
Engineering Physics Student Colloquium Series July 15, 2015 4:30-6:00

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Engineering Physics Student Colloquium Series July 15, 2015 4:30-6:00
July 15, 2015
Engineering Physics
Student Colloquium Series
Muons Can See Through Your Lead Pajamas
Kendall Boniface
Since the 1950’s, the penetrating ability of naturally occurring cosmic-ray muons has been
exploited for the purpose of passively imaging the interior of large structures (like the Pyramid of
Chephren in Giza). In more recent years however, the focus has turned to imaging structures
containing distributions of high-density, high-Z material (e.g. uranium, plutonium, or dense
shielding material) for the purpose of non-proliferation and nuclear safeguards. This
presentation aims to give an overview of the detector technology and various imaging methods
used in the field of muon tomography, with focus being given to a novel technique I developed
during a co-op term with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories.
On Teaching Physics: Gauss's Law
Liam Lawrence
This talk will give a brief summary of my views on post-secondary physics
education and what needs to be changed. To elucidate several of the points I
suggest as areas of improvement, I will present my own lecture on Gauss’s Law
as an example of introducing a new concept through analogy and by setting it in
the framework of a student’s existing knowledge.
Free Food and Coffee!
Open to all students!
Improve your presentation and speaking skills as well as learn about other technical
topics in a relaxed and constructive atmosphere.
Fly UP