
High School Reading Unit 1 ESL Department

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High School Reading Unit 1 ESL Department
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
High School Reading Unit 1
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
Suggested Artifact
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
9.2 Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze in detail its
development over the
course of the text,
including how it emerges
and is shaped and refined
by specific details;
provide an objective
summary of text
1.3: Readers recognize
how a theme develops
throughout a given text by:
 identifying the patterns
 using specific details
from the text to support
Level 1& 2:
 Pre-teach relevant
story/literary/ academic
 Students listen to text
 Chunk text
 Students follow as
teacher highlights
details for character,
setting, problem,
 Provide pictures of text
 Show pictures/
illustrations representing
a theme
 Students follow as
teacher highlights
details supporting theme
from beg, middle, end
of text
 Pre-teach character
traits/create a bank of
traits using pictures and
 Act out/role play
examples of character
 Organizer listing what
character says and does
Level 1:
 Story map using pictures
of a story’s characters,
setting, problem
 Graphic organizer
sorting teacher prepared
details related to a theme
 Sequence events in a
story using story’s
Level 1:
 Identify and locate
sources of information
based on oral directions
and visual support
 Match key vocabulary
within graphic supported
texts to visuals
 Supply missing words in
short sentences
 Respond to WHquestions related to
illustrated text
Level 2:
 Locate key facts in
graphics and texts
 Describe personalities of
characters in visuals
with L1 support
 Select or sort sources of
information based on
oral descriptions and
visual support
 Extract key phrases or
sentences from written
 Produce short answer
responses to oral
questions with visual
9.2 Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze in detail its
development over the
course of the text,
including how it emerges
and is shaped and refined
by specific details;
provide an objective
summary of text
9.3 Analyze how complex
characters (e.g., those
with multiple or
conflicting motivations)
develop over the course
of a text, interact with
other characters, and
advance the plot or
develop the theme.
1.5: Readers write an
objective summary
analyzing the given theme
of a given text.
1.7: Readers identify
character traits by using
characters’ words and
1.9 Readers examine
characters by identifying
and analyzing internal and
external conflicts
1.15: Readers will identify
flashback, foreshadow,
setting, plot, structure,
parallel plots, etc. in given
Level 2:
 Story map organizer
 Sequence story using
sentence strips
 Sentence frames e.g.,
The characters in
“________” are
_______. The setting is
_____. The theme
Level 1& 2:
 Graphic organizer using
bank of traits and
examples of text
supporting traits
 Match picture of
character with character
High School PAAL August 2014
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9.4 Determine the meaning
of words and phrases as
they are used in the text,
including figurative and
connotative meaning;
analyze the cumulative
impact of specific word
choices on meaning and
tone (e.g., how the
language evokes a sense of
time and place; how it sets
a formal or informal tone).
 Role play character
change in small group
(readers theater)
 Organizer/timeline
sorting a characters
change in a story
 Match conflicts with
 Pre-teach vocabulary:
flashback, setting,
foreshadowing, plot,
structure, parallel plots,
etc. in given texts.
 Graphic organizer using
bank of traits and
examples of text
supporting traits
 State facts about
characters in visuals
with L1 support
 Match data or
information with its
source or genre
 Classify or organize
information presented in
visuals or graphs
 Match sentence-level
descriptions to visual
9.5 Analyze how an
author’s choices
concerning how to
structure a text, order
events within it (e.g.,
parallel plots), and
manipulate time (e.g.,
pacing, flashbacks)
create such effects as
mystery, tension, or
High School Reading Unit 1
High School PAAL August 2014
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ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
High School Writing Unit 1
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
W.9.3. Write narratives to
develop real experiences or
events using effective
technique, well chosen details,
and well-structured event
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
1.1 Writers will use a
Level 1&2:
variety of strategies to
 Provide a list of
generate topics/ideas based
possible topics: coming
on the narrative prompt
to America, first day of
school, etc.
1.2 Writers will brainstorm  Read aloud picture
W.9.4. Produce clear and
ideas for their topics/ideas
coherent writing in which the
Graphic organizer with
development, organization,
pictures of senses to
and style are appropriate to
meet the requirements of
task, purpose, and audience.
add details
the narrative prompt.
