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Glenn Adams
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Glenn Adams
Department of Psychology
University of Kansas
1415 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Ph: (785) 864-9481
Email: [email protected]
• National Institute of Mental Health Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California (Irvine, CA),
• Ph. D., Stanford University (Stanford, CA), 2000, Social Psychology
The Collective Construction of Enemyship in Ghana and the USA: Implications for the
Study of Psychology and Culture (Advisor: Hazel Rose Markus)
• B.A., Penn State University (University Park, PA), 1989, Psychology
African Studies
• University of Ghana (Legon, Ghana), 1997, 1998
Conversational Twi; Kofi K. Saah, Ph. D., Linguistics
• University for Development Studies (Navrongo, Ghana), 1997
Cultural Anthropology, Northern Ghana; Augustine Abasi, Ph. D., Anthropology
• Tamale Institute of Cross Cultural Studies (Tamale, Ghana), 1996-1997
Social Anthropology, Northern Ghana; Jon P. Kirby, Ph.D., Anthropology
Krio (Proficient), Spanish (Advanced), Dagbani (Basic), Pulaar (Basic),
Twi (Basic); Vietnamese (Basic)
Professional Experience
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas (2015-present)
Faculty Associate Director, Kansas African Studies Center (Fall, 2010; 2013-2015)
Acting Director, Kansas African Studies Center (2009-2010 academic year)
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
o University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS), 2008-present
• Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
o University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS), 2006-2008
o University of Toronto (Toronto, ON), 2004-2005
o University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS), 2001-2004
• Community Development
• Peace Corps Volunteer, Kabala Secondary School, Kabala, Sierra Leone, 1989-1992
Duties: Mathematics education; Community and youth development
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
MacGonagle, E. & Adams, G. (2014). Cultivating Global Citizenship in the Heartland: The
Kansas African Studies Center. Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies Competition.
U.S. Department of Education, $990,000.
MacGonagle, E. & Adams, G. (2014). Cultivating Global Citizenship in the Heartland: The
Kansas African Studies Center. Title VI National Resource Center Competition. U.S.
Department of Education, $1,346,122 (not awarded).
Molina, L.E., Dobles, I., & Adams, G. (2010). Social Psychology of Oppression and Liberation:
Perspectives from Cultural and Liberation Psychology. Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR)KU Collaboration Grant, KU Office of International Programs. $4000
Myers, G. A., & Adams, G. (2010). Building on Excellence, Serving the Heartland: The Kansas
African Studies Center. Title VI National Resource Center Competition. U.S. Department of
Education. $1,761,272. (includes Foreign Language and Area Studies funding).
Adams, G. (2009). The socio-ecological foundations of intimacy. KU Commons Interdisciplinary
Research Initiative Seed Grant. $5000.
Adams, G., O'Brien, L., Garcia, D., & Hammer, E. (2009). A cultural-psychological analysis of
gender discrimination (and privilege) in STEM fields. National Science Foundation. $166, 036.
Gillath, O., Adams, G., Canterberry, M.N., Collins, T.C., Kunkel, A. D., & Kurtiș, T. (2008). New
Directions in Research on Close Relationships: Integrating across Disciplines and Theoretical
Approaches. The 2009 Mini-conference of the International Association for Relationship
Research. Scientific Conference Grant, American Psychological Association. $12,000
Adams, G. (2008). Faculty Development Travel Grant, Kansas African Studies Center. $4000
Adams, G. (2008). Interdependence, self, and relationship in North American and West African
worlds. General Research Fund, KU. $6000
Adams, G. & Kurtiş, T. (2008). Small Grant for Exploratory Research: Collective forgetting of
historical violence. National Science Foundation, Amount: $9,250.
Salter, P. S. & Adams, G. (2007). Racial differences in perceptions of racism: A cultural
account. Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues, Clara Mayo Grants in support of
pre-dissertation research on sexism, racism, or prejudice. $1000.
Adams, G., & Crandall, C. S (2003). Fifty Years after Brown v. Board of Education:
Psychological Research Applied to the Problems of Racism and Discrimination. National
Science Foundation., BCS-0354489; $2000
Adams, G., Biernat, M. Branscombe, N. R., Crandall, C. S., & Wrightsman, L (2003). Fifty
Years after Brown v. Board of Education: Psychological Research Applied to Problems of
Racism and Discrimination. Scientific Conference Grant., American Psychological
Association, Science Directorate; $7500
Adams, G. (2002). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Enemies in West Africa and
the USA. University of Kansas, New Faculty General Research Fund: Seed Funding for
Major External Funding Opportunities. $10,000
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Fellowships and Awards
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA
American Psychological Association International Travel Award
NIMH Postdoctoral Training Fellowship, University of California, Irvine
G. J. Lieberman Fellow in the Social Sciences, Stanford University
Dissertation Research Fellowship, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board
Stanford Center for African Studies, Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship
Social Science Research Council, International Predissertation Fellowship Program
For ALL research products (including papers and presentations) I use the American
Psychological Association's Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (2010; Standard 8.12ac) to determine contribution to the work. For each work that I list, I indicate whether these
contributions took the following form
(A) obtaining funding for the project;
(B) conceptualization of the work;
(C) substantial original writing;
(D) statistical and/or methodological design;
(E) statistical analyses;
(F) data collections;
(G) editing of the work; and/or
(H) supervision, mentoring, or advising of any of the above.
Also consistent with APA Ethical Standard 8.12b, the order of authorship on the presentations
listed reflects the relative scientific or professional contributions of the individuals involved. The
list of work includes notations of co-authors or co-presenters who were students (*graduate or
**undergraduate) at the time the work occurred. Consistent with APA Ethical Standard 8.12c,
students are listed as principal author on presentations resulting from their doctoral dissertations,
master’s theses, and research tasks. In these cases, contributions to the work by the faculty
member (Glenn Adams) may exceed what one might infer from relative position in the order of
Rhine, K.A., Janzen, J.J., Adams, G., & Aldersey, H.* (Eds.) (2014). Medical Anthropology in
Global Africa. University of Kansas Monographs in Anthropology (No. 26) Lawrence, KS.
Gillath, O., Adams G., & Kunkel, A.D. (Eds.) (2012). Relationship science: Integrating
evolutionary, neuroscience, and sociocultural approaches. Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association. [A,B,C, G]
Adams, G., Biernat, M., Branscombe, N. R., Crandall, C. S., & Wrightsman, L. S., Jr. (Eds.)
(2008). Commemorating Brown: The social psychology of racism and discrimination.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [A,B,C, G]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Book Chapters
Adams, G. (2014). Relationality, Care, and Development. Introduction to Part V: Human
Development. In K.A. Rhine, J.J. Janzen, G. Adams, & H. Aldersey, (Eds.) Medical
Anthropology in Global Africa (pp. 105-112). University of Kansas Monographs in
Anthropology (No. 26). Lawrence, KS.
Kurtiș, T.*, & Adams, G. (2013). A cultural psychology of relationship: Toward a transnational
feminist psychology. In M. K. Ryan & N. R. Branscombe (Eds.) Handbook of gender and
psychology (pp. 251-269). London: Sage. [B,C,G,H]
Adams, G. (2012). Context in person, person in context: A cultural psychology approach to
social-personality psychology. In K. Deaux and M. Snyder (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of
Personality and Social Psychology (pp. 182-208). New York: Oxford University Press.
Adams G., Kurtiș, T.*, Salter, P.S., & Anderson, S.L.* (2012). A cultural psychology of
relationship: Decolonizing science and practice. In O. Gillath, G. Adams, & A.D. Kunkel,
(Eds.), Relationship science: Integrating evolutionary, neuroscience, and sociocultural
approaches (pp. 49-70). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Gillath, O., Adams G., & Kunkel, A.D. (2012). Theoretical integration in relationship science:
Making interdisciplinarity work. In O. Gillath, G. Adams, & A.D. Kunkel, (Eds.),
Relationship science: Integrating evolutionary, neuroscience, and sociocultural approaches.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [A,B,C, G]
Adams, G., Salter, P. S.*, Pickett, K. M.*, Kurtiş, T.*, & Phillips, N. L.* (2010). Behavior as
mind-in-context: A cultural psychology analysis of "paranoid" suspicion. In L. F. Barrett, B.
Mesquita, & E.. Smith (Eds.), The mind in context (pp. 277-306). New York: Guilford.
Adams, G. (2008). Commemorating Brown: Psychology as a force for liberation. In G. Adams, M.
Biernat, N. R. Branscombe, C. S. Crandall, & L. S. Wrightsman (Eds.), Commemorating Brown:
The social psychology of racism and discrimination (pp. 3-23). Washington, DC: APA Books.
Adams, G., Biernat, M., Branscombe, N. R., Crandall, C. S., & Wrightsman, L. S. (2008). Beyond
prejudice: Toward a sociocultural psychology of racism and oppression.. In G. Adams, M. Biernat,
N. R. Branscombe, C. S. Crandall, & L. S. Wrightsman (Eds.), Commemorating Brown: The
social psychology of racism and discrimination (pp. 215-246) . Washington, DC: APA Books.
Adams, G., Anderson, S. L.*, & Adonu, J. K.* (2004). The cultural grounding of closeness and
intimacy. In D. Mashek & A. Aron (Eds.), The handbook of closeness and intimacy (pp. 321339). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [B,C,G,H]
Adams, G. & Markus, H. R. (2004). Toward a conception of culture suitable for a Social
Psychology of Culture. In M. Schaller & C. S. Crandall (Eds.), The psychological foundations
of culture (pp. 335-360). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [B,C,G]
Public Education Outreach
Adams, G. (2014). Beyond prejudice: The (cultural) psychology of racism in education. Equity
Alliance Blog. http://www.niusileadscape.org/bl/?p=1679
Adams, G. (2014). Racism. Advancing the Conversation Video Series. The Equity Alliance.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Journal Articles
Adams, G., & Kurtiş T. (in press). Friendship and gender in cultural-psychological perspective:
Implications for research, practice, and consultation. International Perspectives in
Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Günsoy, C., Cross, S. E., Uskul, A. K., Adams, G., & Gercek-Swing, B. (in press). Avoid or
Fight Back? Cultural Differences in Responses to Conflict and the Role of Collectivism,
Honor and Enemy Perception. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. [A,B,F,G]
Hamamura, T., Li, L.M.W., & Adams, G. (in press). Relational mobility increases social (but
not other) risk propensity. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. [B,G,H]
Kurtiş T.*, & Adams, G. (in press). Decolonizing liberation: Toward a transnational feminist
psychology. Journal of Social and Political Psychology. [B,C,G,H]
O'Brien, L. T., Garcia, D. M., Adams, G., Villalobos, J. G., Hammer, E. D., & Gilbert, P. (in
press). The threat of sexism in an educational setting: Moderating impact of ethnicity and
legitimacy beliefs. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal. [A,B,G]
Phillips, N.L.*, Adams, G., & Salter, P.S. (in press). Beyond adaptation: Decolonizing
approaches to coping with oppression. Journal of Social and Political Psychology.
