
Document 2096329

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Document 2096329
December 2009
Education Newsletter
June 25, 2009 Volume VII
Dear Members and Friends,
This time, I really mean it...I am retiring! As far as our
denomination is concerned, I retired on January 1, 1998 ( I took
early retirement). SInce that time I have served as interim pastor at
Holmes Church on the Eastern Shore of Virginia (1998-2002),
College Church (2003), First Church, Covington, VA (2004-2006),
temporary supply at the Fincastle Church (2006-2007) and again
College Church (2009). I have been feted on four different
occasions upon my departure. But this time, please, No Party!
Many thanks for a wonderful second chance here. We have
made progress in discovering the needs of this congregation and
we are well on the way toward addressing these needs. The
various long-range planning committees are to be commended for
their excewllent work, especially Randy Reed, Tom Mayo and Sally
Thompson. I feel we have in an ordered way prepared the way for
the arrival of the next pastor. I leave with appreciation for what we
have been able to do.
So...it’s back to Fincastle! This time I am really retiring!
Peace and Merry Christmas,
Summary of
Regular Session
At 7:02pm the Rev. Dr.
Edgar Mayse called the meeting of
Session to order in the Fellowship
Hall of the Thompson Building of
College Church. There was a
quorum present. Dr. Mayse called
the roll. Present: Tom Mayo, Ken
Townsend, Virginia Kinman ,
Sally Thompson , Niels Kiewiet
de Jonge , Nitra Eastby, May
Reed, Randy Reed,. Not present
Charles Breckinridge.
The circulated minutes of
October 18 and Congregational
meeting of October 25 were
approved by single vote. Building
use requests were approved also
by common consent. The Session
approved two building use
requests, including the Lessons
and Carols performance by the
Hampden-Sydney Men’s Chorus
on December 4.
Dr. Mayse introduced a
clarification of the organ proposal
that had been made to College
Church by A.E. Schlueter of
Lithonia, Georgia, on February 1,
2006. The proposal called for a
two-manual (keyboard) and pedal
organ with 25 pipe ranks plus 5
digital ranks. (10 ranks on the
Great manual with 3 digital ranks,
13 ranks on the Swell manual with
1 digital rank, and 2 ranks on the
pedal with 1 digital rank). The
organ would cost $298,600.00 and
weigh 14,800 pounds. On July 9,
2009, Cornel Zimmer
Organbuilders of Denver, NC,
entered a proposal for a twomanual and pedal organ with 10
ranks plus 15 digital ranks. (4
ranks on the Great plus 8 digital
ranks—244 pipes; 4 ranks on the
Swell with 5 digital ranks—256
pipes; 2 ranks on the Pedal with 2
digital ranks—76 pipes) Cost:
$248,670.00. Weight: about the
same as the present instrument.
Pastor’s Report: Edgar
Mayse—The PNC will be
reporting by the end of this year.
At that time, the Interim Pastor’s
work will be finished. The Rev.
Dr. William E. Thompson has
expressed willingness to serve as
temporary supply until a new
pastor is installed. This would
permit Church to clear out the
Manse for renovation. (Randy
Reed, chair of the Strategic
Planning Group, described the
work; Sally Thompson of the
Manse Subcommittee said we will
need a loan to do work not yet
done on the Manse.)
Virginia Kinman reported
for the Outreach Committee that
Duane Benton receives our thanks
for the tremendous effort in
Operation Christmas Child.
Sunday, November 22, is the
offering for Presbyterian Homes.
The Christmas Joy offering will be
received December 20.
Randy Reed reported for
the Student Ministry Committee:
The Basketball Team needs homes
to stay in over Winter Break.
Coordinate with Randy and with
Niels Kiewiet de Jonge to offer
places for students to stay. The
committee needs snacks to put out
for students to eat during final
May Reed reported for the
Christian Education Committee:
There will be “A Simple
Christmas Pageant” and a
congregational dinner on
December 20.
Tom Mayo reported for the
Worship Committee that Advent
begins November 29. Decoration
of the Sanctuary will be in two
phases for Christmas: November
23 and November 30—volunteers
are needed.
Ken Townsend, reporting
for the Stewardship Committee,
moved adoption of a challenge
budget of $141,500—seconded.
