
Groundwater Quality Funding Programs: Proposition 1 Groundwater Sustainability Program and

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Groundwater Quality Funding Programs: Proposition 1 Groundwater Sustainability Program and
Groundwater Quality Funding Programs:
Proposition 1 Groundwater Sustainability Program and
SB445 Site Cleanup Subaccount Program (SCAP)
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Were you able to review the comments submitted regarding Proposition 1 and
Senate Bill 445?
a. Public Comments have been reviewed and the Groundwater Quality
Funding Programs will be taking them into consideration accordingly.
2. I would like to know if the pre-application for the groundwater quality funding
programs has been made available yet.
a. We will be sending out a program update when the Pre-Application is
available. You will receive this update if you are subscribed to the email
alerts from Groundwater Quality Funding Assistance via the Financial
Assistance (Grants & Loans) tab.
3. Is there a deadline by which the GWQF pre-applications must be submitted?
a. The Groundwater Quality Funding Programs will accept the preapplications continuously as there is funding available.
4. How accurate does the cost estimate have to be at this point?
a. We are looking for a ball park estimate. The pre-application is a tool for us
to look at the general overall proposed project. Specifics and focus on
details will occur more in the final application process. Our goal is to find
out what the proposed project is, background information, and what
funding program if any the project could potentially qualify for.
5. I was researching the SCAP grant and had a question regarding the maximum
amount that an applicant can receive for the grant for cleanup of one site.
a. There are no parameters set for minimum or maximum amounts an
applicant can apply for or receive. Keep in mind the limited amount of
funding for the Site Cleanup Subaccount, which is 19.5 million for the
2015/2016 fiscal year.
6. I am a responsible party in a non-disadvantaged community. I do not have the
ability to pay, would I qualify for technical assistance?
a. You may or may not qualify for technical assistance in this instance as the
responsible party.
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