaty took
effect 90 days after the 35th country—Vietnam—approved the
treaty in August 2014.
A member of the UN International Law Commission (ILC) from
1982 to 1991, McCaffrey served as the ILC’s “special rapporteur”
on international watercourses from 1985 to 1991, when the
commission adopted a full set of draft articles on the topic, based
on his proposals.
Owen McIntyre, an international water law expert and faculty
member at University College Cork, Ireland, said, “The convention
would not have come about without the tireless work of a small
number of champions, none of whom has played a role as
significant as that of Steve McCaffrey.”
Presentation, Event and
Appointment Highlights
• Jay Leach and Cary Bricker, assisted
by numerous Pacific McGeorge faculty,
hosted eight Russian law professors
from Feb. 23 to Feb. 28, 2015, at the
Pacific McGeorge campus for a variety
of interactive and experiential teaching
demonstrations. The program, part of a
two-year U.S.-Russia Foundation Legal
Education Exchange, continued with a
visit by Pacific McGeorge faculty to the
Moscow campus in April 2015.
• Michael T. Colatrella Jr. presented “Ethical
Considerations in Mediating Disputes
With Self Represented Litigants” during a
panel he organized at the ABA Section of
Dispute Resolution Annual Conference on
April 16, 2015.
• Michael Malloy hosted the second
Annual Conference on Business, Law
and Economics (BLE Conference) at
the Athens Institute for Education and
Research in Athens, Greece, May 4-5, 2015.
• Stephen McCaffrey spoke on two panels
at the International Water Resources
Association’s XVth World Water Congress,
held in Edinburgh, Scotland, May 25-29,
• Rachael Salcido was appointed in 2014
as a member at large on the board of
directors for the Rocky Mountain Mineral
Law Foundation.
• Jarrod Wong gave a talk on “Emergency
Arbitrators” at the Conference on Effective
Advocacy in International Arbitration at
UC Berkeley Law School on Feb. 20, 2015.
These highlights are a small set of
the numerous scholarly activities
faculty engaged in this year around
the world. See more faculty activities
at go.mcgeorge.edu/faculty.
From left: Aaron Claxton, ’17; Rick Lebherz, ’15;
and Kimberly Van Spronsen, ’16.
Elder & Health Law Clinic Wins Major
Denial of Care Case
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
lder & Health Law Clinic students Aaron Claxton, ’17; Rick Lebherz, ’15; and Kimberly Van
Spronsen, ’16, worked on a case that resulted in the estate of their deceased client receiving an order for a
provider to reimburse the family for more than $100,000 in out-of-plan services. The issue was
whether the specialized surgery and treatment for a grade IV glioblastoma brain tumor qualified for out-of-plan
services under the Medicare HMO plan through the provider. The judge heard testimony from McGeorge
M.S.L. student Patrick Browning, M.D., who was qualified as a medical expert, which contributed to the
favorable decision.
Extensive research, a detailed brief, production of evidence, and the presentation of lay and expert witnesses
at the adversary hearing persuaded the Medicare administrative law judge to reverse the denials of care. The
clinic, supervised by Professor Melissa Brown, has won each of its Medicare denial of care cases and is one of
the few California sources of legal representation for Medicare patients and their families.
[C ommunit y Par tnerships]
Students help clients who suffered religious persecution in El Salvador obtain
legal status in the United States
n January, former Immigration Clinic students, with
supervision from Professor Blake Nordahl, won asylum
for a family from El Salvador, concluding more than
two years of work. Among the students representing the
clients were Cristina Andrade, ’14; Sahir Faidi, ’13; and
Qamar Fareed, ’15.
The principal client is an evangelical pastor from
El Salvador whose religious work included providing
services to gang members to encourage them to leave
gang life. His church also provided counseling, education, health services and ministry. The family faced
threats and attacks as a result of this work. Eventually,
the family fled to California when the attacks escalated.
Religious persecution is a recognized ground for asylum
and was the basis of the application.
The family contacted the clinic with less than a month
left before its one-year filing deadline. Family members
said they had been taken advantage of by a nonlawyer
notary, who charged them fees but did not work on their
case. The clinic quickly filed an application to protect the
clients’ rights.
Faidi worked with each family member to draft their
life histories and gather details about the basis of the
claim. Andrade and Fareed finished the declarations and
drafted the brief, which involved substantial research,
comprehensive interviewing and fact checking. Fareed
prepared the clients for the asylum interview in San
Francisco, which he also attended. “I was in a position to
do actual good and have a profound effect on a family’s
life,” Fareed says. “So I took my job very seriously.”
From left: Cristina
Andrade, ’14;
Qamar Fareed, ’15;
and Sahir Faidi, ’13.
Alumni News
News and notes about
your Pacific McGeorge
classmates and friends
Ronald B. Robie won retention as
a justice of the California Court of
Appeal, Third Appellate District
in the Nov. 4, 2014 election. He
has served on the Court of Appeal
since January 2002.
Jim Crockett heard his first
case on Nevada’s Eighth Judicial
District Court on Jan. 6. The
veteran Las Vegas litigator
won election to an open seat
on the Clark County bench in
November. A founding partner of
Crockett & Myers, he was named
trial lawyer of the year by the
Nevada Trial Lawyers Association
in 2006. He joins Susan Johnson,
’85, and Jerry Wiese, ’94, on
the 32-member Civil/Criminal
Division of Nevada’s largest court.
Janene Beronio captured 54
percent of the ballots in a four-way
race to secure a seat on the Yolo
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Superior Court. Beronio was
previously commissioner for more
than 25 years. | Steve Merksamer
made the 2014 Capitol Weekly
Top 100 list of the most powerful
nonelected movers and shakers in
California political circles at No.
67. | Tim Naccarato retired from
his position as assistant dean at
McGeorge on July 1, 2014; however, he stayed on the faculty as
an adjunct professor until May 8,
2015. He will be a community volunteer in retirement. He and his
wife, Linda, reside in Elk Grove.
John R. Brydon has formed a
new firm, Brydon Law, in San
Francisco. Brydon Law offers a
national practice representing
individuals and businesses in civil
litigation, including complex products liability claims, professional
negligence claims (legal and medical), insurance coverage matters,
personal injury matters and insurance bad faith lawsuits. Brydon
has more than 35 years of jury trial
Patricia Curtin, ’87
and litigation experience. | Lynn
C. Harris was selected by his peers
for inclusion in Utah Business
magazine’s 2015 Utah Legal Elite.
Harris is an attorney at Jones
Waldo specializing in personal
injury and medical malpractice. |
Richard D. Meyer ran unopposed
for the bench in Alpine County
and was elected to a term that
expires on Jan. 3, 2021. Prior to his
election, Meyer served as a public
defender in both El Dorado and
Alpine counties for three decades.
| Allan Zaremberg made the 2014
Capitol Weekly Top 100 list of the
most powerful nonelected movers
and shakers in California political
circles at No. 12.
Timothy Cronan retired from
his position at the UC Davis
School of Medicine. At UC
[Alumni News]
Davis, Cronan functioned as a
public health policy consultant
assigned to lead completion of the
California Department of Public
Health’s Catastrophic Hazard
Vulnerability Assessments for
Pandemic, Firestorm, Earthquake,
Tsunami, Radiological, and
ARkStorm hazards and to prioritize which of those hazards should
be initially addressed. | Noël
Ferris gave the Dean’s Address at
the 2015 Annual Meeting of the
International Academy of Trial
James Taylor returned to the
Jacobson Firm, P.C., a New Yorkbased intellectual property and
entertainment law firm, resident
in the Seattle office, after 10 years
overseas that included working as
the third-highest-ranking attorney
in the Republic of Palau and the
assistant attorney general of the
Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands. He was selected
as a film judge by the 2015 Sonoma
International Film Festival and
wrote a script that was selected
as runner-up at an international
screenplay competition. | Fred
Valdez has opened a law practice
in Anchorage, Alaska, with concentrations in family law, estate
planning, personal injury, DUI
defense and business disputes.
Steven Cranfill won retention
as a judge in the Fifth District
Court, winning a six-year term
that expires on Jan. 3, 2021.
Cranfill has served on the Fifth
District Court in Wyoming
since September 2006. | Andrea
Lynn Hoch was elected to the
University of the Pacific Board
of Regents in April 2015 and will
serve a three-year term extending
through June 30, 2018. Hoch is an
associate justice for the California
Court of Appeal.
John Zelezny has published six
editions of Communications Law:
Liberties, Restraints, and the
Modern Media, a top-selling textbook. He is employed fulltime as
a senior public relations executive
and is also busy as a communications consultant and glamour
Donna Brownsey made the 2014
Capitol Weekly Top 100 list of
the most powerful nonelected
movers and shakers in California
political circles at No. 98 | Patricia
Curtin, a land use partner at
Wendel, Rosen, Black & Dean
LLP, has been selected as one of
the San Francisco Business Times’
2015 “Most Influential Women
in Business.” | Jill Friedman, an
attorney and litigator at Myers,
Widders, Gibson, Jones &
Feingold, LLP in Ventura, was
elected to serve on the executive
board for the California Coast
Chapter of the American Board
of Trial Advocates. Friedman will
serve as membership chair in 2015
and is in line to be president of the
local chapter in 2018. | Margaret
Masunaga was sworn in as a
judge of Hawaii’s Third Circuit
Court in December after her fall
appointment to the County of
Hawaii bench by the chief justice
of Hawaii’s Supreme Court.
A former McGeorge Alumni
Board of Directors member, she
served several years as a deputy
corporation counsel. She has been
Hawaii’s state delegate to the ABA
since 2009. | Deborah Ortiz won
67 percent of the vote to retain her
seat on the board of the Los Rios
Community College District in
the Nov. 4, 2014, election. A former state legislator, she has served
on the Los Rios Community
College District board of trustees
since 2010.
Ruthe Catolico Ashley was
elected to the American Bar
Association (ABA) Board of
Governors as a minority memberat-large for a term of 2014-2017 at
the ABA’s 2014 annual meeting
in Boston. | Jeff Huron has been
appointed to a three-year membership term for the California
State Bar’s Financial Institutions
Committee beginning Sept. 14,
2014. The Financial Institutions
Committee, part of the Business
Law Section of the California
State Bar, tracks legislative and
case law developments affecting
[Alumni News]
financial institutions. | Erin Faith
Rose published “Selling Ice in
Alaska: Employment Preferences
& Statutory Exemptions for
Alaska Native Corporations 40
Years After ANCSA” by Gregory
S. Fisher, Erin “Faith” Rose, Duke
University, in the Alaska Law
Review, Vol. 21, No. 1.
Eugene C. (“Gene”) Blackard
Jr. has been re-elected managing
partner for a fourth term at Archer
Norris. He has been managing
partner since 2008. | Matina
Kolokotronis was selected for the
2015 Sacramento Business Journal’s
Women Who Mean Business
program. Kolokotronis is the
president of business operations
for the Sacramento Kings. | Alan
Laskin received a jury verdict in
favor of clients for $7.4 million and
with interest and costs exceeding
$11.4 million for negligent repair
by auto dealership resulting in
a paralysis case. | Arthur G.
Woodward has joined the Auburn
law firm of Reynolds Maddux LLP
as a partner. Upon Woodward’s
arrival, the firm changed its name
to Reynolds Maddux Woodward
LLP. He will head Reynolds
Maddux Woodward’s litigation
practice group.
Bryan Freedman was featured
in Variety’s 2015 Legal Impact
Report. He is a partner at
Freedman & Taitelman, LLP.
Fredericka McGee was selected
for the 2015 Sacramento Business
Journal’s Women Who Mean
Business program. McGee is
general counsel and deputy chief
of staff for the California State
Assembly. | W. Kearse McGill was
appointed as the presiding judge
for the Stockton District Office
of the Workers’ Compensation
Appeals Board. McGill was also
appointed by the California
State Bar board of trustees to
the Committee on Professional
Responsibility and Conduct,
which writes ethics advisory opinions for the California State Bar.
Norman E. Allen, ’­­94
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Gina Genova has retired from the
active practice of law to work full
time for UC Santa Barbara teaching legal writing, business writing
Eric Barnum, ’94
and writing for public speaking. |
Michael Middleton has been promoted to shareholder at Trainor
Fairbrook in Sacramento. | Evan
Smiley has formed Smiley WangEkvall, LLP, with seven of the 11
lawyers of his prior firm, where he
spent 19 years. Smiley’s new firm,
with offices in Orange County
and Los Angeles, specializes in
insolvency, business litigation
and real estate. The firm’s lawyers
include five former federal judicial
clerks, the former OCBA president, and the president-elect of the
California Bankruptcy Forum.
Chris Delfino has co-founded a
new law firm, Delfino Madden
O’Malley & Koewler LLP, in
Sacramento. | Michael B. Harper
was appointed to a judgeship
in the Trinity County Superior
Court by Gov. Jerry Brown.