Kurtiş T.* & Adams, G. (2015). Interdependence and relationality across dimensions of culture
and gender. Psychology & Society, 7(1), 29-50. [B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Li, L. M.W.*, Adams, G., Kurtiş, T.*, & Hamamura, T. (2015). Beware of Friends: The cultural
psychology of relational mobility and cautious intimacy. Asian Journal of Social Psychology,
18(2), 124-133. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
O’Brien, L.T., Blodorn, A.*, Adams, G., Garcia, D.M., & Hammer, E.D. (2015). Ethnic
variation in gender-STEM stereotypes and STEM participation: An intersectional approach.
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21(2), 169-180. [A,B,C,D,E,F,G]
Adams, G. (2014). Decolonizing methods: African Studies perspectives and qualitative research.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 31(4), 467-474.
Salter, P.S., & Adams, G. (2013). Toward a Critical Race Psychology. Social and Personality
Psychology Compass.7(11), 781-793. doi:10.1111/spc3.12068 [A,B,C,G,H]
Mukherjee, S.*, Molina, L. E. and Adams, G. (2013). “Reasonable suspicion” about tough
immigration legislation: Enforcing laws or ethnocentric exclusion? Cultural Diversity and
Ethnic Minority Psychology, 19(3), 320-331. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Kurtiş T.* and Adams G. (2013) Toward a study of culture suitable for (Frontiers in) Cultural
Psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 392. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00392 [B,C,G,H]
Nelson, J.C.*, Adams, G., & Salter, P.S. (2013). The Marley Hypothesis: Racism denial reflects
ignorance of history. Psychological Science,24(2), 213-218. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G. & Kurtiş, T.*, (2012). Collective memory practices as tools for reconciliation:
Perspectives from Liberation and Cultural Psychology. African Conflict and Peacebuilding
Review, 2(2), 5-28. [A,B,C,G,H]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Journal Articles (Continued)
Adams, G. Bruckmüller, S., & Decker, S.* (2012). Agency in context: Ecologies of abundance
and scarcity. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation,
1(3), 141-153. [B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Mukherjee, S.*, Molina, L. E., & Adams, G. (2012). National identity and immigration policy:
Concern for legality or ethnocentric exclusion? ASAP: Analyses of Social Issues and Public
Policy, 12, 21–32. doi: 10.1111/j.1530-2415.2011.01257.x [B, C,D,E,G,H]
Salter, P.S.*, & Adams, G. (2012). Mother or wife? An African dilemma tale and the
psychological dynamics of sociocultural change. Social Psychology, 42(4), 232-242.
Adams, G. & Salter, P. S. (2011). A Critical Race Psychology is not yet born. Connecticut Law
Review, 43, 1355-1375. [A,B,C,G,H]
Nelson, J. C.*, Adams, G., Branscombe , N.R., Schmitt, M.T. (2010). The role of historical
knowledge in perception of race-based conspiracies. Race and Social Problems, 2, 69-80.
Kurtiş, T.*, Adams, G., & Yellow Bird, M. (2010). Generosity or genocide? Identity
implications of silence in American Thanksgiving celebrations. Memory, 18(2), 208-224.
Plaut, V. C., Adams, G., & Anderson, S. L.* (2009). Does beauty buy well-being? It depends on
where you're from. Personal Relationships, 16, 619-630. [B,D,E,G]
Liu, J. H., Hanke, K., Fischer, R., Huang, L.-L., Adams, G., Wang, F.-x., & Atsumi, T., &
Lonner, W. J. (2009). In-group favoritism in international justice concerns: Power,
involvement, and attitudes towards the Iraq War and the Cross-Straits Relationship in five
societies. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 31(2), 148-159. [C,F]
O'Brien, L.T., Blodorn, A.*, Alsbrooks, A.*, Dube, R.*, Adams, G., & Nelson, J.C.* (2009).
Understanding White Americans' perceptions of racism in Hurricane Katrina-related events.
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 12(4), 431-444. [B,G]
Adams, G., Edkins, V.*, Lacka, D.**, Pickett, K.*, & Cheryan, S. (2008). Teaching about
racism: Pernicious implications of the standard portrayal. Basic and Applied Social
Psychology, 30, 349-361. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G. & Stocks, E.* (2008). A cultural analysis of the experiment and an experimental
analysis of culture. Social Psychology and Personality Compass, 2, 1895-1912. doi:
10.1111/j.1751-9004.2008.00137.x [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Anderson, S.L.*, Adams, G., & Plaut, V.C. (2008). The cultural grounding of relationship: The
importance of attractiveness in everyday life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
95, 352-368. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G., & Dzokoto, V. A. (2007). Genital-shrinking panic in Ghana: A culturalpsychological analysis. Culture & Psychology, 13, 83-104. [A,B,C,D,E,F]
Adams, G., & Salter, P.* (2007). Health psychology in African settings: A culturalpsychological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology, 12, 539-551. Reprinted in M. Murray
& K. Chamberlain (Eds.) (2015). New Directions in Health Psychology. Sage Publications.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Journal Articles (Continued)
Dzokoto, V.A., & Adams, G. (2007). Analyzing Ghanaian emotion through narrative: A textual
analysis of Ama Ata Aidoo's novel, Changes. Journal of Black Psychology, 33, 94-112. [B,G]
Adams, G., Fryberg, S., Garcia, D. M.*, & Delgado-Torres, E. U.* (2006). The psychology of
engagement with Indigenous identities: A cultural perspective. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic
Minority Psychology, 12, 493-508. [B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Adams, G., Garcia, D., M.*, Purdie-Vaughns, V., & Steele, C. M. (2006). The detrimental
effects of a suggestion of sexism in an instruction situation. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 42, 602-615. [B,C,D,E,F,H]
Adams, G., O'Brien, L. & Nelson, J. C.* (2006). Perceptions of racism in Hurricane Katrina: A
Liberation Psychology analysis. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 6, 215-235.
Adams, G., Thomas Tormala, T., & O'Brien, L. T. (2006). The effect of self-affirmation on
perceptions of racism. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42, 616-626.
Adams, G. (2005). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Enemyship in North American
and West African worlds. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 948-968.
Dzokoto, V. A. & Adams, G. (2005). Understanding genital-shrinking epidemics in West Africa:
Koro, juju, or mass psychogenic illness? Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 29. 53-78.
Adams, G. & Dzokoto, V. A. (2003). Self and identity in African Studies. Self and Identity, 2,
345-359. [A,B,C,D,E,F]
Adams, G. & Plaut, V. C. (2003). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Friendship in
North American and West African worlds. Personal Relationships, 10, 333-348.
Adams, G. & Markus, H. R. (2001). Culture as patterns: An alternative approach to the problem
of reification. Culture & Psychology, 7, 283-296. [B,C]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Work Submitted and under Review
Adams, G., & Estrada Villalta, S.* (submitted 2014). La Psicología de la Liberación: Un caso
paradigmático de «Teoría desde el Sur» [Liberation Psychology: A paradigmatic case of
“Theory from the South”]. Teoría y Crítica de la Psicología. [B,C,G,H]
Adams, G., & Salter, P.S. (submitted, 2014). Provisional strategies for decolonizing knowledge.
Chapter for inclusion in In F. Blake (Ed.), Anti-Racism, Inc.: The collection. [B,C,G,H]
Adams, G., Mukherjee, S., & Phillips, N.L. * (re-submitted 2015 ). National identity and global
concern: A cultural-psychological analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Kurtiş, T., & Adams, G. (submitted, 2014). Representations of the Latin American Colonial
Encounter and Implications for (Decolonizing) National Identity. International Perspectives
in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. [B,D,E,G,H]
Kurtiş T. & Adams, G. (submitted 2014). Intersectionality from a transnational feminist
perspective: Implications for decolonizing psychology education. Chapter proposal for
possible inclusion in K. Case (Ed.), Intersections of identity: Pedagogy for the classroom and
social justice. New York: Routledge. [B,G,H]
Kurtiş T., Adams, G., & Geldhof, J. (submitted 2015). Toward a transnational feminist
psychology of voice and silence: Implications of Research in Turkish and U.S. Settings.
Psychology of Women Quarterly. [B,G,H]
Kurtiş T., Salter, P., & Adams, G. (submitted 2014).A sociocultural approach to teaching about
racism. Race & Pedagogy. [B,G,H]
Kurtiş T., Soylu, N.*, & Adams, G. (submitted 2014). Silence in official representations of
Turkish history: Implications for national identity and minority rights. International Journal
of Intergroup Relations. [B,D,E,G,H]
Salter, P.S.* & Adams, G. (submitted 2013; in preparation for re-submission, 2015).
Representations of history as cultural affordances. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences
Kurtiş, T., Salter, P. S., & Adams, G. (2015, January). A sociocultural approach to teaching
about racism. Paper to be presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit,
Atlanta, GA. [B,G,H]
Adams, G. (2014, November). Decolonizing Psychological Science. Keynote address to be
presented at the International Seminar on Liberatory and Decolonizing praxis in Psychology.
San José, Costa Rica.
