
TK20 Student Guide WCU TK20 Office

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TK20 Student Guide WCU TK20 Office
Student Guide
WCU TK20 Office
Recitation Hall
[email protected]
TK20 Helpdesk
[email protected]
August 2016 v.8.1
WHAT IS TK20? ......................................................................................................................3
TK20 STUDENT ACCOUNTS ................................................................................................................. 3
TK20-BEST PRACTICES ........................................................................................................................ 3
HOW TO ACCESS TK20 ............................................................................................................4
TK20 HOMEPAGE ...................................................................................................................5
ACCESSIBILITY ................................................................................................................................... 5
STUDENT TEACHER APPLICATIONS .........................................................................................6
RECALL A SUBMITTED APPLICATION ..................................................................................................... 7
ACCESS A COURSE ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................................8
ASSIGNMENT LAYOUT OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................9
COMPLETE AN ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................ 10
UPLOAD A COMPUTER ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................... 10
ARTIFACT ATTACHMENT.................................................................................................................... 11
TEXT ATTACHMENT .......................................................................................................................... 12
REVIEW INSTRUCTOR ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK ............................................................. 13
RECALL A SUBMITTED ASSIGNMENT ..................................................................................... 13
EARLY FIELD EXPERIENCES EVALUALTION (EFEE) ................................................................... 14
VIEW A TIPR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER ............................................................................................... 15
TIPR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER CONTENTS ........................................................................................... 16
HOW TO COMPLETE THE TIPR ............................................................................................................ 16
RECALL SUBMISSION TO TIPR FIELD EXPERIENCE BINDER ......................................................................... 18
REVIEW TIPR ASSESSMENTS ............................................................................................................... 19
LOG OUT OF TK20 ................................................................................................................ 20
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .......................................................................................... 21
The College of Education and Social Work (COESW) and the Professional Education Unit use TK20
assessment software for Unit and Program assessments. TK20 establishes electronic documentation of
student outcomes as required by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
standards, our national accreditation organization. It is also used to deliver Early Field Experiences
Evaluations (EFEE), Teacher Internship Performance Ratings (TIPR), and for student teacher applications.
The COESW will purchase Tk20 accounts for students who are seeking professional educator licensure
and who are enrolled in courses that collect Unit and Program assessment data. Tk20 accounts are
accessible for 7 years after the purchase date.
Students should NOT purchase their own accounts. If you try to access TK20 and receive a message that
you do not have an account, DO NOT PURCHASE A TK20 ACCOUNT! Please contact the WCU TK20
Office at 610-738-0518 or [email protected] for assistance.
Recommended Internet Browser: We recommend that you use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
or Safari browsers while working in the TK20 environment. Please make sure that you are using
one of the latest two versions for optimal performance within the tool. You may experience
technical issues and loss of functionality if you use Internet Explorer.
DO NOT use the browser back button. Instead, navigate using the tabs and menus within TK20.
DO NOT sign into TK20 in multiple tabs or windows.
Wait until a page fully loads before taking a subsequent action. Look for the spinning circle.
Always log out of TK20 when you are done working in the system.
When uploading a file, do not include special characters such as (*,’, “, &) in the name when you
save the file for upload in Tk20.
WCU TK20 Office
Hours: M – F (7:30am – 4:30pm)
Recitation Hall, Room 203D
[email protected]
TK20 Helpdesk
Phone: 512-401-2000 (M – F, 8am – 8pm)
Email: [email protected]
(M – F available 24/7,
Sat - Sun 12:30pm – 10pm)
Students can log into TK20 in one of two ways:
1. Via a link in your D2L course
a. From within your course in D2L, click on “Content” in the gray navigation bar.
b. Click on the “TK20” module located along the left side of the page.
c. On the right side of the page, click on “TK20 Homepage”.
d. By accessing Tk20 via your course in D2L, you will not be prompted to enter a username
or password.
