
Department of Health and Human Performance

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Department of Health and Human Performance
The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College
Department of Health and Human Performance
Kinesiology 1107.04 - Course Syllabus
Spring - 2012
This course is designed to teach knowledge of the sport, leadership, loyalty, sportsmanship, and team
play. A brief history and origin of the sport will be presented as well as a complete description of the
game. It carries one hour of kinesiology activity credit. This course cannot be repeated for credit.
Learn the basic rules and regulations
2. Acquire knowledge of officiating and score keeping
3. Acquire the following fundamental skills:
A. Passing
B. Dribbling
C. Shooting
1. two handed chest pass
1. right hand
1. lay up
2. baseball pass
2. left hand
2. jump shot
3. bounce pass
3. cross-over
3. free-throw
D. Offensive play
E. Defensive Play
1. fast break
1. man to man
2. zone defense (1-2-2), 2-1-2), (2-
2. zone offense (strategy)
3. man to man offense (strategy)
3. press
a. full court
* man to man
* zone
b. half court
* trapping
* zone
1. Reading at college level
The college student understands and utilizes reading as a process in which reader, text, and
context interact. The college student reads: to gain rule/play comprehension, discover sport
strategies, and summarize the written activity course material.
2. Critical thinking
The college student understands and utilizes higher order thinking and questioning in activity
courses. The college student understands problem-solving strategies and techniques and
applies them to solve application problems relating to motor skill acquisition and strategies in
game situations.
3. Perspective 9
The college student gains an understanding of the importance of maintaining health and
TEXTBOOK: Handout on Blackboard
Jaime Rodriguez
882-8290 (Department Secretary)
Conference Hour:
e-mail: [email protected]
By Appointment
Leave number and message with Ms. Mujica, Secretary
Skill is developed by doing; therefore, attendance is REQUIRED. THERE IS NO SUCH
THING AS AN “EXCUSED” ABSENCE. When you are absent, no matter what the reason,
you miss the physical and mental benefit of the activity of that day. Each absence will result in
a step reduction of your grade. Five bonus points will be awarded for perfect attendance .
After 4 absences you may be placed on probation, with possible disenrollment from the class.
No make ups are allowed on pop quizzes.
Announced tests can be made up ONLY with permission of the instructor; AN AUTOMATIC 5
POINT DEDUCTION WILL BE TAKEN. A test must be made up within 3 days of when it is
originally given, or before the test is returned to the class whichever comes first.
Grading per absence:
A. 3 tardiness equal 1 absence
B. 1 absence = 95, 2 absences = 85, 3 absences = 75, 4 absences = 65 and 5 absences= F for
final course grade
C. Failure to dress-out for class participation will be recorded as an absence.
1. Four skill performances – 15%
2. Daily attendance – 15%
3. Participation – 30%
4. Written exam – 30%
5. Pop Quiz – 10%
Students are expected to be diligent in their studies and attend class regularly and on time. Students
are responsible for all class work and assignments. On recommendation of the instructor concerned
and with the approval of the Dean, students may, at any time, be dropped from courses. This may
result in a “W” or “F” on the student’s permanent record.
DEADLINE TO WITHDRAW with a “W”: March 30, 2012
The following REVISED policy applies to new and returning UTB/TSC students registered for classes
in the 2011 - 2012 academic year.
UTB/TSC monitors academic progress every fall and spring semester to identify those students who
are experiencing difficulty with their courses. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is based upon
two components: GPA of 2.0 or higher and successful course completion of at least 70% of course
work attempted. Students remain in good standing with the university and Financial Aid when both
criteria are met. Students who do not maintain these required minimum standards will be placed on
probation or suspension as appropriate. The complete Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and the
Undergraduate Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid policy can be found in the current
Undergraduate Catalog. For more information, please visit MyUTBTSC Blackboard
http://myutbtsc.blackboard.com; click on the Satisfactory Academic Progress link.
Kinesiology student majors/minors are expected to serve as model students in all class activities.
Student majors may be assigned duties to do during class.
All make-ups must be taken within 48 hours of the scheduled test time. A test taken within the 24
hours after the scheduled test time will result in a 10 pt. grade reduction. Any test taken after this time
frame will automatically result in a 15 pt. reduction. It is your responsibility to make the necessary
arrangements with the instructor to take the makeup test.
If you do not want a letter grade to reflect in your GPA you make arrangements for P/F at the
registrar's office.
While the provisions of this syllabus are as accurate and complete as possible, the instructor reserves
the right to change any provision herein, not covered by UTB/TSC HOOP or UT Regents Rules, with
notice if circumstances so warrant. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of such
changes and information about such changes will be available at all times from the instructor. It is the
responsibility of each student to know what changes, if any, have been made to the provisions of this
syllabus and to successfully complete the requirements of this course. Questions regarding
information on the syllabus and course requirements need to be addressed by students when the
syllabus is received.
In attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades, it is the obligation of the student to
first make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the individual with whom the grievance originated.
Individual course instructors retain primary responsibility for assigning grades. The instructors’
judgment is final unless compelling evidence shows discrimination, differential treatment, or
procedural irregularities. If evidence warrants appeal, the student may appeal in writing within 21
days to the Department chair from which the grade was issued. Disputes not satisfactorily resolved
within 21 days may be appealed in writing to the School or College Dean who will render the final
Be dressed properly ready to participate
1. Gym work-out clothes
2. Tennis shoes and socks
Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities. Students who engage in
scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the
course and expulsion from the University. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to
cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable
in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to
give unfair advantage to a student, or the attempt to commit such acts. Since scholastic dishonesty
harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty
will be strictly enforced. (Board of Regents Rules and Regulations)
All scholastic dishonesty incidents will be reported to the Dean of Students. Do not allow your peers
to pressure you to cheat. Your grade, academic standing and personal reputation are at stake.
Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this
class, should notify the Learning Support Center office early in the semester so that the appropriate
arrangements may be made. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations
must provide documentation of his/her disability to the Learning Support Center. For more
information, call or visit the Learning Support Center at Tandy 205 (956) 882-8292.
Activity courses often require strenuous activity. If you have a medical condition (diabetes, asthma,
pregnancy, seizures, heart or lung concerns, etc.) that will limit your participation, notify the instructor
during the first class meeting.
Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this
class, should notify the Disability Services Office early in the semester so that the appropriate
arrangements may be made. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations
must provide documentation of his/her disability to the Disability Services counselor. For more
information, visit Disability Services in the Lightner Center, call 956-882-7374 or e-mail
[email protected].
Students are expected to be present, prompt, prepared, and focused on the activities of the class.
Appropriate questions and discussions are welcome during the class. No talking is allowed when the
professor or a recognized student is talking---RESPECT and COURTESY are expected at all times.
Students, who are disruptive, exhibit rude or disrespectful behavior to the professor or other students,
will be asked to leave the class. Guidelines for disciplinary actions will be followed from the student
handbook published on campus.
Academic or scholastic dishonesty, including plagiarism, collusion, or cheating on any examination,
test, or classroom assignment will be treated with the greatest severity.
Unauthorized photocopying of copyrighted works, including musical works, may be unlawful and may
infringe the copyright of the copyright owner. Students in possession of unauthorized duplications of
copyrighted material are subject to appropriate disciplinary action as well as those civil remedies and
criminal penalties provided by federal law.
Deactivate all cellular phones and beepers-none should be on during class. Failure to observe this
policy will result in being removed from the class.
In compliance with the Emergency UTB/TSC Academic Continuity Program, academic courses,
partially or entirely, will be made available on the MyUTBTSC Blackboard course management
system. This allows faculty members and students to continue their teaching and learning via
MyUTBTSC Blackboard http://myutbtsc.blackboard.com, in case the university shuts down as a result
of a hurricane or any other natural disaster.
The university will use Blackboard to post announcements notifying faculty members and students of
their responsibilities as a hurricane approaches our region. If the university is forced to shut down,
faculty will notify their students using Blackboard on how to proceed with their course(s). To receive
credit for a course, it is the student’ s responsibility to complete all the requirements for that course.
Failure to access course materials once reasonably possible can result in a reduction of your overall
grade in the class.
To facilitate the completion of classes, most or all of the communication between students and the
institution, the instructor, and fellow classmates will take place using the features in your MyUTBTSC
Blackboard and UTB email system. Therefore, all students must use Scorpion Online to provide a
current email address. Students may update their email address by following the link titled “ Validate
your e-Mail Account” in MyUTBTSC Blackboard Portal. In the event of a disaster, that disrupts
normal operations, all students and faculty must make every effort to access an internet-enabled
computer as often as possible to continue the learning process.
1. Lockers: Students must furnish their own lock which may be placed on any basket or small locker.
The long lockers are to be used ONLY during the hour you have your kinesiology class. At the
end of the semester you must remove everything from your locker or the lock will be cut off and
the clothing donated to charity. All valuables must be locked up - the Kinesiology Department
assumes no responsibility for them.
2. Recreational Play: The gymnasium is considered to be a classroom and an environment most
conducive to learning will be maintained. This means that NO WATCHING OF CLASSES WILL
BE ALLOWED DURING REGULAR CLASS HOURS. If you are not in class, you should not be in
the gym except to go to your locker or talk with an instructor. Recreation will be held at the REK
In any movement activity there is always the possibility of injury. In order to minimize this possibility,
your instructor will take every precaution to provide a safe learning environment and teach proper
biomechanical form. Personal safety may be enhanced to observing the following guidelines.
1. Physical exams are recommended to all whom:
A. are 35 years old or older
B. is extremely over weight
C. have had a recent serious injury
D. suffer abnormal pain while exercising
2. Wear clothing which allows movement and tennis shoes with good court traction. Court shoes are
recommended. Wear appropriate shorts and t-shirts or warm-ups.
3. Discontinue play if the courts become wet because of the increased danger of slipping. Wipe the
sweat from floor.
4. Always be alert as to where the basketball is during play and practice so as to avoid being hit by a
flying basketball.
5. Avoid leaving basketballs, water bottles, clothing or any article on the courts as it is a dangerous
practice. Place the basketballs on the ball rack and the rest of the articles on the bench or away
from playing area.
6. When walking behind or near courts, be alert and maintain a proper distance away from the
players to avoid being hit with the basketball or being run into.
7. Players should NEVER attempt to jump when a basketball is lying on the floor.
8. The student is encouraged to do proper warm-up and stretching exercise before beginning to play
to prevent injury.
9. If injured or not feeling well, inform the instructor so proper care can be taken.
10. Students are encouraged to wear safety equipment at their discretion.
Although every effort is made to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring, in the unlikely event
that one is injured, the student is liable for any medical expenses incurred. The university does not
assume any liability for payment of medical bills. Individual insurance is available for a reasonable fee
from the UTB Business Office.
Fly UP