[Alumni News]
Harper has served as Trinity
County district attorney since
2007. | Torene L.M. Schwab
has been appointed by Gov. Jerry
Brown as deputy director of the
Legal Division and chief counsel
at the California Department
of Social Services, where she has
served as assistant chief counsel
since 2010.
Norman E. Allen was elected to
University of the Pacific Board of
Regents on July 17, 2014, and will
serve a three-year term extending
through June 30, 2017. Allen is a
senior vice president and partner
at Woodruff-Sawyer & Co. in San
Francisco. | Eric Barnum has been
appointed as Schiff Hardin’s new
labor and employment practice
chair. Barnum is a partner in
the firm’s Atlanta office, and he
focuses his practice on a variety
of matters related to employment law and litigation. | Julie
Shephard was featured in Variety’s
2015 Legal Impact Report. She is
a partner at Jenner Block in Los
Kate Baragona, ’90, an
infrastructure finance expert at
the World Bank, credits Pacific
McGeorge with inspiring
her global pursuits
By Joanna Corman
he best career advice Katharine “Kate” Baragona, ’90,
received at Pacific McGeorge was from a friend, an
Italian lawyer in the LL.M. Transnational Business Practice
program. “Don’t submit your resume to California law
firms,” he told her. “You won’t be able to rationalize quitting
to follow your dreams. Leave yourself no option but to be
She took his words to heart, heading off to McGeorge’s
Salzburg program with no U.S.-based job awaiting her
return. Her internship—a key feature of McGeorge’s international programs—led to a full-time position. Eventually, she
became one of the first five American lawyers to qualify as
a U.K. solicitor.
Since 2010, Baragona has been a senior infrastructure
finance specialist at the World Bank, located in Washington,
D.C., where she continues to advise governments, development institutions, lenders and project sponsors on the
structure and financing of energy or transportation projects that draw on private- and public-sector funding.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m working with the John Adamses
and the Thomas Jeffersons of Mauritania, Zambia, Uganda
and Nigeria,” Baragona says of her international colleagues.
“Every day, I am inspired.”
A member of McGeorge’s International Board of
Advisors, Baragona is grateful for the high-quality legal
training she received at McGeorge and the school’s international network of contacts and alumni.
“It was the first place where I was amongst people who
had already accomplished what I was dreaming I might
accomplish,” she says.
[Alumni News]
Timothy Harris has joined the
Seattle City Attorney’s Office
as assistant city attorney. | Cary
G. Palmer has been elevated
to managing shareholder of
Jackson Lewis P.C., in the firm’s
Sacramento office. Palmer represents management in employment,
labor and benefits law and related
litigation. | Jonathan Renner
won retention as a justice of the
California Court of Appeal, Third
Appellate District in the Nov. 4,
2014 election. He has served on
the Court of Appeal since July
Peggy Huang was elected to
the City Council for the city of
Yorba Linda. Huang is the first
Environmental lawyer
Kristian C. Corby, ’13, helps
advance Pacific McGeorge’s
water law offerings
By Stephen Robitaille
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Asian woman elected to the City
Council. | Timothy H. Irons
has joined Alston Hunt Floyd &
Ing in Honolulu as an attorney
of counsel. Irons was previously a
shareholder at Brownstein Hyatt
Farber Schreck, LLP, in Century
City, representing private developers, businesses, special districts
and local government in entitlement proceedings and litigation
ristian C. Corby, ’13, knew he wanted to study water law, but he
didn’t know where. Then he began to notice that his research
kept pointing him toward Pacific McGeorge—and he’s glad it did.
“Once I got here, I realized this was the perfect place to be.
California has so many water issues, and Sacramento is the policy
center of it all,” Corby says. “You’re in this hotbed of really smart
people and cutting-edge ideas.”
Corby co-founded McGeorge’s Water Law Society, which organizes lectures by leading water policy experts, such as legendary
water lawyer and McGeorge alumnus George Soares, and Ronald
Robie, associate justice for the state’s Third District Court of Appeal,
a former vice chair of the state Water Resources Control Board and
director of the state Department of Water Resources.
Corby was McGeorge’s first water fellow, assisting Professor
Stephen McCaffrey, a renowned water law expert, in disputes before
the International Court of Justice, in The Hague, Netherlands.
At a meeting to pitch the Water Fellow concept, Corby came
away with an approval and an offer for another task: help design
a McGeorge water law institute. The Pacific McGeorge Water
Resources Law Institute is slated to conduct policy research, provide
collaborative solutions to California water issues, and work on legislative and regulatory reforms.
Corby now has what he terms a “dream job” as an associate attorney at King Williams & Gleason, a Sacramento-based environmental
law firm. “I couldn’t have asked for a better school. McGeorge is so
willing to entertain students’ ideas,” he says. “I never would have
expected that as a first-year attorney I would be gaining experience
in the highly competitive field of environmental law. I’m working
directly with partners, writing motions, helping determine strategy.
I’m not just looking under the hood—I’m helping build the engine.
It’s fantastic.”
[Alumni News]
involving county, state and federal
land use and environmental law.
Prior to that, Irons was an income
partner with Burke, Williams &
Sorensen, LLP, in Los Angeles.
| Nancy Park was awarded the
Champion of Excellence Award
by the Sacramento chapter of
Commercial Real Estate Women
(CREW) on Nov. 13, 2014. The
award honors those individuals
who consistently deliver excellence
in their personal and professional
lives and whose efforts advance
the industry and show support for
everything CREW Sacramento
stands for. Park is a partner at Best
Best & Krieger, LLP. | Michelle
Sheidenberger has been promoted to assistant city attorney
for the city of Roseville. She has
worked for the Roseville City
Attorney’s Office for 13 years. |
Dylan Sullivan was appointed
to an interim judgeship in the
El Dorado County Superior
Court by Gov. Jerry Brown. After
beginning her career as a defense
attorney and California Parole
Authority hearing officer, she has
served as a court commissioner
since 2011.
James Michael Davis retired
with the rank of commander
from the U.S. Navy in December
2014. Davis completed 28 years
of combined active and reserve
time. He spent 2013 recalled to
active duty at U.S. Naval Forces
Central Command in Manama,
Bahrain. At his retirement, he
was awarded the Meritorious
Service Medal in recognition of
his service. | Jeff Gorell has been
named deputy mayor overseeing
homeland security and public
safety issues in Los Angeles.
Gorell represented District 44
in the California State Assembly
from 2010 to 2014 and currently
serves as a commander (intelligence officer) in the United States
Navy Reserve. | Nicky Jatana has
been named a 2015 Rising Star by
the Minority Corporate Counsel
Association. He is a shareholder
at Jackson Lewis P.C. in the Los
Angeles office. | Christina W.
Kelly has been elected as a shareholder of the national law firm
Polsinelli in the Phoenix office.
Paul J. Bauer has been elected to
become the managing shareholder
for Walter & Wilhelm Law Group
in Fresno. Bauer joined the firm
in 2010 as senior counsel and
joined Riley Walter and Michael
Wilhelm as a shareholder in 2012.
| Danielle Douglas was appointed
as a judge to the Contra Costa
Superior Court by Gov. Jerry
Brown in July 2014 and joined the
bench in late August after concluding her last murder trial as a
San Francisco prosecutor. Douglas
had previously served as a deputy
district attorney in the Contra
Costa County District Attorney’s
Office from 2000 to 2013. | The
Honorable L. Douglas Hogan has
Christina W. Kelly, ’98
been appointed to fill a judicial
vacancy on the Third District
Court in Salt Lake City, Utah, by
Gov. Gary R. Herbert. Hogan has
been the elected county attorney
for Tooele County since 2007. |
Zackery Morazzini, ’02 LL.M.,
has been appointed director of the
Office of Administrative Hearings
at the California Department
of General Services by Gov.
Jerry Brown. | Lizbeth West has
been selected as a fellow of the
Litigation Counsel of America
(LCA). The LCA is an exclusive
trial lawyer honorary society limited to 4,000 fellows, representing
less than one-half of 1 percent of
American lawyers.
Carlos Ambriz has joined the
Stockton law firm of Herum
Crabtree Suntag as a senior litigation attorney, where he focuses on
[Alumni News]
Daniel A. Flores was elected a judge
in the San Francisco Superior Court
on Nov. 4, 2014. Flores began his
term on Jan. 15, 2015. He gave the
Pacific McGeorge commencement
address on May 16, 2015. | Piper
Hanson (Laird) has formed a
new law firm, Piper Hanson Law,
in San Mateo County. Hanson
is a mobile attorney specializing
in estate planning, real estate,
and elder law, and she is an active
member of the Pacifica Chamber
of Commerce.
Patrick Bergin has been selected
by his peers for inclusion in the
21st edition of The Best Lawyers
in America for 2015. A partner
with Fredericks Peebles & Morgan
LLP, he represents American
Indian tribes in the areas of litigation, gaming law and economic
development. | Jack Duran was
re-elected to another four-year
term to the Placer County Board
of Supervisors, District 1, which
encompasses the city of Roseville
and unincorporated West Placer
County. | Bruce Last started a solo
firm in 2014 after leaving a 10-year
position with the Jellins Group,
APLC. He is also a contracting remote attorney editor with
Thomson Reuters. | Rachel Miller
has opened her own office after
10 years at the Public Defender’s
Office in El Dorado County. |
Todd Trotter has been appointed
to the California Veterans Board by
Gov. Jerry Brown.
Daniel A. Flores, ’01
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Edward M. Bernard has been
promoted to partner at Hanson
Alana Mathews, ’03
Bridgett LLP. Bernard counsels
private, nonprofit and public
employers regarding all aspects
of retirement health plan design,
implementation and compliance. |
Monica Hans has been promoted
to partner at the Sacramento firm
Delfino Madden O’Malley Coyle
& Koewler. | Alana Mathews was
among 10 young leaders featured
in Comstock’s magazine’s March
2015 article “The Next Wave.”
Mathews has been the public
adviser at the California Energy
Commission since June 2013. |
Anthony McClaren reached the
summit of the largest and highest volcano in Peru, the Nevado
Coropuna, elevation 21,079 feet.
| Mhare Mouradian has joined
the Los Angeles law firm Clark &
Trevithick as partner. Mouradian
was selected for the 2014 Southern
California and Mountain
States Rising Stars list for a fifth
areas of public agency, employment, bankruptcy, creditors’ rights
and natural resources litigation.
| Rex Frazier made the 2014
Capitol Weekly Top 100 list of the
most powerful nonelected movers
and shakers in California political
circles at No. 29. | Timothy Healy
was sworn in as a judge of the
Calaveras County Superior Court
on Jan. 5, 2015. The former San
Joaquin County deputy district
attorney scored a rare victory
over an incumbent judge in the
November election. | William
Schuetz has been named a new
shareholder of the Sacramento
law firm Kronick Moskovitz
Tiedemann & Girard.
[Alumni News]
consecutive nomination, and he
was selected as a Top Attorney in
Pasadena magazine for business
litigation. | Rochelle Swanson was
selected for the 2014 Sacramento
Business Journal’s Women Who
Mean Business program. Swanson
is a regional account manager at
CTI Towers, Inc. and a City of
Davis council member.
Rebecca Dietzen is the 2015
president of Women Lawyers of
Sacramento. She is an attorney
III at the California Department
of Health Care Services. | Neil
Forester has co-founded a new
firm, Forester and Purcell Inc.,
in Folsom. | Aaron Ralph joined
the Washington, D.C. office of
By Chris Micheli, ’92, and Jennifer Barrera
Greenberg Traurig as an associate in its government contracts
and projects practice group. Prior
to joining the firm, he served as
an attorney with the Air Force’s
Acquisition Law and Litigation
Annie Amaral has been named
partner in the Sacramento firm
ost of our time in law school is spent reading judicial decisions as law schools traditionally focus on the development
of common law. Because our legal training is based largely on
case law interpretation, law students spend little time on statutory development and construction. Moreover, law schools rarely
teach aspiring lawyers about how laws and regulations are made,
or how to change laws or regulations to benefit their clients. In
most instances, when you are practicing law, you interpret the law
as written based upon application of cases and statutes to the
specific facts of your client’s case.
While any lawyers will apply the facts of their case to the law as it
exists, a really good lawyer should also look closely at changing the
law to benefit his or her client’s position. Lawyers today will be better able to think about changing the law (statutes or regulations) by
understanding the lawmaking and rulemaking processes, as well as
the role of lobbyists in these processes at the state level.
There are considerable benefits for a lawyer to understand the
lawmaking and rulemaking processes. When appropriate, changing the law should be an option that is provided
to your client.
Chris Micheli, ’92, is an attorney and registered
lobbyist with the Sacramento government relations firm of Aprea & Micheli, Inc. who writes
frequently for Capitol Weekly. Jennifer Barrera
is an attorney and policy advocate with the
California Chamber of Commerce.