Kurtiş, T. & Adams, G. (2014, November). Decolonizing liberation: Toward a transnational
feminist psychology. Paper to be presented at the International Seminar on Liberatory and
Decolonizing praxis in Psychology. San José, Costa Rica. [B,G,H]
Kurtiş, T., Soylu, N.* & Adams, G. (2014, October). Silence in representations of Turkish
history: Implications for support of minority rights. Paper to be presented at the Association
for the Study of the Middle East and Africa. Washington, DC. [B,G,H]
Kurtiş, T., Soylu, N.* & Adams, G. (2014, July). Silence in official representations of Turkish
history: Implications for support of minority rights. Paper presented at the European
Association of Social Psychology. Amsterdam, Netherlands. [B,G,H]
Kurtiş, T., Adams, G., & Geldhof, J. G. (2014, July). Toward a transnational feminist
psychology of voice and silence. Paper presented at the European Association of Social
Psychology Small Group Meeting on Culture and Psychology: Insights from the European
Context. Leuven, Belgium.
Villicana, A. J.,* Adams, G., & Molina, L. (2014, June). An identity relevance component in
racism perception. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for
the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Portland, OR. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G., Phillips, N.L., & Mukherjee, S.* (2014, June). Decolonizing (the Study of) National
Identity: A Cultural-Psychological Analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Portland, OR [B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Adams, G. & Snider, D. (2014, June). Reality Check: Realist Policy Support Reflects Ignorance
of Historical Events. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues. Portland, OR. [A,B,C,D,E,G,H]
Mukherjee, S.,* Molina, L.E., & Adams, G. (2014, February). Getting tough on immigration:
Reasonable suspicion about performing "American-ness". Poster presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Austin, TX. [A,B,C,D,E,G,H]
Obeid, G.,* Adams, G., Mukherjee, S.,* & Molina, L.E. (2014, February). Policing Difference:
Racialized Profiling in Airport Security. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Austin, TX. [A,B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G. (2013, September). Decolonizing knowledge: A collaborative performance. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-America Alliance for African Studies. College
Station, TX. [A,B,D,E,G,H]
Soylu, N.*, Kurtiș , T.*, & Adams, G. (2013, July). Knowledge of critical history and support
for minority rights in Turkey. Paper at the European Congress of Psychology. Stockholm,
Sweden. [A,B,D,E,G,H]
Soylu, N.*, Kurtiș, T.* & Adams, G. (2013, May). Correlates of historical consciousness:
Knowledge of critical history and policy support in the Turkish context. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association. Chicago, IL. [A,B,D,E,G,H]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences (Continued)
Adams, G. (2013, April). Provisional notes for a decolonization psychology. Paper presented at
Anti-Racism Inc.: American Culture in Global Contexts Conference. Santa Barbara, CA.
Blodorn, A.*, O'Brien, L.T., Adams, G., & Hammer, E.D. (2013, January). An intersectional
approach to understanding White and Black women’s outcomes in STEM: The role of
implicit stereotypes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and
Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA. [A,B,D,E,F,G]
Crowe, K.S.*, Kurtiș, T., & Adams, G. (2013, January). Cultural innovation in intimacy:
Communication technology as an affordance for “pure” relationship. Poster presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA.
Gunsoy, C.*, Uskul, A., Cross, S., & Adams, G. (2013, January). Cultural differences in the
perception of having friends and enemies. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA. [B,D,E,G]
Mukherjee, S.*, Molina, L.E., & Adams, G. (2013, January). “Reasonable Suspicions” and the
“true” American: Constructions of national identity and immigration legislation. Poster
presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA.
Kurtiș, T.* & Adams, G. (2012, November). A cultural psychology of relationship: Toward a
transnational feminist psychology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-America
Alliance for African Studies. St. Louis, MO. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Wangare, M.* & Adams, G. (2012, November). Acculturation and well-being in context:
African immigrants in the U.S. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-America
Alliance for African Studies. St. Louis, MO. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Kurtiș, T.* & Adams, G. (2012, July). What’s in a Word? Implications of the “Genocide” Label
for Collective Memory, National Identity, and Reparative Action. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Blodorn, A., O'Brien, L.T., Garcia, D.M., Hammer, E.D., & Adams, G. (2012, June). Cultural
variation in gendered constructions of STEM: Implications for women’s participation and
enjoyment. Poster presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the National Science Foundation
Division of Human Resource Development, Washington, DC. [A,B,D,E,G]
Gravelin, C.G.*, & Adams, G., (2012, June). A cultural-psychological analysis of gendering in
STEM fields. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Psychological
Study of Social Issues, Charlotte, NC. [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Mukherjee, S.*, Molina, L.E., & Adams, G. (2012, June). “Reasonable suspicion” and
immigration law: Identity neutral or ethnocentric enforcement? Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Charlotte, NC.
O’Brien, L.T., Blodorn, A.*, Hammer, E.D., Adams, G., & Garcia, D.M. (2012, June). Ethnicity
and the gender gap in STEM participation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Charlotte, NC. [A,B,G]
Garcia, D.M., Adams, G., Zimmerman, C.*, & Villalobos, J. G.* (2012, January). Effects of a
suggestion of sexism on women’s perceptions of instructor competence. Poster presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. [B,G]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences (Continued)
Hammer, E., Adams, G., Blodorn, A.*, & Riley, N.** (2012, January). Implications of critical
consciousness and perceptions of STEM masculinization for cultural variation in STEM
participation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and
Social Psychology. San Diego, CA. [A,B,C,D,E,F,G]
Blodorn, A.*, O'Brien, L.T., Dziesietnik, S.*, Hammer, E., Adams, G., & Garcia, D. (2011,
October). The cultural construction of STEM fields: Implications for performance and
enjoyment of STEM courses. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of
Experimental Social Psychology, Washington, DC. [A,B,G]
Gilbert, P.*, Villalobos, J.G.*, Simon, S.*, Adams, G., Garcia, D., Hammer, E., & O'Brien, L.T.
(2011, May). From where does underrepresentation STEM? Sexism's effect on women's
STEM outcomes. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological
Science, Washington, DC. [A,B,G]
Blodorn, A.*, Hammer, E., Garcia, D.M., Adams, G., & O’Brien, L.T. (2011, April). Implicit
gender-STEM stereotypes: Implications for STEM performance and enjoyment of STEM
courses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, New Orleans, LA. [A,B,G]
Adams, G., Kurtiş, T.*, & Mensah, K. O.** (2011, January). Neocolonialism in Mainstream
Psychology: The case of theory and research on personal relationship. In G. Adams
(Organizer), Social Psychology in African settings: Implications for theory and practice.
Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio, TX. [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
O'Brien, L.T., Villalobos, J.G.*, Adams, G., Garcia, D.M., Gilbert, P.N.*, Hammer, E., &
Phillips, N. L.* (2011, January). Academic consequences of a suggestion of sexism for
performance and science identity. (2011). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX. [A,B,G]
Adams, G. (2010, December). Faith, community, and memory after civil war: Perspectives of
Cultural Liberation and Psychology. Paper presented at the conference, Peacemaking in
West Africa: Faith communities and their role in conflict. (West Africa Research
Association). Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Adams, G. (2010, November). Neocolonialism in science: The case of relationship psychology.
In G. Adams (Organizer), Social psychology in Ghanaian spaces: Implications for practice
of liberatory psychological science. African Studies Association. San Francisco, CA.
Adams, G. (2010, October). Representaciones de la historia como herramientas culturales para
la liberación y la opresión [Representations of history as cultural tools for liberation and
oppression]. Paper presented at the biannual conference of the Liberation Psychology
Collective. San José, Costa Rica.
Kurtiş, T.* & Adams, G (2010, September). The cultural psychology of gender and relationship
in West African worlds. Paper presented at the scientific conference, Medical Anthropology
in Global Africa: Current trends in scholarship and practice. Lawrence, KS.
Phillips, N. L.,* & Adams, G. (2010, June). Cultural sources of gender identity: Classroom- and
laboratory-based evidence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues. New Orleans, LA. [B,G,H]
Salter, P. S.* & Adams, G. (2010, June) Opening floodgates: Historical knowledge and racism
perceptions in Hurricane Katrina. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
the Psychological Study of Social Issues. New Orleans, LA. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences (Continued)
Adams, G. (2010, March). Intentional worlds of injustice: A cultural-psychology analysis of
racist oppression. Paper presented at the scientific conference, Forgettern alternatives:
Denaturalizing conditions of injustice and exclusion (Society for Psychologial Study of Social
Issues and European Association for Social Psychology). New York, NY.
Kurtiş, T.*, Adams, G., Yellow Bird, M., & Schoemann, A. (2010, March). Representations of
genocidal history as a case of collective identity regulation. In G. Adams (Chair), American
identity as a tool for national self-regulation: Perspectives from Cultural Psychology. Annual
meeting of the Mid-American American Studies Association. Lawrence, KS. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Phillips, N.L.* & Adams, G.,(2010, March). Colorblind constructions of American Identity as
"intentional worlds" of racist oppression. In G. Adams (Chair), American identity as a tool for
national self-regulation: Perspectives from Cultural Psychology. Annual meeting of the MidAmerican American Studies Association. Lawrence, KS. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Salter, P. S.* & Adams, G. (2010, March). Representations of history and identity: The cultural
psychology of American identity maintenance. In G. Adams (Chair), American identity as a tool
for national self-regulation: Perspectives from Cultural Psychology. Annual meeting of the MidAmerican American Studies Association. Lawrence, KS. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G. & Stocks, E. L. (2010, January). Experiment and field research: A culturalpsychological analysis. In R.K. Ditlmann & E.L. Paluck (Organizers), Outdoors Psychologists:
Advancing Social Psychological Theory and Experimental Methods in the Field. Annual meeting
of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Las Vegas, NV.
Kurtiș, T.* & Adams, G. (2010, January). Thanksgiving commemorations as cultural tools for
collective self-glorification. Paper presented in J. Twenge (Organizer), Where am I? Cultural
products and self-experience. Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. Las Vegas, NV. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G. (2009, November). (Freedom from) enemyship: Illuminating a “dark side” of
relationship in West African and North American worlds. Paper presented at the biannual miniconference of International Association for Relationship Research. Lawrence, KS.
