
Allegato: programma conferenze prof. Michael Jackson

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Allegato: programma conferenze prof. Michael Jackson
University of Lugano
Università della Svizzera italiana
The Faculty of informatics
La Facoltà di Scienze informatiche
Established in October 2004, the faculty of informatics
at the University of Lugano is dedicated to high quality
teaching and research.
La facoltà di Scienze informatiche, avviata nell’ottobre
2004, è dedicata all’insegnamento e alla ricerca di alta
Teaching excellence is assured by an international
faculty, low student/faculty ratio and a modern,
innovative curriculum. The bachelor program is
project-based and comprises of six semesters of
highly integrated courses and team-oriented
projects. The graduate program consists of a twoyear Master's program and a research-oriented PhD
program. The language of instruction is English.
L’eccellenza didattica è assicurata da un corpo docente di livello internazionale, da un ottimo rapporto
numerico tra studenti e professori e da un programma
di studi moderno ed innovativo.
Il programma di Bachelor (di sei semestri) è orientato
al lavoro di gruppo su progetti informatici accompagnati da corsi integrati.
Sono pure offerti un biennio di specializzazione
(Master) e un programma di dottorato (PhD). La lingua
ufficiale dell’insegnamento è l’inglese.
The faculty is active in research with focus on all
aspects of software-intensive systems, with particular
strengths in software engineering, distributed
systems, and networks.
di scienze
Is Software
April 6, 2005
La Facoltà è attiva nella ricerca con particolare attenzione ai sistemi informatici. I professori sono specialisti
nelle aree di ricerca come l’ingegneria del software, i
sistemi distribuiti e le reti di computer.
Public lecture and
Seminar course for PhD students
Faculty of informatics
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13
6904 Lugano - Switzerland
Facoltà di Scienze informatiche
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13
6904 Lugano - Svizzera
Phone +41 58 666 46 90
+41 58 666 45 36
E-mail [email protected]
+41 58 666 46 90
+41 58 666 45 36
E-mail [email protected]
Rotary Bellinzona, Locarno, Lugano,
Lugano-Lago e Mendrisiotto
Public lecture
Seminar course for PhD students
April 6, 2005
April 4-7, 2005
Room Aula Magna (via G. Buffi 13)
Room EL004 (via G. Buffi 6)
“Is Software
Problems and
Course Abstract:
Since 1968 or earlier, software engineering has
aspired to join the ranks of the established and
well-respected engineering branches such as
aeronautical, electrical and civil engineering.
But it is not clear that we have succeeded in
learning from their success. This talk discusses
some aspects of software engineering that
deserve praise, and some that could be
Sin dal 1968, se non addirittura prima, l’ingegneria del software aspirava a raggiungere il
livello di discipline affermate come l’ingegneria
aeronautica, elettrotecnica e civile. Tuttavia
non è chiaro se siamo riusciti o meno ad
imparare dal loro successo. Questa conferenza
metterà in evidenza alcuni aspetti dell’ingegneria del software che meritano un elogio ed
altri ancora che potrebbero essere migliorati.
In this course of four two-hour seminars we
will discuss the development of softwareintensive systems. We will concentrate on the
structuring and analysis of the problem, and
the composition of solutions to its parts. The
approach will be based on the notion of a
problem frame, and on postponing
subproblem composition until the subproblems
have been understood.
There are no prerequisites for the course
beyond a lively interest in the topic.
The only materials necessary will be provided
during the sessions. Participants will be asked
to think about the course examples and to
present their ideas in the following sessions.
Subscription is free, but registration is required.
To register please send an email to
[email protected] no later than March 31.
Short Biography:
Micheal Jackson has worked in sofware for
over thirty years. After ten years in
consultancy he started his own company in
1971 offering courses, tools, consultancy
and project support. He played the leading
role in developing the JSP program design
method, described in his book, Principles of
Program Design. A second book, System
Development, expounded his work on the
JSD method of system analysis, specification
and design. Both books have been
translated into several languages.
In 1992 he received an Honorary DSc from
the University of the West of England for his
work on software development methods.
He is Visiting Professor at UWE, and has
held visiting chairs at several other
universities. He is now an independent
consultant in sofware development method,
as well as a consultant and a part-time
researcher at AT&T Bell Laboratory in Murray
Hill, New Jersey.
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