
Grade 1 Reading Unit 1 ESL Department

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Grade 1 Reading Unit 1 ESL Department
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 and 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Reading Unit 1
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
RL.1.1 Ask and answer
questions about key
details in a text.
1.3 Readers ask and answer
questions about characters.
We stop and ask: Who is in
the story? Who is it mostly
RL.1.2 Retell stories,
including key details, and
demonstrate understanding
of their central message or
RL.1.7 Use illustrations
and details in a story to
describe its characters,
settings, or events.
Level 1:
 Point out characters in a
familiar text
 After listening to
fictional texts, draw a
picture of the character.
 Model and role play
1.5 Readers learn about
different types of
characters by noticing when
a character has a strong
 Using pictures of
feeling and thinking: Why
feelings, tell/show how
a character feels in
does he/she feel like that?
different points of a
1.6 Readers learn about a
character by looking
Level 2:
closely at the pictures and
 After reading fictional
the words.
text, identify characters
Suggested Artifacts
Level 1:
 Complete character
graphic organizer using
pictures showing
feelings and/or details
from the story
 Categorize pictures
from a familiar text into
three categories:
characters, settings and
Level 2:
 Complete character
graphic organizer using
words (given a word
 Categorize pictures
from a familiar text into
three categories:
characters, settings and
events, then label the
pictures given a word
and the setting
Model a character
graphic organizer that
includes what students
learned about the
Draw/write about how a
character feels
Levels 1 & 2
 Completed checklist
and anecdotal notes
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
 Identify and name
everyday objects
described orally with
visual support
 Name characters or
settings of stories from
(wordless) picture
books or short stories.
 Identify features of
illustrations and
Level 2:
 Describe characters or
settings of stories from
(wordless) picture
books or short stories
 Describe features of
illustrations or
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 1
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 and 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Writing Unit 1
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
W.1.3 Write narratives in
which they recount two or
more appropriately
sequenced events, include
some details regarding
what happened, use
temporal words to signal
event order, and provide
some sense of closure.
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
1.3 Writers get ideas by
thinking about a special
person and writing about
something they have done
with that person.
1.5 Writers organize their
thinking by using a
storyboard to sketch the
beginning, middle and end
of their single event.
Writers should label their
sketch with words or
1.7 Writers go back to their
story and add to the words
and pictures. Here’s how:
Writers use describing
words, “adjectives”, to add
detail to ensure that they
have written a 7-Up
sentence. Teacher should
create an adjective anchor
chart with students.
Suggested Artifacts
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
 Brainstorm, with
students, a list of people
who are special to them.
 Model how to draw
write (dictate) about an
event with a special
person from their list
 With students, sequence
pictures depicting first,
next, and last events
Level 1:
 A completed picture on
a topic that they
describe orally
 Using a completed
model, complete a main
idea/details and/or a
sequence graphic
 Sequence pictures from
a familiar text
Level 1:
 Trace or copy words
about self
 Match pictures to
sentences read aloud.
 Tell personal
information about
family using visual
support (such as names
of family members
from photograph or
Level 2:
Level 2:
 Brainstorm with
 A completed storyboard
students a list of people
(first, next, last) with at
who are special to them.
least three sequenced
 Use a storyboard to
draw and write simple
 Complete a partially
sentences about a
filled in graphic
special event with a
organizer and label the
 Teacher models correct
punctuation while
writing sentences about
a special event
Level 2:
 Make lists for varying
purposes related to self
 Order pictures of
related sentences read
aloud using ordinal
numeral (such as first,
second, last)
 Produce pictures and
words to depict
sequence in stories
 Tell information or
experiences about your
family (such as heritage
or language)
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 2
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 and 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Reading Unit 2
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
RI.1.1Ask and answer
questions about key
details in a text.
RI.1.2 Identify the main
topics and retell key
details of a text.
RI.1.3 Describe the
connection between two
individuals, events, ideas,
or pieces of information in
a text.
RI.1.4 Ask and answer
questions to help determine
or clarify the meaning of
words in a text.
