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Join Phi Delta Phi!
Phi Delta Phi - Shields Inn is now accepting applications for membership
through September 27. Membership in Phi Delta Phi is a mark of honor
and distinction that follows one throughout life. If you are interested in
joining the longest standing legal society in the nation, applications are
available here. Initiation will be held in October (TBD). If you have any
questions, please contact Kayla Thayer at [email protected].
Events Next Week
Save the Date
Summer Witkins Posted Congratulations to the Summer 2015 Witkin Award winners! A complete
list is electronically posted on the FSO's Sakai site, and a printed copy is
posted in the glass enclosed bulletin board in the Administration Building
hallway across from the Office of the Registrar. Faculty in Action
Wed. Sept. 30
Important District Attorney Externship
Last day for 1L students to pick
up their FREE $10 debitek card
from the Circulation Desk.
Application deadline for a spring externship with Sacramento County
District Attorney's Office is September 30, 2015. Application deadline for a
spring externship with Yolo County District Attorney's Office is October 15,
2015. Please see the TWEN Externships page to get started. Thurs. Oct. 1
Join MHLA in the Walk to End Alzheimer's! Last day to pick up Spring &
Summer exam materials
McGeorge Health Law Association invites students to join them on
Saturday, October 3 for the Walk to End Alzheimer's. The Welcome
Ceremony begins at 9:15am at the South Step of the Capitol (Intersection
of N and 11th Street). The walk begins at 10am and is 3 miles with a 1
mile option. You can join the McGeorge team or make a donation by
visiting: McGeorge School of Law's Team Page. For questions please
contact Stacey Westerlund [email protected] Mark your calendar for
these upcoming events: 9/28/2015
Immigration Fair - Volunteers Needed!
CDO Presents | Navy JAG
Information Session
The Seventh Annual Immigration Fair is scheduled for Saturday October
17th. This is a great opportunity for students to volunteer and help the
community. All students are eligible to participate and we are in need
of volunteers. There will be a training for all volunteers on Thursday
October 1st from 12-2 PM in Classroom D. For more information or to
sign up please contact Navpreet Thandi at [email protected] DONATIONS NEEDED! Lake County Fire The Lake County Fire has destroyed many homes and is continuing to
burn. Donations are badly needed for those who have been impacted by
this fire. Starting tomorrow in the Student Center, there will be bins for
donations of the following items: new socks, new underwear, nonperishable food, drinks, toiletries and toys for kids. They are NOT
accepting bedding. If you would like to know more information about the
MHLA and CDO Presents: Health
Law Opportunities Reception 9/29/2015
Flu Vaccine Clinic
PAD's Oktoberfest
CDO Presents: FBI Information
CDO Presents: Salary
fire, click here. For more ways to get involved, click here. Questions?
Contact Christa Hall at [email protected].
Tabling for the Week LexisNexis Information Table
Monday & Tuesday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM | Student Center Questions: Stephanie Sagaria [email protected]
Negotiation Panel
Lambda Fall Spectacular
Immigration Fair 2015
More information about upcoming
events may be found online in
the Student Calendar.
Barbri Information Table
Monday - Thursday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM and 4:00PM - 6:00PM | Student
Center For more information, please see student representative Kitty Tetrault
at [email protected].
Bloomberg Information Table
Tuesday & Thursday 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM and Monday & Tuesday 5:00
PM-6:00 PM | Student Center See description above. Contact Emily Reynolds at
[email protected].