 Class chart of
W.9.5. Develop and strengthen
descriptive words
writing as needed by planning,
 Model a narrative
revising, editing, rewriting, or
working document that
trying a new approach,
focusing on addressing what is meets the criteria of the
 Model drafting,
most significant for a specific
writing prompt and
revising, editing
purpose and audience.
incorporates the following
 Provide starter
narrative techniques:
W.9.6. Use technology,
sentences, cloze
 sets out a
including the Internet, to
produce, publish, and update
 Use bilingual
individual or shared writing
 introduces characters
products, taking advantage of
technology’s capacity to link
 dialogue
to other information and to
display information flexibly
 pacing
and dynamically.
 description
 reflection
L1. Demonstrate command of
 plot line (multiple if
the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage
when writing and speaking.
 sequencing that creates
a. Use parallel structure.
a coherent whole
b. Use various types of phrases
Suggested Artifact
Level 1:
 Sequenced illustration
of a real experience
 Cloze paragraph
Level 2:
 Paragraph about a real
experience using
sentence frames, word
banks, etc.
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
 Use bilingual or
picture dictionaries to
generate language
relevant to the task
 Use graphic organizers
to brainstorm words or
phrases associated with
writing topics (such as
semantic webs)
Level 2:
 Use computers, peers,
or models to check
spelling or grammar
 Use graphic organizers
to plan writing (such as
T charts)
 Complete pattern
 Extend “ sentence
starters” with original
 Connect simple
 Complete graphic
organizers/forms with
personal information
 Respond to yes/no,
either/or, and some
WH- questions
(noun, verb, adjectival,
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participial, prepositional,
absolute) and clauses
(independent, dependent; noun,
relative, adverbial) to convey
specific meanings and add
variety and interest to writing or
L2. Demonstrate command of
the conventions of standard
English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling
when writing.
a. Use a semicolon (and
perhaps a conjunctive adverb)
to link two or more closely
related independent clauses.
b. Use a colon to introduce a
list or quotation.
c. Spell correctly.
convey a vivid picture
by using precise
words/phrases, telling
details, and/or sensory
1.6 Writers will edit their
working document to:
 demonstrate a
command of the
conventions of
standard English
grammar and usage
 demonstrate the
effective use of various
types of
phrases/clauses to add
variety and interest
1.7 Writers will
demonstrate an effective
use of technology to
publish an individual
writing product.
High School Writing Unit 1
High School PAAL August 2014
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ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
High School Reading Unit 2
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
RI.9.1 Cite strong and
thorough textual evidence
to support analysis of what
the text says explicitly as
well as inferences drawn
from the text.
a. Develop factual,
interpretive, and evaluative
questions for further
exploration of the topic(s).
RI.9.2 Determine a central
idea of a text and analyze
its development over the
course of the text, including
how it emerges and is
shaped and refined by
specific details; provide an
objective summary of text.
RI. 9. 3 Analyze how the
author unfolds an analysis
or series of ideas or events
including the order in
which points are made, how
they are introduced and
developed, and the
connections that are drawn
between them.
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
2.1: Readers will make
inferences about the text
by incorporating and
discussing textual
2.3: Through the use of
textual evidence readers
will identify the central
idea of a text to determine
the authors goal and what
the reader is supposed to
take away from the text
2.4: Readers will be able
to recognize how a central
idea is developed
throughout a given text by
providing an objective
2.5: Readers will analyze
and discuss the order in
which points are made by
examining textual
2.12: Readers will
examine how a claim is
developed by identifying
specific sentences,
Level 1 &2
 Pre-teach vocabulary:
central idea, patterns
individuals, events,
argument, claims,
supporting, nonsupporting
 Read aloud and chunk
 Highlight central idea
and supporting evidence
 Pre-teach nonfiction
 Pre-teach vocabulary
(heading, subheading,
caption, chart, map,
index, glossary, table of
contents, bold)
Suggested Artifact
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1:
Level 1:
 Match pictures of claims
 Locate
and supporting details to
features of visually
supported texts
 Complete a text map using
pictures of a text’s
Level 2:
individuals, events or
 Differentiate among
 Draw examples of central
features of texts
 Match examples of central
idea with various text
 Categorize pictures and
phrases with the argument
it supports
 Organize author’s points
in sequential order by
using illustrations
 Locate and match text
structures with key
 Sort through relevant and
irrelevant supporting
details using a word bank
 Sort through basic true or
false sentence strips
Level 2:
 Underline details in a text
 T-chart: I think
this…because the text
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RI. 9. 4 Determine the
meaning of words and
phrases as they are used in a
text, including figurative,
connotative, and technical
meanings; analyze the
cumulative impact of specific
word choices on meaning and
tone (e.g., how the language
of a court opinion differs
from that of a newspaper).
