
XV Week of Italian Language in the World

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XV Week of Italian Language in the World
Oct. 19-25
L’italiano della musica,
la musica dell’italiano
The Italian of Music, the Music of Italian
Under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic,
the Italian Program in the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at
Wayne State University, with the generous support of the Dante Alighieri Society, the Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan and the NOI Foundation, with the cooperation of the Com.It.Es.
and organized under the auspices of the Consulate of Italy in Detroit is pleased to
Tuesday, Oct. 20 and Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015
Wayne State University – Romanian Room – Manoogian Hall
Day 1:
Tuesday, October 20 11:30am - 1:30pm | Romanian Room-Manoogian Hall
Welcome and Inauguration. Prof. Anne Duggan, Chair CMLLC
Introductions. Silvia Giorgini-Althoen
“Viaggio nella musica italiana della tradizione popolare”- A Voyage within the
popular tradition of Italian music. Prof. Nunzia Manicardi
Wayne State University Student Ms. Felicity Risca will sing some traditional
Italian songs.
“I canti dell’emigrazione italiana” - Songs of Italian Emigration. Mr. Luca Maria Guardabascio.
Q&A & Closing Remarks
Day 2:
Wednesday, October 21
11:30am -1:30pm | Romanian Room-Manoogian Hall
Welcome and Introductions. Silvia Giorgini-Althoen
Wayne in Abruzzo: Our students present their experience in Abruzzo.
“Lorenzo Da Ponte: Come l'America scoprí l’opera e lingua italiane”. Lorenzo
Da Ponte: How America discovered the Italian language and music. Mr. Gianni Zaretti
“La canzone d’autore italiana tra poesia dell’esistente e protesta sociale: Fabrizio
De André e Francesco Guccini”. Italian Singer/Songwriters from Existentialist
Poetry to Social Protest: Fabrizio De André and Francesco Guccini.
Prof. Nunzia Manicardi
A group of WSU students will perform a selection of songs.
1:2 0-1:30
Q&A and Closing Remarks
Please join us and enjoy some light refreshments in the French Room at the end of each day program.
Dr. Luca Guardabascio
Dr. Luca Guardabascio is an author and director for cinema and television. He authored and
directed documentaries, movies and television shows for Italian National Broadcasting RAI TV. He
promotes and teaches Italian history in Italy and the U.S. relying on the best Italian cinematic
tradition. Dr. Guardabascio is a Rooney Visiting Scholar at Robert Morris University in Pennsylvania
and gave lectures and presentations in many Italian and international universities. In 2002, he
directed the movie “Inseguito”, which has been identified as a new cinematographic genre,
“Marron”: a fusion of psychological and noir mystery. He published several essays and novels. His
latest novel: “Pietre sull’Oceano. La storia di Giovanni Esposito e di Joe Petrosino”, Stones over the
Ocean. The story of Giovanni Esposito and Joe Petrosino, published by Historica.
Dr. Nunzia Manicardi
Our presenter is from Modena, Italy (home of Ferrari). She holds four degrees and is a successful
writer, journalist and educator. She has authored over 50 books which are available worldwide,
and has also written numerous articles. She has collaborated with several prestigious entities
including UNESCO, RAI, the Italian government and national newspapers.
Prof. Manicardi’s efforts were officially recognized by the government of Italy, which bestowed on her
the distinction of the Order of Merit.
Her writings embrace a wide variety of topics on Italian culture and tradition: the historyof car and
motorbikes; eno-gastronomy, popular and classical music, craftsmanship, popular traditions. She has
also written books for young adults and essays on legal thrillers.
In 2007 she won the AISA Fano Price for her book on the history of cars, and she writes frequently
for the website “Motor Valley.” Mr. John Zaretti
Our presenter, John Zaretti, is the President and co-founder of the Verdi Opera Theatre of Michigan/
Statue of Enrico Caruso Society, both founded in 1988. He has been actively involved in promoting
operatic music, organizing exhibits and making presentations on the life of composer Giuseppe Verdi
and on the history of opera at such institutions as the Italian American Cultural and Community
Center in Clinton Township, Michigan, The International Institute in Detroit, the Toledo OperaMasonic Temple in Ohio, the G. Verdi Club in Amherstburg, Canada, and many other venues. Zaretti
has presented concerts in cooperation with, among others, The Michigan Opera Theatre, the Detroit
Institute of Arts, the La Scala Instrumental Ensemble and the Parma Opera Ensemble from Italy,
together with renowned basso Michele Pertusi, winner of the 2006 Grammy Award for his
interpretation of Verdi's Falstaff. He established the “Italian Songs and Arias Vocal Competition for
Michigan High School Students,” now in its seventeenth year of operation, to encourage and support
talented young vocalists in exploring the wonderful world of classical vocal music. John's efforts
were officially recognized by the government of Italy, which bestowed on him the distinction of
Cavaliere of the Order of Merit.
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