
Explorer Newsletter Antelope Hills Elementary

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Explorer Newsletter Antelope Hills Elementary
Antelope Hills Elementary
Explorer Newsletter
Preston Fairchild, Principal
36105 Murrieta Oaks Avenue
Murrieta, CA 92562
Francie Zarate, Assistant Principal
(951) 445-4110
Antelope Hills Elementary
March 2015
Coming Events
Character Counts Corner
Dr. Seuss Day
Spring Pictures
PTA Book Fair
PTA Meeting
9:00 AM
Imagination Machine
Spring Band Concert
6:00 @ Avaxat Ele
Family Math Night
Crazy Hair Day
Report Cards Go Home
Spring Break Starts
School Office Hours
Fresh cut grass, the smell of hot dogs, the roar of the crowd and the cracking of bats can
only mean one thing…it’s baseball season! Thousands of kids around the country are lacing
up their cleats once again for yet another chance to run around the fields, acting like their
favorite big-leaguers, whose faces appear on baseball cards.
However, more than any sport out there, baseball and softball tends to bring out
the worst in some adults. Whether it be coaches or parents, some kids have to endure a full
season of adults telling them what they did wrong each time they swung the bat or scooped
up a ground ball. For many kids, this baseball or softball season will be their last, as they will
decide that they don’t want to play again as a result of something said to them by a parent or
coach. The interest or passion that they had for the game will be gone, due to no fault of
their own.
Coaches and parents sometimes fail to understand that they are also teachers in
children’s lives. Building character in kids can only be accomplished through positive teaching
and role-modeling. Praise, encouragement and support needs to replace belittling, embarrassing, and putting-down. How can we expect our youth to develop good character
(Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship), if we don’t promote it and display it for them every single day?
So the next time you see a child strike-out or let a ball roll through his legs, holler
out words of support and encouragement, instead of disgust and disappointment. Because
no matter which words you choose, good or bad, you can bet they will have an impact.
Baseball, softball, basketball and all the others make up a category called sports and games,
and if I remember correctly, games are supposed to be fun.
Remember……no matter where or when…….Character Counts!
Report an Absence
Call 445-4110
Press 1
PTA News
PTA funds go to support the following:
Character Counts
color for March
Meet the Masters
Sock Hop
Field Trips
Red Ribbon Week
Fall Festival
Bingo de Mayo
as well as other items and events…...join today!
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Antelope Hills Elementary
Easy Way to Donate to Our School
Do you shop at Target?
We would like to encourage as many parents as possible to link their Target Red
debit card to Antelope Hills!
Target donates 1% back to our school. It’s super easy to add our school….just
use the link below and choose Antelope Hills!
Tips for Cultivating a Growth Mindset at Home
“I may not
be there
YET but I
was closer
than I was
Help children reconnect
with a time when they
learned something new
that was a stretch or a
Help children get curious
about mistakes.
Help children learn to
hear their own fixed
mindset voice.
Help children talk back to
negative self-talk with a
growth mindset voice
i.e..…”I am willing to learn new
skills to improve, and I know it
will be hard at times.”
Model growth mindset at
the table. E.g. ask questions
about the opportunities for
learning and growth with
their recent school work.
Give growth mindset
praise that values effort
and persistence in
learning a new skill.
. are some book recommendations on growth mindset.:
Mindset: The New Psychology of
Success by Carol Dweck
Welcome to Your Child’s Brain:
How the Mind Grows from Conception to College by Sam Wang and
Sandra Aamodt
Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps
for More Joyful Kids and Happier
Parents by Christine Carter.
Attendance Matters
Please help us maximize instructional time by helping students get to school on time.
We would like to see a drop in the number of students
arriving late and leaving early each day.
Antelope Hills Elementary
Keeping up with Kendamas
Kendamas, the current fad capturing the attention of kids, are
currently allowed outside the gate, before and after school
Students should not be using their kendamas during the school
We will continue to allow them as long as students are following
the rules and using them appropriately and safely.
If your student brings a kendama to school, please remind them
of the rules and that they are responsible for them at all times.
Student and School Safety
Sprigeo is a new online bullying reporting system that allows students
to report bullying incidents and school safety threats. This gives students another medium for communicating with school administration
when bullying or school safety incidents occur. All information sent
through the Sprigeo system goes directly to school administrators
through a secure online connection. For more
information, please visit:
Our New Health Tech is here!
Yvonne Barnes has joined the Antelope Hills family as our
new health tech. She is kind, caring, and very excited about
her new position. Please stop in and give her a friendly welcome!
Some of her favorites:
Animal: Cat (but she loves her dog just as much)
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Student Meals
Student Meal Prices:
Breakfast Full Pay….. $1.50
Full Pay ..….$2.50
Milk or Juice - $.50
Reduced price…….$.30
Reduced price…….$.40
Bottled Water - $.75
Free and reduced lunch applications are to be completed online at:
We may not say it enough,
so all of us at Antelope
Parents can make payments to lunch accounts at www.myschoolbucks.com
Hills Elementary School
would like to say thank you
to everyone who helps out
at our school. Our children
benefit tremendously from
your kindness!
“We make a living by what
We are now enrolling for school year 2015-2016
for Kindergarten and new students. Please visit
www.murrieta.k12.ca.us for details.
we do, but we make a life by
what we give.”
Winston Churchill
2014-2015 Yearbooks On Sale
Don’t miss out on this keepsake of your student’s year
at Antelope Hills Elementary
Payments can be made by either:
Pay in the AHES front office with $$ Cash Only
You may visit Lifetouch website and pay with a credit card at:
Yearbook ID Code: 11106415
Every Friday Afterschool!
Measles is a highly contagious viral illness that is transmitted by contact with an infected person through coughing and sneezing. People
who have never had the disease or who have not received two
doses of the measles vaccine are at risk of developing measles.
The symptoms of measles generally appear about seven to 14 days
after a person is infected.
Measles typically begins with
high fever,
runny nose and
red, watery eyes
Three to five days after symptoms begin, a rash breaks out. It usually
begins as red spots that appear on the face at the hairline and spread
downward to the neck, trunk, arms, legs, and feet. After a few days,
the fever subsides and the rash fades.
Infected people are contagious from 4 days before their rash starts
through 4 days afterwards. After an infected person leaves a location,
the virus remains viable for up to 2 hours on surfaces and in the air.
If you or your child develop a rash or fever, please stay home and consult your physician. If a case of measles is confirmed, please notify
your supervisor or the school office. Anyone with measles must stay at
home for four days after the rash develops. This will help prevent the
spread of the disease.
For more information go to the Centers for Disease Control website
The Birthday Book Program
Our Birthday Book donation is an optional program for student’s staff members, family members or community
members to donate a new hard cover book to the library on or near their birthday. The Donors will be recognized at Friday Flag Salute and the book will be placed in the library with a special label inside stating who donated the book and the special date of donation. This is a great way to wish a student a very special birthday and
provide a gift to the school that will be enjoyed by many children for years to come. J
Any question please contact our Librarian, Mrs. Lee @ 445-4110 ext 3388
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