cioccolato torino dal 1948
CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 I ta l i a n p r o d u c t s Cioccolato Piemônt BesIde t he l at est t echnoloGY t he pIeMont chocol at e r eta Ins t he use of t he a ncIent coat InG pa n, a t Y pe of lonG a nd ca r eful proce ssInG, c a r r Ied out a l Most ent Ir elY BY h a nd, W hIch h a s t he a dVa ntaGe of pr e serV InG t he V Irt ue s of InGr edIents GI V e t he products a Int ense a nd unIQue ta st e a nd a roM a. froM a lWaYs deVot ed specI a l ca r e to t he select Ion of r aW M at er I a l s t h at Must Be Most hIGh Qu a lIt Y, froM t he cocoa , W hIch coMe s froM t he Be st pl a ntat Ions In sout h a Mer Ica a nd W e st a fr Ica , h a Zelnuts, froM t he a r e a of cort eMIlI a, Gu a r a nt eed BY select ed producer s W It h t he pGI M a r K of or IGIn. dr I V en BY pa ssIon a nd ent husI a sM, t he fIor a so Brot her s a r e a lWaYs lo oK InG f or old r ecIpe s froM W hIch to dr aW InspIr at Ion to cr e at e M a n Y delIcIous sW eets. the a MBItIon th at, In fact, a lWaYs accoMpa nIes t h e M I s to c o n Q u e r t h e pa l at e s W I t h n e W I d e a s W h I l e r e M a I n I n G fa It hful to t r a dIt Ion. CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 I Dragées n o c c I o l e noccIole pIeMonte IGp rIcoperte dI cIoccolato extra fondente toasted pGI piedmont hazelnut covered with extra-dark chocolate. unmistakable Bouchè. crisp and persistent. cod. 12/762 c h I c c h I chIcchI dI caffÈ rIcopertI dI cIoccolato extra fondente high-quality arabica coffee bean with extra-dark chocolate covered through a meticulous process of coating. Balanced and persistent fragrance. cod. 12/617 d I c a f f p I e M o n t noccIole pIeMonte IGp rIcoperte dI cIoccolato superIore al latte toasted pGI piedmont hazelnut covered with milk chocolate. unmistakable Bouchè. crisp and delicate. cod. 12/622 É chIcchI dI caffÈ rIcopertI dI cIoccolato superIore al latte high-quality arabica coffee bean with milk chocolate covered through a meticulous process of coating. Balanced and lightweight flagrance. cod. 12/620 e noccIole pIeMonte IGp rIcoperte dI cIoccolato BIanco toasted pGI piedmont hazelnut covered with white chocolate. delicate and intense tones. cod. 12/763 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 M a n d o r l e Mandorle rIcoperte dI cIoccolato extra fondente toasted almonds coated with extra-dark chocolate. strong, persistent and crisp taste. cod. 12/618 r c o p e r t e Mandorle rIcoperte dI cIoccolato superIore al latte toasted almonds coated with milk chocolate. delicate, caramelized and crisp taste. cod. 12/623 a Mandorle rIcoperte dI cIoccolato BIanco toasted almonds coated with white chocolate. lovable and delicate flavour. cod. 12/619 I s s o r t I t f r u t t a uVetta rIcoperta dI cIoccolato extra fondente tasty raisins dried under the sun coated with extra-dark chocolate. Balanced and persistent taste. cod. 12/764 r I c o p e r t uVetta rIcoperta dI cIoccolato superIore al latte tasty raisins dried under the sun covered with milk chocolate. Balanced and delicate flavour. cod. 12/635 I assortItI rIcopertI dI puro cIoccolato Irregular shape pralines consisting of: toasted pGI piedmont hazelnuts, toasted almonds, raisins, arabica coffee beans and oranges cubes covered with extra-dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate. cod. 12/624 a arancInI rIcopertI dI cIoccolato extra fondente precious orange cubes covered with extra-dark chocolate. fruity orange notes. cod. 12/621 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 CEREAL I R Cereali ricoperti di cioccolato extra fondente Praline spherical composed of 5 flakes extruded cereals coated with extra-dark chocolate. Persistent and crisp notes. Cod. 12/616 CR I - CR I