
Explorer Newsletter Antelope Hills Elementary

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Explorer Newsletter Antelope Hills Elementary
Antelope Hills Elementary
Explorer Newsletter
Preston Fairchild, Principal
36105 Murrieta Oaks Avenue
Murrieta, CA 92562
Coming Events
Labor Day
(no school)
Fun Run
5th Gr. science
camp info night
6:00 in MPR
Patriot’s Day
flag salute
Fall Pictures
School Office Hours
Report an Absence
Call 445-4110
Press 1
Francie Zarate, Assistant Principal
(951) 445-4110
Antelope Hills Elementary
September 2014
Character Counts Corner
Welcome back from a 3-day weekend and the start of yet another school year. Kids all around the
world are continuing their educational journey. Whether it be in transitional kindergarten or college,
boys and girls are off and running!
This past weekend, I spent a great deal of time trying to rid my backyard of bamboo. I found however,
that the roots run just as strong and deep as the part we can see above the surface. Removing the
visible part is only half the job. My back can prove it!
Each year, our kids start off their school year ready to go. They visibly look like they’re well-prepared,
with new clothes, a new hairstyle and new supplies. However, the goal should also be to have our kids
strong in character as well. Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship
ground our kids everyday, just like those deep roots of the bamboo. This year, new expectations will
be placed on our kids as we move into a time of new standards, greater responsibility, and more challenging academics. While kids, and adults, will be put to the test, it will be interesting to see how the
character holds up. Your character is what’s seen every day and when a person is tested, their true
character comes out. They also say that our character is what we are when no one else is looking. It’s
what we are in the dark. Character grows, but in which direction?
So this year, let’s make a conscious effort to keep our character roots strong. Let’s treat the problems
and concerns that come up as hurdles instead of walls. Let’s work on building and strengthening friendships instead of letting them drift away. Most of all, let’s praise our kids for hard work and effort so
they understand the importance of both.
Have a great year and remember…..no matter where or when….character counts!
PTA News
Our PTA membership drive is off and running! Please join PTA for only $6, helping out our
school in the process. Membership envelopes are available in the front office.
Upcoming Events
Sept. 11…….Boosterthon Fun Run
Oct. 24……...Fall Festival
Oct. 27-31….Red Ribbon Week
PTA website…...www.antelopehillspta.wordpress.com
Remind 101…….text @antelope to (951) 221-8876
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Antelope Hills Elementary
Explorer Safety
Please make sure that safety is your top priority when crossing streets and dropping off and picking
up kids. Our own Murrieta Police traffic support, Officer Stickelman, has included the following:
If possible, adjust your morning routine to leave 5 minutes earlier to allow for traffic flow
(especially on rainy days)
Respect and follow the crossing guards instructions (they are out there to keep our kids safe)
Be patient and respectful with each other (remember, our kids are watching us and learning
from our examples)
Be an EXPLORER parent:
be safE
be an eXample
Leave early
be pOlite
be Respectful
keep Eyes open for small children
Reduce speed
“You have to apply
yourself each day to
becoming a little
better. By becoming
a little better each
and every day, over a
period of time you
will become a lot
John Wooden
Our entire district and school
is dedicated to teaching kids
about Mindset. It is important
for you to be aware of what it
is, why its important, and how
you can support it. This blurb
will focus on the following
What is mindset and why is
it important? Carol Dweck, a
world-renowned psychologist
after decades of research discovered a simple idea that
makes all the difference. There
are two mindsets: a fixed
mindset and a growth mindset. In a fixed mindset people believe their basic qualities, like intelligence or talent,
are simply fixed traits. In a
growth mindset, people believe that their most basic
abilities can be developed
through dedication and hard
work—brains and talent are
just a starting point. This
point of view creates a love
of learning and a resilience
that is essential for great
accomplishment. At Antelope
Hills we have made a commitment to all learn more about
growth mindset by reading the
book “Mindset” by Carol
Dweck and regularly discussing
the excerpts of the book and
how it relates to our teaching
practice. Please feel free to
join us in our journey of learning more about this powerful
tool. We look forward to
sharing more with you in the
future! Join the adventure!!!!
Boosterthon Fun Run 2014
Our big PTA fundraiser for the year is off and running!
Blake and his Boosterthon Fun Run team are committed to helping Antelope
Hills raise as much money as possible. Through grade-level team huddles, encouragement, support and lots of energy, our Fun Run on September 11th
should be a blast!
Log on to www.funrun.com to help your student help Antelope Hills.
Antelope Hills Elementary
School Site Council
The following parents were selected to serve on the Antelope Hills school site
council for the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years:
Jessica Becerra, Patricia O’Brien Muenzer, Stephanie Murphy and Liz Straight.
They will join Amber Swaney as our parent portion of the council.
We look forward to working together to build a strong connection between
our school and parent communities.
Patriot’s Day Flag Salute/Heroes Wall
Friday, September 12th, we would like all active and retired military, law enforcement and fire fighters to join us at our Patriot’s Day Flag Salute starting at 8:35.
We would like to say thank you to all our service providers by honoring you.
You will join us on stage and introduce yourselves to our staff, students, and parents. We would love to have you in uniform if at all possible.
A Heroes Wall is up near the lunch area. Please bring in pictures or notes of
heroes that you would like to display for the month.
Bring your items to the office and we will get them up for you.
Measure BB
Measure BB is a local ballot measure that will be on the
November 2014 ballot seeking voter authorization for
funds to complete the next level of upgrades to Murrieta
Valley USD education technology and school facilities.
For more information, please visit www.murrieta.k12.ca.us
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Antelope Hills Elementary
Student Meals
Student Meal Prices:
Breakfast Full Pay….. $1.50
Reduced price…….$.30
Full Pay…….$2.50
Reduced price…….$.40
Milk or Juice - $.50
Bottled Water - $.75
Free and reduced lunch applications are to be completed online at:
Parents can make payments to lunch accounts at www.myschoolbucks.com
Every Friday Afterschool!
Fly UP