Anderson, S.L.,* Adams, G., & Plaut, V.C. (2009, November). Moderating effect of connectedness
on the relationship between attractiveness and well-being. Paper presented at the biannual miniconference of International Association Relationship Research. Lawrence, KS. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Kurtis, T.* & Adams, G. (2009, November). "Talk to me": Disclosure and satisfaction in
romantic relationship. Paper presented at the biannual mini-conference of International
Association for Relationship Research. Lawrence, KS. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Salter, P.S.* & Adams, G. (2009, November). Your partner or your spouse? A culturalpsychological perspective on the meaning of "true" love. Paper presented at the biannual miniconference of International Association for Relationship Research. Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G., Anderson, S.A., & Plaut, V.C. (2009, July). A cultural psychology perspective on
socio-ecological psychology: Examples from attractiveness research. International Symposium
on Socio-ecological Approaches Social Psychology. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
Kurtiş, T.*, Adams, G., & Yellow Bird, M. (2009, May). Identity implications of silence about
genocide in American Thanksgiving commemorations. Paper presented in G. Adams (Chair),
Mind in society: Cultural psychological perspectives on "Architecture of Mind". Annual
meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences (Continued)
Phillips, N. L.,* & Adams, G. (2009, May). The racism of identity: Implications of different
constructions of "American". Paper presented in G. Adams (Symposium Organizer),
"Intentional Worlds of Racism": A cultural psychological analysis of racist oppression.
Annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA.
Salter, P. S.* & Adams, G. (2009, February) Representations of Black History as instruments of
liberation and oppression. Paper presented in S. Marshall and M. C. Johnson (Symposium
Organizers), Understanding identity: Cultural symbols as shapers and indicators of racial
identity. Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Tampa, FL.
Adams, G., Bruckmüller, S.*, & Decker, S.* (2008, July). The cultural grounding of agency:
Worlds of abundance and scarcity. Paper presented at the 19th Congress of the International
Association for Cross Cultural Psychology. Bremen, Germany. [B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Güngör, S.G.*, Adams, G., & Biernat, M. (2008, July). The cultural grounding of stereotyping.
Paper presented at the 19th Congress of the International Association for Cross Cultural
Psychology. Bremen, Germany. [B,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G. (2008, July). Friendship and gender in cultural context: Implications for management
in African organizational settings. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Leadership and
Management Studies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Accra, Ghana.
Katzarska-Miller, I.*, Phillips , N.L.*, Güngör, S.G.*, Salter, P.S.* & Adams, G. (2008, June).
Internationalizing Social Psychology: Implications for American and Global Identity. Poster
at the annual meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Chicago, IL.
Salter, P. S.* & Adams, G. (2008, June). Intentional worlds: Can Black History representations
influence attitudes toward change. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Chicago, IL. [B,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G., & Anderson, S. L.*. (2008, January). Sociocultural structure of friendship:
Implications for conceptions of relationship. In V. Sacharin (Symposium Organizer),
Cultural differences in friendship. Annual meeting Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. Albuquerque, NM. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G., Edkins, V. E.*, & Pickett, K. M. (2008, January). Teaching about racism in
Psychology: Pernicious consequences of the standard portrayal. In Z. Kinias & L. T. O'Brien
(Symposium Organizers), Cultural representations of inequality and diversity. Annual
meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Albuquerque,
Adams, G., & Nelson, J. C. (2008, January). Perception of racism and knowledge of U.S.
history. In N. R. Branscombe, O. Klein, & R. Kopietz (Symposium Organizers), When the
past meets the present: Collective memory and collective emotions. Annual meeting of the
Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Albuquerque, NM. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Pickett, K. M. & Adams, G. (2008, January). Detrimental effects of sexist humor: Outgroup
derogation or systemic devaluation? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology. Albuquerque, NM. [B, D,E,G,H]
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences (Continued)
Salter, P. S. & Adams, G. (2008, January). Group differences in perception of racism: A cultural
psychological analysis. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality
and Social Psychology. Albuquerque, NM. [B, D,E,G,H]
Adams, G. (2007, September). Genital-shrinking panic in Ghana: A case of belief-in-motion. In
P. Salter (Symposium Organizer), Belief in motion: The theoretical perspective of cultural
psychology and its application to African Studies. Annual meeting of Mid-America Alliance
for African Studies. Lawrence, KS.
Anderson, S. L.*, & Adams, G. (2007, September). When belief and reality collide: Explaining
negative outcomes of attractive Ghanaians. In P. Salter (Symposium Organizer), Belief in
motion: The theoretical perspective of cultural psychology and its application to African
Studies. Annual meeting of Mid-America Alliance for African Studies. Lawrence, KS.
Salter, P. S.*, & Adams, G. (2007, September) Suspicion is contagious: A socio-cultural account
of polio vaccination resistance in Nigeria. In P. Salter (Symposium Organizer), Belief in
motion: The theoretical perspective of cultural psychology and its application to African
Studies. Annual meeting of Mid-America Alliance for African Studies. Lawrence, KS. [B,G,H]
Pickett, K. M.*, Salter, P. S.*, & Adams, G. (2007, August). Representations of racism as a site
of mutual constitution. Paper presented at the scientific conference, Emerging Horizons in
Cultural Psychology: Advances in Research and Teaching. Stanford, CA. [B,D,E,G,H]
Tormala, T.T., Adams, G., & O'Brien, L.T. (2007, August). Effect of self-affirmation on
perception of racism. In D. Sherman (Symposium Organizer), Self-affirmation in individual and
group processes. Annual convention of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco,
CA. [B,C,D,E,F,G]
Anderson, S. L* & Adams, G. (2007, January). Pick me, pick me! Attractiveness and life
outcomes. In G. Adams, & S. L. Anderson (Symposium Organizers), The cultural grounding
of relationship: Revealing a basic, social-psychological process. Annual meeting of the
Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Memphis, TN. [B,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G., Garcia, D. M.*, & Pickett, K. M.* (2007, January). Detrimental effects of a
suggestion of sexism on instructor performance: Evidence for behavioral confirmation.
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Memphis, TN. [B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Adams, G. (2006, October). Fieldwork in Ghana: Implications for the study of personal
relationship. In G. Adams (Symposium Organizer), Global social psychology: How cultureconscious research informs the study of human belonging. Annual meeting of Society for
Experimental Social Psychology. Philadelphia, PA.
Adams, G. & Nelson, J. C.* (2006, July). Perception of racism and knowledge of U.S. history.
In J.H. Liu, & J. Duckitt (Symposium Organizers), Culture, Identity, and Intergroup
Conflict. \18th Congress of the International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology. Isle
of Spestes, Greece. [B,C,D,E,F,H]
Adams, G. (2006, July). The cultural grounding of friendship: Cross-cultural and experimental
evidence. In A.K. Uskul & G. Adams (Symposium Organizers), The cultural grounding of
personal relationship: Revealing a basic, social-psychological process. 18th Congress of the
International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology. Isle of Spestes, Greece.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences (Continued)
Adams, G. (2006, July). Enemyship as intimate connection: Implications for the study of
personal relationship. In G. Adams, & A.K. Uskul (Symposium Organizers), A (cross-)
cultural perspective on personal relationship: Implications for theory and research. Bi-annual
meeting of the International Association for Relationship Research. Crete, Greece.
Adams, G., Güngör, S. G.*, Uskul, A. K., & Cross, S. E. (2006, July). The cultural grounding of
enemyship: Cross-cultural and experimental evidence. Poster presented at the 18th Congress
of the International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology. Isle of Spestes, Greece .
Uskul, A. K., Adams, G., & Cross, S. E. (2006, July). Cultural differences in sources of
personal honor and responses to honor-attacking situations. In A.K. Uskul & G. Adams
(Symposium Organizers), The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Revealing a basic,
social-psychological process. 18th Congress of the International Association for Cross
Cultural Psychology. Isle of Spestes, Greece. [B,G]
Adams, G., O'Brien, L. & Nelson, J. C.* (2006, June). Perceptions of racism in Hurricane
Katrina: A Liberation Psychology analysis. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Long Beach, CA. [B,C,D,E,G,H]
Adams, G., Tormala, T. T., & Nelson, J. C. (2005, September) (Invited). Illuminating the
invisible: White identity and perceptions of racism. Paper presented at annual meeting of
Social Psychologists Around the Midwest. Lincoln, NE. [B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
Adams G. (2005, January) (Invited). Enemyship as intimate connection: Implications for the
study of culture and psychology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology, Cultural Psychology preconference, New Orleans, LA.
Garcia, D.M.*, Branscombe, N.R., Croizet J.C., & Adams, G. (2004, June). Social identity threat
and social comparison. Paper presented in J. C. Croizet, S. Spencer, C. M. Steele, & F. Butera
(Organizers), Understanding the academic underachievement of low status group members,
European Association of Experimental Social Psychology Small Group Meeting, Paris, France.
Adams, G., & Garcia, D.M.* (2004, January). Detrimental Effects of a Suggestion of Sexism in
an Instruction Interaction. In G. Adams (Symposium Organizer), Sociocultural approaches to
racism and sexism: Implications for theory and practice. Annual meeting of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. [B,C,D,E,F,H]
Adams, G. (2003, October). Teaching about Africa in the discipline of Psychology: Conceptual
issues. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Mid-America Alliance for African Studies.
Lawrence, KS.
Garcia, D. M.*, Branscombe, N. R., Adams, G., & Croizet J. C. (2003, June). A social
comparison approach to stereotype threat processes. Paper presented at the European
Association of Experimental Social Psychology Small Group Meeting, Jena, Germany. [B,G]
Adams, G. (2003, April) (Invited). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Enemyship
in North American and West African worlds. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Social
Psychologists Around the Midwest. Champaign, IL.
Adams, G. (2002, June). Is there a place for fieldwork in psychology (and vice versa)? The case
of enemies in Ghana. Paper presented at the West African Research Association International
Symposium on Fieldwork in Africa. Dakar, Senegal.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences (Continued)
Adams, G. (2002, May). (Invited) The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Friends and
enemies in Ghana and the USA. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
Adams, G. (2001, August). Experimental manipulation and cultural dynamics:Enemyship in
Ghana and the USA. Paper presented in G. Adams & E. M. Suh (Symposium Organizers),
Deep or superficial: Experimental manipulation and the study of culture. Annual meeting of
the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Adams, G. (2001, June). (Invited Address) Is there a place for psychology in the study of the
developing world? The case of enemyship in Ghana (and the USA). Paper presented at the
Social Science Research Council Conference, Rethinking Social Science Research on the
Developing World in the 21st Century. Park City, UT
Adams, G. (2001, February). The mutual constitution of culture and psyche: Enemy stories in
Ghana and the USA. Paper presented in G. Adams and H. R. Markus (Eds.), Adams, G. &
Markus, H. R. (Symposium Organizers), Cultural dynamics: The role of collective
representations in the microlevel construction of reality. Annual meeting of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio, TX.