Themis Bar Review Information Table
Wednesday, 11:00 AM-6:00 PM | Student Center
Themis Bar Review is one of the nation's most popular and fastest
growing bar preparation providers. Over 10,000 students nationwide chose
Themis to prepare for the July 2014 bar exam. Stop by the Themis table
to access FREE law school resources including 1L outlines/final exam
lectures, 2L/3L outlines/lectures, and MPRE course materials. Questions:
Johnson Hua [email protected]
American Bar Association Tabling Wednesday, 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM | Student Center Come meet your ABA Representative and learn more about the benefits of
free membership in one of the country's largest legal professional
organization! Questions: Emily Wieser [email protected]
Tickets for the 38th Annual Live and Silent
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM - 6:00PM | Student Center Come stop by the Women's Caucus table in the student center to buy your
tickets for the 38th Annual Live and Silent Auction. Its going to be held at
the Antiquite Maison Privee on September 25th at 6pm. Tickets are $30
each for students, or two for $50. Only 200 tickets are available, so make
sure to buy them while they last. Ticket sales will be held Monday Thursday. Questions: Emily Reynolds [email protected]
Monday, September 21
No Events Tuesday, September 22
Family Law First General Meeting 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Classroom G and 5:00PM - 6:00PM | Classroom B
Family Law is back! Come learn about the events and opportunities we
have planned for the semester. Questions: Anna Lucido
[email protected]
WLS & ELS Introductory Meeting 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Classroom B
Come join us for an introduction to the Water Law Society and
Environmental Law Society. Want to be a 1L Rep? Please come to hear
about all the great opportunities for involvement and meet the Professors!
Lunch will be served. Hope to see you there! Questions: Jaclyn Shanahan
[email protected]
Wondering what your
professors have been up to
lately? Click here to find out. Employment and Labor Law Student
Association General Meeting 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Classroom H
Come learn more about ELLSA and how we can connect you to programs
and attorneys in the greater Sacramento area. This is a great opportunity
to learn more about the practice area of employment and labor law.
Questions: Teal Miller [email protected] Yoga Class! 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | S-2 Yoga Club is offering its first on campus yoga class! Pay your $10 club
dues (online or in the business office) and the class is free, or bring $5 to
attend the class. This class is open to students practicing yoga at all
levels! Bring a yoga mat, bottle of water, and towel if you need it.
Questions: Hannah Fuetsch [email protected] ABOTA and CDO Presents: Civility Matters 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Classroom E Join the American Board of Trial Advocates for "Civility Matters, Presented
by ABOTA" to learn the key to achieving a more enjoyable practice.
Panelists will include prominent, local attorneys or judges. Learn to build
your professional reputation, business and client base when you elevate
integrity, honor, ethics, civility, and courtesy in the legal profession. Panera
Bread will be provided. RSVP's and questions to [email protected]
or 916.739.7339.
Wednesday, September 23
President Town Hall 1:00 PM - 2:00PM | Classroom C
Pacific President Pamela A. Eibeck will hold a Town Hall meeting on the
Sacramento campus open to all faculty, staff and students.
President Eibeck will have an "Open Office Hour" for students following the
town hall in Library Study Room 186 from 2:00-3:00 PM. Students may
drop in to meet with her personally on a first come, first served basis, with
5-10 minutes for each visitor. For more information and to add this event
to your calendar, click here.
Fall BBQ! Hosted by the
4:50 PM - 6:00 PM | Quad Come out and enjoy a BBQ dinner
provided by your SBA! Questions?
Please contact Brittany Johnson
[email protected]
Feminism and Conservatism: Dividing Lines
and Possibilities for Unity - Sponsored by The
Federalist Society 5:00 PM - 6:00PM | Classroom B
A discussion of the 19th Amendment and Equal Rights Amendment, and a
proposal for areas of possible unity in policy among feminist and
conservative women. Questions: Keri Firth [email protected] Barbri Special Demo for 3L Students 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | S-2
Join Barbri to learn about the best possible learning experience to help
you Own The Bar. Our exclusive, easy-to-use online Learn how our
Personal Study Plan focuses directly on you, every day of the bar review.
Watch our preview video at OwnTheBar.com. Starbucks gift cards will be
given to those in attendance! Questions: Kitty Tetrault
[email protected] Thursday, September 24
Introduction to Lexis/Class Preparation 12:00 PM -12:30 PM | Classroom E
Feeling uneasy about preparing for classes? Unsure the best approach to
researching your GLS assignments? Come to LexisNexis Class
Preparation Training. We will go over valuable, time-saving class
preparation resources on Lexis, as well as general research strategy.