Read this entire article at
[Alumni News]
Downey Brand. | William
Lapcevic has been named a
partner in the Sacramento law
firm Ellis Law Group LLP. | John
Newell has been named director
of the Rozier E. Sanchez Judicial
Education Center of New Mexico,
which provides education and
training to the judges, administrators and other staff of the New
Mexico judicial branch. | Anthony
Williams has been appointed to
the California Fish and Game
Commission. Williams has been
director of government relations at
the Boeing Company since 2014.
Ric Asfar has joined the Vaka Law
Group as an attorney in Tampa,
Florida. Asfar will continue to
practice civil appeals and litigation
Two alumni offer personalized
legal services to the local Muslim
and South Asian communities
By Joanna Corman
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
with an emphasis on representing
plaintiffs in catastrophic personal,
wrongful death, and insurance
coverage and bad faith matters. |
Meghan Baker has been named
partner in the Sacramento firm
Downey Brand. | Adam Koss
has been promoted to partner
at Murphy Pearson Bradley &
Feeney. Koss represents professionals and their businesses in real
ahreen Manzar, ’13 (left), and classmate Sameera Ali, ’12,
noticed in law school that there was a lack of Muslim attorneys serving communities of Indian or Pakistani descent. So they
decided to start their own firm, Crimmigration, in June 2013.
The term “crimmigration” describes the intersection of criminal
defense and immigration law. While this is the main focus of their
firm, they also practice family law and corporate law when it overlaps with immigration law.
Manzar developed the firm’s blueprint during Professor Raquel
Aldana’s immigration law class. Aldana talked about the many
immigrants whose legal needs are served by lawyers abroad who
are not familiar with U.S. laws and practices. Manzar wanted to
address that niche.
Crimmigration was founded with the intention of serving
South Asian and Muslim communities in the
Sacramento area; the firm has since opened
another office in Fremont. Though their services are available to everyone, they specifically
wanted to reach out to Pakistani and Indian
immigrants and their families—populations,
they say, that are often hesitant to seek out legal
advice, in part for cultural reasons.
Manzar, who was born in Pakistan, and Ali, who
was born in Southern California to Indian-born
parents, emphasize “cultural competency.” That
means, in part, speaking to clients in their native
languages and connecting with them through
their shared backgrounds.
Starting out on their own was a risk, but Manzar and Ali say the
proximity to McGeorge means access to their mentors when they
need it most. “I feel like McGeorge is looking after us,” Manzar says.
[Alumni News]
estate litigation and lawyer malpractice and serves as appellate
counsel on a wide range of subject
matters. | John J. Moffatt has
been promoted to partner at the
Sacramento law firm of Nielsen
Merksamer. | Stephanie Rice was
honored as one of Sacramento
Business Journal’s “40 under
40” in the Nov. 21, 2014, issue.
She is an associate with Spinelli
Donald and Nott PC and is active
in Junior League, MetroEdge
and the SCBA. | Brandon
Schindelheim has joined the tax
and accounting firm Saxe, Roth,
Schwartz, Dokovna & Lynskey
CPAs as partner. | Brandon A.
Takahashi has joined Adli Law
Group PC as partner and head
of labor and employment. Prior
to joining Adli Law Group PC,
Takahashi was senior associate
with the national employment
law firm, Jackson Lewis PC.
Jared Gaynor has joined
University of the Pacific as the
executive coordinator for special
projects, analysis and communication in the Office of the
Provost. He is married to Annette
Ferrante, ’08, and they have two
children, Abigail (2012) and
Jacob (2013). | Gavin McGrane
was featured as a 2014 Legal
Rebel in the September 2014
issue of the ABA Journal. | Jon
Oldenburg has been promoted to
managing attorney and partner at
United Law Center in Roseville.
| Jinnifer Pitcher has accepted
a clerkship with Circuit Judge
Consuelo M. Callahan, Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals. Pitcher
recently completed a clerkship for
District Judge Troy L. Nunley,
Eastern District of California.
Natalie Bustamante has joined
Kennaday, Leavitt & Daponde,
PC as an associate attorney.
Bustamante specializes in
employment litigation and
counseling for employers. | Conor
P. Flynn has been named to the
2015 Mountain States Rising
Star list. Flynn is a litigation
attorney whose practice focuses
on complex commercial litigation
in Armstrong Teasdale’s Nevada
practice. | Kenneth Mackie has
been named shareholder in the
law firm of Canelo, Wallace,
Padron & Mackie, PC in Merced.
| James Watson has been promoted partner at Gaw Van Male,
the largest firm serving Solano
and Napa counties.
David M. Marchiano has been
elected to serve on the Contra
Costa County Bar Association
board of directors for 2015 starting Jan. 1, 2015. Marchiano is an
attorney in Archer Norris’ litigation practice.
Jeremy Luke Hendrix has been
named partner in the Sacramento
firm Desmond, Nolan, Livaich &
Kim M. Bowman Jr. is serving
as the interim manager of the
Department of Population Health
Sciences and as the manager of
the Health System Innovation
and Research Division for the
University of Utah Health
Sciences. Bowman has been commissioned a first lieutenant in the
U.S. Air Force Reserve, Judge
Advocate General’s Corps Reserve
and has been assigned to the 75th
Air Base Wing at Hill Air Force
Base, Utah. He is serving as the
parliamentarian of the Salt Lake
County Democratic Party and was
recently re-elected as a member of
the Greater Avenues. | Kathleen
Donelan-Maher has been named
partner at Mopsick Tax Law,
LLP. | Amy Gowan has joined
Donahue Fitzgerald LLP as an
associate attorney in the Walnut
We Want to
Hear From You!
Please let us know your
latest updates. You can
submit your news and
photographs (300 dpi) at
update. We look forward to
sharing your stories!
[Alumni News]
Creek office. | AnnMichelle Hart
has opened a law office, HartLaw,
PLLC, in Seattle. | Justin Keys
joined Jones Waldo as a litigation
associate in Salt Lake City. Keys
previously practiced as a judicial
law clerk for former Chief Judge
Ted Stewart, handling civil and
criminal cases. | Corrie (Erickson)
Manning joined the League of
California Cities as deputy general
counsel. | Lauren Manning will
begin the University of Arkansas
School of Law’s highly competitive LL.M. program in food and
agriculture law in August 2015,
with a full tuition waiver. She
will serve as a visiting professor
at the law school while attending.
Manning has also started a food
and agriculture news and editorial
blog called The California Crow.
| Lawrence Manzi, LL.M., made
a statement at the U.N. Security
Council debate on U.N. Mission
in Haiti (MINUSTAH) on Sept.
11, 2014, in his role as political
coordinator at the Permanent
Mission of Rwanda to the United
Saad Alabdulwahed launched
Mubarak A. Al Juwair & Partner,
a professional partnership, in
2013 in Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
| Michelle DuCharme has
joined the Sacramento office of
Greenberg Traurig as an associate
in the firm’s litigation practice.
| Lt. Clayton McCarl, JAGC,
USN, and Lt. Lindsay McCarl,
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Matthew Fleming, ’11, and Katie
(Oldham) Fleming, ’12, on their
wedding day. Professor Raquel
Aldana officiated the ceremony.
JAGC, USN, and their daughter,
Sophie, will spend the next two
years of their U.S. Navy careers
practicing law in Guam!
Taylor Bloom has joined Dhillon
Law Group Inc. as an associate attorney in the San Diego
office, where she represents
clients in campaign and election law matters. | Shari Borba
has joined Herum Crabtree
Suntag as an associate attorney.
| Alyssa Cervantes has joined
Lorenz in its Brussels office as an
associate attorney specializing
in privacy and data protection.
| Colleen Flannery has joined
the North Delta Water Agency
as the assistant manager, and
the California Central Valley
Flood Control Association as the
assistant director. | Peter Handy
was admitted to the Nevada bar in
October 2014 and began working
for the Douglas County District
Attorney’s Office in Douglas
County, Nevada, as a deputy
district attorney in April 2015.
| Andrea S. Moon has joined
the California Department of
Corrections & Rehabilitation
Non-Medical Class Action Team
as an attorney. Moon previously
worked as an attorney with
the California Prison Industry
Authority. | Tara Rojas presented
“Divorce Cases From Start to
Finish for Paralegals” for the
National Business Institute in
Sacramento in November 2014.
Christopher Blau has joined
Heidell, Pittoni, Murphy &
Bach, LLP as an attorney in
the Bridgeport, Connecticut,
office, where his practice includes
general civil litigation defense
and appellate practice. He was
married in July 2014 and passed
the Connecticut bar exam in fall
2014. | Michelle Chester is an
executive fellow to Commissioner
Janea Scott at the California
Energy Commission in the
2014-2015 CSUS Capital Fellows
Program. | Haley Cose has joined
the 5th District Court of Appeal
as an Appellate Court attorney.
| Sosan Madanat has joined the
Foundation for Democracy and
Justice as executive director. |
[Alumni News]
Michelle Nam has joined the
Criminal Defense Practice of the
Bronx Defenders in New York. |
Katherine Pankow has accepted
an offer to publish a lead article
in the Whittier Law Review.
Her article is titled “Under
Construction: The California
Appellate Court’s Misguided
Decision in Liberty Mutual Ins.
Co. v. Brookfield Crystal Cove LLC
and the Legislature’s Blueprint
to Reconstruct the Right to
Repair Act.” She is an associate
with Green & Hall APC, and her
practice includes construction
defect, real estate and business
litigation. | Camille Rasmussen
has joined Goyette & Associates
as an associate in the firm’s labor
and employment and litigation
practice. | Anastasia Salmon is
building the family law practice
at Hackard Law, a PLC from the
ground up. She will be working
with the legal subcommittee for
the new Sacramento County
Family Justice Center. | Myles
Taylor has joined Radoslovich
| Parker, PC as an attorney. |
Maro Walther is a legal intern
at the United States Senate in
Washington, D.C.
elena Farnesi, ’15, established herself as one of the best
Selena Farnesi, ’15, shines in
elite mock trial competition
By Mike Curran
student advocates in the country, tying for third place
in Baylor Law School’s 2015 Top Gun National Mock Trial
Competition, held June 4-7 in Waco, Texas. Farnesi also
earned the competition’s Most Professional Award.
The Top Gun tournament is an invitation-only mock
trial event where the best individuals from the leading
law school teams go head-to-head for a trophy and a
first-place prize of $10,000. Unlike in other competitions,
participants do not receive a case file until they arrive at the
host school the day before the tournament begins.
“McGeorge was invited for the first time to this event
because of Selena’s outstanding performance in the
National Trial Competition and other competitions in which
she represented our school,” says Professor Cary Bricker,
Pacific McGeorge’s Mock Trial Team director. “Coaches
Jake Flesher (’00), and Jason Schaff (’06) not only advocated for her participation, but they paid her expenses.”
Farnesi was accompanied by coach Schaff and third-year
student coach Kathryne Baldwin as second-chair assistant. She won preliminary rounds against Chicago-Kent,
Faulkner University, Hofstra and UC Berkeley and advanced
to a semifinal round against NYU. In a well-fought round,
NYU advanced to the finals, and went on to win the competition, beating out Yale.
Farnesi’s sensational showing in the event came as no
surprise to those who had seen her in action at Pacific
McGeorge. In April, she had been chosen as the first winner of the law school’s $10,000 Ferris-White Best Student
Advocate Prize, a new prize funded by alumni and former
trial team stars R. Parker White, ’80, and Noël Ferris, ‘79.
[Alumni News]
Frank Hue, ’60, died at the age of 87 on
Dec. 19, 2014, in Roseville. He served as a
Kern County public defender for several
John Gates, ’63, died at the age of 81
on May 4, 2014, in Sacramento. He
practiced law for several years before
embarking on a successful career as a
real estate broker.
Tony Stathos, ’63, died at the age of 85
on Dec. 15, 2013, in Sacramento. After
a career as an Air Force pilot and 10
years as an elementary school teacher,
he practiced law for 45 years before his
retirement in 2000.
James Harrison, ’64, died after a brief
illness at the age of 87 on Jan. 1, 2014, in
Sacramento. He practiced law for more
than three decades with Coben, Cooper
& Zilaff before ending his career as a solo
Burl Waits, ’66, died at the age of 83 on
Aug. 21, 2014, in Sacramento. A veteran
who came to law school without attending college, he practiced law for more
than 40 years in Sacramento and was
instrumental in forming several nonprofit
John Jachens, ’67, died at the age of
79 on March 3, 2014, in Sacramento.
In addition to practicing law, he once
served as an administrative assistant to
the Assembly speaker and was a longtime American River Fire District board
Frank Cook, ’69, died at the age of 75 on
Dec. 28, 2013, in Las Vegas. He practiced
law in California and Nevada for 35 years.
