
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo – Curriculum Vitae - Stochastic

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Lorenzo Dello Schiavo – Curriculum Vitae - Stochastic
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Date of birth
Place of birth
July 12, 1991
Rome, Italy
Contact Information
[email protected]
[email protected]
+ Institut für Angewandte Mathematik,
Universität Bonn,
Endenicher Allee 60,
Room 3.035,
DE-53115, Bonn, Germany
 +49 228 73 4880
Working experience
11/15–present Scientific collaboration (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterschaft), IAM @ HCM, Bonn.
{  http://www.iam.uni-bonn.de/
{  Group of Stochastic Analysis, leading researcher Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm.
11/15–present Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, BIGS @ University of Bonn (Universität Bonn), Bonn.
{  https://www.bigs-math.uni-bonn.de/
{ Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm
{ Mentor: Prof. Dr.
10/15 Visiting studentship, IAM @ HCM, Bonn.
{  http://www.iam.uni-bonn.de/
{  Group of Stochastic Analysis, leading researcher Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm.
Updated January 29, 2016.
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10/13–09/15  M.Sc. in Mathematics (Laurea Magistrale), Sapienza – Università di Roma, Rome.
{  http://www.mat.uniroma1.it/ (in Italian)
{ Curriculum: Analisi Matematica (Mathematical Analysis)
{ Thesis: Heat equation on metric measure spaces, in English
{ Defense: viva in Italian on September 21, 2015, with honors (con lode)
{ Supervisor: Dr. Adriano Pisante
{  Additional information:
Advanced course (Percorso d’Eccellenza) 2014–2015
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Pinzari
- Dissertation: Takesaki’s proof of a Tannaka–Stinespring–Tatsuuma-type pre-duality for
Commutative Measured Involutive Hopf–von Neumann algebras
- Defense: viva in Italian on May 8, 2015
10/10–10/13  Bachelor of Mathematics (Laurea Triennale), Sapienza – Università di Roma, Rome.
{  http://www.mat.uniroma1.it/ (in Italian)
{ Curriculum: Matematica Generale (General Mathematics)
{ Thesis: Misure di probabilità e spazi di Wasserstein, in Italian
{ Defense: viva in Italian on October 29, 2015, with honors (con lode)
{ Supervisor: Dr. Adriano Pisante
{  Additional information:
Advanced course (Percorso d’Eccellenza) 2011–2013
09/05–06/10  Highschool diploma (Diploma di Liceo Scientifico), Liceo Scientifico Statale Augusto Righi, with honors (con lode).
{  Additional information:
participation in the 63rd Corso di Orientamento Universitario organized by the Scuola
Normale Superiore di Pisa, Camigliatello Silano, July 21–27, 2009
-  http://www.sns.it/ammissione/orientamento (in Italian)
Research interests
{ optimal transport, analysis on metric measure spaces
{ calculus of variations, partial differential equations
{ statistical mechanics of discrete systems, mathematical and computational biochemistry
Papers and preprints
2015 published
{ D. S., L., Marcinkiewicz Continuity Estimates for Infinite Energy Solutions of Some Second Order Elliptic Dirichlet Problems, BUMI (Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana),
July, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40574-015-0028-y
{ Agliari, E., Altavilla, M., Barra, A., D. S., L., Katz, E.: Notes on stochastic (bio)-logic gates: computing with allosteric cooperativity, Scientific Reports, 5,
9415, doi: 10.1038/srep09415, http://www.nature.com/srep/2015/150330/srep09415/
Updated January 29, 2016.
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In preparation
2016 work in progress
{ Agliari, E., Barra, A., D. S., L., Moro, A.: A variational formulation of biochemical
information processing (provisional)
Notes and proceedings
2010 published
{ Cecchetti, G., D. S., L.: Nature of language vs. language of nature – The limits of
human languages in describing nature, in Altamore, A., Antonini, G. (ed.s): Galileo and
the Renaissance Scientific Discourse, proceedings of the First Roma Workshop on Past
and Present Perceptions of Science, Rome, May 6, 2009, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Rome,
WDP Wolfram Demonstration Project,  http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/
{ Zonotope Construction via Shephard’s Theorem in “Mathematics–Geometry–Polyhedra”
{ Homogeneous Splines in “Mathematics–Geometry–Curves”
Refereeing activity
2016 Referee for
{ Scientific reports,  http://www.nature.com/srep/about
Attended conferences, seminars, talks
2013–present Since 2013 I have been a fond participant of many occasions at both Sapienza – Università di
Roma and Universität Bonn, including weakly seminars in analysis and geometry (in Rome)
and in probability and stochastic analysis (in Bonn). Among the many conferences and
workshops, I had the privilege to attend the Panorama of Mathematics conference at the
HCM, October 2015.
Computer skills
Programming Basic: C/C++
Math-related Basic: MatLab (R2012b)
programming Advanced: Wolfram Mathematica Language, Wolfram Mathematica 8+
OS’s Intermediate: Linux Ubuntu
Advanced: Mac OSX, Microsoft Windows
Office suites Advanced: iWork ’13+, Microsoft Office 2010+, LibreOffice 5.x.x+
Others Advanced: LATEX2ϵ markup language for TEX
IELTS; Score: 7.5
Goethe Zertfikat Deutsch C1; Score: 73,00/100; Date 16/10/08
Basic words and phrases only
Updated January 29, 2016.
Typeset: XƎLATEX,  , 
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