RI.1.5 Explain major
differences between books
that tell stories and books
that give information,
drawing on a wide
reading of a range of text
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
2.1 Readers distinguish
between fiction and nonfiction
texts by closely examining
examples of each during a
read aloud.
2.6 Nonfiction readers get
ready to read their books by
previewing the table of
contents, the illustrations and
2.13 Readers make sure they
understand what the author is
saying by retelling what they
have read in their own words.
2.15 Nonfiction readers think
about how the information
they have read fits together by
collecting facts and
responding to the question:
What is this section all about?
2.17 Nonfiction readers prove
their thinking by stating key
ideas from the text that
support the main topic
Suggested Artifacts
Level 1:
Level 1:
 After doing a “book
 Sorted pictures of
walk” discuss if a text is
fiction and nonfiction
fiction or nonfiction
 Point to basic text
 Completed main
idea/detail graphic
organizer with pictures,
 After reading a familiar
using a partially
text, select a picture that
completed model
is associated with the
main idea
Level 2:
 Main idea/detail graphic
Level 2:
organizer using pictures
 After doing a “book
and words
walk” tell if a text is
fiction or nonfiction
 Using a model of text
features, match the
 Point to basic text
name with a picture of
features each time a text
the feature
is read
 Sort fiction and
Levels 1 & 2
nonfiction books
 Completed checklist
 After reading, one
and anecdotal notes
section from a
nonfiction book,
students draw and write
(or dictate) a detail
related to the main idea.
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
 Identify and name
everyday objects
described orally with
visual support
 Identify features of
illustrations and
 Use words or phrases
related to weather or
environment from
(such as temperatures,
seasons, or
Level 2:
 Describe features of
illustrations or
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 3
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 and 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Writing Unit 2
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
W.1.2 Write
texts in which they name
a topic, supply some facts
about the topic, and
provide some sense of
2.2 Writers get ideas by
asking themselves, “what
do I know about specific
people in our community?”
and then listing their ideas.
Level 1:
 Create an ongoing list
of community helpers
and where they work as
books are read to
 Choose one worker and
list information about
that worker in a graphic
 Draw a picture of a
community worker
from a familiar text and
write (dictate) to tell
about the worker
Level 2:
 Read a variety of texts
about a worker
 Students label
information about a
community worker
using a sentence frame
and a word bank
 Using a familiar text,
draw and write a 4square graphic
organizer about a
W.1.4 Produce clear and
coherent writing in which
the development,
organization, and style are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
W.1.5With guidance and
support from adults, focus
on a topic, respond to
questions and suggestions
from peers, and add details
to strengthen writing as
2.3 Writers narrow their
ideas by choosing one
community helper and
writing down everything
they know about that
2.12 Writers add details to
their writing drawing
illustrations. They add
speech or thought bubbles
to add details to their
Suggested Artifacts
Level 1:
• Cut and glued pictures
of community helpers
and where they work
• Complete a graphic
organizer drawing and
labeling (dictating)
workers in the
Level 2:
• Match pictures of
community helpers and
where they work, then
label the pictures using
a model
• Complete sentence
frames about a familiar
community worker
using a word bank
• Complete a graphic
organizer showing
information from a
familiar text
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
 Identify features of
illustrations and
Level 2:
 Make lists for varying
purposes related to self
 Describe features of
illustrations or
 Note scientific change
by identifying the
stages of processes or
cycles (such as from
seeds to plants or form
caterpillars to
butterflies) through
drawings, words, or
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 4
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Reading Unit 3
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
RL1.3 Describe characters,
settings, and major events in
a story using key details.
RL.1.4 Identify words and
phrases in stories or poems
that suggest feelings or
appeal to the senses.
RL.1.7 Use illustrations and
details in a story to describe
its characters, settings, or
RL.1.9 Compare and
contrast the adventures and
experiences of characters in
a. With prompting and
support, students will make
cultural connections to text
and self.
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
3.1 Fairy Tales have special
characteristics. Over the course
of a couple of days, read several
Fairy Tales and discuss with
students different genre specific
characteristics, such as: begins
with Once upon a time and ends
with happily ever after, magical
elements, characters are good or
evil, and talking animals.
3.5 Readers describe the main
characters and setting using key
details from a Fairy Tale.