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Kenneth Baker, ’72, died at the age of 71
on June 15, 2014, in Chico. He practiced
law for 42 years and was very active in
the Butte County community, serving as
president of several area charities including the Butte College Foundation.
William Chapman, ’72, died at the age
of 70 on April 27, 2014, in St. Augustine,
Florida. He practiced maritime and labor
law in California until moving to St. Croix,
Virgin Islands, where he practiced for
many years in federal courts.
Craig Pridgen, ’73, died at the age of 68
on Jan. 15, 2014, in Woodland. He practiced law with firms in Mountain View,
Bakersfield, Beverly Hills and
San Francisco before opening a private
practice in Tahoe City.
Fred Schroeder,’73, died at the age of
72 on March 13, 2015, in Elk Grove. He
enjoyed a 35-year career as an assistant
deputy district attorney in Sacramento
and Sutter counties while also serving
on several civic and charity boards.
Robert G. Miller, ’74, died at the age
of 71 on March 1, 2014, in Auburn. He
worked for 30 years as an attorney for
the California State Legislative Council
before retirement.
Chuck Blakeley, ’75, died at the age of 73
on Dec. 3, 2014, in Sacramento. He was
a longtime criminal defense attorney in
the capital city area.
Joseph Key, ’75, died at the age of 99 on
May 30, 2014, in Reno, Nevada. Awarded
his law degree at the age of 61, he began
his legal career as a Washoe County
deputy district attorney before entering
private practice.
Robert Milam, ’75, died after a long ill-
ness at the age of 75 on Feb. 3, 2014, in
Davis. He had a distinguished 26-year
career with several state agencies and
once argued a case for the California
Attorney General before the Supreme
Court of the United States.
Stephen Emery, ’76, died of cancer at
the age of 66 on Feb. 5, 2015, in Bangor,
Maine. He was one of the most prominent workers’ compensation attorneys in
that New England state.
Charles Rose, ’77, died at the age of 68
on July 10, 2014, in Napa. He practiced
law for more than four decades, primarily
in the Sacramento area where he served
as senior counsel for Foundation Health
Sharon C. Stevens, ’77, died from complications following a heart attack at
the age of 66 on July 7, 2014, in Keizer,
Oregon. She began her career as a deputy district attorney in Marion County,
later moving into private practice as a
20-year partner in Callahan & Stevens.
Cynthia Pyzel, ’78, died at the age of 60
on Dec. 17, 2013, in Reno, Nevada. After
several years in private practice, she
joined the Nevada Attorney General’s
Office, serving agencies within the
Department of Health and Human
Services until her retirement in 2011.
Judith Smith, ’79, died after a long battle
with cancer at the age of 69 on Aug.
17, 2014, in Sacramento. She worked
for several law firms over the years and
was very active in the community. In
1984, she served as president of the
McGeorge Alumni Association.
[Alumni News]
Robert Lucas, ’80, died at the age of 67
on Jan. 8, 2015, in Sacramento. He operated his own lobbying business, Lucas
Advocates, for three decades, representing alliances and companies involved in
energy production and environmental
quality control.
Kenneth Kay, ’80, LL.M. ’85, died at the
age of 58 on May 5, 2014, in Fresno. He
practiced real estate law for many years
and was a published author, political
talk show host and university adjunct
John Tosney, ’80, died of a heart attack
at the age of 62 on Jan. 11, 2014, while
vacationing in Costa Rica. A well-known
Sacramento attorney, he operated a
practice in bankruptcy law for more than
three decades.
Gerald Deady, ’82, died at the age of
58 on Oct. 15, 2013, in Wilkes-Barre,
Pennsylvania. He was a prominent criminal defense attorney who once won a
reversal of a death-penalty sentence.
Nancy Hotchkiss Smith, ’82, died after a
long battle with brain cancer at the age
of 57 on Jan. 19, 2015, in Sacramento.
She spent her entire legal career with
Trainor Fairbrook after joining the
prominent real estate firm as its second
Jeff Corzine, ’84, died at the age of 58
on Jan. 14, 2014, in Folsom. A former
president of the El Dorado County Bar
Association, he was a personal injury
attorney and partner at Adams & Corzine
in Folsom.
Barbara Eckard, ’84, died at the age of
69 on Sept. 16, 2014, in Roseville. She
worked for more than three decades
for the state of California’s Office of
Administrative Law and was involved in
many community organizations.
20 years as a prosecutor before taking
the bench. Surviving family members
include his wife, Sue Gillett, ’87, and
brother Karl Kumli, ’81.
Anne E. Elbrecht, ’84, died of a brain
John Gezelius, ’89, died of a heart attack
at the age of 58 on Aug. 2, 2014, in
Orange. A former missile launch commander in the U.S. Air Force, he was a
longtime probate attorney and specialized in elder law.
tumor at the age of 74 on Sept. 24, 2014,
in Davis. A scholar of Armenian history, she worked as an attorney for the
California state government for nearly
two decades.
James Meier, ’85, died suddenly at
the age of 58 on Feb. 19, 2015, in
Sacramento. He taught science at two
Waldorf schools for more than 20 years.
Roger Whomes, ’85, died at the age of
58 on Jan. 28, 2014, in Reno, Nevada. He
was a prosecutor in the Washoe County
District Attorney’s Office for 18 years with
a three-year hiatus in private practice.
He later moved to the county Public
Defender’s Office.
Denny Forland, ’86, died from complications related to pneumonia at the age
of 60 on Dec. 20, 2014, in Sacramento.
A former public defender and criminal
defense attorney, he was a judge of the
Butte County Superior Court bench.
Robert Lucherini, ’86, died at the age
of 58 on May 15, 2014, in Logan, Utah.
He served as a deputy district attorney
for Clark County, Nevada, and was later
a highly regarded criminal defense
Kurt Kumli, ’87, died of brain cancer at
the age of 52 on Aug. 2, 2014, in San
Francisco. A nationally recognized
expert on juvenile law and policy, he
was a well-known judge of the Santa
Clara County Superior Court who spent
Samantha Spangler, ’89, died after a
long battle with progressive supranuclear palsy at the age of 49 on April
10, 2014, in Auburn. She was an assistant
U.S. attorney who was honored in 1999
with a Director’s Award from Attorney
General Janet Reno.
Harry Bivens, ’90, died at the age of
60 on Aug. 8, 2014, in Charlotte, North
Carolina. He began his career with
Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP before
founding the Law Offices of Harry R.
Bivens, which specialized in construction
contracts law.
Patricia B. Jennings, ’94, died at the age
of 46 on Sept. 16, 2014, in San Jose. She
practiced law with Henk, Bock, Leonard
& Vega in Sacramento before moving to
the South Bay.
Krysten Hicks, ’05, LL.M. ’06, died after
a long battle with breast cancer at the
age of 34 on Sept. 20, 2014, in Poway.
She practiced municipal law with Meyers
Nave, serving as assistant city attorney
for Citrus Heights, Colusa and Pittsburg.
The following lists
recognize individuals and
organizations that have
made gifts, pledges, and
estate or planned gifts to
Pacific McGeorge in excess
of $20,000.
Dona K. Buckingham
Richard L. Stark
Hayne R. & Susan Moyer
James & Dorothy Adams
Irving H. & Katherine O.
John Brownston
Raymond Burr
Roberta & C. & Carl
Betty Knudson
Enlow & Melena Ose
Gordon D. Schaber
Angelo K. Tsakopoulos
Rosalie S. Asher
Michael D. and
Jacqueline S. Belote
Robert A. Buccola
Robert F. Butler
Francis B. Dillon
Sam Gordon
Janis Besler Heaphy
Kathleen C. Henderson
Pamela M. Henderson
Genshiro Kawamoto
Jeanette Powell
Daniel D. Richard
Scott S. Slater
Edward & Carol Spurgeon
Steve Weiss
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Daniel E. & Jacqueline F.
Giles S. & Cynthia Attia
Thomas R. & Suzanne Bales
Melissa C. Brown
Noёl M. Ferris
Benjamin D. Frantz
Donald W. Fraulob
Sherill Halbert
Charles D. Kelso
Brian K. & Dorothy S.
James R. Lewis
Francis J. Mootz III &
Leticia Saucedo
Timothy E. Naccarato
Gergory D. & Nancy A.
Kenneth E. & Linda K.
Elizabeth Rindskopf &
Robert Parker
Claude D. & Lynn L.
Anthony J. Scalora
Elvin F. & Pauline C. Sheehy
Robert N. & Doris Stark
Edward H. Telfeyan &
Jeri Paik
Mark K. White
R. Parker White
Walter F. & Janet K.
Alexander Jr.
David & Lexis M. Allen
Fred Anderson
Leighton D. Armstrong
David & Carl Cairns
Glenn A. Fait
Doris Gross
William D. & Joy M. Harn
Ben E. Johnson
Ken & Bonnie Jean Kwong
John Lonergan
Thomas J. Long
John R. & Peggy Masterman
Hardie G. & Cheryl Setzer
Donald R. & Dorothy A.
Daniel E. Wilcoxen
John Q. & Phyllis Brown
Laurel V. Bell-Cahill &
Timothy F. Cahill
Gerald M. & Deborah B.
Frank J. Christy Jr.
Charles B. & Kathleen T.
Helen H. & Bradford M.
Loren S. Dahl
Sharon G. Fait
Anna Rose Fischer Morton L.
& Marcine
Emil Gumpert
Michael A. & Lisa Hackard
Richard A. & Karen Harris
John W. Hawkins Anthony
M. Kennedy
J. David & Margaret
Frank & JoAnn LaBella Jr.
Marilyn R. Lee & Harvey A.
David P. & Kathleen R.
Eugene W. McGeorge
Marc D. & Mona Roberts
Annie M. & Chris Rogaski
Edward J. & Marian M.
Charles W. & Paulette
Winifried van den
Sunny Von Bulow
Borden D. & Kathleen Webb
Alba Witkin
Bernard E. Witkin
Alfred E. Yudes Jr.
Thadd A. & Elaine M.
Ronald E. & Carola C.
Edgar A. Boyles
Samuel Chicos
Louise L. & Thomas A. Chiu
K. C. Fan
Faith Geoghegan
Roger G. Halfhide &
Patricia A. McVerry
Mark Hefner
Pauline Johnson
Warren A. Jones
Darrel W. & Kathleen Lewis
Perry & Sophia Potiris
Robert L. Roush
Elaine Samans
Tom Sinetos
Michael J. & Eileen Van
Michael & Erie P. Vitiello
Philip H. & JoAnne S. Wile
James M. & Rita M. Wize
William P. & Judy Yee
Hugh & Hazel Darling
The Max C. Fleischmann
Arata Bros. Trust
The Fletcher Jones
Albert & Elaine Borchard
The Ahmanson Foundation
Downey Brand Attorneys,
E.L. Cord Foundation
Gannett Foundation
George H. Sandy
Gordon D. Schaber 1996
Charitable Remainder
The James Irvine Foundation
John A. McCarthy
John Brownston Charitable
Remainder Trust
John Stauffer Charitable
Margaret Deteerding
Public Legal Services Society
Sacramento Bee
Sacramento Estate Planning
Sacramento Region
Community Foundation
The Sierra Health
The William D. James
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The Dana Foundation
Dreyer Babich Buccola
Wood Campora LLP
E.L. Weigand Foundation
Red River Shipping
The Telfeyan Evangelical
Fund, Inc.
United States Department
of State
Albert J. and Mae Lee
Memorial Trust
AYCO Charitable
California NBR Settlement
Carpenters Local Union 586
Hefner, Stark & Marois,
Kaweah Lemon Company
Kronick, Moskovitz,
Tiedemann & Girard
Orrick, Herrington &
Sutcliffe, LLP
Brian L. Hintz Memorial
Golf Tournament
Law Office of Noёl M. Ferris
Medpac of the CA Assn. of
Physician Groups
Pfund Family Foundation
Russian-United States Legal
Sierra Oaks Mortgage
The Thomas P. & Thelma B.
Hart Foundation
UN Environment
Programme Trust
University of Phoenix
US Bank
American Board of Trial
McDonough, Holland &
Allen PC
William C-B Foundation
2014 DEAN’S
The following lists
recognize individuals and
organizations that made gifts
to Pacific McGeorge during
the 2014 calendar year.
[D onors]
COUNSELOR ($20,000+)
Michael D. & Jacqueline S.
Charles D. Kelso****
Scott S. Slater**
Robert A. Buccola*
Paul E. Dassenko
Noёl M. Ferris***
Brian K. & Dorothy S.
R. Parker White***
Francis J. Mootz III &
Leticia Saucedo
PATRON ($5,000+)
Daniel E. & Jacqueline F.
William C. Bartels*
Hayne R. & Susan
Vigo G. Nielsen*
Tamarra T. Rennick
Claude D. Rohwer***
John G. Sprankling**
ADVOCATE ($2,500+)
Walter F. & Janet K.
