
California Bioresources Alliance Symposium: A Call to Action

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California Bioresources Alliance Symposium: A Call to Action
California Bioresources Alliance Symposium:
A Call to Action
UC Davis Extension is proud to present
the eighth annual CBA Symposium!
NEW this year: earn 6 hours MCLE credit.
The 2013 California Bioresources Alliance
Symposium: “A Call to Action,” will focus
on recent California legislation addressing
bioresources and the Bioenergy Action
Plan, ways to address biogas challenges
faced by dairies and wastewater plants,
facility siting issues, bioenergy from forestry
products, and use of bioresources for mine
Conference attendees will also tour the
Sacramento Regional County Sanitation
District’s Biosolids Recycling Facility and
BioGas Enhancement Facility / FOG
station. Each year, the Sacramento
Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
processes 26,000 dry tons of biosolids, 30
percent of which is beneficially recycled at
the BRF. The site visit will highlight how the
BRF fits into California’s regulatory history.
Who should attend?
Intended for all those involved with organic
residuals, the symposium brings together
industry professionals, municipalities,
regulators, legislators, state and federal
agencies, researchers, financers and other
• Sept. 18-19: Wed.-Thurs., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
• California EPA, 1001 I St, Sacramento.
• $175.00 Includes morning refreshments,
lunch on the first day and field trip.
Discounted fee of $100 available for
public sector employees; student
enrollment is $35 with valid ID.
• Register through UC Davis Extension.
Enroll in section 132NAT630.
For more information, visit:
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