
Curriculum Vitae – January 2015 Family name: Zoboli Given name

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Curriculum Vitae – January 2015 Family name: Zoboli Given name
Via Sarfatti 25
20136 Milano
Curriculum Vitae – January 2015 Family name: Given name: Gender: Date of birth: Citizenship: email address: Qualifications Zoboli Laura female 12/12/1988 Italian [email protected] 2014 – 2017 (expected) Bocconi University PhD in International Law and Economics 2007 – 2013 Università degli Studi di Milano Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Law Graduation mark: 110/110 Thesis: The freedom of Establishment of Companies in Europe and its Implications on Venture Capital. Advisor: Prof. Bruno Nascimbene; Co‐
advisor: Dr. Andrea Zanoni 2010 Université Montpellier I Lifelong Learning Programme ‐ Erasmus University exams taken in french: Droit Communautaire Matériel, Droit International Pénal, Institutions de l'Union européenne, Histoire du Droit Pénal, Droit de la famille. 2007 Liceo Statale “Cesare Beccaria”, Milano Maturità Classica (High School Diploma) ASK Centre, Bocconi University Research Activity 2014 – Present 2013 – Present Collaboration Areas of research: Intellectual property law, Digital copyright, Competition law. Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law (Prof. Nascimbene) Collaboration Areas of research: European Union Law, Food law. Other Relevant Activities 2014 – Present I am contributing to the organization of two important conferences in the field of food sustainability and right to food, planned for May 2015 and October 2015 within the framework of EXPO Milano 2015. These conferences are organized by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Milan, the Bocconi University and the Bar Association of Milan. 23 October 2014 SMAU Milano Lecturer in a workshop on Cloud Computing (“Cloud Computing e Dati: Responsabilità, Titolarità e Rischi”). 2012 – 2013 Università degli Studi di Milano, Law School in preparation to the Bar Exam and the Competitive Examination for Judges Tutoring and supplementary activities for European Union Law course held by Professor Francesco Rossi Dal Pozzo. Scholarships Scholarship "Ezio Corfiati 2014" awarded by A.I.G.I. for the thesis with most scientific interest in the field of Business Law defended in 2014 (waived). Erasmus‐placement scholarship ‐ awarded for the period of study at Université Montpellier I (2010). Research Interests Intellectual property rights, EU Competition law, WTO law, Food law and Cloud computing law. Publications With Massimo Maggiore, Interesse pubblico ed eccezione culturale: le limitazioni al diritto all’immagine dei personaggi famosi, Il Diritto Industriale, IPSOA (forthcoming). With Maria Lillà Montagnani, Sistemi di Digital Rights Management e protezione dei contenuti culturali, Il Diritto dell’Arte, Vol. 3, La protezione del patrimonio artistico, edited by Gianfranco Negri Clemente and Silvia Stabile, Skira Editore, 2014, p. 77. The ECJ judgement of 19 September 2013 on Unfair Commercial Practices: strict liability of professionals?, Lexology (online), 26 September 2013. Microenterprises are like consumers: the first ruling by the Italian Antitrust Authority, Lexology (online), 16 December 2013. Language Skills Italian: Native; English and French: Fluent. IT Skills Very good command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), legal databases and content management systems. Operating systems: Windows, MacOs.
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