
State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality Winston H. Hickox

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State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality Winston H. Hickox
State Water Resources Control Board
Division of Water Quality
1001 I Street • Sacramento, California 95814 • (916) 341-5455
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100 • Sacramento, California • 95812-0100
FAX (916) 341-5463 • Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov
Winston H. Hickox
Secretary for
The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption.
For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our website at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov.
March 21, 2003
Dear : Interested Parties
Please find the enclosed documents related to the issuance of the above referenced General
Notice of Board Meeting
Major Modifications to the fourth draft General Permit
Fourth draft General Permit
Response to Comments on third draft General Permit
The Board Meeting is scheduled for April 30, 2003. In order for comments to be fully
considered, please submit them no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday April 21, 2003. The SWRCB
will only accept comments on the modifications to the fourth draft.
If you have any questions, please contact Jarma Bennett at (916) 341-5532 or by email at
[email protected], the staff person most knowledgeable on this subject. You may
also contact Pamela Barksdale, Chief of the Municipal Storm Water Unit at (916) 341-5280 or
Bruce Fujimoto, Chief of the Storm Water Section at (916) 341-5523.
Stan Martinson, Chief
Division of Water Quality
Enclosures (4)
cc: See attached
California Environmental Protection Agency
Recycled Paper
Gray Davis
cc: List
California CoastKeeper Alliance
2515 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Alexander Bowie
Bowie, Arneson, Wiles & Giannone
4920 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Carolyn A Shepherd
Department of the Navy
1 Administration Circle
China Lake, CA 93555-6100
Daniel Cooper
Lawyers for Clean Water c/o San Francisco BayKeeper
Presidio, Bldg 1004
P.O. Box 29921
San Francisco, CA 94129
David S Beckman et al
6310 San Vicente Blvd Suite 250
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Eugene Bromley
Environmental Protection Agency
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Ian Pedilla
1130 K Street, Suite 210
Sacramento, CA 95814
Jay F. Golida
Los Angeles Unified School District
355 S. Grand Avenue Suite 1153
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Marguerite S. Strand
Best Best & Krieger LLP
3750 University Avenue
PO Box 1028
Riverside, CA 92502-1028
Mary Jane Foley
11444 W. Olympic Blvd
Suite 750
West Los Angeles, CA 90064
Pamela Jeane, PE
Sonoma County Water Agency
PO Box 11628
Santa Rosa, CA 95406
Robert A. Chichester
Department of the Navy
937 No. Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92132-0058
cc: List
Robert Charbonneau
University of California
1111 Franklin Street 6th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5200
Roger Chang
LA Office of Education
9300 Imperial Highway
Downey, CA 90242-2890
Rufus C. Young, Jr.
Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP
402 West Broadway, Suite 810
San Diego, CA 92101-3553
Sandra Mathews
7000 East Avenue, L-627
Livermore, CA 94550-0234
Steve Mack
City of Santa Barbara
630 Garden St
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Yvonne Hunter
League of California Cities
1400 K Street, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phase II Email Recipient List
Adam Ariki
Adam Olivieri
Albert Leung
Alex Straessle
Alison Jordan
Alyson Tom
Andy Yasenovsky
Anne Wanken