Note: Starting Fall 2016, individual Tk20 course assignment links will no longer be added
to courses in D2L. Instead, a link to the Tk20 homepage will be added to courses. You
will navigate to course assignments and field experience binders within Tk20.
2. Via Tk20 homepage – Effective Fall 2016
a. To access Tk20 directly, type in https://wcupa.tk20.com/campustoolshighered/shiblogin/ into your internet browser. We recommend that you bookmark this page for easy
b. Enter your WCU email and password. These are the same credentials used to access
MyWCU, D2L, and Webmail. If you are having trouble with your password, please
contact the IT Helpdesk at 610-436-3350 ext. 1.
Username = WCU email
Password = WCU password
c. You may come to an “Information to be Provided to Service” page. Select “Do not ask
me again” and click “Accept”.
Once you are logged into TK20, you will land on the Tk20 homepage. Messages and Pending Tasks will
be displayed. You can also access messages and tasks on the top right of the screen. If the icon is red,
you have new messages or pending tasks.
Accessibility: Visually impaired users may enable high contrast settings for easier viewing.
Click on “Home” on the left side panel.
Click on “Preferences”.
Select “Enable high contrast” and then click “Save”.
You can access the Tk20 Help Desk documentation at any time by clicking on the
1. From within Tk20, click on the “Applications” on the left side panel.
2. If you have already created an application, it will be listed. To create a new application, click on
the green “Create New Application” button.
3. In the Create New Application section, select the appropriate application from the dropdown
menu and click on the green “Next” button.
Note: If you do NOT see the name of the application you need to complete, you may be
attempting to complete an application AFTER its due date has passed. Please contact Clinical
Experiences at 610-436-3090 for assistance.
4. Complete the application as directed. Note: Any fields that are marked with an (*) must be
completed before you can submit.
5. Once you have started an application, you have 3 options:
a. Save: Click this at any time to save your progress and return at a later time to finish the
b. Submit: If you are finished your application, click “Submit” for final review.
c. Cancel: Exit the application without saving or submitting any changes.
Important Reminder: DO NOT sign into TK20 in multiple tabs or windows. This will cause a Java error
and your application will not submit correctly.
If you need to make a change to a submitted application, you can recall it until it enters the review state
and is
locked by an administrator.
To recall an unlocked application:
Click on the “Applications” tab on the left side panel to display a list of all of the application
forms that you have created.
Select the application that you want to recall.
Click on the
“Recall” button on the bottom right of your screen.
Make needed changes and then click “Submit”.
If you have any questions about the Student Teacher application, process or need to unlock an
application, please contact the Clinical Experiences office at 610-436-3090.
If you need technical assistance with TK20, please contact the WCU TK20 Office at 610-738-0518 or
[email protected].
To Open an Assignment from within Tk20: There are several methods to access your semester
assignments within Tk20.
A. From Tk20 Home, click on the assignment link under the “Pending Tasks” section located in the
center of your screen.
B. Click on the flag icon in the upper right corner of the page to open an overview “Pending Tasks”.
The icon will be red if you have unread pending tasks. Click on the assignment name link. If
you do not see the assignment that you need, click on “View All Tasks” to view a full list of
pending tasks.
C. Click on “Courses” on the left side panel > click on the course number > select the “Activities”
tab and then the assignment.
The assignment’s title and instructions will be located on the left side of the screen. Assignment details
such as your instructor’s name, due date, attachment type and assessment tool(s) are located on the
right side of the screen.
Title & Instructions: Title and all pertinent instructions are located on the left side of the
Assignment Submissions: Click “Select” to begin your assignment.
Assignment Details: Your instructor (Assessor) and other details are located on the right side of
the screen. Note that your instructor may have a different due date than the one listed.
Attachment Type(s): This will display the type of submission: text, computer file, or Tk20
Artifact (form).