David & Lexis M. Allen****
Joseph J. Babich
Cary A. Bricker & Thomas
J. Leach
Laurel M. Bell-Cahill &
Timothy Cahill***
Gerald M. & Deborah B.
Julie A. Davies & Thomas
A. Busch**
Erin M. & Sean A.
Roger G. Halfhide &
Patricia A. McVerry**
William D. & Joy Harn**
Richard & Karen Harris***
Jeffrey G. Huron
J. David & Margaret
Darrell W. & Kathleen
Gregory D. & Nancy A.
Malcolm S. Swift*
Michael & Eileen Van
Alfred E. & Deborah E.
Yudes, Jr.**
David W. & Susan H.
Raquel E. Aldana &
Luis A. Mogollón
Ronald D. & Francis
William G. & Lisa K.
Anderson, Jr.*
David F. Anderson**
James C. Anderson
Richard N. Asfar*
Paul A. & Lucille
Dustin C. Bankston
Robert A. Bartley
Bennett L. Bearden
Clifford P. Berg**
Steven A. & Teri L. Block*
Ronald E. & Carola C.
Kristina A. Brown
Tristan G. Brown
Connie Callahan &
Randy Haight**
Colette Stone Carlson*
Alberta C. Chew**
Thomas A. & Louise L.
Jung H. Cho
John L. Cosgrove, Sr.**
Robert S. Cox
John F. Cruikshank, III
Andrew M. & Laura
Bethany F. Daniels
James F. & Emily Dawson
Colleen VanEgmond
Nirav K. Desai*
Richard K. Dickson II**
Kerry Campbell Doyle
Victor G. Drakulich
Stephen J. Egan & Andrea
L. Hoch
Ginny M. Ellis
Morrison England, Jr.**
Scott H. Epperson
Anne C. Fadenrecht
Casandra J. Fernandez*
Colleen R. Flannery
Patrick I. Ford
Timothy M. Frawley
Faith Geoghegan***
Randolph H. & Patricia M.
Lance D. Gibson
Justin R. Giovannettone
Thomas H. Gourlay, Jr.*
Lawrence B. Hagel
Michelle Hahn**
Howard S. Hamilton
Sheila A. Hard*
Judith A. Harper*
Mr. Bryan C. Hartnell &
Monica M. Neumann**
Melissa A. Hastie
Gregory A. Hayes
Kevin T. Hennessy**
Leah E. Hernandez
Scott M. & Andrea Hervey*
Thomas W. Hiltachk
Nicholas J. Horton
Joshua P. Hunsucker
Lori A. Hunt*
Leslie Gielow & Matthew
G. Jacobs
Karen L. Jacobsen
Melissa L. Johnson
Warren A. Jones****
Nicholas A. Jordan
Ryan D. Kasso
Debra J. Kazanjian**
Christian M. Keiner**
Randall E. Kessler*
Ester Kim
Deborah J. Kollars
Shawn M. Krogh
Fern M. Laethem*
David R. Lane**
Gerald D. Latasa, Jr.
Gayle J. Lau**
Alexander K. Lee
Jenith E. Lee
R. Marilyn Lee & Harvey
A. Schneider**
Richard K. Lee*
Lawrence C. Levine**
James R. Lewis****
Darrin Lim*
Adam D. Link
Patricia A. & George C.
S. Hether C. & Stephen M.
Catherine C. MacMillan**
Janice D. Magdich
C. Emmett Mahle
Patricia S. Mar*
Aimee C. Martin
David P. & Kathleen R.
Gustavo E. & Talia
Charlene Stratton
Evelyn M. Matteucci*
Stephen C. & Susan J.
Danielle A. Mesrobian
Melissa A. Meth
David R. Miller
Mike S. Mireles, Jr.*
James M. Mize****
Andrea S. Moon
Ivan M. & Kelly Morales
Raissa N. Morris
John B. & Emma Mulligan
Robert D. & Donna Murta*
Timothy E. & Lina
Marie A. Nakamura &
Tammy Lynn Samsel*
Tien M. Nguyen
John A. Norwood*
Nikole M. Omotoy
Richard & Martha Opich
Geralynn Patellaro**
James B. Pierce
Brian J. Plant & Suzanne E.
Gregory M. Porter
J. Brian Putler**
Frank M. Radoslovich
William E. & Libbey D.
Mark C. Raskoff*
Andrew B. Reisinger
Tara M. Rojas
Douglas L. Ropel
Christopher L. Russell**
Lisa Rettig Ryan
Andrew E. Schouten &
Megan M. Moore
Karl A. Schweikert
Arthur G. & Susan
Stacey K. Shelly
Adam B. Shoor
Michael I. & Wendy Sidley*
Tracy L. Simmons
John C. Sims**
Elise M. Sisson
Christopher A. Skelton
Evan D. Smiley*
Jacob C. Smith
Morgan C. Smith**
Simone C. Smith
Stuart L. Somach
William J. Staack*
Margaret C. Stark-Roberts*
C. M. Starr II
Donald R. & Dorothy A.
Brandon A. Takahashi
Edward H. Telfeyan & Jeri
Kelly O’Rourke Thomas
Barbara Thomas**
Kelly L. Thomas
Jennifer A. Thompson
Julianne Triphon
Ann L. Trowbridge*
Michael & Erie P. Vitiello***
Kristin B. Wang
Mingpei Wang
Sharon J. Waters*
Jake C. Weaver
Borden D. Webb**
Thomas J. Welsh**
Joseph J. & Lynne
Elena A. Wilson
James R. Wirrell
William P. & Judy Yee**
Jennet Zapata
Allan S. & Karen Jo
****20+ Years of
***15+ Years of Membership
**10+ Years of Membership
*5+ Years of Membership
Law Firms &
Adams & Hayes Law Office
AEP River Operations
Aerojet General
David Allen and Associates
American Board of Trial
The American Society of
International Law
The Law Office of Frances An
The Law Office of Diane
The Law Office of Maureen
Meehan Aplin
Aprea & Micheli, Inc.
Arnold and Associates
Association of California
State Supervisors
Astin Enterprises
Atherton & Dozier
Avansino, Melarkey, Knobel,
Mulligan & McKenzie
The Law Office of Ball and
RJ Bath Group, Inc
Baydaline & Jacobsen, LLP
Bayer Crop Science, LP
Beattie & Aghazarian, LLP
Beeson Terhorst LLP
Bernard E. & Alba Witkin
Charitable Foundation
[D onors]
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Christopher Covington
Crimmigration, Inc.
Marie Crowley Foundation
Cuneo Black Ward &
Dannis Woliver Kelley
David Weiner Attorney at
Davis Wills & Trusts
The Law Firm of Joanne
Dennis John Durkin,
Attorney at Law
Desmond, Nolan, Livaich &
Rick and Donna Dickson
The Digesti Law Firm LLP
Law Offices of Dopkins and
Dreyer Babich Buccola
Wood Campora LLP
Drobny Law Offices, Inc.
Drury Pullen PLC
Dwight M. Samuel A
Professional Corporation
Dyer, Lawrence, Penrose,
Flaherty, Donaldson &
Eden Consulting Services
Ericksen Arbuthnot
Ernst & Young LLP
Evans, Wieckowski & Ward,
Law Office of Noёl M. Ferris
First Pacific Advisors
Fredericks Peebles &
Morgan LLP
Garner Products, Inc.
Gary G. Perry Attorney at
Gary L. Nemetz, PC
Gary, Till & Burlingham
George H. Sandy
Gibson & Gibson, Inc. LC
Gieleghem Law Office
Gilmore, Wood, Vinnard &
The Law Office of Shareen
The Law Office of Alex
Goyette & Associates, Inc.
Greve, Clifford, Wengel &
Paras, LLP
Gunderson Law Firm
Linda Gunderson Attorney
at Law
Gurnee, Mason & Forestiere,
Gustavo Matheus, Esq., LLC
Habbas, Nasseri &
The Law Office of Linda
The Law Office of Michael
L. Hanks
Hanna Brophy MacLean
McAleer & Jensen LLP
The Law Office of William
Richard Harris Law Firm
Hart King
Hartnell Law Group, APC
J R Hastings Law
Hector M. de Avila
Gonzalez, FLC
Law Offices of John P.
Law Offices of Robert C.
Hess, LLC
Law Office of Higgins &
Kenneth J. Hilliard Law
Holden Law Group
The Law Office of Catherine
L. Hughes
Rodney G. Hughes, CPA
Law Offices of Patricia
The Law Offices of Daniel
A. Hunt
Law Office of Jennifer Hunt
Law Offices of Michael B.
Inman Law Group LLP
Jacobson Markham, LLP
The Law Office of Barbara
M. Jacobson
James M. Ratzer A
Professional Corporation
James W. Laroe Insurance
Agency, Inc
The Law Office of Martin F.
Jennings, Jr.
Jerry M. Kuperstein
Attorney at Law
The Law Office of Thomas F.
Jones & Dyer
Jones and Beardsley, PC
K & L Gates LLC
Kaeser Hull, LLP
The Law Office of Warren E.
Kaplan and Associates
The Law Office of Stephanie
The Law Office of David
The 23rd Annual Live & Silent Auction Benefitting the Public
Legal Services Society (PLSS) was held April 10, 2015, in the
Pacific McGeorge Student Center.
Law Offices of Gary A.
The Law Office of David
Keyzer, PC
Klein DeNatale Goldner
Klink Law Office, A
Professional Corp
Koeller, Nebeker, Carlson &
Haluck, LLP
The Law Office of Terry L.
The Law Office of Paul C.
Kristensen Weisberg, LLP
Kronick, Moskovitz,
Tiedemann & Girard
Lane, Duncan &
Lang and Associates
The Law Office of John C.
The Law Office of Jorge B.
Law Office of Katherine C.
The Law Office of Mark E.
Law Office of Pino and
Law Offices of Gary L. Link
Law Offices of James B.
Law Offices of Joseph W.
Scalia, APC
Law Offices of Leticia
Law Offices of Ruthe Wynne
Webb & Tapella Law
The Law Office of Casey
Leupp & Woodall Attorneys
at Law
Lexis Nexis
The Law Office of Peter N.
The Law Office of Michael
G. Loeffler
The Law Office of Gilberto
Lopez, Jr.
Lucas Law
MacKenzie & Brody
The Law Office of Tara J.
The Law Office of P. John
Mason & Thomas
Mastagni, Holstedt, Amick,
Miller & Johnsen
Matheny Sears Linkert
Jaime, LLP
Matlock Law Group
The Law Office of Brian C.
McDonald Carano Wilson
Richard M. Mehigan, PC
The Law Offices of Robert
M. Merritt
Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver
and Wilson
Microsoft Corporation
Mikacich Law Office
Miles & Westbrook
The Miles Law Firm
Miller & Olson LLP
Miller Owen & Trost
The Law Office of Jack T.
Montague and Viglione
Morgan Stanley Global
Impact Funding Trust,
The Morrison & Foerster
The Law Office of Robert E.
Moss, Jr.
Meridian Pacific, Inc.
Murphy, Austin, Adams &
Schoenfeld, LLP
Nationwide Insurance
Nevada County Public
The Law Office of Ray
Nielsen Merksamer
Parrinello Gross & Leoni
Norwalk Consulting, LLC
Norwood & Associates
Nossaman, LLC
Novey, Tribuiano &
Yamada, LLP
Novozymes, Inc.
The Law Office of Linda
Orrick, Herrington &
Sutcliffe, LLP
Ostergar Law Group PC
Bissell Law Corporation
The Law Offices of Steven A.
Block PLC
The Law Office of Mark
Boutin Jones, Inc.
Bradford & Barthel, LLP
Brewer Lofgren LLP
Law Offices of Paul L.
The Law Office of Jonathan
D. Brown PC
The Law Office of Richard
D. Brown
Bryant, Lovlien & Jarvis, PC
Building A Better Work
The Law Office of Karen
A. Burt
Randall J. Burton Attorney
at Law
C. Emmett Mahle Attorney
at Law
Cabe Law Office
County of Calaveras
California Association of
California Beer and
Beverage Distributors
California Chamber of
California Correctional
Peace Officers’ Association
California Dental
California Museum
California Political
Attorneys Association
Callahan Thompson
Sherman & Caudill, LLP
Capitol City Trial Lawyers
Carothers, DiSante &
Freudenberger LLP
Cassel Ginns, A Professional
Law Corp
Donahue Davies, LLP
Cava & Faulkner Attorneys
at Law
Choudhary Law Office
City of Roseville
City of Santa Barbara
Attorney’s Office
The Law Office of Sara
Coghlan McDonald
Collinson & LaChance,
Attorneys at Law
Complete Wireless
Considine Sorensen &
Trujillo APC
The Law Office of H.
