
Italian Lit and Rep

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Italian Lit and Rep
Italian Literature and Repertoire
Course# 57431
Mark Carver, Instructor
Winter 2011
Course Description
Objective: This course will survey Italian repertoire for solo voice. We will
examine representative works from the late Renaissance/Baroque through the
twentieth century, with regard to historical, cultural, and musical contexts.
Repertoire will focus upon art songs, but may include certain oratorio and
operatic excerpts suitable for recital programs. A “bibliography” of Italian
repertoire will be the result of class performances, reading of songs, and listening
to recordings. The pedagogical element of the course will include considerations
for planning song groups and specifications on the printed program.
Assessment: Students will be assessed based upon class attendance, class
performances, participation in class, completion of assignments, quizzes, and
research projects (see grading policy at the end of the syllabus).
Required Materials
Spiral notebook – A record of all music covered in class must be kept in the
notebook. Each class must be dated and repertoire should be entered, as well
as any personal notes pertaining to the repertoire studied. This notebook is to be
turned in at the end of the semester and will be factored into the final grade.
Course Activities
Course activities will include:
1. Performance in class
2. Listening in class/reading songs
3. Notebook containing repertoire studied and notes
4. Research/reading assignments
January 11, 2011
Introduction and assignment of repertoire to be performed.
January 18, 2011
Old Italian Songs, Part I (La Flora, V. 1, 2, and 3)
Caccini (c. 1550-1618) Amarilli
Peri (1561-1633) O miei giorni fugaci
Calestani (c. 1600) Ferma, Dorinda mia
Cavalli (1602-1676) son ancor pargoletto
Carissimi (1605-1674) Non posso vivere
Reading assignment for next class:
Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians, V. 9: ITALY: ART
3. Renaissance
4. Seventeenth Century
Lakeway and White: The Italian Art Song, pp. 1-7
January 25, 2011
Old Italian Songs, Part II (The Aria: Renaissance and Baroque)
1. Sartorio (1620-1681) O che umore stravagante
2. Cesti (1623-1669) Intorno allʼidol mio
A quanto e vero
3. Scarlatti (1660-1725) Son tutta duolo
4. Mancini (1674-1739) Son prigioniero (La Flora)
A look at Luca Giordano (1634-1705), Neapolitan painter
February 1, 2011
Vivaldi (c. 1678-1741)
1. Se parto, se resto (Arie per contralto)
2. Dille chʼil viver mio (Four Arias/High)
3. Sento con quell diletto (Five Arias/High)
4. Ti Sento (Two Arias/Medium Low)
5. Altra aria del Vagante: Armatae face et anguibus (Six Arias)
A look at Canaletto (1697-1768), Venetian painter
February 8, 2011
Scarlatti (1660-1725)
Two Cantatas:
1. Solitudine avvenne (Soprano)
2. Tra speranza e timore (Baritone)
Handel (1685-1759)
Songs from Forty Five Arias, V. 1-3
1. Ah, tu non sai (V. 2)
2. Qual farfalletta (V. 3)
3. Vʼadoro pupille (V.3)
Reading Assignment for next class:
Emmons and Sonntag: The Art of the Song Recital, pp. 23-24
(Program building)
February 15, 2011
Handel, cont.
4. Cara Sposa (V. 1)
5. Non lo dirò col labbro (V. 2)
6. Furibondo spira il vento (V.1)
Assignment: Due March 1. Design a group of Old Italian songs, or a group
of Handel songs/arias. Keep your selections to 3-4 pieces, and use
only one covered in class. Type your group and include
translations as well as program notes discussing your choices.
February 22, 2011
Caldara (1670-1736), Pergolesi (1710-1736), Gluck (1714-1787), Paisiello
(1740-1816), Cimarosa (1748-1801)
Caldara: Quel usignuolo
Pergolesi: Stizzoso mio stizzoso
Pergolesi: Salve Regina
Gluck: Che far`o senza Euridice? (Orfeo ed Euridice)
Cimarosa: Mio signor, mi scusi lei (La Falegname)
March 1, 2011
Haydn (1732-1809)
Dove sei, mio bel tesoro (Arianna a Naxos)
Aria di Corrodino: Un cor si tenero (Arien für Bass)
Aria di Cavalieri: Se tu mi sprezzi (Arien für Tenor)
Aria di Dorina: Costretta a piangere arien für Sopran, V. 1)
A look at Antonio Canova (1757-1822), Roman sculptor
Reading assignment for next class: Groves Dictionary of Music and
Musicians, V. 9: ITALY: ART MUSIC
5. Eighteenth Century
March 8, 2011
Vacanza di primavera
March 15, 2011
Mozart (1756-1791), Beethoven (1770-1827), Schubert (1797-1828)
Mozart: Ridente la calma (from lieder)
Mozart: Un moto di gioja (Figaro)
Schubert: Tre canzone
Beethoven: In questa tomba oscura
March 22, 2011
Rossini (1792-1868), Bellini (1801-1835), Tosti (1846-1916), Donaudy
1. Rossini: La pastorella delle alpi
2. Bellini: Quindici composizioni da Camara
Ma rendi pur contento
Il fervido desiderio
Vaga luna che inargenti
3. Tosti: La serenata
4. Donaudy: Spirate pur spirate
O del mio amato ben
Reading assignment for next class: Lakeway and White: Italian Art Song,
pp. 7-9.
March 29, 2011
Respighi (1879-1936)
A look at Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920), Italian painter
April 5, 2011
Take home quiz – Due last day of class.
Final project – Due last day of class. Design a group of Italian Art Songs.
Include translations and program notes explaining your
Respighi cont., and Cimara (1887-1967)
1. Respighi: Quando nasceste voi
Venitelo a vedere ʻl miʼ piccino
Vieni de là, lontan lontano
2. Cimara: Spiando ai vetri
Canto di Primavera
Fiocca la neve
April 12, 2011
No class
April 19-26, 2011
Modern Italian composers, Alfredo Casella (1883-1947), Ildebrando Pizzetti
(1880-1968) , Goffredo Petrassi (1904-2003), and Luigi Dallapiccola (19041975).
Approximate Grading Distribution
Song performance
Song performance
Winter, 2011
200 points
200 points
200 points
200 points
100 points
100 points
Fly UP