Assessment Tool(s): This is the rubric that will be used to assess your work. Once your
instructor has evaluated your submission, you can click on the assessment tool to view your
Submit, Save, Close: Once you have completed your assignment, click to Submit, Save or Close.
Help: If you need assistance, click on the Help button located on the top right of the screen.
You will be directed to Tk20 Helpdesk guides.
Your assignment may require you to either upload a computer file, complete a form known as an
Artifact in Tk20, or to submit text.
Upload a Computer File
Important note: DO NOT include special characters such as (‘, “, &, *) in the file name when saving.
If you are required to attach a document to your assignment, in the Assignment Submissions
sections click on the “Select” button to the right of File to upload a file(s) from your computer.
Once the upload is complete, the file name will appear.
If you want to delete the file before you have submitted or saved it (example: if you uploaded
the wrong file), click on the to the left of the file name to delete it.
When you have completed your assignment, click on either:
o Submit: Submit your assignment for review
o Save: Save your work so that you can return to it at a later time.
o Close: Exit without saving your work.
Artifact Attachment
If you are required to complete an Artifact (form), in the Assignment Submission sections click
on the “Select” button to the right of the Artifact name.
The Artifact will open up for you to complete. Complete the fields and then click on the green
“Add” button. Note that all fields with an (*) must be filled in before the system will let you add
your Artifact.
If you want to delete the Artifact before you have submitted or saved it, click on the
the left of the submission name.
When you have completed your assignment, click on either:
o Submit: Submit your assignment for review.
o Save: Save your work so that you can return to it at a later time.
o Close: Exit without saving your work.
icon to
Text Attachment
If you are required to submit text, in the Assignment Submissions section click on the “Select”
Once you have titled and completed your text entry, click the green “Add” button. Your
attachment will be listed to the right of Text.
When you have completed your assignment, click on either:
o Submit: Submit your assignment for review
o Save: Save your work so that you can return to it at a later time.
o Close: Exit without saving your work.
From within Tk20, click on “Courses” on the left side panel.
Click on “Coursework” on the left side panel. All of your assignments will be displayed.
Click on the name of the assignment you want to view.
On the right side of the screen, in Assignment Submissions section, click on the Assessment
Tool(s) link to view your completed assessment.
If you attached a file to your assignment, your instructor may have left comments within the file.
To the right on your submission, click “View” to see if any comments have been added to your
You can only
“Recall” an item that has been submitted and not yet assessed by your instructor. If
your instructor has already assessed your submission, please contact your instructor or the WCU TK20
Office to reopen your assignment for editing.
From within Tk20, click on “Courses” on the left side of the page
Click on “Coursework”. All of your assignments will be displayed. You cannot recall an
assignment that has the status of “Assessment Complete”.
Select the assignment that you would like to recall, then click on the “Recall” icon.
Early Field Experiences Evaluations (EFEE) will be sent electronically to Cooperating Teachers via a Field
Experience binder in Tk20. Students and WCU Faculty do not complete the EFEE. This evaluation will be
sent out towards the end of the semester. Once a Cooperating Teacher has completed an evaluation,
the student may view and print it in Tk20.
To View and Print Completed EFEE:
From within Tk20, click on “Field Experience” on the left side panel.
Click on the appropriate evaluation link.
Click on the “Assessment” tab.
Click on the Cooperating Teacher’s Early Field Experiences Evaluation (EFEE) form link.
The completed evaluation will be displayed.
To print a copy of the EFEE, highlight the entire contents of the form and CTRL + P.
For student teaching courses, a Teacher Internship Performance Rating (TIPR) must be completed by
students, cooperating teachers and WCU Supervisors. This evaluation is completed twice a semester
(First and Second Half). Cooperating Teachers will receive an email from [email protected] that will
contain a link to the evaluation.
There are several methods to access a field experience binder:
A. From Tk20 Home, click on the assignment link under the Pending Tasks section located in the
center of your screen.
