Aspergillus Dna (RAPD) Markers for Genetic Analysis Nahid Aiat
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Aspergillus Dna (RAPD) Markers for Genetic Analysis Nahid Aiat
Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2(10): 709-713, 2006 © 2006, INSInet Publication Genetic Variability among Three Species of Aspergillus 2. Random Amplified Polymorphic Dna (RAPD) Markers for Genetic Analysis Nahid Aiat Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Banha, Egypt. Abstract: Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints were used to analysis genetic relationships amongA. niger, A. flavus and A. parasiticus. Four arbitrary 5-base primers weresuccessfully used to amplify DNA extracted from mycelium of these primers showed characteristic. RAPD fingerprinting of the different Aspergillus species can be used to gain rapid and precise information about genetic similarities and dissimilarities of different Aspergillus species. RAPD fingerprints of A. niger, A. flavus and S. parasiticus revealed polymorphism in 37, 59, 51% of the analyzed Aspergillus sp. The frequency of genetic variability was detected in three isolates of Aspergillus dependant, variations in threadlike structure (TLS) chromosomes, conidial spores and aflatoxins type production. RAPD analysis appeared genetic variability in approximately 5% of the analyzed conidial dimensions, TLS and 50% of the aflatoxin typing between A. flavus and A. parasiticus or A. niger. It was observed also that all morphologically abnormal growth on PDA medium.RAPD fingerprints analysis appeared genetic variability between A. niger, A. flavus, A. parasiticus. The similarity percent was 37% in A. niger, 58% in A. flavus and 51.5% in A. parasiticus according to the percent of PAF (10/27; 16/27 and 14/27 respectively). Key words: Aspergillus sp., PCR, RAPD INTRODUCTION Therefore this study was conducted to employ RAPD analysis as sample molecular marker tool for the analysis of A. niger, A. flavus and A. paeasiticus variations molecular marker(s). Such marker(s) could be used in genetic relationships of three isolates of Aspergillus. Williams et al. [16] and Welsh and McClelland[15] demonstrated the utility of single short oligonucleotide primers of arbitrary sequence for the amplification of DNA segments distributed randomly throughout the genome. Welshand McClelland [15] showed that the pattern of amplified bonds could be used for genome fingerprinting and Williams et al. [16] showed that the differences (polymorphisms) in the pattern of bands amplifiedfrom genetically distinct individualsbehaved as mendelian genetic markers (named RAPDs, for Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). Most of the published studies on genetic characterization, detection of genetic variations and gene mutations were concentrated on the variations in chromosomes, isozyme polymorphism and biochemical diversity. A single set of arbitrary-sequence 10 mers may be used for fingerprinting any species. The many advantages of RAPD markers over RFLDs or isozyme markers accelerated the adoption of RAPD technology for the construction of genetic maps, fingerprinting and population genetic studies[6]. Current reviews of the applications of RAPD technology are available[14]. Wöstemeyer and Kreibich[17], Sharma et al. [11], Sharma[10] and Swelim (2005 a,b) recorded that the utility of DNA markers as RAPD-DNA in detecting genetic variability is well established for many phytopathogenic fungi. MATRIALS AND METHODS Three species of Aspergillus (A. niger, A. flavus and A. parasiticus) were isolated from seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Kontender collected from market using agar plate methods. Three species of Aspergillus were identified in plant pathology Dep. Fac. of Agric., Ain Shams Univ. (in the previous research No. 1). These species differ in morphologically growth on PDA medium, conidial dimensions, chromosome threadlike structure (TLS) and Aflatoxin typing production. These species of Aspergillus were used for RAPD PCR analysis[7]. Isolation of genomic DNA: DNA isolation was performed using theCTAB method of Doyle and Doyle[5]. The spores were collected from colony by pipeting 50 µl of triton-X 100 up and down several times over the some spot on the plate. The spore/triton-X100 mixed to 500 µl of CTA buffer to 1.5 ml tubes using vortex (Disruptor Genie) for 2 mins and incubated at 65ºC for 15 mins. The suspension was then mixed with 237 µl of isopropanol and 7.5 M NH 2 OAC into a new 1.5 ml tube using vortex CorrespondingAuthor: Nahid Aiat, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Banha, Egypt. 