Bonbon “Arlecchino” Praline composed of a toasted PGI Piedmont hazelnut covered with extra-dark chocolate and finished with a thin layer of natural dyes sugar nonpareils. Cod. 12/786 I COPERT I Cereali ricoperti di cioccolato superiore al latte Praline spherical composed of 5 flakes extruded cereals covered with milk chocolate. Delicate and crispy notes. Cod. 12/703 COLORAT I Bonbon “Rouge” Toasted PGI Piedmont hazelnut covered with milk chocolate and coated with a thin layer of red sugar nonpareils. Cod. 12/789 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 I Tartufati M a n d o r l e Mandorle tartufate con cIoccolato extra fondente toasted almonds coated with extra-dark chocolate, dusted with a thin layer of bitter cocoa. Intense crisp and fondant flavour of cocoa. cod. 12/765 n o c c I o l e tartufo con cIoccolato extra fondente piedmont pGI hazelnut toasted, covered with extra-dark chocolate, dusted with bitter cocoa. Intense, crisp and fondant flavour of cocoa. cod. 12/627 t a r t u f a t t a r t u f a e Mandorle tartufate con cIoccolato superIore al latte toasted almonds covered with fine milk chocolate, dusted with a thin layer of bitter cocoa. sweet and crisp combination with the pungent flavour of cocoa. cod. 12/636 e tartufIno con cIoccolato superIore al latte piedmont pGI hazelnut toasted, covered with milk chocolate, dusted with bitter cocoa. dried fruit toasted, persistent and crispy notes. cod. 12/660 t Mandorle tIraMIsÙ toasted almonds covered in white chocolate and dusted with a thin layer of bitter cocoa. an agreeable fusion of flavours between sweet and bitter. cod. 12/664 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 f r u t t a t cIlIeGIe tartufate con cIoccolato extra fondente cherry covered with extra-dark chocolate, dusted with bitter cocoa. fruity taste to chocolate. cod. 12/702 a r t u f a t a ZenZero tartufato con cIoccolato extra fondente Irregular shaped praline composed of candied ginger root, covered with extra-dark chocolate, dusted with bitter cocoa. strong aromatic and spicy flavour. cod. 12/697 c a c a l e G o l o s I t pIstacchI tartufatI con cIoccolato superIore al latte precious pistachio fruits roasted and coated with milk chocolate dusted with a thin layer of sweet cocoa. a meeting of original and characteristic tastes. cod. 12/745 À t a r t u f a t nocI tartufate con cIoccolato extra fondente Irregular shaped pralines composed of half walnuts, covered with extra-dark chocolate, dusted with bitter cocoa. a meeting unique tastes. cod. 12/652 o Il carbone MIrtIllI tartufatI con cIoccolato superIore al latte the beneficial properties of blueberry with velvety taste of milk chocolate united in a delicious praline truffled. cod. 12/768 faVe dI cacao tartutfate con cIoccolato extra fondente cocoa beans roasted, covered with extra-dark chocolate, dusted with bitter cocoa. a unique product for anyone who loves the strong, intense and particularly taste of cocoa. cod. 12/739 carBone dolce spento, acceso, polenta e forMaGGIo cooked and cut sugar in the shape of cubes or slices, coloured and flavoured, handcrafted according to the ancient art of pastry canons. spento cod. 13/737 acceso cod. 13/738 polenta cod. 13/739 formaggio cod. 13/740 e CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 Gli Incartati c I o c c r Ì I cIoccrÌ con cIoccolato extra fondente toasted pGI piedmont hazelnut, covered with extra-dark chocolate. strong and persistent "chocolatey" flavour. Bitter and crisp. cod. 6/607 n o c c I o l e I n c a r t a t e c r I - c r n c a r t a t I cIoccrÌ con cIoccolato superIore al latte toasted pGI piedmont hazelnut, covered in milk chocolate. delicate and intense flavour. cod. 6/614 I CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 19 noccIolIna