[D onors]
The Law Office of Clint
Parsons Brinckerhoff Group
Adm., Inc.
The Law Office of
Christopher W. Patterson,
Pfund Family Foundation
Phillips Land Law, Inc.
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw
Pittman, LLP
Pitre & Teunisse, Inc.
Placer County District
Attorney’s Office
The Law Office of Timothy
Porter Scott
Radoslovich Parker PC
The Law Office of Kenneth
W. Ralidis
The Ramirez Firm
The Law Office of Joel
Rebate Realty & Law
Recology, Inc
The Law Office of Eliot
Reiner, PLC
Remy Moose Manley, LLP
The Law Office of Robert
Robinson & Wood, Inc.
Rosenthal Law
The Law Office of Bret R.
Sacramento Estate Planning
Sacramento Valley
Bankruptcy Forum
The San Francisco
The Law Office of Edward G.
Schloss LC
Schneider Wallace Cottrell
Brayton Konec
Seyfarth Shaw, LLP
The Law Office of Tiffani
S. Sharp
Sidley Law Group
The Sierra Health
Smith Law Firm
The Law Office of Lawrence
M. Smith
Smith, McDowell & Powell,
The Law Office of Stephen
A. Smith
Smolich & Smolich
Snodgrass and Micheli LLC
Solomon, Grindle,
Silverman & Wintringer
Somach Simmons & Dunn
Stone & Associates
The Law Office of Robert C.
Sutter Health
Sweeney, Greene & Roberts,
Taylor & Wiley, APC
The Telfeyan Evangelical
Fund, Inc.
The Law Office of Albert S.
The Law Office of Brian K.
The Law Office of Jimmy
N. Yee
The Law Office of John E.
Virga APC
The Law Office of Juan J.
Vera, Inc.
The Law Office of Justin N.
The Law Office of Lorna A.
The Law Office of Timothy
The Law Offices of Mingpei
Thomas Law Group
Thomson Reuters
Union Pacific Corporation
Walters & Zinn
Weintraub Tobin Chediak
Coleman Grodin Law
Wilcoxen Callaham, LLP
Wiley W. Manuel Bar
Wise Law Group, PC
Yrulegui & Roberts
Gordon P. Adelman
Andrei F. Behdjet
Joseph J. Catalano
Robert F. Cochran
James F. & Emily Dawson
Ross E. & Sally de Lipkau
Mariel E. Dennis
Michael R. Faber
Donald C. Hill
Stephen R. Holden
H. Vincent Jacobs
Kenneth D. Leppert, Jr.
Timothy J. Long
Kathleen R. & David P.
Patrick M. McGrath
Mary T. Muse
Jere M. Owen
Curtis D. Rindlisbacher
Anthony M. & Patricia
Adam L. Streltzer
Brian A. Tippens
Mary E. Tryon
R. Hillary Willett
Lauren M. Aloisio & David
S. Salem
George D. Cato
John M. Cochrane
Dawn H. Cole
J. Russell Cunningham
Peter H. & Jeanne D.
Gary DiGrazia
Jennifer Anderson &
Matthey R. Eason
John D. & Pamela Feeney
Daniel A. Flores
L. Kalei Fong
Kurt A. Franke
Kimberly Kakavas Garner
William E. Gasbarro
Shanti R. Halter
Pierre A. Hascheff
Emily Hirsekorn Davidson
George C. & Cathleen
Daniel A. Hunt
Mark K. Johnson
William J. Kadi
Rodney Kim
Jean S. Klotz
Mark W. Knobel
L. Rob Kramer
Dennis D. Law
Lois B. Levine
Mike H. Madokoro
Gregory A. Mathes
Anthony K. McClaren
Elizabeth A. McEnaney-Fell
W. Kearse McGill
Crystal H. McMurtry
Russell H. Miller
Michael B. Mount
Ralph R. & Sandra Nevis, III
Matthew J. Olson
Rebecca J. Olson
Allen C. Ostergar III
Thomas A. Pedreira
Jennifer M. Protas
James M. & Martha Ratzer
Gary P. Reynolds
Joseph W. Scalia
Julie A. Shepard
Thomas & Janet G.
Karen L. Snell & Raymond
Michael D. Stump
Joseph E. & Susan Taylor
John H. Tiernan
Sim von Kalinowski
Michael C. Weed
Stephen A. Weiner
David L. Winter
Jarrod L. P. Wong
Michael D. Worthing
Douglas L. Youmans
John A. Aberasturi
Lynette S. Andersen
Thomas W. Anthony, Jr.
Tamarin Janssen Austin
Jacqueline E. Bailey
Ann Bailey & Boren
William E. & Paige Baker, Jr.
Paul N. Balestracci
Eric L. Barnum
David T. Bartels
Norman P. Barth
Raneene Belisle
Lawrence A. Bennett
Deborah A. Berry
Mark E. Berry
Terry M. Borchers
Hugh E. Brereton
Daniel J. Breuer
Bruce W. Busch
Linda S. Campbell
Margaret Carew & Gary D.
Malcolm R. Carling-Smith
Donald L. & Patricia A.
The Honorable Christine A.
Linda E. Carter & Michael
Robert M. & Susan S.
John B. Cinnamon
The Honorable Richard M.
Calvin J. Clements III
J. Mitchell Cobeaga
Pamela E. Cogan & J. Riddle
Clifford G. Collard
Ronald W. Collett
Brent P. Collinson
H. Christopher Covington
John H. Coward
James M. Coyne, USA (Ret)
Jeffrey W. & Marianne
Sarah R. Dansereau
James M. Davis
Kathryn M. Davis
William W. Davis
Hector M. de Avila
Ekaterina P. Deaver
Jana N. DuBois
Angelo A. DuPlantier III
Dennis J. Durkin
Howard E. Engle, Jr.
E. Scott Ewing
Glenn A. Fait
Margaret C. Felts
Charles V. Fennessey
Kenneth H. Flood
Eden Forsythe
Gretchen Franz
R. Ram and R. Ganapathy
Vignesh R. Ganapathy
Gordon P. & Christine
Guy R. Gibson
Paul L. & Maria Grimm
Eugene T. Gualco
Linda Gunderson
Garrett L. Hamilton
Stephen R. Hansen
Allan D. & Vickie J.
Ronald I. Harrison
Robert C. Hess
Maureen P. Higgins
Stuart L. & Rhoda Hing
Howard K. Hirahara
Robert T. Hjelle
James F. Hodgkins
Paul S. Hokokian
Rodney G. Hughes
John S. Husser, Sr.
William D. Ingersoll
Marc L. & Kimberly Jacuzzi
John W. & Corrine Jay
Janice C. Johnson
David B. Johnson
Marshall F. & Sarah B.
Susan Holland Johnson
Michael F. & Beverly J.
Lisa Baker Jones
Christina H. Jones Janssen
David Karabinus
Matthew E. Karanian
Jennifer B. Kaufman
Michael R. Kelly
Gary A. Kessler
[D onors]
Bruce A. & Susan Abate
Daniel P. Kirley
Michael F. Klein
Stephen A. & Lesley J.
Jeannene L. Lafarga
Daniel C. & Lisa
Marsha M. Lang
Lauren D. Layne
Russell E. & M. Susan Thiel
Courtney G. Lee
Richard B. Lewkowitz
Ronald & Marilyn Louie
R. Lynn Lovejoy
Donald B. MacDougall, Jr.
Christine Garske & Joe J.
Virginia C. Magan
The Honorable James V.
P. John Mancuso
Christine Manolakas
H. Craig Manson
M. Penny Manson
Stacy & Robert N. Abott
J. Douglas McGilvray
Polly W. McGilvray
Andrew O. Meditz
James L. & Barbara J.
Catherine H. Morris
Jessie Morris, Jr.
Mary-Beth Moylan
Kari L. Mueller
Karl F. Munz
Leslie C. Murphy
Gary L. Nemetz
John G. Neville
John S. Nitao
Blake C. Nordahl
Gary W. Norris
L. Jeffrey Norwalk
Kathleen A. O’Connor
Susan L. Oldham
David C. O’Mara
Teri A. Ostling
Christopher W. Patterson
Kathryn L. Patterson
Svetlana V. Petroff, Esq. &
Philip Smith
Constance L. Picciano
Peter H. Pickslay
Joseph S. Pinkas
Estela O. Pino
Patricia Ellis Poilé
Timothy M. Pomykala
Donald C. Pullen
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Joseph M. Quinn & James
Carol A. Rader
Jason E. Resnick
John E. Riddle & Pamela
Michael J. & Shirley Ritter
Cheryl P. Robertson
Ronald B. & Lynn Robie
Leland S. Rosner
Craig W. Russi
Mark E. Samson
Dwight M. Samuel
Victoria A. Sapunor
Stephen H. Schmid & Lori
Roger M. & Delsie Schrimp
R. Craig Settlemire
Margaret S. Shedd
John A. Sheehan
Gary N. Smith
James C. & Jennie Smith
Jennifer K. Smith
Roger A. & Barbara Smith
Marilyn Berlin Snell
James C. Spurling
Pamela L. Starr
Val G. Stephens
Lawrence W. Stevens
J. Kelly Strader and Harold
A. Gunn
Rodney E. Sumpter
Laurel E. Sunderman
Ward A. Tabor
Marilyn E. Tays
Harold M. Thomas
William L. Thompson
Gary D. & Margaret Carew
Chance L. & Elizabeth S.
Cynda R. Unger
Phillip R. & Peggy Urie
Robert S. Van Der Volgen, Jr.
Charles & Jane Volpe
Clarence Walden
Frederick N. Wapner &
Audrey Schlesinger
William J. & Alexandra S.
Peter A. & Annette
David Weiner
Steven J. Weitzer
John W. Welch
Richard T. Welsh
Don P. White, Jr.
Sharon Conway & John
Frederick G. & Judy K.
Carl R. Wilander
Jennifer J. Wilke-Berry
Katherine A. Williams
Jimmie Wing
E. Terrence Woolf
David E. & Rebecca Wooten
Jack J. & Nancy Wu
Linda Yackzan
Leilani L. Yang
Jimmy N. Yee
Matthew R. Young
George G. Zarubin
Virginia D.
Gregory G. Aghazarian
Theodore F. Aldrich
Sameera Ali
Susan A. Allen
Frances An
Gary R. Anderegg
M. Diane Landry Anderson
James D. & Catharine
Maureen Meehan Aplin
Thomas P. Aplin
C. Lee Armstrong III
Robert W. Armstrong
Cecilia T. Arnold
Kim Rowbatham & Jerry P.
Robert A. Aronson
Russell J. Austin
J. Stanton Bair III
Alice J. Baker
William E. Barnaby II
Debra J. Barnes
Jennifer D. Barrera
David Basner
Jon P. Beaver
Robert H. Beaver
David C. Becker
Brendan J. Begley
Claude L. Biddle, Jr.
Carleton E. Blankenburg
Barry C. Blay
Kristin A. Blocher
Mark T. Boehme
Kimberly M. Bott
Matthew V. Brady
Jennifer L. Bretschneider
Roy E. Brewer
John C. Bridges
Paul L. Brimberry
Bradley A. Bristow
Lauren E. Britt
William P. Brodbeck
Albert W. Brodie
Chanel R. Brown
Jillian E. Brown
Lester J. Brown
Matthew T. Brown
Rosemary A. Bruckner
Mikel D. Bryan
Dayna M. Bryant
Julia D. Brynelson
Patrick S. Bupara
Samantha H. Burkat
Teresa M. Burke
Steven R. Burlingham
Karen A. Burt
Randall J. Burton
Timothy C. Busler
Eileen J. Buxton
Mark D. Byrne
Phillip A. Cabe
John W. Cadwalader
Donald C. Cady
Douglas H. Calkins
Michelle Towle Cammarata
Eric R. Carleson
Christopher C. Carlisle
Jeffrey B. Carra
Mark A. Carroll
Jim R. Carson
Roger A. & Patricia
Greg A. Casagrande
David L. Cava
Frederic R. Chan-You
Athena Chase
Dale C. Chipman
Lisa M. Cho
Nilesh Choudhary
Alison M. Clark
Paul C. & Stephanie Clauss
Rex A. Cluff
Jessica Cole
Thomas A. Collins
John M. Combo
Diana N. Connaughton
Darren M. Cordano
Barry J. Cox
Robert R. Coyle
Terri L. Crawford
Stephen A. Critzer
Kellen M. Crowe
Dennis C. Cusick
Daniel P. Custodio
Kerri A. Rich Cutforth
Timothy P. Dailey
Gregory S. Daniels
Michael J. Daponde
Lon D. Davenport
Benjamin A. Davies
Daniel M. Davis
Valerie M. Dawson
D. Rae De Long
Joanne R. Delong
Susan Rhodes & William F.