Lunch will be served and I'll be giving 400 Rewards points! Please sign-up
today on the Lexis Law School Homepage to reserve your spot!
Sports and Entertainment Law First General
12:00 PM-1:00 PM | Classroom H
Join the Sports and Entertainment Law Society for its first general meeting!
Come meet our board and get information about our upcoming events!
Free food will be provided. Questions? Contact Anton Babich
[email protected]
Strategic Games Club General Meeting
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Classroom B
Join us to learn more about what the Strategic Games Club is, and what
we have planned for the year! Questions: Scott Seaward
[email protected]
Christian Law Students Society Meeting 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Classroom D
Come join CLSS 's weekly meeting for encouragement, camaraderie, and
just a bit of faith! Everyone is welcome. For information, contact Gregory
Treat at [email protected].
CDO Presents: Pacific McGeorge's 2nd Annual
Post-Graduate Job Fair
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Student Center
Class of 2015 and recent McGeorge graduates, if you are still looking for a
full-time position, join us for the "Pacific McGeorge Inaugural PostGraduate Job Fair" to meet with multiple employers in one place. Each of
the participating employers will be set up at their own table so they can
collect resumes, tell you about what they have to offer, and meet with
interested graduates. Refreshments (refreshments includes appetizers and
drinks) will be provided. RSVP's and questions to [email protected]
or 916.739.7339.
Fearless Public Speaking - Sponsored by TAA 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Courtroom
You know that Public Speaking is scary, so let's conquer it together! TAA is
hosting a special seminar, Fearless Public Speaking, to help you gain the
confidence and control that you need to speaking fearlessly in public.
These skills apply to so much more than just trial, but translate into
everything from work presentations to job interviews! We will not be
dispensing generalized advice, and we will not just tell you to practice. You
will be learning actual, tangible tips and tricks that you can take home
today and immediately improve your skills. This event will help you conquer
the fear of public speaking, and even provide tools to help you fake it until
you make it, because let's face it, that's half the battle. Questions: Lauryn
Tully [email protected] Friday, September 25
Strategic Games Club - Friday Board Games
12:30PM - 3:00PM | Student Center Had a hard week, and want some time to de-stress? Join us in the
Student Center and come play some strategic games! Feel free to bring
games that you want to play, check out games from the Strategic Games
Club's inventory at the library, or play games that others bring. Feel free to
drop by any time. Questions: Scott Seaward [email protected]
McGeorge Business Association (MBA) General
Meeting- Food and Drinks!
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Classroom A
Join us after a long and tiring week of classes and work, and meet the
members of MBA and enjoy the food and refreshments. During this
meeting, you will hear from MBA's officers about our student organization
and about our plans for the rest of the academic year. Questions?
Contact Narek Avetisyan at [email protected].
Women's Caucus 38th Annual
Live and Silent Auction
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM | Off-Campus Location
Don't miss this Fall classic! The McGeorge
Women's Caucus 38th Annual Live and Silent
Auction will be held at its new location at
Antiquite Maison Privee downtown. Bid on items
from local businesses as well as items donated
by your professors! Beer, wine, and appetizers
will be provided. 100% of the proceeds go to benefit a local, Sacramentoarea charity, My Sister's House. My Sister's House works to end human
trafficking and provides shelter assistance to Asian and Pacific Islander
women who are victims of domestic violence. Questions? Contact Emily
Reynolds at [email protected].
Saturday, September 26
No Events Sunday, September 27
SBA Board of Governors Meeting 5:00PM - 6:00PM | SBA Office The SBA Board of Governors will be conducting their weekly meeting.
Students are welcome to attend! For more information, contact Brittany
Johnson [email protected]. Events Next Week
Tabling for the Week LexisNexis Information Table
Monday & Tuesday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM | Student Center Questions: Stephanie Sagaria [email protected]
Barbri Information Table
Monday - Thursday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM and 4:00PM - 6:00PM | Student
Center For more information, please see student representative Kitty Tetrault
at [email protected].