709 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 709-713, 2006 electrophoreis apparatus 1% agarose gel in TAE buffer was prepared and a total sample volume of 6 µl (1 µl of miniprep, 4 µl d-H 2O and 1 µl 6X loading dye) of each nucleic acid extract was loaded in each well. The gel was electrophoresed in 65 V for 1.5 hour and them stained with ethidium bromide solution (10 mg/ml) for around 10-15 minutes. DNA was visualized on a UV transilluminator (l= 254 nm) and photographed with on UVP laboratory products Epichemi 11 Dark room, 3 UV transilluminator pharmacia. Table 1: Oligonucleotide sequences of the primers used. Primer Primers sequence OPB2 TGATCCCTGG OPB3 FATCCCCCTG OPB6 TGCTCTGCCC OPD5 TGAGCGGACA 1 min and thenincubated at 65ºC for 15 mins. Then added 500 µl of chloroform: 150 amyl alcohol 24:1 and mixed by shaking and centrifuged 5 min at maximum speed and theupper aqueous layer was transferred to a new sterilized tube, 2/3 volume of 150 propanol and NH4OAC was added and mixed by shaking the centrifugated for 5 mins at maximumspeed. The pellet was washed carefully twice with 500 µl of cold 70% ethanol, dried at room temperature and resuspended in 20 µl distilled water. DNA was purified by incubation the resuspended sample at 37ºC for 30 mins with RNase (Boehringer Mannheim), DNAconcentration was determined using electrophoresis of 5 µl of sample along water serial dilutions to Lambda DNA in 0.8 agarose[3]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS DNA samples preparation before RAPD-PCR amplification was found crucial for fingerprint of three species of Aspergillus. The DNA were extracted by using CTAB extraction method. The yields of DNA was determined spectrophotometrically as 12 µg/0.05 g of tissues. The purity of DNA genome samples as indicated by A max/Amin ratio was 1-8 and DNA quantity was evaluated by agarose gel electrophoresis (Fig. 1). The reproducibility of RAPD analysisis knownto be highly influenced by experimental conditions. It is therefore essential to optimize the PCR conditions to obtain reproducible and interpretable results before going on routine analysis. The PCR conditions for RAPD analysis were optimized by investigating each factor individually. This included genomic DNA quality and concentration, prime r annealing and extension temperature as well as denaturation time and temperature. The optimized conditions were detailed in materials and methods section. It was found that quality of genomic DNA extracted as described here was a good template for PCR amplification. However, treatments of DNA with RNase gave sharp and clear amplification products compared with untreated DNA. This may be a result of inactivation of endogenous endonucleases. Castiglione et al.[3] also reported similar observations. PCR amplification: Amplification was performed in 10 µl react mixture containing2.0 µl template DNA (25 mg); 0.2 µl tag DNA polymerase (unit); 3.0 µl DNTPs (25 mol of each dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP), 3.0 µl HgCl2 (25 mM), 3.0 µl PCR buffer (10X), and 2.0 µl random primer (10 p mole) (Table 1) and 16.8 µl H2O (d.w.). The mixture was assembled on ice, overlaid with a drop of mineral oil. The amplification was carried out in DNA thermal cycler (MWG-BIOTECH Primuse) programmed as follows. One cycle at 94ºC for 4 min and then 40 cycles at 94ºC for 30 sec., 35ºC for 1 min and 72ºC for 2 min (for dernaturation, annealing and extension respectively). One cycle at 72ºC for 5 min, then 40ºC for 10 min infinitive. Gel electrophoresis analysis: All electrophoresis was carried out using a pharmacia GN-100 submorine gel Fig.1: Agarose gel electrophoresis 1% showing the integrity of DNA genome extracted from mycellium tissues using CTAB method for RABD-PCR amplification (A) DNA genome isolated form A. niger (1); A. Flavus (2) and A. paraiticus (3). (B) RNase treated DNA (purified DNA). 710 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 709-713, 2006 Table 2: The four random primers that produced polymorphic bands useful for distinguish genetic variability among three species of Aspergillus. Sequence of DNA bonds Size of A. niger A. flavus A. parasiticus Random primers ------------------PAF --------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------5`-3` TAF PAF (bp) PAF APF% MAF PAF APF% MAF PAF APF% MAF OPB2 3 1350 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TGATCCCTGG 9 750 3-Jan 8 3-Jan 8 + 3-Jan 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------480 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPB3 6 1625 + 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GATCCCCCTG 11 850 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------650 6-Jan 10 + 6-Apr + 6-May 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------565 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------315 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPB6 14 11 1725 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TGCTCTGCCC 1350 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1675 + 11-May 9 + 11-Jun 8 11-May 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------850 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------800 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------850 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------500 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------450 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------400 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------350 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPD5 9 7 1925 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TGAGCGGACA 1675 + 7-Mar 6 + 7-May 4 7-Mar 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------800 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------650 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------630 -+ + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------575 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------450 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 43 27 10 27-Oct 33 16 16/27 27 14 14/27 29 TAF = Total amplification fragments MAF = Monomorphic amplification fragments PAF = Polymorphic amplification fragments or specific amplification fragments Annealing temperature lower than 35ºC led to generation of very crowded RAPD patterns, while higher annea ling temperature gave insufficie nt amplification products. After optimization of the reaction conditions, polymorphismamong the different species of Aspergillus were detected using different random primers. RAPD analysiswhich was performed as detailed in materials and 711 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 709-713, 2006 Fig. 2: RAPD products obtained by PCR amplification of DNA isolated A. niger; A. flavus, A. parasiticus (Lones 1,2,3) using to met random primers (OPB2, OPB3m OPB 3, OPD5) respectively. Marker is shown to the left of figure methods section, gave the best results of amplification, expressedas average number of bandsper primer.Twenty random primers screened (operon random primer) were surveyed. For the reproducibility of RAPD patterns, two independentexperiments were performed for each primer. Repetition of the experiments using different DNA samplesconfirmed the stability and reproducibility of the results. Of the twenty random primers that were screened in RAPD analysis for their ability to produce sufficient amplification products, 4 random primers namely OPB2, OPB3, OPB 6 and OPD5 weremore stable and reproducible and gave sufficient polymorphism among A. niger, A. flavus and A. parasitiens. Therefore we focused our efforts on these primers. The distribution of the polymorphic bandswhich were generated using 4 selected random primers, among different species of Aspergillus are summarized in Table (2) and Fig. (2). The results revealed that, by using theprimer OPB 2 one-PAF band for each species, 1350, 750 and 480 pb were detected in A. niger, A. flavus and A. parasiticus respectively. With the primer OPB 3 one-PAF specific bond (1625) was detected in A. flavus and (850) was detected in A. parasiticus. Meanwhile, three PAF bands (650, 315, 150, 150 bp) were detected in A. flavus and A. parasiticus and 565 bp was detected in A. niger and A. parasiticus. With the primer OPB 6 five PAF specific band, 1725, 1350, 650, 450 and 350 only were detected in A. parasiticus, while one specific (PAF) band was found in A. flavus. Meanwhile, five PAF bands 1675, 850, 500, 400 and 200 were found in A. niger and A. flavus. With the primer OPD5 was found two specific bands (650 and 450 bp) in A. niger and one band (1925 bp) only in A. flavus, one PAF band (1675 bp) in A. niger and A. flavus while found three DAF bands (800, 630 and 575 bp) were found in both A. flavus and A. parasiticus. The results of the present study gave preliminary informative DNA-based makers for 3 species of Aspergilus identification. Also optimization of physical experimental conditions of PCR amplification are a prerequisite for the performance of RAPD analysis. This increases the reproducibility and efficiency of RAPD as a molecular marker technique. The three species of Aspergillus analyzed were selected from different species isolated from bean seeds. However, only random primer OPB 2 gave reproducible and very stable results peculiar to the same specie from different accessions. The other primers sometimes did not give the exact fingerprints for cultivars from different seeds. Accordingly, it may be suggested to use bulked DNA samples of different species to eliminate intraspecific variations. Itis concluded thatdistinct RAPD fingerprints among the different species were obtained when suitable primers were used and PCR conditions were optimized. During the past few years, numerous publications demonstrated theutility of RAPD markers for the analysis of the genetic diversity among species and within fungi populations and plant populations, Bagheri et al.; Debener et al.; Sedra et al. and Saker et al.; Sharma et al. and Swelim[2,4,9,8,11,12,13]. The frequency of genetic variability was detected in three isolates of Aspergillus dependant, variations in threadlike structure (TLS) chromosomes, conidial spores and aflatoxins type production. RAPD analysis appeared genetic variability in approximately 5% of the analyzed conidial dimensions, TLS and 50% of the aflatoxin typing between A. flavus and A. parasiticus or A. niger. It was observed also that all morphologically abnormal growth on PDA medium. 712 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 709-713, 2006 9. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Antoni, R., T. Scott and John G.K. Williams, 1994. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Plant Molecular Biology Manual, 44: 1-8. Bagheri, A., J.G. Paul, P. Langridge, P. and P. Rothjen,1995. Genetic distance detected with RAPD markers among selected Australian commercial varieties and boron-tolerant exotic germplasm of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Mol Breed 1: 193-197. Castiglione, S., W. Wang, P. Bao, W. Li, E. Giordani, E. De Stanchina, G. 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