Dori L. Dennis-Moorehead
Julia C. & Tyler DeVos
Claudia A. Dias
Timothy J. Donovan
Bradford J. Dozier
Ruanne Dozier
Cassidy D. Draeger
Mark S. & Carol Drobny
Jennifer E. Drury
James M. Duncan
Virginia J. Dunlap
Patricia R. Dwyer
Tamara L. Dyer
Jonathan D. Edwards
Jeremy P. Ehrlich & Amy
Rochelle R. Ellenburg
Kailyn N. Ellison
Julius M. & Mary Engel
Mary C. Engel
Leslie K. English
Raul A. Escatel-Jara
Erin M. Evans-Fudem
Robert W. Farnsworth &
Cathy Christian
Alan N. Fernandes
Dustin K. Finer
Isaac L. Fischer
Marvin G. Fischler
Birgit A. Fladager
Reed M. Flocks
Thomas E. Flynn &
Rita-Jane Spillane
Thomas H. Fowler
Kristian E. Foy
James R. Frey
Ariel N. Gabbert
Laurel A. Gaiser
Victor J. Gallo
Patricia L. Garamone
Deborah A. Garcia
Richard A. Gary
Helen M. Geoffroy
John M. Gerrard
Steven G. Gibbs
Jennifer Gibson-Ferraiuolo
J. Neil Gieleghem
Amanda Labrot Gilbert
Richard L. Gilbert
Roger G. Gilbert
Suzanne B. Giorgi
Deborah A. Glynn
Alex T. Goetze
William P. Goldsmith
Daniel P. Golla
Alex Gortinsky
Craig T. Gottwals
Pamela D. Gourley
Don E. Green
Paul H. & Mary Greisen
Christina M. Griffin
Benjamin A. Grimes
TeriAnn Grimes
Rebekah L. Grodsky
Aaron M. Gumbinger
[D onors]
David E. Haddock
Emily J. Haden
Carl A. Hakenen, Jr.
Sylvia B. Halkousis &
Robert Coyle
Richard H. Halladay
Linda L. Hamel
Amy M. Hammond &
Jeremy Ehrlich
Jennifer L.
Michael L. Hanks
Scott R. Hanley
Christine E. Hansen
Geoffrey K. Hansen
Craig L. Harasek
Joseph F. Harbison III
Stefanie U. Hardy
William Hardy
Summer Jennings Haro
William T. Harper
Jeremy Harris
James R. Hastings
Thomas D. Hathaway
Douglas P. Haubert
Daniel B. Hawk
Edgar W. Hawkyard
Jessica M. Haymond
Frances A. Headley
Carol Helding
John P. Henderson
George M. Hendrickson
Frances G. & Eric Herbert
Arnulfo Hernandez, Jr.
Erin L. Hiley
Teresa Y. Hillery
Kenneth J. Hilliard
Judy F. Hirano
Shannon R. Hochstein
Derek R. Hoffman
Heather Cline Hoganson
John R. Holstedt
Michael A. Horowitz
Victoria G. Horton
Bahara B. Hosseini
Darcie Lynn Houck
Lexi Purich Howard
Douglas W. Hudson
Harry E. Hudson, Jr.
Catherine L. Hughes
A. Eugene Huguenin, Jr.
Kelly M. Hull
David W. Humphreys
Jennifer King Hunt
Robert W. Hunt
Stephen C. Hunter
Osama A. Hussain
Vivien C. Ide
Michael B. Indrajana
Thomas P. Infusino
Sarah B. Inman
Stephen R. Isbell
Carl P. & Beverly Jacobs
Barbara M. Jacobson
Wendy S. Jaffe-Pressman
David C. James
Robert B. Javan
Daniel P. Jay
Martin F. Jennings
Mark R. Jensen
Jason L. Jimenez
Julie Brown Johnson
Thomas F. Johnson
Mark A. & Charolette Jones
Pamela S. Jones
Sheila Worley Jones
Carin C. Kaeser
Christopher J. Kaeser
Fred W. Kaiser
Warren E. Kamm
Lisa M. Kaplan
Aabneet Kaur
Sukhdeep Kaur
Thomas J. Kearney
Matthew S. Keasling
Scott D. Keefe
Amanda C. Kelly
Richard D. Kelly
Timothy E. Kelly
Joyce A. Kelly-Reif
Rodney J. & Kathy Key
Robert T. Keyser
David M. Keyzer
Carolee & Douglass Kilduff
Sang P. Kim
Mark S. Klitgaard
Thomas F. Klumper
Sarah J. Knecht
David A. Knoll
Yury A. Kolesnikov
Terry L. Korte
Paul C. Kozlow
Robert G. Kruse
William E. Kruse
Andreanna I. Ksidakis
Russell T. Kubota
S. Devi Kumar
Kerry J. Kunz
Jerry Kuperstein
Kristine E. Kwong
John R. Lally
Sarah Carlson Lambert
Michael K. & Norah
James H. Landis
Elizabeth A. Landsberg
Rachel Landsberg and Tzvi
Jacquelyn E. Larson
John C. Laufenberg
Sandra G. Lawrence
Rebecca Davis & Eric Lee
Ross W. Lee
Ryan A. Leggio
Jason R. Lehfeldt
Danielle M. Lenth
Sheri L. Leonard
Daniel A. Levin
Adam W. Levy
Mary Marsh Linde
Peter N. Lindquist
Robert E. Lindquist
Roberta A. Lindsey-Scott
Gary L. Link
Stan L. Linker
Francisco Lobaco & Leslie
Michael Loeffler
Martha Lofgren
Constance Logan
James P. Logan, Jr.
Pamela C. Loomis
Timothy J. Lopez
Deidre E. & Michael Lowe
Donald E. Lown, Jr.
Lawrence L. Lozensky
Bobby P. Luna
John S. Lupo
James W. Luther
Steven H. Lybbert
Roderick L. MacKenzie
Tara J. Macomber
Eunice Majam-Simpson
Erin M. Mallon
Carl H. Mandabach
Jorge B. Maradiegue
Albert W. Marchetti
Darrell C. Martin II
Charlotte I. Martinez
Eric T. Martinez
Eric G. Masamori
John A. Mason
Paul H. Masuhara III
K. Brian Matlock
Mark S. Mayfield
Michael J. Mazzei
Rachel A. McCammon
Thelonius C. M. McCann
Brian C. McClay
Esperanza McConn
W. Daniel McCord
Michael McCormick
Mary C. McCune
Patrick E. McDonnell
Conor H. McElroy
Crystal Chen McElroy
Steven J. McEvoy
Steven A. McGee
John P. & Wanda McGill
Michael H. McGowan
James R. McGuire
Mary C. McGuire
Kirk McKay
Amanda J. McKechnie
Brian J. McLaughlin
Brady D. McLeod
Melissa A. McMillon
Gregory T. Meath &
Fernanda Pereira
Johanne C. Medina
Richard M. Mehigan, Jr.
Peter F. Melnicoe
Kyle W. Memmott
Roberta E. Mendonca
David K. Menezes
Ann K. Merrill
Robert M. Merritt
Jeremy R. Merz
Annemarie Meyer
Ingrid A. Meyers
Christopher M. Micheli
Trevor J. Michels
Robert B. Mikel
Roseanne P. Milanes
Brian B. Miles
Luisa Aguilar Miles
Madeline E. Miller
Nancy C. Miller
Whitney R. Miner
Greg T. Mino
Jeffrey A. Mitchell
Daniel G. Moeller
John J. Moffatt
Brooke N. Moller
Jack T. Molodanof
Leo N. Moniz
John D. Montague
Vanessa R. Montague
Donna M. Morgan
Karole R. Morgan-Prager
Andrea S. Morris
Michael J. Morrison
Robert E. Moss, Jr.
Rodney R. Moy
Kimberly J. Mueller
William A. Muha
Jessica J. Muhleman
C. Nicole Murphy
Corinne L. Murphy
Dr. Beverly J. Myers-Budge
Ramin A. Naderi
Deborah J. Nagano
Daniel S. Nagle
Jill Brockman Nathan
Debra A. Nau
Daniel G. Nauman
Thomas A. Neil
David S. Nelson
Ray Newman
Thien T. Nguyen
Matthew K.J. Ninke
David B. Nitka
Carolynne J. Nocella
Frank E. Noey
Robert E. Oakes
John P. O’Banion
Linda Powell O’Brien
Eurik D. O’Bryant
Barbara L. Ochsner
Michaela O’Neill
Grant R. Orbach
Dennis M. O’Reilly
Martin D. Owens, Jr.
Anil Pai
Gabriel Pallikka
William W. Palmer
Clinton E. Parish
Linda R. Parke
Craig L. Parker
Sally A. Parker
Gerardo Partida
Michael D. Patrick
Kim L. Penrose
John H. Pentecost
Fernanda M. Pereira
Eumir Perez
Michael R. & Cynthia
Gary G. Perry
C. Braid Pezzaglia
George E. Phillips
David D. Poland
Laury Porter
Douglas E. Powell
Glenn N. Powell
Kristi J. Powers
Thomas J. Preston
W. David Pritchett
Mark A. Pruner
Heather M. Puentes
Susanna V. Pullen
Valerie E. Quan
Jacklin R. Rad
Heather L. Rae
Ali Rakhshanifar
Kenneth W. Ralidis
Sharon Pogue Ranasinghe
Camille K. Rasmussen
Jacob C. Rasmussen
Bettina C. Redway
Katharine M. Reed
Frank J. Regan
Thomas M. Regan
Catherine Gunderson
Eliot M. Reiner
Steven P. Rettig
Matthew J. Rexroad
Robert J. Rice
Katherine M. Rigby
James M. Ritchey
Matthew S. Ritchie
Colin H. & Kristin Roberts
Matthew J. Roberts
Juliette Tognetti Robertson
Peter A. Rode
William C. Rolfe
Lawrence H. Root
Jason A. Rose
John D. Rose
[D onors]
R. Mark Rose
Geraldine Rosen-Park
Steven M. Rotblatt
Elizabeth M. Roth
Eric D. Rouen
Casie M. Roussas
John G. Roussas
David L. Rowell
Janelle A. Ruley
William H. Russell
Kelly A. Ryan
Kaitlyn L. Saberin
Katherine C. Sabo
Sarah Morgan Sabunas
Stacy Saechao
Rose Safarian
Grace K. Sakaguchi-Lally
Kimberley H. G. Sakai
Kevin H. & Sophia Kim
Michelle Samonek
Alison Lee Sandman
Robert K. Sandman
Justin A. Santarosa
Nina Santo
Michelle A. Scheinman
Julia Capozzi Scheppach
John & Elia Schiavo
Brandon M. Schindelheim
Edward G. Schloss
Howard J. Schmidt
Timothy D. Schreck
Peter C. Schreiber
Jeremy Schroeder
Deborah R. Schulte
Gail C. Schulze
Jed & Glendalee Scully
Steven L. Seebach
Naoki Sekiya
Hema Bhamre Self
Michael C. Self
Robert E. & Hema Christine
J. Richard Sellers
Marla B. Shah
Tiffani S. Sharp
Janice R. Shaw
Eugenie H. Shea
Marisa E. Shea
Timothy A. Sheaffer
Eric K. Shiu
Richard D.
Michael M. Sieving
Gail H. Silverman
Richard C. Sinclair
Jennie Unger Skelton
Amy M. Smith
Edward A. Smith
Stephen A. Smith
Tanya T. Smith
Thomas H. Smith
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Varon B. Smith, Jr.
Andrew J. Smolich
Adam O. Spear
Joseph M. Spector
Mark J. Spencer
Jana S. Stabile
Nicolas S. Stark
Robert L. Starnes
Megan K. Stedtfeld
David J. Steffenson
Robert H. Stempler
Charles J. Stone
Robert C. Strambi
S. Paul Sukhram
Rochelle I. Harry Swanson
Kenneth L. Swenson
Samuel K. Swenson
Molly K. Sword
David M. Syme, Jr.
Troy R. Szabo
Leticia Tanner
Thomas J. & Jill Tarkoff
Laura Roopenian Tchulluian
Michael A. Terhorst
Patricia A. Teunisse
Sterling E. Thayer, Jr.
Justin N. Tierney, Jr.