RI. 9. 5 Analyze in detail
how an author’s ideas or
claims are developed and
refined by particular
sentences, paragraphs, or
larger portions of a text
(e.g., a section or chapter).
 Record central idea with
sentence stems. One idea
I have is ___; for
example…or In___, the
central idea is ___.
 Organize simple sentences
to state which events are
important to central idea.
 Organize author’s points
in sequential order by
using sentence strips
 Complete graphic
organizers with photos to
show textual patterns
 T-chart: relevant and
irrelevant supporting
details for specific claims
using a word bank
 Label text structures using
a word bank
 Complete graphic
organizers for beginning,
middle and end of a text
paragraphs or larger
portions of a text that
support it
2.14: Readers will
describe and evaluate the
argument and claims in a
given text by determining
if there is enough strong
2.15: Readers will
describe and evaluate the
argument and claims in a
given text by determining
if the evidence is false
RI. 9. 8 Delineate and
evaluate the argument and
specific claims in a text,
assessing whether the
reasoning is valid and the
evidence is relevant and
sufficient; identify false
statements and fallacious
High School Reading Unit 2
High School PAAL August 2014
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ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
High School Writing Unit 2
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
W.9.1: Write arguments
to support claims in an
analysis of substantive
topics or texts, using
valid reasoning and
relevant and sufficient
evidence. Explore and
inquire into areas of
interest to formulate an
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
2.1: Writers will be
familiar with the
components of argument
2.2: Writers generate
topics/ideas for argument
writing by using a variety
of strategies
W.9.4: Produce clear and
coherent writing in
which the development,
organization, and style
are appropriate to task,
purpose and audience.
2.3: Writers brainstorm
ideas for their topics/ideas
by evaluating which
brainstormed topics meet
the criteria of an argument
W.9.5: Develop and
strengthen writing as
needed by planning,
revising, editing,
rewriting, or trying a
new approach, focusing
on addressing what is
most significant for a
specific purpose and
2.4: Writers produce a
working document that
meets the criteria of the
writing prompt
Suggested Artifact
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1 &2:
Level 1:
Level 1:
Pre-teach vocabulary:
opposing, argument,
Teacher read aloud text
Read argumentative
essay examples and
identify the argument
and claims
Brainstorm things to
change at school or
Model introduction
Model use conventions
(spelling, punctuation,
grammar and spelling)
Model use of bilingual
dictionaries / glossaries
Arrange teacher
created sentence strips
to create introductions
Match opposing views
Match arguments with
support claims
Students copy class
argumentative essay
Produce symbols,
words, or phrases to
convey basic
Level 2:
 Produce notes,
construct charts or
graphic organizers to
convey information
Level 2:
 Organize simple
sentences to create an
 Use sentence stems
 Arrange teacher
created sentences to
create argumentative
 Add one sentence to
class created essay
 With a partner, edit for
previously taught
High School PAAL August 2014
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ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
High School Reading Unit 3
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
RL.9.2 Determine a theme or
central idea of a text and
analyze in detail its
development over the course of
the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details;
provide an objective summary
of text
RI. 9.2 Determine a central
idea of a text and analyze its
development over the course of
the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details;
provide an objective summary
of text
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
3.1 Readers identify
textual evidence of where
the theme emerges by
highlighting and
discussing relevant chunks
of text
3.2 Readers recognize
how a theme develops
throughout a given text
 Identifying the
Using specific textual
evidence from the text
to support
3.4 Readers recognize at
RL .9.4 Determine the meaning what point the author
of words and phrases as they
develops the central idea
are used in a text, including
from the beginning to the
figurative and connotative
end by using textual
meaning; analyze the cumulative evidence to track it
impact of specific word choices
throughout the text
on meaning and tone (e.g., how
the language evokes a sense of
time and place; how it sets a
formal or informal tone).