Bloomberg Information Table
Tuesday & Thursday 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM and Monday & Tuesday 5:00
PM-6:00 PM | Student Center See description above. Contact Emily Reynolds at
[email protected].
Monday, September 28
MHLA and CDO Present: Health Law
Opportunities Reception 5:10 PM - 6:15 PM | McGeorge House Patio Please join the Career Development Office and McGeorge's Health Law
Association for a Health Law Opportunities reception the McGeorge house
patio. Come meet with our new health law professor Emily Parento, learn
about mentorship opportunities with the California Society for Healthcare
Attorneys and gain important information about externships and job
opportunities in the health law field. Light refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP to [email protected].
Tuesday, September 29
LexisNexis Advanced Searching Skills 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM | Classroom E
This class is a 'must' for 2L & 3L students, and would be very beneficial to
1Ls too. If you want to learn more advanced research skills, Boolean
searching, and generally how to construct a more precise search on Lexis,
please attend this class. Lunch will be served and I'll be giving 400
Rewards points! Please sign-up today on the Lexis Law School
Homepage to reserve your spot.
CDO Presents: Navy JAG Information Session 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM | S-19
Do you want to work in a variety of practice areas, in different locations
throughout the world? Join us for our "Navy JAG Information Session". LT
Christy Hagedorn will be here to answer your questions and give you
information about life in the Navy JAG Corps. Snacks and drinks will be
provided. Questions? Contact [email protected] or 916.739.7011.
Dine with the Dean 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Student Center
Dean Mootz invites YOU to join him for a small, informal lunch or dinner in
the Student Center, on him! Dine with the Dean events will take place on
the following Tuesdays: 9/29 at 12:30-1:30 PM, 10/6 at 5:00-6:00 PM, and
11/3 at 12:30-1:30 PM. To reserve your seat, please click here. Each meal
is capped at 7 students plus the Dean, so don't delay. Depending on
student interest, additional events may be scheduled next semester.
Please contact the Office of Student Affairs at
[email protected] or 916-739-7089 with any questions
Toastmasters Meeting 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Classroom B We encourage all to come and check out how Toastmasters can help you
become a strong and confident public speaker. Questions: Cameron Jones
[email protected] Moot Court Society: Information Meeting 5:10 PM - 6:10 PM | Classroom D
Join the Moot Court Society to learn about opportunities to be involved
with McGeorge's Appellate Advocacy program. This year is going to be an
exciting year for our Moot Court community - join us to get more
information about ways to participate in our competitions, how to improve
your writing and public speaking skills, and to make connections with
students. Students from all classes are welcome to attend - there are
opportunities for everyone to get involved! Food will be served. Questions:
Catherine Hawe [email protected]
Wednesday, September 30
Criminal Law Society Presents: FBI, Food and
Information 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Classroom B Did you know you could work for the FBI after law school too? Interested?
Come join the Criminal Law Society and listen to FBI agents that actually
happen to be McGeorge alumni as well tell you about their experiences in
the field and here at McGeorge. In addition, come check out all the
different criminal law and trial advocacy opportunities that McGeorge has
to offer you. Professor Bricker will answer questions and tell you all about
the programs and different classes to take if you're interested in the field.
Questions: Sylvia La Rosa [email protected] Yoga Class! 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | S-2 Pay your $10 club dues (online or in the business office) and the class is
free, or bring $5 to attend the class. This class is open to students
practicing yoga at all levels! Bring a yoga mat, bottle of water, and towel if
you need it. Questions: Hannah Fuetsch [email protected]
Tax Law Society First General Meeting 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM | Classroom C Come join us at McGeorge Tax Law Society's first general meeting! We
will inform you about our upcoming event and answer any questions you
may have. Food will be served. For information, please contact Rachael
Nhan at [email protected].
Thursday, October 1
Training for Immigration Fair
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Classroom E
All students are welcome to participate in our upcoming 7th Annual
Immigration Fair. In order to participate, students need to attend the
training session scheduled for Thursday, October 1st from 12 pm-1:30 pm
in Classroom E. The fair and training will focus on DACA, DACA Renewal
and Citizenship as well as provide an overview of logistics and a
discussion on how to prepare for working with clients participating in the
fair. Our fair will be held on campus on Saturday, October 17th. Email
questions to: [email protected].
