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Grade 01 Unit 01 Reading
Special Education and Consultant Teacher Resource Guide
Teaching Points
(Lesson Objectives)
1.1 Readers understand their reading by asking and
answering questions.
Scaffolds and Support
1.2 Readers wonder about what they are reading by
asking questions about illustrations in wordless picture
State that-“Good readers will often stop and ask questions to
themselves. This helps them think deeply about books”
In a small group setting have students attempt the “Turn and Talk with
Provide support for students with Turn and Talk if not enough staffing
pair a higher student to run groups. Each student should share out
what a friend has stated.
If students are not coming up with answers provide them with some
examples: (examples included but not limited to) Who are the
characters in the book? Who are the main characters we should know?
What are some facts about them? How do the characters feel in the
story? How do you know? Can you use evidence to support it? etc.
Anchor Chart for children, one for entire class and personal one for
students. Students may draw pictures as a reminder as you are
providing questions.
Model stopping and asking questions throughout while showing the
book Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse
Show pages on Smartboard/ENO with document camera if available
Personal copies of books if available
Allow students to take the picture walk and pretend to be the teacher.
Model the events in story.
Refer back to the Questioning Chart completed for the book.
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Teaching Points
(Lesson Objectives)
Scaffolds and Support
1.3 Readers ask and answer questions about
characters. We stop and ask: Who is in the story? Who
is it mostly about?
(suggested title: No, David)
1.4 Readers get to know characters by asking and
answering questions like: What does my character do?
How does s/he act?
1.5 Readers learn about characters by noticing when a
character has a strong feeling and thinking: Why does
s/he feel like that?
1.6 Readers learn about a character by looking closely
at the pictures and the words.
1.7 Readers collect information about a character by
looking closely at the illustrations and words.
1.8 Readers learn about a character’s feelings by
paying attention to what the character says and does:
How does my character feel at the beginning? Are the
feelings the same or different in the middle? The end?
Outcome 2
Please get in detail for the first four pages of Lilly and the Purple Plastic
 Students may draw a picture of a character. They may write a seven up
sentence by using the words in the question. Provide the sentence
starter of the main character in the story name is____.
 Students should focus on how the character is feeling, Lilly or Mr.
 Students can draw a graphic organizer with Lilly and Mr. Slinger.
 Students can draw pictures on how the characters feel and what they
are doing in the first four pages of the story.
 Students should be encouraged to write a few words describing it.
 Students are encouraged to write independently and then have the
word in correct format to use in the writing pieces.
 Use the same scaffold as teaching point 1.4.
 Students are expected to use this graphic organizer to write the
sentence of 7 words or more regarding the characters.
 The students will have two characters to choose from.
 **Outcome 1 due.
 Using the same graphic organizer, have the student fill in how Lilly is
feeling now in the middle of the story. Students may draw a picture and
write helpful buzz words to use in writing to follow.
 Students will use the copy of the book they have, or Smartboard, or
youtube paused page, etc. Students will use this to add details to the
graphic organizer as a prewriting tool.
 Use same character organizer to add details.
 Can also add to the BME with support
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Teaching Points
(Lesson Objectives)
1.9 Readers use text evidence to help them think
about the character(s).
Scaffolds and Support
1.10 Readers retell a story by describing a character’s
feelings, words and actions from the beginning, middle
and end of a story.
Students read story without interruptions entirely once.
Students may listen to the story multiple times on youtube.
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-s9ozAMxOw
Different day-In small group settings anywhere between 1-6 students if
possible have students listen to the story with the same
stops(beginning, middle, end.)
Place post it notes on pages for students to reference later.
Students with needs may have a personal copy of the book when read
Students may orally state their sentence. Teachers may support the 7
words or more.
Teachers can pick what words they feel student can independently
write. Teachers may dictate or write in personal dictionaries the words
students may not know.
Students can copy entire sentence if they are not writing ready.
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