3.7 Readers determine the
meaning of unknown
words and phrases by
RI .9.4 Determine the meaning of pausing after reading a
chunk of text and
words and phrases as they are
used in a text, including
discussing context clues.
Suggested Artifact
Level 1&2
Level 1
 Pre-teach relevant
 Graphic organizer
vocabulary (i.e. central
sorting teacher provided
idea, argument, claims,
text details related to a
theme details)
theme or central idea
(beginning, middle, and
end of a text)
 Read aloud and chunk
 Identify and label
sentences of flashback,
plot, parallel plots etc.
 Teacher highlights
details for central idea  Organize author’s points
/ theme, details
in sequential order by
using illustrations
 Provide pictures of
 Match examples of
text details
central ideas with
supporting evidence
 Show pictures/
Level 2
representing a
 Underline supporting
theme/central idea
evidence in a text
 Graphic organizer
sorting text details
 Pre-teach literary
devices (flashback,
related to a theme or
parallel plots, pacing /
central idea using
sequence of events)
previously highlighted
text (beginning, middle,
and end of a text)
 T-Chart: I think
this…because the text
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1
 Respond to literal
questions from
illustrations or visually
supported text
 Match content-related
objects/pictures to
 Find single word
responses to WHquestions relates to
illustrated text
Level 2
 Locate main ideas in a
series of simple
 Sort/group pre-taught
 Use pre-taught
vocabulary to complete
simple sentences
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figurative, connotative, and
technical meanings; analyze the
cumulative impact of specific
word choices on meaning and
tone (e.g. how the language of a
court opinion differs from that of
a newspaper)
RL.9.5 Analyze how an
author’s choices concerning
how to structure a text, order
events within (e.g. parallel
plots), and manipulate time
(e.g. pacing, flashbacks) create
such effects as mystery, tension,
or surprise.
RI .9.5 Analyze in detail how
an author’s ideas or claims are
developed and refined by
particular sentences,
paragraphs, or larger portions
of a text (e.g. a section or
 Organize author’s points
in sequential order by
using sentence strips
 Paragraph frames for
writing about
theme/central idea
 Sort examples of
flashback, plot, parallel
plots etc.
3.11 Readers identify
literary devices
(flashback, pacing/
sequence of events,
parallel plots, etc) that the
author uses.
3.13 Readers examine
how a claim is developed
by asking “What is the
author trying to say in this
section? What evidence
supports his /her claim?”
3.14 Readers examine
how a claim is clarified by
identifying specific
sentences, paragraphs or
larger portions of a text
that support it
RI.9.8 Delineate and evaluate
the argument and specific claims
in a text, assessing whether the
reasoning is valid and the
evidence is relevant and
sufficient; identify false
statements and fallacious
High School Reading Unit 3
High School PAAL August 2014
page 9
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
High School Writing Unit 3
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
W.9.1 Write arguments to
support claims in an
analysis of substantive
topics or texts, using valid
reasoning and relevant and
sufficient evidence.
Explore and inquire into
areas of interest to
formulate an argument.
W.9.4 Produce clear and
coherent writing in which
the development,
organization, and style are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
W.9.6 Use technology,
including the Internet, to
produce, publish, and
update individual or
shared writing products,
taking advantage of
technology’s capacity to
link to other information
and to display information
flexibly and dynamically.
