UTB/TSC Student Government Association Weekly Meeting Minutes November 1, 2011
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UTB/TSC Student Government Association Weekly Meeting Minutes November 1, 2011
UTB/TSC Student Government Association Weekly Meeting Minutes November 1, 2011 I. Call Meeting to Order - Called to order at 3:15p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Pledge - Senate rose for the pledges III. Roll Call and Recognition of Quorum - Roll call and recognition of quorum was presented by Vice President of Policy and Procedure, Julie Jaramillo. President: Arturo Guerra V.P. of Administration: Normalinda Reyna V.P. of Policy and Procedure: Julie Jaramillo V.P. of Accounting and Finance: Pedro Rangel V.P. of Historical Archives: Karla Lozoya V.P. of Public Relations: Pedro Lincona ABSENT Senator Pro Tem: Marisol Cervantes Senator-at-Large: Brian Lee Leal Senator-at-Large: Joe Lee Rubio ABSENT Senator-at-Large: Alfonso Almeida ABSENT Senator-at-Large: Mauricio Garcia Senator-at-Large: Michael Gutierrez Senator-at-Large: Brenda Bazan ABSENT Senator- College of BSHP: Maria E. Gomez Senator- College of BSHP: Yareli Iglecias Senator- College of BSHP: Julio Ramos Senator- School of Business: Benjamin F. Gutierrez ABSENT Senator- School of Business: Almendra Garcia ABSENT Senator- School of Business: Hugo Teran ABSENT Senator- College of SMT: Alberto Mata Senator- College of SMT: Ericka Rangel Senator- College of SMT: Jessica Ruiz Senator- College of Education: Jorge Silva ABSENT Senator- College of Education: Viviana Quiroz ABSENT Senator- College of Education: Sara Barriera ABSENT Senator- College of Liberal Arts: Kaitlin Lara Senator- College of Liberal Arts: Carlos Gutierrez Senator- College of Liberal Arts: Edna Martinez Graduate Senator: Hugo Valdez ABSENT Graduate Senator: Luciana Morales ABSENT Freshmen Senator: Philip Martinez Freshmen Senator: Jose Chavez Freshmen Senator: Carolina Villarreal Freshmen Senator: Elizabeth Ayala Freshmen Senator: Lovemore Zihove ABSENT Quorum: Met IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Approval of Minutes - V.P. of Historical Archives, Karla Lozoya, motions for the approval of minutes. - The motion is second by Senator- College of SMT: Ericka Rangel. Let Your Voice Be Heard - No entries were entered at this time. New Business - Golf Cart decoration and preparations for Homecoming Parade. Help is needed from each and every one of the senators. V.P. of Administration, Normalinda Reyna, states that support from the senate is needed and greatly appreciated. Officer/ Senator/ Committee Reports - No Committee/Officer/Senator reports were given at this time. Announcements - Senator Chavez announces that there will be a Men’s Personal Empowerment Retreat scheduled for Saturday, November 19, 2011 at Salon Cassia from 8:30a.m.-5:00p.m. - Senator Iglecias announced that the Program Committee for the MLK Day of Service will be hosting auditions to find the voice that they are looking for to be the singing at the day of the event as entertainment for the community. The auditions will be held on November 14, 2011 from 6pm-8pm. For more information contact the committee leaders V.P. of Historical Archives, Karla Lozoya, or V.P. of Accounting and Finance, Pedro Rangel. President’s Corner No President’s corner was given at this time. Advisor’s Corner - No adviser’s corner was given at this time. Adjournment - V.P. of Policy and Procedure, Julie Jaramillo, makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. - Motion is second by V.P. of Accounting and Finance, Pedro Rangel. Meeting was adjourned at 3:30p.m.