3.6 Readers use the illustrations
to help them describe the
characters, setting or events.
Here’s how: Readers use the
illustrations to help get a clear
picture in their mind so they can
add details to their description.
3.7 Readers compare and
contrast the adventures of
different characters. Here’s how:
Ask how are the characters
adventures similar? How are they
Level 1:
Read aloud a variety of
fairy tales and different
versions of the same fairy
 Sort three pictures into
beginning, middle, end
 Draw characters and
setting from a familiar
Level 2
 Complete a picture walk
sharing information from
the illustrations
 Sort pictures of events
from a story labelling
then with ordinal
numerals (first, second,
 Read aloud different
versions of the same fairy
tale, model (think aloud)
completing a graphic
organizer showing what is
the same and different in
the two versions
 Retell a story by drawing
and writing (dictate) the
beginning, middle, and
Suggested Artifacts
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
 Completed pictures
sequencing the
beginning, middle, and
end of the story
 Using a model, a
completed graphic
organizer categorizing
characters and setting
Level 2:
 Completed pictures
sequencing and
labeling using ordinal
numbers or beginning,
middle, and end
 Sorted pictures
comparing two
versions of the same
Level 1:
 Name characters or
settings of stories from
(wordless) picture
books or short stories.
 Draw pictures in
sequential order in
response to stories read
Levels 1 & 2
 Completed checklist
and anecdotal notes
Level 2:
 Describe characters or
settings of stories from
(wordless) picture
books or short stories
 Order pictures of
related sentences read
aloud using ordinal
numerals (such as first,
second, last)
 Produce pictures and
words to depict
sequence in stories
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 5
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Writing Unit 3
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
W.1.1 Write opinion pieces
in which they introduce the
topic or name the book they
are writing about, state an
opinion, supply a reason for
the opinion, and provide
some sense of closure.
W.1.4 Produce clear and
coherent writing in which
the development,
organization, and style are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
W.1.5 With guidance and
support from adults, focus
on a topic, respond to
questions and suggestions
from peers, and add details
to strengthen writing as
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
3.3 Writers get ideas for
book reviews by asking
themselves, “what fairy
tales did I really like and
why?” and then listing the
3.5 Writers select a fairy
tales they have strong
feelings about (either +/-).
Writers use a graphic
organizer to organize their
thoughts incorporating the
“must haves” from the
book review anchor chart.
3.6 Writers organize their
book review, by taking the
information from the
graphic organizer and
putting it into a paragraph.
Suggested Artifacts
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
• Create lists of fairy
tales read to the class
• Model ways to express
likes/dislikes about a
book using sentence
starters (i.e., “I like the
pictures because…”)
• Read aloud different
versions of the same
fairy tale
• Draw and write
(dictate) what students
like or don’t like about
a fairy tale
Level 1:
• Illustration of a favorite
fairy tale with a
completed sentence
starter; “My favorite
fairy tale is ____.”
• A completed “book
review” graphic
organizer with a
sentence expressing
their opinion and
matching picture
Level 1
• Trace, copy, or produce
words about self
• Name characters or
settings of stories from
(wordless) picture
books or short stories
Level 2
• Make lists for varying
purposes related to self
• Describe characters or
settings of stories from
(wordless) picture
books or short stories
Level 1:
• Model ways to express
likes/dislikes about a
book using sentences
starters (i.e., “My
favorite part is…”)
• Complete a 4-square
graphic organizer and
draw/write 4 things
they like/dislike about a
Level 2:
• Illustration of a favorite
fairy tale, completing a
sentence starter; “My
favorite fairy tale is
____ because____.”
• A completed graphic
organizer that expresses
their opinion of a book
with pictures and
• Completed cloze book
review with
word/picture bank
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 6
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Reading Unit 4
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
RI.1.4 Ask and answer
questions to help
determine or clarify the
meaning of words and
phrases in a text.
RI.1.7 Use the
illustrations and details in
a text to describe its key
RI.1.8 Identify the reasons
an author gives to support
points in a text.