W.9.9 Draw evidence from
literary or informational
texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
3.1 Writers get a sense of what a
strong literary analysis is by
looking at examples and
identifying components that are
Level 1&2
 Determine and identify
literary elements of
texts that will be
analyzed (character,
3.3 Writers generate an insightful
setting, theme)
thesis statement by considering
 Use previously read
important events, pivotal moments
and highlighted texts
and character choice and asking,
 Model use graphic
“What is the author suggesting
about families?” or
organizers (story map,
“What is the author suggesting
Venn diagram,
about strength?”
character chart)
 Provide starter
3.4 Writers evaluate ideas by
asking: What am I trying to
sentences / cloze
analyze? What connections can I
draw between the two texts? Will
Teach paragraph
I have enough textual evidence?
structure (indent,
What do I know the most about?
spacing, appropriate
3.5 Writers plan their draft by
line breaks, etc.)
organizing / outlining their
 Model use conventions
information based on textual
(spelling, punctuation,
evidence, explanation and
grammar and spelling)
3.6 Writers create an organized
structure by sequencing evidence
and explanation of literary
3.11 Writers polish their writing
by correcting any errors in
spelling, capitalization, grammar
Suggested Artifact
Level 1
 Sort teacher provided
details related to theme,
character, setting onto a
literary analysis organizer
that identifies similarities
and differences
 Write simple sentences
using details from literary
analysis organizer
 Draw details from texts
that identify similarities
and differences
Level 2
 Complete a paragraph
frame identifying
character, setting, theme
similarities and
 Write a paragraph (or
rewrite paragraph frame
as) identifying character,
setting, theme similarities
and differences using
word banks
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
Level 1
 Use bilingual or picture
dictionaries to generate
language relevant to the
 Use graphic organizers to
brainstorm words or
phrases associated with
writing topics (such as
semantic webs)
Level 2
 Use computers, peers, or
models to check spelling
or grammar
 Use graphic organizers to
plan writing (T –charts,
Venn diagram, etc.)
 Complete pattern
 Extend “ sentence starters”
with original ideas
 Connect simple sentences
 Complete graphic
organizers/forms with
personal information
 Respond to yes/no,
either/or, and some WHquestions
High School PAAL August 2014
page 10
ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
High School Reading/Writing Unit 4
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
Suggested Artifact
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
RL.9.1 Readers will use textual
evidence to understand what is
explicit and implied within a
RL.9.2 Readers explain how a
theme emerges and is shaped
using textual evidence.
RL.9.3 Readers analyze how
characters actions / choices
advance the plot and/or
develop the theme
4.1 Readers will analyze text by:
-highlighting what the text says
-making inferences based on
textual evidence
4.2 Readers will analyze and
discuss textual evidence of
where the theme emerges and
develops by:
identifying themes
-identifying patterns
-highlighting textual evidence in
chunks of text
4.3 Readers analyze what
motivates a character to say and
do the things he/ she does by:
-making inferences using textual
evidence and highlighting
chunks of text
4.9 Readers will examine the
author’s historical and /or
cultural experiences by
highlighting and discussing
cultural influences within a given
4.10 Readers will analyze and
explain the impact of
Shakespeare’s historical and /or
cultural experiences
4.16 Readers will analyze and
discuss text by:
-highlighting what the text says
explicitly -making inferences
based on textual evidence
-exploring other texts on the
same topic
Level 1& 2
 Pre-teach vocabulary:
theme, central idea, patterns,
character motivations,
author’s perspective
 Highlight details for central
idea / theme
 Use bilingual glossary
 Read aloud and chunk text
 Read aloud and model
thinking about important
 Provide background
knowledge on the
Elizabethan Era
 Use a graphic novel of
Romeo and Juliet
 Model use of box and bullet
graphic organizer to record
information from each
 Model use graphic organizer
with illustrations
 Demonstrate the use of a
pre-populated PPT
 Pre-teach rubric
 that includes
 Model assessing one’s own
 Teacher rehearses with
students multiple times
Level 1
 Graphic organizer sorting
teacher provided text details
related to a theme or central
idea (beginning, middle, and
end of a text)
 Graphic organizer sorting
teacher provided text details
related to Elizabethan Era.
