
UTB/TSC Student Government Association Weekly Meeting Minutes October 11, 2011

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UTB/TSC Student Government Association Weekly Meeting Minutes October 11, 2011
UTB/TSC Student Government Association
Weekly Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2011
Call meeting to Order
- Called to order at 3:15p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Pledge
- Senate rose for the pledges
Roll Call and Recognition of Quorum
- Vice President of Policy and Procedure, Julie Jaramillo, called roll and
recognized quorum.
V.P. of Administration: Normalinda Reyna
President: Arturo Guerra
Senator Pro Tem: Marisol Cervantes
V.P. of Policy and Procedure: Julie Jaramillo
V.P. of Accounting and Finance: Pedro Rangel
V.P. of Public Relations: Pedro Lincona ABSENT
Graduate Senator: Hugo N. Valdez
Graduate Senator: John Gray ABSENT
Senator-at-Large: Brian Lee Leal
Senator-at-Large: Joe Lee Rubio
Senator-at-Large: Alfonso Almeida
Senator-at-Large: Mauricio Garcia
Senator-at-Large: Brenda Bazan
Senator- College of BSHP: Maria E. Gomez
Senator- College of BSHP: Julio Ramos
Senator- College of BSHP: Yareli Iglecias
Senator- School of Business: Benjamin F. Gutierrez
Senator- School of Business: Almendra Garcia
Senator- School of Business: Hugo Teran
Senator- College of Education: Jorge Silva
Senator- College of Education: Viviana Quiroz
Senator- College of Liberal Arts: Kaitlin Lara
Senator- College of Liberal Arts: Carlos Gutierrez
Senator- College of Liberal Arts: Edna Martinez
Senator- College of SMT: Alberto Mata
Senator- College of SMT: Jessica Ruiz
Senator- College of SMT: Ericka Rangel
Freshmen Senator: Philip Martinez
Freshmen Senator: Jose Chavez
Freshmen Senator: Carolina Villarreal
Freshmen Senator: Elizabeth Ayala
Freshmen Senator: Lovemore Zihove
Quorum: Met
Approval of Minutes
- Vice President of Historical Archives, Karla Lozoya, motioned for the approval
of last week’s meeting minutes.
- Senator-at-Large, Joe Lee Rubio, seconds the motion.
Let Your Voice Be Heard
- Michael Aldape, a graduate student, was at the meeting to testify about his
reaction as soon as he saw a column in the collegian that said that President
Guerra had vetoed Resolution 7. Aldape shared with the senate his experience
and leadership roles that he had been part of as an undergraduate at
UTB/TSC. He states that he felt concern since he considers the leadership
rings something valuable and a tangible evidence for the effort and work done
here at the university.
- Joshua Law, an Environmental Science major and former SGA member,
seconds and agrees with Aldape and emphasizes that the money that is being
used to purchase the rings is just ALLOCATED, which means that is not the
actual amount of money spent to purchase the rings and whatever is left will
return to the SGA account.
- William Fern, sophomore, agrees with the previous presenters about the
importance to reward those who have done an authentic and outstanding job
on campus and have stood out due to their exemplary leadership skills and
roles. He states that it is an immense honor to be granted the Leadership Ring.
- David Guerra reemphasizes that it is an honor to receive the Leadership Ring
and that the tradition should not be stopped.
- Jorge Munoz, former SGA President, also shared his leadership roles on
campus as well as how these roles helped him improve his leadership skills as
well as how the way these roles affected and have made an influence in his
life. He states that it is vitally important that the SGA makes the purchase of
two rings. One reason is because it is and has been, and will be a tradition.
Second, he states, that we cannot take the opportunity away from two
students that have well deserved this ring.
New Business:
- Resolution 7
 V.P of Historical Archives, Karla Lozoya, motioned for approval of
Resolution 7.
 Senator-at-Large, Joe Lee Rubio, seconds the motion.
President Guerra announces that a few senators did bring up an
argument about how the amount of money allocated for the rings was
Senator Hugo Teran has a question he states, “Why is SGA elected to
purchase two rings?” and “ How are students elected or awarded the
leadership ring?”
Adviser, David Marquez, gives an explanation as to why it is that the
SGA gives two rings for those students that will be receiving the ring.
Adviser Marquez emphasizes that the process for the leadership ring
recipients is based on academic performance, community service, and
leadership roles.
Adviser, Heather Olague, courteously asks the senate to reflect on the
thought that many senators are stating that “SGA has a low budget”
with this question: “In what perspective do you consider the budget
LOW?” Adviser Olague announces this as a friendly reminder that the
senate should take into consideration.
Senator- College of BSHP, Yareli Iglecias, states and argues the idea
that the senate is considering the amount of money allocated for the
rings a bit OUTRAGEOUS but yet the President of SGA and V.P. of
Administration [although they do deserve it] get paid an amount that is
about four times the amount that is being spent on the leadership
rings. Senator Iglecias states that to her the amount allocated for the
rings is not an outrageous amount of money and therefore completely
supports the resolution.
Senator-at-Large, Alfonso Almeida, just adds to the discussion that the
tradition doesn’t need to be stopped but the amount of money is
Senator Rubio states that this matter has nothing to do with money
and budget but tradition, and that is what it shall be and prevail.
Senator Garcia states that there isn’t any physical evidence on what
makes up the ring or the information needed to support the
outrageous cost of the rings.
Adviser Marquez states that the senate should be ready to make the
decision at this time.
The voting for Resolution 7 was done through Roll Call voting process
and the Resolution passed/approved with a resulting vote of 19 in
support of the resolution and 5 against the resolution.
- Resolution 8
 V.P. of Policy and Procedure gives a brief summary of resolution 8 and
states that this resolution deals with our SGA attire and therefore the
senate will be receiving new SGA shirts and be it further resolved that
there will be an amount of $1000.00 allocated for the purchase of
these, and any money left will be returned to the SGA account.
 Senator Rubio motions for the approval of resolution 8, and the motion
is second by V.P. of Historical Archives.
Brian Lee Leal abstains from voting.
Nominations/ Appointments
- Representative/nominee was not present at the meeting.
Officer/Senator/Committee Reports
- Senator Jose Chavez gave a brief description and presentation about the
counselors that are needed at the Student Health Services clinic and how they
are low on budget and need aid.
- V.P. of Historical Archives, Karla Lozoya, praised the hard work and
dedication that Senator Chavez has demonstrated to the SGA by being
involved in functions that involve and affect the student body.
- V.P. of Administration, Normalinda Reyna, gave a brief description and
summary of the Student Forum that was held in Student Union Veranda. V.P.
of Administration states that the future objective is to have a greater turn out
at these forums and a higher number of students attending the forums. Next
Student Forum will be held on Thursday October 27, 2011 from 6p.m.-7p.m.
Senator Rubio announces that the SGA facebook page is a great success and
encourages everyone to befriend us on Facebook.
Mascot Committee: V.P. of Administration announces that there is a facebook
page as well designed for the mascot suggestion and students are more than
welcome to submit ideas and detailed information about it.
President’s Corner
- President, Arturo Guerra, announced that the next Parking Committee
meeting will be on Friday October 14, 2011.
Advisor’s Corner
- Mr. David Marquez, SGA advisor, congratulates the senate for the diplomacy
and prudence in which these arguments and discussions take place. Adviser
Marquez encourages the senate to keep up with the good work and in a very
respectful manner as always.
- V.P. of Policy and Procedure, Julie Jaramillo, motioned to adjourn the meeting
and the motion was second by Senator- College of SMT: Ericka Rangel.
Meeting adjourned at 4:04 p.m.
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