
Vista Murrieta High School Science Department 28251 Clinton Keith Road

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Vista Murrieta High School Science Department 28251 Clinton Keith Road
Vista Murrieta High School
Science Department
28251 Clinton Keith Road
Murrieta, California 92563
(951) 894-5750
Alicia Acevado!Mike Chiarella!Betty Choe!Ed Diaz!Jacob Fryer!Ryan Heise!Jeremy Jarrett!Kristin Hutter!Scott Kosters
Jennifer Linden!Kelly Carrillo!Charles McClelland!Joe Murray!Greg Nicholas!Carrie Pence! Matt Willard!Josh White
To: Parents/Guardians
From: VMHS Science Department
Date: August 29, 2012
The Science Department at Vista Murrieta High School is asking for a voluntary $10.00 tax deductible
laboratory donation for the 2011-2013 school year. Please realize, if the donation is not paid, the students
will still be able to participate in all labs and it will not have an adverse effect on their grade. However,
please realize that our budget has been drastically cut and the lab fee donation is needed in order to
perform more in depth and meaningful labs, and to lower the number of students in each lab group.
Please know that every penny of the donation will go towards the students and the labs that they will be
able to do this year and will greatly enhance their laboratory experience.
Please note, although checks are not accepted, cash payments can be made to the school bookkeeper.
The preferred method of payment, however, is through our online payment system. Please see the login
instructions at the bottom of this page in order to set up an account. Regardless of the payment method,
in order for students to receive credit for their donation, they need to return this letter along with the
attached receipt to their teachers. Your receipt will be returned to you for tax purposes. If you have any
questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the individual teacher for the class.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Vista Murrieta Science Department
 Yes, we will be able to donate $10.00 for science materials.
 No, we will not be able to donate at this time.
Please Check One:
G Biology
G Chemistry
G Physics
G Anatomy/Adv. Biomed
G Marine Biology
G Environmental Science
G Earth and Space Science
Student Name: ______________________________________
(please print)
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________
Website: http://webstores.activenetwork.com/school-software/vmhs_material_donht3/index.php
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