RI.1.9 Identify basic
similarities in and
differences between two
texts on the same topic
(e.g.; in illustrations,
descriptions or
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
Suggested Artifacts
Level 1:
 Match pictures with words
 Read aloud a variety of
nonfiction text about
read aloud
animals, discussing the text
 Completed graphic
organizer to show the main
 Create a class chart with
idea/details, using a model
photographs of text features
Completed graphic
and a label identifying them
4.6 Readers gain a better
organizer with pictures
 Choose pictures to show the
comparing information
understanding of a text by
main idea/details of a section
about animals
or page of the text, model
identifying the key idea and
Level 2:
labelling the pictures
paraphrasing it (putting it in
 Model using a graphic
 Draw/write the meaning of
their own words).
organizer to compare and
unknown word in context
contrast pictures of two
using illustrations from the
text or the glossary
4.11 Readers compare the
Level 2:
information in two texts by  Model how to determine the  Circle a sentences that
show the main idea of a
thinking about how the
meaning of unknown words
section or page
based on the context clues
information is the same and
Completed graphic
around the word,
organizer with
how it is different.
illustrations, and a glossary
 Model a picture talk stating
comparing information
the information determined
Levels 1 & 2
from an illustration
 Model using a graphic
 Completed checklist and
organizer to compare and
anecdotal notes
4.1 Readers examine nonfiction texts by looking
closely at the text features
to locate key facts or
Level 1:
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
 Identify and name
everyday objects
described orally with
visual support
 Match pictures to
sentences read aloud
 Identify features of
illustrations and
Level 2:
 Describe features of
illustrations or
 Note scientific change by
identifying the stages of
processes or cycles (such
as from seeds to plants or
from caterpillars to
butterflies) through
drawings, words, or
contrast information about
two animals based on the
information read
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 7
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Writing Unit 4
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
W.1.2 Write
texts in which they name
a topic, supply some facts
about the topic, and
provide some sense of
4.1 Writers get ideas for “all
about ___” books by asking
themselves, “what animals do I
know all about?” and then listing
the animals.
W.1.4 Produce clear and
coherent writing in which
the development,
organization, and style are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
W.1.5 With guidance and
support from adults, focus
on a topic, respond to
questions and suggestions
from peers, and add details
to strengthen writing as
Level 1:
 Create a class list of
‘animals we know’ then
add pictures
 Read a number of
nonfiction texts about
4.5 Writers organize their
animals, choose one
thoughts into different kinds of
animal to model how to
pages. One page writers develop
complete a main
is a Diagram (with labels)
idea/detail graphic
/Illustration page. Writers put a
heading at the top of the page to
Share diagrams from
let readers know what the page is
different texts, model
mostly about.
creating a diagram
4.6 Writers organize their
Level 2:
thoughts into different kinds of
 Choose one animal,
pages. One page writers develop
complete a class KWL
uses headings to organize their
chart about that animal
information. (This is a page of
 Complete a 4-square
information/facts the writer can
graphic organizer in
teach the reader about their
which students write
information about an
4.7 Writers illustrate their pages
 Model how to make a
by drawing a picture that
diagram and a table of
matches their words on that page.
Suggested Artifacts
Level 1:
• Completed illustration
with a label (dictated) of
an animal and where they
• Using a completed
diagram as a model,
students use a word/picture
bank to create a diagram
• Using a class book as a
model, a completed “All
About ___” book including
illustrations and a diagram
with labels that provide
Level 2:
• Completed illustration and
writing about an animal
including details using
sentence starters and/or a
word bank
• Completed diagram using
a word/picture bank
• Completed “All About
____” book that includes a
cover, illustrations and a
diagram to show
information about the
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1
• Trace, copy, or produce
words (about self)
• Identify features of
illustrations and
Level 2
• Make lists for varying
purposes (related to
• Describe features of
illustrations or
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 8
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Reading Unit 5
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
RL.1.1 Ask and answer
questions about key details
in a text.