The Session carefully considered
the budget and passed it. It will
go before the Congregation next
week. (Copies of the Challenge
Budget and pledge cards were
mailed to members and friends of
College Church on December 3.)
Strategic Planning:
Randy Reed—The Strategic
Planning Committee received two
bids on work on the Manse-$5,390 for one detailed report;
$4,300 for a second report with
fewer items to be performed.
Dr. Mayse closed the meeting with
prayer at 8:45 p.m. The next
Session meeting is Sunday,
December 13, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Submitted by Ken Townsend,
Clerk of Session.
The congregation
college church
“A Simple Christmas Pageant”
Sunday, December 20, 2009
6 o’ clock in the evening
College Church Sanctuary
dinner will follow the program
in the
thompson fellowship hall.
Please bring 2 dishes to share!
Student Ministry
H-SC exam
study time is
here! Please
donating homebaked goods to
have on hand for students who
come to the church for a quiet
place to study and a snack.
Donations may be dropped off in
the church’s old kitchen any time
from 12/9 - 12/16. If you have
signed up for a shift to tidy up and
replenish snacks and drinks, the
schedule is posted on the church
bulletin board. We appreciate
your help!
Volunteers are still
welcome for the
Christmas pageant
on Dec. 20. No
necessary! The
program is a
collective effort
including the entire congregation
so please join the fun!
The Winter sessions of the adult
and elementary Sunday school
classes are beginning now. Please
join us at 9:30 a.m.
A volunteer is needed to keep the
nursery during the 11:00 a.m.
worship service on January 3.
Please let Virginia Kinman or the
church office know if you can
serve our youngest members and
guests on that day.
Congregational Care
Prayer concerns: Edna Maddox,
Joy Enslow (niece of Jewel Fore),
Clint Mooney, Rev. Chuck
Klotzberger, Don Armstrong,
John Rice, Andrea O'York, Rondi
Arlton, Helen Breckinridge,
Lauren Bush, Chuck Ironmonger
(H-SC B&G technician), Mary
Eubelia Jobe, the
Reamer Family, Jim
Thomas (father of
Krissy Vick), Katie
Fitzgerald (mother
of Kitty Bush),
Stanley Titus and
our members at the Woodlands:
Dot Owen, Elmira Chernault,
Nancy Anderson, Jewel Fore,
Grace Putney, Hassell Simpson
and Mabel Wilkerson.
As 2009 draws to a close, it is
anticipated that the Thompson
Education Building Campaign will
also come to a close. Below are
the figures for where we are. It is
hoped that all of the pledges will
be paid in full. When that takes
place, we will have over $18,000
in the benevolent fund designated
by the Session as requested by the
Congregation. It will be a big day
for College Church to bring this
Financial Report
campaign to a close. There have
been celebrations along the way
dedicating the building and
burning the note. You are
reminded that any dollars that
continue to come in for the
Campaign will go toward the
benevolent fund. A major
benchmark for College Church has
always been benevolences. If you
have any questions, contact the
Church Office or a committee
in the bank
pledges balance
campaign balance
Thompson Building Campaign
Committee: Ken Townsend, Sally
Thompson, Lucie Zehner
The choir will present a Christmas
cantata on December 13, 2009
during the 11:00 a.m. worship
Please join the choir for Christmas
caroling on December 13, 2009 at
The Woodlands. Meet in the main
lobby at 2:15 p.m.
November 30, 2009
*Received to date for budget: $134,813.05
Budget expenses through November 30: $110,741.87
Worship Attendance
November 1
November 22 57
November 8
November 29 64
November 15 50
News from the Pews
Have anything to share with the congregation? Post it here!