rIcoperta dI cIoccolato extra fondente spherical praline composed with a toasted pGI piedmont hazelnut and covered with a thin layer of extra-dark chocolate. strong nutty flavour with dark chocolate notes. cod. 6/620 noccIolIna rIcoperta dI cIoccolato superIore al latte spherical praline composed of a toasted pGI piedmont hazelnut covered with a thin layer of milk chocolate. strong nutty flavour with crisp and delicate notes. cod. 6/616 crI - crI pIeMÔnt the traditional praline composed of a toasted pGI piedmont hazelnut covered with extra-dark chocolate and finished with a thin layer of tasty and crisp sugar nonpareils. cod. 6/612 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 c a f f È e G chIcchIno - caffÈ rIcoperto dI cIoccolato extra fondente toasted precious arabica coffee bean, covered with extra-dark chocolate. Balanced and persistent flagrance. cod. 6/617 I a n d u I o t t o Le Novità GIanduIotto classIco Velvety and unmistakable taste born by the happy combination of the pGI piedmont hazelnut with valuable types of cocoa and milk. cod. 7/707 GIanduIotto fondente Intense and aromatic flavour. historical composition without milk, obtained by selected fine varieties cocoa and hazelnut from piedmont. cod. 7/733 GIanduJonI the typical chocolate from piedmont in different size. 90 g cod. 16/126 200 g cod. 16/131 400 g cod. 16/133 900 g cod. 16/132 creMe GIanduIa Velvety cream with 50% of piedmont hazelnuts. a unique and unmistakable taste given by the union of hazelnut with the intense cocoa flavour. 200 g cod. 16/125 400 g cod. 16/124 creMa GIanduJa al lIQuore our delicious velvety cream infused with extra fine liquor. real specialty. Volume by 16%. to taste to liking served as hot punch or cold with ice Bottle Mole 5 c l cod. 16/161 50 c l cod. 16/162 Bottle 70 c l cod. 16/163 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 Le confezioni speciali cIoc-colata precious piedmont hazelnuts finely toasted and put in an extra-dark or milk chocolate casting. Intense flavour to taste. 750 g fondente cod. 16/145 750 g al latte cod. 16/136 350 g fondente cod. 16/144 350 g al latte cod. 16/135 taVolette cIoccolato Milk chocolate tablet: 100 g cod. 16/100 200 g cod. 16/101 500 g cod. 16/102 1000 g cod. 16/103 dark chocolate tablet: 100 g cod. 16/108 200 g cod. 16/139 500 g cod. 16/140 1000 g cod. 16/141 sugar-free chocolate tablet: Milk fondant crI - crI 250 g cod. 6/602 100 g cod. 16/105 100 g cod. 16/142 dark chocolate tablet 70%: 100 g cod. 16/109 200 g cod. 16/106 White chocolate tablet: 100 g cod. 16/119 Gianduja chocolate tablet: 100 g cod. 16/127 draGÈes lucIdI o tartufatI - 180 g taVolette noccIolata the tablet with pGI piedmont hazelnut in the classic version to milk chocolate or dark chocolate. 250 g latte cod. 16/104 250 g fondente cod. 16/138 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 I c u B o t t I a s s o r t I t I cubotto mixed dragèes 350 g cod. 15/178 Mignon mixed dragèes 100 g cod. 15/183 cubotto mixed truffled 300 g cod. 15/186 cubotto Gianduiotto 300 g cod. 15/182 Gift pack dragèes and Gianduiotti 318 g cod. 15/144 Bussolotto GIanduIottI 200g cod. 7/805 300g cod. 7/806 500g cod. 7/807 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 G I a n d u I o t t I GIanduIottI - 145 g cod. 15/198 185 g cod. 15/199 275 g cod. 15/200 390 g cod. 15/201 GIanduIottI 58 g astuccio cod. 15/111 58 g confezione cod. 7/810 86 g cod. 7/811 G l I a s s o r t I t I p I e M o n t “pIeMont” GIft pacK MIxed draGees/truffled - 400 g cod. 15/170 600 g cod. 15/166 1150 g cod. 15/167 1550 g cod. 15/168 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 CIOCCOLATO TORINO DAL 1948 PIEMONT CIOCCOLATO snc di Fioraso Alessandro & C. Via Gran Paradiso 16/23 - 10156 Torino Tel. - Fax [email protected]