 Match pictures with
Elizabethan Era.
 Highlight text that connects
with question
 Class generated concept
map around the topic
 Use illustrations and
dictation to complete a
template box and bullet
 Copy citations of articles,
books, videos, etc. off class
generated list
 Use teacher created outline
template to place
 Use pre-populated PPT to
change background, designs,
and add illustrations from
internet and clipart.
Level 1
 Respond to literal questions
from illustrations or visually
supported text
 Match content-related
objects/pictures to words
 Find single word responses
to WH-questions relates to
illustrated text
 Use bilingual or picture
dictionaries to generate
language relevant to the task
 Use graphic organizers to
brainstorm words or phrases
associated with writing
topics (such as semantic
Level 2
 Locate main ideas in a series
of simple sentences
 Sort/group pre-taught
 Use computers, peers, or
models to check spelling or
 Use graphic organizers to
plan writing (T –charts,
Venn diagram, etc)
 Complete pattern sentences
 Extend “ sentence starters”
with original ideas
 Connect simple sentences
 Complete graphic
organizers/forms with
personal information
RL.9.4 Readers will analyze the
importance word choice has on the
meaning and tone of
a text.
RL.9.5 Readers will know how an
author’s choice of structure
creates an effect of tension and/or
RL.9.6 Readers will draw on
their literary experiences to
analyze point of view or
cultural experience (s) from a
RL.9.7 Readers will examine a key scene
or character in different mediums and
will identify critical elements that
are included and that are absent
RL.9.9 Readers will examine author’s
words to determine how the work
RI.9.1 Readers will analyze an
informational text using
specific and thorough textual
a. Readers will create
meaningful questions for
further exploration of the text
RI.9.2 Readers will determine
and trace the central idea of
4.17 Readers will identify and
Level 2
 Graphic organizer sorting
text details related to a
theme or central idea using
previously highlighted text
(beginning, middle, and end
of a text)
High School PAAL August 2014
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informational text and provide
specific details that support it.
RI. 9.3 Readers will identify
how an author develops his/her
analysis and the connections
that are made between his / her
analyze textual evidence of
where central idea emerges and
develops by –identifying themes
- identifying patterns
-highlighting textual evidence in
chunks of text.
RI.9.6 Readers will examine the author’s
point of view and how he/she uses
rhetoric to advance the purpose
4.18 Readers will examine the
order in which points are made
to determine:
-how points are made and
developed by examining textual
- connections that are drawn
between texts by identifying how
points are made and developed
RI.9.7 Readers will examine
multiple mediums of a subject
and identify unique details
from each account
RI.9.8 Readers will examine an
author’s arguments and/or
claims to determine the strength
of the given arguments and/or
W.9.2 Write informative
/explanatory texts to examine
and convey complex ideas,
concepts, and information
clearly and accurately through
the effective selection,
organization, and analysis of
W9.4 Produce a clear and
coherent writing in which the
development, organization,
and style are appropriate to
task, purpose, and audience.
W9.5 Develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting, or
trying a new approach,
focusing on what is most
significant for a specific
purpose and audience.
W.9.6 Use technology,
including the Internet, to
produce, publish, and update
individual or shared writing
products, taking advantage of
technology’s capacity to link to
4.21 Readers will determine the
key elements /details/points to
analyze when comparing two
different mediums on the same
4.22 Readers will analyze and
discuss the representation of the
Elizabethan Era by examining
many different mediums (print
and multimedia).
T-Chart: I think
this…because the text
Highlight text details related
to Elizabethan Era using a
three column chart: Factual
Text Evidence/ Connections
to the Main Text/ What this
is telling me about my
research question.
Use citationmachine.net to
correctly cite sources used
Complete box and bullet
with word bank and a
Sort information to place on
group outline
With partner, use prepopulated PPT to change
background, designs, and
add illustrations from
internet and clipart group
4.2 Research writers generate
ideas about a topic by asking:
What are the goals of the
project? What are some
important issues? What needs to
be included within the project?