December Birthdays
1 - Wayne East
2 - Lorraine Bortz
8 - Lindy Cox
10 - Virginia Dickhoff
10 - Lois Bowles
14 - Marty Dorrill
15 - Sandy East
18 - Jewel Fore
21 - Mary Perini
21 - Susan Clark
22 - Patsy Pelland
28 - Neal Townsend
29 - Sally Thompson
To our Hampden-Sydney Family:
To everyone, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the help and
love and prayers you have shown my family during this past year. It has been a
very rough one and without you all I am not sure we would have made it. Yesterday my husband Ruben had his check up in Richmond at the Massey
Cancer Center and the results were very good. From the X-rays it shows that
the tumors have not shrunken but have not grown or spread. The outlook of it all, the doctors are
very pleased with and so are we. For us and so many others, Cancer is an ongoing concern once you
have been diagnosed with it, but when you once were told make arrangements and now they say see
you in three months for a check- up almost a year later, you understand what the closeness of family
and friends and the power of God can do. Again, many thanks for being with us. The doctors say
whatever we are doing for Ruben it is working and don’t change a thing, so please help me with the
Sincerely, Brenda & Ruben Reamer
Attention College Church Children: A bicycle ride on the new High Bridge
Trail will take place on Saturday December 5th, weather permitting.
Please meet at the Farmville Railroad Station at 9:30 am. We will ride
west to the High Bridge and then back to the Farmville Railroad
Station. Please bring your own bicycle which must be in good working
order with proper tire inflation. Be sure to pack a water bottle and a
snack. Adults are welcome as well. Any questions can be directed to
Niels A. Kiewiet de Jonge at 392-6843
Christmas Joy
Offering 2009
Every year on the Sunday
before Christmas, College Church
participates in a special offering that
dates back to the 1930s to supplement
inadequate retirement income and
provide supplemental medical insurance
for former ministers, missionaries, church
workers, and their families. It was first
officially called the Joy Gift in 1949. In
the late 1980s, the Joy Gift was
combined with the Christmas Offering,
which supported racial ethnic education,
and renamed the Christmas Joy Offering.
Funds received are split equally between
the Board of Pensions and Presbyterian
racial ethnic schools. Last year, College
Church contributed $530 to the almost
five million collected by congregations in
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
If you would like to express your gratitude to someone in the congregation, please let the church
office know for the next newsletter!
Thank you nursery volunteers for being available for our children at 53 worship services (including
Maundy Thursday) in 2009. Members of the “Give Me Five” club who served 5 or more times are
Margie Agee, Lee Bidwell, Virginia Kinman, May Reed, and Krissy Vick. Other helpers in 2009 are
Marty Dorrill, Jackie Hall, Genevieve Herdegen, Mary Herdegen, Jessica Hunsucker, Jane Jobe, E.A.
Mayo, Patsy Pelland, Barbara Rice, Dawn Tanner, and Sally Thompson.
Thank you FACES volunteers on October 31: John and Rondi Arlton, Lee Bidwell, Samuel Bidwell
and friend, Elizabeth Deis, Lowell Frye, Lindy Hamlett, Ed and Virginia Kinman, Nancy Lockwood,
Tom and E.A. Mayo, May and Libby Reed, and Barbara and Caroline Rice. We distributed over 770
Thank you anonymous FACES supporters for bringing plastic bags, egg cartons and food to the
church. You gave 57 pounds of canned and dried goods on the most recent weigh-in of contributions.
Thank you Good Samaritans for more than matching our budgeted $1,000 this year.
Thank you to all who helped decorate the church for Christmas, Sally and Willie Thompson,
Sandy Heinemann, May Reed, Lois Bowles, Lindy Hamlet, Tom Mayo, and basketball players Colin
O’Neill, Jonathan Mudd and Alex Potapov.
Thanks to all College Church missionaries who donated gifts so generously and packed shoe
boxes so beautifully for Operation Christmas Child. Our 70 boxes (35 for boys and 35 for girls) were
part of the local Farmville area total of 2,460 boxes. The Farmville United Methodist Church relay
center processed 5,760 shoe boxes and were very impressed with the contribution from College
Church in our first year of giving to this worthy cause. If approved by or Session, College Church can
plan to participate again next year. Duane Benton
College Church Newsletter
December, 2009
‘Tis the Season to be Jolly...”
5:15 p.m. H-SC Christmas Tree Lighting, Graham Hall
6:00 p.m. Campus Catholic Mass, Sanctuary and TFH
7:00 p.m. Lessons and Carols, H-SC Men’s Choir,
6:00 p.m. Young Life Christmas Party, TFH
1:30 p.m. Communion Service at The Woodlands
H-SC Exam Study and Snack Time begins through 12/16
11:00 p.m. Christmas Cantata
6:00 p.m. Christmas Pageant and Church Dinner
7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
College Church
P.O.Box 13
Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943
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