LexisNexis Shepard's Training
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM | Classroom C
What is Shepard's? Shepard's Citation Service on Lexis ensures the legal
authorities you are citing to in your legal memoranda are still good law!
Come and find out how to read a Shepard's report, and how to use
Shepard's to not only make sure your cases are still good law, but also as
a research tool! This is a training you won't want to miss. Lunch will be
served, and I'll be giving 400 Rewards points to those who attend. Please
sign-up today on the Lexis Law School Homepage to reserve your spot! Christian Law Students Society Meeting 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Classroom D
Come join CLSS 's weekly meeting for encouragement, camaraderie, and
just a bit of faith! Everyone is welcome. For information, contact Gregory
Treat at [email protected].
PAD's Oktoberfest 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM | Off Campus Location Phi Alpha Delta will be hosting the annual Oktoberfest event. Come mingle
with fellow McGeorge students and PAD! Questions: Heather Phillips
[email protected]
Friday, October 2
Strategic Games Club - Friday Board Games
12:30 PM - 3:00 PM | Student Center Had a hard week, and want some time to de-stress? Join us in the
Student Center and come play some strategic games! Feel free to bring
games that you want to play, check out games from the Strategic Games
Club's inventory at the library, or play games that others bring. Feel free to
drop by any time. Questions: Scott Seaward [email protected]
Saturday, October 3
No Events Sunday, October 4
SBA Board of Governors Meeting 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | SBA Office The SBA Board of Governors will be conducting their weekly meeting.
Students are welcome to attend! For more information, contact Brittany
Johnson [email protected]. WRITING COMPETITIONS
Pacific Legal Foundation - Law Student Writing
Competition Pacific Legal Foundation's Program for Judicial Awareness promotes the
publication of works of legal academic scholarship that advance an
understanding of key constitutional issues before the nation's courts.
Essays submitted to the writing competition address one of three
questions on areas of the law within PLF's mission, incorporating pertinent
case law, and applicable academic literature.
The Law Student Writing Competition awards up to $6,000 in three cash
prizes for publishable essays by students currently enrolled in law school
in the United States. In addition to the grand prize, the top winner will be
presented with an award at the annual PLF gala event. And competition
winners will work with our staff to have their winning entries published in a
law review.
Please visit Pacific Legal Foundation for essay topics and rules. Questions:
Timothy Sandefur [email protected] SYMPOSIUMS
Ethical Pricing Decision in Healthcare 8:30AM - 3:00PM | S4-5
McGeorge School of Law presents a special symposium on Ethical Pricing
Decisions in Healthcare on Friday, September 25 in Seminar Rooms 4&5.
The Affordable Care Act was focused primarily upon expanding access to
health care by extending insurance coverage to the uninsured. That
coverage was made more affordable by creating more competitive
insurance markets and by significantly expanding government subsidies.
However, the Act did little to address the underlying costs of health care.
This symposium will shine a spotlight on how pricing decisions are made in
the healthcare industry, the changing market conditions that influence
pricing decisions, and whether those decisions can be made more
equitably and ethically. The focus will be particularly upon pricing decisions
for hospital services and for pharmaceuticals. SEATING IS LIMITED:
RSVP today to [email protected] or 916.739.7138.
Conviction Review Symposium On Friday, September 25th, Northern California Innocence Project is
hosting a free symposium on conviction review. They have prosecutors
and other experts coming from Brooklyn, NY; North Carolina; Dallas, TX;
and Lake County, IL; as well as from California counties. The event is
being held on the beautiful Santa Clara University campus, with easy
access by train, car or plane.For more information and to register for the
event click here.
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law | Office of Student Affairs
3200 Fifth Ave., Sacramento CA 95817 | mcgeorge.edu
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law | 3200 Fifth Avenue | Office of Student Affairs |
Sacramento | CA | 95817
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