4.6 Research writers gather
and categorize facts and ideas by
creating an organizational
4.7 Research writers collect
ideas from multiple sources
(both primary and secondary),
then make decisions about how
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Reading/Writing Unit 4
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other information and to
display information flexibly
and dynamically.
W.9.7: Conduct short as well
as more sustained research
projects to answer a question
(including a self-generated
question) or solve a problem;
narrow or broaden the inquiry
whenappropriate; synthesize
multiple sources on the
understanding of the subject
under investigation.
a. Explore topics dealing with
different cultures and world
much and what kind of
information to record from each
4.8 Research writers begin
to organize their essays/papers
and/or projects by creating an
4.14 Research writers revise
their work to ensure smooth
transitions between sections
4.15 Writers will polish their
writing by correcting any errors
in spelling, capitalization,
grammar, etc
W.9.8 Gather relevant
information from multiple
authoritative print and digital
sources, using advanced
searches effectively; assess the
usefulness of each source in
answering the research
question; integrate information
into the text selectively to
maintain the flow of ideas,
avoiding plagiarism and
following a standard format
for citation.
W.9.9: Draw evidence from
literary or informational texts to
support analysis, reflection, and
a. Apply grades 9 –10 Reading
standards to literature
b. Apply grades 9–10 Reading
standards to literary nonfiction
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ESL Department
Portfolio Alternative Assessment for Level 1 & 2 ELLs
High School Reading Unit 5
Common Core Grade
Level Standard
Common Core Curriculum
Teaching Points
Suggested Artifact
WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards
RL.9.2 Readers explain how a
theme emerges and is shaped
using textual evidence.
RL.9.3 Readers analyze how
characters actions / choices
advance the plot and/or
develop the theme
RL.9.4:Readers will analyze the
importance word choice has on
the meaning and tone of a text.
RL.9.5 Readers will know how
an author’s choice of structure
creates an effect of tension and
/ or surprise.
RL.9.6: Readers will draw on
their literary experiences to
analyze point of view or
cultural experience(s) from a
RL.9.7 Readers will examine
a key scene or character in
different mediums and will
identify critical elements that
are included and that are
RL.9.9 Readers will examine
author’s words to determine
how the work is transformed.
RI.9.2 Readers will determine
and trace the central idea of
informational text and
provide specific details that
support it.
RI. 9.3 Readers will identify
how an author develops
his/her analysis and the
connections that are made
between his / her points
5.2 Readers analyze and discuss
textual evidence of where the
theme emerges and develops by:
-identifying themes
-identifying patterns
-highlighting textual evidence in
chunks of text
5.6 Readers will examine the
author’s historical and /or
cultural experiences by
highlighting and discussing
cultural influences within a
given text.
5.7 Readers examine an author’s
cultural experiences by
highlighting identified cultural
and/or historical influences
within a given text.
5.8 Readers analyze the
representation of key scenes
from a piece of literature by
identifying and discussing
similarities and differences in
different artistic mediums.
Level 1& 2
 Pre-teach vocabulary: theme,
central idea, patterns, character
motivations, author’s
Level 1
 Graphic organizer
sorting teacher provided
text details related to a
theme or central idea
(beginning, middle, and
end of a text)
Level 1
 Respond to literal
questions from illustrations
or visually supported text
 Match content-related
objects/pictures to words
 Find single word responses
to WH-questions relates to
illustrated text
 Use bilingual or picture
dictionaries to generate
language relevant to the
 Use graphic organizers to
brainstorm words or
phrases associated with
writing topics (such as
semantic webs)
Level 2
 Locate main ideas in a
series of simple sentences
 Sort/group pre-taught
 Use computers, peers, or
models to check spelling or
 Use graphic organizers to
plan writing (T –charts,
Venn diagram, etc)
 Complete pattern sentences
 Extend “ sentence starters”
with original ideas
 Connect simple sentences
 Complete graphic
organizers/forms with
personal information
5.9 Readers analyze the
representation of a hero in
different mediums (art, articles,
epic myths, video, etc.) by
examining and highlighting
different portrayals of heroes.
