
THE INTERNET AND WORLD WIDE WEB: by Silvia Pereira Chapter 2

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THE INTERNET AND WORLD WIDE WEB: by Silvia Pereira Chapter 2
Chapter 2
by Silvia Pereira
History of the Internet
Began as a networking project by the
Goal was to build a network that:
Allowed scientists from around the world to share
information and work together
Could work even if part of the network was destroyed by a
How the Internet Works
Connecting to the Internet
Dial-up access
The modem on the computer uses a telephone line to
connect (slow speed)
A higher speed connection using regular copper telephone
Cable Modem
Provides high-speed connection through a cable television
Access Providers
These are businesses that give people and
companies access to the Internet for a fee.
An ISP gives phone numbers which allow access
Connects people to an access point (point of presence:
An OSP includes member-only features
A WSP provides wireless access to users with
wireless modems or Web-enabled mobile devices
How Data Travels the Internet
Connected computers work together to transfer
data and information around the world
Use servers and clients
Carriers of network traffic are known as the
Internet backbone
Data is transferred from one network to
another until it reaches its final destination
Internet Addresses
An addressing system is needed to send data
to a specific destination
An IP address is a number that uniquely identifies
each computer to the Internet
A Domain name is the text version of an IP address
Every domain name has a top-level domain, identifying the
organization associated with the domain
The World Wide Web
Each document on the Web is called a Web
A Web site is a collection of related pages and
items that are stored on a Web server
A Web browser allows users to use pages
A home page is the first page a Web site
Can be changed to whatever the user wants it to be
Downloading is how a computer gets
Web Addresses
Each Web page has a unique address, known
as a URL
A URL is typed into the Address text box at the
top of the browser window
It consists of a protocol, domain name, and maybe a
path to a specific page
A Web server is a computer that sends
requested pages to computers
Navigating Web Pages
Connect from a Web page to another related page
Nonlinear way to get information
Use of links is referred to as “surfing the Web”
Are usually underlined and in a color different from
the other text on that page
Searching for Info on the Web
A search engine finds Web sites and pages
about chosen topics
Keywords are entered in the text box
Hits, or Web page names that contain text with the
keywords, are displayed
A spider is a program that saves the list of
keywords used
A subject directory puts pages into a set of
Types of Web Pages
Caution! No one oversees the contents of these
pages, so don’t assume they’re accurate.
Multimedia on the Web
An application that combines text with:
Virtual reality
A business transaction occurring over the Web
B2C: sale of goods and services to the public
C2C: when one consumer sells directly to another
Electronic storefront
Online auction
B2B: when a business offers goods and services to
another business
Technical support
It’s the transmission of messages and files via
a computer network
E-mail program: used to conduct e-mails
One must address to whom e-mail is being sent to
An address has a user name and a domain name
A user name is unique to each user in a domain
Address books are useful
Contains a list of names and e-mail addresses
FTP and Mailing Lists
File Transfer Protocol
Permits file uploading and downloading
Mailing Lists
Group of e-mail names and addresses under a
single name
Everyone on that list receives a copy of a message in their
Can subscribe and unsubscribe
Newsgroups and Message Boards
Online area where users have discussions about a
particular subject through articles
Members send messages so others can reply
Thread: a discussion that’s made up of an original article
and all subsequent replies
A news server stores and distributes messages
Message boards are similar to newsgroups, but they
don’t need a newsreader to participate in discussion
Chat Rooms and Instant Messaging
Chat rooms
Place on the server that allows users to chat
Chat: a real-time conversation
Real-time: people are conversing online at the same time; no
time elapse
Instant Messaging
Communication service that allows people to
exchange message or files
Also in real-time
Code of acceptable behaviors users should
follow on the Internet
Avoid offensive language
Avoid sending spam
Don’t use all capital letters
Use emoticons to express emotion
It’s like SHOUTING!
Use abbreviations and acronyms for phrases
BRB means Be Right Back
Web Publishing
It’s the development and maintenance of Web
Five major steps to Web publishing
Plan a Web site
Analyze and design a Web site
Create a Web site
Deploy a Web site
Maintain a Web site
5 Steps of Web Publishing
Plan a Web site
Identify the purpose of the site
Determine ways to make the site unique
Analyze and design a Web site
Determine how to meet the aforementioned goals
Design the layout
Text, graphics, audio, video, and virtual reality
Decide if this is possible, or if it is taking on too
5 Steps of Web Publishing cont’d
Create a Web site
Compose the site
Deploy a Web site
Store the site on a Web server
Registering the site with search engines is a good way to
ensure many people see it, for it will appear in the hit list for
searches on related keywords
Maintain a Web site
Frequently make sure information is updated and
links are current
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