Adams, G. (1998, August). The experience of personal enemies in West Africa and the USA:
Implications for theories of collectivism. Paper presented at the Stanford Conference on
Culture and Psychology. Stanford, CA.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Conferences Organized
Adams, G. (2014, October). African Studies: Concepts and practices for decolonizing knowledge
Annual conference of the Mid-American Alliance for African Studies. Lawrence, KS.
Salter, P.S., & Adams, G. (2013, September). Performance and Performativity. Annual
conference of the Mid-American Alliance for African Studies. College Station, TX.
Salter, P.S., & Adams, G. (2012, November). African Resources. Annual conference of the MidAmerican Alliance for African Studies. St. Louis, MO.
Molina, L. E. & Adams, G. (2011, August). Constructions of Identity: Implications for
Immigration and Social Justice Policy. Latin American Research Cluster Workshop.
University of Kansas, Center of Latin American Studies, Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G., Molina, L.E., & Dobles, I. (2011, August). Exploring Intersections of Liberation
Psychology and Cultural Psychology. Lawrence, KS.
Myers, G., & Adams, G. (2010, October). Africana Studies: Celebration, Reflection, Visualization.
Annual meeting of the Mid-America Alliance for African Studies. Lawrence, KS.
Rhine, K.A., Janzen, J.J., Adams, G., & Aldersey, H. (2010, September). Medical anthropology in
Global Africa: Current trends in scholarship and practice. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Gillath, O., Adams, G., Canterberry, M.N., Collins, T.C., Kunkel, A. D., & Kurtiș, T. (2009,
November). New directions in research on close relationships: Integrating across disciplines and
theoretical approaches. The 2009 Mini-conference of the International Association for
Relationship Research. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G. (2009, November). Socio-ecological foundations of intimacy. Commons
Interdisciplinary Research Initiative. Lawrence, KS.
Irungu, J., Asiedu, E., Bhala, R., & Adams, G. (2009, October). Africa Trade and Development
Conference. Kansas African Studies Center, Lawrence, KS.
Crenshaw, K., Lipsitz, G., Harris, L., Adams, G., Markus, H.R., Artiles, A., Guinier, L., &
Steele, C.M. (2009, June). Colorblind disciplining of race conscious work: Critical
interventions across the academy Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences,
Stanford, CA.
Adams, G., Markus, H. R., & Croizet, J.-C. (2009, May). Toward a sociocultural-historical
psychology of racism and oppression. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Sciences, Stanford, CA.
Adams, G., Artiles, A., Cassell, J., Crenshaw, K., Croizet, J-C., Guinier, L., Harris, L., Lipsitz,
G., Markus, H. R., & Steele, C M. (2009, February). Sociocultural approaches to race in
education settings: Transformational paradigms. Center for Advanced Study in the
Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA.
Adams, G., Plaut, V. C., & Markus, H. R. (2007, August). Expanding horizons of cultural
psychology: Advances in research and teaching. Academic conference. Stanford, CA.
Adams, G., Biernat, M., Branscombe, N.., Crandall, C. & Wrightsman, L. (2004, May). Fifty years
after Brown v. Board of Education: Psychological research applied to the problems of racism
and discrimination Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G., Ahmad, N., Biernat, M., & Hawley, P. (2004, May). Social Psychologists around the
Midwest. Annual meeting. Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G., Morris, M. W., & Markus, H. R. (Organizers) (1998, August). Stanford Conference on
Culture and Psychology. Stanford, CA.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Symposia Selected for Inclusion at Academic Conferences
Adams, G. (2011, August). History and national identity as tools for community regulation. At the
academic conference, Identity and Community after the Cold War. Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G. (2011, January). Social Psychology in African settings: Implications for theory and
practice. Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio, TX.
Adams, G. (2010, November). Social psychology in Ghanaian spaces: Implications for the
practice of liberatory psychological science. Annual meeting of the African Studies
Association. San Francisco, CA.
Adams, G. (2010, March). American identity as a tool for national self-regulation: Perspectives
from Cultural Psychology. Annual meeting of the Mid-American American Studies
Association. Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G. (2009 May). Mind in society: Cultural psychological perspectives on "Architecture of
Mind". Annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA.
Adams, G. (2009, May). Intentional Worlds of Racism: A cultural psychological analysis of racist
oppression. Annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA.
Adams, G. & Anderson, S. L. (2007, January). The cultural grounding of relationship: Revealing a
basic, social-psychological process. Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. Memphis, TN.
Adams, G. (2006, October). Global social psychology: How culture-conscious research informs
the study of human belonging. Annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Social
Psychology. Philadelphia, PA.
Uskul, A. K., & Adams, G. (2006, July). The cultural grounding of personal relationship:
Revealing a basic, social-psychological process. The 18th Congress of the International
Association for Cross Cultural Psychology. Isle of Spestes, Greece.
Adams, G., & Uskul, A. K. (2006, July). A (cross-) cultural perspective on personal relationship:
Implications for theory and research. Bi-annual meeting of the International Association for
Relationship Research. Crete, Greece.
Adams, G. (2005, September). Globalization, memory, and identity: Psychological Perspectives.
Annual meeting of Mid-America Alliance for African Studies. Springfield, MO.
The symposium included the following presentations from student advisees:
• Anderson, S. L. (2005): Identity, acculturation, and personal relationship: The
importance of attraction in Ghanaian and American Worlds
• Misgana, M. (2005). Identity, acculturation, and personal relationship: Stability and
change among Ethiopians in the USA
• Salter, P. (2005). Memory and identity: Ethnic self-identification among Americans of
African descent.
• Nelson, J. C. (2005). Identity, historical memory, and perceptions of racist conspiracies.
Adams, G. (Organizer and Chair) (2004, January), Sociocultural approaches to racism and sexism:
Implications for theory and practice Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. Austin, TX.
Adams, G. & Suh, E. M. (Organizers and Co-Chairs) (2001, August). Deep or superficial:
Experimental manipulation and the study of culture. Annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Adams, G. & Markus, H. R. (Organizers and Co-Chairs) (2001, February). Cultural dynamics: The
role of collective representations in the microlevel construction of reality. Annual meeting of
the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio, TX.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Invited Colloquia, Addresses, and Workshop Presentations
Adams, G. (2013, October). Imaginations of Community: Toward a Cultural Psychology of
National Identity. Paper presented at the KU Social Psychology Program Meeting.
Adams, G. (2013, August). Assessing Core Goal # 5: Practice social responsibility and ethical
behavior. Presentation for the annual KU Teaching Summit. Lawrence, KS
Adams, G. (2013, July). Beyond colorblindness: Racialized perception in everyday life.
Contribution to the online webinar roundtable, Standing our ground for Trayvon Martin: Ten
things you need to know about law race, and social justice.
Adams, G. (2013, June). Toward a Critical Race Psychology. Paper presented at the workshop,
Colorblindness Across the Disciplines. UCLA Law School. Los Angeles, CA.
Adams, G. (2013, April). A cultural psychology approach to diversity in STEM participation:
Intersectional forces of gender and race. Paper presented at the Professional Development
Institute of the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity. Washington, DC.
Adams, G. (2013, March). Diversity education as an antidote to Epistemologies of Ignorance:
Observations from research on historical consciousness. Paper presented in the Spring
Symposium on the Scholarship of Diversity. University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Adams, G. (2013, March).The (Bob) Marley Hypothesis: Identity, Historical Knowledge, and
“Epistemologies of Ignorance”. Paper presented at the Commons research sharing session,
Red Hot Research. University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Salter, P.S. & Adams, G. (2013, March).The Marley Hypothesis: Racism denial and
Epistemologies of Ignorance. Paper presented in Department of African and African
American Studies Brownbag Series. University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Adams, G. (2012, March).Cultural Psychology: Decolonizing strategies for a “Post-American
World.” Paper presented in International Faculty Seminar, A Post-American World?. Office
of International Programs, University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Adams, G. (2012, February). Cultural psychology as a tool for decolonizing psychological
science: The case of national identity. Paper presented at the Cultural Collective Seminar
Series, York University. Toronto, Canada.
Adams, G. (2012, January). Collective memory practices as Tools for Reconciliation: The Case
of Sierra Leone. Lecture for the Kansas African Studies Center Ujamaa Brownbag Series.
University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Adams, G. (2011, September). La psicología cultural: Herramienta para la descolonizatión.
[Cultural Psychology: Tool for decolonization]. Keynote address delivered at the conference,
Neocolonialismo, racismo, opresión. Memorias y Acciones colectivas. Perspectivas desde la
Psicología Cultural y la Psicología de la Liberación [Neocolonialism, racism, oppression.
Memory and collective action. Perspectives from Cultural Psychology and Liberation
Psychology]. San José, Costa Rica.
Adams, G. (2011, July). The cultural psychology of personal relationship: Implications for youth
in contexts of sociocultural change. Invited lecture. Department of Sociology and Social
Work, Open University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Adams, G. (2011, June). Neocolonialism in psychological science: Theory and research on
personal relationship. Invited lecture. Department of Anthropology, University for Social
Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Adams, G. (2011, May). Racism and oppression: A Cultural Psychology analysis. Invited
lecture, Department of Psychology, University for Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi
Minh City, Viet Nam.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Invited Colloquia, Addresses, and Workshop Presentations (Continued)
Adams, G., (2011, May). Neocolonialism in science: The case of relationship psychology.