Craig A. Tomlins
Kenric P. & Amy Torkelson
Sue E. Torngren
Patricia Hughes Torres
Tami Iskyan Toumayan
Spencer R. Tressler
John P. Tribuiano III
Kristin J. Triepke
Angela A. Trueblood
Cynthia K. Tuck
Darren J. Van Blois
Joel M. Van Parys
Sharyn A. Van Tassell
Tia Y. Vang
Emilio E. Varanini III
Raechelle L. Velarde
Juan J. Vera
Bryan D. Victor
John E. & Megan Virga
Marc W. Vitolo
Lorna A. Voboril
Darius A. Vosylius
O. Veronica Vrancuta
David A. Wallis
James W. Walter
James K. Ward
Jessica A. Warne
Marianne L. Waterstradt
Nathaniel Weaver
Michael L. Webb
David L. Weisberg
Richard B. & Laura
Ethan M. Weisinger
Deborah Urell Wesseln
Lawrence E. Westerlund
James C. Weydert
Kate Leary Wheatley
Danielle E. Wheeler
Bertram C. White
Kimberly A. White
Stanley M. Wieg
Richard E. Williamson
Michael M. Wintringer
Michael J. Wise
Jacque D. & Sheena Wolfe
Albert S. Wong
Laurie A. Wong
C. Craig Woo
Jonathan W. Wood
Joan C. Woodard
Charlene L. Woodward
Allan J. Woodworth II
Cathy Shaw Wooton
J. Steven Worthley
Douglas A. Wright
Christopher W. Wu
Phillip D. Wyman
Ruthe Wynne
Edmund V. Yan
Mary Allasina Yaryan
Timothy H. & Mary Yaryan
Melissa A. Yee
Michael A. Yee
Brett D. Yorke
Stephanie Moseman Young
Joseph C. Yrulegui
Richard J. Yrulegui
Kenneth G. Zanotto
Ophelia H. Zeff
Sarra L. Ziari
Dennis S. Zinn
Laurie E. Zmrzel
Harriet E. Zook
Matching Gifts
Aerojet General
John M. Combo
Microsoft Corporation
The Morrison & Foerster
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw
Pittman, LLP
Union Pacific Corporation
he Gordon D. Schaber Legacy
Society is made up of our alumni
and friends who have included, or
have told us of their intentions to
include, Pacific McGeorge in their
estate planning or will. These families
and individuals have made a long-term
commitment to the law school—they
have planned a legacy that will exist
beyond their life and into perpetuity.
We would like to thank all of these
supporters for their gifts and commitment to the law school. We would also
like to thank our newest members who
have informed us of their intent over
the past year.
Become a Legacy Society Member
If you have already included, or
are interested in including, Pacific
McGeorge as part of your estate plan,
please contact us so we can send you
information about the Schaber Legacy
Society, its activities and recognition
efforts. We want to be sure that your gift
is used as you deem, so communication
will ensure we understand your wishes.
A named charitable endowment can
be established to support programs
and scholarships starting at $50,000.
Gifts of $50,000 or more to establish
or enhance an endowment may be
eligible to receive a Powell Match.
A planned gift is a great way to
establish a lasting legacy at Pacific
McGeorge and a meaningful way to
support students.
For information on transfer of wealth
issues, annuities, charitable remainder
trusts, life insurance gifts, IRA rollover
gifts, and estate and tax law updates,
visit mcgeorgelegacy.org.
[Legacy Endowments]
Pacific McGeorge is grateful
to these alumni and friends
who established the endowments that follow. These
generous gifts keep alive the
names and memories for
whom the endowments are
established and will benefit
Pacific McGeorge students
in perpetuity.
Ahmanson Foundation
Endowed Scholarship
Albert J. & Mae Lee
Endowed Memorial
Albert F. Zangerle Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Alumni Association
Endowed Scholarship
Amy Olson Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Anna Rose Fischer Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Annie M. Rogaski Endowed
Scholarship for Women in
Science & Law
Anthony M. Kennedy
Constitutional Law
Endowed Scholarship
Archie Hefner Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Asian-American Association
Endowed Scholarship
B. Abbott Goldberg
Endowed Memorial
Bales Family Endowed
Benjamin D. & Verdele
R. Frantz Endowed
Brian L. Hentz Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Carol J. Miller Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Carpenters’ Local
Union #586 Endowed
Charles D. Driscoll
Endowed Labor Law
Daniel D. Richard Endowed
David C. Rust Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Dean Gerald Caplan
Endowed Scholarship
Diana P. Scott Endowed
E.M. Manning Endowed
Memorial Scholarship for
Single Parents
Edwina V. Pfund Endowed
Graduate Law Scholarship
Emil Schnellbacher
Endowed Memorial
Frank & Joann LaBella
Endowed Scholarship
Gary V. Schaber Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Hawaii Endowed
Hiroshima, Jacobs, Roth
& Lewis Endowed
Honorable William K.
Morgan Endowed
International Programs
Fund Endowed
James & Dorothy Adams
Endowed Memorial
Jeffrey K. Poilé Endowed
Memorial Civil Rights
Jerome J. Curtis, Jr.
Endowed Memorial
John A. McCarthy
Foundation Endowed
John P. Morris Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
John Stauffer Endowed
Memorial Fellowship in
Legal Research
Judge Elvin F. & Pauline
C. Sheehy Endowed
Judge Loren Dahl Endowed
Award for Bankruptcy
Kamal Ramsey Sadek
Endowed Memorial
Ken & Bonnie Jean Kwong
Endowed Scholarship
Kierney Family Married
Student Endowed
Latino-Latina Alumni
Association Endowed
Latino Law Students’
Association Scholarship
Legal Education Endowed
Lou Ashe Endowed Legal
Medicine Award
Marc & Mona Roberts
Endowed Labor Law
Martin & Doris Gross
Endowed Memorial
Nevada Endowed
O. Robert Simons Endowed
Memorial Book Award
Philomena Scalora Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
R. T. Stratton Endowed
Memorial Book Award
Raymond Burr Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Raymond H. Biele, II
Endowed Memorial
Robert N. & Doris D. Stark
Endowed Scholarship
Robert, Aimee & Rosalie
Asher Endowed
Sacramento Bee Endowed
Legal Scholars Program
Sacramento Estate Planning
Council Endowed
Sam Gordon Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Stanley B. Fowler Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Student Recruiting Endowed
Susan J. Samans Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Tom McNally Endowed
Memorial Book Award
Tracy G. Helms Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Walter F. Alexander III
Endowed Memorial
William Russell Knudson
Endowed Scholarship for
Leadership in Law
Legacy Society
The following individuals
and families have included
Pacific McGeorge in their
estate plan and have either
made or will make a planned
James & Dorothy Adams*
Leighton D. Armstrong*
Rosalie S. Asher*
Irving H. Biele*
Katherine O. Biele*
Steven & Teri Block
John Brownston*
Dona K. Buckingham
Robert F. Butler*
Peggy Cahter-Turner
Joseph Cooper
Helen Harney Crittenden
Loren S. Dahl*
Margaret K. Distler
Mark S. Drobny
Glenn A. Fait
Stanley J. Gale*
Louis F. Gianelli*
Sam Gordon*
Gregory M. Graves
Lawrence B. Hagel
Sheila A. Hard
Scott M. Hervey
Phil Hiroshima
Ben E. Johnson
Beryl V. Kirk*
Daniel R. Lang
R. Marilyn Lee
Lawrence C. Levine
James R. Lewis
James D. Loebl*
Patricia K. Lundvall
Richard L. Miller*
Hayne R. Moyer
Arthur G. Scotland
Donald R. Steed
Joseph E. Taylor
Barbara Thomas
[The Last Word]
After meeting and marrying at McGeorge,
Noël M. Ferris, ’79, and R. Parker White, ’80,
established careers as top trial attorneys
R. Parker White
oël M. Ferris, ’79, and R. Parker White, ’80, met
Why did you decide to become a trial lawyer?
NOËL FERRIS: In my second year of law school, I took
a class on evidence, and I loved it. I loved evidence,
loved the courtroom—I realized this was what I
wanted to do.
PARKER WHITE: I went to law school because I
wanted to go into politics. Then, at McGeorge, I
discovered trial work. I thought, “That looks pretty
interesting!” After I made the trial advocacy team,
I realized that this was what I was born to do. I was
hard-wired to try lawsuits. I love it. I love going to
work every day.
Did Pacific McGeorge adequately prepare you for
life after law school?
PW: McGeorge’s trial advocacy program gives
you practical training—that isn’t true at many law
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5
Noël Ferris
schools, even many top-tier law schools. Two days
after graduating, I was in court and prepared to go
to battle.
NF: The trial advocacy program gives you the chance
to work on multiple cases, in state and federal venues—this prepared us for the courtroom. When I got
my first job, I said, “I will try any case you have.”
Two of your three daughters are pursuing careers
in law. How do you feel about that?
NF: We’re happy because both of us have loved
being lawyers. We’ve had the opportunity to change
lives and make a difference. Our youngest daughter
is a psychotherapist, and I always say, with four lawyers in the family, we also need a shrink!
PW: It’s a great profession, a great job. I’m at an age
when people ask me, “When are you going to retire?”
I always say, “When it stops being fun.” That hasn’t
happened yet.
What’s your advice for students to get the most
out of law school?
PW: It’s like the old bromide, “The harder I work, the
luckier I get.” My advice is: work hard. And get a good
study group. Study groups are key.
at Pacific McGeorge, where they each discovered a passion and talent for trial advocacy. In the
years since law school, Ferris and White have built
successful litigation practices and top-notch reputations; both are fellows of the prestigious International
Academy of Trial Lawyers (Ferris is currently vice
president, the second woman to hold that post in
the organization’s history) and the American Board of
Trial Advocates. Ferris and White are also dedicated
to Pacific McGeorge, which they support with time
and funds, including a recently established scholarship for students who demonstrate outstanding trial
advocacy skills. They credit Pacific McGeorge not
only with helping them find their life’s work but also
for introducing them to each other (they married
while law students). Thirty-seven years, three children
and countless trials later, they both say their happiest
memory of law school was meeting each other.
The Pacific McGeorge Alumni Board
of Directors is a volunteer group of
alumni dedicated to advancing the
interests and promoting the welfare of
the University of the Pacific, McGeorge
School of Law by acting as the voice of
more than 13,000 alumni. The board
serves as a conduit between the law
school and alumni interested in engaging with and furthering the activities
and programs of the law school.
2014-2015 Alumni Board of Directors
The Pacific McGeorge Alumni Board of
Directors has been dedicated this year
to moving the law school forward and
ensuring the success of our students
and our alumni. The board is focused on
three areas:
Patrick Blood, ’12
Kristen Brown, ’08
Sarah Dansereau, ’10
Kathryn M. Davis ’99
Hector de Avila Gonzalez, ’03
Kerry Doyle, ’07
Jeff Huron, ’88
Dustin Johnson, ’04
Serena Kallas, ’14
Debra J. Kazanjian, ’79
Jenith Lee, ’14
Gustavo Matheus, ’96
Anthony McClaren, ’03
Amanda McKechnie, ’99
Andrew Meditz, ’09
Katherine Mitchell, ’11
Andrea Moon, ’13
Mhare Mouradian, ’03
Marie A. Nakamura, ’01
Shakira Pleasant, ’04
Tamarra Rennick, ’91
IRST: Develop and promote a robust
Bridge to Practice Program for our
students and graduates. This means
board members and regional chapter
volunteers will do three things—assist
with recruiting new students from new
and varied regions; assist with student
professional development, including a
focus on an alumni mentor program for
students; and assist with the identification and promotion of job opportunities
and externships for students.
• SECOND: Assist in raising the reputation of the law school, specifically
outside Northern California.
• THIRD: Aid the law school’s fundraising
efforts and encourage alumni participation in the annual giving program.
Scott M. Hervey, ’95,
Megan Moore, ’08,
Vice President
Kimberly K. Delfino, ’93
Vice President
Kim Garner, ’08,
Vice President
Chris Rusby, ’08
James Sammut, ’11
Jennifer Scott, ’99
Brandon A. Takahashi, ’06
Hong Tang, ’05
Thomas J. Tarkoff, ’92
Serge Tomassian, ’83
The October 2014 Alumni Board
meeting, from left: Chris Rusby,
Charlene Mattison, Jeff Proske, Jeff
Huron, Hector de Avila Gonzalez,
Hong Tang, Kim Garner, Brandon A.
Takahashi, Dustin Johnson, Debra
J. Kazanjian, Marie A. Nakamura,
Francis J. Mootz III, Jennifer Scott,
Kristen Brown, Ernesto Falcon,
Andrea Moon, Thomas J. Tarkoff,
Stevey Clement, Lisa Ryan, Megan
Moore, Kathryn M. Davis, Scott
Nonprofit Organization
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Please Join Us at
Our Fall Events
•Sacramento Alumni Chapter Happy Hour
•Fresno Alumni Reception
• S
tockton Wine Law CLE at Pacific’s
• Sacramento Dine With Alumni
OCTOBER TBD: • San Francisco/Oakland Alumni Reception
• Palo Alto/San Jose Alumni Reception
• Orange County Alumni Reception
• Los Angeles Alumni Reception
Distinguished Professor John
Sprankling presented a Wine CLE
at Pacific’s 2014 Homecoming.
•Sacramento Alumni Chapter’s Holiday
Reception with the Dean and the Mike
Belote Endowed Capital Lecture
[ Upcoming Alumni Events ]
For more information, contact Alumni Relations at [email protected] or 916.739.7141.
Fly UP