B. Click on the flag icon in the upper right corner of the page to open an overview Pending Tasks.
The icon will be red if you have unread pending tasks. Click on the assignment link. If you do
not see the assignment that you need, click on “View All Tasks” to view a full list of pending
C. Click on “Field Experience” on the left side panel. Next, click on the blue Teacher Internship
Performance Rating (TIPR) link.
There are four tabs within a TIPR binder.
Teacher Internship Performance Rating (TIPR) – This contains the title of the binder and
pertinent instructions.
TIPR – This is where you will access the evaluation that you need to complete.
Assessment – This is where you can view cooperating teachers and WCU faculty completed
Feedback – Cooperating teachers and WCU faculty may leave additional feedback here.
Click on the “TIPR” tab. On the right side of the screen, click on the “Select” button to open the
Complete the TIPR form. Note: All fields with an (*) are mandatory fields and must be filled in
before the system will let you add the Artifact.
After you have completed the form, click on the green “Add” button on the bottom of the page.
Note: There is no need to attach additional documents.
Once you have completed your TIPR, it will be listed underneath Attachment(s).
Once you have completed the TIPR, click Submit.
Note: If you click “Submit” and either your Instructor or Cooperating Teacher started their
portion of your evaluation, you will be locked out of the binder. If you are locked out of your
binder, you will notice a lock icon to the left of your binder on the Field Experience page. To
unlock your binder, please contact your instructor or the WCU TK20 Office for assistance.
If you submitted your TIPR evaluation and neither your Instructor or Cooperating Teacher started their
portion of the evaluation, you can recall (rescind) the binder to make edits.
From within TK20, click on the “Field Experience” tab on the top of the page
Place a checkmark next to the field experience binder you want to edit, then click on
the Recall icon .
A red flag will appear to the left of the binder name to indicate that it is open for editing.
Click on the TIPR binder name to open the evaluation to make necessary changes.
Note: If assessment of your field experience binder has already begun, you will receive the following
warning message:
In this case, you cannot “Recall” the TIPR binder. You will need to contact your instructor or the WCU
TK20 office to reopen your field experience binder for editing.
From with Tk20, click on “Field Experience” on the left side panel.
Click on the blue Teacher Internship Performance Rating (TIPR) link to open the field experience
Click on the “Assessment” tab.
Click on the blue link for the Field Experience Form to view the assessment.
Click on your name in the upper right corner of the page.
Click “Sign out”.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I received a message that I do not have an active account in TK20. What do I do?
a. Please do not buy a student account. The College of Education and Social Work
(COESW) will provide TK20 accounts for students who are seeking professional educator
licensure and who are enrolled in courses that collect Unit and Program assessment
data. Please contact WCU TK20 at [email protected] or 610-738-0518 for assistance.
2. How to recall my submission?
a. You can only recall an item that has been submitted and not yet assessed by your
instructor. If your instructor has already started to assess your submission, please
contact your instructor to reopen your assignment for editing. If you need additional
assistance, please contact WCU TK20 at [email protected] or 610-738-0518.
3. I’m having trouble submitting my work in D2L.
a. Check your browser. Both TK20 and D2L recommend that you access the system via
Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari browsers. Do not use Internet Explorer. Check to
make sure that your browser is up to date.
b. Check to make sure that your internet browser is set to “Accept” or “Allow” Third Party
Cookies. This is usually done in the preferences or security settings of your internet
c. DO NOT use the browser back button. Instead, navigate using the tabs and menus
within TK20.
d. DO NOT sign into TK20 in multiple tabs or windows.
e. If you are uploading a file, make sure that the file name does not include special
characters such as (‘, “, &, *).
4. I forgot my password.
a. Starting in the Fall 2016, your username and password are the same credentials that you
use to access MyWCU, D2L, and Webmail. If you forget your password, please contact
the IT Helpdesk for assistance at 610-436-3350 ext. 1.
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