Invited lecture, Department of Psychology, University for Social Sciences and Humanities,
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Adams, G. (2011, May). Cultural Psychology: What is it? Invited lecture, Department of
Psychology, University for Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Adams, G. (2010, October). Neocolonialism in Relationship Science: A cultural-psychological
analysis. Lecture for the weekly seminar series of the Department of Communication
Studies. University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Adams, G. (2009, July). A cultural psychology perspective on socio-ecological psychology:
Examples from research on attractiveness. Paper presented in the symposium, SocioEcological Approach to Cultural and Social Psychological Processes. Sapporo, Japan.
Adams, G. (2009, June). Individualist epistemology in psychology: A case of scientific racism
(?). Paper presented at the workshop, Colorblind disciplining of race conscious work:
Critical interventions across the academy Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Sciences, Stanford, CA.
Adams, G. (2009, May). A critical sociocultural psychology: What is it? Paper presented at the
workshop, Toward a critical sociocutural psychology of racist oppression. Center for
Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA.
Adams, G. (2009, April). The cultural psychology of relationship: Implications for social policy.
Invited lecture. Department of Psychology, University of Hawaii. Honolulu, HI.
Adams, G., (2009, March). The cultural psychology of personal relationship: Implications for
discussions of scientific imperialism. Invited lecture. Africa Table seminar series. Center for
African Studies. Stanford, CA.
Adams, G. (2009, February). A cultural-psychological analysis of racist oppression. Fellows
seminar. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA.
Adams, G. (2008, October). Witchcraft, enemyship, and perception of racism: A cultural
psychology analysis of "paranoid cognition". Research presentation for the weekly seminar
of the Stanford University Social Psychology Program. Stanford, CA.
Adams, G. (2008, April). Mind in context: A cultural-psychological approach to "paranoid
cognition". Invited lecture. Department of Psychology, University of Georgia. Athens, GA.
Adams, G., Güngör, S. G., Katzarska-Miller, I, Phillips, N. & Salter, P. S. (2007, Novermber).
Globalizing identity: How KU students imagine community with the World. Paper presented
in the Hall Center for Humanities, Globalizations Seminar. Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G., O'Brien, L, & Nelson, J. (2007, April). Group differences in perception of racism: A
liberation psychology analysis. Invited lecture. Benedictine College. Atchison, KS.
Adams, G. Güngör, S. G., Katzarska-Miller, I, Phillips, N. & Salter, P. S. (2007, April).
Internationalizing Social Psychology: Implications for engagement with global identity.
Paper presented at the Spring International Seminar. Lawrence, KS.
Adams, G. (2007, February). The Cultural Grounding of Everyday Life: Examples from
Research about Enemyship and Perception of Racism. Department of Psychology, York
University. Toronto, Canada.
Adams, G. (2007, February). The Cultural Grounding of Everyday Life: Examples from
Research about Enemyship and Perception of Racism. Invited lecture. Rotman School of
Management, Toronto, Canada.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Invited Colloquia, Addresses, and Workshop Presentations
Adams, G. (2006, August). The Cultural Grounding of Relationship: Evidence from North
American and West African Worlds. Department of Psychology, Nanyang Technological
University. Singapore.
Adams, G. (2006, May). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Enemyship in North
American and West African worlds. Invited colloquium, Graduate School of Business,
Stanford University. Stanford, CA.
Adams, G., O'Brien, L. T., & Nelson, J. C. (2006, May). Differences in perception of racism: A
liberation psychology analysis. Invited colloquium. Mind, Culture, and Society Research
Group, Stanford University. Stanford, CA
Adams, G. (2005, February). The Cultural Grounding of Everyday Life: Examples from
Research about Enemyship and Perception of Racism. Department of Psychology,
University of Waterloo. Waterloo, ON.
Adams, G. (2004, February). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Enemyship in North
American and West African worlds. Department of Psychology, University of Toronto.
Scarborough, ON.
Adams, G. (2003, September). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Enemyship in
North American and West African worlds. Department of Psychology, University of
Toronto. Toronto, ON.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
University Teaching Experience
Graduate Seminars:
Critical Psychology: Postcolonial Studies; AUT 2013 (w/ Byron Caminero-Santangelo)
Research Lab in Cultural Psychology; AUT 2013
Ecological Psychology; AUT 2012
Research Practicum in Critical Psychology; AUT 2011
Research Practicum in Cultural Psychology; AUT 2010
Cultural Psychology; SPR 2013, SPR 2012, SPR 2010, AUT 2006, AUT 2003, AUT 2002, AUT
Advanced Social Psychology; SPR 2008, SPR 2007, SPR 2006, SPR 2004, SPR 2003, SPR 2002
Self and Identity; AUT 2007 (w/ Garth Myers, KU Department of Geography)
Undergraduate Courses
Research Lab in Cultural Psychology; AUT 2013
Social Psychology (Honors): SPR 2011 (Online)
Social Psychology: SUM 2013 (Online), SUM 2012 (Online), SUM 2011 (Online), AUT 2009,
AUT 2007, AUT 2006, SPR 2006, SPR 2005
Culture and Psychology: SPR 2014, AUT 2013 (KU Edwards), SPR 2013, AUT 2012 (KU
Edwards), SPR 2012, AUT 2011, AUT 2010, SPR 2008, SPR 2007, SPR 2004, AUT
2003, AUT 2002, SPR 2002
Oppression and Liberation* (University of Toronto): SPR 2005
Culture and Psychology (University of Toronto): SPR 2005, AUT 2004
Self and Identity: SPR 2003
Culture and Psychology (University of California, Irvine) SPR 2001
Cultural Psychology (Stanford University) SUM 1996
Other Courses:
Kansas African Studies Center: Teacher Summer Institute (w/ Garth Myers)
SUM 2010
Independent Study (PSYC 480): More than 75 students and 200 credit hours since AUT 2001
Teaching Assistant (with Instructor):
Cultural Psychology
Hazel Markus
Culture & Human Development
Anne Fernald
Psych. of Gender
Laura Carstensen
Intro. Psychology (own section)
Brian Wandell, Traci Mann
Statistics (own section)
Sharon Thompson-Schill
Social Psychology (own section)
Philip Zimbardo, Felicia Pratto
Spring, 2000
Spring, 1996
Winter, 1996
Autumn, 1995
Spring, 1995
Autumn, 1994
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Guest Lectures
AAAS 680: Introduction to Modern Africa (2008, FEB)
AAAS 598: Sexuality and Gender in African History (2007, DEC; 2003, NOV)
AAAS 105: Introduction to African History (2003, DEC)
ANTH 461: Introduction to Medical Anthropology (2002, OCT)
Lectures in Kansas African Studies Center, Teacher Summer Institute
Growing Up in Global Africa: Patterns of Identity and Relationship
Using Art and Cultural Production to Understand Youth and Human Development
Conceptions of Love, Beauty, and Relationship
Identity and Relationship in African Settings: Dimensions of Dialogue
Identity and Relationship in African Settings
Undergraduate Honors Theses and Research Presentations
Siebert, D. (2014). Perception of religious discrimination in judgments of law enforcement. Paper to
be presented at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Lexington, KY.
** Siebert successfully competed for a KU Undergraduate Research Travel Award to
facilitate presentation of this research.
Siebert, D. (2013). Perception of religious discrimination in judgments of law enforcement behavior.
Paper presented at the McNair Heartland Research Conference. Kansas City, MO.
Wangare M (2013). Family context as a predictor of acculturation and psychological well-being in
African immigrants in the U.S. Poster presented at the KU Symposium for Undergraduate
Psychology Engagement and Research.
** This presentation won the award for best poster at the 2013 SUPER meeting.
Hassaballa, I. (2012). The new face of Sudan: Patterns of belief and behavior regarding skinwhitening creams. Undergraduate honors thesis. University of Kansas.
McBride, L. (2012). Conceptions of community and service. Poster presented at KU Undergraduate
Research Symposium.
Mohr, A. (2012). Examining the effect of different constructions of affirmative action. Presentation at
KU Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Wangare, M. (2012). Acculturation and well-being in context: African immigrants in the USA. Paper
presented at the McNair Heartland Research Conference. Kansas City, MO.
Yuen, L.W. (2012). Size of friend networks associated with cultural-ecological context. Poster
presented at the KU Symposium for Undergraduate Psychology Engagement and Research
Crowe, K. (2011). Cultural innovation in intimacy: Communication technology as an affordance for
“pure” relationship. Poster presented at KU Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Eifler, E. (2010). Cultural psychology of environmentalism. Honors Research Development Program
Harris, V. (2008). Civil Rights history and identity. McNair Fellows Conference.
Fleming, J. (2007). Ethnic identity development. McNair Fellows Conference.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Mentoring (continued)
Undergraduate Honors Theses and Research Presentations (continued)
Jones, T. (2007). Negative effects of a suggestion of sexism on a figure reproduction task:
Evidence for social identity threat. Presentation at KU Undergraduate Research Symposium.
** Jones received an award for Outstanding Presentation.
Chan, X. N. (2006). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: Friendship in North
American and West Malaysian settings. Undergraduate honors thesis. University of Kansas.
Misgana, M. E. (2004). The cultural grounding of personal relationship in mainstream American
and Ethiopian American worlds. McNair Fellows Conference. University of Kansas
Joler, E. (2003). The effects of a suggestion of sexism on an instruction interaction.
Undergraduate honors thesis. University of Kansas.
Kurien, S. (2002). Cultural psychology of relationship: (A)symmetry in positive and negative ties.
Undergraduate honors thesis. University of Kansas
Global Scholars Program: Alexandra Chase (2011)
University Scholars Program: Erin Eifler (2011)
McNair Fellows and Related Programs
Danielle Siebert
Maureen Wangare
Ithar Hassaballa
Vernon Harris
Beverly Dennis
Jessica Fleming
Julio Vasquez
Mulubrhan Misgana
(McNair, 2013)
(McNair, 2012)
(McNair, 2011)
(McNair, 2008)
(KU-Haskell Bridge Program, 2004)
(McNair, 2007)
(Biosciences Initiative, 2003-2004)
(McNair, 2004)
M.A. Supervision Completed
Snider, D. (2012). Support for realist policy: Reality attunement or ignorance?
Mukherjee, S. (2011). A case of legality or racialization? Immigration policy in the U.S.
(Co-chair with Ludwin Molina)
Kurtiş, T. (2009). Self-silencing and well-being among Turkish women.