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
Suggested Artifacts
Level 1:
Level 1:
 Name, label, and role
 Match feeling picture
play feelings
with the feeling word
 Create class chart of
read aloud
RL.1.2 Retell stories,
feeling and character
 Using a familiar text
including key details, and
illustrate and write
demonstrate understanding
 Model completing
(dictate) about a
of their central message or
pictures to describe the  From a selection of
5.9 Readers determine what the
RL.1.3 Describe characters, character learned by identifying
character’s traits and/or
pictures, choose the
settings, and major events in
comparing and contrast
pictures that show a
the character’s problem and how
a story, using key details.
character’s problem and
the character solved his/her
RL.1.6: Identify who is telling the
that shows the
Level 2:
story at various points in a text.
 Complete a graphic
5.11 Readers think about the
organizer showing
RL.1.9 Compare and
similar and differences
contrast the adventures and They think about how they are
between characters
experiences of characters in
and create a class chart  Using a familiar text,
a. with prompting and
about feelings and
illustrate and write
Here’s how:
support, students will
character traits
sentences to describe the
 Readers identify the
make cultural
 Model using a graphic
character, his or her
similarities between characters
connections to text and
organizers to state a
problem, and solution
character’s problem and
 Readers identify the
his/her solution to that
Levels 1 & 2
differences between characters
• Completed checklist and
anecdotal notes
5.1 Readers learn more about
characters by identifying or
inferring their character’s traits.
Here’s how: Readers identify how
the character feels and then
determines what that means about
a character.
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1
• Identify and name
everyday objects
described orally with
visual support
• Identify features of
illustrations and
Level 2
• Tell the uses of
everyday objects
depicted visually
• Describe features of
illustrations and
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 9
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
Grade 1 Writing Unit 5
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
W.1.3 Write narratives in
which they recount two or
more appropriate sequenced
events, include some details
regarding what happened,
use temporal words to signal
event order, and provide
some sense of closure.
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
5.5 Writers focus on a single
event in their stories by
making a movie in their mind
of one time something
happened and only writing
about that one time (Tine
Acts/Small Moments). The
story will include what they
did and where they were.
Level 1
 Create shared
experiences in class and
model making a
storyboard of events
 Draw pictures of the
beginning, middle, and
end of the story and
write (dictate) sentences
to match.
Level 2
5.6 Writers organizer their
thinking by using a storyboard  Create a shared
experience in class and
to sketch the beginning,
model making a
middle, and end of story and
then sharing it with a partner.
 Reread the class story
and model going back
5.8 Writers stretch their
to add more details
stories and add more details
about events and/or
by telling more about how
how they felt
they felt.
 Reread class story and
model making final
5.14 Writers reread all of their
story and their revisions and
they publish it.
Suggested Artifacts
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
• Illustrate and write
(dictate) about an event
in their life
• A completed storyboard
illustrating three events
(first, next, last)
Level 2:
• Illustrate and write
(dictate) about an event
in their life including
• Complete a graphic
organizer to share the
beginning, middle, and
end of a narrative story
• A completed
storyboard with labels
or descriptions of
Level 1
• Name characters or
settings of stories from
(wordless) picture
books or short stories.
• Draw pictures in
sequential order (to
respond to stories read
Level 2
• Describe characters or
settings of stories from
(wordless) picture
books or short stories
• Order pictures of
related sentences read
aloud using ordinal
numerals (such as first,
second, last)
• Produce pictures and
words to depict
sequence in stories
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 10
Proficiency Level: .
1st Grade ESL Checklist
Checklist (Evidence of understanding)
Unit 1
Student can...
Anecdotal Notes: Example: 10/12/14 - Student was able to identify the main character with
ease, but is unable at this time to describe him/her.
(see attached artifact: character graphic organizer)
identify characters in a story
tell how characters feel in different
parts of a story
describe a character
Unit 2
identify a fiction and nonfiction text
locate basic text features such as
table of contents, illustrations, and
draw and tell a detail from a
familiar text
Unit 3
identify the setting in a Fairy Tale
sort/draw the beginning, middle,
and end of the story
state or draw a text-to-self
compare/contrast student with a
Unit 4
identify the key idea of a section
select the correct meaning of
unknown words
compare/contrast information from
two texts (i.e. two animals)
Unit 5
describe a character using adjectives
identify the character’s problem and
compare/contrast two characters
1st Grade PAAL August 2014
page 11
Fly UP