Transport and Fate of Ammonium Supply from a Major Urban
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Transport and Fate of Ammonium Supply from a Major Urban
Transport and Fate of Ammonium Supply from a Major Urban Wastewater Treatment Facility in the Sacramento River, CA. Alexander E. Parker, R. C Dugdale, F. P. Wilkerson, A. Marchi, J. Davidson-Drexel, J. Fuller, S. Blaser. Romberg Tiburon Center, San Francisco State University. 3152 Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA 94920, [email protected] US5 US 4 US6 2 US3 US 7 649 US 2 S anaqui Jo 1 Map of the study site with approximate station locations (red circles) and names. Sampling occurred in March (data shown here) and April 2009. -Substantial NH4 (red) and PO4 (line) loading from SRWTP at RM44 -[DIN] similar downstream of SRWTP with conversion of NH4 to NO3 (blue) , potentially due to nitrification. APPROACH B C D 8x103 6x10 4x10 A effluent addition experiment was conducted using water collected at GRC (NH4 ≤1 uM). Serial additions of 24-hr composite SRWTP effluent (2mM NH4) was made (1:25 to 1:5000 dilution) to 160ml incubation bottles and incubated with 13C and 15NH4 or 15NO3 for 4-hr around local noon. 3 2 I-80 Two transects were completed in March (data presented here) and April 2009 using the RV Questuary. Stations were occupied on an outgoing tide. At each station a CTD profile was made (A), with samples collected for flow cytometry (B), nutrients and chl-a (C), and 24-hr primary production and phytoplankton nitrogen uptake rates (D). 3 SRWTP 0 Oak Hod XCh ISL Rio 649 US-3 US-5 5 0 1 h-1 -1 -1 2 20 18 Effluent 16 NH4Cl 1 0 -Primary production decreased along Sacramento River and increased in Suisun and San Pablo Bays. -Phytoplankton N use shifted from NO3 uptake (blue) to NH4 uptake (red) at RM44. 1x104 fluor. particles 5-50µm 4 10 SRWTP 20 10 100 16 12 1 10 NH4, umol L-1 100 -1 NH4, umol L Decreased primary production with increasing effluent NH4. No effect for NH4Cl. Phytoplankton NO3 uptake versus NH4 additions either as effluent (red circles) or as NH4Cl (yellow circles). SRWTP effluent stimulated NH4 uptake up to 8uM NH4. Decreased NH4 uptake with increasing effluent >8uM NH4 (1:250 dilution). No effect for NH4Cl. 40 2x10 3 0x10 0 Phytoplankton biomass decreased along Sacramento River and then Increased in Suisun and San Pablo Bays. Diatoms dominant upstream and in western Suisun and San Palbo Bays. Shift in numerical dominiance of cells <5 in upstream staitons and >5 in Western Suisun and San Pablo Bays US13 Primary Production NH4 Uptake NO3 Uptake Effluent <8uM NH4 - + - Effluent >8uM NH4 - - - No effect + - 30 3 6 Green Algae Diatoms Cryptophytes Chl a GF/F fluor. particles 1-5µm particles (# * ml-1) 2. Investigate experimentally, the primary production response by phytoplankton to additions of wastewater effluent. [pigments] µg * L-1 8 Phytoplankton community assessed by flow cytometer, bbe Fluororobe, and extracted chlorophyll-a 15 3 22 -1 -DIN:P ca. 16; favorable for phyto-plankton growth. 1. Characterize nutrients, primary production and phytoplankton standing stocks along a 75 km Sacramento River transect during spring (March, April, May) C ITO80 W OA G K R RM C 4 HO 4 KED C N RS L3 7 IS 65 L 7A 65 5 65 3 64 US9 US2 US3 US4 US5 U 6 USS7 13 ITO80 W OA G K R RM C 44 HO KE D N C RS L3 7 IS 65 L 7A 65 5 65 3 64 US9 US2 US3 US4 US5 US6 US 7 13 0 NO3 Phytoplankton NH4 uptake versus NH4 additions either as effluent (red circles) or as NH4Cl (yellow circles). 3 -1 n ANTI OCH GOALS A 20 655 653 20 NH4 Primary Production, ug C L-1h-1 PABLO US13BAY 2 40 4 25 -1 San Pablo SANBay UN IS SU Y BA 657 3 SRWTP Primary production versus NH4 additions either as effluent (red circles) or as NH4Cl (yellow circles). NO3 uptake, x10 umol L h L37 ISL RI O VISTA DIN (umol L ) CRS Suisun Bay -1 HOD KEN PO4 NO3 NO2 NH4 Urea 60 30 -1 4 GRC RM44 SRWTP -1 OAK Sacramento River San Francisco Estuary S Primary Production, , umol C L , d TOW EFFLUENT ADDITION EXPERIMENT Primary production (line) and NO3 (blue) and NH4 (red) uptake along the Sacramento River, C and N uptake scaled to 6.6:1, i.e. Redfield Ratio -1 I80 California PO4 (umol L ) Effluent from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) represent a major source of anthropogenic nitrogen to coastal and estuarine waters. In the Sacramento River, ammonium (NH4) loading from the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWTP) has increased three-fold since the 1980’s and represents 90% of the river’s total NH4 load. Despite the large WWTP influence on river nitrogen, little is known about how riverine phytoplankton may respond to nutrient enrichment or the potential consequences of elevated NH4 downstream in the San Francisco Estuary and Delta. Nutrient concentrations along Sacramento River, March 2009. DIN and P scaled to 16:1 i.e. Redfield Ratio. NH4 Uptake,x10 umol L RIVER TRANSECTS – MARCH 2009 N Uptake, umol N L d INTRODUCTION 20 10 0 1 10 NH4, umol L 100 -1 Phytoplankton NO3 uptake was inhibited by both effluent and NH4Cl. NH4Cl, 0 to 100uM Summary of SRWTP effluent effects on primary production and phytoplankton N uptake. MAJOR FINDINGS MAJOR FINDINGS -SRWTP effluent reduced primary production by ca. 25% over no addition. -The SRWTP has a large effect on both the magnitude of nutrient concentration and type of inorganic nitrogen (NO3 or NH4) in the Sacramento River. -SRWTP effluent enhanced NH4 uptake at concentrations <8umol, then effluent inhibited NH4 uptake at concentrations ≤ 8umol L-1. -The result of the SRWTP is eutrophication of the Sacramento River and, for phytoplankton, a conversion of the river from an environment driven by NO3 uptake to one driven by NH4. - NO3 uptake was inhibited by both effluent and NH4Cl, suggesting that the presence of NH4 inhibits phytoplankton NO3 uptake -Nitrification is likely important in controlling the type of nitrogen in the river. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -It is unclear from these data what drives declines in primary production or chl-a. The Sacramento River and San Francisco Estuary exhibited diverse phytoplankton communities along the transect. We wish to thank the SRWTP and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board for assistance with study design and logistical support. Dr. A. Mueller-Solger for use of bbe Fluoroprobe and the crew of the RV Questuary for shipboard support. The project was funded by The California State Water Quality Control Board and the State Water Contractors.