Visualizing the Study of International Higher Education Based on Co-word Network
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Visualizing the Study of International Higher Education Based on Co-word Network
M & D FORUM Visualizing the Study of International Higher Education Based on Co-word Network HOU Jianhua1, PAN Li2 1. School of humanities in Dalian University, Dalian, China, 116600 2. Education school, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, China, 116029 Abstract: Higher Education, a higher education academic periodical which is approbated by international scholars, its bibliography is regarded as data sample with using it’s entire 365 chapters (include article, proceedings paper and review ) of publication from the year 2005 to 2009, with the assistance of Citespace (a visual software concerning newest scientific metrology), a high degree of internationalization about higher education was set up by plotting a visual spectrum of the authors’ nationality in this periodical; in addition, visual spectrum of keywords co-word network belongs to the 365 literatures are plotted by applying Citespace, on this basis, through the central co-occurrence analysis of keywords, further exploration of the latest five-year research on topical issues of international higher education is in progress. Keywords: International Higher Education, co-word network, Visual Analysis, CiteSpace Introduction Applying the info-visual technology enabled the user to observe, browse and understand the information easily, as well as discovering the rules and patterns that the data hidden [1].Series applications of Citespace which based on the platforms of Java were developed by Chen Chaomei who is the vice professor of Drexel University in USA, as well as the professional lecturer of Yangtse River scholar in WISE Laboratory of Dalian University of Technology. Thus, abstract data will be expressed with the visual form by the Citespace applications in order to facilitate further data analysis, rules discovery and decision support. Citespace is visual information technology software of a new generation, it is suited to multielement, time-sharing and dynamic analysis of complex networks [2, 3].Consequently, this software is becoming a new and widely used instrument for scientific metrology. For this article, the version for using is Citespace which was issued in September 10, 2009. The unique feature of Citespace that depends on the visual analysis of scientific literature is to monitor various kinds of patterns from the scientific literature, such as fronts of research, topical issues, tendency and movement. In this article, Citespace is used to determine the international higher education research focus over last five-year. Ⅱ Ⅱ 1 Periodicals Selection and Data Sources There will be a group of people plunging into the study of certain fields while these specifically academic realms are independent and self-contained. With the extensively and deeply investigation, the academic periodicals which are themed by certain fields are emerged as the situation requires. In this sense, the emergence of academic periodicals should be a significant symbol of independently academic discipline appearances which evolved from certain fields. Compared with literature, such as scholarly monograph, academic periodicals have a penetrative and direct grasp on topical issues and frontiers of academic realms. Selecting the core periodicals of higher education research would support the exploration of international higher education research focus. As a result, choosing high international periodical which is under authorities in the international higher education sector is vitally necessary. Founded in 1972, higher education is accredited by the international academic community as an authoritative academic periodical which has the highest level of internationalization on the study of higher education. This periodical is published by a celebrated academic press named Kluwer Academic 9 M & D FORUM in the Netherlands, world-wide reputation is enjoyed by this press could not be ignored. Incidentally, there are 8 periodicals published annually. The 5-year impact factor of higher education on the JCR of ISI is 1.119, and this journal is located in the front of SSCI, which is an instrumentation of search for higher education professional issues. Its published manuscripts come from various countries and multi-published in English, the impact factor of higher education can be carried out to prove its authorities in research area of higher education. However, in order to further proving this journal’s internationalization degree, source countries of their authors were located to reflect and confirm the high degree of higher education (Generally speaking, the content of published articles are mostly concerned about the authors’ nationalities and regions ). In the SSCI database belonging to the Web of Science to retrieve, documents known as Higher Education, the time limit in the 2005-2009, a total of 379 literature data retrieved. There are 345 articles, 12 proceeding papers and 8 articles respectively, all the information that contain a total of 365 articles bibliography that extracted by keywords. Supported by the Citespace , visual analysis on the source countries and regions of 365 Journal articles’ authors who published articles during 2005-2009, spectrum of intuitive information visualization was generated. See figure 1. Ⅱ Figure 1 Illustrates Higher Education authors’ origin (country and region). In figure 1, the size of the cycle (corresponding to the performance of the country’s sizes) represents the frequency of the country emergency. The larger circle (corresponding to the larger national English fonts) shows more frequency the authors occur in the country (from the same country, same author according to the actual number of cumulative appear-frequency terms), on the contrary, the smaller. With the assistance of Summary Table which is a part of Export belongs to the Citespace educed the emergence frequency of authors’ nation, among them, AUSTRALIA 62 times, USA 48 times, ENGLAND 48 times, the NETHERLANDS 20 times, CANADA 22 times, SOUTH AFRICA 18 times, SPAIN 16 times, SWEDEN 14 times, NORWAY 11 times, ISRAEL 11 times, the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 9 times, GERMANY 8 times, JAPAN 7 times, SOUTH KOREA 7 times, additionally, several countries like TURKEY, CHILE, MEXICO and other countries, likewise, they had articles published. According to the information above, it can be seen that in Higher Education there is a wide range of authors’ nations, thereamong, NORTH AMERICA, EUROPE, OCEANIA, AFICA, ASIA account for a large proportion. However, the sparse and dense connection in figure 1 indicates the level of cooperation between the national author and foreign author, more connection, more cooperation, thus demonstrating certain country has a high degree of internationalization in the field of higher education research. From figure 1, it is clear that most of the connection is from American authors to foreign authors, at the same time, this also confirms that Unit States has a dominant power as well as a high-impact on international higher education currently. Ⅱ 10 M & D FORUM Meanwhile, we carried out information visualization analysis on the authors’ nation of several influential journals; these journals are retrieved by SSCI and in relation to higher education. According to the above analysis, Higher Education has a much higher degree of internationalization than Journal of Higher Education (Most authors are from the United States) and Research in Higher Education (Most authors are from the United Kingdom), etc. Therefore, combining the authors’ nation and influence, demonstrated that selecting "Higher Education" as the sample data to track the international higher education hot area of research is reasonable and feasible. 