5.12 Readers will identify and
analyze textual evidence of
where central idea emerges and
develops by
-identifying themes
-identifying patterns
Highlight details for central idea
/ theme
Use bilingual glossary
Read aloud and chunk text
Use a Venn diagram to show
similarities and differences
between mediums.
Read aloud and model thinking
about important information.
Brainstorm a list of qualities for
a hero.
Highlight examples of heroism
in the text.
Identify and label
sentences of flashback,
plot, parallel plots etc.
Organize author’s points
in sequential order by
using illustrations
Matching heroes with
Complete a character
chart using teacher
provided details.
Level 2
 Underline supporting
evidence in a text
Graphic organizer
sorting text details
related to a theme or
central idea using
previously highlighted
text (beginning, middle,
and end of a text)
Organize author’s points
in sequential order by
using sentence strips
High School PAAL August 2014
page 14
RI.9.4 Readers will analyze the
importance word choice
has on the tone & meaning on
different informational texts.
RI. 9.5: Readers will analyze
how the author develops
an idea or claim in specific
sections of a given text
RI.9.6 Readers will examine the
author’s point of view and
how he/she uses rhetoric
to advance the purpose
RI.9.8 Readers will examine
an author’s arguments and/or
claims to determine the
strength of the given
arguments and/or claims
RI.9.7 Readers will examine
multiple mediums of a subject
and identify unique details
from each account
RI 9.9 Readers will examine
historical documents, primary
and secondary sources and
identify and analyze a given
-highlighting textual evidence in
chunks of text
5.13 Readers will examine the
order in which points are made
to determine:
-how points are made and
developed by examining textual
- connections that are drawn
between texts by identifying
how points are made and
5.15 Readers examine how a
claim is developed and clarified
by identifying specific
sentences, paragraphs or larger
portions of a text that support it.
Complete a T-chart
using teacher provided
details to compare and
contrast different
representations of a
Complete a character
chart using previously
highlighted text.
5.18 Readers describe and
evaluate the argument and
claims in a given text by
determining if there is enough
strong evidence or if the
evidence is false
5.19 Readers will determine the
key elements /details/points to
analyze when comparing two
different mediums on the same
5.20 Readers will analyze and
discuss the representation of the
heroism by examining many
different mediums (print and
5.21 Readers analyze
characteristics of heroism by
examining and discussing
historical documents
High School Reading Unit 5
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Proficiency Level: .
High School ESL Checklist
Unit 1
Unit 2
W 9.1
Unit 3
W 9.2
Unit 4
Checklist (Evidence of understanding)
Anecdotal Notes: Example: 10/12/14 - Student was able to identify the main
character with ease, but is unable at this time to describe him/her.
(see attached artifact: character graphic organizer)
Stu Student can...
highlight details in a text about a theme or
central idea with a partner or teacher
modeling activity
choose words from a word bank to describe
setting, character(s), plot
complete a story map about the characters,
setting, and problem of a text
match and /or label pictures of types of
write about a real experience or event in a
cloze activity format
highlight central ideas in a text with a
partner or teacher modeling activity
sort through relevant and irrelevant
supporting details using a word bank
use editing strategies for a polished writing
write/choose supportive claims to an
argument using a generated list of reasons
and evidence.
arrange sentences to create an argumentative
identify textual evidence that supports a
theme/central idea
label or identify literary devices
complete a literary analysis graphic
organizer that identifies similarities and
work with a peer to develop a thesis/claim
participate in a writing activity to convey
ideas, concepts, or information about a topic
complete an organizer sorting teacher
provided text details related to a theme or
central idea (beginning, middle, and end of a
complete an organizer sorting teacher
provided text details
match pictures with elizabethan era
place information on a teacher created
create a powerpoint with researched details
High School PAAL August 2014
page 16
Unit 5
complete an organizer sorting teacher
provided text details related to a theme or
central idea (beginning, middle,
and end of a text)
identify and label sentences of flashback,
plot, parallel plots etc.
underline supporting evidence in a text
use graphic organizers to plan writing
(t –charts, venn diagram, etc)
complete a character chart using a word
High School PAAL August 2014
page 17
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