Aubrey Baure
Ben Keasler
Bill Busath
Bill Grow
Bill Peterson
Bob Collacott
Bob Lossius
Bob Mack
Bob Murdoch
Bob Tincher
Bobbi Herdes
Brad Brechwald
Brent Cutler
Bret Radsliff
Brian Walker
Brian Walker
Britt Fussel
Bruce Ambo
Carlos Campos
Carmel Broum
Carol Fitzgerald
Cecilia T. Jensen
Chad Coleman
Charles Hughes
Cheryl Larry
Chet Seto
Chieko Nguyen
Chris Crompton
Christal Waters
Christine Engel
Chrysty Ray-Hagenau
Clifford Kleist
Corey Briggs
Curt Royer
Cyndi Mann
Dan Barber
Dan Bounds
Dan Cannon
Dana Ritschel
Daniel Reid
Daniel Rouke
Darcy Aston
Darrel Aclair
Darren Cousineau
Darrin Jenkins
Daun Manning
Dave Brent
David Aurell
David Beckman
David Braithwaite
David LaCaro
David Madrigal
David Pomaville
David Pomaville
Dean Eckerson
Debbie Webster
Deborah Lambe
Denise Thomas
Dennis Hatfield
Dennis Stransky
Diana Longley
Ditas Esperanza
Don Schroeder
Donald Kirkland
Doug Harrison
Drew Bohan
Duane Wolfe
E Jones
Ed Childers
Ed Childers
Ed Johnson
Edward Long
Eileen Eichler
Ellen Bitter
Emily Dean
Emily Dean
Enrique Bruque
Eugene Bromley
Frank Fowler
Fred Jarvis
G Priddy
G. Fred Lee
Gary Grimm
Geoff Brosseau
Ginny Lackner
Harold Pierre
Harry Verheul
Herb Nakasone
Ian Padilla
Ileana Speer
Jack Betourne
James Diven
James Hoagan
Janice Smith
Jay Golida
Jay Walter
Jeanne Geno
Jeff Pratt
Jeffrey Endicott
Jennifer Dean
Jennifer Gonzalez
Jennifer Gonzalez
Jennifer O'Neal
Jesse Clark
Jill Bicknell
Jim Cope
Jim Ross
JoAnn Weber
John Beiers
John Blasco
John Costa
John Fenton
John Hart
John Hart
John Leveillee
John Lewis
John Mundy
John Roddy
John Whitescarver
Jon Mohoroski
Jon Van Rhyn
Julie Friedman
June Nguyen
Karen Ashby
Karen Henry
Karl Longley
Katharine Wagner
Katherine Gifford
Kathleen McGowan
Kathy Kinsland
keith Schardein
Kelly Gordon
Kelly Middleton
Phase II Email Recipient List
Ken Sosilo
Kent Foster
Kent Garner
Kent Wegelin
Khalique Khan
Kim Busby
Kimberly Cox
Kip Searcy
Kristen Hard
Kurt Gierlic
Ladd Cahoon
Larsen Boyer
Laura Zahn
Leslie Gault
Lew Nelson
Lew Nelson
Lewis Harison
Linda Bulkeley
Lori Pettegrew
Lori Sanza
Loxy Morgan
Lynn Hurley
M Devera
M Hutchinson
Mack Walker
Mark Hutchinson
Mark Takemoto
Marla Ames
Marlaigne Hudnall
Marne Settera
Marty Burn
Mary Jane Foley
Mary Keller
Matt Dunm
Matt Tuggle
Matthew de Ferranti
Maureen Daggett
Maureen Daggett
Maureen Daggett
Melissa Thorme
Michael Cevola
Michael Moeller
Mieke Shetfield
Mike Israel
Mike Recupero
Mike Szekely
Mike Wegley
Min-Lee Cheng
Monica Burke
Monica Oakley
Myfanwy Devoe
Naresh Varma
Nora Jans
Norm Thomas
P Ogren
Patrick Christman
Patrick Mead
Patti Gawathmey
Paul Varney
Perry Huyck
Pete Miller
Peter Mangarella
Peter Nyquist
Rachel Fatoohi
Renee Flower
Richard Balzer
Richard Bartlett
Richard Burgi
Richard Huebner
Richard Johnson
Richard Lone
Richard Moss
Richard Watson
Richard Yehle
Robert Gill
Robert Hale
Robert Pierce
Roger Chang
Roger James
Ron Kuehl
Ron Munds
Roseanne Harding
Roxanne Cargill
Roxanne Hughes
Roxayne Spruance
Ruben Dominguez
Ruth Kolb
S Hart
Sally Coleman
Sandra Mathews
Scott Alman
Scott Taylor
Sharon Gosselin
Shawn Perumean
Shereen Uyeda
Shirley Pak
Stacy Jordan
Stacy Lawson
Stan Dobbs
Stephen A. McCord
Stephen Craig
Steve Allen
Steve Borroum
Steve Bruckman
Steve Dalrymple
Steve Erickson
Steve Herrera
Steve Homan
Steve Leiker
Steve Stump
Steve Visconti
Susan Damron
Susan Glendening
Susan Strachan
Suzanne Healy
Tammy Seale
Temp 2
Terri Grant
Theresa Fuentes
Theresa Talplacado
Thomas Blixt
Thomas Scheeler
Tim Murphy
Tom Dalziel
Tom Leary
Tom Whitehead
Tony Pepe
Vicki Shidell
Victor Chan
Vivian Nelson
W Manley
Wanda Leppert
WaterKeepers of Northern California
Wayne Rosenbaum
Y Hunter
Yazmin Arellano
Zeno Swijtink
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