2 Visual Analysis of Higher Education by Keywords Co-word Network Ⅱ Utilizing Citespace to draw literature in order to co-occur keywords network spectrum, the first step is to conduct united manipulation on the data of bibliography, and have a merge on the similar word or different word which in the same meaning but has dissimilar writing habits, for instance, unified the word ‘higher-education’ into ‘higher education’, unified ‘universities’ into ‘university’, unified ‘internationalization’ and ‘globalization’ into ‘globalization’, changed ‘mergers’ into ‘amalgamation’, unified ‘academic performance’ and ‘research performance’ into ‘performance’. Afterwards, with the assistance of Citespace , the co-word network which was made up of keywords belongs to 2005-2009 higher education generated visual spectrum, considering research needs after the spectrum generated, meanwhile, removing no real meaning word out, such as ‘higher education’, ‘perception’, ‘perspective’, ‘model’, ‘education’, ‘Australia’, and ‘style ’,etc. Ultimately, figure 2 are formed. Ⅱ Figure 2 According to the keywords of 2005-2009 Higher Education, the co-word network spectrum are generated Co-word analysis is a sort of content-analysis technique, through analyzing the co-occurrence form of item pairs (Word or noun phrase pairs) in the same text theme, the relationships between related topics belong to disciplines represented by the text are confirmed, and then development of academic disciplines are explored. In this article, co-word analysis of keywords are primarily selected for exploiting text knowledge of Higher Education. Keywords are one of the most important components of 11 M & D FORUM academic papers. Although there are only a few keywords in the article, as well as sharing little space relatively, keywords are the essence of paper. Keywords cannot only be used to retrieval the literature, but also can benefit the user for learning the fields and contents that literature related. Through the analysis of high-frequency keywords, subjects’ research focus can be found [4]. In figure 2, the size of the cycle represents the frequency that keywords emerged, more frequency related to more emergences of the keywords. It is particularly noteworthy that figure 2 clearly demonstrated the degree of keywords co-occurrence, namely, centrality of keywords. The font size of keywords in the spectrum were set to denote the central strength of keywords, in other words, the font size of keyword in the spectrum represents the centrality strength of this keyword in the co-word network, the bigger the font of keyword is, the stronger centrality it will have in the literature cluster, the better chance it will present conjointly with other keywords and more influence it will have on the literature cluster, from the viewpoint of knowledge theory, generally, the keywords with high centrality are issues of researchers’ concern for a period of time, that is, the focus and advanced exploration of research. [5] 3 Explore the Research Focus of International Higher Education Ⅱ Citespace is not only able to provide intuitive and visual knowledge spectrum, but also it allows the user through background processing to receive the detailed data which correspond with the spectrum. On the basis of obtaining figure 2, keyword frequency and central data of 2005-2009 Higher Education are educed with the functional Summary Table which belongs under Export of Citespace . See table 1. Ⅱ sequence number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Keywords(English) university science globalization knowledge Students Quality conceptions Outcomes policy student learning Gender Faculty performance management governance State innovation productivity Triple-helix Industry-government relation Centrality 0.30 0.28 0.18 0.17 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 Frequency 45 17 21 16 22 19 9 12 8 7 12 11 18 11 8 3 6 6 6 5 Table 1 Centrality and frequency (sorted by centrality size of keywords) of the keywords on 2005-2009 Higher Education According to table 1 it can be found that the keywords with high centrality may not have higher 12 M & D FORUM frequency than the keywords with low frequency, in other words, the centrality size of keywords is not entirely proportional to the size of the frequency in co-word network, this is one of the reasons why this paper does not use the frequency of keywords as unique element to determine the focus of higher education research. 4 Conclusion According to the data that figure 1 and table 2 contained, research focus of latest five-year international higher education is received. university, as a place for higher education, it enjoys the highest level of frequency and centrality; science contains the natural knowledge and social perception, it is a research content of higher education; globalization is one of the topical issues, educators regarded globalization as an inevitable requirement of open-education; knowledge is pursued for it plays a dominant role in higher education; students are objects of research, they are the recipients of education; quality criteria of research perceived by academics in social sciences at higher education; the quality of Higher Education are paid attention for it connected with the quality of recipients; conceptions, outcomes, policy, student learning, gender, faculty, performance, management, governance, state, innovation, productivity, Triple-helix and Industry-government relation are all ranked by their centrality and frequency, as well as these keywords are contents and objects of higher education. The objects of study is focusing on the university, staff and student, thus, it also inherits the core of higher education research; the focus of research contents are higher education globalization, governance and management of higher education, quality assurance and assessment of higher education, performance evaluation of higher education, theories and concepts of higher education, science and knowledge innovation, gender differentiated education, government-industry-university-research labs(Triple-helix model) and several other areas. Schiller is an authority and pioneer in the research field of European higher education, he provides the most comprehensive and mature classification for higher education research themes. When he realized the lack of “a general map” in higher education research community, he divided higher education research themes into four categories: the quality and structure of higher education, related knowledge and disciplines of higher education, the people related with higher education and scientific research, organization and management of higher education. [6]What we researched above have largely included in schiller’ incorporation of higher education research theme. As a result, the reasonableness and scientificity of our research are demonstrated by one important aspect. Author in Brief: Hou Jianhua, School of humanities in Dalian University, Dalian, China. Zip code: 116600 E-mail: [email protected] References [1]. Li Y, Hou H. Study on visualization of citation analysis [J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2007, 26(2): 301-308. [In Chinese] [2]. Chen C. 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