
Tovashal Elementary Parent Information Session October 27, 2015

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Tovashal Elementary Parent Information Session October 27, 2015
Tovashal Elementary
Parent Information Session
October 27, 2015
Mrs. Howe
Ms. Garrity
Mrs. Means
We are always available
to talk !
Today’s Agenda
• Definition of terms
• How and why students were selected for interventions
• Programs currently taking place
• What can parents do at home to help?
Title One Teacher’s Email:
[email protected]
Intervention Teacher’s Email:
[email protected]
RSP Teacher’s Email:
[email protected]
3 Areas of Reading Proficiency
1. Decoding/Phonics- a student’s ability to
decode words on grade level passages
2. Fluency- a student’s ability to read a
grade level passage with appropriate
pacing and fluency
3. Comprehension- a student’s ability to
understand what they have read
•Computer Assessment that
responses of the students.
•Gives the students a Lexile score.
•The score is a great predictor of how well they
will perform on CAASPP.
•It will also provide students with a guideline to
use when choosing the correct books and also
provides a standardized reading level.
Visit www.lexile.com for more information.
3rd Grade Goal Setting Form (Reading/SRI)
Know your forms ☺
The scores on the left
are SRI points possible.
SRI scores can be used
as a measure predictor
on how you will score on
the CAASP in May ☺
Test 1______
Test 2______
Test 3______
Test 4______
Student_______________________________ Teacher_________________________ Grade_______
What are the programs I’m in that are helping me reach my goal this year:
How did I do? What helped me the most/who?
Future of Standardized Testing
Testing will be done by the computer
Testing will be adaptive
Testing will be progress monitoring
Testing will not be all multiple choice
Students will have to create and produce work
Results will be much faster
All linked to the Common Core Standards
Smarter Balanced Assessments will now be called
CAASPP (CA Assessment for Student
Performance and Progress)
Example Question
Example Question of Future Test
What is an
• Not a bad word!
• Federally funded programs (Title I) as well as in class
• Designed to help children improve grade level proficiency
in reading and math
• Interventions are completed in classroom settings.
• Groups are done during the school day, including during
Universal Access Time.
Selection –
Based on Area of Need
• Multiple Measures of Assessment
Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)
Scholastic Phonics Assessment (SPI)
Easy CBM (Curriculum Based Measurement)
Grade level assessments
Teacher referrals
• Ongoing progress monitoring to ensure proper
student placement and maximum growth
• Groups change within the intervention classroom
on an ongoing basis as students needs change and
progress is made
• Read 180 , and System 44 are year long programs
that ensures independent growth for each and
every student
State approved
research based
programs used for
Read 180
System 44 NG/Corrective Reading
Reading Mastery
Connecting Math Concepts
Core Replacement Programs
1- 5
ELL Phonics, Do the Math,
HM Extra Support, Phonics Game,
Voyager, iRead, System 44 NG, Math 180,
Read Naturally, Do The Math, SST – Academic
Structured pull-out program
5 - 15
Go Math, Nancy Fetzer, Step up to Writing, Curriculum supports for differentiated instruction,
Universal Access, Ability groups in class, Grade-level ability grouping for language arts and math, Phonics Pathways,
Reading Power SRA, Mountain Math, The Phonics Game, Open Court, Thinking Maps,
FasttMath, Marzano Strategies, Student Engagement Strategies,
List of Classroom Strategies, Stretch Fastt Math Games at home, Computer games, Do the Math
Classroom intervention ~ General Education Classroom
80 – 90
System 44 Next Generation
• A computer based program designed to give direct phonics/
decoding instruction as well as vocabulary development.
• System 44 focuses on mastery of the 44 sounds related
to reading
• System 44 NG can be a Tier 3 replacement program
for Language Arts (Grades 4-5)
• System 44 NG is used during Universal Access time in
3rd Grade
Read 180
• Read 180 is a Tier 3 replacement
program for Language Arts (Grades
• Program is accelerated to build
comprehension and vocabulary.
• Students will work at their individual
level to increase their proficiency.
What can parents do to help at home?
• Read, Read, Read!
• Online Games, Board Games, Flashcards
• Stay involved, ask questions to students, and also
stay in contact with teachers
• Set a timer for students when they’re completing
assignments, that will help them to stay on task
– Always check your student’s backpack
– Set up a consistent homework routine
Why Set Goals?
It reinforces your commitment to them.
It helps you to remember your goals.
It makes you accountable.
It keeps you focused.
Research has shown proven success for
those who make and write down their
Secrets of goal Setting
• Write clear and measurable goals.
• Create a specific action plan for each goal.
• Visualize yourself accomplishing them.
• Reflect on your progress to make sure you stay on
• Revise your action plans if needed.
• Celebrate your accomplishments throughout the
Our Goal
The goal of all intervention programs is for students to come
away with the tools they need to be successful and to be
proficient in reading and math.
Growth Mindset
• To have a Growth Mindset means that
you believe that your intelligence can be
developed and that you have a passion
to learn. You embrace a challenge, learn
from your mistakes, and keep going
when things get tough. You are inspired
by greatness in others and you see
effort as the path to mastery.
What is a Growth
• Growth Mindset
I keep trying
until I can!
• Fixed Mindset
I just give up
Thank You for Coming!
We appreciate your support and
look forward to working with you
this year!
Fly UP