Pickett, K.. M. (2008). Sexist humor: Local and systemic manifestations of privilege and disadvantage.
Salter, P. S. (2008). Perception of racism in ambiguous events: A cultural psychology analysis.
Anderson, S. L. (2004). The cultural grounding of personal relationship: The role of physical
attractiveness in expectations about life outcomes.
Dvorakova, A. (2003). The notion of low self-esteem among Indigenous Peoples of the United
States and the strength of Indigenous self-regard. (Indigenous Nations Studies)
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Mentoring (continued)
Ph.D. Supervision Completed
Sahana Mukherjee (2014). Representations of Indian history as tools for identity-relevant
concerns: A cultural psychological analysis. Current Position: Assistant Professor,
Department of Psychology, Gettysburg College.
Stephanie Anderson (2013). The importance of attraction in everyday life: The culturalecological moderation hypothesis and consumerist contexts. Current Position: Assistant
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska-Kearney.
Tuğçe Kurtiş (2013). What’s in a name? Psychological Implications of the “Genocide” Label.
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of West
Nia L. Phillips (2011). A liberation psychology perspective on gender identity and perceptions of
sexism. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of
Prince Edward Island.
Jessica C. Nelson, (2010). The role of knowledge of racist history and identity in perception of
racism. Current Position: Vice President, Home of the Innocents (Youth Social Service
Organization); Louisville, KY.
Phia S. Salter, (2010). Representations of Black history as intentional worlds of liberation and
oppression. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Africana
Studies Program, Texas A&M University.
Elizabeth U. Delgado-Torres (2007). The construction and experience of Indigenous ethnicity:
Implications for health and well-being. (Co-chair with Raymond Higgins). Current Position:
Self-employed clinician.
Ph.D. Supervision Current
Soylu, N. (2016). Sociocultural foundations of identity threat
Estrada Villalta, S. L. (2017). Variations of Interdependence/Collectivism
Bharj, N (2018). Cultural psychology of gender in evolutionary psychology discourse
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Katia Lenz Cesar de Oliveira (2011), Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil
Khachatryan, Narine (2010), Yerevan University, Armenia; Junior Faculty Development Program
Autin, Frederique (2010), Université Blaise Pascal, France; She participated in the Culture and
Psychology Research Group as a Fulbright Fellow under mentorship of Nyla Branscombe
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Mentoring (continued)
Other Graduate Committee Service
Lucas Keefer
Daniel Sullivan
Heather Aldersey
Brett Craig
Kelly Danaher
Pronobesh Banerjee
Gökçe Güngör
Shannon Portillo
Vanessa Edkins
Ruth Warner
Donna Garcia
Greg Nichols
Tara Marshall
Elizabeth Collins
Emer Day
George Hunter
Laurie O'Brien
Michael Schmitt
Nader Hakim
Amy Hunt
Saatvika Rai
Mea Benson
Juwon Lee
Leah Pound
Mea Benson
Kay Heley
Susanne Bruckmuller
John Ortley
Angela Niermann
Owen Cox
Vanessa Edkins
April Horstman-Reser
Sabine Hellmund
Jessica Nelson
Eric Stocks
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Special Education
Communication Studies
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Public Administration
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology, University of Toronto
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
African and African American Studies
Political Science
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
International Studies
Social Psychology
Indigenous Nations Studies
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Mentoring (continued)
Other Graduate Committee Service (continued)
Oral Comprehensive Exam
Creighton Brown
Nataṣa Kravchenko
Clare Echterling
Juwon Lee
Nadia Jessop
Li Chen
Lucas Keefer
Tuğçe Kurtiș
Sahana Mukherjee
Katrina Cook
Lynette Jachowicz
Stephanie Anderson
Daniel Sullivan
Brett Craig
Jessica Nelson
Melanie Canterberry
Phia Salter
Alex Schoemann
Kelly Danaher
Nia Phillips
Alice Arredondo
Pronobesh Bannerjee 2009
Tracey Cronin
Gökçe Güngör
Doug Norsby
Mark Ferguson
Ruth Warner
Shannon Portillo
Donna Garcia
Vanessa Edkins
Greg Nichols
Elizabeth Collins
Adam Powell
Emer Day
George Hunter
Laurie O'Brien
Psychology Research in Education
Social Psychology
Psychology Research in Education
Psychology Research in Education
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Communication Studies
Communication Studies
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Communication Studies
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Public Administration
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Public Administration
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Mentoring (continued)
Cultural Psychology Research Group
I am the founder and director of the Cultural Psychology Research Group, an interdisciplinary
collection of (mostly) graduate students who meet weekly for 2 hours to discuss important papers
and get feedback about ongoing research. The following is a list of students who have regularly
attended these meetings.
Natasha Bharj
Sara Estrada-Villalta
Nader Hakim
Xian Zhou
Nadia Jessop
Saatvika Rai
Thomas Dirth
Adrian Villicana
Nur Soylu
Claire Gravelin
Laura Van Berkel
Juwon Lee
Lucas Keefer
Sahana Mukherjee
Heather Aldersey
Stephanie Anderson
Owen Cox
Tuğçe Kurtiș
Daniel Sullivan
Danielle Snider
Kundai Chirindo
Brett Craig
Nia Phillips
Phia Salter
Jessica Nelson
Gokçe Güngör
Vanessa Edkins
Donna Garcia
Elizabeth Collins
Nadia Ahmad
Eric Stocks
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU School of Education; Educational Psychology)
(KU Department of Political Science)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(KU Social Psychology Program)
(Ph.D. 2014, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Dayton)
(Ph.D. 2014, Assistant Professor, Gettysburg College)
(Ph.D. 2013, Disability Studies; Postdoctoral Fellow; McGill University)
(Ph.D. 2013; Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Kearney)
(Ph.D. 2013; Research Scientist, University of Kansas)
(Ph.D. 2013; Assistant Professor, University of West Georgia)
(Ph.D. 2013; Assistant Professor, University of Arizona)
(M.A. 2012; U.S. Air Force)
(Ph.D. 2011; Comm Studies; Asst. Professor, Lewis and Clark College)
(Ph.D. 2011; Comm Studies; Asst. Professor, Nazarbayev U., Kazakhstan)
(Ph.D. 2011; Assistant Professor, University of Prince Edward Island)
(Ph.D. 2010; Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University)
(Ph.D. 2010; Mental Health Professional)
(Ph.D. 2010; Assistant Professor; Allegheny College)
(Ph.D. 2007; Associate Professor; Florida Institute of Technology)
(Ph.D. 2006; Associate Professor; CSU-San Bernardino)
(Ph.D. 2006; Research Scientist; University of Lisbon)
(Ph.D. 2005; Research Scientist; Wisconsin Medical College)
(Ph.D. 2005; Associate Professor; University of Texas at Tyler)
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Teaching Awards and Innovations
(AUT 2013) I collaborated on creation of a new interdisciplinary course, Decolonizing
Knowledge, which I taught as PSYC 993: Critical Psychology and which my collaborator
Byron Caminero-Santangelo (KU Dept of English) taught as ENGL 980: Postcolonial
(AUG 2013) Along with Andi Witczak and Jomella Watson-Thompson, I proposed and
performed linked sessions on teaching KU Core Goal 5: Social Responsibility and Ethics. The
title of my session was Assessing KU Core Goal #5 “Practice social responsibility and
demonstrate ethical behavior.”
(SPR 2013) I served as primary organizer of the third annual Kansas African Studies Center
(KASC) Graduate Research Symposium. Six students from KU Departments of English,
Geography, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Special Education presented research to an
interdisciplinary audience of more than 7 KASC faculty.
(AUT 2012) I created a new graduate seminar, PSYC 993: Ecological Psychology to revive a
long-dormant perspective for which the KU Department of Psychology had been an
internationally renowned center.
(SPR 2012) I served as primary organizer of the second annual Kansas African Studies Center
(KASC) Graduate Research Symposium. Nine students from KU Departments of African
and African American Studies, Communication Studies, English, French and Italian,
Geography, History, Political Science, and Special Education, (plus one non-KU student)
presented research to an interdisciplinary audience of more than 8 KASC faculty.
(AUT 2011) I received an award from the KU Center for Global and International Studies to
adapt my PSYC 545: Culture and Psychology course for use as a core elective in their M.A.
program. I taught this course for the first time in AUT 2012.
(SUM 2011) I received an award from the KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to adapt my
internationalized version of PSYC 360: Social Psychology into an online (i.e., web-based)
version for the KU Center for Continuing Education. I taught this course in Summer 2011 and
again in SPR 2012.
(SUM 2011). I delivered a lecture, Growing up in Global Africa: Patterns of Identity and
Relationship, in the 2011 Kansas African Studies Center (KASC) Teacher Summer Institute,
Engaging Youth Culture.
(SPR 2011) I gave a presentation, Collective memory practices as Tools for Reconciliation: The
Case of Sierra Leone, for the KASC Ujamaa Brownbag Series.
(SPR 2011) I served as primary organizer of the first annual KASC Graduate Research
Symposium. Thirteen graduate students from KU Departments of African and African
American Studies, Anthropology, Communication Studies, Geography, Political Science,
Psychology, and Special Education (plus one non-KU student) presented research and
received feedback from an interdisciplinary audience of more than 10 KASC faculty
(JAN 2010) Recipients of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Diversity
Travel Awards nominated me as an influential scholar.
(JAN 2008) Recipients of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Diversity
Travel Awards nominated me as an influential scholar.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Teaching Awards and Innovations (continued)
(AUT 2007) Along with Garth Myers (KU Department of Geography), I developed an
interdisciplinary graduate seminar that I taught as PSYC 993: Self and Identity.
(AUT 2005) I applied and was selected to participate in the Center for Teaching Excellence
(CTE; University of Kansas) Faculty Seminar. As a result, I have created a web-based
portfolio that presents my teaching innovations (and attempts to measure their effectiveness)
to an online audience.
(AUG 2005) I applied and was selected to participate in the CTE Service Learning Institute. As
a result, I developed a service learning option for the group project assignment of my Culture
and Psychology course. I first (and most recently) taught the course with this option in SPR
(MAY 2005) I applied and was selected to participate in the KU Office of International
Programs (OIP) workshop on "Internationalizing the Curriculum". As part of this workshop, I
proposed a new, "internationalized" version of PSYC 360: Social Psychology that satisfies
university requirements for KU's award-winning Global Awareness Program. As part of this
plan, I proposed to track the effectiveness of the course in promoting global awareness. I
subsequently implemented this plan in SPR 2006, AUT 2006, and AUT 2007 semesters; I
presented results of the empirical analysis of global awareness in a paper for the SPR 2007
International Seminar (see section on research); I presented an updated version of this paper
in NOV 2007 for the Globalization(s) Seminar sponsored by the KU Hall Center for the
Humanities; and my graduate student co-authors and I are preparing an elaborated version of
this paper for submission to a research journal.
(MAR 2005) l received a letter of commendation for excellent teaching from the
Psychology Department at the University of Toronto.
(MAY 2003) I applied and was selected to participate in the CTE Best Practices Institute.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Editorial Activities
Associate Editor: Journal of Social and Political Psychology
Editorial Board:
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Intergroup Relations and Group Processes
Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology
Journal of Social Issues
Frontiers in Cultural Psychology
In 2013-2014, I am co-editor of a special section of the Journal of Social and Political Psychology
devoted to the topic of “Decolonizing Psychological Science.” As part of these duties, I served as
primary handling editor for 3 papers and assisted colleagues in handling of 9 additional papers.
1. Books and Book Proposals
APA Books
Cambridge University Press
W.W. Norton
2. Grant Proposals
National Science Foundation (USA)
Social Science & Humanities Research Council, Canada
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
3. Conference/Other Professional Reviewing
• (2014, March) I served as judge for the annual KU Graduate Research Competition
• (2014, February) I served as reviewer of submissions for the 2014 meeting of the Society
for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.
• (2013, March) I served as judge for the annual KU Graduate Research Competition
• (2012, December) I reviewed of submissions for Society for the Psychological Study of
Social Issues program at the 2013 meeting of the American Psychological Association.
• (2012, March). I served as reviewer of submissions for 2012 meeting of the Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues.
• (2012, March). I served as judge for the KU Graduate Research Competition.
• (2011, December) I served as “external” reviewer/evaluator for a “Progress to Promotion
and Tenure Review” of an assistant professor in another KU department.
• (2011, November). I served as external reviewer/evaluator for a tenure and promotion case.
• (2011) I served as alternate reviewer for the American Council of Learned Societies
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship Program.
• (2010, November/December) I administered the call for submissions and review process
for poster presentations at the Cultural Psychology preconference of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology meeting in January, 2011
• (2009, July) I served as external reviewer/evaluator for a tenure and promotion case.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Reviews (continued)
4. Journal Articles
Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy
Annual Review of Critical Psychology
Archives of Scientific Psychology
British Journal of Social Psychology
Cognition and Emotion
European Journal of Social Psychology
Frontiers in Cultural Psychology
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
International Perspectives in Psychology
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Social and Political Psychology
Journal of Social Issues
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Personality and Social Psychology Review
Perspectives on Psychological Science
Political Psychology
Psychological Science
Social and Personality Psychology Compass
Social Psychology and Personality Science
Note: Entries in table represent unique original submissions (i.e., I did not include second
reviews of revised manuscripts associated with the same original submission).
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Professional Service
1. Departmental
(2014; 2010-12; 2006-7; 2002-4) Social Psychology Graduate Admissions Committee
(2012-2014) Merit Committee
(2012-2014) Social Psychology Training Program Travel Award Committee
(2013) Faculty Search Committee (Social Psychology of Energy and Environment)
(2009-2011) Promotion and Tenure Committee
(2011) I coordinated the visit of Prof. Ignacio Dobles Oropeza from the University of Costa
Rica which provided a unique opportunity for students in the Psychology, Communication,
Education and other fields to gain training in the perspective of Liberation Psychology.
(2011) I coordinated the visit of Prof. Kevin Durrheim, University of KwaZulu-Natal
(2011, 2007) Summer Award Committee, Social Psychology Program
(2010) I coordinated visits by Fulbright Visiting Lecturers Cecilia Cheng, University of
Hong Kong; and Adekunle Adegoke, Obafemi Awolowo University (Ile-Ife, Nigeria).
(2006) Social Psychology Faculty Search Committee
(2002-2004) Heider Colloquium Committee (brought Harold Kelley, Bernard Weiner)
(2002-2004) Participant Use Committee,
(2001-2003) Brehm Basic Research Fund Committee, Social Psychology Program,
(2002) Vision Statement Committee, Social Psychology Program,
(2002) Social Psychology Graduate Admissions Committee
2. College and University
(2013-present) University Senate International Affairs Committee
(2013-present; 2010-2011) Faculty Associate Director, Kansas African Studies Center (KASC)
(2013-present) Core Faculty, KU Center for Global and International Studies
(2012-present) Judge, annual KU Graduate Research Competition.
(2011-present) KU Fulbright Evaluation Committee
(2008-present) University of Kansas, Human Subjects Committee, Alternate Voting Member.
(2007-present) Executive Committee, Kansas African Studies Center
(2014, November) I participated in a panel, The Ebola Outbreak in Wider Perspective: Social
Scientists Discuss Health, the State, and Society in Africa, that KASC hosted at KU.
(2014, September) Global and Critical Perspectives on Disability Studies, Organizer. This
event was a collaborative production of KU Department of Special Education and the Kansas
African Studies Center. The day-long symposium featured KU researchers in disability studies
and 8 Nigerian educators who were visiting Missouri State University.
(2014, Autumn) Outside member, Hiring Search Committee, Department of Women, Gender
and Sexuality Studies, for an assistant professor specializing in gender, migration, and human
trafficking with an African emphasis.
(2014, October) I co-organized successful effort by the Kansas African Studies Center to host
the 2010 meeting of the Mid-American Alliance for African Studies.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Professional Service (continued)
3. College and University (continued)
(2014, May) I participated on a panel of faculty who discussed the graduate school application
process for the McNair Scholars program
(2013) Deception Research Task Force: I served as a 3-person member of a Human Subjects
Subcommittee that reviewed KU policies on deception research
(2010-2013) Faculty Senate, Restricted Research Committee
(2011, February, October) I travelled to 2 different K-12 schools to give outreach presentations
on African Studies topics for the Kansas African Studies Center
(2010-2011) Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Evaluation Committee, KASC
(2010, November) I represented the Kansas African Studies Center at the annual meeting of
directors of National Resource Centers for African Studies; San Francisco, CA.
(2010, October) I co-organized KASC’s successful effort to host the 2010 meeting of the MidAmerican Alliance for African Studies.
(2010, September) I co-organized and served as KASC liaison for the conference, Medical
Anthropology in Global Africa
(2010, May) On behalf of KASC, I hosted 4-day visit of HRH Emir of Macina and entourage.
(2010, April) I oversaw KASC support as host of the Africana Librarians Council meeting
(2010, April) On behalf of KASC, I hosted the week-long visit of KU institutional partner,
Prof. Babaly Sall, Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Senegal
(2010, March) I served as institutional host of the annual African Literary Festival.
(2010, SPR) I served as organizer and chair of the KASC Spring Seminar Series, Soccer in
Africa. The series featured presentations by Cythnia Pelak, New Mexico State University
("Gendering Soccer in South Africa”); Gerard Akindes, Ohio University ("Soccer Academies
and Soccer Development in Africa") and Kei Kamara, Kansas City Wizards.
(2009, November) I represented the Kansas African Studies Center at the annual meeting of
directors of National Resource Centers for African Studies; New Orleans, LA
(2010, AUT) I served as organizer and chair of the KASC Fall Seminar Series, Resources and
social justice issues in Africa today. The series featured presentations by William Moseley,
Macalester College (“Neoliberal policy, rural livelihoods and urban food security in West
Africa: A comparative study of the Gambia, Cote d' Voire and Mali”); Abdi Samatar, University
of Minnesota (“The politics of piracy in Somalia”); and Katie Rhine, KU Department of
Anthropology (“Secrecy and HIV/AIDS status among women in Northern Nigeria”).
(2008) I chaired on the KASC Oswald Fellowship Award committee.
(2006-2008) Planning Committee, Hall Center for the Humanities Globalization(s) Seminar
(2004, SPR) With Elizabeth MacGonagle (KU Dept. of History), I organized a KASC
multidisciplinary seminar, Self and Identity in African Settings.
(2004, March) I organized a Biosciences Initiative Lecture in which Claude M. Steele (Dept.
of Psychology, Stanford University) presented his work on stereotype threat.
Glenn Adams
Curriculum Vitae, APR 2015
Professional Service (continued)
4. Local/Regional
(2014) Past-President, Mid-American Alliance for African Studies (MAAAS)
(2011-2014). Organizer and convener of the first, second, third, and fourth annual KASC
Graduate Research Workshop for graduate students in African Studies
(2013) President, MAAAS
(2012) Vice-President, MAAAS
(2009-present) MAAAS Ken Lohrentz Graduate Paper Award committee
(2009-2011) Executive Committee, MAAAS
(2002-present) As a returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Math Education, Sierra Leone, 19891992), I regularly participate in recruitment and community education events organized by the
KU Peace Corps recruiter.
(2004) I played a lead role in organization and preparations for the annual meeting of Social
Psychologists Around the Midwest (SPAM), which we hosted at KU (2004).
5. National and International
2012-2013: International Committee, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Planning Committee, 2011 Cultural Psychology Preconference of the Society for Personality
and Social Psychology (along Yulia Chentsova-Dutton, Adam Cohen, and Joan Chiao).
I served as judge for the Graduate Poster Award at the 2010 meeting of the Society for
Psychological Study of Social Issues (JUN 2010).
I served as judge at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Chicano/a and
Native American Scientists (SACNAS), Kansas City, MO (OCT 2007).
Organizing Committee for the conference, Expanding horizons of cultural psychology:
Advances in research and teaching (along with Hazel Markus and Victoria Plaut, AUG 2007).
I served as judge for the Graduate Poster Award at the 2007 meeting of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology (JAN 2007)
Organizing Committee for the Stanford Conference on Culture and Psychology (AUG 1998)
Fly UP